Comment Number: OL-100063
Received: 3/12/2004 2:19:30 PM
Commenter: Growhoski
State: CA
Agency: Federal Trade Commission
Docket ID: [3084-AA96]
No Attachments


This law is weak and inadequate. Spam has increased since its inception. The law, first of all, should require OPT-IN! Opt-out is not only inconvenient for the public, I feel it also breaches our right to privacy. You have put commercial concerns over citizen concerns. I'm very angry about that. Opt-out is not only a violation of citizens rights, it is unworkable. I do not trust the marketers, who have shown a continuing disregard for the law, not to farm my information from the do-not-spam registry itself. Even companies with whom I initiated a relationship have shown a tendency to disregard my unsubscribe requests, and to re-enroll me without my permission after a period of time. Your law should be more dynamic, and allow for the ongoing and quick evolution of new spamming technologies. It's not going to stop, let's face it. They are quicker and more creative than Congress.