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Mechanism Data Report: FAA Other
Mechanism Hierarchy
Support Activities
FAA Support Activities
FAA Other
Legend: Hierarchy Element - Mechanism

Mechanism Data
Name (acro/abbrev) FAA Other (FAA Other)
Description none
Mechanism Type Support Activity

No attachments found for this mechanism.

Children for FAA Other
Mechanism  FAA Other (FAA Other)
Mechanism  3D PAM (TBD)
Mechanism  4DT Concept Complete, Including Common Definition of Path and Constraints (4DT Concept Complete)
Mechanism  50 nmi Lateral Separation in WATRS (WATRS 50nmi LatSep)
Mechanism  ADS-B in Gulf Of Mexico (ADS-B: GOM)
Mechanism  ADS-B: Develop Phase III Rulemaking Project Record for Approval (ADS-B: Dev Ph III Rule)
Mechanism  ADS-C Oceanic In-Trail Procedure Demonstration (TBD)
Mechanism  ANF/ATC (QR) mechanism (ANF/ATC (QR) mechanism...)
Mechanism  AP-4 Agreements (AP-4)
Mechanism  AP-4 Agreements (AP-4)
Mechanism  ARTCC Plant Modernization/Expansion - En Route Service Delivery Planning (ARTCC Plant Mod/Exp - ER Service Del Planning)
Mechanism  ARTCC Support Space (ARTCC Support Space)
Mechanism  ASH Office of Security and Hazardous Materials System (ASHS) (ASHS)
Mechanism  ATCSS Infrastructure Planning (ATCSS Infrastructure Planning)
Mechanism  ATM Requirements for High-Density TBO (TBD)
Mechanism  ATO Strategic Management Process (ATO SMP)
Mechanism  ATO Strategy and Evaluation - ATDP (ATO Strategy and Eval - ATDP)
Mechanism  Access common Surveillance Data Processing for Terminal and En Route automation (TBD)
Mechanism  Advanced Materials/Structural Safety (Adv Materials/Structural Safety)
Mechanism  Advanced Methods for TFM (TBD)
Mechanism  Advanced Technology Development and Prototyping (ATDP)
Mechanism  Aeromedical Research (Aeromedical Research)
Mechanism  Aeronautical Center Lease (Aeronautical Center Lease...)
Mechanism  Air Navigation aid projects (Air Navigation aid projects...)
Mechanism  Air Traffic Control/Technical Operations Human Factors-Controller Efficiency (TBD)
Mechanism  Air-Ground Safety Network (Air-Ground Safety Network)
Mechanism  Airborne Navigation Backup (Airborne Nav BU)
Mechanism  Airbus Simulator - Technology Refresh (Airbus Simulator - TR)
Mechanism  Aircraft and Related Equipment (ARE)
Mechanism  Airport Cable Loop Systems Sustained Support (Airport Cable Loop Systems Susta...)
Mechanism  Airport Capacity Studies (Airport Capacity Studies)
Mechanism  Airport Wireless Communications System (R&D) Effort (AIrport Wireless Comm R&D)
Mechanism  Airports Technology Research – Safety (Airports Technology Research – Safety)
Mechanism  Airspace Flow Program (TBD)
Mechanism  Airspace Research (Airspace Research...)
Mechanism  Alternative CNS Designs (Alternative CNS Designs...)
Mechanism  Approach Lighting System with Sequenced Flashing Lights Technology Refresh (ALSF TR)
Mechanism  Approach Lighting Systems - Planned Product Improvement (ALS P3I)
Mechanism  Asia and South Pacific Initiative to Reduce Emissions (ASPIRE)
Mechanism  Assume no Airspace Prescription based upon Segment 3 Data Link Mixed-Airspace Strategy is Complete (No A/S Rx Seg 3 DLK Mixed-A/S Strat is Complete)
Mechanism  Atlantic Interoperability Initiative to Reduce Emissions (AIRE)
Mechanism  Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast/Cockpit Display of Traffic Information Communications (ADS-B CDTI Comm)
Mechanism  Automation Requirements for Closely-Spaced Parallel Runway Operations (TBD)
Mechanism  Autonomous AFSM Tower Concept of Operations (TBD)
Mechanism  Aviation Safety Knowledge Management Environment (ASKME)
Mechanism  Aviation Safety Risk Analysis (ASRA)
Mechanism  Backup Timing Implementation Strategy
Mechanism  Business Continuity Planning (BCP)
Mechanism  Capacity Needs in the National Airspace System (NAS)
Mechanism  Central Altitude Reservation Function (CARF)
Mechanism  Cockpit Technology (Cockpit Technology)
Mechanism  Collaborative Decision Making between Air and Ground (Collaborative Decision Making between Air and Grou)
Mechanism  Commercial Space Transportation Safety (Commercial Space Transportation Safety)
Mechanism  Common Status and Structure Data: i.e. NOTAM, SUA, LOAs, Runway Configuration (TBD)
Mechanism  Computer-Aided Engineering and Graphics Modernization (CAEG Mod)
Mechanism  Consideration for Mixed Equipage (Mixed Equipage)
Mechanism  Content Definition for the Security Integrated Toolset (e.g., Sky Watch) (TBD)
Mechanism  Continuous Descent Arrivals (CDA) demonstrations [MIA, ATL]- ZON 03.00 Trajectory Management - En Route (TBD)
Mechanism  Cooperative Surveillance Concept (Cooperative Surv Concept)
Mechanism  D-Side and R-Side Separation Management Enhancements (D/R-SSME)
Mechanism  Data Communication Airspace Prescription (policy effective?) (DataComm Airspace Rx (Pol Eff?))
Mechanism  Decision Support and Collaborative Decision Making (DS and CDM...)
Mechanism  Decision for Avionics Mandate/Rulemaking (ADS-B/Mode S/UAT) (Dec Avionics Mandate/Rulemaking (ADS-B/Mode S/UAT))
Mechanism  Decision for common Terminal and En Route R-Side display (e.g. hardware and software) (TBD)
Mechanism  Decision for common display (e.g. H/W and S/W platforms) of electronic flight data for En Route and Terminal automation (TBD)
Mechanism  Decision on Enhanced Vision System (EVS) Architectures to Support Low and Zero Visibility Approach and Surface Operations (Dec on EVS Arch Low & Zero Vis App & Surf Ops)
Mechanism  Decision on Enhanced Weather Sensors to Support Enhanced Weather Observations and Forecasting (Decision on Enhanced Wx Sensors)
Mechanism  Decision on Implementation of Required Time of Arrival (Without Full 4-Dimensional Trajectory) (Decision on Impl of RTA (Without Full 4DT))
Mechanism  Decision on Vertical Navigation Implementation (Decision on VNAV Implementation)
Mechanism  Decision to Develop Avionics Policy and Standards for Enhanced Flight Management Systems to Support Four-Dimensional (4D) Super Density Operations. (Dec Avionics Policy and Standards for E-FMS)
Mechanism  Decision to purchase the same radar console for multiple systems, in lieu of independent technical refreshes (TBD)
Mechanism  Decommissioning (Decommissioning)
Mechanism  Define Integrated Display System Requirements to Support NextGen Operations (Define IDS Req to Support NextGen Ops)
Mechanism  Define Role of Aircraft vs. Airline Operational Center vs. Air Traffic Service in Trajectory Optimization (Defining Requested Trajectory) (Define Role of A/C vs. AOC vs. ATS in Traj Opt)
Mechanism  Demonstrate Advanced Surface TBO Capabilities at MCO, SDF, and Other Sites (TBD)
Mechanism  Determine if the Terrain Awareness and Warning System Algorithms are Sufficient for NextGen (Are TAWS Algorithms Sufficient for NextGen)
Mechanism  Develop Requirements for Interagency Air Domain Surveillance (ADSII)
Mechanism  Discontinuance of Navigation Aids (NAVAID Discontinuance)
Mechanism  DoD/FAA ATC Facility Transfer/Modernization (DoD/FAA ATC Fac Transfer/Mod)
Mechanism  Dynamic Airspace Management (Flexible dynamic airspace, ARMS) (TBD)
Mechanism  Dynamic Capital Planning (Dynamic Capital Planning)
Mechanism  Economic Dependencies (Economic Dependencies)
Mechanism  Electronic Flight Strip Demonstrations (TBD)
Mechanism  En Route - SWIM Prototype
Mechanism  En Route TBFM Procedures (TBD)
Mechanism  Energy Cost Savings - ATDP (Energy Cost Savings - ATDP)
Mechanism  Enhanced Data Services (ED-X) (ED-X)
Mechanism  Enterprise Solutions (Enterprise Solutions)
Mechanism  Environmental Clean Up (Hazardous Material Removal) (HAZMAT)
Mechanism  Environmental Standards Policy Development
Mechanism  Evaluate Multi-Function Phased Array Radar Technology (MPAR)
Mechanism  Execution of Flow Strategies (TBD)
Mechanism  Expanded Traffic Advisory Services Using Digital Traffic Data (Nationwide) (TBD)
Mechanism  FAA Aircraft Fleet Modernization (FAA Aircraft Fleet Mod)
Mechanism  FAA Link Decision for Future Communications Infrastructure (FAA Link Decision for FCI)
Mechanism  FAA Policy Decision on Data Communications (FAA Policy Dec on DataComm)
Mechanism  FAA Policy to add Aircraft-Based Wake Turbulence Separation (ABWTS) Decision Support Capability to the Flight Deck (FAA Policy to add ABWTS DSC to the Flight Deck)
Mechanism  FAA Telecommunications Infrastructure – AFSS Transition (FTI - AFSS Trans)
Mechanism  Facilities Maintenance (Fac Maintain)
Mechanism  Facility Security Risk Management (FSRM)
Mechanism  Facility Security Risk Management (FSRM) Phase 2 (FSRM P2)
Mechanism  Facility Security Risk Management - ACC & ACT Improvements (FSRM – ACC & ACT)
Mechanism  Far-Term NextGen Communications System RE&D (FT NextGen Comm System RE&D)
Mechanism  Feasibility Report (Feasibility Report...)
Mechanism  Federal Radionavigation Plan (FRP)
Mechanism  Federal Telecommunications Infrastructure - 2 (FTI - 2)
Mechanism  Final Investment Decision (JRC 2B) for Data Communications (JRC 2B for DataComm)
Mechanism  Final Rule Published on Future Navigation Configuration to be Global Navigation Satellite System-based (Final Rule Fut Nav Config to be GNSS-based)
Mechanism  Fire Research and Safety (Fire Research and Safety)
Mechanism  Fire Safety Products (Fire Safety Products...)
Mechanism  First Operationally Approved Ground-Based Augmentation System Cat III through Proof-of-Concept (First Operat GBAS Cat III Through Proof-of-Concept)
Mechanism  Flight Information Broadcast Service (FIS-B/TIS-B)
Mechanism  Flight Object Specification (TBD)
Mechanism  Flight Services Data Push to Cockpit Demonstrations (TBD)
Mechanism  Frequency Interference Support/Resolution (Frequency Interference Support/Resolution)
Mechanism  Fuel Storage Tanks (FST)
Mechanism  GPS Civil Requirements (GPS Civil Req)
Mechanism  GPS Timing Backup Study
Mechanism  General Aviation and Vertical Flight (GAVF)
Mechanism  Global Positioning System III Civil Aviation (GPS III Civil Aviation)
Mechanism  Ground-Based Augmentation System/Local Area Monitoring (GBAS/LAM)
Mechanism  High Altitude Specialty - ATM/ATC Display & Cognitive Requirements Definition (HA ATM/ATC Display/Cog Rqmts)
Mechanism  High Density Airport (HAD) Capacity and Efficiency Improvement Project (TBD)
Mechanism  High Density Airport Time-based RNAV/RNP Demonstration (TBD)
Mechanism  Human Factors Air-Ground Roles (HF A/G Roles)
Mechanism  Human/Automation-Centric Operations (Human/Automation-Centric Operations)
Mechanism  ICAO FP (TBD)
Mechanism  Implement Aeronautical Information Exchange Model (AIXM) (TBD)
Mechanism  Improved Wx Detection
Mechanism  In-Service Engineering (In-Service Engineering)
Mechanism  Independent Operational Test and Evaluation Oversight (IOT&E)
Mechanism  Information Security Integrated Product Team Support (INFOSEC IPT Support)
Mechanism  Information Security Report (Info Security Report...)
Mechanism  Information Systems Security (ISS)
Mechanism  Information and Interface Design (Information and Interface Design)
Mechanism  Initial New Global Navigation Satellite System Capabilities Expected to Become Operational (Initial New GNSS Become Operational)
Mechanism  Initial Surface TBO Demonstration at MEM (TBD)
Mechanism  Integrated Logistics Services (iLog)
Mechanism  Integrated Surface Data (ATL, ORD, JFK) (TBD)
Mechanism  Interactive Flight Planning and Briefing - Specialist Collaboration (TBD)
Mechanism  International Flight Object Demonstration (TBD)
Mechanism  International Partnership Study (Internat Partnership Study)
Mechanism  Investment Decision to Add Aircraft-Based Wake Turbulence Separation Decision Support Capability to the Flight Deck (ID to add ABWTS DSC to the flight deck)
Mechanism  Is the Future Communications Infrastructure Airspace Prescription Policy Effective? (Is the FCI Airspace Rx Policy Effective?)
Mechanism  Is the System Wide Information Management Air Airspace Prescription Policy Effective? (Is the SWIM Air Airspace Rx Policy Effective?)
Mechanism  Joint Planning and Development Office (JPDO)
Mechanism  Legacy Backup Timing
Mechanism  Light Emitting Diode Lighting Replacement (LED Lighting Repl)
Mechanism  Limited Use CDAs: SDF, LAX, ATL (TBD)
Mechanism  Local Area Augmentation System Advanced Technology Development Prototyping (LAAS ATDP)
Mechanism  Logical Access and Authorization Control Service (LAACS)
Mechanism  Low Visibility (Low Visibility)
Mechanism  Medium-intensity Approach Lighting System with Runway Alignment Indicator Lights Technology Refresh (MALSR TR)
Mechanism  Military Operations (MILOPS)
Mechanism  Multi Sector Planner NASA Simulation (MSP Sim)
Mechanism  Multi Sensor Processing - Radar (TBD)
Mechanism  NAS Capital Investment Plan System Engineering and Technical Assistance (NAS CIP SETA)
Mechanism  NAS Implementation Support Contract - AAF Portion (NISC - AAF Portion)
Mechanism  NAS In-Plant Contract Support Services (NAS/IPCSS)
Mechanism  NAS Operational Evolution Partnership (NAS OEP)
Mechanism  NAS Plan Hand Off - NAS Implementation (NPHO)
Mechanism  NAS Regional Center Support Services (NAS Regional Center Support Services)
Mechanism  NAS Requirements Development - NAS Wide Weather Requirements & Strategic Planning (NAS Wide Wx Req & Strategic Planning)
Mechanism  NASA/FAA Surface RTT Research (TBD)
Mechanism  NISC - Configuration Management (NISC - CM)
Mechanism  National Airspace Requirements Development (NAS Req Dev)
Mechanism  National Network Control Center Facility (NNCC Facility)
Mechanism  Network Enabled Operations (Spiral 1) (NEO)
Mechanism  Network Enabled Operations (Spiral 2) (NEO)
Mechanism  New Large Aircraft (NLA)
Mechanism  New Standards for Global Navigation Satellite System/Inertial Reference Unit Integration (New Stds for GNSS/IRU Integ)
Mechanism  New Technology NAVAIDS (New Tech NAVAIDS)
Mechanism  Next Generation Air/Ground Radio Communications System Digital Implementation Segment 2 (NEXCOM Digital Implement Seg 2)
Mechanism  NextGen - Concept Definition & Development (NextGen - Concept Definition & Dev)
Mechanism  NextGen - Concept Definition & Development – Cross-Cutting Infrastructure (NextGen - Concept Def & Dev – Cross-Cutting Infra)
Mechanism  NextGen - Demonstration and Infrastructure Development (NextGen - Demo & Infrastruct Dev)
Mechanism  NextGen - High Altitude Trajectory-Based Operations (NextGen - High Altitude TBO)
Mechanism  NextGen - Predevelopment Activities (NextGen Predev Activities)
Mechanism  NextGen - Solution Sets - Collaborative Air Traffic Management (CATM) (CATM)
Mechanism  NextGen - Solution Sets - Flexible Terminal and Airspace (NextGen - Solution Sets - Flexible Term & Airspace)
Mechanism  NextGen - Solution Sets - Reduce Weather Impact (NextGen - Solution Sets - Reduce Wx Impact)
Mechanism  NextGen - Solution Sets - Safety, Security, Environment (NextGen - Solution Sets - Safety, Security, Envir)
Mechanism  NextGen - Solution Sets – High Density Airports (NextGen - Solution Sets – High Density Airports)
Mechanism  NextGen - Solution Sets – Networked Facilities (NextGen - Solution Sets – Networked Facilities)
Mechanism  NextGen - Systems Development - ATDP (NextGen - Systems Dev - ATDP)
Mechanism  NextGen Backup Timing
Mechanism  NextGen Equipage Implementation (NextGen Equipage Impl)
Mechanism  NextGen Equipage Strategy (NextGen Equipage Strategy)
Mechanism  NextGen Facilities - Concept and Requirements Definition (NextGen Facilities - CRD)
Mechanism  NextGen Facilities - Final Investment Decision (NextGen Facilities - FID)
Mechanism  NextGen Facilities - Initial Investment Decision (NextGen Facilities – IID)
Mechanism  NextGen Navigation Backup (NextGen Navigation Backup)
Mechanism  NextGen Network Enabled Weather (NNEW)
Mechanism  OGC/OWS-6 Feasibility Study (TBD)
Mechanism  Oceanic Trajectory Based Operations
Mechanism  Oceanic Trajectory Management 4-D pre-departure tool specification (Oceanic 4-D Pre-D)
Mechanism  Operational Concept Validation (Ops Concept Validation...)
Mechanism  Optimize Navigation Technology to Improve Efficiency of Operations and Maintenance (Optimize Nav Tech to Improve Efficiency of O&M)
Mechanism  PCB&T – Safety Operations (PCB&T – Safety Ops)
Mechanism  Pavement Analysis (Pavement Analysis...)
Mechanism  Performance Data Analysis and Reporting System (PDARS)
Mechanism  Performance Metrics Development (Performance Metrics Dev)
Mechanism  Permanent Change of Station Moves (PCS)
Mechanism  Personnel Compensation, Benefits, and Travel (PCB&T)
Mechanism  Personnel Compensation, Benefits, and Travel Civil Service Retirement System Benefits (PCB&T – CSRS Benefits)
Mechanism  Personnel Compensation, Benefits, and Travel NAS Plan Hand Off - Direct Labor (PCB&T NPHO DL)
Mechanism  Personnel Costs (Personnel Costs)
Mechanism  Phase 2 Performance Based Research & Activities (Route)
Mechanism  Phased Array Radar Technology (Phased Array Radar)
Mechanism  Plan and submit for approval the En Route implementation strategy (TBD)
Mechanism  Plan for procurement or development of a common display for IDS in Terminal and En Route (TBD)
Mechanism  Planning and Management (Planning and Management...)
Mechanism  Point in Space Metering (TMA En Route) (PISM-TMA)
Mechanism  Predictive Weather Demonstration [DAB] (TBD)
Mechanism  Procedures (Procedures)
Mechanism  Program Support Leases (Program Support Leases)
Mechanism  Propulsion and Fuel Systems (Prop & Fuel Sys)
Mechanism  Propulsion/Fuel Technology (Propulsion/Fuel Technology)
Mechanism  Prototype Dynamic Management of Airspace Decision Support Tools (TBD)
Mechanism  Prototypes for TRACON and ATCT Flight Data Management, Clearance Delivery, and Monitoring (TBD)
Mechanism  Re-Route Impact Assessment and Resolution (TBD)
Mechanism  Recommend 1 or 2 test field locations and define automation alternatives (TBD)
Mechanism  Reduced Horizontal Separation Minimization (RHSM)
Mechanism  Regional Projects (Regional Projects...)
Mechanism  Regulation and Certification Infrastructure for System Safety - Segment 2 (RCISS S2)
Mechanism  Regulation and Certification Infrastructure for System Safety Segment 1 (RCISS S1)
Mechanism  Rent, Utilities and Other (Rent, Utilities and Other)
Mechanism  Replace Omnidirectional Approach Lighting System with Runway End Identification Lights (Repl ODALS with REILS)
Mechanism  Requirements Development for FMS Offsets, Processing Performance Based Navigation Data, etc... (FMS)
Mechanism  Requirements for Enhanced SAR Coordination Services (TBD)
Mechanism  Requirements for Multi-Center Time Based Flow Metering (TBD)
Mechanism  Requirements for Surface Information into the Strategic Flow (TBD)
Mechanism  Research Activities, Development of CONOPs, CONUSE, etc... (CONOPS)
Mechanism  Research Grants (Research Grants...)
Mechanism  Research Offset Procedures (FMS)
Mechanism  Resource Tracking Program (RTP)
Mechanism  Runway End Identification Lights (REIL)
Mechanism  Runway Incursion Reduction Program (RIRP)
Mechanism  Runway Visual Range Planned Product Improvements (RVR P3I)
Mechanism  SNT R&D (TBD)
Mechanism  STL Revised Wake Separation Standards (TBD)
Mechanism  Safe Fight 21 (SF-21) Ohio River Valley Project (SF-21 ORV Proj)
Mechanism  Safety Management Automation and Resource Toolkit (SMART)
Mechanism  San Juan Facility Remediation (San Juan Facility Remediation)
Mechanism  Schedule Optimization Tool (SOT)
Mechanism  Seismic Safety Risk Mitigation (SSRM)
Mechanism  Separation reduction - 50 longitudinal miles in Anchorage Oceanic airspace (Anch Ocean: 50 long mi SepRed)
Mechanism  Service Container Capability Demo
Mechanism  Single, Multiple and Delegated Trajectory (RTA)
Mechanism  Situational Awareness Document (Situational Awareness Document...)
Mechanism  Software Engineering Resource Center (SERC)
Mechanism  Spare Equipment Replenishment (Spare Equip Replenishment)
Mechanism  Spectrum Engineering Support Services (Spectrum Engineering Support Ser...)
Mechanism  Strategy for use of Enhanced Flight Vision Systems/Synthetic Vision Systems in Future Operations (Strategy for EFVS/SVS in Future Ops)
Mechanism  Submit Airborne Data Integrity Requirements to Automation Mid-term Work Package to Support Exchange of Air-Ground Data (Submit Airborne Data Integrity Req to Auto)
Mechanism  Supplies and Equipment (S&E)
Mechanism  Surface Management
Mechanism  Synchronized Air/Ground Implementation (Synchronized Air/Ground Implementation)
Mechanism  System Approach for Safety Oversight (SASO)
Mechanism  System Approach for Safety Oversight Improvements (SASO Improvements)
Mechanism  System Approach for Safety Oversight Phase 2 (SASO P2)
Mechanism  System Planning and Resource Management (Sys Planning & Resource Mgmt)
Mechanism  T Routes/GPS Minimum En route Altitiudes (MEAs) (TBD)
Mechanism  TBO Participation for Non-AOC (High & Low Altitude) users (TBO)
Mechanism  Tactical Separation-Assisted Flight Environment (NASA) - Conflict Alert Improvements (TSAFE-CA Imprvmts)
Mechanism  Tailored Arrivals demonstration [MIA] (TBD)
Mechanism  Technical Support Services Contract (TSSC)
Mechanism  Terminal PCS Moves (Terminal PCS Moves)
Mechanism  Terminal Platform (Terminal Platform)
Mechanism  Test Equipment Modernization/Replacement (Test Equip Mod/Repl)
Mechanism  Three-Dimensional Path Arrival Management (3D-PAM) [DEN] (TBD)
Mechanism  Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS)
Mechanism  Trajectory model upgrades to support RNP (TBD)
Mechanism  Travel and Transportation (T&T)
Mechanism  Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) 4D Trajectory-based demonstration (TBD)
Mechanism  Unmanned Aircraft Systems Research (UAS Research)
Mechanism  VHF Digital Link Mode 2/Airline Operations Center Performance to support Data Communications Segments 2 and 3 (VDLM-2/AOC Support DataComm Segs 2 & 3)
Mechanism  VHF Omnirange Divestiture/Decommissioning (VOR Divestiture/Decommissioning)
Mechanism  Variable Separation - Probed and displayed (Var-Sep Probe/Displ)
Mechanism  Vertical Requirements for 4 Dimensional Trajectories (Vertical Requirements for 4DT)
Mechanism  Voice over IP Study at the WJHTC (VOIP Study @ WJHTC)
Mechanism  WAAS 200 foot Minima (TBD)
Mechanism  Wake Turbulence Mitigation for Arrivals (WTMA) Concept of Operation (TBD)
Mechanism  Wake Turbulence Mitigation for a Single Runway Concept of Operation (TBD)
Mechanism  Wake Turbulence Re-categorization (TBD)
Mechanism  Web-Based Configuration Management (WebCM)
Mechanism  William J. Hughes Technical Center Building and Plant Support (Tech Ctr Plnt Sprt)
Mechanism  William J. Hughes Technical Center Laboratory Facility (WJHTC Lab Fac)
Mechanism  ZON 26-00 "RNAV/RNP with 3D and RTA" (TBD)

Legend: Hierarchy Element - Mechanism

Mechanism ID 100060
Last Update 01 / 12 / 2009

Data Last Updated On: 05-Mar-2009
NAS Toolset Version: 20090312 6.8.4
processing time: 0.328 seconds