{number} KSC-02PD-1109 {type} Image {category} SHUTTLE.sts-107 {title} STS-107 Columbia's engine no. 2 removal for inspection {date} 01-Jul-2002 {author} National Aeronautics and Space Administration (taken by Aerospace Imaging/Johnson Controls) {keywords} SHUTTLE,sts-107 {slideres} 110 x 156 {slidetype} GIF {slidesize} 24880 {tinyres} 65 x 100 {tinytype} GIF {tinysize} 9929 {lowres} 157 x 240 {lowtype} GIF {lowsize} 43529 {mediumres} 503 x 767 {mediumtype} JPEG {mediumsize} 100040 {highres} 1968 x 3000 {hightype} JPEG {highsize} 1363718 {scannedby} Seven/Still Photo Imaging {captionsby} Information Dynamics, Inc (Kay Grinter, Anita Barrett, and Elaine Liston) {lasteditor} M. Downs {description} KENNEDY SPACE CENTER, FLA. -- Ken Tauer, with United Space Alliance, inspects the flow line on Columbia after the engines were removed. The inspection is the result of small cracks being discovered on the LH2 Main Propulsion System (MPS) flow liners in two other orbiters. Program managers decided to conduct inspections on Columbia before clearing it for flight on STS-107. The July 19 launch of Columbia on STS-107 has been delayed a few weeks