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Hollow-Earth Theories: A List of References

Bernard, Raymond W. The hollow earth, the greatest geographical discovery in history made by Admiral Richard E. Byrd in the mysterious land beyond the poles--the true origin of the flying saucers. [New ed.] New York, Distributed by Fieldcrest Pub. Co. [1964] 116 p. illus., ports.

---- ------ New York, University Books [1969] 254 p. illus., ports.
   QE509.B47 1969

---- ------ New York, Bell Pub. Co. [1979] 254 p. illus., ports.
   QE509.B47 1979

Bernard, Raymond W. Flying saucers from the earth's interior. [Mokelumne Hill, Calif., Health Research, 196-?] 89 p. illus., facsims., port.

Bohrmann, Alfred. "Ist das kopernikanische Weltbild falsch?" Umschau, 41. Jahrg., 6. Juni 1937: 515-517. illus.
   AP30.U5, v. 41

Clark, P. "The Symmes theory of the earth." Atlantic monthly, v. 31, Apr. 1873: 471-480.
   AP2.A8, v. 31

Cohen, Daniel. "Is the earth flat or hollow?" Science digest, v. 72, Nov. 1972: 62-66. col. illus.
   Q1.S383, v. 72

Culmer, Frederick. The inner world. A new theory setting forth that the earth is a hollow sphere containing an internal habitable and inhabited region. Salt Lake City, Utah, 1886. 18 p.

De Camp, Lyon Sprague, and Willy Ley. "[Hollow-earth theories]" In their Lands beyond. New York, Rinehart [1952]  p. 296-310.
   A condensation of this section, entitled "Strangest Myth of Pseudo-Science," was published in Science Digest, v. 32, Sept. 1952, p. 80-83 (Q1.S383, v. 32).

Gardner, Marshall B. A journey to the earth's interior; or, Have the poles really been discovered. Aurora, Ill., 1913. 69 p. illus., plates (part col.), port.

---- ------ Rev. and enl. Aurora, Ill., 1920. 456 p. illus., plates (part col.), port.
   QB638.G3 1920

Gardner, Martin. "Flat and hollow." In his Fads and fallacies in the name of science. [Rev. and expanded ed.] New York, Dover Publications [1957]  p. 16-27.
   Q173.G35 1957
   Bibliographic references included in "Appendix and Notes" (p. 326-327).
   The part of this chapter treating hollow-earth theories discusses the ideas of J. C. Symmes, Marshall B. Gardner, and C. R. Teed (Koresh), among others.

Gardner, Martin. "Notes of a fringe-watcher: Occam's razor and the nutshell earth." Skeptical inquirer, v. 12, summer 1988: 355-358. illus.
   BF1001.S47, v. 12
   Discusses variations of the hollow-earth idea and their proponents.
   Reprinted with an addendum in his On the Wild Side, p. [16]-22 (Buffalo, N.Y., Prometheus Books [1992] Q173.G353 1992).

Gustaitis, Joseph. "The hole truth of John Cleves Symmes." American history illustrated, v. 19, Nov. 1984: 32-33. port.
   E171.A574, v. 19

Harp, Mark R. "Hollow earth: big secret, big evidence." Search magazine, no. 177, winter 1988/89: 18-21. illus.
   TL789.A1S4, 1988
   "Is our Earth hollow or not? It's an old question, but an easy one to answer. 'Of course, it is!'" Based on the writings of Marshall B. Gardner.

Henseling, Robert. "Hohlwelt" In his Umstrittenes Weltbild: Astrologie; Welteislehre; Um Erdgestalt und Weltmitte. 5. Aufl. Leipzig, p. Reclam jun. [1941, c1939]  p. 318-321.
   QB25.H45 1941

"Insiders." In Science astray. By the editors of Time-Life Books. Alexandria, Va., Time-Life Books [1992] (Library of curious and unusual facts)  p. 111-113. illus. (part col.), port.
   Q173.S399 1992
   About Cyrus R. Teed and the Koreshans.

Kenton, Edna. "[Earth a hollow sphere]" In her The book of earths. New York, W. Morrow, 1928.  p. 238-256. illus., plates.

Kollerstrom, Nick. "The hollow world of Edmond Halley." Journal for the history of astronomy, v. 23, Aug. 1992: 185-192.
   QB15.J68, v. 23

Lang, Johannes. Einführung in die Hohlwelttheorie. Frankfurt am Main, Schirmer & Mahlau, 1939. 38 p. illus.

Lang, Johannes. Die Hohlwelttheorie. 2., verm. Aufl. Frankfurt am Main, Schirmer & Mahlau, 1938. 281 p. illus.

Lang, Johannes. Das neue Weltbild der Hohlwelttheorie. München, Bielmannen-Verlag, 1949. 113 p. illus.

Lang, Johannes. Die Welt eine Hohlkugel! Frankfurt am Main, Schirmer & Mahlau, 1936. 32 p. illus.

Lang, Johannes. Die Widerlegung des kopernikanischen Weltbildes. Eine Antwort auf die "Stellungnahme zur Hohlwelttheorie" seitens des "Kosmos," der "Umschau" und des Astronomen Dr. Bohrmann von der Landes-Sternwarte Heidelberg. Frankfurt am Main, Schirmer & Mahlau, 1939. 58 p. illus.

"Leben wir in einer Hohlkugel?" Kosmos, 34. Jahrg., Sept. 1937: 319-320.
   Q3.K8, v. 34
   See also "Ein Wort zur 'Hohlweltlehre,'" signed Graff, in v. 36, Aug. 1939, p. 287-288.

Ley, Willy. "For your information: the hollow earth." Galaxy science fiction, v. 11, Mar. 1956:71-81. illus.
   PZ1.A1G3, v. 11

[McBride, James] Symmes's theory of concentric spheres; demonstrating that the earth is hollow, habitable within, and widely open about the poles. By a citizen of the United States. Cincinnati, Morgan, Lodge and Fisher, 1826. 168 p.
   QB638.S9727 Rare Bk. Coll.

Madden, E. F. "Symmes and his theory." Harper's new monthly magazine, v. 65, Oct. 1882: 740-744. illus., port. AP2.H3, v. 65
   Reprinted as "John Cleves Symmes Revisited" in American History Illustrated, v. 20, May 1985, p. 40-43 (E171.A574, v. 20).

Mamak, Zbigniew. "Is the earth hollow?" Fate, v. 33, July 1980: 47-52; Aug.: 80-86.
   BF1995.F2, v. 33

Matthews, Thomas J. A lecture on Symmes' theory of concentric spheres, read at the Western Museum. Cincinnati, A. N. Deming, Printer, 1824. 14 p.
   QB638.S973 Rare Bk. Coll.
   Closely trimmed; part of text cut away.

Michell, John. "The community that dwelt within the earth." In his Eccentric lives and peculiar notions. San Diego, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich [1984]  p. 41-50. plates, port.
   CT9990.M5 1984
   About Cyrus Teed and his Koreshan movement. The plates follow p. 32; no. 8-11 concern Teed and his activities.

Miller, William M. "The theory of concentric spheres." Isis, v. 33, Dec. 1941: 507-514. illus.
   Q1.I7, v. 33
   See Daniel Norman's letter, "The Fantastic Theory of Concentric Spheres," and comments by George Sarton in v. 34, summer 1942, p. 29-30; also I. Bernard Cohen's letter, "The Theory of Concentric Spheres Again," in v. 35, autumn 1944, p. 333-334.

Mitchell, Alexander, of Ohio? A treatise on natural philosophy, in vindication of Symmes's theory of the earth being a hollow sphere. Eaton [Ohio] Printed by S. Tizzard, 1826. 24 p. QB638.S974 Rare Bk. Coll.

Moore, Patrick. "Hollow earths and solid skies." In his Can you speak Venusian? A guide to the independent thinkers. [Newton Abbot, David & Charles, 1972]  p. 30-38. illus.
   QB52.M66 1972

Müller, Paul A. Welträtzel Universum. Astronomie im Kreuzverhör; eine kritische Untersuchung. München, Bielmannen-Verlag [1949] 272 p. illus.
   Much of the book deals with the hollow-earth theory.

Neupert, Karl. Die neue Aera: das kosmozentrische Welt-System. Entdeckung des Welt-Baues. Zürich, F. Zimmerli, 1933. 15 p.

Neupert, Karl. Umsturz des Welt-Alls. Eine Widerlegung des kopernikanischen Weltbildes und Aufstellung des Erdwelt-Systems. Das Weltall eine optische Täuschung. [Memmingen, 1929] 172 p., 30 p. of plates. illus.
   MLCS 87/4094 (Q)

Neupert, Karl. Umwälzung! Das Weltbild der Zukunft. Augsburg [1927] 62 p. illus., port.

Neupert, Karl. Unwälzung der Welt-Anschauungen. Der Sternhimmel ist optische Täuschung. Zürich, F. Zimmerli [1932] 72 p. illus.

Neupert, Karl. Welt-Wendung! Inversion of the universe. Augsburg [1924] 20 p.

"Oh, Mr. Copericus!" Time, v. 50, July 14, 1947: 59. illus.
   AP2.T37, v. 50
   Partly about Antonio Duran Navarro who believes that "the universe, 8,000 miles in diameter, is contained within the earth."
   See the letters from T. W. Lippert and Felix Sutton, headed "Inside Earth," in the July 28 issue, p. 6, pointing out that Duran Navarro's ideas are not original.

Patnick, Jo. "The 'hollow' man." American Mercury, v. 90, May 1960: 145-149.
   AP2.A37, v. 90
   "John Cleves Symmes had strange theories about the earth's interior."

Peck, John "W. Symmes' theory." Ohio archaeological and historical quarterly, v. 18, Jan. 1909: 28-42.
   F486.O51, v. 18

Randi, James. "Hollow earth theory." In his An encyclopedia of claims, frauds, and hoaxes of the occult and supernatural. New York, St. Martin's Press [1995]  p. 117-118. illus.
   BF1407.R36 1995
   James Randi's decidedly skeptical definitions of alternate realities.

Reed, William. The phantom of the poles. New York, W. S. Rockey Co., 1906. 283 p. illus., plates, ports.
   MicRR 30237
   "The earth is hollow. The poles so long sought are but phantoms."

Reynolds, Jeremiah N. Remarks on a review of Symmes' theory, which appeared in the American Quarterly Review, by a "citizen of the United States." Washington, Printed by Gales & Seaton, 1827. 75 p.
   QB638.S975 Rare Bk. Coll.

Sherman, M. L. The hollow globe; or, The world's agitator and reconciler. A treatise on the physical conformation of the earth. Presented through the organism of M. L. Sherman, M.D., and written by Prof. Wm. F. Lyon. Chicago, Religio-Philosophical Pub. House, 1871. 447 p. illus.

---- ------ [2d ed.] Chicago, Sherman & Lyon, 1875. 455 p. BF1291.S55 1875

Sifakis, Carl. "Gardner, Marshall B. (1854-1937): 'the genius unappreciated'." In his American eccentrics. New York, Facts on File Publications [1984]  p. 182-183.
   CT9990.S53 1984

Sifakis, Carl. "Symmes, John Cleves (1780-1829): the hollow earther." In his American eccentrics. New York, Facts on File Publications [1984]  p. 58-60. port.
   CT9990.S53 1984

Sifakis, Carl. "Teed, Cyrus Reed (1839-1908): the inside-out man." In his American eccentrics. New York, Facts on File Publications [1984]  p. 135-138. port.
   CT9990.S53 1984

Smith, Warren. This hollow earth. London, Sphere Books [1997] 188 p.
   QE509.S63 1997

Symmes, Elmore. "John Cleves Symmes, the theorist". Southern bivouac, new ser., v. 2, Feb.-Apr. 1887: 555-566, 621-631, 682-693. illus., ports.
   E482.S68, n.s., v. 2

Symmes, John C. The Symmes theory of concentric spheres, demonstrating that the earth is hollow, habitable within, and widely open about the poles. Compiled by Americus Symmes from the writings of his father, Capt. John Cleves Symmes. [2d ed.] Louisville, Ky., Printed by Bradley & Gilbert, 1878 [1885] 69 p. port.
   QB638.S97 Rare Bk. Coll.

"Symmes's theory." American quarterly review, v. 1, Mar. 1827: 235-253. AP2.A4, v. 1
   On McBride's book.

[Teed, Cyrus R.] and Ulysses G. Morrow. The cellular cosmogony; or, The earth a concave sphere. pt. 1. "The universology of Koreshanity", by Koresh [pseud.] pt. 2. "The new geodesy," by Professor U. G. Morrow. Chicago, Guiding Star Pub. House, 1899 [c1898] 194 p. illus., plates (part fold.), port.

---- ------ [Estero enl. ed.] Estero, Fla., Guiding Star Pub. House, 1905. 212 p. illus. (part fold.), facsims. (part fold.), plates, port.
   QB638.T25 1905

---- ------ Estero, Fla., Guiding Star Pub. House, 1922. 224 p. illus. (part fold.), plates, port.

---- ------ Philadelphia, Porcupine Press, 1975. 212 p. illus., plates. (The American Utopian adventure, ser. 2)
   QB631.T4 1975
   Reprint of the 1905 ed.

Wallace, Irving. "The explorer of the hollow earth." In his The square pegs; some Americans who dared to be different. New York, A. A. Knopf, 1957.  p. 223-242. port.
   About John Cleves Symmes. The portrait faces p. 209.

Zirkle, Conway. "The theory of concentric spheres: Edmund Halley, Cotton Mather, & John Cleves Symmes." Isis, v. 37, July 1947: 155-159. illus.
   Q1.I7, v. 37
   Includes bibliographic references.

Compiled by Ruth S. Freitag
May 1997

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