Comment Number: OL-100056
Received: 3/12/2004 12:03:01 PM
Commenter: Christian Rodriguez
State: FL
Agency: Federal Trade Commission
Docket ID: [3084-AA96]
No Attachments


I think a very good solution is to have everyone who sends commercial email to register and get a national email id.... just like a tax id. The process should allow the FTC to research the company, it's practices, and train them on the new can-spam law. There should be a national do not email list that applies per merchant/organization and not just a broad do not email list. For example there are several can-spam solution providers that have taken this approach. One being This will allow consumers to choose the exact company/organization they wish to opt-out from. On the other hand this system will not stop the amount of illegal spam that consumers receive. I think the true solution to that is a national spam complaint web page similar to spam cop. The FTC then should revise and inspect complaints by the thousands. Even then those complaints should address most of the usual illegal activities like spoofing, no opt-out, repeated complaints for opt-out, etc. Regards, Christian Rodriguez