powered by IPM
command: /project/projectdirs/mpccc/SDSA/Codes/CAM/cam31-jc/benchmark/bld/cam
codename: unknown
state: running
username: hjw
group: mpccc
host: b0809 (00C5FDEF4C00_AIX)
mpi_tasks: 240 on 30 hosts
start: 07/24/07/20:45:53
wallclock: 6.20262e+02 sec
stop: 07/24/07/20:56:13
%comm: 38.7005235959428
total memory: 253.735040000001 gbytes
total gflop/sec: 87.9114567714933
switch(send): -2.23517417907715e-07 gbytes
switch(recv): -2.23517417907715e-07 gbytes


Event Count Pop
PM_FPU_1FLOP 33522151401139 *
PM_FPU_FMA 10502993151483 *
PM_INST_CMPL 230321601257783 *
PM_LD_REF_L1 67707497098321 *
PM_RUN_CYC 242996324335379 *
PM_ST_REF_L1 32438711304979 *


% of MPI Time
HPM Counter Statistics
Event Ntasks Avg Min(rank) Max(rank)
PM_FPU_1FLOP * 139675630838.08 104112656756 (0) 166426359824 (149)
PM_FPU_FMA * 43762471464.51 35037792569 (9) 55098075804 (117)
PM_INST_CMPL * 959673338574.10 900970481095 (212) 1156575510305 (64)
PM_LD_REF_L1 * 282114571243.00 262063659101 (117) 358863153732 (8)
PM_RUN_CYC * 1012484684730.75 984123216334 (29) 1164748528410 (232)
PM_ST_REF_L1 * 135161297104.08 122060104382 (137) 180716220810 (8)
Communication Event Statistics (0.00% detail, 5.7611e+04 error)
  Buffer Size Ncalls Total Time Min Time Max Time %MPI %Wall
Load balance by task: HPM counters
by MPI rank, by MPI time
Load balance by task: memory, flops, timings
by MPI rank, by MPI time
Communication balance by task (sorted by MPI time)
by MPI rank , time detail by MPI time , time detail by rank ,
Message Buffer Size Distributions: time
cumulative values, values
Message Buffer Size Distributions: Ncalls
cumulative values, values
Communication Topology : point to point data flow
data sent , data recv , time spent ,
Switch Traffic (volume by node)
Memory usage by node