: • ~ ~ ~3; •: ~ 231 . ~ gang comm ‚ through. They ~ou1d come one road and go back another road. We didh‘t care if they hid us. We hear the guns. We dîdn~ wanter go down there. That was white man‘s war. In 1862 and 1863~.they slipped off every man and one woman to Helena. I was yOkint up oxe~i. Man come up in rebel clothes. He was a spy. I thought I was gone then but and a guard whut I didn‘t see till he left went on. I dodged round till one day I had to get off ~ to mill • The Yankees run up on me and tok me on. I was fifteen years old. I was mustered in August and let out in 1864 *hen it was over. I. was in the Yankee army 14 months, They told me when I left I made a good soldier. I was with the standing army at Helena. They had a battle before I went in. I heard them say. You could tell that from the roar and cannons. They had it when I was in Texas. I w~ntt in a battle. The Yankees begin to get slim then they made the darkies fill up ax~rd put the::~ in front. I heard ‘em say they had one mighty big battle at Helena. I had to drill and guard the camps and guard at the picketa (roads into Helena) . They never let me go icoutin‘. I walked home from the army. I was glad to get out. I expeoted to get shot ‘bout all the time. I amt seen but mighty little difference since freedoji. I went back and stayed 45 years on the Lambert place. I moved to Duncan. 1s~~1oster died foe the Civil War. Some men raised dogs-hounds. If something got wrong the~j go get the dogs and use ‘em. If some of the slaves try to run off they hunt them with the dogs. It was a big loss when a hand run off they couldn‘t ford that thing. They whoop ‘em mostly fer t‘ . They trust ‚ ein in everything then they whoop ‚ em if they steal. They know it wrong. Course they did. The worse thing I ever seen in slavery was when we went to Texas we camped close to Camden. Camden,Arkansas L On the way down there we passed by a big house ‚ s orne kind. I seen mighty little of lt but a big yard was pailenod in. It ~was tall and fi xed so they couldn‘t get out. They opened the big gate and let us see. It was full of darkjes. AI]. sizes. All ages. That was a