Processing Job Log for Sequence 10016000, version 004

This is the complete and detailed record of how this sequence was processed.

The following information is also available:

Processing started ( 01:19:42 )

Fetching and uncompressing telemetry, attitude and orbit files ( 01:19:44 )

-> Fetching ft931005_0333.1620.Z
-> Uncompressing ft931005_0333.1620.Z
-> Checking if column TIME in ft931005_0333.1620 is in order
-> Standard Output From FTOOL cktime:
Out of time order for row # :          31

E1 in check_order: Sorting column TIME in ft931005_0333.1620

-> Fetching fa931005_0333.1620.Z
-> Uncompressing fa931005_0333.1620.Z
-> Fetching the latest orbit file
-> Fetching frf.orbit.202

Determine nominal aspect point for the observation ( 01:27:07 )

-> Running attitude FTOOL on merged attitude file
-> Standard Output From FTOOL attitude:
   reading attitude file:./merged.tmp
   open asc  output file:out.tmp
 Attitude file start and stop ascatime :  23945617.795600  23991649.633800
 Data     file start and stop ascatime :  23945617.795600  23991649.633800
 Aspecting run start and stop ascatime :  23945617.795694  23991649.633723
 Time interval averaged over (seconds) :     46031.838030
 Total pointing and manuver time (sec) :     28337.978516     17693.984375
 Mean boresight Euler angles :    260.114668     115.071052     175.375352
                                    RA             DEC         SUN ANGLE
 Mean solar position   (deg) :    190.28          -4.43
 Mean aberration    (arcsec) :     -7.82          -0.17
 Mean sat X-axis       (deg) :    270.922240      64.533123      90.00
 Mean sat Y-axis       (deg) :    172.077819       4.188109      20.12
 Mean sat Z-axis       (deg) :    260.114668     -25.071051      69.88
                      RA            DEC            ROLL          OFFSET
                    (deg)          (deg)          (deg)         (arcmin)
 Average           259.825836     -25.182499      85.254501       0.340899
 Minimum           259.770782     -25.190840      85.212578       0.000000
 Maximum           259.857239     -25.029921      85.264259       9.312099
 Sigma (RMS)         0.001157       0.000352       0.002826       0.257836
 Number of ASPECT records processed =      45083
 Aspecting to RA/DEC                   :     259.82583618     -25.18249893
    closing output   file...
    closing attitude file...
-> Standard Error Output From FTOOL attitude
ATTITUDE_V0.9j :  Detected gap > 15min in attitude file:    23971391.205405
ATTITUDE_V0.9j : Detected gap > 15min in attitude file:
-> Standard Output From STOOL checkatt:
 Opening file: ./out.tmp                                                       
  ***************** Observation Info ******************
  RA (J2000 deg):  259.826 DEC:  -25.182
  START TIME: SC  23945617.7957 = UT 05/10/93 03:33:37      
  ****** Definition of Attitude SENSOR Bit Flags ******
 Sensors used in the attitude determination and attitude control mode  
                                 1: USED,   0: NOT USED                
 B0:STT-A, B1:STT-B, B2:NSAS,  B3:GAS,    B4:SSAS-SA, B5:SSAS-SB,      
 B6:IRU-X, B7:IRU-Y, B8:IRU-Z, B9:IRU-S1, B10:IRU-S2,                  
 B11: Attitude control mode    1: coarse, 0: fine                      
 B12: Sun presence             1: day,    0: night                     
 B13: STT-A earth occultation  1: earth occultation, 0: no occultation 
 B14: STT-B earth occultation  1: earth occultation, 0: no occultation 
 B16,17,18: STT-A track stars no.1,2,3,     1: USED, 0: NOT USED       
 B19,20,21: STT-B track stars no.1,2,3,     1: USED, 0: NOT USED       
 B22,23: always 0                                                      
  ******** Attitude File Reconstruction Summary *******
                                    S S N G S S I I I I I A S S S S S
                                    T T S A S S R R R R R C U T T T T
                                    T T A S A A U U U U U M N T T T T
                                    - - S . A A - - - - - . . - - - -
                                    A B . . - - X Y Z S S . . A B A B
                                    . . . . S S . . . 1 2 . . O O S S
     offset_time separation sensor  . . . . A B . . . . . . . C C T T
        (sec)     (arcmin)          . . . . . . . . . . . . . C C R R
                             BIT:   0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E
       4.000113      3.733   4403   1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0
      75.999924      2.713   4403   1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0
     299.999115      1.703   4403   1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0
     471.998413      1.316   4803   1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0
    2615.991211      0.315 E04A83   1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 4
    2679.990967      0.193 E04283   1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 4
    6217.978516      0.044   4803   1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0
    8439.970703      0.280 E04283   1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 4
   11973.958008      0.219   4803   1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0
   14183.950195      0.390   4203   1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
   17729.937500      0.436   4803   1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0
   19943.929688      0.264   4203   1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
   23485.917969      0.081   4803   1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0
   25695.910156      0.424   4203   1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
   29241.896484      0.071   4803   1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0
   31451.888672      0.543   4203   1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
   34997.875000      0.084   4803   1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0
   37223.871094      0.527   4203   1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
   40759.855469      0.173 1C4843   1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 4 3
   42967.847656      0.676 E04283   1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 4
   46023.839844      0.112   5403   1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0
   46031.839844      9.312   5403   1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0
  Attitude  Records:   45083
  Attitude    Steps:   22
  Maneuver ACM time:     17694.0 sec
  Pointed  ACM time:     28338.0 sec
-> Calculating aspect point
-> Output from aspect:
100 100 count=11 sum1=2860.71 sum2=1265.45 sum3=1928.87
100 101 count=4 sum1=1040.28 sum2=460.188 sum3=701.408
101 101 count=15 sum1=3901.1 sum2=1725.76 sum3=2630.33
101 102 count=16 sum1=4161.26 sum2=1840.91 sum3=2805.72
102 102 count=42 sum1=10923.5 sum2=4832.61 sum3=7365.13
102 103 count=29 sum1=7542.52 sum2=3336.94 sum3=5085.5
103 103 count=3 sum1=780.273 sum2=345.214 sum3=526.09
105 103 count=20577 sum1=5.35237e+06 sum2=2.3678e+06 sum3=3.6087e+06
105 104 count=5491 sum1=1.42831e+06 sum2=631880 sum3=962993
106 104 count=18893 sum1=4.91449e+06 sum2=2.17417e+06 sum3=3.31344e+06
108 88 count=1 sum1=260.146 sum2=114.919 sum3=175.334
0 out of 45082 points outside bin structure
-> Euler angles: 260.118, 115.074, 175.377
-> RA=259.829 Dec=-25.1854 Roll=85.2543
-> Galactic coordinates Lii=359.964238 Bii=6.952058
-> Running fixatt on fa931005_0333.1620
-> Standard Output From STOOL fixatt:
Interpolating 1 records in time interval 2.39456e+07 - 2.39456e+07
Interpolating 2 records in time interval 2.39461e+07 - 2.39467e+07
Interpolating 15 records in time interval 2.39916e+07 - 2.39916e+07

Running frfread on telemetry files ( 01:28:44 )

-> Running frfread3.032 on the following telemetry files:
frf_directory,s,h,"./",,,"frf directory"
frf_file,s,h,"ft931005_0333.1620",,,"frf telemetry file"
-> Standard Output From FTOOL frfread:
Frfread version 3.00 patch 32
ASCA format
Telemetry file: ft931005_0333.1620
Initial mode = 2  (Bright)
Initial value for dummy = 0
Initial datamode = 0  (Observation)
Initial sis = 0
Initial bit_rate = 2
Reading all superframes
reading PH mode
reading PCAL mode
reading MPCmode
No mode = 0
Faint = 0
Bright = 721600
Fast = 0
Frame = 0
Dark frame = 0
Histogram = 0
Integration = 0
PH = 721600
MPC = 0
PCAL = 0
Memory Check = 0
Number of superframes = 11305
no. of SIS events found = 2660934
-> Standard Error Output From FTOOL frfread
coordinate error 430 154
coordinate error 272 438
coordinate error 59 482
coordinate error 48 0
coordinate error 47 429
coordinate error 256 0
coordinate error 5 140
coordinate error 0 0
coordinate error 0 2
-> Removing the following files with NEVENTS=0
-> Checking for empty GTI extensions
-> Checking housekeeping files for valid TSTART and TSTOP
-> Appending ALLGTI extensions to housekeeping files
-> Merging GTIs from the following files:
-> Merging GTIs from the following files:
-> Merging GTIs from the following files:
-> Merging GTIs from the following files:

Merging event files from frfread ( 01:51:57 )

-> Collecting GIS2 event files by mode
-> Standard Error Output From STOOL gissortcode:
GISSORTCODE:LO:Start program
-> Standard Error Output From STOOL gissortsplit:
GISSORTSPLIT:LO:g200170h.prelist merge count = 1 photon cnt = 8
GISSORTSPLIT:LO:g200270h.prelist merge count = 1 photon cnt = 6
GISSORTSPLIT:LO:g200370h.prelist merge count = 4 photon cnt = 70
GISSORTSPLIT:LO:g200470h.prelist merge count = 4 photon cnt = 201
GISSORTSPLIT:LO:g200570h.prelist merge count = 1 photon cnt = 56
GISSORTSPLIT:LO:g200670h.prelist merge count = 1 photon cnt = 148
GISSORTSPLIT:LO:g200770h.prelist merge count = 12 photon cnt = 1012238
GISSORTSPLIT:LO:g200870h.prelist merge count = 1 photon cnt = 148
GISSORTSPLIT:LO:g200970h.prelist merge count = 1 photon cnt = 174
GISSORTSPLIT:LO:g201070h.prelist merge count = 1 photon cnt = 182
GISSORTSPLIT:LO:g201170h.prelist merge count = 1 photon cnt = 113
GISSORTSPLIT:LO:g201270h.prelist merge count = 1 photon cnt = 187
GISSORTSPLIT:LO:g201370h.prelist merge count = 1 photon cnt = 149
GISSORTSPLIT:LO:g201470h.prelist merge count = 3 photon cnt = 1153
GISSORTSPLIT:LO:g201570h.prelist merge count = 2 photon cnt = 232
GISSORTSPLIT:LO:g201670h.prelist merge count = 1 photon cnt = 148
GISSORTSPLIT:LO:g200170m.prelist merge count = 1 photon cnt = 3
GISSORTSPLIT:LO:g200270m.prelist merge count = 2 photon cnt = 141
GISSORTSPLIT:LO:g200370m.prelist merge count = 2 photon cnt = 491
GISSORTSPLIT:LO:g200470m.prelist merge count = 8 photon cnt = 84932
GISSORTSPLIT:LO:g200570m.prelist merge count = 2 photon cnt = 47
GISSORTSPLIT:LO:Total filenames split = 51
GISSORTSPLIT:LO:Total split file cnt = 21
-> Creating ad10016000g200170h.unf
-> Standard Output From STOOL cmerge:
---- cmerge:  version 1.5 ----

A total of  12  fits files ...... 
Sorting files using KEY: TSTART ... 
Checking GTI overlap in input files ... 
Merging binary extension #: 1 
 1 -- ft931005_0333_1620G200970H.fits 
 2 -- ft931005_0333_1620G201670H.fits 
 3 -- ft931005_0333_1620G201870H.fits 
 4 -- ft931005_0333_1620G202670H.fits 
 5 -- ft931005_0333_1620G203870H.fits 
 6 -- ft931005_0333_1620G204070H.fits 
 7 -- ft931005_0333_1620G204270H.fits 
 8 -- ft931005_0333_1620G205470H.fits 
 9 -- ft931005_0333_1620G206370H.fits 
 10 -- ft931005_0333_1620G207070H.fits 
 11 -- ft931005_0333_1620G208270H.fits 
 12 -- ft931005_0333_1620G209070H.fits 
Merging binary extension #: 2 
 1 -- ft931005_0333_1620G200970H.fits 
 2 -- ft931005_0333_1620G201670H.fits 
 3 -- ft931005_0333_1620G201870H.fits 
 4 -- ft931005_0333_1620G202670H.fits 
 5 -- ft931005_0333_1620G203870H.fits 
 6 -- ft931005_0333_1620G204070H.fits 
 7 -- ft931005_0333_1620G204270H.fits 
 8 -- ft931005_0333_1620G205470H.fits 
 9 -- ft931005_0333_1620G206370H.fits 
 10 -- ft931005_0333_1620G207070H.fits 
 11 -- ft931005_0333_1620G208270H.fits 
 12 -- ft931005_0333_1620G209070H.fits 
Checking the output file ...
 Extention # 1 ......   OK
 Extention # 2 ......   OK
The program appears to have finished successfully! 
-> Creating ad10016000g200270m.unf
-> Standard Output From STOOL cmerge:
---- cmerge:  version 1.5 ----

A total of  8  fits files ...... 
Sorting files using KEY: TSTART ... 
Checking GTI overlap in input files ... 
Merging binary extension #: 1 
 1 -- ft931005_0333_1620G200170M.fits 
 2 -- ft931005_0333_1620G200570M.fits 
 3 -- ft931005_0333_1620G201170M.fits 
 4 -- ft931005_0333_1620G201570M.fits 
 5 -- ft931005_0333_1620G209270M.fits 
 6 -- ft931005_0333_1620G209570M.fits 
 7 -- ft931005_0333_1620G209770M.fits 
 8 -- ft931005_0333_1620G210070M.fits 
Merging binary extension #: 2 
 1 -- ft931005_0333_1620G200170M.fits 
 2 -- ft931005_0333_1620G200570M.fits 
 3 -- ft931005_0333_1620G201170M.fits 
 4 -- ft931005_0333_1620G201570M.fits 
 5 -- ft931005_0333_1620G209270M.fits 
 6 -- ft931005_0333_1620G209570M.fits 
 7 -- ft931005_0333_1620G209770M.fits 
 8 -- ft931005_0333_1620G210070M.fits 
Checking the output file ...
 Extention # 1 ......   OK
 Extention # 2 ......   OK
The program appears to have finished successfully! 
-> Creating ad10016000g200370h.unf
-> Standard Output From STOOL cmerge:
---- cmerge:  version 1.5 ----

A total of  3  fits files ...... 
Sorting files using KEY: TSTART ... 
Checking GTI overlap in input files ... 
Merging binary extension #: 1 
 1 -- ft931005_0333_1620G202470H.fits 
 2 -- ft931005_0333_1620G206970H.fits 
 3 -- ft931005_0333_1620G208870H.fits 
Merging binary extension #: 2 
 1 -- ft931005_0333_1620G202470H.fits 
 2 -- ft931005_0333_1620G206970H.fits 
 3 -- ft931005_0333_1620G208870H.fits 
Checking the output file ...
 Extention # 1 ......   OK
 Extention # 2 ......   OK
The program appears to have finished successfully! 
-> Ignoring the following files containing 000000491 events
-> Ignoring the following files containing 000000232 events
-> Ignoring the following files containing 000000201 events
-> Ignoring the following files containing 000000187 events
-> Ignoring the following files containing 000000182 events
-> Ignoring the following files containing 000000174 events
-> Ignoring the following files containing 000000149 events
-> Ignoring the following files containing 000000148 events
-> Ignoring the following files containing 000000148 events
-> Ignoring the following files containing 000000148 events
-> Ignoring the following files containing 000000141 events
-> Ignoring the following files containing 000000113 events
-> Ignoring the following files containing 000000070 events
-> Ignoring the following files containing 000000056 events
-> Ignoring the following files containing 000000047 events
-> Ignoring the following files containing 000000008 events
-> Ignoring the following files containing 000000006 events
-> Ignoring the following files containing 000000003 events
-> Collecting GIS3 event files by mode
-> Standard Error Output From STOOL gissortcode:
GISSORTCODE:LO:Start program
-> Standard Error Output From STOOL gissortsplit:
GISSORTSPLIT:LO:g300170h.prelist merge count = 1 photon cnt = 47
GISSORTSPLIT:LO:g300270h.prelist merge count = 1 photon cnt = 61
GISSORTSPLIT:LO:g300370h.prelist merge count = 1 photon cnt = 61
GISSORTSPLIT:LO:g300470h.prelist merge count = 2 photon cnt = 6
GISSORTSPLIT:LO:g300570h.prelist merge count = 3 photon cnt = 7
GISSORTSPLIT:LO:g300670h.prelist merge count = 4 photon cnt = 112
GISSORTSPLIT:LO:g300770h.prelist merge count = 4 photon cnt = 395
GISSORTSPLIT:LO:g300870h.prelist merge count = 1 photon cnt = 155
GISSORTSPLIT:LO:g300970h.prelist merge count = 3 photon cnt = 569
GISSORTSPLIT:LO:g301070h.prelist merge count = 1 photon cnt = 153
GISSORTSPLIT:LO:g301170h.prelist merge count = 12 photon cnt = 1291289
GISSORTSPLIT:LO:g301270h.prelist merge count = 1 photon cnt = 170
GISSORTSPLIT:LO:g301370h.prelist merge count = 1 photon cnt = 200
GISSORTSPLIT:LO:g301470h.prelist merge count = 1 photon cnt = 204
GISSORTSPLIT:LO:g301570h.prelist merge count = 3 photon cnt = 2412
GISSORTSPLIT:LO:g300170m.prelist merge count = 1 photon cnt = 1
GISSORTSPLIT:LO:g300270m.prelist merge count = 1 photon cnt = 2
GISSORTSPLIT:LO:g300370m.prelist merge count = 2 photon cnt = 80
GISSORTSPLIT:LO:g300470m.prelist merge count = 2 photon cnt = 431
GISSORTSPLIT:LO:g300570m.prelist merge count = 8 photon cnt = 84672
GISSORTSPLIT:LO:g300670m.prelist merge count = 2 photon cnt = 47
GISSORTSPLIT:LO:Total filenames split = 55
GISSORTSPLIT:LO:Total split file cnt = 21
-> Creating ad10016000g300170h.unf
-> Standard Output From STOOL cmerge:
---- cmerge:  version 1.5 ----

A total of  12  fits files ...... 
Sorting files using KEY: TSTART ... 
Checking GTI overlap in input files ... 
Merging binary extension #: 1 
 1 -- ft931005_0333_1620G300970H.fits 
 2 -- ft931005_0333_1620G301670H.fits 
 3 -- ft931005_0333_1620G301870H.fits 
 4 -- ft931005_0333_1620G302770H.fits 
 5 -- ft931005_0333_1620G303970H.fits 
 6 -- ft931005_0333_1620G304170H.fits 
 7 -- ft931005_0333_1620G304370H.fits 
 8 -- ft931005_0333_1620G305570H.fits 
 9 -- ft931005_0333_1620G306470H.fits 
 10 -- ft931005_0333_1620G307170H.fits 
 11 -- ft931005_0333_1620G308370H.fits 
 12 -- ft931005_0333_1620G309170H.fits 
Merging binary extension #: 2 
 1 -- ft931005_0333_1620G300970H.fits 
 2 -- ft931005_0333_1620G301670H.fits 
 3 -- ft931005_0333_1620G301870H.fits 
 4 -- ft931005_0333_1620G302770H.fits 
 5 -- ft931005_0333_1620G303970H.fits 
 6 -- ft931005_0333_1620G304170H.fits 
 7 -- ft931005_0333_1620G304370H.fits 
 8 -- ft931005_0333_1620G305570H.fits 
 9 -- ft931005_0333_1620G306470H.fits 
 10 -- ft931005_0333_1620G307170H.fits 
 11 -- ft931005_0333_1620G308370H.fits 
 12 -- ft931005_0333_1620G309170H.fits 
Checking the output file ...
 Extention # 1 ......   OK
 Extention # 2 ......   OK
The program appears to have finished successfully! 
-> Creating ad10016000g300270m.unf
-> Standard Output From STOOL cmerge:
---- cmerge:  version 1.5 ----

A total of  8  fits files ...... 
Sorting files using KEY: TSTART ... 
Checking GTI overlap in input files ... 
Merging binary extension #: 1 
 1 -- ft931005_0333_1620G300170M.fits 
 2 -- ft931005_0333_1620G300570M.fits 
 3 -- ft931005_0333_1620G301170M.fits 
 4 -- ft931005_0333_1620G301570M.fits 
 5 -- ft931005_0333_1620G309370M.fits 
 6 -- ft931005_0333_1620G309670M.fits 
 7 -- ft931005_0333_1620G309870M.fits 
 8 -- ft931005_0333_1620G310170M.fits 
Merging binary extension #: 2 
 1 -- ft931005_0333_1620G300170M.fits 
 2 -- ft931005_0333_1620G300570M.fits 
 3 -- ft931005_0333_1620G301170M.fits 
 4 -- ft931005_0333_1620G301570M.fits 
 5 -- ft931005_0333_1620G309370M.fits 
 6 -- ft931005_0333_1620G309670M.fits 
 7 -- ft931005_0333_1620G309870M.fits 
 8 -- ft931005_0333_1620G310170M.fits 
Checking the output file ...
 Extention # 1 ......   OK
 Extention # 2 ......   OK
The program appears to have finished successfully! 
-> Creating ad10016000g300370h.unf
-> Standard Output From STOOL cmerge:
---- cmerge:  version 1.5 ----

A total of  3  fits files ...... 
Sorting files using KEY: TSTART ... 
Checking GTI overlap in input files ... 
Merging binary extension #: 1 
 1 -- ft931005_0333_1620G302070H.fits 
 2 -- ft931005_0333_1620G306670H.fits 
 3 -- ft931005_0333_1620G308570H.fits 
Merging binary extension #: 2 
 1 -- ft931005_0333_1620G302070H.fits 
 2 -- ft931005_0333_1620G306670H.fits 
 3 -- ft931005_0333_1620G308570H.fits 
Checking the output file ...
 Extention # 1 ......   OK
 Extention # 2 ......   OK
The program appears to have finished successfully! 
-> Creating ad10016000g300470h.unf
-> Standard Output From STOOL cmerge:
---- cmerge:  version 1.5 ----

A total of  3  fits files ...... 
Sorting files using KEY: TSTART ... 
Checking GTI overlap in input files ... 
Merging binary extension #: 1 
 1 -- ft931005_0333_1620G301970H.fits 
 2 -- ft931005_0333_1620G306570H.fits 
 3 -- ft931005_0333_1620G308470H.fits 
Merging binary extension #: 2 
 1 -- ft931005_0333_1620G301970H.fits 
 2 -- ft931005_0333_1620G306570H.fits 
 3 -- ft931005_0333_1620G308470H.fits 
Checking the output file ...
 Extention # 1 ......   OK
 Extention # 2 ......   OK
The program appears to have finished successfully! 
-> Ignoring the following files containing 000000431 events
-> Ignoring the following files containing 000000395 events
-> Ignoring the following files containing 000000204 events
-> Ignoring the following files containing 000000200 events
-> Ignoring the following files containing 000000170 events
-> Ignoring the following files containing 000000155 events
-> Ignoring the following files containing 000000153 events
-> Ignoring the following files containing 000000112 events
-> Ignoring the following files containing 000000080 events
-> Ignoring the following files containing 000000061 events
-> Ignoring the following files containing 000000061 events
-> Ignoring the following files containing 000000047 events
-> Ignoring the following files containing 000000047 events
-> Ignoring the following files containing 000000007 events
-> Ignoring the following files containing 000000006 events
-> Ignoring the following files containing 000000002 events
-> Ignoring the following files containing 000000001 events
-> Collecting SIS0 event files by mode
-> Standard Error Output From STOOL sis0sortcode:
SIS0SORTCODE:LO:Start program
-> Standard Error Output From STOOL sis0sortsplit:
SIS0SORTSPLIT:LO:Start program
SIS0SORTSPLIT:LO:s000102h.prelist merge count = 8 photon cnt = 1119055
SIS0SORTSPLIT:LO:s000202h.prelist merge count = 1 photon cnt = 187
SIS0SORTSPLIT:LO:s000302m.prelist merge count = 14 photon cnt = 237500
SIS0SORTSPLIT:LO:s000402m.prelist merge count = 5 photon cnt = 38712
SIS0SORTSPLIT:LO:s000502m.prelist merge count = 1 photon cnt = 9
SIS0SORTSPLIT:LO:s000602m.prelist merge count = 2 photon cnt = 132
SIS0SORTSPLIT:LO:Total filenames split = 31
SIS0SORTSPLIT:LO:Total split file cnt = 6
-> Creating ad10016000s000102h.unf
-> Standard Output From STOOL cmerge:
---- cmerge:  version 1.5 ----

A total of  8  fits files ...... 
Sorting files using KEY: TSTART ... 
Checking GTI overlap in input files ... 
Merging binary extension #: 1 
 1 -- ft931005_0333_1620S000602H.fits 
 2 -- ft931005_0333_1620S001302H.fits 
 3 -- ft931005_0333_1620S001502H.fits 
 4 -- ft931005_0333_1620S002102H.fits 
 5 -- ft931005_0333_1620S002302H.fits 
 6 -- ft931005_0333_1620S002902H.fits 
 7 -- ft931005_0333_1620S003302H.fits 
 8 -- ft931005_0333_1620S003902H.fits 
Merging binary extension #: 2 
 1 -- ft931005_0333_1620S000602H.fits 
 2 -- ft931005_0333_1620S001302H.fits 
 3 -- ft931005_0333_1620S001502H.fits 
 4 -- ft931005_0333_1620S002102H.fits 
 5 -- ft931005_0333_1620S002302H.fits 
 6 -- ft931005_0333_1620S002902H.fits 
 7 -- ft931005_0333_1620S003302H.fits 
 8 -- ft931005_0333_1620S003902H.fits 
Checking the output file ...
 Extention # 1 ......   OK
 Extention # 2 ......   OK
The program appears to have finished successfully! 
-> Creating ad10016000s000202m.unf
-> Standard Output From STOOL cmerge:
---- cmerge:  version 1.5 ----

A total of  14  fits files ...... 
Sorting files using KEY: TSTART ... 
Checking GTI overlap in input files ... 
Merging binary extension #: 1 
 1 -- ft931005_0333_1620S000102M.fits 
 2 -- ft931005_0333_1620S000502M.fits 
 3 -- ft931005_0333_1620S000702M.fits 
 4 -- ft931005_0333_1620S001202M.fits 
 5 -- ft931005_0333_1620S001602M.fits 
 6 -- ft931005_0333_1620S002002M.fits 
 7 -- ft931005_0333_1620S002402M.fits 
 8 -- ft931005_0333_1620S002802M.fits 
 9 -- ft931005_0333_1620S003202M.fits 
 10 -- ft931005_0333_1620S003802M.fits 
 11 -- ft931005_0333_1620S004002M.fits 
 12 -- ft931005_0333_1620S004402M.fits 
 13 -- ft931005_0333_1620S004602M.fits 
 14 -- ft931005_0333_1620S004802M.fits 
Merging binary extension #: 2 
 1 -- ft931005_0333_1620S000102M.fits 
 2 -- ft931005_0333_1620S000502M.fits 
 3 -- ft931005_0333_1620S000702M.fits 
 4 -- ft931005_0333_1620S001202M.fits 
 5 -- ft931005_0333_1620S001602M.fits 
 6 -- ft931005_0333_1620S002002M.fits 
 7 -- ft931005_0333_1620S002402M.fits 
 8 -- ft931005_0333_1620S002802M.fits 
 9 -- ft931005_0333_1620S003202M.fits 
 10 -- ft931005_0333_1620S003802M.fits 
 11 -- ft931005_0333_1620S004002M.fits 
 12 -- ft931005_0333_1620S004402M.fits 
 13 -- ft931005_0333_1620S004602M.fits 
 14 -- ft931005_0333_1620S004802M.fits 
Checking the output file ...
 Extention # 1 ......   OK
 Extention # 2 ......   OK
The program appears to have finished successfully! 
-> Creating ad10016000s000302m.unf
-> Standard Output From STOOL cmerge:
---- cmerge:  version 1.5 ----

A total of  5  fits files ...... 
Sorting files using KEY: TSTART ... 
Checking GTI overlap in input files ... 
Merging binary extension #: 1 
 1 -- ft931005_0333_1620S000202M.fits 
 2 -- ft931005_0333_1620S000402M.fits 
 3 -- ft931005_0333_1620S001102M.fits 
 4 -- ft931005_0333_1620S004102M.fits 
 5 -- ft931005_0333_1620S004702M.fits 
Merging binary extension #: 2 
 1 -- ft931005_0333_1620S000202M.fits 
 2 -- ft931005_0333_1620S000402M.fits 
 3 -- ft931005_0333_1620S001102M.fits 
 4 -- ft931005_0333_1620S004102M.fits 
 5 -- ft931005_0333_1620S004702M.fits 
Checking the output file ...
 Extention # 1 ......   OK
 Extention # 2 ......   OK
The program appears to have finished successfully! 
-> Ignoring the following files containing 000000187 events
-> Ignoring the following files containing 000000132 events
-> Ignoring the following files containing 000000009 events
-> Collecting SIS1 event files by mode
-> Standard Error Output From STOOL sis1sortcode:
SIS1SORTCODE:LO:Start program
-> Standard Error Output From STOOL sis1sortsplit:
SIS1SORTSPLIT:LO:Start program
SIS1SORTSPLIT:LO:s100102h.prelist merge count = 8 photon cnt = 984039
SIS1SORTSPLIT:LO:s100202m.prelist merge count = 13 photon cnt = 281139
SIS1SORTSPLIT:LO:s100302m.prelist merge count = 3 photon cnt = 152
SIS1SORTSPLIT:LO:Total filenames split = 24
SIS1SORTSPLIT:LO:Total split file cnt = 3
-> Creating ad10016000s100102h.unf
-> Standard Output From STOOL cmerge:
---- cmerge:  version 1.5 ----

A total of  8  fits files ...... 
Sorting files using KEY: TSTART ... 
Checking GTI overlap in input files ... 
Merging binary extension #: 1 
 1 -- ft931005_0333_1620S100402H.fits 
 2 -- ft931005_0333_1620S100902H.fits 
 3 -- ft931005_0333_1620S101102H.fits 
 4 -- ft931005_0333_1620S101502H.fits 
 5 -- ft931005_0333_1620S101702H.fits 
 6 -- ft931005_0333_1620S102102H.fits 
 7 -- ft931005_0333_1620S102402H.fits 
 8 -- ft931005_0333_1620S102802H.fits 
Merging binary extension #: 2 
 1 -- ft931005_0333_1620S100402H.fits 
 2 -- ft931005_0333_1620S100902H.fits 
 3 -- ft931005_0333_1620S101102H.fits 
 4 -- ft931005_0333_1620S101502H.fits 
 5 -- ft931005_0333_1620S101702H.fits 
 6 -- ft931005_0333_1620S102102H.fits 
 7 -- ft931005_0333_1620S102402H.fits 
 8 -- ft931005_0333_1620S102802H.fits 
Checking the output file ...
 Extention # 1 ......   OK
 Extention # 2 ......   OK
The program appears to have finished successfully! 
-> Creating ad10016000s100202m.unf
-> Standard Output From STOOL cmerge:
---- cmerge:  version 1.5 ----

A total of  13  fits files ...... 
Sorting files using KEY: TSTART ... 
Checking GTI overlap in input files ... 
Merging binary extension #: 1 
 1 -- ft931005_0333_1620S100102M.fits 
 2 -- ft931005_0333_1620S100302M.fits 
 3 -- ft931005_0333_1620S100502M.fits 
 4 -- ft931005_0333_1620S100802M.fits 
 5 -- ft931005_0333_1620S101202M.fits 
 6 -- ft931005_0333_1620S101402M.fits 
 7 -- ft931005_0333_1620S101802M.fits 
 8 -- ft931005_0333_1620S102002M.fits 
 9 -- ft931005_0333_1620S102302M.fits 
 10 -- ft931005_0333_1620S102702M.fits 
 11 -- ft931005_0333_1620S102902M.fits 
 12 -- ft931005_0333_1620S103102M.fits 
 13 -- ft931005_0333_1620S103302M.fits 
Merging binary extension #: 2 
 1 -- ft931005_0333_1620S100102M.fits 
 2 -- ft931005_0333_1620S100302M.fits 
 3 -- ft931005_0333_1620S100502M.fits 
 4 -- ft931005_0333_1620S100802M.fits 
 5 -- ft931005_0333_1620S101202M.fits 
 6 -- ft931005_0333_1620S101402M.fits 
 7 -- ft931005_0333_1620S101802M.fits 
 8 -- ft931005_0333_1620S102002M.fits 
 9 -- ft931005_0333_1620S102302M.fits 
 10 -- ft931005_0333_1620S102702M.fits 
 11 -- ft931005_0333_1620S102902M.fits 
 12 -- ft931005_0333_1620S103102M.fits 
 13 -- ft931005_0333_1620S103302M.fits 
Checking the output file ...
 Extention # 1 ......   OK
 Extention # 2 ......   OK
The program appears to have finished successfully! 
-> Ignoring the following files containing 000000152 events
-> Tar-ing together the leftover raw files
a ft931005_0333_1620G200270M.fits 40K
a ft931005_0333_1620G200470M.fits 40K
a ft931005_0333_1620G200670H.fits 43K
a ft931005_0333_1620G200770H.fits 43K
a ft931005_0333_1620G200870H.fits 43K
a ft931005_0333_1620G201070M.fits 40K
a ft931005_0333_1620G201470M.fits 40K
a ft931005_0333_1620G201970H.fits 40K
a ft931005_0333_1620G202270H.fits 40K
a ft931005_0333_1620G202370H.fits 43K
a ft931005_0333_1620G202570H.fits 43K
a ft931005_0333_1620G203670H.fits 40K
a ft931005_0333_1620G203770H.fits 40K
a ft931005_0333_1620G204170H.fits 43K
a ft931005_0333_1620G205270H.fits 40K
a ft931005_0333_1620G205370H.fits 40K
a ft931005_0333_1620G206170H.fits 40K
a ft931005_0333_1620G206270H.fits 40K
a ft931005_0333_1620G206470H.fits 43K
a ft931005_0333_1620G206870H.fits 43K
a ft931005_0333_1620G208070H.fits 40K
a ft931005_0333_1620G208170H.fits 40K
a ft931005_0333_1620G208370H.fits 40K
a ft931005_0333_1620G208770H.fits 43K
a ft931005_0333_1620G208970H.fits 43K
a ft931005_0333_1620G209170M.fits 40K
a ft931005_0333_1620G209470M.fits 45K
a ft931005_0333_1620G209970M.fits 45K
a ft931005_0333_1620G300270M.fits 40K
a ft931005_0333_1620G300470M.fits 40K
a ft931005_0333_1620G300670H.fits 45K
a ft931005_0333_1620G300770H.fits 45K
a ft931005_0333_1620G300870H.fits 43K
a ft931005_0333_1620G301070M.fits 40K
a ft931005_0333_1620G301370M.fits 40K
a ft931005_0333_1620G301470M.fits 40K
a ft931005_0333_1620G302570H.fits 40K
a ft931005_0333_1620G302670H.fits 43K
a ft931005_0333_1620G303770H.fits 40K
a ft931005_0333_1620G303870H.fits 40K
a ft931005_0333_1620G304270H.fits 43K
a ft931005_0333_1620G305270H.fits 40K
a ft931005_0333_1620G305370H.fits 40K
a ft931005_0333_1620G305470H.fits 40K
a ft931005_0333_1620G306170H.fits 40K
a ft931005_0333_1620G306270H.fits 40K
a ft931005_0333_1620G306370H.fits 43K
a ft931005_0333_1620G306770H.fits 40K
a ft931005_0333_1620G307070H.fits 40K
a ft931005_0333_1620G308070H.fits 40K
a ft931005_0333_1620G308170H.fits 40K
a ft931005_0333_1620G308270H.fits 43K
a ft931005_0333_1620G308670H.fits 40K
a ft931005_0333_1620G309070H.fits 40K
a ft931005_0333_1620G309270M.fits 40K
a ft931005_0333_1620G309570M.fits 45K
a ft931005_0333_1620G310070M.fits 45K
a ft931005_0333_1620S000302M.fits 40K
a ft931005_0333_1620S001702M.fits 40K
a ft931005_0333_1620S003402H.fits 43K
a ft931005_0333_1620S004202M.fits 43K
a ft931005_0333_1620S100202M.fits 40K
a ft931005_0333_1620S101302M.fits 40K
a ft931005_0333_1620S103002M.fits 43K
-> Checking OBJECT keywords in HK and event files

Converting FAINT mode files to BRIGHT and BRIGHT2 modes ( 02:00:18 )

-> No FAINT mode data to convert to bright mode

Creating GIS gain history file ( 02:00:24 )

-> Fetching gis_temp2gain.fits
-> Fetching leapsec.fits
-> Creating gain history file ft931005_0333_1620.ghf
-> Output from ISAS program temp2gain
temp2gain v4.2
opening ft931005_0333.1620
'ft931005_0333.1620' is successfully opened
Data Start Time is 23945608.80 (931005 033328)
Time Margin 2.0 sec included
Sync error detected in 2954 th SF
Sync error detected in 7345 th SF
Sync error detected in 7348 th SF
Sync error detected in 7355 th SF
Sync error detected in 8451 th SF
Sync error detected in 10661 th SF
Sync error detected in 11126 th SF
'ft931005_0333.1620' EOF detected, sf=11305
Data End Time is 23991644.63 (931005 162044)
Gain History is written in ft931005_0333_1620.ghf
-> Checking if column CAL_START in ft931005_0333_1620.ghf[1] is in order
-> Standard Output From FTOOL cktime:
Time column is TIME ORDERED
-> Checking if column CAL_STOP in ft931005_0333_1620.ghf[1] is in order
-> Standard Output From FTOOL cktime:
Time column is TIME ORDERED

Running ASCALIN on unfiltered event files ( 02:02:20 )

-> Checking if ad10016000g200170h.unf is covered by attitude file
-> Running ascalin on ad10016000g200170h.unf
-> Fetching gis2_ano_on_flf_180295.fits
-> Standard Output From FTOOL ascalin:
-> Standard Error Output From FTOOL ascalin
ASCALIN_V0.9t :  Detected gap > 15min in attitude file:    23971391.205405
ASCALIN_V0.9t : Detected gap > 15min in attitude file:
-> Checking if ad10016000g200270m.unf is covered by attitude file
-> Running ascalin on ad10016000g200270m.unf
-> gis2_ano_on_flf_180295.fits already present in current directory
-> Standard Output From FTOOL ascalin:
-> Standard Error Output From FTOOL ascalin
ASCALIN_V0.9t :  Detected gap > 15min in attitude file:    23971391.205405
ASCALIN_V0.9t : Detected gap > 15min in attitude file:
-> Checking if ad10016000g200370h.unf is covered by attitude file
-> Running ascalin on ad10016000g200370h.unf
-> gis2_ano_on_flf_180295.fits already present in current directory
-> Standard Output From FTOOL ascalin:
-> Standard Error Output From FTOOL ascalin
ASCALIN_V0.9t :  Detected gap > 15min in attitude file:    23971391.205405
ASCALIN_V0.9t : Detected gap > 15min in attitude file:
-> Checking if ad10016000g300170h.unf is covered by attitude file
-> Running ascalin on ad10016000g300170h.unf
-> Fetching gis3_ano_on_flf_180295.fits
-> Standard Output From FTOOL ascalin:
-> Standard Error Output From FTOOL ascalin
ASCALIN_V0.9t :  Detected gap > 15min in attitude file:    23971391.205405
ASCALIN_V0.9t : Detected gap > 15min in attitude file:
-> Checking if ad10016000g300270m.unf is covered by attitude file
-> Running ascalin on ad10016000g300270m.unf
-> gis3_ano_on_flf_180295.fits already present in current directory
-> Standard Output From FTOOL ascalin:
-> Standard Error Output From FTOOL ascalin
ASCALIN_V0.9t :  Detected gap > 15min in attitude file:    23971391.205405
ASCALIN_V0.9t : Detected gap > 15min in attitude file:
-> Checking if ad10016000g300370h.unf is covered by attitude file
-> Running ascalin on ad10016000g300370h.unf
-> gis3_ano_on_flf_180295.fits already present in current directory
-> Standard Output From FTOOL ascalin:
-> Standard Error Output From FTOOL ascalin
ASCALIN_V0.9t :  Detected gap > 15min in attitude file:    23971391.205405
ASCALIN_V0.9t : Detected gap > 15min in attitude file:
-> Checking if ad10016000g300470h.unf is covered by attitude file
-> Running ascalin on ad10016000g300470h.unf
-> gis3_ano_on_flf_180295.fits already present in current directory
-> Standard Output From FTOOL ascalin:
-> Standard Error Output From FTOOL ascalin
ASCALIN_V0.9t :  Detected gap > 15min in attitude file:    23971391.205405
ASCALIN_V0.9t : Detected gap > 15min in attitude file:
-> Checking if ad10016000s000102h.unf is covered by attitude file
-> Running ascalin on ad10016000s000102h.unf
-> Fetching sisph2pi_110397.fits
-> Fetching s0_teldef_ascalin.fits
-> Standard Output From FTOOL ascalin:
-> Standard Error Output From FTOOL ascalin
ASCALIN_V0.9t :  Detected gap > 15min in attitude file:    23971391.205405
ASCALIN_V0.9t : Detected gap > 15min in attitude file:
-> Checking if ad10016000s000202m.unf is covered by attitude file
-> Running ascalin on ad10016000s000202m.unf
-> sisph2pi_110397.fits already present in current directory
-> s0_teldef_ascalin.fits already present in current directory
-> Standard Output From FTOOL ascalin:
-> Standard Error Output From FTOOL ascalin
ASCALIN_V0.9t :  Detected gap > 15min in attitude file:    23971391.205405
ASCALIN_V0.9t : Detected gap > 15min in attitude file:
-> Checking if ad10016000s000302m.unf is covered by attitude file
-> Running ascalin on ad10016000s000302m.unf
-> sisph2pi_110397.fits already present in current directory
-> s0_teldef_ascalin.fits already present in current directory
-> Standard Output From FTOOL ascalin:
-> Standard Error Output From FTOOL ascalin
ASCALIN_V0.9t :  Detected gap > 15min in attitude file:    23971391.205405
ASCALIN_V0.9t : Detected gap > 15min in attitude file:
-> Checking if ad10016000s100102h.unf is covered by attitude file
-> Running ascalin on ad10016000s100102h.unf
-> sisph2pi_110397.fits already present in current directory
-> Fetching s1_teldef_ascalin.fits
-> Standard Output From FTOOL ascalin:
-> Standard Error Output From FTOOL ascalin
ASCALIN_V0.9t :  Detected gap > 15min in attitude file:    23971391.205405
ASCALIN_V0.9t : Detected gap > 15min in attitude file:
-> Checking if ad10016000s100202m.unf is covered by attitude file
-> Running ascalin on ad10016000s100202m.unf
-> sisph2pi_110397.fits already present in current directory
-> s1_teldef_ascalin.fits already present in current directory
-> Standard Output From FTOOL ascalin:
-> Standard Error Output From FTOOL ascalin
ASCALIN_V0.9t :  Detected gap > 15min in attitude file:    23971391.205405
ASCALIN_V0.9t : Detected gap > 15min in attitude file:

Creating filter files ( 02:33:43 )

-> Fetching
-> leapsec.fits already present in current directory
-> Making filter file ft931005_0333_1620.mkf
-> Standard Output From FTOOL mkfilter2:
Date and time are: 93/10/ 5  3:33  mjd=49265.147917 
Orbit file name is ./frf.orbit.202
Epoch of Orbital Elements: 1993/10/4 14:0:0
Rigidity Data File: ./
Attitude FRF: fa931005_0333.1620
S0-HK file: ft931005_0333_1620S0HK.fits
S1-HK file: ft931005_0333_1620S1HK.fits
G2-HK file: ft931005_0333_1620G2HK.fits
G3-HK file: ft931005_0333_1620G3HK.fits
output FITS File: ft931005_0333_1620.mkf
Total 1440 Data bins were processed.
-> Checking if column TIME in ft931005_0333_1620.mkf is in order
-> Standard Output From FTOOL cktime:
Time column is TIME ORDERED
-> Calculating dead time values for filter file
-> Putting dark frame errors into filter files
-> No DFE file for SIS0
-> No DFE file for SIS1
-> Plotting quantities from ft931005_0333_1620.mkf

Cleaning and filtering the unfiltered event files ( 02:46:48 )

-> Filtering ad10016000s000102h.unf into ad10016000s000102h.evt
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fstatistic:
 The sum of the selected column is                   59977.878
 The mean of the selected column is                  148.82848
 The standard deviation of the selected column is    18.750080
 The minimum of selected column is                   49.717632
 The maximum of selected column is                   206.12573
 The number of points used in calculation is              403
-> Using the following selection criteria:
&&(ANG_DIST>0)&& (ANG_DIST<0.01)
(S0_PIXL1>92.5 && S0_PIXL1<205 )  )
&&(  (S0_SATF1<1)
&&(  (S0_SATF1<1)
&&(  (S0_SATF1<1)
&&(  (S0_SATF1<1)
&&((T_SAA  <0)||(T_SAA  >16))
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] screen
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- BRIGHT   HIGH     05/10/93 04:39:44 0.19E+05  1119055 0100
Processing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000s000102h.unf
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/screen_work1001.xsl
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
        1078236    978602              0     99634         0         0
 Writing events file
 978602 events written to the output file
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
       1078236    978602              0     99634         0         0
   in   13073.35 seconds
    allocating image arrays...
 * Anomalous pixels may consist of at least two populations.
 1. Persistent HOT pixels are removed by comparing to the chip mean.
 2. Flickering WARM pixels are removed by comparing to the cell mean.
 3. In faint areas (zero bgd), flickering pixels are removed with a
    cutoff threshold.
 Choose cell size and thresholds based on the expected background and the PSF.
 Use the DIRTYSIS option to examine the anomalous pixel spectra.
 Try a multiple pass clean:
     Choose a PHA cut to optimize the S/N of the flickering pixels,
     then a broad band clean.
 Be suspicious of extended source cleans.
 For very bright sources you may need to turn off the iteration option.
 See the help page for further info (fhelp cleansis)
 Poisson clean cell size         :            5
 Poisson probability threshold   :    0.631E-05
 Zero Bgd Cutoff threshold (>)   :            3
 Iterate                         :            T
 Dirtysis                        :            F
 Minimum PHA value (inclusive)   :            0
 Maximum PHA value (inclusive)   :         4095
    open output  file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/screen_in_event.xsl
    reading data file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/screen_out_event.xsl
    copying primary header to output file...
    making chip image...
 Total counts in chip images :       978602
    copy bad pix array...
cleaning chip #           0
cleaning chip #           1
 Hot pixels & counts                   :               1        3097
 Flickering pixels iter, pixels & cnts :   1          13        4006
cleaning chip #           2
cleaning chip #           3
 Number of pixels rejected           :           14
 Number of (internal) image counts   :       978602
 Number of image cts rejected (N, %) :         7103      0.7258313
         By chip   :             0            1            2            3
 Pixels rejected   :             0           14            0            0
 Image counts      :             0       978602            0            0
 Image cts rejected:             0         7103            0            0
 Image cts rej (%) :          0.00         0.73         0.00         0.00
    filtering data...
 Total counts      :             0       978602            0            0
 Total cts rejected:             0         7103            0            0
 Total cts rej (%) :          0.00         0.73         0.00         0.00
 Number of clean counts accepted  :       971499
    writing history cards...
    copying extensions...
    writing out hot pixs...
 Number of rejected pixels        :           14
    updating NEVENTS keywords...
    closing data file...
    closing clean file...
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!screen:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!screen:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!screen:ASCA > read events ad10016000s000102h.unf
Got new instrument: SIS0
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    4
         WMAP binning     =    8
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   2047
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:   4.0000
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!screen:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > select event "grade==0||grade==2||grade==3||grade==4"  save_file=no
!screen:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > select mkf "@criteria.tmp" data_dir=. ASCA_mkf_def_expr=ft*.mkf
!screen:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > extract events
!screen:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > sisclean saoimage=no sis_plot=no clean=2 cellsize=5 log_prob=-5.24 bkg_thr=3 clean_phalow=0 clean_phahi=4095
!screen:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > save clean outfile=ad10016000s000102h.evt use_events=no
 Wrote cleaned events file to ad10016000s000102h.evt                                                                                                                                                                                                            
!screen:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > exit save_session=no
-> Filtering ad10016000s000202m.unf into ad10016000s000202m.evt
-> Using the following selection criteria:
&&(ANG_DIST>0)&& (ANG_DIST<0.01)
(S0_PIXL1>0)  )
&&(  (S0_SATF1<1)
&&(  (S0_SATF1<1)
&&(  (S0_SATF1<1)
&&(  (S0_SATF1<1)
&&((T_SAA  <0)||(T_SAA  >16))
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] screen
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- BRIGHT   MEDIUM   05/10/93 03:33:36 0.12E+05   237500 0100
Processing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000s000202m.unf
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/screen_work1001.xsl
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
         221735      1223              0    220512         0         0
 Writing events file
   1223 events written to the output file
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
        221735      1223              0    220512         0         0
   in      40.73 seconds
    allocating image arrays...
 * Anomalous pixels may consist of at least two populations.
 1. Persistent HOT pixels are removed by comparing to the chip mean.
 2. Flickering WARM pixels are removed by comparing to the cell mean.
 3. In faint areas (zero bgd), flickering pixels are removed with a
    cutoff threshold.
 Choose cell size and thresholds based on the expected background and the PSF.
 Use the DIRTYSIS option to examine the anomalous pixel spectra.
 Try a multiple pass clean:
     Choose a PHA cut to optimize the S/N of the flickering pixels,
     then a broad band clean.
 Be suspicious of extended source cleans.
 For very bright sources you may need to turn off the iteration option.
 See the help page for further info (fhelp cleansis)
 Poisson clean cell size         :            5
 Poisson probability threshold   :    0.631E-05
 Zero Bgd Cutoff threshold (>)   :            3
 Iterate                         :            T
 Dirtysis                        :            F
 Minimum PHA value (inclusive)   :            0
 Maximum PHA value (inclusive)   :         4095
    open output  file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/screen_in_event.xsl
    reading data file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/screen_out_event.xsl
    copying primary header to output file...
    making chip image...
 Total counts in chip images :         1223
    copy bad pix array...
cleaning chip #           0
cleaning chip #           1
 Hot pixels & counts                   :               0           0
 Flickering pixels iter, pixels & cnts :   1           1           4
cleaning chip #           2
cleaning chip #           3
 Number of pixels rejected           :            1
 Number of (internal) image counts   :         1223
 Number of image cts rejected (N, %) :            4      0.3270646
         By chip   :             0            1            2            3
 Pixels rejected   :             0            1            0            0
 Image counts      :             0         1223            0            0
 Image cts rejected:             0            4            0            0
 Image cts rej (%) :          0.00         0.33         0.00         0.00
    filtering data...
 Total counts      :             0         1223            0            0
 Total cts rejected:             0            4            0            0
 Total cts rej (%) :          0.00         0.33         0.00         0.00
 Number of clean counts accepted  :         1219
    writing history cards...
    copying extensions...
    writing out hot pixs...
 Number of rejected pixels        :            1
    updating NEVENTS keywords...
    closing data file...
    closing clean file...
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!screen:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!screen:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!screen:ASCA > read events ad10016000s000202m.unf
Got new instrument: SIS0
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    4
         WMAP binning     =    8
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   2047
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:   4.0000
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!screen:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > select event "grade==0||grade==2||grade==3||grade==4"  save_file=no
!screen:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > select mkf "@criteria.tmp" data_dir=. ASCA_mkf_def_expr=ft*.mkf
!screen:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > extract events
!screen:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > sisclean saoimage=no sis_plot=no clean=2 cellsize=5 log_prob=-5.24 bkg_thr=3 clean_phalow=0 clean_phahi=4095
!screen:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > save clean outfile=ad10016000s000202m.evt use_events=no
 Wrote cleaned events file to ad10016000s000202m.evt                                                                                                                                                                                                            
!screen:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > exit save_session=no
-> Filtering ad10016000s000302m.unf into ad10016000s000302m.evt
-> Using the following selection criteria:
&&(ANG_DIST>0)&& (ANG_DIST<0.01)
(S0_PIXL1>0)  )
&&(  (S0_SATF1<1)
&&(  (S0_SATF1<1)
&&(  (S0_SATF1<1)
&&(  (S0_SATF1<1)
&&((T_SAA  <0)||(T_SAA  >16))
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] screen
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- BRIGHT   MEDIUM   05/10/93 04:20:32 0.23E+04    38712 0100
Processing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000s000302m.unf
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Skipping file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/screen_work1001.xsl
 Writing events file
      0 events written to the output file
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
             0         0              0         0         0         0
   in       0.00 seconds
    allocating image arrays...
 * Anomalous pixels may consist of at least two populations.
 1. Persistent HOT pixels are removed by comparing to the chip mean.
 2. Flickering WARM pixels are removed by comparing to the cell mean.
 3. In faint areas (zero bgd), flickering pixels are removed with a
    cutoff threshold.
 Choose cell size and thresholds based on the expected background and the PSF.
 Use the DIRTYSIS option to examine the anomalous pixel spectra.
 Try a multiple pass clean:
     Choose a PHA cut to optimize the S/N of the flickering pixels,
     then a broad band clean.
 Be suspicious of extended source cleans.
 For very bright sources you may need to turn off the iteration option.
 See the help page for further info (fhelp cleansis)
 Poisson clean cell size         :            5
 Poisson probability threshold   :    0.631E-05
 Zero Bgd Cutoff threshold (>)   :            3
 Iterate                         :            T
 Dirtysis                        :            F
 Minimum PHA value (inclusive)   :            0
 Maximum PHA value (inclusive)   :         4095
    open output  file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/screen_in_event.xsl
    reading data file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/screen_out_event.xsl
    copying primary header to output file...
    making chip image...
 Total counts in chip images :            0
    copy bad pix array...
cleaning chip #           0
cleaning chip #           1
cleaning chip #           2
cleaning chip #           3
 Number of pixels rejected           :            0
 Number of (internal) image counts   :            0
 Number of image cts rejected (N, %) :            0      0.0000000
         By chip   :             0            1            2            3
 Pixels rejected   :             0            0            0            0
 Image counts      :             0            0            0            0
 Image cts rejected:             0            0            0            0
 Image cts rej (%) :          0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00
    filtering data...
 Total counts      :             0            0            0            0
 Total cts rejected:             0            0            0            0
 Total cts rej (%) :          0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00
 Number of clean counts accepted  :            0
    writing history cards...
    copying extensions...
    writing out hot pixs...
 Number of rejected pixels        :            0
    updating NEVENTS keywords...
    closing data file...
    closing clean file...
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!screen:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!screen:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!screen:ASCA > read events ad10016000s000302m.unf
Got new instrument: SIS0
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    4
         WMAP binning     =    8
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   2047
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:   4.0000
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!screen:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > select event "grade==0||grade==2||grade==3||grade==4"  save_file=no
!screen:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > select mkf "@criteria.tmp" data_dir=. ASCA_mkf_def_expr=ft*.mkf
!screen:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > extract events
!screen:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > sisclean saoimage=no sis_plot=no clean=2 cellsize=5 log_prob=-5.24 bkg_thr=3 clean_phalow=0 clean_phahi=4095
!screen:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > save clean outfile=ad10016000s000302m.evt use_events=no
 Wrote cleaned events file to ad10016000s000302m.evt                                                                                                                                                                                                            
!screen:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > exit save_session=no
-> Deleting ad10016000s000302m.evt since it contains 0 events
-> Filtering ad10016000s100102h.unf into ad10016000s100102h.evt
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fstatistic:
 The sum of the selected column is                   60282.571
 The mean of the selected column is                  149.58454
 The standard deviation of the selected column is    21.725013
 The minimum of selected column is                   45.115547
 The maximum of selected column is                   244.40709
 The number of points used in calculation is              403
-> Using the following selection criteria:
&&(ANG_DIST>0)&& (ANG_DIST<0.01)
(S1_PIXL3>84.4 && S1_PIXL3<214.7 )  )
&&(  (S1_SATF3<1)
&&(  (S1_SATF3<1)
&&(  (S1_SATF3<1)
&&(  (S1_SATF3<1)
&&((T_SAA  <0)||(T_SAA  >16))
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] screen
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- BRIGHT   HIGH     05/10/93 04:39:44 0.19E+05   984039 0001
Processing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000s100102h.unf
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/screen_work1001.xsl
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
         945395    842729              0    102666         0         0
 Writing events file
 842729 events written to the output file
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
        945395    842729              0    102666         0         0
   in   12961.19 seconds
    allocating image arrays...
 * Anomalous pixels may consist of at least two populations.
 1. Persistent HOT pixels are removed by comparing to the chip mean.
 2. Flickering WARM pixels are removed by comparing to the cell mean.
 3. In faint areas (zero bgd), flickering pixels are removed with a
    cutoff threshold.
 Choose cell size and thresholds based on the expected background and the PSF.
 Use the DIRTYSIS option to examine the anomalous pixel spectra.
 Try a multiple pass clean:
     Choose a PHA cut to optimize the S/N of the flickering pixels,
     then a broad band clean.
 Be suspicious of extended source cleans.
 For very bright sources you may need to turn off the iteration option.
 See the help page for further info (fhelp cleansis)
 Poisson clean cell size         :            5
 Poisson probability threshold   :    0.631E-05
 Zero Bgd Cutoff threshold (>)   :            3
 Iterate                         :            T
 Dirtysis                        :            F
 Minimum PHA value (inclusive)   :            0
 Maximum PHA value (inclusive)   :         4095
    open output  file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/screen_in_event.xsl
    reading data file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/screen_out_event.xsl
    copying primary header to output file...
    making chip image...
 Total counts in chip images :       842729
    copy bad pix array...
cleaning chip #           0
cleaning chip #           1
cleaning chip #           2
cleaning chip #           3
 Hot pixels & counts                   :               6       17209
 Flickering pixels iter, pixels & cnts :   1          21        1170
 Number of pixels rejected           :           27
 Number of (internal) image counts   :       842729
 Number of image cts rejected (N, %) :        18379      2.1808908
         By chip   :             0            1            2            3
 Pixels rejected   :             0            0            0           27
 Image counts      :             0            0            0       842729
 Image cts rejected:             0            0            0        18379
 Image cts rej (%) :          0.00         0.00         0.00         2.18
    filtering data...
 Total counts      :             0            0            0       842729
 Total cts rejected:             0            0            0        18379
 Total cts rej (%) :          0.00         0.00         0.00         2.18
 Number of clean counts accepted  :       824350
    writing history cards...
    copying extensions...
    writing out hot pixs...
 Number of rejected pixels        :           27
    updating NEVENTS keywords...
    closing data file...
    closing clean file...
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!screen:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!screen:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!screen:ASCA > read events ad10016000s100102h.unf
Got new instrument: SIS1
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    4
         WMAP binning     =    8
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   2047
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:   4.0000
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!screen:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > select event "grade==0||grade==2||grade==3||grade==4"  save_file=no
!screen:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > select mkf "@criteria.tmp" data_dir=. ASCA_mkf_def_expr=ft*.mkf
!screen:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > extract events
!screen:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > sisclean saoimage=no sis_plot=no clean=2 cellsize=5 log_prob=-5.24 bkg_thr=3 clean_phalow=0 clean_phahi=4095
!screen:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > save clean outfile=ad10016000s100102h.evt use_events=no
 Wrote cleaned events file to ad10016000s100102h.evt                                                                                                                                                                                                            
!screen:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > exit save_session=no
-> Filtering ad10016000s100202m.unf into ad10016000s100202m.evt
-> Using the following selection criteria:
&&(ANG_DIST>0)&& (ANG_DIST<0.01)
(S1_PIXL3>0)  )
&&(  (S1_SATF3<1)
&&(  (S1_SATF3<1)
&&(  (S1_SATF3<1)
&&(  (S1_SATF3<1)
&&((T_SAA  <0)||(T_SAA  >16))
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] screen
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- BRIGHT   MEDIUM   05/10/93 03:33:36 0.14E+05   281139 0001
Processing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000s100202m.unf
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/screen_work1001.xsl
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
         262290      1192              0    261098         0         0
 Writing events file
   1192 events written to the output file
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
        262290      1192              0    261098         0         0
   in      40.73 seconds
    allocating image arrays...
 * Anomalous pixels may consist of at least two populations.
 1. Persistent HOT pixels are removed by comparing to the chip mean.
 2. Flickering WARM pixels are removed by comparing to the cell mean.
 3. In faint areas (zero bgd), flickering pixels are removed with a
    cutoff threshold.
 Choose cell size and thresholds based on the expected background and the PSF.
 Use the DIRTYSIS option to examine the anomalous pixel spectra.
 Try a multiple pass clean:
     Choose a PHA cut to optimize the S/N of the flickering pixels,
     then a broad band clean.
 Be suspicious of extended source cleans.
 For very bright sources you may need to turn off the iteration option.
 See the help page for further info (fhelp cleansis)
 Poisson clean cell size         :            5
 Poisson probability threshold   :    0.631E-05
 Zero Bgd Cutoff threshold (>)   :            3
 Iterate                         :            T
 Dirtysis                        :            F
 Minimum PHA value (inclusive)   :            0
 Maximum PHA value (inclusive)   :         4095
    open output  file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/screen_in_event.xsl
    reading data file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/screen_out_event.xsl
    copying primary header to output file...
    making chip image...
 Total counts in chip images :         1192
    copy bad pix array...
cleaning chip #           0
cleaning chip #           1
cleaning chip #           2
cleaning chip #           3
 Hot pixels & counts                   :               0           0
 Flickering pixels iter, pixels & cnts :   1           1           4
 Number of pixels rejected           :            1
 Number of (internal) image counts   :         1192
 Number of image cts rejected (N, %) :            4      0.3355705
         By chip   :             0            1            2            3
 Pixels rejected   :             0            0            0            1
 Image counts      :             0            0            0         1192
 Image cts rejected:             0            0            0            4
 Image cts rej (%) :          0.00         0.00         0.00         0.34
    filtering data...
 Total counts      :             0            0            0         1192
 Total cts rejected:             0            0            0            4
 Total cts rej (%) :          0.00         0.00         0.00         0.34
 Number of clean counts accepted  :         1188
    writing history cards...
    copying extensions...
    writing out hot pixs...
 Number of rejected pixels        :            1
    updating NEVENTS keywords...
    closing data file...
    closing clean file...
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!screen:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!screen:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!screen:ASCA > read events ad10016000s100202m.unf
Got new instrument: SIS1
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    4
         WMAP binning     =    8
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   2047
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:   4.0000
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!screen:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > select event "grade==0||grade==2||grade==3||grade==4"  save_file=no
!screen:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > select mkf "@criteria.tmp" data_dir=. ASCA_mkf_def_expr=ft*.mkf
!screen:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > extract events
!screen:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > sisclean saoimage=no sis_plot=no clean=2 cellsize=5 log_prob=-5.24 bkg_thr=3 clean_phalow=0 clean_phahi=4095
!screen:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > save clean outfile=ad10016000s100202m.evt use_events=no
 Wrote cleaned events file to ad10016000s100202m.evt                                                                                                                                                                                                            
!screen:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > exit save_session=no
-> Filtering ad10016000g200170h.unf into ad10016000g200170h.evt
-> Fetching GIS2_REGION256.4
-> Skipping gisclean since RISEBINS=1
-> Using the following selection criteria:
(ANG_DIST>0)&& (ANG_DIST<0.01)&&
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] screen
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 04:40:00 0.19E+05  1012238     1024
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g200170h.unf
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
        1012238    950546          35105     26587         0         0
 Writing events file
 950546 events written to the output file
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
       1012238    950546          35105     26587         0         0
   in   13831.89 seconds
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!screen:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!screen:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!screen:ASCA > read events ad10016000g200170h.unf
Got new instrument: GIS2
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    1
         WMAP binning     =    1
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.19531E-02
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!screen:ASCA-GIS2-PH > filter region GIS2_REGION256.4
!screen:ASCA-GIS2-PH > select mkf "@criteria.tmp" data_dir=. ASCA_mkf_def_expr=ft*.mkf
!screen:ASCA-GIS2-PH > extract events
!screen:ASCA-GIS2-PH > save events outfile=ad10016000g200170h.evt use_events=no
Wrote events list to file ad10016000g200170h.evt
!screen:ASCA-GIS2-PH > exit save_session=no
-> Filtering ad10016000g200270m.unf into ad10016000g200270m.evt
-> GIS2_REGION256.4 already present in current directory
-> Skipping gisclean since RISEBINS=1
-> Using the following selection criteria:
(ANG_DIST>0)&& (ANG_DIST<0.01)&&
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] screen
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- PH       MEDIUM   05/10/93 03:33:46 0.91E+04    84932     1024
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g200270m.unf
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
          84932     57456           5101     22375         0         0
 Writing events file
  57456 events written to the output file
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
         84932     57456           5101     22375         0         0
   in    3711.31 seconds
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!screen:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!screen:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!screen:ASCA > read events ad10016000g200270m.unf
Got new instrument: GIS2
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    1
         WMAP binning     =    1
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.15625E-01
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!screen:ASCA-GIS2-PH > filter region GIS2_REGION256.4
!screen:ASCA-GIS2-PH > select mkf "@criteria.tmp" data_dir=. ASCA_mkf_def_expr=ft*.mkf
!screen:ASCA-GIS2-PH > extract events
!screen:ASCA-GIS2-PH > save events outfile=ad10016000g200270m.evt use_events=no
Wrote events list to file ad10016000g200270m.evt
!screen:ASCA-GIS2-PH > exit save_session=no
-> Filtering ad10016000g200370h.unf into ad10016000g200370h.evt
-> GIS2_REGION256.4 already present in current directory
-> Skipping gisclean since RISEBINS=1
-> Using the following selection criteria:
(ANG_DIST>0)&& (ANG_DIST<0.01)&&
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] screen
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 06:40:34 0.16E+02     1153     1024
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g200370h.unf
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
           1153      1114             34         5         0         0
 Writing events file
   1114 events written to the output file
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
          1153      1114             34         5         0         0
   in      16.00 seconds
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!screen:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!screen:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!screen:ASCA > read events ad10016000g200370h.unf
Got new instrument: GIS2
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    1
         WMAP binning     =    1
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.19531E-02
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!screen:ASCA-GIS2-PH > filter region GIS2_REGION256.4
!screen:ASCA-GIS2-PH > select mkf "@criteria.tmp" data_dir=. ASCA_mkf_def_expr=ft*.mkf
!screen:ASCA-GIS2-PH > extract events
!screen:ASCA-GIS2-PH > save events outfile=ad10016000g200370h.evt use_events=no
Wrote events list to file ad10016000g200370h.evt
!screen:ASCA-GIS2-PH > exit save_session=no
-> Filtering ad10016000g300170h.unf into ad10016000g300170h.evt
-> Fetching GIS3_REGION256.4
-> Skipping gisclean since RISEBINS=1
-> Using the following selection criteria:
(ANG_DIST>0)&& (ANG_DIST<0.01)&&
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] screen
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 04:40:00 0.19E+05  1291289     1024
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g300170h.unf
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
        1291289   1231245          24898     35146         0         0
 Writing events file
1231245 events written to the output file
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
       1291289   1231245          24898     35146         0         0
   in   13819.26 seconds
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!screen:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!screen:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!screen:ASCA > read events ad10016000g300170h.unf
Got new instrument: GIS3
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    1
         WMAP binning     =    1
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.19531E-02
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!screen:ASCA-GIS3-PH > filter region GIS3_REGION256.4
!screen:ASCA-GIS3-PH > select mkf "@criteria.tmp" data_dir=. ASCA_mkf_def_expr=ft*.mkf
!screen:ASCA-GIS3-PH > extract events
!screen:ASCA-GIS3-PH > save events outfile=ad10016000g300170h.evt use_events=no
Wrote events list to file ad10016000g300170h.evt
!screen:ASCA-GIS3-PH > exit save_session=no
-> Filtering ad10016000g300270m.unf into ad10016000g300270m.evt
-> GIS3_REGION256.4 already present in current directory
-> Skipping gisclean since RISEBINS=1
-> Using the following selection criteria:
(ANG_DIST>0)&& (ANG_DIST<0.01)&&
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] screen
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- PH       MEDIUM   05/10/93 03:33:46 0.91E+04    84672     1024
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g300270m.unf
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
          84672     58346           3562     22764         0         0
 Writing events file
  58346 events written to the output file
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
         84672     58346           3562     22764         0         0
   in    3712.31 seconds
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!screen:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!screen:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!screen:ASCA > read events ad10016000g300270m.unf
Got new instrument: GIS3
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    1
         WMAP binning     =    1
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.15625E-01
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!screen:ASCA-GIS3-PH > filter region GIS3_REGION256.4
!screen:ASCA-GIS3-PH > select mkf "@criteria.tmp" data_dir=. ASCA_mkf_def_expr=ft*.mkf
!screen:ASCA-GIS3-PH > extract events
!screen:ASCA-GIS3-PH > save events outfile=ad10016000g300270m.evt use_events=no
Wrote events list to file ad10016000g300270m.evt
!screen:ASCA-GIS3-PH > exit save_session=no
-> Filtering ad10016000g300370h.unf into ad10016000g300370h.evt
-> GIS3_REGION256.4 already present in current directory
-> Skipping gisclean since RISEBINS=1
-> Using the following selection criteria:
(ANG_DIST>0)&& (ANG_DIST<0.01)&&
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] screen
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 06:40:16 0.26E+02     2412     1024
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g300370h.unf
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
           2412      2361             41        10         0         0
 Writing events file
   2361 events written to the output file
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
          2412      2361             41        10         0         0
   in      25.94 seconds
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!screen:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!screen:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!screen:ASCA > read events ad10016000g300370h.unf
Got new instrument: GIS3
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    1
         WMAP binning     =    1
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.19531E-02
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!screen:ASCA-GIS3-PH > filter region GIS3_REGION256.4
!screen:ASCA-GIS3-PH > select mkf "@criteria.tmp" data_dir=. ASCA_mkf_def_expr=ft*.mkf
!screen:ASCA-GIS3-PH > extract events
!screen:ASCA-GIS3-PH > save events outfile=ad10016000g300370h.evt use_events=no
Wrote events list to file ad10016000g300370h.evt
!screen:ASCA-GIS3-PH > exit save_session=no
-> Filtering ad10016000g300470h.unf into ad10016000g300470h.evt
-> GIS3_REGION256.4 already present in current directory
-> Skipping gisclean since RISEBINS=1
-> Using the following selection criteria:
(ANG_DIST>0)&& (ANG_DIST<0.01)&&
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] screen
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 06:40:14 0.60E+01      569     1024
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g300470h.unf
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
            569       554             10         5         0         0
 Writing events file
    554 events written to the output file
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
           569       554             10         5         0         0
   in       6.00 seconds
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!screen:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!screen:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!screen:ASCA > read events ad10016000g300470h.unf
Got new instrument: GIS3
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    1
         WMAP binning     =    1
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.19531E-02
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!screen:ASCA-GIS3-PH > filter region GIS3_REGION256.4
!screen:ASCA-GIS3-PH > select mkf "@criteria.tmp" data_dir=. ASCA_mkf_def_expr=ft*.mkf
!screen:ASCA-GIS3-PH > extract events
!screen:ASCA-GIS3-PH > save events outfile=ad10016000g300470h.evt use_events=no
Wrote events list to file ad10016000g300470h.evt
!screen:ASCA-GIS3-PH > exit save_session=no

Generating images and exposure maps ( 03:20:04 )

-> Generating exposure map ad10016000g200170h.expo
-> GIS2_REGION256.4 already present in current directory
-> Standard Output From STOOL regionmap:
-> gis2_ano_on_flf_180295.fits already present in current directory
-> Running ascaexpo for ad10016000g200170h.evt
-> Standard Output From FTOOL ascaexpo:
    reading data file: ad10016000g200170h.evt
    reading   gti ext: STDGTI
    reading  cal file: gis2_ano_on_flf_180295.fits
    reading inst file: GIS2_REGION256.4_regionmap.tmp
    making an inst map...
     multiply inst map...
    reading att  file: ./fa931005_0333.1620
    making an exposure map...
 Aspect RA/DEC/ROLL :      259.8290     -25.1854      85.2502
 Mean   RA/DEC/ROLL :      259.8378     -25.1648      85.2502
 Pnt    RA/DEC/ROLL :      259.8152     -25.2025      85.2502
 Image rebin factor :             1
 Attitude Records   :         45102
 GTI intervals      :           159
 Total GTI (secs)   :     13831.896
 Max attitude excursion (arcsecs) :         5.000
   0 Percent Complete: Total/live time:        0.0000000       0.0000000
  10 Percent Complete: Total/live time:     2152.2910156    2152.2910156
  20 Percent Complete: Total/live time:     3037.7502441    3037.7502441
  30 Percent Complete: Total/live time:     4295.6206055    4295.6206055
  40 Percent Complete: Total/live time:     5902.8471680    5902.8471680
  50 Percent Complete: Total/live time:     7230.9047852    7230.9047852
  60 Percent Complete: Total/live time:     8439.5283203    8439.5283203
  70 Percent Complete: Total/live time:    10385.1074219   10385.1074219
  80 Percent Complete: Total/live time:    11269.2929688   11269.2929688
  90 Percent Complete: Total/live time:    12660.3935547   12660.3935547
 100 Percent Complete: Total/live time:    13831.8916016   13831.8916016
 Number of attitude steps  used:           90
 Number of attitude steps avail:        34457
 Mean RA/DEC pixel offset:      -10.8216      -2.7296
    writing expo file: ad10016000g200170h.expo
    closing attitude file...
    closing data file...
-> Generating low and high energy images for ad10016000g200170h.evt
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] ad10016000g200170h
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 04:40:00 0.14E+05   950546     1024
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Getting FITS WCS Keywords
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g200170h.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
         950546    948671           1875         0         0         0
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
        950546    948671           1875         0         0         0
   in   13831.89 seconds
 Image            has   948671 counts for  68.59     counts/sec
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Getting FITS WCS Keywords
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g200170h.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
         950546    400607           1875         0         0    548064
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
        950546    400607           1875         0         0    548064
   in   13831.89 seconds
 Image            has   400607 counts for  28.96     counts/sec
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Getting FITS WCS Keywords
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g200170h.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
         950546    552160           1875         0         0    396511
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
        950546    552160           1875         0         0    396511
   in   13831.89 seconds
 Image            has   552160 counts for  39.92     counts/sec
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!ad10016000g200170h:ASCA >
!ad10016000g200170h:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!ad10016000g200170h:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!ad10016000g200170h:ASCA > read events ad10016000g200170h.evt
Got new instrument: GIS2
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    1
         WMAP binning     =    1
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.19531E-02
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!ad10016000g200170h:ASCA-GIS2-PH > set image sky
!ad10016000g200170h:ASCA-GIS2-PH > filter region corner_point.reg
!ad10016000g200170h:ASCA-GIS2-PH > extract image
!ad10016000g200170h:ASCA-GIS2-PH > save image outfile=ad10016000g200170h.img
Wrote image to file ad10016000g200170h.img
!ad10016000g200170h:ASCA-GIS2-PH > filter pha_cut 0 170
!ad10016000g200170h:ASCA-GIS2-PH > extract image
!ad10016000g200170h:ASCA-GIS2-PH > save image outfile=ad10016000g200170h_lo.img
Wrote image to file ad10016000g200170h_lo.img
!ad10016000g200170h:ASCA-GIS2-PH > clear pha_cut
!ad10016000g200170h:ASCA-GIS2-PH > filter pha_cut 170 1024
Warning: your PI upper bound:  1024 is above the maximum value.
!ad10016000g200170h:ASCA-GIS2-PH > extract image
!ad10016000g200170h:ASCA-GIS2-PH > save image outfile=ad10016000g200170h_hi.img
Wrote image to file ad10016000g200170h_hi.img
!ad10016000g200170h:ASCA-GIS2-PH > exit save_session=no
-> Generating exposure map ad10016000g200270m.expo
-> GIS2_REGION256.4 already present in current directory
-> gis2_ano_on_flf_180295.fits already present in current directory
-> Running ascaexpo for ad10016000g200270m.evt
-> Standard Output From FTOOL ascaexpo:
    reading data file: ad10016000g200270m.evt
    reading   gti ext: STDGTI
    reading  cal file: gis2_ano_on_flf_180295.fits
    reading inst file: GIS2_REGION256.4_regionmap.tmp
    making an inst map...
     multiply inst map...
    reading att  file: ./fa931005_0333.1620
    making an exposure map...
 Aspect RA/DEC/ROLL :      259.8290     -25.1854      85.2502
 Mean   RA/DEC/ROLL :      259.8413     -25.1665      85.2502
 Pnt    RA/DEC/ROLL :      259.7607     -25.1677      85.2502
 Image rebin factor :             1
 Attitude Records   :         45102
 GTI intervals      :             8
 Total GTI (secs)   :      3711.312
 Max attitude excursion (arcsecs) :         5.000
   0 Percent Complete: Total/live time:        0.0000000       0.0000000
  10 Percent Complete: Total/live time:      670.5146484     670.5146484
  20 Percent Complete: Total/live time:     1151.5129395    1151.5129395
  30 Percent Complete: Total/live time:     1151.5129395    1151.5129395
  40 Percent Complete: Total/live time:     1530.5115967    1530.5115967
  50 Percent Complete: Total/live time:     1902.5101318    1902.5101318
  60 Percent Complete: Total/live time:     2286.5087891    2286.5087891
  70 Percent Complete: Total/live time:     2662.5075684    2662.5075684
  80 Percent Complete: Total/live time:     3167.1520996    3167.1520996
  90 Percent Complete: Total/live time:     3490.1508789    3490.1508789
 100 Percent Complete: Total/live time:     3711.3120117    3711.3120117
 Number of attitude steps  used:           34
 Number of attitude steps avail:         7570
 Mean RA/DEC pixel offset:       -9.0845      -2.8519
    writing expo file: ad10016000g200270m.expo
    closing attitude file...
    closing data file...
-> Generating low and high energy images for ad10016000g200270m.evt
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] ad10016000g200270m
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- PH       MEDIUM   05/10/93 03:33:46 0.37E+04    57456     1024
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Getting FITS WCS Keywords
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g200270m.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
          57456     57353            103         0         0         0
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
         57456     57353            103         0         0         0
   in    3711.31 seconds
 Image            has    57353 counts for  15.45     counts/sec
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Getting FITS WCS Keywords
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g200270m.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
          57456     24140            103         0         0     33213
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
         57456     24140            103         0         0     33213
   in    3711.31 seconds
 Image            has    24140 counts for  6.504     counts/sec
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Getting FITS WCS Keywords
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g200270m.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
          57456     33476            103         0         0     23877
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
         57456     33476            103         0         0     23877
   in    3711.31 seconds
 Image            has    33476 counts for  9.020     counts/sec
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!ad10016000g200270m:ASCA >
!ad10016000g200270m:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!ad10016000g200270m:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!ad10016000g200270m:ASCA > read events ad10016000g200270m.evt
Got new instrument: GIS2
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    1
         WMAP binning     =    1
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.15625E-01
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!ad10016000g200270m:ASCA-GIS2-PH > set image sky
!ad10016000g200270m:ASCA-GIS2-PH > filter region corner_point.reg
!ad10016000g200270m:ASCA-GIS2-PH > extract image
!ad10016000g200270m:ASCA-GIS2-PH > save image outfile=ad10016000g200270m.img
Wrote image to file ad10016000g200270m.img
!ad10016000g200270m:ASCA-GIS2-PH > filter pha_cut 0 170
!ad10016000g200270m:ASCA-GIS2-PH > extract image
!ad10016000g200270m:ASCA-GIS2-PH > save image outfile=ad10016000g200270m_lo.img
Wrote image to file ad10016000g200270m_lo.img
!ad10016000g200270m:ASCA-GIS2-PH > clear pha_cut
!ad10016000g200270m:ASCA-GIS2-PH > filter pha_cut 170 1024
Warning: your PI upper bound:  1024 is above the maximum value.
!ad10016000g200270m:ASCA-GIS2-PH > extract image
!ad10016000g200270m:ASCA-GIS2-PH > save image outfile=ad10016000g200270m_hi.img
Wrote image to file ad10016000g200270m_hi.img
!ad10016000g200270m:ASCA-GIS2-PH > exit save_session=no
-> Generating exposure map ad10016000g200370h.expo
-> GIS2_REGION256.4 already present in current directory
-> gis2_ano_on_flf_180295.fits already present in current directory
-> Running ascaexpo for ad10016000g200370h.evt
-> Standard Output From FTOOL ascaexpo:
    reading data file: ad10016000g200370h.evt
    reading   gti ext: STDGTI
    reading  cal file: gis2_ano_on_flf_180295.fits
    reading inst file: GIS2_REGION256.4_regionmap.tmp
    making an inst map...
     multiply inst map...
    reading att  file: ./fa931005_0333.1620
    making an exposure map...
 Aspect RA/DEC/ROLL :      259.8290     -25.1854      85.2502
 Mean   RA/DEC/ROLL :      259.8371     -25.1632      85.2502
 Pnt    RA/DEC/ROLL :      259.8164     -25.2054      85.2502
 Image rebin factor :             1
 Attitude Records   :         45102
 GTI intervals      :             3
 Total GTI (secs)   :        16.000
 Max attitude excursion (arcsecs) :         5.000
   0 Percent Complete: Total/live time:        0.0000000       0.0000000
  10 Percent Complete: Total/live time:        3.9999928       3.9999928
  20 Percent Complete: Total/live time:        3.9999928       3.9999928
  30 Percent Complete: Total/live time:       11.9999714      11.9999714
  40 Percent Complete: Total/live time:       11.9999714      11.9999714
  50 Percent Complete: Total/live time:       12.4999456      12.4999456
  60 Percent Complete: Total/live time:       12.4999456      12.4999456
  70 Percent Complete: Total/live time:       15.9999638      15.9999638
 100 Percent Complete: Total/live time:       15.9999638      15.9999638
 Number of attitude steps  used:            5
 Number of attitude steps avail:         1551
 Mean RA/DEC pixel offset:       -9.1212      -1.8463
    writing expo file: ad10016000g200370h.expo
    closing attitude file...
    closing data file...
-> Generating low and high energy images for ad10016000g200370h.evt
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] ad10016000g200370h
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 06:40:34 0.16E+02     1114     1024
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Getting FITS WCS Keywords
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g200370h.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
           1114      1111              3         0         0         0
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
          1114      1111              3         0         0         0
   in      16.00 seconds
 Image            has     1111 counts for  69.44     counts/sec
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Getting FITS WCS Keywords
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g200370h.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
           1114       521              3         0         0       590
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
          1114       521              3         0         0       590
   in      16.00 seconds
 Image            has      521 counts for  32.56     counts/sec
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Getting FITS WCS Keywords
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g200370h.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
           1114       596              3         0         0       515
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
          1114       596              3         0         0       515
   in      16.00 seconds
 Image            has      596 counts for  37.25     counts/sec
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!ad10016000g200370h:ASCA >
!ad10016000g200370h:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!ad10016000g200370h:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!ad10016000g200370h:ASCA > read events ad10016000g200370h.evt
Got new instrument: GIS2
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    1
         WMAP binning     =    1
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.19531E-02
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!ad10016000g200370h:ASCA-GIS2-PH > set image sky
!ad10016000g200370h:ASCA-GIS2-PH > filter region corner_point.reg
!ad10016000g200370h:ASCA-GIS2-PH > extract image
!ad10016000g200370h:ASCA-GIS2-PH > save image outfile=ad10016000g200370h.img
Wrote image to file ad10016000g200370h.img
!ad10016000g200370h:ASCA-GIS2-PH > filter pha_cut 0 170
!ad10016000g200370h:ASCA-GIS2-PH > extract image
!ad10016000g200370h:ASCA-GIS2-PH > save image outfile=ad10016000g200370h_lo.img
Wrote image to file ad10016000g200370h_lo.img
!ad10016000g200370h:ASCA-GIS2-PH > clear pha_cut
!ad10016000g200370h:ASCA-GIS2-PH > filter pha_cut 170 1024
Warning: your PI upper bound:  1024 is above the maximum value.
!ad10016000g200370h:ASCA-GIS2-PH > extract image
!ad10016000g200370h:ASCA-GIS2-PH > save image outfile=ad10016000g200370h_hi.img
Wrote image to file ad10016000g200370h_hi.img
!ad10016000g200370h:ASCA-GIS2-PH > exit save_session=no
-> Generating exposure map ad10016000g300170h.expo
-> GIS3_REGION256.4 already present in current directory
-> Standard Output From STOOL regionmap:
-> gis3_ano_on_flf_180295.fits already present in current directory
-> Running ascaexpo for ad10016000g300170h.evt
-> Standard Output From FTOOL ascaexpo:
    reading data file: ad10016000g300170h.evt
    reading   gti ext: STDGTI
    reading  cal file: gis3_ano_on_flf_180295.fits
    reading inst file: GIS3_REGION256.4_regionmap.tmp
    making an inst map...
     multiply inst map...
    reading att  file: ./fa931005_0333.1620
    making an exposure map...
 Aspect RA/DEC/ROLL :      259.8290     -25.1854      85.2523
 Mean   RA/DEC/ROLL :      259.8328     -25.1892      85.2523
 Pnt    RA/DEC/ROLL :      259.8201     -25.1780      85.2523
 Image rebin factor :             1
 Attitude Records   :         45102
 GTI intervals      :           201
 Total GTI (secs)   :     13819.277
 Max attitude excursion (arcsecs) :         5.000
   0 Percent Complete: Total/live time:        0.0000000       0.0000000
  10 Percent Complete: Total/live time:     2152.2282715    2152.2282715
  20 Percent Complete: Total/live time:     3037.5625000    3037.5625000
  30 Percent Complete: Total/live time:     4292.9331055    4292.9331055
  40 Percent Complete: Total/live time:     5897.5971680    5897.5971680
  50 Percent Complete: Total/live time:     7225.2172852    7225.2172852
  60 Percent Complete: Total/live time:     8431.9033203    8431.9033203
  70 Percent Complete: Total/live time:    10340.1699219   10340.1699219
  80 Percent Complete: Total/live time:    11259.1679688   11259.1679688
  90 Percent Complete: Total/live time:    12648.5185547   12648.5185547
 100 Percent Complete: Total/live time:    13819.2656250   13819.2656250
 Number of attitude steps  used:           95
 Number of attitude steps avail:        34441
 Mean RA/DEC pixel offset:        1.3278      -1.5932
    writing expo file: ad10016000g300170h.expo
    closing attitude file...
    closing data file...
-> Generating low and high energy images for ad10016000g300170h.evt
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] ad10016000g300170h
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 04:40:00 0.14E+05  1231245     1024
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Getting FITS WCS Keywords
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g300170h.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
        1231245   1229773           1472         0         0         0
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
       1231245   1229773           1472         0         0         0
   in   13819.26 seconds
 Image            has  1229773 counts for  88.99     counts/sec
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Getting FITS WCS Keywords
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g300170h.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
        1231245    508461           1472         0         0    721312
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
       1231245    508461           1472         0         0    721312
   in   13819.26 seconds
 Image            has   508461 counts for  36.79     counts/sec
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Getting FITS WCS Keywords
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g300170h.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
        1231245    726647           1472         0         0    503126
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
       1231245    726647           1472         0         0    503126
   in   13819.26 seconds
 Image            has   726647 counts for  52.58     counts/sec
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!ad10016000g300170h:ASCA >
!ad10016000g300170h:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!ad10016000g300170h:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!ad10016000g300170h:ASCA > read events ad10016000g300170h.evt
Got new instrument: GIS3
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    1
         WMAP binning     =    1
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.19531E-02
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!ad10016000g300170h:ASCA-GIS3-PH > set image sky
!ad10016000g300170h:ASCA-GIS3-PH > filter region corner_point.reg
!ad10016000g300170h:ASCA-GIS3-PH > extract image
!ad10016000g300170h:ASCA-GIS3-PH > save image outfile=ad10016000g300170h.img
Wrote image to file ad10016000g300170h.img
!ad10016000g300170h:ASCA-GIS3-PH > filter pha_cut 0 170
!ad10016000g300170h:ASCA-GIS3-PH > extract image
!ad10016000g300170h:ASCA-GIS3-PH > save image outfile=ad10016000g300170h_lo.img
Wrote image to file ad10016000g300170h_lo.img
!ad10016000g300170h:ASCA-GIS3-PH > clear pha_cut
!ad10016000g300170h:ASCA-GIS3-PH > filter pha_cut 170 1024
Warning: your PI upper bound:  1024 is above the maximum value.
!ad10016000g300170h:ASCA-GIS3-PH > extract image
!ad10016000g300170h:ASCA-GIS3-PH > save image outfile=ad10016000g300170h_hi.img
Wrote image to file ad10016000g300170h_hi.img
!ad10016000g300170h:ASCA-GIS3-PH > exit save_session=no
-> Generating exposure map ad10016000g300270m.expo
-> GIS3_REGION256.4 already present in current directory
-> gis3_ano_on_flf_180295.fits already present in current directory
-> Running ascaexpo for ad10016000g300270m.evt
-> Standard Output From FTOOL ascaexpo:
    reading data file: ad10016000g300270m.evt
    reading   gti ext: STDGTI
    reading  cal file: gis3_ano_on_flf_180295.fits
    reading inst file: GIS3_REGION256.4_regionmap.tmp
    making an inst map...
     multiply inst map...
    reading att  file: ./fa931005_0333.1620
    making an exposure map...
 Aspect RA/DEC/ROLL :      259.8290     -25.1854      85.2523
 Mean   RA/DEC/ROLL :      259.8363     -25.1910      85.2523
 Pnt    RA/DEC/ROLL :      259.7656     -25.1433      85.2523
 Image rebin factor :             1
 Attitude Records   :         45102
 GTI intervals      :             6
 Total GTI (secs)   :      3712.312
 Max attitude excursion (arcsecs) :         5.000
   0 Percent Complete: Total/live time:        0.0000000       0.0000000
  10 Percent Complete: Total/live time:      671.0146484     671.0146484
  20 Percent Complete: Total/live time:     1152.0129395    1152.0129395
  30 Percent Complete: Total/live time:     1152.0129395    1152.0129395
  40 Percent Complete: Total/live time:     1531.0115967    1531.0115967
  50 Percent Complete: Total/live time:     1903.0101318    1903.0101318
  60 Percent Complete: Total/live time:     2287.0087891    2287.0087891
  70 Percent Complete: Total/live time:     2663.0075684    2663.0075684
  80 Percent Complete: Total/live time:     3168.1523438    3168.1523438
  90 Percent Complete: Total/live time:     3491.1511230    3491.1511230
 100 Percent Complete: Total/live time:     3712.3122559    3712.3122559
 Number of attitude steps  used:           34
 Number of attitude steps avail:         7570
 Mean RA/DEC pixel offset:        1.8091      -1.6898
    writing expo file: ad10016000g300270m.expo
    closing attitude file...
    closing data file...
-> Generating low and high energy images for ad10016000g300270m.evt
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] ad10016000g300270m
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- PH       MEDIUM   05/10/93 03:33:46 0.37E+04    58346     1024
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Getting FITS WCS Keywords
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g300270m.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
          58346     58289             57         0         0         0
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
         58346     58289             57         0         0         0
   in    3712.31 seconds
 Image            has    58289 counts for  15.70     counts/sec
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Getting FITS WCS Keywords
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g300270m.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
          58346     24068             57         0         0     34221
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
         58346     24068             57         0         0     34221
   in    3712.31 seconds
 Image            has    24068 counts for  6.483     counts/sec
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Getting FITS WCS Keywords
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g300270m.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
          58346     34480             57         0         0     23809
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
         58346     34480             57         0         0     23809
   in    3712.31 seconds
 Image            has    34480 counts for  9.288     counts/sec
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!ad10016000g300270m:ASCA >
!ad10016000g300270m:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!ad10016000g300270m:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!ad10016000g300270m:ASCA > read events ad10016000g300270m.evt
Got new instrument: GIS3
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    1
         WMAP binning     =    1
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.15625E-01
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!ad10016000g300270m:ASCA-GIS3-PH > set image sky
!ad10016000g300270m:ASCA-GIS3-PH > filter region corner_point.reg
!ad10016000g300270m:ASCA-GIS3-PH > extract image
!ad10016000g300270m:ASCA-GIS3-PH > save image outfile=ad10016000g300270m.img
Wrote image to file ad10016000g300270m.img
!ad10016000g300270m:ASCA-GIS3-PH > filter pha_cut 0 170
!ad10016000g300270m:ASCA-GIS3-PH > extract image
!ad10016000g300270m:ASCA-GIS3-PH > save image outfile=ad10016000g300270m_lo.img
Wrote image to file ad10016000g300270m_lo.img
!ad10016000g300270m:ASCA-GIS3-PH > clear pha_cut
!ad10016000g300270m:ASCA-GIS3-PH > filter pha_cut 170 1024
Warning: your PI upper bound:  1024 is above the maximum value.
!ad10016000g300270m:ASCA-GIS3-PH > extract image
!ad10016000g300270m:ASCA-GIS3-PH > save image outfile=ad10016000g300270m_hi.img
Wrote image to file ad10016000g300270m_hi.img
!ad10016000g300270m:ASCA-GIS3-PH > exit save_session=no
-> Generating exposure map ad10016000g300370h.expo
-> GIS3_REGION256.4 already present in current directory
-> gis3_ano_on_flf_180295.fits already present in current directory
-> Running ascaexpo for ad10016000g300370h.evt
-> Standard Output From FTOOL ascaexpo:
    reading data file: ad10016000g300370h.evt
    reading   gti ext: STDGTI
    reading  cal file: gis3_ano_on_flf_180295.fits
    reading inst file: GIS3_REGION256.4_regionmap.tmp
    making an inst map...
     multiply inst map...
    reading att  file: ./fa931005_0333.1620
    making an exposure map...
 Aspect RA/DEC/ROLL :      259.8290     -25.1854      85.2523
 Mean   RA/DEC/ROLL :      259.8317     -25.1880      85.2523
 Pnt    RA/DEC/ROLL :      259.8216     -25.1806      85.2523
 Image rebin factor :             1
 Attitude Records   :         45102
 GTI intervals      :             4
 Total GTI (secs)   :        25.937
 Max attitude excursion (arcsecs) :         5.000
   0 Percent Complete: Total/live time:        0.0000000       0.0000000
  10 Percent Complete: Total/live time:        9.9999714       9.9999714
  20 Percent Complete: Total/live time:        9.9999714       9.9999714
  30 Percent Complete: Total/live time:       11.4998217      11.4998217
  40 Percent Complete: Total/live time:       11.4998217      11.4998217
  50 Percent Complete: Total/live time:       17.9374504      17.9374504
  60 Percent Complete: Total/live time:       17.9374504      17.9374504
  70 Percent Complete: Total/live time:       18.4373798      18.4373798
  80 Percent Complete: Total/live time:       25.9374294      25.9374294
 100 Percent Complete: Total/live time:       25.9374294      25.9374294
 Number of attitude steps  used:            6
 Number of attitude steps avail:         1596
 Mean RA/DEC pixel offset:        0.6931      -1.0673
    writing expo file: ad10016000g300370h.expo
    closing attitude file...
    closing data file...
-> Generating low and high energy images for ad10016000g300370h.evt
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] ad10016000g300370h
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 06:40:16 0.26E+02     2361     1024
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Getting FITS WCS Keywords
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g300370h.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
           2361      2356              5         0         0         0
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
          2361      2356              5         0         0         0
   in      25.94 seconds
 Image            has     2356 counts for  90.83     counts/sec
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Getting FITS WCS Keywords
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g300370h.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
           2361       973              5         0         0      1383
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
          2361       973              5         0         0      1383
   in      25.94 seconds
 Image            has      973 counts for  37.51     counts/sec
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Getting FITS WCS Keywords
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g300370h.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
           2361      1394              5         0         0       962
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
          2361      1394              5         0         0       962
   in      25.94 seconds
 Image            has     1394 counts for  53.74     counts/sec
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!ad10016000g300370h:ASCA >
!ad10016000g300370h:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!ad10016000g300370h:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!ad10016000g300370h:ASCA > read events ad10016000g300370h.evt
Got new instrument: GIS3
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    1
         WMAP binning     =    1
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.19531E-02
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!ad10016000g300370h:ASCA-GIS3-PH > set image sky
!ad10016000g300370h:ASCA-GIS3-PH > filter region corner_point.reg
!ad10016000g300370h:ASCA-GIS3-PH > extract image
!ad10016000g300370h:ASCA-GIS3-PH > save image outfile=ad10016000g300370h.img
Wrote image to file ad10016000g300370h.img
!ad10016000g300370h:ASCA-GIS3-PH > filter pha_cut 0 170
!ad10016000g300370h:ASCA-GIS3-PH > extract image
!ad10016000g300370h:ASCA-GIS3-PH > save image outfile=ad10016000g300370h_lo.img
Wrote image to file ad10016000g300370h_lo.img
!ad10016000g300370h:ASCA-GIS3-PH > clear pha_cut
!ad10016000g300370h:ASCA-GIS3-PH > filter pha_cut 170 1024
Warning: your PI upper bound:  1024 is above the maximum value.
!ad10016000g300370h:ASCA-GIS3-PH > extract image
!ad10016000g300370h:ASCA-GIS3-PH > save image outfile=ad10016000g300370h_hi.img
Wrote image to file ad10016000g300370h_hi.img
!ad10016000g300370h:ASCA-GIS3-PH > exit save_session=no
-> Generating exposure map ad10016000g300470h.expo
-> GIS3_REGION256.4 already present in current directory
-> gis3_ano_on_flf_180295.fits already present in current directory
-> Running ascaexpo for ad10016000g300470h.evt
-> Standard Output From FTOOL ascaexpo:
    reading data file: ad10016000g300470h.evt
    reading   gti ext: STDGTI
    reading  cal file: gis3_ano_on_flf_180295.fits
    reading inst file: GIS3_REGION256.4_regionmap.tmp
    making an inst map...
     multiply inst map...
    reading att  file: ./fa931005_0333.1620
    making an exposure map...
 Aspect RA/DEC/ROLL :      259.8290     -25.1854      85.2523
 Mean   RA/DEC/ROLL :      259.8318     -25.1876      85.2523
 Pnt    RA/DEC/ROLL :      259.8216     -25.1808      85.2523
 Image rebin factor :             1
 Attitude Records   :         45102
 GTI intervals      :             3
 Total GTI (secs)   :         6.000
 Max attitude excursion (arcsecs) :         5.000
   0 Percent Complete: Total/live time:        0.0000000       0.0000000
  10 Percent Complete: Total/live time:        2.0000000       2.0000000
  20 Percent Complete: Total/live time:        2.0000000       2.0000000
  30 Percent Complete: Total/live time:        4.0000000       4.0000000
  40 Percent Complete: Total/live time:        4.0000000       4.0000000
  50 Percent Complete: Total/live time:        4.4999332       4.4999332
  60 Percent Complete: Total/live time:        4.4999332       4.4999332
  70 Percent Complete: Total/live time:        6.0000000       6.0000000
 100 Percent Complete: Total/live time:        6.0000000       6.0000000
 Number of attitude steps  used:            5
 Number of attitude steps avail:         1535
 Mean RA/DEC pixel offset:        0.6450      -0.9559
    writing expo file: ad10016000g300470h.expo
    closing attitude file...
    closing data file...
-> Generating low and high energy images for ad10016000g300470h.evt
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] ad10016000g300470h
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 06:40:14 0.60E+01      554     1024
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Getting FITS WCS Keywords
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g300470h.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
            554       554              0         0         0         0
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
           554       554              0         0         0         0
   in       6.00 seconds
 Image            has      554 counts for  92.33     counts/sec
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Getting FITS WCS Keywords
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g300470h.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
            554       240              0         0         0       314
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
           554       240              0         0         0       314
   in       6.00 seconds
 Image            has      240 counts for  40.00     counts/sec
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Getting FITS WCS Keywords
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g300470h.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
            554       316              0         0         0       238
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
           554       316              0         0         0       238
   in       6.00 seconds
 Image            has      316 counts for  52.67     counts/sec
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!ad10016000g300470h:ASCA >
!ad10016000g300470h:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!ad10016000g300470h:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!ad10016000g300470h:ASCA > read events ad10016000g300470h.evt
Got new instrument: GIS3
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    1
         WMAP binning     =    1
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.19531E-02
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!ad10016000g300470h:ASCA-GIS3-PH > set image sky
!ad10016000g300470h:ASCA-GIS3-PH > filter region corner_point.reg
!ad10016000g300470h:ASCA-GIS3-PH > extract image
!ad10016000g300470h:ASCA-GIS3-PH > save image outfile=ad10016000g300470h.img
Wrote image to file ad10016000g300470h.img
!ad10016000g300470h:ASCA-GIS3-PH > filter pha_cut 0 170
!ad10016000g300470h:ASCA-GIS3-PH > extract image
!ad10016000g300470h:ASCA-GIS3-PH > save image outfile=ad10016000g300470h_lo.img
Wrote image to file ad10016000g300470h_lo.img
!ad10016000g300470h:ASCA-GIS3-PH > clear pha_cut
!ad10016000g300470h:ASCA-GIS3-PH > filter pha_cut 170 1024
Warning: your PI upper bound:  1024 is above the maximum value.
!ad10016000g300470h:ASCA-GIS3-PH > extract image
!ad10016000g300470h:ASCA-GIS3-PH > save image outfile=ad10016000g300470h_hi.img
Wrote image to file ad10016000g300470h_hi.img
!ad10016000g300470h:ASCA-GIS3-PH > exit save_session=no
-> Generating exposure map ad10016000s000102h.expo
-> s0_teldef_ascalin.fits already present in current directory
-> Running ascaexpo for ad10016000s000102h.evt
-> Standard Output From FTOOL ascaexpo:
    reading data file: ad10016000s000102h.evt
    reading   gti ext: STDGTI
    reading    hp ext: HOT_PIXELS
    reading  cal file: s0_teldef_ascalin.fits
    making an inst map...
              CHIP:            0           1           2           3
 CCD POWER  ON/OFF:          OFF          ON         OFF         OFF
 AREA DISC  IN/OUT:          OUT         OUT          IN          IN
 AREA DISC H START:            6           6           6         316
 AREA DISC H  STOP:          425         425         200         425
 AREA DISC V START:            2           2           2           2
 AREA DISC V  STOP:          422         422         150         112
    reading att  file: ./fa931005_0333.1620
    making an exposure map...
 Aspect RA/DEC/ROLL :      259.8290     -25.1854      85.2441
 Mean   RA/DEC/ROLL :      259.8524     -25.1786      85.2441
 Pnt    RA/DEC/ROLL :      259.8007     -25.1889      85.2441
 Image rebin factor :             4
 Attitude Records   :         45102
 Hot Pixels         :            14
 GTI intervals      :            24
 Total GTI (secs)   :     13073.346
 Max attitude excursion (arcsecs) :         5.000
   0 Percent Complete: Total/live time:        0.0000000       0.0000000
  10 Percent Complete: Total/live time:     2153.9782715    2153.9782715
  20 Percent Complete: Total/live time:     2912.0000000    2912.0000000
  30 Percent Complete: Total/live time:     4130.3540039    4130.3540039
  40 Percent Complete: Total/live time:     5654.3925781    5654.3925781
  50 Percent Complete: Total/live time:     6847.7680664    6847.7680664
  60 Percent Complete: Total/live time:     8031.6513672    8031.6513672
  70 Percent Complete: Total/live time:     9865.6162109    9865.6162109
  80 Percent Complete: Total/live time:    10592.4794922   10592.4794922
  90 Percent Complete: Total/live time:    12047.8818359   12047.8818359
 100 Percent Complete: Total/live time:    13073.3476562   13073.3476562
 Number of attitude steps  used:           88
 Number of attitude steps avail:        33883
 Mean RA/DEC pixel offset:      -42.6935     -88.6551
    writing expo file: ad10016000s000102h.expo
    closing attitude file...
    closing data file...
-> Generating low and high energy images for ad10016000s000102h.evt
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] ad10016000s000102h
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- BRIGHT   HIGH     05/10/93 04:39:44 0.13E+05   971499 0100
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Getting FITS WCS Keywords
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000s000102h.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
         971499    971499              0         0         0         0
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
        971499    971499              0         0         0         0
   in   13073.35 seconds
 Image            has   971499 counts for  74.31     counts/sec
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Getting FITS WCS Keywords
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000s000102h.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
         971499    484959              0         0         0    486540
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
        971499    484959              0         0         0    486540
   in   13073.35 seconds
 Image            has   484959 counts for  37.10     counts/sec
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Getting FITS WCS Keywords
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000s000102h.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
         971499    487579              0         0         0    483920
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
        971499    487579              0         0         0    483920
   in   13073.35 seconds
 Image            has   487579 counts for  37.30     counts/sec
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!ad10016000s000102h:ASCA >
!ad10016000s000102h:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!ad10016000s000102h:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!ad10016000s000102h:ASCA > read events ad10016000s000102h.evt
Got new instrument: SIS0
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    4
         WMAP binning     =    8
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   2047
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:   4.0000
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!ad10016000s000102h:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > set image sky
!ad10016000s000102h:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > filter region corner_point.reg
!ad10016000s000102h:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > extract image
!ad10016000s000102h:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > save image outfile=ad10016000s000102h.img
Wrote image to file ad10016000s000102h.img
!ad10016000s000102h:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > filter pha_cut 0 547
!ad10016000s000102h:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > extract image
!ad10016000s000102h:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > save image outfile=ad10016000s000102h_lo.img
Wrote image to file ad10016000s000102h_lo.img
!ad10016000s000102h:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > clear pha_cut
!ad10016000s000102h:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > filter pha_cut 547 2048
Warning: your PI upper bound:  2048 is above the maximum value.
!ad10016000s000102h:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > extract image
!ad10016000s000102h:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > save image outfile=ad10016000s000102h_hi.img
Wrote image to file ad10016000s000102h_hi.img
!ad10016000s000102h:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > exit save_session=no
-> Generating exposure map ad10016000s000202m.expo
-> s0_teldef_ascalin.fits already present in current directory
-> Running ascaexpo for ad10016000s000202m.evt
-> Standard Output From FTOOL ascaexpo:
    reading data file: ad10016000s000202m.evt
    reading   gti ext: STDGTI
    reading    hp ext: HOT_PIXELS
    reading  cal file: s0_teldef_ascalin.fits
    making an inst map...
              CHIP:            0           1           2           3
 CCD POWER  ON/OFF:          OFF          ON         OFF         OFF
 AREA DISC  IN/OUT:          OUT         OUT          IN          IN
 AREA DISC H START:            6           6           6         316
 AREA DISC H  STOP:          425         425         200         425
 AREA DISC V START:            2           2           2           2
 AREA DISC V  STOP:          422         422         150         112
    reading att  file: ./fa931005_0333.1620
    making an exposure map...
 Aspect RA/DEC/ROLL :      259.8290     -25.1854      85.2441
 Mean   RA/DEC/ROLL :      259.8553     -25.1802      85.2441
 Pnt    RA/DEC/ROLL :      259.7488     -25.1560      85.2441
 Image rebin factor :             4
 Attitude Records   :         45102
 Hot Pixels         :             1
 GTI intervals      :             5
 Total GTI (secs)   :        40.729
 Max attitude excursion (arcsecs) :         5.000
   0 Percent Complete: Total/live time:        0.0000000       0.0000000
  10 Percent Complete: Total/live time:        4.6945810       4.6945810
  20 Percent Complete: Total/live time:       33.4439278      33.4439278
  30 Percent Complete: Total/live time:       33.4439278      33.4439278
  40 Percent Complete: Total/live time:       36.3468018      36.3468018
  50 Percent Complete: Total/live time:       36.3468018      36.3468018
  60 Percent Complete: Total/live time:       37.0967407      37.0967407
  70 Percent Complete: Total/live time:       37.0967407      37.0967407
  80 Percent Complete: Total/live time:       40.7286072      40.7286072
 100 Percent Complete: Total/live time:       40.7286072      40.7286072
 Number of attitude steps  used:            7
 Number of attitude steps avail:         6469
 Mean RA/DEC pixel offset:      -26.9784     -87.6416
    writing expo file: ad10016000s000202m.expo
    closing attitude file...
    closing data file...
-> Generating low and high energy images for ad10016000s000202m.evt
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] ad10016000s000202m
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- BRIGHT   MEDIUM   05/10/93 03:33:36 0.41E+02     1219 0100
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Getting FITS WCS Keywords
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000s000202m.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
           1219      1219              0         0         0         0
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
          1219      1219              0         0         0         0
   in      40.73 seconds
 Image            has     1219 counts for  29.93     counts/sec
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Getting FITS WCS Keywords
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000s000202m.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
           1219       595              0         0         0       624
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
          1219       595              0         0         0       624
   in      40.73 seconds
 Image            has      595 counts for  14.61     counts/sec
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Getting FITS WCS Keywords
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000s000202m.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
           1219       626              0         0         0       593
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
          1219       626              0         0         0       593
   in      40.73 seconds
 Image            has      626 counts for  15.37     counts/sec
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!ad10016000s000202m:ASCA >
!ad10016000s000202m:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!ad10016000s000202m:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!ad10016000s000202m:ASCA > read events ad10016000s000202m.evt
Got new instrument: SIS0
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    4
         WMAP binning     =    8
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   2047
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:   4.0000
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!ad10016000s000202m:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > set image sky
!ad10016000s000202m:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > filter region corner_point.reg
!ad10016000s000202m:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > extract image
!ad10016000s000202m:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > save image outfile=ad10016000s000202m.img
Wrote image to file ad10016000s000202m.img
!ad10016000s000202m:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > filter pha_cut 0 547
!ad10016000s000202m:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > extract image
!ad10016000s000202m:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > save image outfile=ad10016000s000202m_lo.img
Wrote image to file ad10016000s000202m_lo.img
!ad10016000s000202m:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > clear pha_cut
!ad10016000s000202m:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > filter pha_cut 547 2048
Warning: your PI upper bound:  2048 is above the maximum value.
!ad10016000s000202m:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > extract image
!ad10016000s000202m:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > save image outfile=ad10016000s000202m_hi.img
Wrote image to file ad10016000s000202m_hi.img
!ad10016000s000202m:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > exit save_session=no
-> Generating exposure map ad10016000s100102h.expo
-> s1_teldef_ascalin.fits already present in current directory
-> Running ascaexpo for ad10016000s100102h.evt
-> Standard Output From FTOOL ascaexpo:
    reading data file: ad10016000s100102h.evt
    reading   gti ext: STDGTI
    reading    hp ext: HOT_PIXELS
    reading  cal file: s1_teldef_ascalin.fits
    making an inst map...
              CHIP:            0           1           2           3
 CCD POWER  ON/OFF:          OFF         OFF         OFF          ON
 AREA DISC  IN/OUT:          OUT          IN         OUT         OUT
 AREA DISC H START:            6           6           6           6
 AREA DISC H  STOP:          425         130         425         425
 AREA DISC V START:            1           1           1           1
 AREA DISC V  STOP:          422         422         422         422
    reading att  file: ./fa931005_0333.1620
    making an exposure map...
 Aspect RA/DEC/ROLL :      259.8290     -25.1854      85.2515
 Mean   RA/DEC/ROLL :      259.8349     -25.1762      85.2515
 Pnt    RA/DEC/ROLL :      259.8181     -25.1912      85.2515
 Image rebin factor :             4
 Attitude Records   :         45102
 Hot Pixels         :            27
 GTI intervals      :            27
 Total GTI (secs)   :     12961.186
 Max attitude excursion (arcsecs) :         5.000
   0 Percent Complete: Total/live time:        0.0000000       0.0000000
  10 Percent Complete: Total/live time:     2121.9782715    2121.9782715
  20 Percent Complete: Total/live time:     2848.0000000    2848.0000000
  30 Percent Complete: Total/live time:     4036.3149414    4036.3149414
  40 Percent Complete: Total/live time:     5592.2626953    5592.2626953
  50 Percent Complete: Total/live time:     6789.5756836    6789.5756836
  60 Percent Complete: Total/live time:     7969.4589844    7969.4589844
  70 Percent Complete: Total/live time:     9799.4238281    9799.4238281
  80 Percent Complete: Total/live time:    10522.2871094   10522.2871094
  90 Percent Complete: Total/live time:    11971.7207031   11971.7207031
 100 Percent Complete: Total/live time:    12961.1865234   12961.1865234
 Number of attitude steps  used:           87
 Number of attitude steps avail:        33819
 Mean RA/DEC pixel offset:      -47.0722     -17.6355
    writing expo file: ad10016000s100102h.expo
    closing attitude file...
    closing data file...
-> Generating low and high energy images for ad10016000s100102h.evt
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] ad10016000s100102h
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- BRIGHT   HIGH     05/10/93 04:39:44 0.13E+05   824350 0001
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Getting FITS WCS Keywords
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000s100102h.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
         824350    824350              0         0         0         0
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
        824350    824350              0         0         0         0
   in   12961.19 seconds
 Image            has   824350 counts for  63.60     counts/sec
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Getting FITS WCS Keywords
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000s100102h.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
         824350    415647              0         0         0    408703
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
        824350    415647              0         0         0    408703
   in   12961.19 seconds
 Image            has   415647 counts for  32.07     counts/sec
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Getting FITS WCS Keywords
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000s100102h.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
         824350    409567              0         0         0    414783
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
        824350    409567              0         0         0    414783
   in   12961.19 seconds
 Image            has   409567 counts for  31.60     counts/sec
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!ad10016000s100102h:ASCA >
!ad10016000s100102h:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!ad10016000s100102h:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!ad10016000s100102h:ASCA > read events ad10016000s100102h.evt
Got new instrument: SIS1
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    4
         WMAP binning     =    8
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   2047
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:   4.0000
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!ad10016000s100102h:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > set image sky
!ad10016000s100102h:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > filter region corner_point.reg
!ad10016000s100102h:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > extract image
!ad10016000s100102h:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > save image outfile=ad10016000s100102h.img
Wrote image to file ad10016000s100102h.img
!ad10016000s100102h:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > filter pha_cut 0 547
!ad10016000s100102h:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > extract image
!ad10016000s100102h:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > save image outfile=ad10016000s100102h_lo.img
Wrote image to file ad10016000s100102h_lo.img
!ad10016000s100102h:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > clear pha_cut
!ad10016000s100102h:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > filter pha_cut 547 2048
Warning: your PI upper bound:  2048 is above the maximum value.
!ad10016000s100102h:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > extract image
!ad10016000s100102h:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > save image outfile=ad10016000s100102h_hi.img
Wrote image to file ad10016000s100102h_hi.img
!ad10016000s100102h:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > exit save_session=no
-> Generating exposure map ad10016000s100202m.expo
-> s1_teldef_ascalin.fits already present in current directory
-> Running ascaexpo for ad10016000s100202m.evt
-> Standard Output From FTOOL ascaexpo:
    reading data file: ad10016000s100202m.evt
    reading   gti ext: STDGTI
    reading    hp ext: HOT_PIXELS
    reading  cal file: s1_teldef_ascalin.fits
    making an inst map...
              CHIP:            0           1           2           3
 CCD POWER  ON/OFF:          OFF         OFF         OFF          ON
 AREA DISC  IN/OUT:          OUT          IN         OUT         OUT
 AREA DISC H START:            6           6           6           6
 AREA DISC H  STOP:          425         130         425         425
 AREA DISC V START:            1           1           1           1
 AREA DISC V  STOP:          422         422         422         422
    reading att  file: ./fa931005_0333.1620
    making an exposure map...
 Aspect RA/DEC/ROLL :      259.8290     -25.1854      85.2515
 Mean   RA/DEC/ROLL :      259.8378     -25.1782      85.2515
 Pnt    RA/DEC/ROLL :      259.7662     -25.1583      85.2515
 Image rebin factor :             4
 Attitude Records   :         45102
 Hot Pixels         :             1
 GTI intervals      :             5
 Total GTI (secs)   :        40.729
 Max attitude excursion (arcsecs) :         5.000
   0 Percent Complete: Total/live time:        0.0000000       0.0000000
  10 Percent Complete: Total/live time:        4.6945810       4.6945810
  20 Percent Complete: Total/live time:       33.4439278      33.4439278
  30 Percent Complete: Total/live time:       33.4439278      33.4439278
  40 Percent Complete: Total/live time:       36.3468018      36.3468018
  50 Percent Complete: Total/live time:       36.3468018      36.3468018
  60 Percent Complete: Total/live time:       37.0967407      37.0967407
  70 Percent Complete: Total/live time:       37.0967407      37.0967407
  80 Percent Complete: Total/live time:       40.7286072      40.7286072
 100 Percent Complete: Total/live time:       40.7286072      40.7286072
 Number of attitude steps  used:            7
 Number of attitude steps avail:         6469
 Mean RA/DEC pixel offset:      -30.7877     -26.0549
    writing expo file: ad10016000s100202m.expo
    closing attitude file...
    closing data file...
-> Generating low and high energy images for ad10016000s100202m.evt
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] ad10016000s100202m
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- BRIGHT   MEDIUM   05/10/93 03:33:36 0.41E+02     1188 0001
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Getting FITS WCS Keywords
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000s100202m.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
           1188      1188              0         0         0         0
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
          1188      1188              0         0         0         0
   in      40.73 seconds
 Image            has     1188 counts for  29.17     counts/sec
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Getting FITS WCS Keywords
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000s100202m.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
           1188       558              0         0         0       630
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
          1188       558              0         0         0       630
   in      40.73 seconds
 Image            has      558 counts for  13.70     counts/sec
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Getting FITS WCS Keywords
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000s100202m.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
           1188       630              0         0         0       558
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
          1188       630              0         0         0       558
   in      40.73 seconds
 Image            has      630 counts for  15.47     counts/sec
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!ad10016000s100202m:ASCA >
!ad10016000s100202m:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!ad10016000s100202m:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!ad10016000s100202m:ASCA > read events ad10016000s100202m.evt
Got new instrument: SIS1
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    4
         WMAP binning     =    8
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   2047
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:   4.0000
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!ad10016000s100202m:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > set image sky
!ad10016000s100202m:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > filter region corner_point.reg
!ad10016000s100202m:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > extract image
!ad10016000s100202m:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > save image outfile=ad10016000s100202m.img
Wrote image to file ad10016000s100202m.img
!ad10016000s100202m:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > filter pha_cut 0 547
!ad10016000s100202m:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > extract image
!ad10016000s100202m:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > save image outfile=ad10016000s100202m_lo.img
Wrote image to file ad10016000s100202m_lo.img
!ad10016000s100202m:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > clear pha_cut
!ad10016000s100202m:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > filter pha_cut 547 2048
Warning: your PI upper bound:  2048 is above the maximum value.
!ad10016000s100202m:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > extract image
!ad10016000s100202m:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > save image outfile=ad10016000s100202m_hi.img
Wrote image to file ad10016000s100202m_hi.img
!ad10016000s100202m:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > exit save_session=no
-> Summing sis images
-> Summing the following images to produce ad10016000sis32002.totexpo
-> Summing the following images to produce ad10016000sis32002_all.totsky
-> Summing the following images to produce ad10016000sis32002_lo.totsky
-> Summing the following images to produce ad10016000sis32002_hi.totsky
-> Running XIMAGE to create ad10016000sis32002.gif
-> Standard Output From STOOL ximage:
 No of detectors read in:   20
![1]XIMAGE> read/fits ad10016000sis32002_all.totsky
 Reading an image
 Telescope ASCA SIS0
  Image display size =  320
 Done, closing file
  Largest, Smallest    3999.00  0.
  Bscale, Bzero from file     1.0000000000000  0.
After internal scaling
  Bscale and Bzero    1.0000000000000  0.
 Image level, max:  3999 min:  0
![2]XIMAGE> read/exp_map ad10016000sis32002.totexpo
 Reading an image
 Telescope ASCA SIS0
  Image display size =  320
 Done, closing file
  Largest, Smallest    435.267  0.
  Bscale, Bzero from file     1.0000000000000  0.
After internal scaling
  Bscale and Bzero    1.0000000000000  0.
 Image level, max:  435 min:  0
![3]XIMAGE> smooth
![4]XIMAGE> cpd /ppm
![5]XIMAGE> cey 2000
![6]XIMAGE> disp/correct/noframe
 Displaying image
 The image is exposure corrected
  Min =  0 max =   32767
![7]XIMAGE> grid
![8]XIMAGE> scale
 scal_f, min_inten    1.00000  0.
 i,inten,mm,pp  1  0.  0  0
 i,inten,mm,pp  2    18.0000  18  0
 i,inten,mm,pp  3    42.0000  42  0
 i,inten,mm,pp  4    183.000  183  0
![9]XIMAGE> exit
-> Summing gis images
-> Summing the following images to produce ad10016000gis25670.totexpo
-> Summing the following images to produce ad10016000gis25670_all.totsky
-> Summing the following images to produce ad10016000gis25670_lo.totsky
-> Summing the following images to produce ad10016000gis25670_hi.totsky
-> Running XIMAGE to create ad10016000gis25670.gif
-> Standard Output From STOOL ximage:
 No of detectors read in:   20
![1]XIMAGE> read/fits ad10016000gis25670_all.totsky
 Reading an image
 Telescope ASCA GIS2
  Image display size =  256
 Done, closing file
  Largest, Smallest    17441.0  0.
  Bscale, Bzero from file     1.0000000000000  0.
After internal scaling
  Bscale and Bzero    1.0000000000000  0.
 Image level, max:  17441 min:  0
![2]XIMAGE> read/exp_map ad10016000gis25670.totexpo
 Reading an image
 Telescope ASCA GIS2
  Image display size =  256
 Done, closing file
  Largest, Smallest    585.379  0.
  Bscale, Bzero from file     1.0000000000000  0.
After internal scaling
  Bscale and Bzero    1.0000000000000  0.
 Image level, max:  585 min:  0
![3]XIMAGE> smooth
![4]XIMAGE> cpd /ppm
![5]XIMAGE> cey 2000
![6]XIMAGE> disp/correct/noframe
 Displaying image
 The image is exposure corrected
  Min =  0 max =   32767
![7]XIMAGE> grid
![8]XIMAGE> scale
 scal_f, min_inten    1.00000  0.
 i,inten,mm,pp  1  0.  0  0
 i,inten,mm,pp  2    5.00000  50  -1
 i,inten,mm,pp  3    17.0000  17  0
 i,inten,mm,pp  4    61.0000  61  0
![9]XIMAGE> exit

Detecting sources in summed images ( 03:52:30 )

-> Smoothing ad10016000gis25670_all.totsky with ad10016000gis25670.totexpo
-> Clipping exposures below 5268.41047005 seconds
-> Detecting sources in ad10016000gis25670_all.smooth
-> Standard Output From STOOL ascasource:
111 169 0.385967 32 7 9935.34
90 207 0.00269652 10 11 74.57
69 191 0.0020678 6 7 60.7625
-> Smoothing ad10016000gis25670_hi.totsky with ad10016000gis25670.totexpo
-> Clipping exposures below 5268.41047005 seconds
-> Detecting sources in ad10016000gis25670_hi.smooth
-> Standard Output From STOOL ascasource:
111 169 0.249959 42 6 9406.71
77 198 0.00176724 1 2 77.5268
-> Smoothing ad10016000gis25670_lo.totsky with ad10016000gis25670.totexpo
-> Clipping exposures below 5268.41047005 seconds
-> Detecting sources in ad10016000gis25670_lo.smooth
-> Standard Output From STOOL ascasource:
111 169 0.137625 34 8 11963.2
77 198 0.00088362 9 10 85.7523
-> Determining extraction radii
-> Eliminating redundant sources
-> Standard Output From STOOL sift_sources:
111 169 24 F
90 207 10 T
69 191 6 F
77 198 1 F
-> Standard Output From STOOL colorpic:
color plane 0
color plane 1
color plane 2
writing image
image written
-> Creating fits catalog of sources: ad10016000gis25670.src
-> Smoothing ad10016000sis32002_all.totsky with ad10016000sis32002.totexpo
-> Clipping exposures below 3917.3982696 seconds
-> Detecting sources in ad10016000sis32002_all.smooth
-> Standard Output From STOOL ascasource:
124 260 0.139194 82 18 573.933
135 153 0.00523186 24 16 40.2501
-> Smoothing ad10016000sis32002_hi.totsky with ad10016000sis32002.totexpo
-> Clipping exposures below 3917.3982696 seconds
-> Detecting sources in ad10016000sis32002_hi.smooth
-> Standard Output From STOOL ascasource:
121 256 0.0793341 79 15 524.119
138 153 0.00280618 24 14 49.6763
-> Smoothing ad10016000sis32002_lo.totsky with ad10016000sis32002.totexpo
-> Clipping exposures below 3917.3982696 seconds
-> Detecting sources in ad10016000sis32002_lo.smooth
-> Standard Output From STOOL ascasource:
124 260 0.0632216 87 20 615.066
135 153 0.00260098 19 16 27.1586
-> Determining extraction radii
-> Eliminating redundant sources
-> Standard Output From STOOL sift_sources:
124 260 38 T
135 153 24 T
-> Standard Output From STOOL colorpic:
color plane 0
color plane 1
color plane 2
writing image
image written
-> Creating fits catalog of sources: ad10016000sis32002.src
-> Generating region files
-> Converting (496.0,1040.0,2.0) to s0 detector coordinates
-> Using events in: ad10016000s000102h.evt ad10016000s000202m.evt
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fstatistic:
 The sum of the selected column is                   117418.00
 The mean of the selected column is                  219.06343
 The standard deviation of the selected column is    1.4963153
 The minimum of selected column is                   216.00000
 The maximum of selected column is                   222.00000
 The number of points used in calculation is              536
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fstatistic:
 The sum of the selected column is                   255459.00
 The mean of the selected column is                  476.60261
 The standard deviation of the selected column is    1.6282301
 The minimum of selected column is                   473.00000
 The maximum of selected column is                   483.00000
 The number of points used in calculation is              536
-> Converting (540.0,612.0,2.0) to s0 detector coordinates
-> Using events in: ad10016000s000102h.evt ad10016000s000202m.evt
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fstatistic:
 The sum of the selected column is                   8856.0000
 The mean of the selected column is                  632.57143
 The standard deviation of the selected column is    2.3109867
 The minimum of selected column is                   630.00000
 The maximum of selected column is                   636.00000
 The number of points used in calculation is               14
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fstatistic:
 The sum of the selected column is                   7005.0000
 The mean of the selected column is                  500.35714
 The standard deviation of the selected column is    3.7948780
 The minimum of selected column is                   493.00000
 The maximum of selected column is                   505.00000
 The number of points used in calculation is               14
-> Converting (496.0,1040.0,2.0) to s1 detector coordinates
-> Using events in: ad10016000s100102h.evt ad10016000s100202m.evt
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fstatistic:
 The sum of the selected column is                   58435.000
 The mean of the selected column is                  218.04104
 The standard deviation of the selected column is   0.75587216
 The minimum of selected column is                   217.00000
 The maximum of selected column is                   220.00000
 The number of points used in calculation is              268
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fstatistic:
 The sum of the selected column is                   137245.00
 The mean of the selected column is                  512.10821
 The standard deviation of the selected column is    1.4140307
 The minimum of selected column is                   509.00000
 The maximum of selected column is                   516.00000
 The number of points used in calculation is              268
-> Converting (540.0,612.0,2.0) to s1 detector coordinates
-> Using events in: ad10016000s100102h.evt ad10016000s100202m.evt
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fstatistic:
 The sum of the selected column is                   25882.000
 The mean of the selected column is                  631.26829
 The standard deviation of the selected column is    2.9666849
 The minimum of selected column is                   625.00000
 The maximum of selected column is                   637.00000
 The number of points used in calculation is               41
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fstatistic:
 The sum of the selected column is                   21921.000
 The mean of the selected column is                  534.65854
 The standard deviation of the selected column is    3.4395476
 The minimum of selected column is                   529.00000
 The maximum of selected column is                   541.00000
 The number of points used in calculation is               41
-> Converting (111.0,169.0,2.0) to g2 detector coordinates
-> Using events in: ad10016000g200170h.evt ad10016000g200270m.evt ad10016000g200370h.evt
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fstatistic:
 The sum of the selected column is                   6276094.0
 The mean of the selected column is                  82.510702
 The standard deviation of the selected column is    1.3115224
 The minimum of selected column is                   79.000000
 The maximum of selected column is                   86.000000
 The number of points used in calculation is            76064
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fstatistic:
 The sum of the selected column is                   8580583.0
 The mean of the selected column is                  112.80741
 The standard deviation of the selected column is    1.3670081
 The minimum of selected column is                   109.00000
 The maximum of selected column is                   117.00000
 The number of points used in calculation is            76064
-> Converting (90.0,207.0,2.0) to g2 detector coordinates
-> Using events in: ad10016000g200170h.evt ad10016000g200270m.evt ad10016000g200370h.evt
-> No photons in 2.0 pixel radius
-> Converting (90.0,207.0,10.0) to g2 detector coordinates
-> Using events in: ad10016000g200170h.evt ad10016000g200270m.evt ad10016000g200370h.evt
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fstatistic:
 The sum of the selected column is                   49033.000
 The mean of the selected column is                  49.279397
 The standard deviation of the selected column is    2.0794887
 The minimum of selected column is                   44.000000
 The maximum of selected column is                   54.000000
 The number of points used in calculation is              995
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fstatistic:
 The sum of the selected column is                   97114.000
 The mean of the selected column is                  97.602010
 The standard deviation of the selected column is    3.9899769
 The minimum of selected column is                   88.000000
 The maximum of selected column is                   106.00000
 The number of points used in calculation is              995
-> Converting (69.0,191.0,2.0) to g2 detector coordinates
-> Using events in: ad10016000g200170h.evt ad10016000g200270m.evt ad10016000g200370h.evt
-> No photons in 2.0 pixel radius
-> Converting (69.0,191.0,6.0) to g2 detector coordinates
-> Using events in: ad10016000g200170h.evt ad10016000g200270m.evt ad10016000g200370h.evt
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fstatistic:
 The sum of the selected column is                   14489.000
 The mean of the selected column is                  60.623431
 The standard deviation of the selected column is    1.7442689
 The minimum of selected column is                   56.000000
 The maximum of selected column is                   64.000000
 The number of points used in calculation is              239
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fstatistic:
 The sum of the selected column is                   18033.000
 The mean of the selected column is                  75.451883
 The standard deviation of the selected column is    2.0530738
 The minimum of selected column is                   71.000000
 The maximum of selected column is                   80.000000
 The number of points used in calculation is              239
-> Converting (77.0,198.0,2.0) to g2 detector coordinates
-> Using events in: ad10016000g200170h.evt ad10016000g200270m.evt ad10016000g200370h.evt
-> No photons in 2.0 pixel radius
-> Converting (77.0,198.0,1.0) to g2 detector coordinates
-> Using events in: ad10016000g200170h.evt ad10016000g200270m.evt ad10016000g200370h.evt
-> No photons for inst g2, dimen 256, source 4
-> Converting (111.0,169.0,2.0) to g3 detector coordinates
-> Using events in: ad10016000g300170h.evt ad10016000g300270m.evt ad10016000g300370h.evt ad10016000g300470h.evt
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fstatistic:
 The sum of the selected column is                   9880655.0
 The mean of the selected column is                  88.396137
 The standard deviation of the selected column is    1.3041878
 The minimum of selected column is                   85.000000
 The maximum of selected column is                   92.000000
 The number of points used in calculation is           111777
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fstatistic:
 The sum of the selected column is                   12682404.
 The mean of the selected column is                  113.46166
 The standard deviation of the selected column is    1.3356498
 The minimum of selected column is                   110.00000
 The maximum of selected column is                   118.00000
 The number of points used in calculation is           111777
-> Converting (90.0,207.0,2.0) to g3 detector coordinates
-> Using events in: ad10016000g300170h.evt ad10016000g300270m.evt ad10016000g300370h.evt ad10016000g300470h.evt
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fstatistic:
 The sum of the selected column is                   7871.0000
 The mean of the selected column is                  49.193750
 The standard deviation of the selected column is    1.0786486
 The minimum of selected column is                   47.000000
 The maximum of selected column is                   52.000000
 The number of points used in calculation is              160
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fstatistic:
 The sum of the selected column is                   15324.000
 The mean of the selected column is                  95.775000
 The standard deviation of the selected column is    1.2686347
 The minimum of selected column is                   92.000000
 The maximum of selected column is                   99.000000
 The number of points used in calculation is              160
-> Converting (69.0,191.0,2.0) to g3 detector coordinates
-> Using events in: ad10016000g300170h.evt ad10016000g300270m.evt ad10016000g300370h.evt ad10016000g300470h.evt
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fstatistic:
 The sum of the selected column is                   11198.000
 The mean of the selected column is                  63.265537
 The standard deviation of the selected column is    1.2847881
 The minimum of selected column is                   60.000000
 The maximum of selected column is                   66.000000
 The number of points used in calculation is              177
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fstatistic:
 The sum of the selected column is                   12994.000
 The mean of the selected column is                  73.412429
 The standard deviation of the selected column is    1.2767427
 The minimum of selected column is                   71.000000
 The maximum of selected column is                   77.000000
 The number of points used in calculation is              177
-> Converting (77.0,198.0,2.0) to g3 detector coordinates
-> Using events in: ad10016000g300170h.evt ad10016000g300270m.evt ad10016000g300370h.evt ad10016000g300470h.evt
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fstatistic:
 The sum of the selected column is                   12851.000
 The mean of the selected column is                  56.862832
 The standard deviation of the selected column is    1.3445326
 The minimum of selected column is                   54.000000
 The maximum of selected column is                   60.000000
 The number of points used in calculation is              226
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fstatistic:
 The sum of the selected column is                   18524.000
 The mean of the selected column is                  81.964602
 The standard deviation of the selected column is    1.3722922
 The minimum of selected column is                   79.000000
 The maximum of selected column is                   86.000000
 The number of points used in calculation is              226

Extracting spectra and generating response matrices ( 05:06:22 )

-> Fetching xrt_ea_v2_0.fits
-> Fetching xrt_psf_v2_0.fits
-> sisph2pi_110397.fits already present in current directory
-> Fetching sisechos_290296.fits
-> Fetching sisrddis_290296.fits
-> Standard Output From STOOL group_event_files:
1 ad10016000s000102h.evt 972718
1 ad10016000s000202m.evt 972718
-> Fetching SIS0_NOTCHIP0.1
-> Fetching SIS0_NOTCHIP2.1
-> Fetching SIS0_NOTCHIP3.1
-> Fetching SIS0_OFFCHIP.1
-> Extracting ad10016000s010102_1.pi from ad10016000s032002_1.reg and:
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] xsel
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- BRIGHT   HIGH     05/10/93 04:39:44 0.13E+05   971499 0100
      1 GRS1716- BRIGHT   HIGH     05/10/93 04:39:44 0.13E+05   971499 0100
      2 GRS1716- BRIGHT   MEDIUM   05/10/93 03:33:36 0.41E+02     1219 0100
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Getting FITS WCS Keywords
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000s000102h.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
         971499    741963         229536         0         0         0
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000s000202m.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
           1219      1001            218         0         0         0
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
        972718    742964         229754         0         0         0
   in   13114.07 seconds
 Spectrum         has   742964 counts for  56.65     counts/sec
  EXTNAME   - SPECTRUM        Name of this BINTABLE
  TELESCOP  - ASCA            Mission/Satellite name
  INSTRUME  - SIS0            Instrument/Detector
  FILTER    -                 Instrument filter in use
  EXPOSURE  - 13114.          Integration time (in secs) of PHA data
  AREASCAL  - 1.0000          Area scaling factor
  BACKSCAL  - 2.29980E-02     Background scaling factor
  BACKFILE  - NONE            Associated background file
  CORRSCAL  - 1.0000          Correlation scaling factor
  CORRFILE  - none            Associated correlation file
  RESPFILE  - NONE            Associated redistribution matrix file
  ANCRFILE  - none            Associated ancillary response file
  XFLT0001  - none            XSPEC selection filter
  POISSERR  - TRUE            Whether Poissonian errors apply
  CHANTYPE  - PI              Whether channels have been corrected
  TLMIN1    - 0               First legal Detector channel
  DETCHANS  - 512             No. of legal detector channels
  NCHAN     - 512             No. of detector channels in dataset
  PHAVERSN  - 1.1.0           OGIP FITS version number
  STAT_ERR  - FALSE           Statistical Error
  SYS_ERR   - TRUE            Fractional Systematic Error
  QUALITY   - TRUE            Quality Flag
  GROUPING  - FALSE           Grouping Flag
 ...  -------
 ...  -------
 ...  Bad Channels (Channel - Channel)
 ...  ---------------------------------------------
 ...         0 -      12  have quality 5
 ...  ---------------------------------------------
 ...... exiting, changes written to file : ad10016000s010102_1.pi
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!xsel:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!xsel:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA > read events ad10016000s000102h.evt
Got new instrument: SIS0
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    4
         WMAP binning     =    8
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   2047
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:   4.0000
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > read events ad10016000s000202m.evt
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   2047
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:   4.0000
 Number of files read in:   2
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > set phaname PI
!xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > filter region ad10016000s032002_1.reg
!xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > filter region SIS0_NOTCHIP0.1
!xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > filter region SIS0_NOTCHIP2.1
!xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > filter region SIS0_NOTCHIP3.1
!xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > filter region SIS0_OFFCHIP.1
!xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > filter region ad10016000s010102.discrim
!xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > extract spectrum
!xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > save spectrum ad10016000s010102_1.pi group=yes
Wrote spectrum to ad10016000s010102_1.pi
!xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > exit save_session=no
-> Grouping ad10016000s010102_1.pi to 40 counts/bin
-> Standard Output From FTOOL grppha:
  EXTNAME   - SPECTRUM        Name of this BINTABLE
  TELESCOP  - ASCA            Mission/Satellite name
  INSTRUME  - SIS0            Instrument/Detector
  FILTER    -                 Instrument filter in use
  EXPOSURE  - 13114.          Integration time (in secs) of PHA data
  AREASCAL  - 1.0000          Area scaling factor
  BACKSCAL  - 2.29980E-02     Background scaling factor
  BACKFILE  - NONE            Associated background file
  CORRSCAL  - 1.0000          Correlation scaling factor
  CORRFILE  - none            Associated correlation file
  RESPFILE  - NONE            Associated redistribution matrix file
  ANCRFILE  - none            Associated ancillary response file
  XFLT0001  - none            XSPEC selection filter
  POISSERR  - TRUE            Whether Poissonian errors apply
  CHANTYPE  - PI              Whether channels have been corrected
  TLMIN1    - 0               First legal Detector channel
  DETCHANS  - 512             No. of legal detector channels
  NCHAN     - 512             No. of detector channels in dataset
  PHAVERSN  - 1.1.0           OGIP FITS version number
  STAT_ERR  - FALSE           Statistical Error
  SYS_ERR   - TRUE            Fractional Systematic Error
  QUALITY   - TRUE            Quality Flag
  GROUPING  - FALSE           Grouping Flag
 ...  --------
 ...  --------
 ...  ---------------------------------------------
 ...  Channel Grouping (Channel-Channel) :
 ...         0 -      12  of undefined grouping (Channel quality=bad)
 ...        13 -     324  are single channels
 ...       325 -     326  are grouped by a factor        2
 ...       327 -     327  are single channels
 ...       328 -     329  are grouped by a factor        2
 ...       330 -     330  are single channels
 ...       331 -     334  are grouped by a factor        2
 ...       335 -     335  are single channels
 ...       336 -     349  are grouped by a factor        2
 ...       350 -     352  are grouped by a factor        3
 ...       353 -     356  are grouped by a factor        2
 ...       357 -     359  are grouped by a factor        3
 ...       360 -     361  are grouped by a factor        2
 ...       362 -     370  are grouped by a factor        3
 ...       371 -     374  are grouped by a factor        4
 ...       375 -     377  are grouped by a factor        3
 ...       378 -     381  are grouped by a factor        4
 ...       382 -     386  are grouped by a factor        5
 ...       387 -     390  are grouped by a factor        4
 ...       391 -     395  are grouped by a factor        5
 ...       396 -     407  are grouped by a factor        6
 ...       408 -     416  are grouped by a factor        9
 ...       417 -     430  are grouped by a factor       14
 ...       431 -     442  are grouped by a factor       12
 ...       443 -     467  are grouped by a factor       25
 ...       468 -     481  are grouped by a factor       14
 ...       482 -     511  of undefined grouping (Channel quality=bad)
 ...  ---------------------------------------------
 ...... exiting, changes written to file : ad10016000s010102_1.pi
 ** grppha 2.6.0 completed successfully
-> Source occupies chip(s) 1
-> Fetching sis0c1p40_290296.fits
-> Generating ad10016000s010102_1.rmf
-> Standard Output From FTOOL sisrmg:
Sisrmg Version 1.1, Configured 04/97

  This version resolves *all* known keyword incompatibilities with
  other FTOOLS tasks.  If you have previously fudged *any* keywords
  in the PHA file to compensate, incorrect results will follow.
Setting 1st PHA channel to 0
Making v1.1 1180x512 S0C1 Bright PI RMF
Calibration data from ./
Please stand by...
-> Generating ad10016000s010102_1.arf with point=no
-> Standard Output From FTOOL ascaarf:
ASCAARF vers 2.72  14 Mar 1997.
 Input WMAP array has size   20 by   38 bins
               expanded to   20 by   38 bins
 First WMAP bin is at detector pixel  224  328
   8 detector pixels per WMAP bin
 WMAP bin size is   0.21600 mm
                    0.21216 arcmin
 Selected region size is   26.501     arcmin^2
 Optical axis is detector pixel 662.72 559.02
 1180 energies from RMF file
 Effective area fudge applied
 Arf filter applied
 Total counts in region = 7.42916E+05
 Weighted mean angle from optical axis  = 10.713 arcmin
-> Extracting ad10016000s010102_2.pi from ad10016000s032002_2.reg and:
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] xsel
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- BRIGHT   HIGH     05/10/93 04:39:44 0.13E+05   971499 0100
      1 GRS1716- BRIGHT   HIGH     05/10/93 04:39:44 0.13E+05   971499 0100
      2 GRS1716- BRIGHT   MEDIUM   05/10/93 03:33:36 0.41E+02     1219 0100
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Getting FITS WCS Keywords
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000s000102h.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
         971499     14593         956906         0         0         0
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000s000202m.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
           1219         5           1214         0         0         0
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
        972718     14598         958120         0         0         0
   in   13114.07 seconds
 Spectrum         has    14598 counts for  1.113     counts/sec
  EXTNAME   - SPECTRUM        Name of this BINTABLE
  TELESCOP  - ASCA            Mission/Satellite name
  INSTRUME  - SIS0            Instrument/Detector
  FILTER    -                 Instrument filter in use
  EXPOSURE  - 13114.          Integration time (in secs) of PHA data
  AREASCAL  - 1.0000          Area scaling factor
  BACKSCAL  - 9.50195E-03     Background scaling factor
  BACKFILE  - NONE            Associated background file
  CORRSCAL  - 1.0000          Correlation scaling factor
  CORRFILE  - none            Associated correlation file
  RESPFILE  - NONE            Associated redistribution matrix file
  ANCRFILE  - none            Associated ancillary response file
  XFLT0001  - none            XSPEC selection filter
  POISSERR  - TRUE            Whether Poissonian errors apply
  CHANTYPE  - PI              Whether channels have been corrected
  TLMIN1    - 0               First legal Detector channel
  DETCHANS  - 512             No. of legal detector channels
  NCHAN     - 512             No. of detector channels in dataset
  PHAVERSN  - 1.1.0           OGIP FITS version number
  STAT_ERR  - FALSE           Statistical Error
  SYS_ERR   - TRUE            Fractional Systematic Error
  QUALITY   - TRUE            Quality Flag
  GROUPING  - FALSE           Grouping Flag
 ...  -------
 ...  -------
 ...  Bad Channels (Channel - Channel)
 ...  ---------------------------------------------
 ...         0 -      12  have quality 5
 ...  ---------------------------------------------
 ...... exiting, changes written to file : ad10016000s010102_2.pi
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!xsel:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!xsel:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA > read events ad10016000s000102h.evt
Got new instrument: SIS0
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    4
         WMAP binning     =    8
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   2047
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:   4.0000
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > read events ad10016000s000202m.evt
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   2047
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:   4.0000
 Number of files read in:   2
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > set phaname PI
!xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > filter region ad10016000s032002_2.reg
!xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > filter region SIS0_NOTCHIP0.1
!xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > filter region SIS0_NOTCHIP2.1
!xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > filter region SIS0_NOTCHIP3.1
!xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > filter region SIS0_OFFCHIP.1
!xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > filter region ad10016000s010102.discrim
!xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > extract spectrum
!xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > save spectrum ad10016000s010102_2.pi group=yes
Wrote spectrum to ad10016000s010102_2.pi
!xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > exit save_session=no
-> Grouping ad10016000s010102_2.pi to 40 counts/bin
-> Standard Output From FTOOL grppha:
  EXTNAME   - SPECTRUM        Name of this BINTABLE
  TELESCOP  - ASCA            Mission/Satellite name
  INSTRUME  - SIS0            Instrument/Detector
  FILTER    -                 Instrument filter in use
  EXPOSURE  - 13114.          Integration time (in secs) of PHA data
  AREASCAL  - 1.0000          Area scaling factor
  BACKSCAL  - 9.50195E-03     Background scaling factor
  BACKFILE  - NONE            Associated background file
  CORRSCAL  - 1.0000          Correlation scaling factor
  CORRFILE  - none            Associated correlation file
  RESPFILE  - NONE            Associated redistribution matrix file
  ANCRFILE  - none            Associated ancillary response file
  XFLT0001  - none            XSPEC selection filter
  POISSERR  - TRUE            Whether Poissonian errors apply
  CHANTYPE  - PI              Whether channels have been corrected
  TLMIN1    - 0               First legal Detector channel
  DETCHANS  - 512             No. of legal detector channels
  NCHAN     - 512             No. of detector channels in dataset
  PHAVERSN  - 1.1.0           OGIP FITS version number
  STAT_ERR  - FALSE           Statistical Error
  SYS_ERR   - TRUE            Fractional Systematic Error
  QUALITY   - TRUE            Quality Flag
  GROUPING  - FALSE           Grouping Flag
 ...  --------
 ...  --------
 ...  ---------------------------------------------
 ...  Channel Grouping (Channel-Channel) :
 ...         0 -      12  of undefined grouping (Channel quality=bad)
 ...        13 -      18  are grouped by a factor        6
 ...        19 -      23  are grouped by a factor        5
 ...        24 -      25  are grouped by a factor        2
 ...        26 -     140  are single channels
 ...       141 -     142  are grouped by a factor        2
 ...       143 -     143  are single channels
 ...       144 -     153  are grouped by a factor        2
 ...       154 -     154  are single channels
 ...       155 -     182  are grouped by a factor        2
 ...       183 -     185  are grouped by a factor        3
 ...       186 -     187  are grouped by a factor        2
 ...       188 -     208  are grouped by a factor        3
 ...       209 -     216  are grouped by a factor        4
 ...       217 -     222  are grouped by a factor        6
 ...       223 -     227  are grouped by a factor        5
 ...       228 -     235  are grouped by a factor        8
 ...       236 -     242  are grouped by a factor        7
 ...       243 -     254  are grouped by a factor       12
 ...       255 -     269  are grouped by a factor       15
 ...  ---------------------------------------------
 ...... exiting, changes written to file : ad10016000s010102_2.pi
 ** grppha 2.6.0 completed successfully
-> Source occupies chip(s) 1
-> sis0c1p40_290296.fits already present in current directory
-> Generating ad10016000s010102_2.rmf
-> Standard Output From FTOOL sisrmg:
Sisrmg Version 1.1, Configured 04/97

  This version resolves *all* known keyword incompatibilities with
  other FTOOLS tasks.  If you have previously fudged *any* keywords
  in the PHA file to compensate, incorrect results will follow.
Setting 1st PHA channel to 0
Making v1.1 1180x512 S0C1 Bright PI RMF
Calibration data from ./
Please stand by...
-> Generating ad10016000s010102_2.arf with point=no
-> Standard Output From FTOOL ascaarf:
ASCAARF vers 2.72  14 Mar 1997.
 Input WMAP array has size   14 by   25 bins
               expanded to   14 by   25 bins
 First WMAP bin is at detector pixel  536  408
   8 detector pixels per WMAP bin
 WMAP bin size is   0.21600 mm
                    0.21216 arcmin
 Selected region size is   10.949     arcmin^2
 Optical axis is detector pixel 662.72 559.02
 1180 energies from RMF file
 Effective area fudge applied
 Arf filter applied
 Total counts in region = 1.45650E+04
 Weighted mean angle from optical axis  =  2.159 arcmin
-> Standard Output From STOOL group_event_files:
1 ad10016000s100102h.evt 825538
1 ad10016000s100202m.evt 825538
-> Fetching SIS1_NOTCHIP0.1
-> Fetching SIS1_NOTCHIP1.1
-> Fetching SIS1_NOTCHIP2.1
-> Fetching SIS1_OFFCHIP.1
-> Extracting ad10016000s110102_1.pi from ad10016000s132002_1.reg and:
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] xsel
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- BRIGHT   HIGH     05/10/93 04:39:44 0.13E+05   824350 0001
      1 GRS1716- BRIGHT   HIGH     05/10/93 04:39:44 0.13E+05   824350 0001
      2 GRS1716- BRIGHT   MEDIUM   05/10/93 03:33:36 0.41E+02     1188 0001
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Getting FITS WCS Keywords
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000s100102h.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
         824350    592208         232142         0         0         0
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000s100202m.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
           1188       990            198         0         0         0
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
        825538    593198         232340         0         0         0
   in   13001.91 seconds
 Spectrum         has   593198 counts for  45.62     counts/sec
  EXTNAME   - SPECTRUM        Name of this BINTABLE
  TELESCOP  - ASCA            Mission/Satellite name
  INSTRUME  - SIS1            Instrument/Detector
  FILTER    -                 Instrument filter in use
  EXPOSURE  - 13002.          Integration time (in secs) of PHA data
  AREASCAL  - 1.0000          Area scaling factor
  BACKSCAL  - 2.00879E-02     Background scaling factor
  BACKFILE  - NONE            Associated background file
  CORRSCAL  - 1.0000          Correlation scaling factor
  CORRFILE  - none            Associated correlation file
  RESPFILE  - NONE            Associated redistribution matrix file
  ANCRFILE  - none            Associated ancillary response file
  XFLT0001  - none            XSPEC selection filter
  POISSERR  - TRUE            Whether Poissonian errors apply
  CHANTYPE  - PI              Whether channels have been corrected
  TLMIN1    - 0               First legal Detector channel
  DETCHANS  - 512             No. of legal detector channels
  NCHAN     - 512             No. of detector channels in dataset
  PHAVERSN  - 1.1.0           OGIP FITS version number
  STAT_ERR  - FALSE           Statistical Error
  SYS_ERR   - TRUE            Fractional Systematic Error
  QUALITY   - TRUE            Quality Flag
  GROUPING  - FALSE           Grouping Flag
 ...  -------
 ...  -------
 ...  Bad Channels (Channel - Channel)
 ...  ---------------------------------------------
 ...         0 -      12  have quality 5
 ...  ---------------------------------------------
 ...... exiting, changes written to file : ad10016000s110102_1.pi
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!xsel:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!xsel:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA > read events ad10016000s100102h.evt
Got new instrument: SIS1
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    4
         WMAP binning     =    8
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   2047
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:   4.0000
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > read events ad10016000s100202m.evt
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   2047
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:   4.0000
 Number of files read in:   2
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > set phaname PI
!xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > filter region ad10016000s132002_1.reg
!xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > filter region SIS1_NOTCHIP0.1
!xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > filter region SIS1_NOTCHIP1.1
!xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > filter region SIS1_NOTCHIP2.1
!xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > filter region SIS1_OFFCHIP.1
!xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > filter region ad10016000s110102.discrim
!xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > extract spectrum
!xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > save spectrum ad10016000s110102_1.pi group=yes
Wrote spectrum to ad10016000s110102_1.pi
!xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > exit save_session=no
-> Grouping ad10016000s110102_1.pi to 40 counts/bin
-> Standard Output From FTOOL grppha:
  EXTNAME   - SPECTRUM        Name of this BINTABLE
  TELESCOP  - ASCA            Mission/Satellite name
  INSTRUME  - SIS1            Instrument/Detector
  FILTER    -                 Instrument filter in use
  EXPOSURE  - 13002.          Integration time (in secs) of PHA data
  AREASCAL  - 1.0000          Area scaling factor
  BACKSCAL  - 2.00879E-02     Background scaling factor
  BACKFILE  - NONE            Associated background file
  CORRSCAL  - 1.0000          Correlation scaling factor
  CORRFILE  - none            Associated correlation file
  RESPFILE  - NONE            Associated redistribution matrix file
  ANCRFILE  - none            Associated ancillary response file
  XFLT0001  - none            XSPEC selection filter
  POISSERR  - TRUE            Whether Poissonian errors apply
  CHANTYPE  - PI              Whether channels have been corrected
  TLMIN1    - 0               First legal Detector channel
  DETCHANS  - 512             No. of legal detector channels
  NCHAN     - 512             No. of detector channels in dataset
  PHAVERSN  - 1.1.0           OGIP FITS version number
  STAT_ERR  - FALSE           Statistical Error
  SYS_ERR   - TRUE            Fractional Systematic Error
  QUALITY   - TRUE            Quality Flag
  GROUPING  - FALSE           Grouping Flag
 ...  --------
 ...  --------
 ...  ---------------------------------------------
 ...  Channel Grouping (Channel-Channel) :
 ...         0 -      12  of undefined grouping (Channel quality=bad)
 ...        13 -     322  are single channels
 ...       323 -     324  are grouped by a factor        2
 ...       325 -     327  are single channels
 ...       328 -     329  are grouped by a factor        2
 ...       330 -     330  are single channels
 ...       331 -     348  are grouped by a factor        2
 ...       349 -     351  are grouped by a factor        3
 ...       352 -     359  are grouped by a factor        2
 ...       360 -     383  are grouped by a factor        3
 ...       384 -     388  are grouped by a factor        5
 ...       389 -     392  are grouped by a factor        4
 ...       393 -     395  are grouped by a factor        3
 ...       396 -     400  are grouped by a factor        5
 ...       401 -     406  are grouped by a factor        6
 ...       407 -     415  are grouped by a factor        9
 ...       416 -     431  are grouped by a factor        8
 ...       432 -     437  are grouped by a factor        6
 ...  ---------------------------------------------
 ...... exiting, changes written to file : ad10016000s110102_1.pi
 ** grppha 2.6.0 completed successfully
-> Source occupies chip(s) 3
-> Fetching sis1c3p40_290296.fits
-> Generating ad10016000s110102_1.rmf
-> Standard Output From FTOOL sisrmg:
Sisrmg Version 1.1, Configured 04/97

  This version resolves *all* known keyword incompatibilities with
  other FTOOLS tasks.  If you have previously fudged *any* keywords
  in the PHA file to compensate, incorrect results will follow.
Setting 1st PHA channel to 0
Making v1.1 1180x512 S1C3 Bright PI RMF
Calibration data from ./
Please stand by...
-> Generating ad10016000s110102_1.arf with point=no
-> Standard Output From FTOOL ascaarf:
ASCAARF vers 2.72  14 Mar 1997.
 Input WMAP array has size   20 by   34 bins
               expanded to   20 by   34 bins
 First WMAP bin is at detector pixel  224  360
   8 detector pixels per WMAP bin
 WMAP bin size is   0.21600 mm
                    0.21216 arcmin
 Selected region size is   23.147     arcmin^2
 Optical axis is detector pixel 618.28 773.83
 1180 energies from RMF file
 Effective area fudge applied
 Arf filter applied
 Total counts in region = 5.93156E+05
 Weighted mean angle from optical axis  = 11.802 arcmin
-> Extracting ad10016000s110102_2.pi from ad10016000s132002_2.reg and:
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] xsel
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- BRIGHT   HIGH     05/10/93 04:39:44 0.13E+05   824350 0001
      1 GRS1716- BRIGHT   HIGH     05/10/93 04:39:44 0.13E+05   824350 0001
      2 GRS1716- BRIGHT   MEDIUM   05/10/93 03:33:36 0.41E+02     1188 0001
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Getting FITS WCS Keywords
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000s100102h.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
         824350     15054         809296         0         0         0
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000s100202m.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
           1188         0           1188         0         0         0
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
        825538     15054         810484         0         0         0
   in   13001.91 seconds
 Spectrum         has    15054 counts for  1.158     counts/sec
  EXTNAME   - SPECTRUM        Name of this BINTABLE
  TELESCOP  - ASCA            Mission/Satellite name
  INSTRUME  - SIS1            Instrument/Detector
  FILTER    -                 Instrument filter in use
  EXPOSURE  - 13002.          Integration time (in secs) of PHA data
  AREASCAL  - 1.0000          Area scaling factor
  BACKSCAL  - 9.37500E-03     Background scaling factor
  BACKFILE  - NONE            Associated background file
  CORRSCAL  - 1.0000          Correlation scaling factor
  CORRFILE  - none            Associated correlation file
  RESPFILE  - NONE            Associated redistribution matrix file
  ANCRFILE  - none            Associated ancillary response file
  XFLT0001  - none            XSPEC selection filter
  POISSERR  - TRUE            Whether Poissonian errors apply
  CHANTYPE  - PI              Whether channels have been corrected
  TLMIN1    - 0               First legal Detector channel
  DETCHANS  - 512             No. of legal detector channels
  NCHAN     - 512             No. of detector channels in dataset
  PHAVERSN  - 1.1.0           OGIP FITS version number
  STAT_ERR  - FALSE           Statistical Error
  SYS_ERR   - TRUE            Fractional Systematic Error
  QUALITY   - TRUE            Quality Flag
  GROUPING  - FALSE           Grouping Flag
 ...  -------
 ...  -------
 ...  Bad Channels (Channel - Channel)
 ...  ---------------------------------------------
 ...         0 -      12  have quality 5
 ...  ---------------------------------------------
 ...... exiting, changes written to file : ad10016000s110102_2.pi
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!xsel:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!xsel:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA > read events ad10016000s100102h.evt
Got new instrument: SIS1
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    4
         WMAP binning     =    8
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   2047
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:   4.0000
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > read events ad10016000s100202m.evt
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   2047
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:   4.0000
 Number of files read in:   2
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > set phaname PI
!xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > filter region ad10016000s132002_2.reg
!xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > filter region SIS1_NOTCHIP0.1
!xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > filter region SIS1_NOTCHIP1.1
!xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > filter region SIS1_NOTCHIP2.1
!xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > filter region SIS1_OFFCHIP.1
!xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > filter region ad10016000s110102.discrim
!xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > extract spectrum
!xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > save spectrum ad10016000s110102_2.pi group=yes
Wrote spectrum to ad10016000s110102_2.pi
!xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > exit save_session=no
-> Grouping ad10016000s110102_2.pi to 40 counts/bin
-> Standard Output From FTOOL grppha:
  EXTNAME   - SPECTRUM        Name of this BINTABLE
  TELESCOP  - ASCA            Mission/Satellite name
  INSTRUME  - SIS1            Instrument/Detector
  FILTER    -                 Instrument filter in use
  EXPOSURE  - 13002.          Integration time (in secs) of PHA data
  AREASCAL  - 1.0000          Area scaling factor
  BACKSCAL  - 9.37500E-03     Background scaling factor
  BACKFILE  - NONE            Associated background file
  CORRSCAL  - 1.0000          Correlation scaling factor
  CORRFILE  - none            Associated correlation file
  RESPFILE  - NONE            Associated redistribution matrix file
  ANCRFILE  - none            Associated ancillary response file
  XFLT0001  - none            XSPEC selection filter
  POISSERR  - TRUE            Whether Poissonian errors apply
  CHANTYPE  - PI              Whether channels have been corrected
  TLMIN1    - 0               First legal Detector channel
  DETCHANS  - 512             No. of legal detector channels
  NCHAN     - 512             No. of detector channels in dataset
  PHAVERSN  - 1.1.0           OGIP FITS version number
  STAT_ERR  - FALSE           Statistical Error
  SYS_ERR   - TRUE            Fractional Systematic Error
  QUALITY   - TRUE            Quality Flag
  GROUPING  - FALSE           Grouping Flag
 ...  --------
 ...  --------
 ...  ---------------------------------------------
 ...  Channel Grouping (Channel-Channel) :
 ...         0 -      12  of undefined grouping (Channel quality=bad)
 ...        13 -      19  are grouped by a factor        7
 ...        20 -      23  are grouped by a factor        4
 ...        24 -      25  are grouped by a factor        2
 ...        26 -     138  are single channels
 ...       139 -     140  are grouped by a factor        2
 ...       141 -     145  are single channels
 ...       146 -     147  are grouped by a factor        2
 ...       148 -     148  are single channels
 ...       149 -     154  are grouped by a factor        2
 ...       155 -     155  are single channels
 ...       156 -     173  are grouped by a factor        2
 ...       174 -     174  are single channels
 ...       175 -     186  are grouped by a factor        2
 ...       187 -     189  are grouped by a factor        3
 ...       190 -     193  are grouped by a factor        2
 ...       194 -     199  are grouped by a factor        3
 ...       200 -     201  are grouped by a factor        2
 ...       202 -     204  are grouped by a factor        3
 ...       205 -     212  are grouped by a factor        4
 ...       213 -     218  are grouped by a factor        3
 ...       219 -     223  are grouped by a factor        5
 ...       224 -     229  are grouped by a factor        6
 ...       230 -     233  are grouped by a factor        4
 ...       234 -     240  are grouped by a factor        7
 ...       241 -     260  are grouped by a factor       10
 ...       261 -     275  are grouped by a factor       15
 ...       276 -     293  are grouped by a factor       18
 ...       294 -     316  are grouped by a factor       23
 ...       317 -     358  are grouped by a factor       42
 ...       359 -     511  of undefined grouping (Channel quality=bad)
 ...  ---------------------------------------------
 ...... exiting, changes written to file : ad10016000s110102_2.pi
 ** grppha 2.6.0 completed successfully
-> Source occupies chip(s) 3
-> sis1c3p40_290296.fits already present in current directory
-> Generating ad10016000s110102_2.rmf
-> Standard Output From FTOOL sisrmg:
Sisrmg Version 1.1, Configured 04/97

  This version resolves *all* known keyword incompatibilities with
  other FTOOLS tasks.  If you have previously fudged *any* keywords
  in the PHA file to compensate, incorrect results will follow.
Setting 1st PHA channel to 0
Making v1.1 1180x512 S1C3 Bright PI RMF
Calibration data from ./
Please stand by...
-> Generating ad10016000s110102_2.arf with point=no
-> Standard Output From FTOOL ascaarf:
ASCAARF vers 2.72  14 Mar 1997.
 Input WMAP array has size   14 by   24 bins
               expanded to   14 by   24 bins
 First WMAP bin is at detector pixel  536  440
   8 detector pixels per WMAP bin
 WMAP bin size is   0.21600 mm
                    0.21216 arcmin
 Selected region size is   10.803     arcmin^2
 Optical axis is detector pixel 618.28 773.83
 1180 energies from RMF file
 Effective area fudge applied
 Arf filter applied
 Total counts in region = 1.50210E+04
 Weighted mean angle from optical axis  =  6.020 arcmin
-> Standard Output From STOOL group_event_files:
1 ad10016000g200170h.evt 1009116
1 ad10016000g200270m.evt 1009116
1 ad10016000g200370h.evt 1009116
-> GIS2_REGION256.4 already present in current directory
-> Extracting ad10016000g210170_1.pi from ad10016000g225670_1.reg and:
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] xsel
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 04:40:00 0.14E+05   950546     1024
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 04:40:00 0.14E+05   950546     1024
      2 GRS1716- PH       MEDIUM   05/10/93 03:33:46 0.37E+04    57456     1024
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 04:40:00 0.14E+05   950546     1024
      2 GRS1716- PH       MEDIUM   05/10/93 03:33:46 0.37E+04    57456     1024
      3 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 06:40:34 0.16E+02     1114     1024
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Getting FITS WCS Keywords
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g200170h.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
         950546    774064         176482         0         0         0
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g200270m.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
          57456     46634          10822         0         0         0
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g200370h.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
           1114       914            200         0         0         0
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
       1009116    821612         187504         0         0         0
   in   17559.20 seconds
 Spectrum         has   821612 counts for  46.79     counts/sec
  EXTNAME   - SPECTRUM        Name of this BINTABLE
  TELESCOP  - ASCA            Mission/Satellite name
  INSTRUME  - GIS2            Instrument/Detector
  FILTER    -                 Instrument filter in use
  EXPOSURE  - 17559.          Integration time (in secs) of PHA data
  AREASCAL  - 1.0000          Area scaling factor
  BACKSCAL  - 2.90070E-02     Background scaling factor
  BACKFILE  - NONE            Associated background file
  CORRSCAL  - 1.0000          Correlation scaling factor
  CORRFILE  - none            Associated correlation file
  RESPFILE  - NONE            Associated redistribution matrix file
  ANCRFILE  - none            Associated ancillary response file
  XFLT0001  - none            XSPEC selection filter
  POISSERR  - TRUE            Whether Poissonian errors apply
  CHANTYPE  - PI              Whether channels have been corrected
  TLMIN1    - 0               First legal Detector channel
  DETCHANS  - 1024            No. of legal detector channels
  NCHAN     - 1024            No. of detector channels in dataset
  PHAVERSN  - 1992a           OGIP FITS version number
  STAT_ERR  - FALSE           Statistical Error
  SYS_ERR   - TRUE            Fractional Systematic Error
  QUALITY   - TRUE            Quality Flag
  GROUPING  - FALSE           Grouping Flag
 ...  --------
 ...  --------
 ...  ---------------------------------------------
 ...  Channel Grouping (Channel-Channel) :
 ...  ---------------------------------------------
 ...... exiting, changes written to file : ad10016000g210170_1.pi
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!xsel:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!xsel:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA > read events ad10016000g200170h.evt
Got new instrument: GIS2
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    1
         WMAP binning     =    1
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.19531E-02
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > read events ad10016000g200270m.evt
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.15625E-01
 Number of files read in:   2
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > read events ad10016000g200370h.evt
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.19531E-02
 Number of files read in:   3
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > set phaname PI
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > filter region ad10016000g225670_1.reg
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > filter region GIS2_REGION256.4
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > extract spectrum
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > save spectrum ad10016000g210170_1.pi group=yes
Wrote spectrum to ad10016000g210170_1.pi
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > exit save_session=no
-> Correcting ad10016000g210170_1.pi for dead time
-> Standard Output From FTOOL deadtime:
... read all the files from deadlist.tmp
-> Grouping ad10016000g210170_1.pi to 40 counts/bin
-> Standard Output From FTOOL grppha:
  EXTNAME   - SPECTRUM        Name of this BINTABLE
  TELESCOP  - ASCA            Mission/Satellite name
  INSTRUME  - GIS2            Instrument/Detector
  FILTER    -                 Instrument filter in use
  EXPOSURE  - 17559.          Integration time (in secs) of PHA data
  AREASCAL  - 1.0000          Area scaling factor
  BACKSCAL  - 2.90070E-02     Background scaling factor
  BACKFILE  - NONE            Associated background file
  CORRSCAL  - 1.0000          Correlation scaling factor
  CORRFILE  - none            Associated correlation file
  RESPFILE  - NONE            Associated redistribution matrix file
  ANCRFILE  - none            Associated ancillary response file
  XFLT0001  - none            XSPEC selection filter
  POISSERR  - TRUE            Whether Poissonian errors apply
  CHANTYPE  - PI              Whether channels have been corrected
  TLMIN1    - 0               First legal Detector channel
  DETCHANS  - 1024            No. of legal detector channels
  NCHAN     - 1024            No. of detector channels in dataset
  PHAVERSN  - 1.1.0           OGIP FITS version number
  STAT_ERR  - FALSE           Statistical Error
  SYS_ERR   - TRUE            Fractional Systematic Error
  QUALITY   - TRUE            Quality Flag
  GROUPING  - TRUE            Grouping Flag
 ...  --------
 ...  --------
 ...  ---------------------------------------------
 ...  Channel Grouping (Channel-Channel) :
 ...         0 -      17  are grouped by a factor       18
 ...        18 -     785  are single channels
 ...       786 -     789  are grouped by a factor        2
 ...       790 -     795  are single channels
 ...       796 -     797  are grouped by a factor        2
 ...       798 -     799  are single channels
 ...       800 -     801  are grouped by a factor        2
 ...       802 -     807  are single channels
 ...       808 -     809  are grouped by a factor        2
 ...       810 -     811  are single channels
 ...       812 -     865  are grouped by a factor        2
 ...       866 -     868  are grouped by a factor        3
 ...       869 -     884  are grouped by a factor        2
 ...       885 -     893  are grouped by a factor        3
 ...       894 -     895  are grouped by a factor        2
 ...       896 -     910  are grouped by a factor        3
 ...       911 -     914  are grouped by a factor        4
 ...       915 -     919  are grouped by a factor        5
 ...       920 -     927  are grouped by a factor        4
 ...       928 -     949  are grouped by a factor       22
 ...       950 -    1023  of undefined grouping (Channel quality=bad)
 ...  ---------------------------------------------
 ...... exiting, changes written to file : ad10016000g210170_1.pi
 ** grppha 2.6.0 completed successfully
-> Fetching gis2v4_0.rmf
-> Fetching s2bev1.fits
-> Fetching s2gridv3.fits
-> Generating ad10016000g210170_1.arf with point=yes
-> Standard Output From FTOOL ascaarf:
ASCAARF vers 2.72  14 Mar 1997.
 Input WMAP array has size   49 by   49 bins
               expanded to  128 by  128 bins
 First WMAP bin is at detector pixel   21   51
   1 detector pixels per WMAP bin
 WMAP bin size is   0.25000 mm
                    0.24555 arcmin
 Selected region size is   114.65     arcmin^2
 Optical axis is detector pixel 133.00 130.96
 Making correction for no RTI
  201 energies from RMF file
 Effective area fudge applied
 Arf filter applied
 Point source at   83.00  113.00 (detector coordinates)
 Point source at   50.00   17.96 (WMAP bins wrt optical axis)
 Point source at   13.05   19.76 (... in polar coordinates)
 Total counts in region = 8.21612E+05
 Weighted mean angle from optical axis  = 13.144 arcmin
-> Extracting ad10016000g210170_2.pi from ad10016000g225670_2.reg and:
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] xsel
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 04:40:00 0.14E+05   950546     1024
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 04:40:00 0.14E+05   950546     1024
      2 GRS1716- PH       MEDIUM   05/10/93 03:33:46 0.37E+04    57456     1024
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 04:40:00 0.14E+05   950546     1024
      2 GRS1716- PH       MEDIUM   05/10/93 03:33:46 0.37E+04    57456     1024
      3 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 06:40:34 0.16E+02     1114     1024
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Getting FITS WCS Keywords
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g200170h.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
         950546      3689         946857         0         0         0
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g200270m.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
          57456       237          57219         0         0         0
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g200370h.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
           1114         7           1107         0         0         0
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
       1009116      3933        1005183         0         0         0
   in   17559.20 seconds
 Spectrum         has     3933 counts for 0.2240     counts/sec
  EXTNAME   - SPECTRUM        Name of this BINTABLE
  TELESCOP  - ASCA            Mission/Satellite name
  INSTRUME  - GIS2            Instrument/Detector
  FILTER    -                 Instrument filter in use
  EXPOSURE  - 17559.          Integration time (in secs) of PHA data
  AREASCAL  - 1.0000          Area scaling factor
  BACKSCAL  - 3.76892E-03     Background scaling factor
  BACKFILE  - NONE            Associated background file
  CORRSCAL  - 1.0000          Correlation scaling factor
  CORRFILE  - none            Associated correlation file
  RESPFILE  - NONE            Associated redistribution matrix file
  ANCRFILE  - none            Associated ancillary response file
  XFLT0001  - none            XSPEC selection filter
  POISSERR  - TRUE            Whether Poissonian errors apply
  CHANTYPE  - PI              Whether channels have been corrected
  TLMIN1    - 0               First legal Detector channel
  DETCHANS  - 1024            No. of legal detector channels
  NCHAN     - 1024            No. of detector channels in dataset
  PHAVERSN  - 1992a           OGIP FITS version number
  STAT_ERR  - FALSE           Statistical Error
  SYS_ERR   - TRUE            Fractional Systematic Error
  QUALITY   - TRUE            Quality Flag
  GROUPING  - FALSE           Grouping Flag
 ...  --------
 ...  --------
 ...  ---------------------------------------------
 ...  Channel Grouping (Channel-Channel) :
 ...  ---------------------------------------------
 ...... exiting, changes written to file : ad10016000g210170_2.pi
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!xsel:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!xsel:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA > read events ad10016000g200170h.evt
Got new instrument: GIS2
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    1
         WMAP binning     =    1
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.19531E-02
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > read events ad10016000g200270m.evt
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.15625E-01
 Number of files read in:   2
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > read events ad10016000g200370h.evt
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.19531E-02
 Number of files read in:   3
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > set phaname PI
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > filter region ad10016000g225670_2.reg
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > filter region GIS2_REGION256.4
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > extract spectrum
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > save spectrum ad10016000g210170_2.pi group=yes
Wrote spectrum to ad10016000g210170_2.pi
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > exit save_session=no
-> Correcting ad10016000g210170_2.pi for dead time
-> Standard Output From FTOOL deadtime:
... read all the files from deadlist.tmp
-> Grouping ad10016000g210170_2.pi to 40 counts/bin
-> Standard Output From FTOOL grppha:
  EXTNAME   - SPECTRUM        Name of this BINTABLE
  TELESCOP  - ASCA            Mission/Satellite name
  INSTRUME  - GIS2            Instrument/Detector
  FILTER    -                 Instrument filter in use
  EXPOSURE  - 17559.          Integration time (in secs) of PHA data
  AREASCAL  - 1.0000          Area scaling factor
  BACKSCAL  - 3.76892E-03     Background scaling factor
  BACKFILE  - NONE            Associated background file
  CORRSCAL  - 1.0000          Correlation scaling factor
  CORRFILE  - none            Associated correlation file
  RESPFILE  - NONE            Associated redistribution matrix file
  ANCRFILE  - none            Associated ancillary response file
  XFLT0001  - none            XSPEC selection filter
  POISSERR  - TRUE            Whether Poissonian errors apply
  CHANTYPE  - PI              Whether channels have been corrected
  TLMIN1    - 0               First legal Detector channel
  DETCHANS  - 1024            No. of legal detector channels
  NCHAN     - 1024            No. of detector channels in dataset
  PHAVERSN  - 1.1.0           OGIP FITS version number
  STAT_ERR  - FALSE           Statistical Error
  SYS_ERR   - TRUE            Fractional Systematic Error
  QUALITY   - TRUE            Quality Flag
  GROUPING  - TRUE            Grouping Flag
 ...  --------
 ...  --------
 ...  ---------------------------------------------
 ...  Channel Grouping (Channel-Channel) :
 ...         0 -      40  are grouped by a factor       41
 ...        41 -      58  are grouped by a factor       18
 ...        59 -      69  are grouped by a factor       11
 ...        70 -      76  are grouped by a factor        7
 ...        77 -      91  are grouped by a factor        5
 ...        92 -      95  are grouped by a factor        4
 ...        96 -     104  are grouped by a factor        3
 ...       105 -     108  are grouped by a factor        4
 ...       109 -     114  are grouped by a factor        3
 ...       115 -     116  are grouped by a factor        2
 ...       117 -     134  are grouped by a factor        3
 ...       135 -     136  are grouped by a factor        2
 ...       137 -     139  are grouped by a factor        3
 ...       140 -     141  are grouped by a factor        2
 ...       142 -     159  are grouped by a factor        3
 ...       160 -     161  are grouped by a factor        2
 ...       162 -     165  are grouped by a factor        4
 ...       166 -     167  are grouped by a factor        2
 ...       168 -     176  are grouped by a factor        3
 ...       177 -     196  are grouped by a factor        4
 ...       197 -     202  are grouped by a factor        6
 ...       203 -     212  are grouped by a factor        5
 ...       213 -     218  are grouped by a factor        6
 ...       219 -     223  are grouped by a factor        5
 ...       224 -     237  are grouped by a factor        7
 ...       238 -     245  are grouped by a factor        8
 ...       246 -     250  are grouped by a factor        5
 ...       251 -     268  are grouped by a factor        6
 ...       269 -     282  are grouped by a factor        7
 ...       283 -     290  are grouped by a factor        8
 ...       291 -     297  are grouped by a factor        7
 ...       298 -     305  are grouped by a factor        8
 ...       306 -     312  are grouped by a factor        7
 ...       313 -     321  are grouped by a factor        9
 ...       322 -     329  are grouped by a factor        8
 ...       330 -     347  are grouped by a factor        9
 ...       348 -     358  are grouped by a factor       11
 ...       359 -     367  are grouped by a factor        9
 ...       368 -     379  are grouped by a factor       12
 ...       380 -     389  are grouped by a factor       10
 ...       390 -     398  are grouped by a factor        9
 ...       399 -     406  are grouped by a factor        8
 ...       407 -     415  are grouped by a factor        9
 ...       416 -     423  are grouped by a factor        8
 ...       424 -     435  are grouped by a factor       12
 ...       436 -     450  are grouped by a factor       15
 ...       451 -     462  are grouped by a factor       12
 ...       463 -     475  are grouped by a factor       13
 ...       476 -     491  are grouped by a factor       16
 ...       492 -     505  are grouped by a factor       14
 ...       506 -     521  are grouped by a factor       16
 ...       522 -     539  are grouped by a factor       18
 ...       540 -     555  are grouped by a factor       16
 ...       556 -     597  are grouped by a factor       21
 ...       598 -     613  are grouped by a factor       16
 ...       614 -     642  are grouped by a factor       29
 ...       643 -     676  are grouped by a factor       34
 ...       677 -     723  are grouped by a factor       47
 ...       724 -     832  are grouped by a factor      109
 ...       833 -    1023  of undefined grouping (Channel quality=bad)
 ...  ---------------------------------------------
 ...... exiting, changes written to file : ad10016000g210170_2.pi
 ** grppha 2.6.0 completed successfully
-> gis2v4_0.rmf already present in current directory
-> s2bev1.fits already present in current directory
-> s2gridv3.fits already present in current directory
-> Generating ad10016000g210170_2.arf with point=no
-> Standard Output From FTOOL ascaarf:
ASCAARF vers 2.72  14 Mar 1997.
 Input WMAP array has size   17 by   21 bins
               expanded to   64 by   64 bins
 First WMAP bin is at detector pixel   21   68
   1 detector pixels per WMAP bin
 WMAP bin size is   0.25000 mm
                    0.24555 arcmin
 Selected region size is   14.896     arcmin^2
 Optical axis is detector pixel 133.00 130.96
 Making correction for no RTI
  201 energies from RMF file
 Effective area fudge applied
 Arf filter applied
 Total counts in region = 3.93300E+03
 Weighted mean angle from optical axis  = 21.491 arcmin
-> Extracting ad10016000g210170_3.pi from ad10016000g225670_3.reg and:
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] xsel
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 04:40:00 0.14E+05   950546     1024
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 04:40:00 0.14E+05   950546     1024
      2 GRS1716- PH       MEDIUM   05/10/93 03:33:46 0.37E+04    57456     1024
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 04:40:00 0.14E+05   950546     1024
      2 GRS1716- PH       MEDIUM   05/10/93 03:33:46 0.37E+04    57456     1024
      3 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 06:40:34 0.16E+02     1114     1024
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Getting FITS WCS Keywords
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g200170h.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
         950546      1229         949317         0         0         0
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g200270m.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
          57456        80          57376         0         0         0
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g200370h.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
           1114         2           1112         0         0         0
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
       1009116      1311        1007805         0         0         0
   in   17559.20 seconds
 Spectrum         has     1311 counts for 7.4662E-02 counts/sec
  EXTNAME   - SPECTRUM        Name of this BINTABLE
  TELESCOP  - ASCA            Mission/Satellite name
  INSTRUME  - GIS2            Instrument/Detector
  FILTER    -                 Instrument filter in use
  EXPOSURE  - 17559.          Integration time (in secs) of PHA data
  AREASCAL  - 1.0000          Area scaling factor
  BACKSCAL  - 1.54114E-03     Background scaling factor
  BACKFILE  - NONE            Associated background file
  CORRSCAL  - 1.0000          Correlation scaling factor
  CORRFILE  - none            Associated correlation file
  RESPFILE  - NONE            Associated redistribution matrix file
  ANCRFILE  - none            Associated ancillary response file
  XFLT0001  - none            XSPEC selection filter
  POISSERR  - TRUE            Whether Poissonian errors apply
  CHANTYPE  - PI              Whether channels have been corrected
  TLMIN1    - 0               First legal Detector channel
  DETCHANS  - 1024            No. of legal detector channels
  NCHAN     - 1024            No. of detector channels in dataset
  PHAVERSN  - 1992a           OGIP FITS version number
  STAT_ERR  - FALSE           Statistical Error
  SYS_ERR   - TRUE            Fractional Systematic Error
  QUALITY   - TRUE            Quality Flag
  GROUPING  - FALSE           Grouping Flag
 ...  --------
 ...  --------
 ...  ---------------------------------------------
 ...  Channel Grouping (Channel-Channel) :
 ...  ---------------------------------------------
 ...... exiting, changes written to file : ad10016000g210170_3.pi
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!xsel:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!xsel:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA > read events ad10016000g200170h.evt
Got new instrument: GIS2
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    1
         WMAP binning     =    1
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.19531E-02
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > read events ad10016000g200270m.evt
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.15625E-01
 Number of files read in:   2
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > read events ad10016000g200370h.evt
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.19531E-02
 Number of files read in:   3
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > set phaname PI
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > filter region ad10016000g225670_3.reg
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > filter region GIS2_REGION256.4
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > extract spectrum
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > save spectrum ad10016000g210170_3.pi group=yes
Wrote spectrum to ad10016000g210170_3.pi
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > exit save_session=no
-> Correcting ad10016000g210170_3.pi for dead time
-> Standard Output From FTOOL deadtime:
... read all the files from deadlist.tmp
-> Grouping ad10016000g210170_3.pi to 40 counts/bin
-> Standard Output From FTOOL grppha:
  EXTNAME   - SPECTRUM        Name of this BINTABLE
  TELESCOP  - ASCA            Mission/Satellite name
  INSTRUME  - GIS2            Instrument/Detector
  FILTER    -                 Instrument filter in use
  EXPOSURE  - 17559.          Integration time (in secs) of PHA data
  AREASCAL  - 1.0000          Area scaling factor
  BACKSCAL  - 1.54114E-03     Background scaling factor
  BACKFILE  - NONE            Associated background file
  CORRSCAL  - 1.0000          Correlation scaling factor
  CORRFILE  - none            Associated correlation file
  RESPFILE  - NONE            Associated redistribution matrix file
  ANCRFILE  - none            Associated ancillary response file
  XFLT0001  - none            XSPEC selection filter
  POISSERR  - TRUE            Whether Poissonian errors apply
  CHANTYPE  - PI              Whether channels have been corrected
  TLMIN1    - 0               First legal Detector channel
  DETCHANS  - 1024            No. of legal detector channels
  NCHAN     - 1024            No. of detector channels in dataset
  PHAVERSN  - 1.1.0           OGIP FITS version number
  STAT_ERR  - FALSE           Statistical Error
  SYS_ERR   - TRUE            Fractional Systematic Error
  QUALITY   - TRUE            Quality Flag
  GROUPING  - TRUE            Grouping Flag
 ...  --------
 ...  --------
 ...  ---------------------------------------------
 ...  Channel Grouping (Channel-Channel) :
 ...         0 -      65  are grouped by a factor       66
 ...        66 -      84  are grouped by a factor       19
 ...        85 -      95  are grouped by a factor       11
 ...        96 -     102  are grouped by a factor        7
 ...       103 -     111  are grouped by a factor        9
 ...       112 -     132  are grouped by a factor        7
 ...       133 -     140  are grouped by a factor        8
 ...       141 -     147  are grouped by a factor        7
 ...       148 -     155  are grouped by a factor        8
 ...       156 -     162  are grouped by a factor        7
 ...       163 -     182  are grouped by a factor       10
 ...       183 -     194  are grouped by a factor       12
 ...       195 -     208  are grouped by a factor       14
 ...       209 -     221  are grouped by a factor       13
 ...       222 -     238  are grouped by a factor       17
 ...       239 -     257  are grouped by a factor       19
 ...       258 -     277  are grouped by a factor       20
 ...       278 -     304  are grouped by a factor       27
 ...       305 -     336  are grouped by a factor       32
 ...       337 -     360  are grouped by a factor       24
 ...       361 -     383  are grouped by a factor       23
 ...       384 -     418  are grouped by a factor       35
 ...       419 -     447  are grouped by a factor       29
 ...       448 -     496  are grouped by a factor       49
 ...       497 -     548  are grouped by a factor       52
 ...       549 -     613  are grouped by a factor       65
 ...       614 -     680  are grouped by a factor       67
 ...       681 -     797  are grouped by a factor      117
 ...       798 -    1023  of undefined grouping (Channel quality=bad)
 ...  ---------------------------------------------
 ...... exiting, changes written to file : ad10016000g210170_3.pi
 ** grppha 2.6.0 completed successfully
-> gis2v4_0.rmf already present in current directory
-> s2bev1.fits already present in current directory
-> s2gridv3.fits already present in current directory
-> Generating ad10016000g210170_3.arf with point=yes
-> Standard Output From FTOOL ascaarf:
ASCAARF vers 2.72  14 Mar 1997.
 Input WMAP array has size   12 by   13 bins
               expanded to   64 by   64 bins
 First WMAP bin is at detector pixel   31   45
   1 detector pixels per WMAP bin
 WMAP bin size is   0.25000 mm
                    0.24555 arcmin
 Selected region size is   6.0913     arcmin^2
 Optical axis is detector pixel 133.00 130.96
 Making correction for no RTI
  201 energies from RMF file
 Effective area fudge applied
 Arf filter applied
 Point source at   61.50   75.00 (detector coordinates)
 Point source at   71.50   55.96 (WMAP bins wrt optical axis)
 Point source at   22.30   38.05 (... in polar coordinates)
 Total counts in region = 1.31100E+03
 Weighted mean angle from optical axis  = 22.076 arcmin
-> Skipping ad10016000g210170_4.pi since ad10016000g225670_4.reg does not exist
-> Standard Output From STOOL group_event_files:
1 ad10016000g300170h.evt 1292506
1 ad10016000g300270m.evt 1292506
1 ad10016000g300370h.evt 1292506
1 ad10016000g300470h.evt 1292506
-> GIS3_REGION256.4 already present in current directory
-> Extracting ad10016000g310170_1.pi from ad10016000g325670_1.reg and:
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] xsel
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 04:40:00 0.14E+05  1231245     1024
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 04:40:00 0.14E+05  1231245     1024
      2 GRS1716- PH       MEDIUM   05/10/93 03:33:46 0.37E+04    58346     1024
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 04:40:00 0.14E+05  1231245     1024
      2 GRS1716- PH       MEDIUM   05/10/93 03:33:46 0.37E+04    58346     1024
      3 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 06:40:16 0.26E+02     2361     1024
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 04:40:00 0.14E+05  1231245     1024
      2 GRS1716- PH       MEDIUM   05/10/93 03:33:46 0.37E+04    58346     1024
      3 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 06:40:16 0.26E+02     2361     1024
      4 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 06:40:14 0.60E+01      554     1024
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Getting FITS WCS Keywords
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g300170h.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
        1231245   1050037         181208         0         0         0
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g300270m.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
          58346     49737           8609         0         0         0
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g300370h.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
           2361      1992            369         0         0         0
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g300470h.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
            554       492             62         0         0         0
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
       1292506   1102258         190248         0         0         0
   in   17563.51 seconds
 Spectrum         has  1102258 counts for  62.76     counts/sec
  EXTNAME   - SPECTRUM        Name of this BINTABLE
  TELESCOP  - ASCA            Mission/Satellite name
  INSTRUME  - GIS3            Instrument/Detector
  FILTER    -                 Instrument filter in use
  EXPOSURE  - 17564.          Integration time (in secs) of PHA data
  AREASCAL  - 1.0000          Area scaling factor
  BACKSCAL  - 2.90070E-02     Background scaling factor
  BACKFILE  - NONE            Associated background file
  CORRSCAL  - 1.0000          Correlation scaling factor
  CORRFILE  - none            Associated correlation file
  RESPFILE  - NONE            Associated redistribution matrix file
  ANCRFILE  - none            Associated ancillary response file
  XFLT0001  - none            XSPEC selection filter
  POISSERR  - TRUE            Whether Poissonian errors apply
  CHANTYPE  - PI              Whether channels have been corrected
  TLMIN1    - 0               First legal Detector channel
  DETCHANS  - 1024            No. of legal detector channels
  NCHAN     - 1024            No. of detector channels in dataset
  PHAVERSN  - 1992a           OGIP FITS version number
  STAT_ERR  - FALSE           Statistical Error
  SYS_ERR   - TRUE            Fractional Systematic Error
  QUALITY   - TRUE            Quality Flag
  GROUPING  - FALSE           Grouping Flag
 ...  --------
 ...  --------
 ...  ---------------------------------------------
 ...  Channel Grouping (Channel-Channel) :
 ...  ---------------------------------------------
 ...... exiting, changes written to file : ad10016000g310170_1.pi
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!xsel:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!xsel:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA > read events ad10016000g300170h.evt
Got new instrument: GIS3
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    1
         WMAP binning     =    1
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.19531E-02
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > read events ad10016000g300270m.evt
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.15625E-01
 Number of files read in:   2
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > read events ad10016000g300370h.evt
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.19531E-02
 Number of files read in:   3
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > read events ad10016000g300470h.evt
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.19531E-02
 Number of files read in:   4
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > set phaname PI
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > filter region ad10016000g325670_1.reg
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > filter region GIS3_REGION256.4
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > extract spectrum
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > save spectrum ad10016000g310170_1.pi group=yes
Wrote spectrum to ad10016000g310170_1.pi
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > exit save_session=no
-> Correcting ad10016000g310170_1.pi for dead time
-> Standard Output From FTOOL deadtime:
... read all the files from deadlist.tmp
-> Grouping ad10016000g310170_1.pi to 40 counts/bin
-> Standard Output From FTOOL grppha:
  EXTNAME   - SPECTRUM        Name of this BINTABLE
  TELESCOP  - ASCA            Mission/Satellite name
  INSTRUME  - GIS3            Instrument/Detector
  FILTER    -                 Instrument filter in use
  EXPOSURE  - 17564.          Integration time (in secs) of PHA data
  AREASCAL  - 1.0000          Area scaling factor
  BACKSCAL  - 2.90070E-02     Background scaling factor
  BACKFILE  - NONE            Associated background file
  CORRSCAL  - 1.0000          Correlation scaling factor
  CORRFILE  - none            Associated correlation file
  RESPFILE  - NONE            Associated redistribution matrix file
  ANCRFILE  - none            Associated ancillary response file
  XFLT0001  - none            XSPEC selection filter
  POISSERR  - TRUE            Whether Poissonian errors apply
  CHANTYPE  - PI              Whether channels have been corrected
  TLMIN1    - 0               First legal Detector channel
  DETCHANS  - 1024            No. of legal detector channels
  NCHAN     - 1024            No. of detector channels in dataset
  PHAVERSN  - 1.1.0           OGIP FITS version number
  STAT_ERR  - FALSE           Statistical Error
  SYS_ERR   - TRUE            Fractional Systematic Error
  QUALITY   - TRUE            Quality Flag
  GROUPING  - TRUE            Grouping Flag
 ...  --------
 ...  --------
 ...  ---------------------------------------------
 ...  Channel Grouping (Channel-Channel) :
 ...         0 -      18  are grouped by a factor       19
 ...        19 -     854  are single channels
 ...       855 -     856  are grouped by a factor        2
 ...       857 -     857  are single channels
 ...       858 -     859  are grouped by a factor        2
 ...       860 -     865  are single channels
 ...       866 -     869  are grouped by a factor        2
 ...       870 -     877  are single channels
 ...       878 -     883  are grouped by a factor        2
 ...       884 -     886  are single channels
 ...       887 -     894  are grouped by a factor        2
 ...       895 -     895  are single channels
 ...       896 -     913  are grouped by a factor        2
 ...       914 -     916  are grouped by a factor        3
 ...       917 -     920  are grouped by a factor        4
 ...       921 -     925  are grouped by a factor        5
 ...       926 -    1023  of undefined grouping (Channel quality=bad)
 ...  ---------------------------------------------
 ...... exiting, changes written to file : ad10016000g310170_1.pi
 ** grppha 2.6.0 completed successfully
-> Fetching gis3v4_0.rmf
-> Fetching s3bev1.fits
-> Fetching s3gridv3.fits
-> Generating ad10016000g310170_1.arf with point=yes
-> Standard Output From FTOOL ascaarf:
ASCAARF vers 2.72  14 Mar 1997.
 Input WMAP array has size   49 by   49 bins
               expanded to  128 by  128 bins
 First WMAP bin is at detector pixel   26   51
   1 detector pixels per WMAP bin
 WMAP bin size is   0.25000 mm
                    0.24555 arcmin
 Selected region size is   114.65     arcmin^2
 Optical axis is detector pixel 119.36 134.44
 Making correction for no RTI
  201 energies from RMF file
 Effective area fudge applied
 Arf filter applied
 Point source at   88.00  113.00 (detector coordinates)
 Point source at   31.36   21.44 (WMAP bins wrt optical axis)
 Point source at    9.33   34.36 (... in polar coordinates)
 Total counts in region = 1.10226E+06
 Weighted mean angle from optical axis  =  9.160 arcmin
-> Extracting ad10016000g310170_2.pi from ad10016000g325670_2.reg and:
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] xsel
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 04:40:00 0.14E+05  1231245     1024
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 04:40:00 0.14E+05  1231245     1024
      2 GRS1716- PH       MEDIUM   05/10/93 03:33:46 0.37E+04    58346     1024
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 04:40:00 0.14E+05  1231245     1024
      2 GRS1716- PH       MEDIUM   05/10/93 03:33:46 0.37E+04    58346     1024
      3 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 06:40:16 0.26E+02     2361     1024
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 04:40:00 0.14E+05  1231245     1024
      2 GRS1716- PH       MEDIUM   05/10/93 03:33:46 0.37E+04    58346     1024
      3 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 06:40:16 0.26E+02     2361     1024
      4 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 06:40:14 0.60E+01      554     1024
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Getting FITS WCS Keywords
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g300170h.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
        1231245      2955        1228290         0         0         0
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g300270m.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
          58346       140          58206         0         0         0
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g300370h.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
           2361         6           2355         0         0         0
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g300470h.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
            554         1            553         0         0         0
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
       1292506      3102        1289404         0         0         0
   in   17563.51 seconds
 Spectrum         has     3102 counts for 0.1766     counts/sec
  EXTNAME   - SPECTRUM        Name of this BINTABLE
  TELESCOP  - ASCA            Mission/Satellite name
  INSTRUME  - GIS3            Instrument/Detector
  FILTER    -                 Instrument filter in use
  EXPOSURE  - 17564.          Integration time (in secs) of PHA data
  AREASCAL  - 1.0000          Area scaling factor
  BACKSCAL  - 3.54004E-03     Background scaling factor
  BACKFILE  - NONE            Associated background file
  CORRSCAL  - 1.0000          Correlation scaling factor
  CORRFILE  - none            Associated correlation file
  RESPFILE  - NONE            Associated redistribution matrix file
  ANCRFILE  - none            Associated ancillary response file
  XFLT0001  - none            XSPEC selection filter
  POISSERR  - TRUE            Whether Poissonian errors apply
  CHANTYPE  - PI              Whether channels have been corrected
  TLMIN1    - 0               First legal Detector channel
  DETCHANS  - 1024            No. of legal detector channels
  NCHAN     - 1024            No. of detector channels in dataset
  PHAVERSN  - 1992a           OGIP FITS version number
  STAT_ERR  - FALSE           Statistical Error
  SYS_ERR   - TRUE            Fractional Systematic Error
  QUALITY   - TRUE            Quality Flag
  GROUPING  - FALSE           Grouping Flag
 ...  --------
 ...  --------
 ...  ---------------------------------------------
 ...  Channel Grouping (Channel-Channel) :
 ...  ---------------------------------------------
 ...... exiting, changes written to file : ad10016000g310170_2.pi
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!xsel:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!xsel:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA > read events ad10016000g300170h.evt
Got new instrument: GIS3
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    1
         WMAP binning     =    1
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.19531E-02
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > read events ad10016000g300270m.evt
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.15625E-01
 Number of files read in:   2
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > read events ad10016000g300370h.evt
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.19531E-02
 Number of files read in:   3
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > read events ad10016000g300470h.evt
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.19531E-02
 Number of files read in:   4
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > set phaname PI
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > filter region ad10016000g325670_2.reg
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > filter region GIS3_REGION256.4
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > extract spectrum
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > save spectrum ad10016000g310170_2.pi group=yes
Wrote spectrum to ad10016000g310170_2.pi
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > exit save_session=no
-> Correcting ad10016000g310170_2.pi for dead time
-> Standard Output From FTOOL deadtime:
... read all the files from deadlist.tmp
-> Grouping ad10016000g310170_2.pi to 40 counts/bin
-> Standard Output From FTOOL grppha:
  EXTNAME   - SPECTRUM        Name of this BINTABLE
  TELESCOP  - ASCA            Mission/Satellite name
  INSTRUME  - GIS3            Instrument/Detector
  FILTER    -                 Instrument filter in use
  EXPOSURE  - 17564.          Integration time (in secs) of PHA data
  AREASCAL  - 1.0000          Area scaling factor
  BACKSCAL  - 3.54004E-03     Background scaling factor
  BACKFILE  - NONE            Associated background file
  CORRSCAL  - 1.0000          Correlation scaling factor
  CORRFILE  - none            Associated correlation file
  RESPFILE  - NONE            Associated redistribution matrix file
  ANCRFILE  - none            Associated ancillary response file
  XFLT0001  - none            XSPEC selection filter
  POISSERR  - TRUE            Whether Poissonian errors apply
  CHANTYPE  - PI              Whether channels have been corrected
  TLMIN1    - 0               First legal Detector channel
  DETCHANS  - 1024            No. of legal detector channels
  NCHAN     - 1024            No. of detector channels in dataset
  PHAVERSN  - 1.1.0           OGIP FITS version number
  STAT_ERR  - FALSE           Statistical Error
  SYS_ERR   - TRUE            Fractional Systematic Error
  QUALITY   - TRUE            Quality Flag
  GROUPING  - TRUE            Grouping Flag
 ...  --------
 ...  --------
 ...  ---------------------------------------------
 ...  Channel Grouping (Channel-Channel) :
 ...         0 -      49  are grouped by a factor       50
 ...        50 -      64  are grouped by a factor       15
 ...        65 -      76  are grouped by a factor       12
 ...        77 -      84  are grouped by a factor        8
 ...        85 -      96  are grouped by a factor        6
 ...        97 -     101  are grouped by a factor        5
 ...       102 -     104  are grouped by a factor        3
 ...       105 -     108  are grouped by a factor        4
 ...       109 -     111  are grouped by a factor        3
 ...       112 -     115  are grouped by a factor        4
 ...       116 -     130  are grouped by a factor        3
 ...       131 -     135  are grouped by a factor        5
 ...       136 -     139  are grouped by a factor        4
 ...       140 -     142  are grouped by a factor        3
 ...       143 -     154  are grouped by a factor        4
 ...       155 -     157  are grouped by a factor        3
 ...       158 -     169  are grouped by a factor        4
 ...       170 -     172  are grouped by a factor        3
 ...       173 -     188  are grouped by a factor        4
 ...       189 -     194  are grouped by a factor        6
 ...       195 -     199  are grouped by a factor        5
 ...       200 -     211  are grouped by a factor        6
 ...       212 -     218  are grouped by a factor        7
 ...       219 -     227  are grouped by a factor        9
 ...       228 -     233  are grouped by a factor        6
 ...       234 -     242  are grouped by a factor        9
 ...       243 -     258  are grouped by a factor        8
 ...       259 -     276  are grouped by a factor        9
 ...       277 -     286  are grouped by a factor       10
 ...       287 -     293  are grouped by a factor        7
 ...       294 -     305  are grouped by a factor       12
 ...       306 -     313  are grouped by a factor        8
 ...       314 -     324  are grouped by a factor       11
 ...       325 -     333  are grouped by a factor        9
 ...       334 -     344  are grouped by a factor       11
 ...       345 -     357  are grouped by a factor       13
 ...       358 -     390  are grouped by a factor       11
 ...       391 -     418  are grouped by a factor       14
 ...       419 -     433  are grouped by a factor       15
 ...       434 -     447  are grouped by a factor       14
 ...       448 -     463  are grouped by a factor       16
 ...       464 -     474  are grouped by a factor       11
 ...       475 -     492  are grouped by a factor       18
 ...       493 -     532  are grouped by a factor       20
 ...       533 -     553  are grouped by a factor       21
 ...       554 -     575  are grouped by a factor       22
 ...       576 -     604  are grouped by a factor       29
 ...       605 -     638  are grouped by a factor       34
 ...       639 -     681  are grouped by a factor       43
 ...       682 -     734  are grouped by a factor       53
 ...       735 -     786  are grouped by a factor       52
 ...       787 -     856  are grouped by a factor       70
 ...       857 -    1023  of undefined grouping (Channel quality=bad)
 ...  ---------------------------------------------
 ...... exiting, changes written to file : ad10016000g310170_2.pi
 ** grppha 2.6.0 completed successfully
-> gis3v4_0.rmf already present in current directory
-> s3bev1.fits already present in current directory
-> s3gridv3.fits already present in current directory
-> Generating ad10016000g310170_2.arf with point=no
-> Standard Output From FTOOL ascaarf:
ASCAARF vers 2.72  14 Mar 1997.
 Input WMAP array has size   16 by   21 bins
               expanded to   64 by   64 bins
 First WMAP bin is at detector pixel   21   66
   1 detector pixels per WMAP bin
 WMAP bin size is   0.25000 mm
                    0.24555 arcmin
 Selected region size is   13.992     arcmin^2
 Optical axis is detector pixel 119.36 134.44
 Making correction for no RTI
  201 energies from RMF file
 Effective area fudge applied
 Arf filter applied
 Total counts in region = 3.10200E+03
 Weighted mean angle from optical axis  = 18.990 arcmin
-> Extracting ad10016000g310170_3.pi from ad10016000g325670_3.reg and:
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] xsel
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 04:40:00 0.14E+05  1231245     1024
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 04:40:00 0.14E+05  1231245     1024
      2 GRS1716- PH       MEDIUM   05/10/93 03:33:46 0.37E+04    58346     1024
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 04:40:00 0.14E+05  1231245     1024
      2 GRS1716- PH       MEDIUM   05/10/93 03:33:46 0.37E+04    58346     1024
      3 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 06:40:16 0.26E+02     2361     1024
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 04:40:00 0.14E+05  1231245     1024
      2 GRS1716- PH       MEDIUM   05/10/93 03:33:46 0.37E+04    58346     1024
      3 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 06:40:16 0.26E+02     2361     1024
      4 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 06:40:14 0.60E+01      554     1024
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Getting FITS WCS Keywords
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g300170h.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
        1231245      1300        1229945         0         0         0
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g300270m.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
          58346        63          58283         0         0         0
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g300370h.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
           2361         5           2356         0         0         0
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g300470h.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
            554         1            553         0         0         0
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
       1292506      1369        1291137         0         0         0
   in   17563.51 seconds
 Spectrum         has     1369 counts for 7.7946E-02 counts/sec
  EXTNAME   - SPECTRUM        Name of this BINTABLE
  TELESCOP  - ASCA            Mission/Satellite name
  INSTRUME  - GIS3            Instrument/Detector
  FILTER    -                 Instrument filter in use
  EXPOSURE  - 17564.          Integration time (in secs) of PHA data
  AREASCAL  - 1.0000          Area scaling factor
  BACKSCAL  - 1.60217E-03     Background scaling factor
  BACKFILE  - NONE            Associated background file
  CORRSCAL  - 1.0000          Correlation scaling factor
  CORRFILE  - none            Associated correlation file
  RESPFILE  - NONE            Associated redistribution matrix file
  ANCRFILE  - none            Associated ancillary response file
  XFLT0001  - none            XSPEC selection filter
  POISSERR  - TRUE            Whether Poissonian errors apply
  CHANTYPE  - PI              Whether channels have been corrected
  TLMIN1    - 0               First legal Detector channel
  DETCHANS  - 1024            No. of legal detector channels
  NCHAN     - 1024            No. of detector channels in dataset
  PHAVERSN  - 1992a           OGIP FITS version number
  STAT_ERR  - FALSE           Statistical Error
  SYS_ERR   - TRUE            Fractional Systematic Error
  QUALITY   - TRUE            Quality Flag
  GROUPING  - FALSE           Grouping Flag
 ...  --------
 ...  --------
 ...  ---------------------------------------------
 ...  Channel Grouping (Channel-Channel) :
 ...  ---------------------------------------------
 ...... exiting, changes written to file : ad10016000g310170_3.pi
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!xsel:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!xsel:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA > read events ad10016000g300170h.evt
Got new instrument: GIS3
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    1
         WMAP binning     =    1
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.19531E-02
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > read events ad10016000g300270m.evt
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.15625E-01
 Number of files read in:   2
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > read events ad10016000g300370h.evt
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.19531E-02
 Number of files read in:   3
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > read events ad10016000g300470h.evt
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.19531E-02
 Number of files read in:   4
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > set phaname PI
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > filter region ad10016000g325670_3.reg
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > filter region GIS3_REGION256.4
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > extract spectrum
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > save spectrum ad10016000g310170_3.pi group=yes
Wrote spectrum to ad10016000g310170_3.pi
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > exit save_session=no
-> Correcting ad10016000g310170_3.pi for dead time
-> Standard Output From FTOOL deadtime:
... read all the files from deadlist.tmp
-> Grouping ad10016000g310170_3.pi to 40 counts/bin
-> Standard Output From FTOOL grppha:
  EXTNAME   - SPECTRUM        Name of this BINTABLE
  TELESCOP  - ASCA            Mission/Satellite name
  INSTRUME  - GIS3            Instrument/Detector
  FILTER    -                 Instrument filter in use
  EXPOSURE  - 17564.          Integration time (in secs) of PHA data
  AREASCAL  - 1.0000          Area scaling factor
  BACKSCAL  - 1.60217E-03     Background scaling factor
  BACKFILE  - NONE            Associated background file
  CORRSCAL  - 1.0000          Correlation scaling factor
  CORRFILE  - none            Associated correlation file
  RESPFILE  - NONE            Associated redistribution matrix file
  ANCRFILE  - none            Associated ancillary response file
  XFLT0001  - none            XSPEC selection filter
  POISSERR  - TRUE            Whether Poissonian errors apply
  CHANTYPE  - PI              Whether channels have been corrected
  TLMIN1    - 0               First legal Detector channel
  DETCHANS  - 1024            No. of legal detector channels
  NCHAN     - 1024            No. of detector channels in dataset
  PHAVERSN  - 1.1.0           OGIP FITS version number
  STAT_ERR  - FALSE           Statistical Error
  SYS_ERR   - TRUE            Fractional Systematic Error
  QUALITY   - TRUE            Quality Flag
  GROUPING  - TRUE            Grouping Flag
 ...  --------
 ...  --------
 ...  ---------------------------------------------
 ...  Channel Grouping (Channel-Channel) :
 ...         0 -      74  are grouped by a factor       75
 ...        75 -      88  are grouped by a factor       14
 ...        89 -      98  are grouped by a factor       10
 ...        99 -     110  are grouped by a factor       12
 ...       111 -     120  are grouped by a factor       10
 ...       121 -     128  are grouped by a factor        8
 ...       129 -     135  are grouped by a factor        7
 ...       136 -     143  are grouped by a factor        8
 ...       144 -     153  are grouped by a factor       10
 ...       154 -     164  are grouped by a factor       11
 ...       165 -     170  are grouped by a factor        6
 ...       171 -     180  are grouped by a factor       10
 ...       181 -     192  are grouped by a factor       12
 ...       193 -     203  are grouped by a factor       11
 ...       204 -     222  are grouped by a factor       19
 ...       223 -     235  are grouped by a factor       13
 ...       236 -     250  are grouped by a factor       15
 ...       251 -     267  are grouped by a factor       17
 ...       268 -     291  are grouped by a factor       24
 ...       292 -     312  are grouped by a factor       21
 ...       313 -     336  are grouped by a factor       24
 ...       337 -     358  are grouped by a factor       22
 ...       359 -     376  are grouped by a factor       18
 ...       377 -     397  are grouped by a factor       21
 ...       398 -     447  are grouped by a factor       25
 ...       448 -     475  are grouped by a factor       28
 ...       476 -     504  are grouped by a factor       29
 ...       505 -     548  are grouped by a factor       44
 ...       549 -     599  are grouped by a factor       51
 ...       600 -     675  are grouped by a factor       76
 ...       676 -     743  are grouped by a factor       68
 ...       744 -    1023  of undefined grouping (Channel quality=bad)
 ...  ---------------------------------------------
 ...... exiting, changes written to file : ad10016000g310170_3.pi
 ** grppha 2.6.0 completed successfully
-> gis3v4_0.rmf already present in current directory
-> s3bev1.fits already present in current directory
-> s3gridv3.fits already present in current directory
-> Generating ad10016000g310170_3.arf with point=yes
-> Standard Output From FTOOL ascaarf:
ASCAARF vers 2.72  14 Mar 1997.
 Input WMAP array has size   12 by   13 bins
               expanded to   64 by   64 bins
 First WMAP bin is at detector pixel   33   43
   1 detector pixels per WMAP bin
 WMAP bin size is   0.25000 mm
                    0.24555 arcmin
 Selected region size is   6.3325     arcmin^2
 Optical axis is detector pixel 119.36 134.44
 Making correction for no RTI
  201 energies from RMF file
 Effective area fudge applied
 Arf filter applied
 Point source at   63.50   73.00 (detector coordinates)
 Point source at   55.86   61.44 (WMAP bins wrt optical axis)
 Point source at   20.39   47.72 (... in polar coordinates)
 Total counts in region = 1.36900E+03
 Weighted mean angle from optical axis  = 20.169 arcmin
-> Extracting ad10016000g310170_4.pi from ad10016000g325670_4.reg and:
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] xsel
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 04:40:00 0.14E+05  1231245     1024
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 04:40:00 0.14E+05  1231245     1024
      2 GRS1716- PH       MEDIUM   05/10/93 03:33:46 0.37E+04    58346     1024
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 04:40:00 0.14E+05  1231245     1024
      2 GRS1716- PH       MEDIUM   05/10/93 03:33:46 0.37E+04    58346     1024
      3 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 06:40:16 0.26E+02     2361     1024
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 04:40:00 0.14E+05  1231245     1024
      2 GRS1716- PH       MEDIUM   05/10/93 03:33:46 0.37E+04    58346     1024
      3 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 06:40:16 0.26E+02     2361     1024
      4 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 06:40:14 0.60E+01      554     1024
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Getting FITS WCS Keywords
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g300170h.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
        1231245       157        1231088         0         0         0
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g300270m.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
          58346        10          58336         0         0         0
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g300370h.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
           2361         0           2361         0         0         0
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g300470h.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
            554         0            554         0         0         0
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
       1292506       167        1292339         0         0         0
   in   17563.51 seconds
 Spectrum         has      167 counts for 9.5083E-03 counts/sec
  EXTNAME   - SPECTRUM        Name of this BINTABLE
  TELESCOP  - ASCA            Mission/Satellite name
  INSTRUME  - GIS3            Instrument/Detector
  FILTER    -                 Instrument filter in use
  EXPOSURE  - 17564.          Integration time (in secs) of PHA data
  AREASCAL  - 1.0000          Area scaling factor
  BACKSCAL  - 1.37329E-04     Background scaling factor
  BACKFILE  - NONE            Associated background file
  CORRSCAL  - 1.0000          Correlation scaling factor
  CORRFILE  - none            Associated correlation file
  RESPFILE  - NONE            Associated redistribution matrix file
  ANCRFILE  - none            Associated ancillary response file
  XFLT0001  - none            XSPEC selection filter
  POISSERR  - TRUE            Whether Poissonian errors apply
  CHANTYPE  - PI              Whether channels have been corrected
  TLMIN1    - 0               First legal Detector channel
  DETCHANS  - 1024            No. of legal detector channels
  NCHAN     - 1024            No. of detector channels in dataset
  PHAVERSN  - 1992a           OGIP FITS version number
  STAT_ERR  - FALSE           Statistical Error
  SYS_ERR   - TRUE            Fractional Systematic Error
  QUALITY   - TRUE            Quality Flag
  GROUPING  - FALSE           Grouping Flag
 ...  --------
 ...  --------
 ...  ---------------------------------------------
 ...  Channel Grouping (Channel-Channel) :
 ...  ---------------------------------------------
 ...... exiting, changes written to file : ad10016000g310170_4.pi
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!xsel:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!xsel:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA > read events ad10016000g300170h.evt
Got new instrument: GIS3
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    1
         WMAP binning     =    1
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.19531E-02
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > read events ad10016000g300270m.evt
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.15625E-01
 Number of files read in:   2
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > read events ad10016000g300370h.evt
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.19531E-02
 Number of files read in:   3
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > read events ad10016000g300470h.evt
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.19531E-02
 Number of files read in:   4
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > set phaname PI
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > filter region ad10016000g325670_4.reg
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > filter region GIS3_REGION256.4
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > extract spectrum
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > save spectrum ad10016000g310170_4.pi group=yes
Wrote spectrum to ad10016000g310170_4.pi
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > exit save_session=no
-> Deleting ad10016000g310170_4.pi since it has 167 events
-> Plotting from ad10016000g210170_1.pi
-> Standard Output From STOOL xspec:
               XSPEC 9.01 05:34:43 22-Mar-98
 Plot device not set, use "cpd" to set it
 Type "help" or "?" for further information
!XSPEC> data ad10016000g210170_1.pi
 Net count rate (cts/s) for file   1   46.79    +/-  5.1624E-02
   1 data set is in use
!XSPEC> setplot energy
!XSPEC> ignore bad
!XSPEC> iplot
!PLT> log y on
!PLT> rescale y
!PLT> hard /ps
!PLT> quit
!XSPEC> exit
!Do you really want to exit (y) y
 XSPEC: quit
-> Plotting from ad10016000g210170_2.pi
-> Standard Output From STOOL xspec:
               XSPEC 9.01 05:35:00 22-Mar-98
 Plot device not set, use "cpd" to set it
 Type "help" or "?" for further information
!XSPEC> data ad10016000g210170_2.pi
 Net count rate (cts/s) for file   1  0.2240    +/-  3.6510E-03
   1 data set is in use
!XSPEC> setplot energy
!XSPEC> ignore bad
!XSPEC> iplot
!PLT> log y on
!PLT> rescale y
!PLT> hard /ps
!PLT> quit
!XSPEC> exit
!Do you really want to exit (y) y
 XSPEC: quit
-> Plotting from ad10016000g210170_3.pi
-> Standard Output From STOOL xspec:
               XSPEC 9.01 05:35:14 22-Mar-98
 Plot device not set, use "cpd" to set it
 Type "help" or "?" for further information
!XSPEC> data ad10016000g210170_3.pi
 Net count rate (cts/s) for file   1  7.4662E-02+/-  2.2232E-03
   1 data set is in use
!XSPEC> setplot energy
!XSPEC> ignore bad
!XSPEC> iplot
!PLT> log y on
!PLT> rescale y
!PLT> hard /ps
!PLT> quit
!XSPEC> exit
!Do you really want to exit (y) y
 XSPEC: quit
-> Plotting from ad10016000g310170_1.pi
-> Standard Output From STOOL xspec:
               XSPEC 9.01 05:35:27 22-Mar-98
 Plot device not set, use "cpd" to set it
 Type "help" or "?" for further information
!XSPEC> data ad10016000g310170_1.pi
 Net count rate (cts/s) for file   1   62.76    +/-  5.9779E-02
   1 data set is in use
!XSPEC> setplot energy
!XSPEC> ignore bad
!XSPEC> iplot
!PLT> log y on
!PLT> rescale y
!PLT> hard /ps
!PLT> quit
!XSPEC> exit
!Do you really want to exit (y) y
 XSPEC: quit
-> Plotting from ad10016000g310170_2.pi
-> Standard Output From STOOL xspec:
               XSPEC 9.01 05:35:43 22-Mar-98
 Plot device not set, use "cpd" to set it
 Type "help" or "?" for further information
!XSPEC> data ad10016000g310170_2.pi
 Net count rate (cts/s) for file   1  0.1766    +/-  3.2469E-03
   1 data set is in use
!XSPEC> setplot energy
!XSPEC> ignore bad
!XSPEC> iplot
!PLT> log y on
!PLT> rescale y
!PLT> hard /ps
!PLT> quit
!XSPEC> exit
!Do you really want to exit (y) y
 XSPEC: quit
-> Plotting from ad10016000g310170_3.pi
-> Standard Output From STOOL xspec:
               XSPEC 9.01 05:35:58 22-Mar-98
 Plot device not set, use "cpd" to set it
 Type "help" or "?" for further information
!XSPEC> data ad10016000g310170_3.pi
 Net count rate (cts/s) for file   1  7.7946E-02+/-  2.2881E-03
   1 data set is in use
!XSPEC> setplot energy
!XSPEC> ignore bad
!XSPEC> iplot
!PLT> log y on
!PLT> rescale y
!PLT> hard /ps
!PLT> quit
!XSPEC> exit
!Do you really want to exit (y) y
 XSPEC: quit
-> Plotting from ad10016000s010102_1.pi
-> Standard Output From STOOL xspec:
               XSPEC 9.01 05:36:12 22-Mar-98
 Plot device not set, use "cpd" to set it
 Type "help" or "?" for further information
!XSPEC> data ad10016000s010102_1.pi
 Net count rate (cts/s) for file   1   56.65    +/-  6.5729E-02
   1 data set is in use
!XSPEC> setplot energy
!XSPEC> ignore bad
!XSPEC> iplot
!PLT> log y on
!PLT> rescale y
!PLT> hard /ps
!PLT> quit
!XSPEC> exit
!Do you really want to exit (y) y
 XSPEC: quit
-> Plotting from ad10016000s010102_2.pi
-> Standard Output From STOOL xspec:
               XSPEC 9.01 05:36:29 22-Mar-98
 Plot device not set, use "cpd" to set it
 Type "help" or "?" for further information
!XSPEC> data ad10016000s010102_2.pi
 Net count rate (cts/s) for file   1   1.113    +/-  9.2170E-03
   1 data set is in use
!XSPEC> setplot energy
!XSPEC> ignore bad
!XSPEC> iplot
!PLT> log y on
!PLT> rescale y
!PLT> hard /ps
!PLT> quit
!XSPEC> exit
!Do you really want to exit (y) y
 XSPEC: quit
-> Plotting from ad10016000s110102_1.pi
-> Standard Output From STOOL xspec:
               XSPEC 9.01 05:36:45 22-Mar-98
 Plot device not set, use "cpd" to set it
 Type "help" or "?" for further information
!XSPEC> data ad10016000s110102_1.pi
 Net count rate (cts/s) for file   1   45.62    +/-  5.9237E-02
   1 data set is in use
!XSPEC> setplot energy
!XSPEC> ignore bad
!XSPEC> iplot
!PLT> log y on
!PLT> rescale y
!PLT> hard /ps
!PLT> quit
!XSPEC> exit
!Do you really want to exit (y) y
 XSPEC: quit
-> Plotting from ad10016000s110102_2.pi
-> Standard Output From STOOL xspec:
               XSPEC 9.01 05:37:00 22-Mar-98
 Plot device not set, use "cpd" to set it
 Type "help" or "?" for further information
!XSPEC> data ad10016000s110102_2.pi
 Net count rate (cts/s) for file   1   1.158    +/-  9.4811E-03
   1 data set is in use
!XSPEC> setplot energy
!XSPEC> ignore bad
!XSPEC> iplot
!PLT> log y on
!PLT> rescale y
!PLT> hard /ps
!PLT> quit
!XSPEC> exit
!Do you really want to exit (y) y
 XSPEC: quit

Extracting light curves ( 05:37:09 )

-> TIMEDEL=4.0000000000E+00 for ad10016000s000102h.evt
-> TIMEDEL=4.0000000000E+00 for ad10016000s000202m.evt
-> Minimum bin size is 4.0000000000E+00 seconds
-> Extracting events from region ad10016000s032002_1.reg
-> ... and files: ad10016000s000102h.evt ad10016000s000202m.evt
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] xsel
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- BRIGHT   HIGH     05/10/93 04:39:44 0.13E+05   971499 0100
      1 GRS1716- BRIGHT   HIGH     05/10/93 04:39:44 0.13E+05   971499 0100
      2 GRS1716- BRIGHT   MEDIUM   05/10/93 03:33:36 0.41E+02     1219 0100
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000s000102h.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
         971499    789570         181929         0         0         0
 Writing events file
 789570 events written to the output file
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000s000202m.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
           1219      1164             55         0         0         0
 Writing events file
 790734 events written to the output file
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
        972718    790734         181984         0         0         0
   in   13114.07 seconds
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!xsel:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!xsel:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA > read events ad10016000s000102h.evt
Got new instrument: SIS0
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    4
         WMAP binning     =    8
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   2047
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:   4.0000
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > read events ad10016000s000202m.evt
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   2047
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:   4.0000
 Number of files read in:   2
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > filter region ad10016000s032002_1.reg
!xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > extract events
!xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > save events outfile=events.tmp use_events=yes
Wrote events list to file events.tmp
Changing Data directory from:
to the current working directory.
!xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > exit save_session=no
-> Extracting with binsize 4.0000000000E+00
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] xsel
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- BRIGHT   HIGH     05/10/93 03:33:36 0.13E+05   790734 0100
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/events.tmp
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
         790734    790734              0         0         0         0
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
        790734    790734              0         0         0         0
   in   13114.07 seconds
 Fits light curve has   790734 counts for  60.30     counts/sec
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!xsel:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!xsel:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA > read events events.tmp
Got new instrument: SIS0
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    4
         WMAP binning     =    8
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   2047
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:   4.0000
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > set binsize 4.0000000000E+00
!xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > extract curve exposure=0.5
!xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > save curve
Wrote FITS light curve to file
!xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > exit save_session=no
-> Plotting light curve
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xronos:

                                                     Type "help" for information

 [1]xronos>   Current User Interface is ;           command driven                          
 [2]xronos>       Enter up to  50 input filenames and options for series 1 (or rtn)    
      Ser. A filename   1 +options[.rbf]=>                                                                                                              
 Selected FITS extensions: 1 - RATE TABLE;
 Source ............ GRS1716-24          Start Time (d) ....  9265 04:41:14.796
 FITS Extension ....  1 - `RATE      `   Stop Time (d) .....  9265 13:29:46.796
 No. of Rows .......         3282        Bin Time (s) ......    4.000
 Right Ascension ... 2.5983E+02          Internal time sys.. Converted to TJD
 Declination ....... -2.5185E+01         Experiment ........ ASCA     SIS0
 Corrections applied: Vignetting - No ; Deadtime - No ; Bkgd - No ; Clock - No
 Selected Columns:   1 - Time;   2 - Y-axis;   3 - Y-error;
 File contains binned data.
      Ser. A filename   2 +options[.rbf]=>                                                                                                                                     
      Enter up to  50 input filenames and options for series 2 (or rtn)    
      Ser. B filename   1 +options[.rbf]=>                                                                                                                                     
      Enter up to  50 input filenames and options for series 3 (or rtn)    
      Ser. C filename   1 +options[.rbf]=>                                                                                                                                     
 Maximum of      1 Intvs. with       512 Newbins of       62.0102     (s) 

 Intv    1   Start 9265  4:41:45
     Ser.1     Avg  59.73        Chisq  4094.       Var  41.95     Newbs.   233
               Min  14.99          Max  71.95    expVar  1.387      Bins   3282

             Results from Statistical Analysis

             Newbin Integration Time (s)..  62.010    
             Interval Duration (s)........  31687.    
             No. of Newbins ..............     233
             Average (c/s) ...............  59.729      +/-    0.77E-01
             Standard Deviation (c/s).....  6.4772    
             Minimum (c/s)................  14.991    
             Maximum (c/s)................  71.945    
             Variance ((c/s)**2)..........  41.955     +/-     3.9    
             Expected Variance ((c/s)**2).  1.3868     +/-    0.13    
             Third Moment ((c/s)**3)...... -674.94    
             Average Deviation (c/s)......  4.6146    
             Skewness..................... -2.4837        +/-    0.16    
             Kurtosis.....................  12.608        +/-    0.32    
             RMS fractional variation..... 0.10664        +/-    0.51E-02
             Chi-Square...................  4093.6        dof     232
             Chi-Square Prob of constancy.      0.     (0 means < 1.e-38)
             Kolm.-Smir. Prob of constancy      0.     (0 means < 1.e-38)

 [4]xronos>  [5]xronos> 
 Maximum of      1 Intvs. with       512 Newbins of       62.0102     (s) 

 Intv    1   Start 9265  4:41:45
     Ser.1     Avg  59.73        Chisq  4094.       Var  41.95     Newbs.   233
               Min  14.99          Max  71.95    expVar  1.387      Bins   3282
             Light curve ready !
 Frme    1  Written to output file : xronos.qlc1                                                                                                                         
 PLT>  PLT>  PLT>  [6]xronos> 
-> Standard Error Output From FTOOL xronos
 Note: the following IEEE floating-point arithmetic exceptions 
 occurred and were never cleared; see ieee_flags(3M): 
 Inexact;  Underflow; 
 Sun's implementation of IEEE arithmetic is discussed in 
 the Numerical Computation Guide.
-> Extracting events from region ad10016000s032002_2.reg
-> ... and files: ad10016000s000102h.evt ad10016000s000202m.evt
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] xsel
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- BRIGHT   HIGH     05/10/93 04:39:44 0.13E+05   971499 0100
      1 GRS1716- BRIGHT   HIGH     05/10/93 04:39:44 0.13E+05   971499 0100
      2 GRS1716- BRIGHT   MEDIUM   05/10/93 03:33:36 0.41E+02     1219 0100
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000s000102h.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
         971499     14641         956858         0         0         0
 Writing events file
  14641 events written to the output file
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000s000202m.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
           1219         5           1214         0         0         0
 Writing events file
  14646 events written to the output file
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
        972718     14646         958072         0         0         0
   in   13114.07 seconds
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!xsel:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!xsel:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA > read events ad10016000s000102h.evt
Got new instrument: SIS0
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    4
         WMAP binning     =    8
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   2047
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:   4.0000
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > read events ad10016000s000202m.evt
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   2047
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:   4.0000
 Number of files read in:   2
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > filter region ad10016000s032002_2.reg
!xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > extract events
!xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > save events outfile=events.tmp use_events=yes
Wrote events list to file events.tmp
Changing Data directory from:
to the current working directory.
!xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > exit save_session=no
-> Extracting with binsize 44.7701567134709
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] xsel
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- BRIGHT   HIGH     05/10/93 03:33:36 0.13E+05    14646 0100
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/events.tmp
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
          14646     14646              0         0         0         0
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
         14646     14646              0         0         0         0
   in   13114.07 seconds
 Fits light curve has    14646 counts for  1.117     counts/sec
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!xsel:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!xsel:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA > read events events.tmp
Got new instrument: SIS0
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    4
         WMAP binning     =    8
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   2047
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:   4.0000
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > set binsize 44.7701567134709
!xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > extract curve exposure=0.5
!xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > save curve
Wrote FITS light curve to file
!xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > exit save_session=no
-> Plotting light curve
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xronos:

                                                     Type "help" for information

 [1]xronos>   Current User Interface is ;           command driven                          
 [2]xronos>       Enter up to  50 input filenames and options for series 1 (or rtn)    
      Ser. A filename   1 +options[.rbf]=>                                                                                                              
 Selected FITS extensions: 1 - RATE TABLE;
 Source ............ GRS1716-24          Start Time (d) ....  9265 04:41:14.796
 FITS Extension ....  1 - `RATE      `   Stop Time (d) .....  9265 13:29:46.796
 No. of Rows .......          295        Bin Time (s) ......    44.77
 Right Ascension ... 2.5983E+02          Internal time sys.. Converted to TJD
 Declination ....... -2.5185E+01         Experiment ........ ASCA     SIS0
 Corrections applied: Vignetting - No ; Deadtime - No ; Bkgd - No ; Clock - No
 Selected Columns:   1 - Time;   2 - Y-axis;   3 - Y-error;
 File contains binned data.
      Ser. A filename   2 +options[.rbf]=>                                                                                                                                     
      Enter up to  50 input filenames and options for series 2 (or rtn)    
      Ser. B filename   1 +options[.rbf]=>                                                                                                                                     
      Enter up to  50 input filenames and options for series 3 (or rtn)    
      Ser. C filename   1 +options[.rbf]=>                                                                                                                                     
 Maximum of      1 Intvs. with       512 Newbins of       62.0102     (s) 

 Intv    1   Start 9265  4:41:45
     Ser.1     Avg  1.114        Chisq  410.1       Var 0.4440E-01 Newbs.   217
               Min 0.1917          Max  1.854    expVar 0.2127E-01  Bins    295

             Results from Statistical Analysis

             Newbin Integration Time (s)..  62.010    
             Interval Duration (s)........  31625.    
             No. of Newbins ..............     217
             Average (c/s) ...............  1.1137      +/-    0.99E-02
             Standard Deviation (c/s)..... 0.21072    
             Minimum (c/s)................ 0.19175    
             Maximum (c/s)................  1.8537    
             Variance ((c/s)**2).......... 0.44401E-01 +/-    0.43E-02
             Expected Variance ((c/s)**2). 0.21269E-01 +/-    0.20E-02
             Third Moment ((c/s)**3)......-0.83932E-03
             Average Deviation (c/s)...... 0.16430    
             Skewness.....................-0.89709E-01    +/-    0.17    
             Kurtosis.....................  1.5838        +/-    0.33    
             RMS fractional variation..... 0.13657        +/-    0.13E-01
             Chi-Square...................  410.11        dof     216
             Chi-Square Prob of constancy. 0.34895E-13 (0 means < 1.e-38)
             Kolm.-Smir. Prob of constancy 0.10185E-03 (0 means < 1.e-38)

 [4]xronos>  [5]xronos> 
 Maximum of      1 Intvs. with       512 Newbins of       62.0102     (s) 

 Intv    1   Start 9265  4:41:45
     Ser.1     Avg  1.114        Chisq  410.1       Var 0.4440E-01 Newbs.   217
               Min 0.1917          Max  1.854    expVar 0.2127E-01  Bins    295
             Light curve ready !
 Frme    1  Written to output file : xronos.qlc1                                                                                                                         
 PLT>  PLT>  PLT>  [6]xronos> 
-> TIMEDEL=4.0000000000E+00 for ad10016000s100102h.evt
-> TIMEDEL=4.0000000000E+00 for ad10016000s100202m.evt
-> Minimum bin size is 4.0000000000E+00 seconds
-> Extracting events from region ad10016000s132002_1.reg
-> ... and files: ad10016000s100102h.evt ad10016000s100202m.evt
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] xsel
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- BRIGHT   HIGH     05/10/93 04:39:44 0.13E+05   824350 0001
      1 GRS1716- BRIGHT   HIGH     05/10/93 04:39:44 0.13E+05   824350 0001
      2 GRS1716- BRIGHT   MEDIUM   05/10/93 03:33:36 0.41E+02     1188 0001
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000s100102h.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
         824350    651297         173053         0         0         0
 Writing events file
 651297 events written to the output file
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000s100202m.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
           1188      1170             18         0         0         0
 Writing events file
 652467 events written to the output file
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
        825538    652467         173071         0         0         0
   in   13001.91 seconds
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!xsel:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!xsel:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA > read events ad10016000s100102h.evt
Got new instrument: SIS1
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    4
         WMAP binning     =    8
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   2047
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:   4.0000
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > read events ad10016000s100202m.evt
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   2047
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:   4.0000
 Number of files read in:   2
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > filter region ad10016000s132002_1.reg
!xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > extract events
!xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > save events outfile=events.tmp use_events=yes
Wrote events list to file events.tmp
Changing Data directory from:
to the current working directory.
!xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > exit save_session=no
-> Extracting with binsize 4.0000000000E+00
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] xsel
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- BRIGHT   HIGH     05/10/93 03:33:36 0.13E+05   652467 0001
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/events.tmp
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
         652467    652467              0         0         0         0
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
        652467    652467              0         0         0         0
   in   13001.91 seconds
 Fits light curve has   652467 counts for  50.18     counts/sec
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!xsel:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!xsel:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA > read events events.tmp
Got new instrument: SIS1
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    4
         WMAP binning     =    8
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   2047
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:   4.0000
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > set binsize 4.0000000000E+00
!xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > extract curve exposure=0.5
!xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > save curve
Wrote FITS light curve to file
!xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > exit save_session=no
-> Plotting light curve
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xronos:

                                                     Type "help" for information

 [1]xronos>   Current User Interface is ;           command driven                          
 [2]xronos>       Enter up to  50 input filenames and options for series 1 (or rtn)    
      Ser. A filename   1 +options[.rbf]=>                                                                                                              
 Selected FITS extensions: 1 - RATE TABLE;
 Source ............ GRS1716-24          Start Time (d) ....  9265 04:41:14.796
 FITS Extension ....  1 - `RATE      `   Stop Time (d) .....  9265 13:29:46.796
 No. of Rows .......         3253        Bin Time (s) ......    4.000
 Right Ascension ... 2.5983E+02          Internal time sys.. Converted to TJD
 Declination ....... -2.5185E+01         Experiment ........ ASCA     SIS1
 Corrections applied: Vignetting - No ; Deadtime - No ; Bkgd - No ; Clock - No
 Selected Columns:   1 - Time;   2 - Y-axis;   3 - Y-error;
 File contains binned data.
      Ser. A filename   2 +options[.rbf]=>                                                                                                                                     
      Enter up to  50 input filenames and options for series 2 (or rtn)    
      Ser. B filename   1 +options[.rbf]=>                                                                                                                                     
      Enter up to  50 input filenames and options for series 3 (or rtn)    
      Ser. C filename   1 +options[.rbf]=>                                                                                                                                     
 Maximum of      1 Intvs. with       512 Newbins of       62.0102     (s) 

 Intv    1   Start 9265  4:41:45
     Ser.1     Avg  49.84        Chisq  2574.       Var  22.34     Newbs.   231
               Min  14.88          Max  62.59    expVar  1.128      Bins   3253

             Results from Statistical Analysis

             Newbin Integration Time (s)..  62.010    
             Interval Duration (s)........  31687.    
             No. of Newbins ..............     231
             Average (c/s) ...............  49.842      +/-    0.70E-01
             Standard Deviation (c/s).....  4.7266    
             Minimum (c/s)................  14.875    
             Maximum (c/s)................  62.590    
             Variance ((c/s)**2)..........  22.341     +/-     2.1    
             Expected Variance ((c/s)**2).  1.1283     +/-    0.11    
             Third Moment ((c/s)**3)...... -256.87    
             Average Deviation (c/s)......  3.3525    
             Skewness..................... -2.4325        +/-    0.16    
             Kurtosis.....................  14.272        +/-    0.32    
             RMS fractional variation..... 0.92406E-01    +/-    0.45E-02
             Chi-Square...................  2574.0        dof     230
             Chi-Square Prob of constancy.      0.     (0 means < 1.e-38)
             Kolm.-Smir. Prob of constancy      0.     (0 means < 1.e-38)

 [4]xronos>  [5]xronos> 
 Maximum of      1 Intvs. with       512 Newbins of       62.0102     (s) 

 Intv    1   Start 9265  4:41:45
     Ser.1     Avg  49.84        Chisq  2574.       Var  22.34     Newbs.   231
               Min  14.88          Max  62.59    expVar  1.128      Bins   3253
             Light curve ready !
 Frme    1  Written to output file : xronos.qlc1                                                                                                                         
 PLT>  PLT>  PLT>  [6]xronos> 
-> Standard Error Output From FTOOL xronos
 Note: the following IEEE floating-point arithmetic exceptions 
 occurred and were never cleared; see ieee_flags(3M): 
 Inexact;  Underflow; 
 Sun's implementation of IEEE arithmetic is discussed in 
 the Numerical Computation Guide.
-> Extracting events from region ad10016000s132002_2.reg
-> ... and files: ad10016000s100102h.evt ad10016000s100202m.evt
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] xsel
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- BRIGHT   HIGH     05/10/93 04:39:44 0.13E+05   824350 0001
      1 GRS1716- BRIGHT   HIGH     05/10/93 04:39:44 0.13E+05   824350 0001
      2 GRS1716- BRIGHT   MEDIUM   05/10/93 03:33:36 0.41E+02     1188 0001
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000s100102h.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
         824350     15508         808842         0         0         0
 Writing events file
  15508 events written to the output file
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000s100202m.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
           1188         0           1188         0         0         0
 Writing events file
  15508 events written to the output file
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
        825538     15508         810030         0         0         0
   in   13001.91 seconds
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!xsel:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!xsel:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA > read events ad10016000s100102h.evt
Got new instrument: SIS1
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    4
         WMAP binning     =    8
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   2047
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:   4.0000
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > read events ad10016000s100202m.evt
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   2047
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:   4.0000
 Number of files read in:   2
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > filter region ad10016000s132002_2.reg
!xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > extract events
!xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > save events outfile=events.tmp use_events=yes
Wrote events list to file events.tmp
Changing Data directory from:
to the current working directory.
!xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > exit save_session=no
-> Extracting with binsize 41.9200212228082
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] xsel
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- BRIGHT   HIGH     05/10/93 03:33:36 0.13E+05    15508 0001
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/events.tmp
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
          15508     15508              0         0         0         0
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
         15508     15508              0         0         0         0
   in   13001.91 seconds
 Fits light curve has    15508 counts for  1.193     counts/sec
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!xsel:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!xsel:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA > read events events.tmp
Got new instrument: SIS1
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    4
         WMAP binning     =    8
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   2047
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:   4.0000
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > set binsize 41.9200212228082
!xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > extract curve exposure=0.5
!xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > save curve
Wrote FITS light curve to file
!xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > exit save_session=no
-> Plotting light curve
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xronos:

                                                     Type "help" for information

 [1]xronos>   Current User Interface is ;           command driven                          
 [2]xronos>       Enter up to  50 input filenames and options for series 1 (or rtn)    
      Ser. A filename   1 +options[.rbf]=>                                                                                                              
 Selected FITS extensions: 1 - RATE TABLE;
 Source ............ GRS1716-24          Start Time (d) ....  9265 04:41:14.796
 FITS Extension ....  1 - `RATE      `   Stop Time (d) .....  9265 13:29:46.796
 No. of Rows .......          311        Bin Time (s) ......    41.92
 Right Ascension ... 2.5983E+02          Internal time sys.. Converted to TJD
 Declination ....... -2.5185E+01         Experiment ........ ASCA     SIS1
 Corrections applied: Vignetting - No ; Deadtime - No ; Bkgd - No ; Clock - No
 Selected Columns:   1 - Time;   2 - Y-axis;   3 - Y-error;
 File contains binned data.
      Ser. A filename   2 +options[.rbf]=>                                                                                                                                     
      Enter up to  50 input filenames and options for series 2 (or rtn)    
      Ser. B filename   1 +options[.rbf]=>                                                                                                                                     
      Enter up to  50 input filenames and options for series 3 (or rtn)    
      Ser. C filename   1 +options[.rbf]=>                                                                                                                                     
 Maximum of      1 Intvs. with       512 Newbins of       62.0102     (s) 

 Intv    1   Start 9265  4:41:45
     Ser.1     Avg  1.187        Chisq  395.1       Var 0.4967E-01 Newbs.   218
               Min     0.          Max  2.071    expVar 0.2338E-01  Bins    311

             Results from Statistical Analysis

             Newbin Integration Time (s)..  62.010    
             Interval Duration (s)........  31625.    
             No. of Newbins ..............     218
             Average (c/s) ...............  1.1873      +/-    0.10E-01
             Standard Deviation (c/s)..... 0.22286    
             Minimum (c/s)................      0.    
             Maximum (c/s)................  2.0708    
             Variance ((c/s)**2).......... 0.49667E-01 +/-    0.48E-02
             Expected Variance ((c/s)**2). 0.23380E-01 +/-    0.22E-02
             Third Moment ((c/s)**3)......-0.39230E-04
             Average Deviation (c/s)...... 0.16855    
             Skewness.....................-0.35442E-02    +/-    0.17    
             Kurtosis.....................  4.0103        +/-    0.33    
             RMS fractional variation..... 0.13656        +/-    0.12E-01
             Chi-Square...................  395.10        dof     217
             Chi-Square Prob of constancy. 0.16630E-11 (0 means < 1.e-38)
             Kolm.-Smir. Prob of constancy 0.13025E-02 (0 means < 1.e-38)

 [4]xronos>  [5]xronos> 
 Maximum of      1 Intvs. with       512 Newbins of       62.0102     (s) 

 Intv    1   Start 9265  4:41:45
     Ser.1     Avg  1.187        Chisq  395.1       Var 0.4967E-01 Newbs.   218
               Min     0.          Max  2.071    expVar 0.2338E-01  Bins    311
             Light curve ready !
 Frme    1  Written to output file : xronos.qlc1                                                                                                                         
 PLT>  PLT>  PLT>  [6]xronos> 
-> TIMEDEL=1.9531250000E-03 for ad10016000g200170h.evt
-> TIMEDEL=1.5625000000E-02 for ad10016000g200270m.evt
-> TIMEDEL=1.9531250000E-03 for ad10016000g200370h.evt
-> Minimum bin size is 1.5625000000E-02 seconds
-> Extracting events from region ad10016000g225670_1.reg
-> ... and files: ad10016000g200170h.evt ad10016000g200270m.evt ad10016000g200370h.evt
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] xsel
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 04:40:00 0.14E+05   950546     1024
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 04:40:00 0.14E+05   950546     1024
      2 GRS1716- PH       MEDIUM   05/10/93 03:33:46 0.37E+04    57456     1024
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 04:40:00 0.14E+05   950546     1024
      2 GRS1716- PH       MEDIUM   05/10/93 03:33:46 0.37E+04    57456     1024
      3 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 06:40:34 0.16E+02     1114     1024
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g200170h.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
         950546    774064         176482         0         0         0
 Writing events file
 774064 events written to the output file
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g200270m.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
          57456     46634          10822         0         0         0
 Writing events file
 820698 events written to the output file
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g200370h.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
           1114       914            200         0         0         0
 Writing events file
 821612 events written to the output file
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
       1009116    821612         187504         0         0         0
   in   17559.20 seconds
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!xsel:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!xsel:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA > read events ad10016000g200170h.evt
Got new instrument: GIS2
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    1
         WMAP binning     =    1
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.19531E-02
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > read events ad10016000g200270m.evt
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.15625E-01
 Number of files read in:   2
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > read events ad10016000g200370h.evt
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.19531E-02
 Number of files read in:   3
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > filter region ad10016000g225670_1.reg
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > extract events
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > save events outfile=events.tmp use_events=yes
Wrote events list to file events.tmp
Changing Data directory from:
to the current working directory.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > exit save_session=no
-> Extracting with binsize 1.06858229997059
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] xsel
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 03:33:46 0.18E+05   821612     1024
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/events.tmp
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
         821612    821612              0         0         0         0
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
        821612    821612              0         0         0         0
   in   17559.20 seconds
 Fits light curve has   821612 counts for  46.79     counts/sec
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!xsel:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!xsel:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA > read events events.tmp
Got new instrument: GIS2
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    1
         WMAP binning     =    1
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.19531E-02
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > set binsize 1.06858229997059
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > extract curve exposure=0.5
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > save curve
Wrote FITS light curve to file
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > exit save_session=no
-> Plotting light curve
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xronos:

                                                     Type "help" for information

 [1]xronos>   Current User Interface is ;           command driven                          
 [2]xronos>       Enter up to  50 input filenames and options for series 1 (or rtn)    
      Ser. A filename   1 +options[.rbf]=>                                                                                                              
 Selected FITS extensions: 1 - RATE TABLE;
 Source ............ GRS1716-24          Start Time (d) ....  9265 03:51:54.792
 FITS Extension ....  1 - `RATE      `   Stop Time (d) .....  9265 16:20:26.796
 No. of Rows .......        16442        Bin Time (s) ......    1.069
 Right Ascension ... 2.5983E+02          Internal time sys.. Converted to TJD
 Declination ....... -2.5185E+01         Experiment ........ ASCA     GIS2
 Corrections applied: Vignetting - No ; Deadtime - No ; Bkgd - No ; Clock - No
 Selected Columns:   1 - Time;   2 - Y-axis;   3 - Y-error;
 File contains binned data.
      Ser. A filename   2 +options[.rbf]=>                                                                                                                                     
      Enter up to  50 input filenames and options for series 2 (or rtn)    
      Ser. B filename   1 +options[.rbf]=>                                                                                                                                     
      Enter up to  50 input filenames and options for series 3 (or rtn)    
      Ser. C filename   1 +options[.rbf]=>                                                                                                                                     
 Maximum of      1 Intvs. with       512 Newbins of       87.8217     (s) 

 Intv    1   Start 9265  3:52:38
     Ser.1     Avg  46.54        Chisq 0.8735E+05   Var  317.6     Newbs.   220
               Min  11.54          Max  64.88    expVar 0.8452      Bins  16442

             Results from Statistical Analysis

             Newbin Integration Time (s)..  87.822    
             Interval Duration (s)........  44877.    
             No. of Newbins ..............     220
             Average (c/s) ...............  46.537      +/-    0.62E-01
             Standard Deviation (c/s).....  17.822    
             Minimum (c/s)................  11.542    
             Maximum (c/s)................  64.883    
             Variance ((c/s)**2)..........  317.64     +/-     30.    
             Expected Variance ((c/s)**2). 0.84516     +/-    0.81E-01
             Third Moment ((c/s)**3)...... -7675.1    
             Average Deviation (c/s)......  14.612    
             Skewness..................... -1.3557        +/-    0.17    
             Kurtosis.....................-0.10742        +/-    0.33    
             RMS fractional variation..... 0.38247        +/-    0.18E-01
             Chi-Square...................  87347.        dof     219
             Chi-Square Prob of constancy.      0.     (0 means < 1.e-38)
             Kolm.-Smir. Prob of constancy      0.     (0 means < 1.e-38)

 [4]xronos>  [5]xronos> 
 Maximum of      1 Intvs. with       512 Newbins of       87.8217     (s) 

 Intv    1   Start 9265  3:52:38
     Ser.1     Avg  46.54        Chisq 0.8735E+05   Var  317.6     Newbs.   220
               Min  11.54          Max  64.88    expVar 0.8452      Bins  16442
             Light curve ready !
 Frme    1  Written to output file : xronos.qlc1                                                                                                                         
 PLT>  PLT>  PLT>  [6]xronos> 
-> Standard Error Output From FTOOL xronos
 Note: the following IEEE floating-point arithmetic exceptions 
 occurred and were never cleared; see ieee_flags(3M): 
 Inexact;  Underflow; 
 Sun's implementation of IEEE arithmetic is discussed in 
 the Numerical Computation Guide.
-> Extracting events from region ad10016000g225670_2.reg
-> ... and files: ad10016000g200170h.evt ad10016000g200270m.evt ad10016000g200370h.evt
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] xsel
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 04:40:00 0.14E+05   950546     1024
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 04:40:00 0.14E+05   950546     1024
      2 GRS1716- PH       MEDIUM   05/10/93 03:33:46 0.37E+04    57456     1024
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 04:40:00 0.14E+05   950546     1024
      2 GRS1716- PH       MEDIUM   05/10/93 03:33:46 0.37E+04    57456     1024
      3 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 06:40:34 0.16E+02     1114     1024
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g200170h.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
         950546      3689         946857         0         0         0
 Writing events file
   3689 events written to the output file
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g200270m.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
          57456       237          57219         0         0         0
 Writing events file
   3926 events written to the output file
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g200370h.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
           1114         7           1107         0         0         0
 Writing events file
   3933 events written to the output file
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
       1009116      3933        1005183         0         0         0
   in   17559.20 seconds
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!xsel:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!xsel:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA > read events ad10016000g200170h.evt
Got new instrument: GIS2
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    1
         WMAP binning     =    1
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.19531E-02
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > read events ad10016000g200270m.evt
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.15625E-01
 Number of files read in:   2
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > read events ad10016000g200370h.evt
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.19531E-02
 Number of files read in:   3
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > filter region ad10016000g225670_2.reg
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > extract events
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > save events outfile=events.tmp use_events=yes
Wrote events list to file events.tmp
Changing Data directory from:
to the current working directory.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > exit save_session=no
-> Extracting with binsize 223.229097544734
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] xsel
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 03:33:46 0.18E+05     3933     1024
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/events.tmp
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
           3933      3933              0         0         0         0
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
          3933      3933              0         0         0         0
   in   17559.20 seconds
 Fits light curve has     3933 counts for 0.2240     counts/sec
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!xsel:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!xsel:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA > read events events.tmp
Got new instrument: GIS2
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    1
         WMAP binning     =    1
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.19531E-02
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > set binsize 223.229097544734
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > extract curve exposure=0.5
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > save curve
Wrote FITS light curve to file
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > exit save_session=no
-> Plotting light curve
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xronos:

                                                     Type "help" for information

 [1]xronos>   Current User Interface is ;           command driven                          
 [2]xronos>       Enter up to  50 input filenames and options for series 1 (or rtn)    
      Ser. A filename   1 +options[.rbf]=>                                                                                                              
 Selected FITS extensions: 1 - RATE TABLE;
 Source ............ GRS1716-24          Start Time (d) ....  9265 03:51:54.792
 FITS Extension ....  1 - `RATE      `   Stop Time (d) .....  9265 16:20:26.796
 No. of Rows .......           81        Bin Time (s) ......    223.2
 Right Ascension ... 2.5983E+02          Internal time sys.. Converted to TJD
 Declination ....... -2.5185E+01         Experiment ........ ASCA     GIS2
 Corrections applied: Vignetting - No ; Deadtime - No ; Bkgd - No ; Clock - No
 Selected Columns:   1 - Time;   2 - Y-axis;   3 - Y-error;
 File contains binned data.
      Ser. A filename   2 +options[.rbf]=>                                                                                                                                     
      Enter up to  50 input filenames and options for series 2 (or rtn)    
      Ser. B filename   1 +options[.rbf]=>                                                                                                                                     
      Enter up to  50 input filenames and options for series 3 (or rtn)    
      Ser. C filename   1 +options[.rbf]=>                                                                                                                                     
 Maximum of      1 Intvs. with       202 Newbins of       223.229     (s) 

 Intv    1   Start 9265  4:42: 8
     Ser.1     Avg 0.2266        Chisq  604.3       Var 0.8357E-02 Newbs.    81
               Min 0.2322E-01      Max 0.3651    expVar 0.1120E-02  Bins     81

             Results from Statistical Analysis

             Newbin Integration Time (s)..  223.23    
             Interval Duration (s)........  41744.    
             No. of Newbins ..............      81
             Average (c/s) ............... 0.22655      +/-    0.37E-02
             Standard Deviation (c/s)..... 0.91415E-01
             Minimum (c/s)................ 0.23221E-01
             Maximum (c/s)................ 0.36510    
             Variance ((c/s)**2).......... 0.83566E-02 +/-    0.13E-02
             Expected Variance ((c/s)**2). 0.11202E-02 +/-    0.18E-03
             Third Moment ((c/s)**3)......-0.62054E-03
             Average Deviation (c/s)...... 0.71498E-01
             Skewness.....................-0.81231        +/-    0.27    
             Kurtosis.....................-0.43426        +/-    0.54    
             RMS fractional variation..... 0.37549        +/-    0.34E-01
             Chi-Square...................  604.26        dof      80
             Chi-Square Prob of constancy.      0.     (0 means < 1.e-38)
             Kolm.-Smir. Prob of constancy 0.26207E-36 (0 means < 1.e-38)

 [4]xronos>  [5]xronos> 
 Maximum of      1 Intvs. with       202 Newbins of       223.229     (s) 

 Intv    1   Start 9265  4:42: 8
     Ser.1     Avg 0.2266        Chisq  604.3       Var 0.8357E-02 Newbs.    81
               Min 0.2322E-01      Max 0.3651    expVar 0.1120E-02  Bins     81
             Light curve ready !
 Frme    1  Written to output file : xronos.qlc1                                                                                                                         
 PLT>  PLT>  PLT>  [6]xronos> 
-> Standard Error Output From FTOOL xronos
 Note: the following IEEE floating-point arithmetic exceptions 
 occurred and were never cleared; see ieee_flags(3M): 
 Inexact;  Underflow; 
 Sun's implementation of IEEE arithmetic is discussed in 
 the Numerical Computation Guide.
-> Extracting events from region ad10016000g225670_3.reg
-> ... and files: ad10016000g200170h.evt ad10016000g200270m.evt ad10016000g200370h.evt
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] xsel
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 04:40:00 0.14E+05   950546     1024
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 04:40:00 0.14E+05   950546     1024
      2 GRS1716- PH       MEDIUM   05/10/93 03:33:46 0.37E+04    57456     1024
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 04:40:00 0.14E+05   950546     1024
      2 GRS1716- PH       MEDIUM   05/10/93 03:33:46 0.37E+04    57456     1024
      3 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 06:40:34 0.16E+02     1114     1024
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g200170h.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
         950546      1229         949317         0         0         0
 Writing events file
   1229 events written to the output file
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g200270m.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
          57456        80          57376         0         0         0
 Writing events file
   1309 events written to the output file
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g200370h.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
           1114         2           1112         0         0         0
 Writing events file
   1311 events written to the output file
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
       1009116      1311        1007805         0         0         0
   in   17559.20 seconds
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!xsel:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!xsel:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA > read events ad10016000g200170h.evt
Got new instrument: GIS2
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    1
         WMAP binning     =    1
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.19531E-02
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > read events ad10016000g200270m.evt
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.15625E-01
 Number of files read in:   2
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > read events ad10016000g200370h.evt
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.19531E-02
 Number of files read in:   3
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > filter region ad10016000g225670_3.reg
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > extract events
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > save events outfile=events.tmp use_events=yes
Wrote events list to file events.tmp
Changing Data directory from:
to the current working directory.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > exit save_session=no
-> Extracting with binsize 669.687292634202
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] xsel
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 03:33:46 0.18E+05     1311     1024
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/events.tmp
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
           1311      1311              0         0         0         0
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
          1311      1311              0         0         0         0
   in   17559.20 seconds
 Fits light curve has     1311 counts for 7.4662E-02 counts/sec
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!xsel:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!xsel:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA > read events events.tmp
Got new instrument: GIS2
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    1
         WMAP binning     =    1
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.19531E-02
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > set binsize 669.687292634202
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > extract curve exposure=0.5
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > save curve
Wrote FITS light curve to file
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > exit save_session=no
-> Plotting light curve
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xronos:

                                                     Type "help" for information

 [1]xronos>   Current User Interface is ;           command driven                          
 [2]xronos>       Enter up to  50 input filenames and options for series 1 (or rtn)    
      Ser. A filename   1 +options[.rbf]=>                                                                                                              
 Selected FITS extensions: 1 - RATE TABLE;
 Source ............ GRS1716-24          Start Time (d) ....  9265 03:51:54.792
 FITS Extension ....  1 - `RATE      `   Stop Time (d) .....  9265 16:20:26.796
 No. of Rows .......           28        Bin Time (s) ......    669.7
 Right Ascension ... 2.5983E+02          Internal time sys.. Converted to TJD
 Declination ....... -2.5185E+01         Experiment ........ ASCA     GIS2
 Corrections applied: Vignetting - No ; Deadtime - No ; Bkgd - No ; Clock - No
 Selected Columns:   1 - Time;   2 - Y-axis;   3 - Y-error;
 File contains binned data.
      Ser. A filename   2 +options[.rbf]=>                                                                                                                                     
      Enter up to  50 input filenames and options for series 2 (or rtn)    
      Ser. B filename   1 +options[.rbf]=>                                                                                                                                     
      Enter up to  50 input filenames and options for series 3 (or rtn)    
      Ser. C filename   1 +options[.rbf]=>                                                                                                                                     
 Maximum of      1 Intvs. with        68 Newbins of       669.687     (s) 

 Intv    1   Start 9265  4:42: 8
     Ser.1     Avg 0.7456E-01    Chisq  198.7       Var 0.9119E-03 Newbs.    28
               Min 0.1197E-01      Max 0.1154    expVar 0.1285E-03  Bins     28

             Results from Statistical Analysis

             Newbin Integration Time (s)..  669.69    
             Interval Duration (s)........  41521.    
             No. of Newbins ..............      28
             Average (c/s) ............... 0.74562E-01  +/-    0.22E-02
             Standard Deviation (c/s)..... 0.30198E-01
             Minimum (c/s)................ 0.11971E-01
             Maximum (c/s)................ 0.11537    
             Variance ((c/s)**2).......... 0.91192E-03 +/-    0.25E-03
             Expected Variance ((c/s)**2). 0.12852E-03 +/-    0.35E-04
             Third Moment ((c/s)**3)......-0.24579E-04
             Average Deviation (c/s)...... 0.24623E-01
             Skewness.....................-0.89254        +/-    0.46    
             Kurtosis.....................-0.47298        +/-    0.93    
             RMS fractional variation..... 0.37538        +/-    0.59E-01
             Chi-Square...................  198.68        dof      27
             Chi-Square Prob of constancy. 0.44298E-27 (0 means < 1.e-38)
             Kolm.-Smir. Prob of constancy 0.96660E-16 (0 means < 1.e-38)

 [4]xronos>  [5]xronos> 
 Maximum of      1 Intvs. with        68 Newbins of       669.687     (s) 

 Intv    1   Start 9265  4:42: 8
     Ser.1     Avg 0.7456E-01    Chisq  198.7       Var 0.9119E-03 Newbs.    28
               Min 0.1197E-01      Max 0.1154    expVar 0.1285E-03  Bins     28
             Light curve ready !
 Frme    1  Written to output file : xronos.qlc1                                                                                                                         
 PLT>  PLT>  PLT>  [6]xronos> 
-> Skipping since ad10016000g225670_4.reg does not exist
-> TIMEDEL=1.9531250000E-03 for ad10016000g300170h.evt
-> TIMEDEL=1.5625000000E-02 for ad10016000g300270m.evt
-> TIMEDEL=1.9531250000E-03 for ad10016000g300370h.evt
-> TIMEDEL=1.9531250000E-03 for ad10016000g300470h.evt
-> Minimum bin size is 1.5625000000E-02 seconds
-> Extracting events from region ad10016000g325670_1.reg
-> ... and files: ad10016000g300170h.evt ad10016000g300270m.evt ad10016000g300370h.evt ad10016000g300470h.evt
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] xsel
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 04:40:00 0.14E+05  1231245     1024
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 04:40:00 0.14E+05  1231245     1024
      2 GRS1716- PH       MEDIUM   05/10/93 03:33:46 0.37E+04    58346     1024
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 04:40:00 0.14E+05  1231245     1024
      2 GRS1716- PH       MEDIUM   05/10/93 03:33:46 0.37E+04    58346     1024
      3 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 06:40:16 0.26E+02     2361     1024
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 04:40:00 0.14E+05  1231245     1024
      2 GRS1716- PH       MEDIUM   05/10/93 03:33:46 0.37E+04    58346     1024
      3 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 06:40:16 0.26E+02     2361     1024
      4 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 06:40:14 0.60E+01      554     1024
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g300170h.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
        1231245   1050037         181208         0         0         0
 Writing events file
1050037 events written to the output file
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g300270m.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
          58346     49737           8609         0         0         0
 Writing events file
1099774 events written to the output file
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g300370h.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
           2361      1992            369         0         0         0
 Writing events file
1101766 events written to the output file
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g300470h.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
            554       492             62         0         0         0
 Writing events file
1102258 events written to the output file
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
       1292506   1102258         190248         0         0         0
   in   17563.51 seconds
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!xsel:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!xsel:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA > read events ad10016000g300170h.evt
Got new instrument: GIS3
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    1
         WMAP binning     =    1
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.19531E-02
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > read events ad10016000g300270m.evt
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.15625E-01
 Number of files read in:   2
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > read events ad10016000g300370h.evt
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.19531E-02
 Number of files read in:   3
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > read events ad10016000g300470h.evt
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.19531E-02
 Number of files read in:   4
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > filter region ad10016000g325670_1.reg
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > extract events
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > save events outfile=events.tmp use_events=yes
Wrote events list to file events.tmp
Changing Data directory from:
to the current working directory.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > exit save_session=no
-> Extracting with binsize 0.796706092321961
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] xsel
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 03:33:46 0.18E+05  1102258     1024
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/events.tmp
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
        1102258   1102258              0         0         0         0
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
       1102258   1102258              0         0         0         0
   in   17563.51 seconds
 Fits light curve has  1102258 counts for  62.76     counts/sec
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!xsel:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!xsel:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA > read events events.tmp
Got new instrument: GIS3
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    1
         WMAP binning     =    1
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.19531E-02
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > set binsize 0.796706092321961
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > extract curve exposure=0.5
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > save curve
Wrote FITS light curve to file
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > exit save_session=no
-> Plotting light curve
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xronos:

                                                     Type "help" for information

 [1]xronos>   Current User Interface is ;           command driven                          
 [2]xronos>       Enter up to  50 input filenames and options for series 1 (or rtn)    
      Ser. A filename   1 +options[.rbf]=>                                                                                                              
 Selected FITS extensions: 1 - RATE TABLE;
 Source ............ GRS1716-24          Start Time (d) ....  9265 03:51:54.792
 FITS Extension ....  1 - `RATE      `   Stop Time (d) .....  9265 16:20:26.796
 No. of Rows .......        22061        Bin Time (s) ......   0.7967
 Right Ascension ... 2.5983E+02          Internal time sys.. Converted to TJD
 Declination ....... -2.5185E+01         Experiment ........ ASCA     GIS3
 Corrections applied: Vignetting - No ; Deadtime - No ; Bkgd - No ; Clock - No
 Selected Columns:   1 - Time;   2 - Y-axis;   3 - Y-error;
 File contains binned data.
      Ser. A filename   2 +options[.rbf]=>                                                                                                                                     
      Enter up to  50 input filenames and options for series 2 (or rtn)    
      Ser. B filename   1 +options[.rbf]=>                                                                                                                                     
      Enter up to  50 input filenames and options for series 3 (or rtn)    
      Ser. C filename   1 +options[.rbf]=>                                                                                                                                     
 Maximum of      1 Intvs. with       512 Newbins of       87.8217     (s) 

 Intv    1   Start 9265  3:52:38
     Ser.1     Avg  62.38        Chisq 0.1526E+06   Var  662.1     Newbs.   219
               Min  12.73          Max  85.98    expVar 0.9927      Bins  22061

             Results from Statistical Analysis

             Newbin Integration Time (s)..  87.822    
             Interval Duration (s)........  44877.    
             No. of Newbins ..............     219
             Average (c/s) ...............  62.378      +/-    0.67E-01
             Standard Deviation (c/s).....  25.732    
             Minimum (c/s)................  12.730    
             Maximum (c/s)................  85.979    
             Variance ((c/s)**2)..........  662.14     +/-     63.    
             Expected Variance ((c/s)**2). 0.99273     +/-    0.95E-01
             Third Moment ((c/s)**3)...... -23210.    
             Average Deviation (c/s)......  21.181    
             Skewness..................... -1.3622        +/-    0.17    
             Kurtosis.....................-0.11396        +/-    0.33    
             RMS fractional variation..... 0.41221        +/-    0.20E-01
             Chi-Square................... 0.15265E+06    dof     218
             Chi-Square Prob of constancy.      0.     (0 means < 1.e-38)
             Kolm.-Smir. Prob of constancy      0.     (0 means < 1.e-38)

 [4]xronos>  [5]xronos> 
 Maximum of      1 Intvs. with       512 Newbins of       87.8217     (s) 

 Intv    1   Start 9265  3:52:38
     Ser.1     Avg  62.38        Chisq 0.1526E+06   Var  662.1     Newbs.   219
               Min  12.73          Max  85.98    expVar 0.9927      Bins  22061
             Light curve ready !
 Frme    1  Written to output file : xronos.qlc1                                                                                                                         
 PLT>  PLT>  PLT>  [6]xronos> 
-> Standard Error Output From FTOOL xronos
 Note: the following IEEE floating-point arithmetic exceptions 
 occurred and were never cleared; see ieee_flags(3M): 
 Inexact;  Underflow; 
 Sun's implementation of IEEE arithmetic is discussed in 
 the Numerical Computation Guide.
-> Extracting events from region ad10016000g325670_2.reg
-> ... and files: ad10016000g300170h.evt ad10016000g300270m.evt ad10016000g300370h.evt ad10016000g300470h.evt
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] xsel
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 04:40:00 0.14E+05  1231245     1024
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 04:40:00 0.14E+05  1231245     1024
      2 GRS1716- PH       MEDIUM   05/10/93 03:33:46 0.37E+04    58346     1024
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 04:40:00 0.14E+05  1231245     1024
      2 GRS1716- PH       MEDIUM   05/10/93 03:33:46 0.37E+04    58346     1024
      3 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 06:40:16 0.26E+02     2361     1024
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 04:40:00 0.14E+05  1231245     1024
      2 GRS1716- PH       MEDIUM   05/10/93 03:33:46 0.37E+04    58346     1024
      3 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 06:40:16 0.26E+02     2361     1024
      4 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 06:40:14 0.60E+01      554     1024
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g300170h.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
        1231245      2955        1228290         0         0         0
 Writing events file
   2955 events written to the output file
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g300270m.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
          58346       140          58206         0         0         0
 Writing events file
   3095 events written to the output file
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g300370h.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
           2361         6           2355         0         0         0
 Writing events file
   3101 events written to the output file
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g300470h.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
            554         1            553         0         0         0
 Writing events file
   3102 events written to the output file
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
       1292506      3102        1289404         0         0         0
   in   17563.51 seconds
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!xsel:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!xsel:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA > read events ad10016000g300170h.evt
Got new instrument: GIS3
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    1
         WMAP binning     =    1
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.19531E-02
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > read events ad10016000g300270m.evt
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.15625E-01
 Number of files read in:   2
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > read events ad10016000g300370h.evt
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.19531E-02
 Number of files read in:   3
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > read events ad10016000g300470h.evt
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.19531E-02
 Number of files read in:   4
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > filter region ad10016000g325670_2.reg
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > extract events
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > save events outfile=events.tmp use_events=yes
Wrote events list to file events.tmp
Changing Data directory from:
to the current working directory.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > exit save_session=no
-> Extracting with binsize 283.099827179439
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] xsel
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 03:33:46 0.18E+05     3102     1024
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/events.tmp
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
           3102      3102              0         0         0         0
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
          3102      3102              0         0         0         0
   in   17563.51 seconds
 Fits light curve has     3102 counts for 0.1766     counts/sec
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!xsel:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!xsel:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA > read events events.tmp
Got new instrument: GIS3
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    1
         WMAP binning     =    1
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.19531E-02
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > set binsize 283.099827179439
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > extract curve exposure=0.5
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > save curve
Wrote FITS light curve to file
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > exit save_session=no
-> Plotting light curve
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xronos:

                                                     Type "help" for information

 [1]xronos>   Current User Interface is ;           command driven                          
 [2]xronos>       Enter up to  50 input filenames and options for series 1 (or rtn)    
      Ser. A filename   1 +options[.rbf]=>                                                                                                              
 Selected FITS extensions: 1 - RATE TABLE;
 Source ............ GRS1716-24          Start Time (d) ....  9265 03:51:54.792
 FITS Extension ....  1 - `RATE      `   Stop Time (d) .....  9265 16:20:26.796
 No. of Rows .......           67        Bin Time (s) ......    283.1
 Right Ascension ... 2.5983E+02          Internal time sys.. Converted to TJD
 Declination ....... -2.5185E+01         Experiment ........ ASCA     GIS3
 Corrections applied: Vignetting - No ; Deadtime - No ; Bkgd - No ; Clock - No
 Selected Columns:   1 - Time;   2 - Y-axis;   3 - Y-error;
 File contains binned data.
      Ser. A filename   2 +options[.rbf]=>                                                                                                                                     
      Enter up to  50 input filenames and options for series 2 (or rtn)    
      Ser. B filename   1 +options[.rbf]=>                                                                                                                                     
      Enter up to  50 input filenames and options for series 3 (or rtn)    
      Ser. C filename   1 +options[.rbf]=>                                                                                                                                     
 Maximum of      1 Intvs. with       159 Newbins of       283.100     (s) 

 Intv    1   Start 9265  4:41:27
     Ser.1     Avg 0.1811        Chisq  491.6       Var 0.5497E-02 Newbs.    67
               Min 0.1413E-01      Max 0.3051    expVar 0.7492E-03  Bins     67

             Results from Statistical Analysis

             Newbin Integration Time (s)..  283.10    
             Interval Duration (s)........  41899.    
             No. of Newbins ..............      67
             Average (c/s) ............... 0.18109      +/-    0.34E-02
             Standard Deviation (c/s)..... 0.74139E-01
             Minimum (c/s)................ 0.14129E-01
             Maximum (c/s)................ 0.30507    
             Variance ((c/s)**2).......... 0.54966E-02 +/-    0.96E-03
             Expected Variance ((c/s)**2). 0.74919E-03 +/-    0.13E-03
             Third Moment ((c/s)**3)......-0.44934E-03
             Average Deviation (c/s)...... 0.57749E-01
             Skewness..................... -1.1026        +/-    0.30    
             Kurtosis.....................-0.57812E-01    +/-    0.60    
             RMS fractional variation..... 0.38049        +/-    0.38E-01
             Chi-Square...................  491.56        dof      66
             Chi-Square Prob of constancy.      0.     (0 means < 1.e-38)
             Kolm.-Smir. Prob of constancy 0.72545E-41 (0 means < 1.e-38)

 [4]xronos>  [5]xronos> 
 Maximum of      1 Intvs. with       159 Newbins of       283.100     (s) 

 Intv    1   Start 9265  4:41:27
     Ser.1     Avg 0.1811        Chisq  491.6       Var 0.5497E-02 Newbs.    67
               Min 0.1413E-01      Max 0.3051    expVar 0.7492E-03  Bins     67
             Light curve ready !
 Frme    1  Written to output file : xronos.qlc1                                                                                                                         
 PLT>  PLT>  PLT>  [6]xronos> 
-> Standard Error Output From FTOOL xronos
 Note: the following IEEE floating-point arithmetic exceptions 
 occurred and were never cleared; see ieee_flags(3M): 
 Inexact;  Underflow; 
 Sun's implementation of IEEE arithmetic is discussed in 
 the Numerical Computation Guide.
-> Extracting events from region ad10016000g325670_3.reg
-> ... and files: ad10016000g300170h.evt ad10016000g300270m.evt ad10016000g300370h.evt ad10016000g300470h.evt
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] xsel
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 04:40:00 0.14E+05  1231245     1024
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 04:40:00 0.14E+05  1231245     1024
      2 GRS1716- PH       MEDIUM   05/10/93 03:33:46 0.37E+04    58346     1024
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 04:40:00 0.14E+05  1231245     1024
      2 GRS1716- PH       MEDIUM   05/10/93 03:33:46 0.37E+04    58346     1024
      3 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 06:40:16 0.26E+02     2361     1024
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 04:40:00 0.14E+05  1231245     1024
      2 GRS1716- PH       MEDIUM   05/10/93 03:33:46 0.37E+04    58346     1024
      3 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 06:40:16 0.26E+02     2361     1024
      4 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 06:40:14 0.60E+01      554     1024
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g300170h.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
        1231245      1300        1229945         0         0         0
 Writing events file
   1300 events written to the output file
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g300270m.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
          58346        63          58283         0         0         0
 Writing events file
   1363 events written to the output file
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g300370h.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
           2361         5           2356         0         0         0
 Writing events file
   1368 events written to the output file
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g300470h.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
            554         1            553         0         0         0
 Writing events file
   1369 events written to the output file
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
       1292506      1369        1291137         0         0         0
   in   17563.51 seconds
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!xsel:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!xsel:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA > read events ad10016000g300170h.evt
Got new instrument: GIS3
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    1
         WMAP binning     =    1
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.19531E-02
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > read events ad10016000g300270m.evt
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.15625E-01
 Number of files read in:   2
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > read events ad10016000g300370h.evt
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.19531E-02
 Number of files read in:   3
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > read events ad10016000g300470h.evt
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.19531E-02
 Number of files read in:   4
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > filter region ad10016000g325670_3.reg
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > extract events
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > save events outfile=events.tmp use_events=yes
Wrote events list to file events.tmp
Changing Data directory from:
to the current working directory.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > exit save_session=no
-> Extracting with binsize 641.472362242966
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] xsel
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 03:33:46 0.18E+05     1369     1024
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/events.tmp
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
           1369      1369              0         0         0         0
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
          1369      1369              0         0         0         0
   in   17563.51 seconds
 Fits light curve has     1369 counts for 7.7946E-02 counts/sec
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!xsel:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!xsel:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA > read events events.tmp
Got new instrument: GIS3
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    1
         WMAP binning     =    1
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.19531E-02
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > set binsize 641.472362242966
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > extract curve exposure=0.5
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > save curve
Wrote FITS light curve to file
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > exit save_session=no
-> Plotting light curve
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xronos:

                                                     Type "help" for information

 [1]xronos>   Current User Interface is ;           command driven                          
 [2]xronos>       Enter up to  50 input filenames and options for series 1 (or rtn)    
      Ser. A filename   1 +options[.rbf]=>                                                                                                              
 Selected FITS extensions: 1 - RATE TABLE;
 Source ............ GRS1716-24          Start Time (d) ....  9265 03:51:54.792
 FITS Extension ....  1 - `RATE      `   Stop Time (d) .....  9265 16:20:26.796
 No. of Rows .......           26        Bin Time (s) ......    641.5
 Right Ascension ... 2.5983E+02          Internal time sys.. Converted to TJD
 Declination ....... -2.5185E+01         Experiment ........ ASCA     GIS3
 Corrections applied: Vignetting - No ; Deadtime - No ; Bkgd - No ; Clock - No
 Selected Columns:   1 - Time;   2 - Y-axis;   3 - Y-error;
 File contains binned data.
      Ser. A filename   2 +options[.rbf]=>                                                                                                                                     
      Enter up to  50 input filenames and options for series 2 (or rtn)    
      Ser. B filename   1 +options[.rbf]=>                                                                                                                                     
      Enter up to  50 input filenames and options for series 3 (or rtn)    
      Ser. C filename   1 +options[.rbf]=>                                                                                                                                     
 Maximum of      1 Intvs. with        71 Newbins of       641.472     (s) 

 Intv    1   Start 9265  4:50:42
     Ser.1     Avg 0.7800E-01    Chisq  192.5       Var 0.9993E-03 Newbs.    26
               Min 0.1559E-01      Max 0.1123    expVar 0.1350E-03  Bins     26

             Results from Statistical Analysis

             Newbin Integration Time (s)..  641.47    
             Interval Duration (s)........  41054.    
             No. of Newbins ..............      26
             Average (c/s) ............... 0.78003E-01  +/-    0.23E-02
             Standard Deviation (c/s)..... 0.31612E-01
             Minimum (c/s)................ 0.15589E-01
             Maximum (c/s)................ 0.11232    
             Variance ((c/s)**2).......... 0.99935E-03 +/-    0.28E-03
             Expected Variance ((c/s)**2). 0.13501E-03 +/-    0.38E-04
             Third Moment ((c/s)**3)......-0.34119E-04
             Average Deviation (c/s)...... 0.24970E-01
             Skewness..................... -1.0800        +/-    0.48    
             Kurtosis.....................-0.22544        +/-    0.96    
             RMS fractional variation..... 0.37691        +/-    0.62E-01
             Chi-Square...................  192.46        dof      25
             Chi-Square Prob of constancy. 0.86151E-27 (0 means < 1.e-38)
             Kolm.-Smir. Prob of constancy 0.15390E-17 (0 means < 1.e-38)

 [4]xronos>  [5]xronos> 
 Maximum of      1 Intvs. with        71 Newbins of       641.472     (s) 

 Intv    1   Start 9265  4:50:42
     Ser.1     Avg 0.7800E-01    Chisq  192.5       Var 0.9993E-03 Newbs.    26
               Min 0.1559E-01      Max 0.1123    expVar 0.1350E-03  Bins     26
             Light curve ready !
 Frme    1  Written to output file : xronos.qlc1                                                                                                                         
 PLT>  PLT>  PLT>  [6]xronos> 
-> Extracting events from region ad10016000g325670_4.reg
-> ... and files: ad10016000g300170h.evt ad10016000g300270m.evt ad10016000g300370h.evt ad10016000g300470h.evt
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] xsel
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 04:40:00 0.14E+05  1231245     1024
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 04:40:00 0.14E+05  1231245     1024
      2 GRS1716- PH       MEDIUM   05/10/93 03:33:46 0.37E+04    58346     1024
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 04:40:00 0.14E+05  1231245     1024
      2 GRS1716- PH       MEDIUM   05/10/93 03:33:46 0.37E+04    58346     1024
      3 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 06:40:16 0.26E+02     2361     1024
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 04:40:00 0.14E+05  1231245     1024
      2 GRS1716- PH       MEDIUM   05/10/93 03:33:46 0.37E+04    58346     1024
      3 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 06:40:16 0.26E+02     2361     1024
      4 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 06:40:14 0.60E+01      554     1024
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g300170h.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
        1231245       157        1231088         0         0         0
 Writing events file
    157 events written to the output file
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g300270m.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
          58346        10          58336         0         0         0
 Writing events file
    167 events written to the output file
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g300370h.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
           2361         0           2361         0         0         0
 Writing events file
    167 events written to the output file
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g300470h.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
            554         0            554         0         0         0
 Writing events file
    167 events written to the output file
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
       1292506       167        1292339         0         0         0
   in   17563.51 seconds
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!xsel:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!xsel:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA > read events ad10016000g300170h.evt
Got new instrument: GIS3
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    1
         WMAP binning     =    1
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.19531E-02
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > read events ad10016000g300270m.evt
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.15625E-01
 Number of files read in:   2
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > read events ad10016000g300370h.evt
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.19531E-02
 Number of files read in:   3
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > read events ad10016000g300470h.evt
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.19531E-02
 Number of files read in:   4
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > filter region ad10016000g325670_4.reg
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > extract events
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > save events outfile=events.tmp use_events=yes
Wrote events list to file events.tmp
Changing Data directory from:
to the current working directory.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > exit save_session=no
-> skipping since it would have 167 events
-> Merging GTIs from the following files:
-> Making L1 light curve of ft931005_0333_1620G2HK.fits with irate=HIGH
-> Standard Output From FTOOL ghkcurve:
ghkcurve: ALLGTI found in input HK file, will be applied to data.
ghkcurve: 110534 output records from  110695  good input G2_L1    records.
-> Making L1 light curve of ft931005_0333_1620G2HK.fits with irate=HI+MED
-> Standard Output From FTOOL ghkcurve:
ghkcurve: ALLGTI found in input HK file, will be applied to data.
ghkcurve:  17400 output records from  114407  good input G2_L1    records.
-> Merging GTIs from the following files:
-> Making L1 light curve of ft931005_0333_1620G3HK.fits with irate=HIGH
-> Standard Output From FTOOL ghkcurve:
ghkcurve: ALLGTI found in input HK file, will be applied to data.
ghkcurve: 110518 output records from  110720  good input G3_L1    records.
-> Making L1 light curve of ft931005_0333_1620G3HK.fits with irate=HI+MED
-> Standard Output From FTOOL ghkcurve:
ghkcurve: ALLGTI found in input HK file, will be applied to data.
ghkcurve:  17365 output records from  114431  good input G3_L1    records.

Extracting source event files ( 06:11:00 )

-> Extracting unbinned light curve ad10016000g200170h_1.ulc
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] xsel
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 04:40:00 0.14E+05   950546     1024
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g200170h.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
         950546    774064         176482         0         0         0
 Writing events file
 774064 events written to the output file
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
        950546    774064         176482         0         0         0
   in   13831.89 seconds
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!xsel:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!xsel:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA > read events ad10016000g200170h.evt
Got new instrument: GIS2
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    1
         WMAP binning     =    1
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.19531E-02
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > filter region ad10016000g225670_1.reg
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > extract events
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > save events outfile=ad10016000g200170h_1.ulc use_events=yes
Wrote events list to file ad10016000g200170h_1.ulc
Changing Data directory from:
to the current working directory.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > exit save_session=no
-> Extracting unbinned light curve ad10016000g200170h_2.ulc
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] xsel
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 04:40:00 0.14E+05   950546     1024
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g200170h.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
         950546      3689         946857         0         0         0
 Writing events file
   3689 events written to the output file
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
        950546      3689         946857         0         0         0
   in   13831.89 seconds
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!xsel:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!xsel:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA > read events ad10016000g200170h.evt
Got new instrument: GIS2
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    1
         WMAP binning     =    1
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.19531E-02
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > filter region ad10016000g225670_2.reg
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > extract events
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > save events outfile=ad10016000g200170h_2.ulc use_events=yes
Wrote events list to file ad10016000g200170h_2.ulc
Changing Data directory from:
to the current working directory.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > exit save_session=no
-> Extracting unbinned light curve ad10016000g200170h_3.ulc
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] xsel
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 04:40:00 0.14E+05   950546     1024
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g200170h.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
         950546      1229         949317         0         0         0
 Writing events file
   1229 events written to the output file
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
        950546      1229         949317         0         0         0
   in   13831.89 seconds
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!xsel:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!xsel:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA > read events ad10016000g200170h.evt
Got new instrument: GIS2
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    1
         WMAP binning     =    1
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.19531E-02
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > filter region ad10016000g225670_3.reg
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > extract events
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > save events outfile=ad10016000g200170h_3.ulc use_events=yes
Wrote events list to file ad10016000g200170h_3.ulc
Changing Data directory from:
to the current working directory.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > exit save_session=no
-> Skipping ad10016000g200170h_4.ulc since ad10016000g225670_4.reg does not exist
-> Extracting unbinned light curve ad10016000g200270m_1.ulc
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] xsel
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- PH       MEDIUM   05/10/93 03:33:46 0.37E+04    57456     1024
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g200270m.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
          57456     46634          10822         0         0         0
 Writing events file
  46634 events written to the output file
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
         57456     46634          10822         0         0         0
   in    3711.31 seconds
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!xsel:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!xsel:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA > read events ad10016000g200270m.evt
Got new instrument: GIS2
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    1
         WMAP binning     =    1
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.15625E-01
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > filter region ad10016000g225670_1.reg
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > extract events
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > save events outfile=ad10016000g200270m_1.ulc use_events=yes
Wrote events list to file ad10016000g200270m_1.ulc
Changing Data directory from:
to the current working directory.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > exit save_session=no
-> Extracting unbinned light curve ad10016000g200270m_2.ulc
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] xsel
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- PH       MEDIUM   05/10/93 03:33:46 0.37E+04    57456     1024
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g200270m.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
          57456       237          57219         0         0         0
 Writing events file
    237 events written to the output file
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
         57456       237          57219         0         0         0
   in    3711.31 seconds
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!xsel:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!xsel:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA > read events ad10016000g200270m.evt
Got new instrument: GIS2
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    1
         WMAP binning     =    1
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.15625E-01
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > filter region ad10016000g225670_2.reg
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > extract events
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > save events outfile=ad10016000g200270m_2.ulc use_events=yes
Wrote events list to file ad10016000g200270m_2.ulc
Changing Data directory from:
to the current working directory.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > exit save_session=no
-> Extracting unbinned light curve ad10016000g200270m_3.ulc
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] xsel
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- PH       MEDIUM   05/10/93 03:33:46 0.37E+04    57456     1024
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g200270m.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
          57456        80          57376         0         0         0
 Writing events file
     80 events written to the output file
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
         57456        80          57376         0         0         0
   in    3711.31 seconds
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!xsel:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!xsel:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA > read events ad10016000g200270m.evt
Got new instrument: GIS2
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    1
         WMAP binning     =    1
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.15625E-01
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > filter region ad10016000g225670_3.reg
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > extract events
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > save events outfile=ad10016000g200270m_3.ulc use_events=yes
Wrote events list to file ad10016000g200270m_3.ulc
Changing Data directory from:
to the current working directory.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > exit save_session=no
-> Skipping ad10016000g200270m_4.ulc since ad10016000g225670_4.reg does not exist
-> Extracting unbinned light curve ad10016000g200370h_1.ulc
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] xsel
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 06:40:34 0.16E+02     1114     1024
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g200370h.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
           1114       914            200         0         0         0
 Writing events file
    914 events written to the output file
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
          1114       914            200         0         0         0
   in      16.00 seconds
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!xsel:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!xsel:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA > read events ad10016000g200370h.evt
Got new instrument: GIS2
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    1
         WMAP binning     =    1
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.19531E-02
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > filter region ad10016000g225670_1.reg
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > extract events
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > save events outfile=ad10016000g200370h_1.ulc use_events=yes
Wrote events list to file ad10016000g200370h_1.ulc
Changing Data directory from:
to the current working directory.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > exit save_session=no
-> Extracting unbinned light curve ad10016000g200370h_2.ulc
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] xsel
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 06:40:34 0.16E+02     1114     1024
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g200370h.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
           1114         7           1107         0         0         0
 Writing events file
      7 events written to the output file
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
          1114         7           1107         0         0         0
   in      16.00 seconds
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!xsel:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!xsel:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA > read events ad10016000g200370h.evt
Got new instrument: GIS2
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    1
         WMAP binning     =    1
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.19531E-02
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > filter region ad10016000g225670_2.reg
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > extract events
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > save events outfile=ad10016000g200370h_2.ulc use_events=yes
Wrote events list to file ad10016000g200370h_2.ulc
Changing Data directory from:
to the current working directory.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > exit save_session=no
-> Deleting ad10016000g200370h_2.ulc since it has 7 events
-> Extracting unbinned light curve ad10016000g200370h_3.ulc
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] xsel
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 06:40:34 0.16E+02     1114     1024
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g200370h.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
           1114         2           1112         0         0         0
 Writing events file
      2 events written to the output file
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
          1114         2           1112         0         0         0
   in      16.00 seconds
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!xsel:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!xsel:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA > read events ad10016000g200370h.evt
Got new instrument: GIS2
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    1
         WMAP binning     =    1
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.19531E-02
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > filter region ad10016000g225670_3.reg
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > extract events
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > save events outfile=ad10016000g200370h_3.ulc use_events=yes
Wrote events list to file ad10016000g200370h_3.ulc
Changing Data directory from:
to the current working directory.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > exit save_session=no
-> Deleting ad10016000g200370h_3.ulc since it has 2 events
-> Skipping ad10016000g200370h_4.ulc since ad10016000g225670_4.reg does not exist
-> Extracting unbinned light curve ad10016000g300170h_1.ulc
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] xsel
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 04:40:00 0.14E+05  1231245     1024
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g300170h.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
        1231245   1050037         181208         0         0         0
 Writing events file
1050037 events written to the output file
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
       1231245   1050037         181208         0         0         0
   in   13819.26 seconds
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!xsel:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!xsel:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA > read events ad10016000g300170h.evt
Got new instrument: GIS3
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    1
         WMAP binning     =    1
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.19531E-02
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > filter region ad10016000g325670_1.reg
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > extract events
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > save events outfile=ad10016000g300170h_1.ulc use_events=yes
Wrote events list to file ad10016000g300170h_1.ulc
Changing Data directory from:
to the current working directory.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > exit save_session=no
-> Extracting unbinned light curve ad10016000g300170h_2.ulc
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] xsel
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 04:40:00 0.14E+05  1231245     1024
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g300170h.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
        1231245      2955        1228290         0         0         0
 Writing events file
   2955 events written to the output file
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
       1231245      2955        1228290         0         0         0
   in   13819.26 seconds
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!xsel:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!xsel:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA > read events ad10016000g300170h.evt
Got new instrument: GIS3
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    1
         WMAP binning     =    1
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.19531E-02
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > filter region ad10016000g325670_2.reg
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > extract events
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > save events outfile=ad10016000g300170h_2.ulc use_events=yes
Wrote events list to file ad10016000g300170h_2.ulc
Changing Data directory from:
to the current working directory.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > exit save_session=no
-> Extracting unbinned light curve ad10016000g300170h_3.ulc
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] xsel
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 04:40:00 0.14E+05  1231245     1024
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g300170h.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
        1231245      1300        1229945         0         0         0
 Writing events file
   1300 events written to the output file
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
       1231245      1300        1229945         0         0         0
   in   13819.26 seconds
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!xsel:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!xsel:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA > read events ad10016000g300170h.evt
Got new instrument: GIS3
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    1
         WMAP binning     =    1
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.19531E-02
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > filter region ad10016000g325670_3.reg
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > extract events
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > save events outfile=ad10016000g300170h_3.ulc use_events=yes
Wrote events list to file ad10016000g300170h_3.ulc
Changing Data directory from:
to the current working directory.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > exit save_session=no
-> Extracting unbinned light curve ad10016000g300170h_4.ulc
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] xsel
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 04:40:00 0.14E+05  1231245     1024
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g300170h.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
        1231245       157        1231088         0         0         0
 Writing events file
    157 events written to the output file
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
       1231245       157        1231088         0         0         0
   in   13819.26 seconds
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!xsel:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!xsel:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA > read events ad10016000g300170h.evt
Got new instrument: GIS3
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    1
         WMAP binning     =    1
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.19531E-02
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > filter region ad10016000g325670_4.reg
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > extract events
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > save events outfile=ad10016000g300170h_4.ulc use_events=yes
Wrote events list to file ad10016000g300170h_4.ulc
Changing Data directory from:
to the current working directory.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > exit save_session=no
-> Extracting unbinned light curve ad10016000g300270m_1.ulc
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] xsel
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- PH       MEDIUM   05/10/93 03:33:46 0.37E+04    58346     1024
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g300270m.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
          58346     49737           8609         0         0         0
 Writing events file
  49737 events written to the output file
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
         58346     49737           8609         0         0         0
   in    3712.31 seconds
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!xsel:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!xsel:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA > read events ad10016000g300270m.evt
Got new instrument: GIS3
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    1
         WMAP binning     =    1
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.15625E-01
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > filter region ad10016000g325670_1.reg
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > extract events
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > save events outfile=ad10016000g300270m_1.ulc use_events=yes
Wrote events list to file ad10016000g300270m_1.ulc
Changing Data directory from:
to the current working directory.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > exit save_session=no
-> Extracting unbinned light curve ad10016000g300270m_2.ulc
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] xsel
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- PH       MEDIUM   05/10/93 03:33:46 0.37E+04    58346     1024
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g300270m.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
          58346       140          58206         0         0         0
 Writing events file
    140 events written to the output file
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
         58346       140          58206         0         0         0
   in    3712.31 seconds
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!xsel:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!xsel:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA > read events ad10016000g300270m.evt
Got new instrument: GIS3
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    1
         WMAP binning     =    1
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.15625E-01
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > filter region ad10016000g325670_2.reg
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > extract events
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > save events outfile=ad10016000g300270m_2.ulc use_events=yes
Wrote events list to file ad10016000g300270m_2.ulc
Changing Data directory from:
to the current working directory.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > exit save_session=no
-> Extracting unbinned light curve ad10016000g300270m_3.ulc
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] xsel
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- PH       MEDIUM   05/10/93 03:33:46 0.37E+04    58346     1024
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g300270m.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
          58346        63          58283         0         0         0
 Writing events file
     63 events written to the output file
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
         58346        63          58283         0         0         0
   in    3712.31 seconds
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!xsel:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!xsel:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA > read events ad10016000g300270m.evt
Got new instrument: GIS3
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    1
         WMAP binning     =    1
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.15625E-01
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > filter region ad10016000g325670_3.reg
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > extract events
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > save events outfile=ad10016000g300270m_3.ulc use_events=yes
Wrote events list to file ad10016000g300270m_3.ulc
Changing Data directory from:
to the current working directory.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > exit save_session=no
-> Extracting unbinned light curve ad10016000g300270m_4.ulc
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] xsel
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- PH       MEDIUM   05/10/93 03:33:46 0.37E+04    58346     1024
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g300270m.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
          58346        10          58336         0         0         0
 Writing events file
     10 events written to the output file
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
         58346        10          58336         0         0         0
   in    3712.31 seconds
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!xsel:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!xsel:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA > read events ad10016000g300270m.evt
Got new instrument: GIS3
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    1
         WMAP binning     =    1
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.15625E-01
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > filter region ad10016000g325670_4.reg
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > extract events
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > save events outfile=ad10016000g300270m_4.ulc use_events=yes
Wrote events list to file ad10016000g300270m_4.ulc
Changing Data directory from:
to the current working directory.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > exit save_session=no
-> Extracting unbinned light curve ad10016000g300370h_1.ulc
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] xsel
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 06:40:16 0.26E+02     2361     1024
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g300370h.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
           2361      1992            369         0         0         0
 Writing events file
   1992 events written to the output file
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
          2361      1992            369         0         0         0
   in      25.94 seconds
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!xsel:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!xsel:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA > read events ad10016000g300370h.evt
Got new instrument: GIS3
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    1
         WMAP binning     =    1
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.19531E-02
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > filter region ad10016000g325670_1.reg
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > extract events
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > save events outfile=ad10016000g300370h_1.ulc use_events=yes
Wrote events list to file ad10016000g300370h_1.ulc
Changing Data directory from:
to the current working directory.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > exit save_session=no
-> Extracting unbinned light curve ad10016000g300370h_2.ulc
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] xsel
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 06:40:16 0.26E+02     2361     1024
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g300370h.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
           2361         6           2355         0         0         0
 Writing events file
      6 events written to the output file
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
          2361         6           2355         0         0         0
   in      25.94 seconds
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!xsel:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!xsel:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA > read events ad10016000g300370h.evt
Got new instrument: GIS3
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    1
         WMAP binning     =    1
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.19531E-02
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > filter region ad10016000g325670_2.reg
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > extract events
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > save events outfile=ad10016000g300370h_2.ulc use_events=yes
Wrote events list to file ad10016000g300370h_2.ulc
Changing Data directory from:
to the current working directory.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > exit save_session=no
-> Deleting ad10016000g300370h_2.ulc since it has 6 events
-> Extracting unbinned light curve ad10016000g300370h_3.ulc
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] xsel
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 06:40:16 0.26E+02     2361     1024
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g300370h.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
           2361         5           2356         0         0         0
 Writing events file
      5 events written to the output file
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
          2361         5           2356         0         0         0
   in      25.94 seconds
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!xsel:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!xsel:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA > read events ad10016000g300370h.evt
Got new instrument: GIS3
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    1
         WMAP binning     =    1
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.19531E-02
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > filter region ad10016000g325670_3.reg
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > extract events
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > save events outfile=ad10016000g300370h_3.ulc use_events=yes
Wrote events list to file ad10016000g300370h_3.ulc
Changing Data directory from:
to the current working directory.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > exit save_session=no
-> Deleting ad10016000g300370h_3.ulc since it has 5 events
-> Extracting unbinned light curve ad10016000g300370h_4.ulc
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] xsel
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 06:40:16 0.26E+02     2361     1024
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g300370h.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
           2361         0           2361         0         0         0
 Writing events file
      0 events written to the output file
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
          2361         0           2361         0         0         0
   in      25.94 seconds
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!xsel:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!xsel:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA > read events ad10016000g300370h.evt
Got new instrument: GIS3
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    1
         WMAP binning     =    1
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.19531E-02
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > filter region ad10016000g325670_4.reg
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > extract events
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > save events outfile=ad10016000g300370h_4.ulc use_events=yes
Wrote events list to file ad10016000g300370h_4.ulc
Changing Data directory from:
to the current working directory.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > exit save_session=no
-> Deleting ad10016000g300370h_4.ulc since it has 0 events
-> Extracting unbinned light curve ad10016000g300470h_1.ulc
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] xsel
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 06:40:14 0.60E+01      554     1024
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g300470h.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
            554       492             62         0         0         0
 Writing events file
    492 events written to the output file
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
           554       492             62         0         0         0
   in       6.00 seconds
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!xsel:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!xsel:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA > read events ad10016000g300470h.evt
Got new instrument: GIS3
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    1
         WMAP binning     =    1
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.19531E-02
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > filter region ad10016000g325670_1.reg
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > extract events
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > save events outfile=ad10016000g300470h_1.ulc use_events=yes
Wrote events list to file ad10016000g300470h_1.ulc
Changing Data directory from:
to the current working directory.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > exit save_session=no
-> Extracting unbinned light curve ad10016000g300470h_2.ulc
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] xsel
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 06:40:14 0.60E+01      554     1024
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g300470h.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
            554         1            553         0         0         0
 Writing events file
      1 events written to the output file
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
           554         1            553         0         0         0
   in       6.00 seconds
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!xsel:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!xsel:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA > read events ad10016000g300470h.evt
Got new instrument: GIS3
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    1
         WMAP binning     =    1
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.19531E-02
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > filter region ad10016000g325670_2.reg
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > extract events
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > save events outfile=ad10016000g300470h_2.ulc use_events=yes
Wrote events list to file ad10016000g300470h_2.ulc
Changing Data directory from:
to the current working directory.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > exit save_session=no
-> Deleting ad10016000g300470h_2.ulc since it has 1 events
-> Extracting unbinned light curve ad10016000g300470h_3.ulc
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] xsel
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 06:40:14 0.60E+01      554     1024
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g300470h.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
            554         1            553         0         0         0
 Writing events file
      1 events written to the output file
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
           554         1            553         0         0         0
   in       6.00 seconds
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!xsel:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!xsel:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA > read events ad10016000g300470h.evt
Got new instrument: GIS3
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    1
         WMAP binning     =    1
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.19531E-02
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > filter region ad10016000g325670_3.reg
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > extract events
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > save events outfile=ad10016000g300470h_3.ulc use_events=yes
Wrote events list to file ad10016000g300470h_3.ulc
Changing Data directory from:
to the current working directory.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > exit save_session=no
-> Deleting ad10016000g300470h_3.ulc since it has 1 events
-> Extracting unbinned light curve ad10016000g300470h_4.ulc
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] xsel
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 06:40:14 0.60E+01      554     1024
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g300470h.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
            554         0            554         0         0         0
 Writing events file
      0 events written to the output file
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
           554         0            554         0         0         0
   in       6.00 seconds
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!xsel:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!xsel:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA > read events ad10016000g300470h.evt
Got new instrument: GIS3
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    1
         WMAP binning     =    1
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.19531E-02
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > filter region ad10016000g325670_4.reg
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > extract events
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > save events outfile=ad10016000g300470h_4.ulc use_events=yes
Wrote events list to file ad10016000g300470h_4.ulc
Changing Data directory from:
to the current working directory.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > exit save_session=no
-> Deleting ad10016000g300470h_4.ulc since it has 0 events
-> Extracting unbinned light curve ad10016000s000102h_1.ulc
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] xsel
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- BRIGHT   HIGH     05/10/93 04:39:44 0.13E+05   971499 0100
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000s000102h.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
         971499    789570         181929         0         0         0
 Writing events file
 789570 events written to the output file
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
        971499    789570         181929         0         0         0
   in   13073.35 seconds
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!xsel:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!xsel:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA > read events ad10016000s000102h.evt
Got new instrument: SIS0
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    4
         WMAP binning     =    8
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   2047
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:   4.0000
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > filter region ad10016000s032002_1.reg
!xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > extract events
!xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > save events outfile=ad10016000s000102h_1.ulc use_events=yes
Wrote events list to file ad10016000s000102h_1.ulc
Changing Data directory from:
to the current working directory.
!xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > exit save_session=no
-> Extracting unbinned light curve ad10016000s000102h_2.ulc
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] xsel
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- BRIGHT   HIGH     05/10/93 04:39:44 0.13E+05   971499 0100
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000s000102h.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
         971499     14641         956858         0         0         0
 Writing events file
  14641 events written to the output file
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
        971499     14641         956858         0         0         0
   in   13073.35 seconds
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!xsel:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!xsel:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA > read events ad10016000s000102h.evt
Got new instrument: SIS0
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    4
         WMAP binning     =    8
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   2047
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:   4.0000
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > filter region ad10016000s032002_2.reg
!xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > extract events
!xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > save events outfile=ad10016000s000102h_2.ulc use_events=yes
Wrote events list to file ad10016000s000102h_2.ulc
Changing Data directory from:
to the current working directory.
!xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > exit save_session=no
-> Extracting unbinned light curve ad10016000s000202m_1.ulc
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] xsel
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- BRIGHT   MEDIUM   05/10/93 03:33:36 0.41E+02     1219 0100
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000s000202m.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
           1219      1164             55         0         0         0
 Writing events file
   1164 events written to the output file
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
          1219      1164             55         0         0         0
   in      40.73 seconds
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!xsel:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!xsel:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA > read events ad10016000s000202m.evt
Got new instrument: SIS0
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    4
         WMAP binning     =    8
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   2047
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:   4.0000
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > filter region ad10016000s032002_1.reg
!xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > extract events
!xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > save events outfile=ad10016000s000202m_1.ulc use_events=yes
Wrote events list to file ad10016000s000202m_1.ulc
Changing Data directory from:
to the current working directory.
!xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > exit save_session=no
-> Extracting unbinned light curve ad10016000s000202m_2.ulc
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] xsel
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- BRIGHT   MEDIUM   05/10/93 03:33:36 0.41E+02     1219 0100
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000s000202m.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
           1219         5           1214         0         0         0
 Writing events file
      5 events written to the output file
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
          1219         5           1214         0         0         0
   in      40.73 seconds
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!xsel:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!xsel:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA > read events ad10016000s000202m.evt
Got new instrument: SIS0
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    4
         WMAP binning     =    8
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   2047
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:   4.0000
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > filter region ad10016000s032002_2.reg
!xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > extract events
!xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > save events outfile=ad10016000s000202m_2.ulc use_events=yes
Wrote events list to file ad10016000s000202m_2.ulc
Changing Data directory from:
to the current working directory.
!xsel:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > exit save_session=no
-> Deleting ad10016000s000202m_2.ulc since it has 5 events
-> Extracting unbinned light curve ad10016000s100102h_1.ulc
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] xsel
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- BRIGHT   HIGH     05/10/93 04:39:44 0.13E+05   824350 0001
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000s100102h.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
         824350    651297         173053         0         0         0
 Writing events file
 651297 events written to the output file
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
        824350    651297         173053         0         0         0
   in   12961.19 seconds
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!xsel:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!xsel:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA > read events ad10016000s100102h.evt
Got new instrument: SIS1
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    4
         WMAP binning     =    8
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   2047
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:   4.0000
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > filter region ad10016000s132002_1.reg
!xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > extract events
!xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > save events outfile=ad10016000s100102h_1.ulc use_events=yes
Wrote events list to file ad10016000s100102h_1.ulc
Changing Data directory from:
to the current working directory.
!xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > exit save_session=no
-> Extracting unbinned light curve ad10016000s100102h_2.ulc
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] xsel
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- BRIGHT   HIGH     05/10/93 04:39:44 0.13E+05   824350 0001
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000s100102h.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
         824350     15508         808842         0         0         0
 Writing events file
  15508 events written to the output file
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
        824350     15508         808842         0         0         0
   in   12961.19 seconds
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!xsel:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!xsel:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA > read events ad10016000s100102h.evt
Got new instrument: SIS1
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    4
         WMAP binning     =    8
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   2047
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:   4.0000
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > filter region ad10016000s132002_2.reg
!xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > extract events
!xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > save events outfile=ad10016000s100102h_2.ulc use_events=yes
Wrote events list to file ad10016000s100102h_2.ulc
Changing Data directory from:
to the current working directory.
!xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > exit save_session=no
-> Extracting unbinned light curve ad10016000s100202m_1.ulc
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] xsel
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- BRIGHT   MEDIUM   05/10/93 03:33:36 0.41E+02     1188 0001
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000s100202m.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
           1188      1170             18         0         0         0
 Writing events file
   1170 events written to the output file
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
          1188      1170             18         0         0         0
   in      40.73 seconds
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!xsel:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!xsel:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA > read events ad10016000s100202m.evt
Got new instrument: SIS1
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    4
         WMAP binning     =    8
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   2047
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:   4.0000
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > filter region ad10016000s132002_1.reg
!xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > extract events
!xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > save events outfile=ad10016000s100202m_1.ulc use_events=yes
Wrote events list to file ad10016000s100202m_1.ulc
Changing Data directory from:
to the current working directory.
!xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > exit save_session=no
-> Extracting unbinned light curve ad10016000s100202m_2.ulc
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] xsel
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- BRIGHT   MEDIUM   05/10/93 03:33:36 0.41E+02     1188 0001
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000s100202m.evt
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
           1188         0           1188         0         0         0
 Writing events file
      0 events written to the output file
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
          1188         0           1188         0         0         0
   in      40.73 seconds
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!xsel:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!xsel:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA > read events ad10016000s100202m.evt
Got new instrument: SIS1
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    4
         WMAP binning     =    8
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   2047
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:   4.0000
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > filter region ad10016000s132002_2.reg
!xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > extract events
!xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > save events outfile=ad10016000s100202m_2.ulc use_events=yes
Wrote events list to file ad10016000s100202m_2.ulc
Changing Data directory from:
to the current working directory.
!xsel:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > exit save_session=no
-> Deleting ad10016000s100202m_2.ulc since it has 0 events

Extracting FRAME mode data ( 06:34:09 )

-> Extracting frame mode data from ft931005_0333.1620
-> Standard Output From STOOL tlmFrm:
 *** tlmFrm Version 1.1 (1997-08-25) *** 
total number of superframes: 11305

Total of 0 sets of frame data are extracted.

Extracting GIS calibration source spectra ( 06:34:45 )

-> Standard Output From STOOL group_event_files:
1 ad10016000g200170h.unf 1098323
1 ad10016000g200270m.unf 1098323
1 ad10016000g200370h.unf 1098323
-> Fetching GIS2_CALSRC256.2
-> Extracting from ad10016000g200170h.unf ad10016000g200270m.unf ad10016000g200370h.unf
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] xsel
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 04:40:00 0.19E+05  1012238     1024
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 04:40:00 0.19E+05  1012238     1024
      2 GRS1716- PH       MEDIUM   05/10/93 03:33:46 0.91E+04    84932     1024
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 04:40:00 0.19E+05  1012238     1024
      2 GRS1716- PH       MEDIUM   05/10/93 03:33:46 0.91E+04    84932     1024
      3 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 06:40:34 0.16E+02     1153     1024
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Getting FITS WCS Keywords
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g200170h.unf
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
        1012238      5990        1006246         2         0         0
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g200270m.unf
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
          84932      1734          83198         0         0         0
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g200370h.unf
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
           1153         5           1148         0         0         0
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
       1098323      7729        1090592         2         0         0
   in   28314.40 seconds
 Spectrum         has     7729 counts for 0.2730     counts/sec
  EXTNAME   - SPECTRUM        Name of this BINTABLE
  TELESCOP  - ASCA            Mission/Satellite name
  INSTRUME  - GIS2            Instrument/Detector
  FILTER    -                 Instrument filter in use
  EXPOSURE  - 28314.          Integration time (in secs) of PHA data
  AREASCAL  - 1.0000          Area scaling factor
  BACKSCAL  - 3.57971E-02     Background scaling factor
  BACKFILE  - NONE            Associated background file
  CORRSCAL  - 1.0000          Correlation scaling factor
  CORRFILE  - none            Associated correlation file
  RESPFILE  - NONE            Associated redistribution matrix file
  ANCRFILE  - none            Associated ancillary response file
  XFLT0001  - none            XSPEC selection filter
  POISSERR  - TRUE            Whether Poissonian errors apply
  CHANTYPE  - PI              Whether channels have been corrected
  TLMIN1    - 0               First legal Detector channel
  DETCHANS  - 1024            No. of legal detector channels
  NCHAN     - 1024            No. of detector channels in dataset
  PHAVERSN  - 1992a           OGIP FITS version number
  STAT_ERR  - FALSE           Statistical Error
  SYS_ERR   - TRUE            Fractional Systematic Error
  QUALITY   - TRUE            Quality Flag
  GROUPING  - FALSE           Grouping Flag
 ...  --------
 ...  --------
 ...  ---------------------------------------------
 ...  Channel Grouping (Channel-Channel) :
 ...  ---------------------------------------------
 ...... exiting, changes written to file :
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!xsel:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!xsel:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA > read events ad10016000g200170h.unf
Got new instrument: GIS2
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    1
         WMAP binning     =    1
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.19531E-02
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > read events ad10016000g200270m.unf
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.15625E-01
 Number of files read in:   2
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > read events ad10016000g200370h.unf
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.19531E-02
 Number of files read in:   3
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > filter region GIS2_CALSRC256.2
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > extract spectrum
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > save spectrum group=yes
Wrote spectrum to
!xsel:ASCA-GIS2-PH > exit save_session=no
-> gis2v4_0.rmf already present in current directory
-> Plotting and finding peak
-> Standard Output From STOOL xspec:
               XSPEC 9.01 06:35:52 22-Mar-98
 Plot device not set, use "cpd" to set it
 Type "help" or "?" for further information
!XSPEC> query yes
Querying disabled - assuming answer is yes
!XSPEC> data
 Net count rate (cts/s) for file   1  0.2730    +/-  3.1080E-03
   1 data set is in use
!XSPEC> ignore bad
!XSPEC> ignore **-4.0
!XSPEC> ignore 8.0-**
!XSPEC> model const/b + gauss/b + gauss/b
Background components must be from the additive model list
  mo = constant[1] ) + gaussian/b[2] + gaussian/b[3]
 Input parameter value, delta, min, bot, top, and max values for ...
 Mod parameter  1 of component  1 constant factor
    1.000      1.0000E-02      0.          0.      1.0000E+10  1.0000E+10
 Mod parameter  2 of component  2 gaussian LineE
    6.500      5.0000E-02      0.          0.      1.0000E+06  1.0000E+06
! 5.9
 Mod parameter  3 of component  2 gaussian Sigma
   0.1000      5.0000E-02      0.          0.       10.00       20.00
! 0.0
 Mod parameter  4 of component  2 gaussian norm
    1.000      1.0000E-02      0.          0.      1.0000E+24  1.0000E+24
 Mod parameter  5 of component  3 gaussian LineE
    6.500      5.0000E-02      0.          0.      1.0000E+06  1.0000E+06
! 6.5
 Mod parameter  6 of component  3 gaussian Sigma
   0.1000      5.0000E-02      0.          0.       10.00       20.00
! 0.0
 Mod parameter  7 of component  3 gaussian norm
    1.000      1.0000E-02      0.          0.      1.0000E+24  1.0000E+24
  mo = constant[1] ) + gaussian/b[2] + gaussian/b[3]
  Model Fit Model   Component     Parameter   Value
  par   par comp
    1    1    1       constant    factor     1.00000     +/-      0.
    2    2    2       gaussian/b  LineE      5.90000     +/-      0.
    3    3    2       gaussian/b  Sigma           0.     +/-      0.
    4    4    2       gaussian/b  norm       1.00000     +/-      0.
    5    5    3       gaussian/b  LineE      6.50000     +/-      0.
    6    6    3       gaussian/b  Sigma           0.     +/-      0.
    7    7    3       gaussian/b  norm       1.00000     +/-      0.
    7 variable fit parameters
 Chi-Squared =     6.4824E+05 using    84 PHA bins.
 Reduced chi-squared =      8419.
!XSPEC> newpar 5 = 2 1.101005
    6 variable fit parameters
 Chi-Squared =     6.4257E+05 using    84 PHA bins.
 Reduced chi-squared =      8238.
!XSPEC> newpar 6 = 3 1.049288
    5 variable fit parameters
 Chi-Squared =     6.4257E+05 using    84 PHA bins.
 Reduced chi-squared =      8134.
!XSPEC> renorm
 Chi-Squared =      2546.     using    84 PHA bins.
 Reduced chi-squared =      32.23
!XSPEC> fit
 Chi-Squared  Lvl  Fit param # 1     2           3           4
 Due to zero model norms
  fit parameter  1 is temporarily frozen
   2015.8      0      1.000       5.892      0.1000      8.2753E-02
 Due to zero model norms
  fit parameter  1 is temporarily frozen
   741.23      0      1.000       5.859      0.1516      0.1292
 Due to zero model norms
  fit parameter  1 is temporarily frozen
   279.14     -1      1.000       5.902      0.1668      0.1828
 Due to zero model norms
  fit parameter  1 is temporarily frozen
   235.17     -2      1.000       5.936      0.1870      0.2028
 Due to zero model norms
  fit parameter  1 is temporarily frozen
   234.30     -3      1.000       5.931      0.1828      0.2013
 Due to zero model norms
  fit parameter  1 is temporarily frozen
   234.29     -4      1.000       5.932      0.1829      0.2016
 Due to zero model norms
  fit parameter  1 is temporarily frozen
   234.28     -5      1.000       5.932      0.1828      0.2015
  mo = constant[1] ) + gaussian/b[2] + gaussian/b[3]
  Model Fit Model   Component     Parameter   Value
  par   par comp
    1    1    1       constant    factor     1.00000     +/- -1.0000
    2    2    2       gaussian/b  LineE      5.93179     +/- 0.60496E-02
    3    3    2       gaussian/b  Sigma     0.182793     +/- 0.66636E-02
    4    4    2       gaussian/b  norm      0.201502     +/- 0.33560E-02
    5    2    3       gaussian/b  LineE      6.53093     = par   2 *  1.1010
    6    3    3       gaussian/b  Sigma     0.191803     = par   3 *  1.0493
    7    5    3       gaussian/b  norm      3.048713E-02 +/- 0.22429E-02
 Chi-Squared =      234.3     using    84 PHA bins.
 Reduced chi-squared =      2.966
!XSPEC> setplot energy
!XSPEC> iplot data
!PLT> label top GIS2 Calibration Source, should peak near 5.9 keV
!PLT> log x off
!PLT> rescale x 4 8
!PLT> hard /ps
!PLT> quit
!XSPEC> exit
!Do you really want to exit (y) y
 XSPEC: quit
-> Calibration source peaks at 5.93179 +/- 0.0060496 keV
-> Standard Output From STOOL group_event_files:
1 ad10016000g300170h.unf 1378942
1 ad10016000g300270m.unf 1378942
1 ad10016000g300370h.unf 1378942
1 ad10016000g300470h.unf 1378942
-> Fetching GIS3_CALSRC256.2
-> Extracting from ad10016000g300170h.unf ad10016000g300270m.unf ad10016000g300370h.unf ad10016000g300470h.unf
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] xsel
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 04:40:00 0.19E+05  1291289     1024
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 04:40:00 0.19E+05  1291289     1024
      2 GRS1716- PH       MEDIUM   05/10/93 03:33:46 0.91E+04    84672     1024
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 04:40:00 0.19E+05  1291289     1024
      2 GRS1716- PH       MEDIUM   05/10/93 03:33:46 0.91E+04    84672     1024
      3 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 06:40:16 0.26E+02     2412     1024
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 04:40:00 0.19E+05  1291289     1024
      2 GRS1716- PH       MEDIUM   05/10/93 03:33:46 0.91E+04    84672     1024
      3 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 06:40:16 0.26E+02     2412     1024
      4 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 06:40:14 0.60E+01      569     1024
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Getting FITS WCS Keywords
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g300170h.unf
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
        1291289      5118        1286167         4         0         0
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g300270m.unf
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
          84672      1453          83219         0         0         0
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g300370h.unf
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
           2412         5           2407         0         0         0
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g300470h.unf
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
            569         1            568         0         0         0
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
       1378942      6577        1372361         4         0         0
   in   28320.21 seconds
 Spectrum         has     6577 counts for 0.2322     counts/sec
  EXTNAME   - SPECTRUM        Name of this BINTABLE
  TELESCOP  - ASCA            Mission/Satellite name
  INSTRUME  - GIS3            Instrument/Detector
  FILTER    -                 Instrument filter in use
  EXPOSURE  - 28320.          Integration time (in secs) of PHA data
  AREASCAL  - 1.0000          Area scaling factor
  BACKSCAL  - 2.83356E-02     Background scaling factor
  BACKFILE  - NONE            Associated background file
  CORRSCAL  - 1.0000          Correlation scaling factor
  CORRFILE  - none            Associated correlation file
  RESPFILE  - NONE            Associated redistribution matrix file
  ANCRFILE  - none            Associated ancillary response file
  XFLT0001  - none            XSPEC selection filter
  POISSERR  - TRUE            Whether Poissonian errors apply
  CHANTYPE  - PI              Whether channels have been corrected
  TLMIN1    - 0               First legal Detector channel
  DETCHANS  - 1024            No. of legal detector channels
  NCHAN     - 1024            No. of detector channels in dataset
  PHAVERSN  - 1992a           OGIP FITS version number
  STAT_ERR  - FALSE           Statistical Error
  SYS_ERR   - TRUE            Fractional Systematic Error
  QUALITY   - TRUE            Quality Flag
  GROUPING  - FALSE           Grouping Flag
 ...  --------
 ...  --------
 ...  ---------------------------------------------
 ...  Channel Grouping (Channel-Channel) :
 ...  ---------------------------------------------
 ...... exiting, changes written to file :
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!xsel:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!xsel:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!xsel:ASCA > read events ad10016000g300170h.unf
Got new instrument: GIS3
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    1
         WMAP binning     =    1
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.19531E-02
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > read events ad10016000g300270m.unf
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.15625E-01
 Number of files read in:   2
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > read events ad10016000g300370h.unf
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.19531E-02
 Number of files read in:   3
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > read events ad10016000g300470h.unf
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.19531E-02
 Number of files read in:   4
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > filter region GIS3_CALSRC256.2
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > extract spectrum
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > save spectrum group=yes
Wrote spectrum to
!xsel:ASCA-GIS3-PH > exit save_session=no
-> gis3v4_0.rmf already present in current directory
-> Plotting and finding peak
-> Standard Output From STOOL xspec:
               XSPEC 9.01 06:37:19 22-Mar-98
 Plot device not set, use "cpd" to set it
 Type "help" or "?" for further information
!XSPEC> query yes
Querying disabled - assuming answer is yes
!XSPEC> data
 Net count rate (cts/s) for file   1  0.2322    +/-  2.8699E-03
   1 data set is in use
!XSPEC> ignore bad
!XSPEC> ignore **-4.0
!XSPEC> ignore 8.0-**
!XSPEC> model const/b + gauss/b + gauss/b
Background components must be from the additive model list
  mo = constant[1] ) + gaussian/b[2] + gaussian/b[3]
 Input parameter value, delta, min, bot, top, and max values for ...
 Mod parameter  1 of component  1 constant factor
    1.000      1.0000E-02      0.          0.      1.0000E+10  1.0000E+10
 Mod parameter  2 of component  2 gaussian LineE
    6.500      5.0000E-02      0.          0.      1.0000E+06  1.0000E+06
! 5.9
 Mod parameter  3 of component  2 gaussian Sigma
   0.1000      5.0000E-02      0.          0.       10.00       20.00
! 0.0
 Mod parameter  4 of component  2 gaussian norm
    1.000      1.0000E-02      0.          0.      1.0000E+24  1.0000E+24
 Mod parameter  5 of component  3 gaussian LineE
    6.500      5.0000E-02      0.          0.      1.0000E+06  1.0000E+06
! 6.5
 Mod parameter  6 of component  3 gaussian Sigma
   0.1000      5.0000E-02      0.          0.       10.00       20.00
! 0.0
 Mod parameter  7 of component  3 gaussian norm
    1.000      1.0000E-02      0.          0.      1.0000E+24  1.0000E+24
  mo = constant[1] ) + gaussian/b[2] + gaussian/b[3]
  Model Fit Model   Component     Parameter   Value
  par   par comp
    1    1    1       constant    factor     1.00000     +/-      0.
    2    2    2       gaussian/b  LineE      5.90000     +/-      0.
    3    3    2       gaussian/b  Sigma           0.     +/-      0.
    4    4    2       gaussian/b  norm       1.00000     +/-      0.
    5    5    3       gaussian/b  LineE      6.50000     +/-      0.
    6    6    3       gaussian/b  Sigma           0.     +/-      0.
    7    7    3       gaussian/b  norm       1.00000     +/-      0.
    7 variable fit parameters
 Chi-Squared =     7.3623E+05 using    84 PHA bins.
 Reduced chi-squared =      9561.
!XSPEC> newpar 5 = 2 1.101005
    6 variable fit parameters
 Chi-Squared =     7.3063E+05 using    84 PHA bins.
 Reduced chi-squared =      9367.
!XSPEC> newpar 6 = 3 1.049288
    5 variable fit parameters
 Chi-Squared =     7.3063E+05 using    84 PHA bins.
 Reduced chi-squared =      9249.
!XSPEC> renorm
 Chi-Squared =      2122.     using    84 PHA bins.
 Reduced chi-squared =      26.86
!XSPEC> fit
 Chi-Squared  Lvl  Fit param # 1     2           3           4
 Due to zero model norms
  fit parameter  1 is temporarily frozen
   1657.8      0      1.000       5.894      0.1081      7.3426E-02
 Due to zero model norms
  fit parameter  1 is temporarily frozen
   753.86      0      1.000       5.874      0.1491      0.1111
 Due to zero model norms
  fit parameter  1 is temporarily frozen
   219.61     -1      1.000       5.949      0.1617      0.1610
 Due to zero model norms
  fit parameter  1 is temporarily frozen
   169.92     -2      1.000       5.977      0.1645      0.1800
 Due to zero model norms
  fit parameter  1 is temporarily frozen
   165.87     -3      1.000       5.966      0.1531      0.1771
 Due to zero model norms
  fit parameter  1 is temporarily frozen
   165.67     -4      1.000       5.969      0.1549      0.1780
 Due to zero model norms
  fit parameter  1 is temporarily frozen
   165.62     -5      1.000       5.969      0.1541      0.1778
 Due to zero model norms
  fit parameter  1 is temporarily frozen
   165.62      0      1.000       5.969      0.1541      0.1778
  mo = constant[1] ) + gaussian/b[2] + gaussian/b[3]
  Model Fit Model   Component     Parameter   Value
  par   par comp
    1    1    1       constant    factor     1.00000     +/- -1.0000
    2    2    2       gaussian/b  LineE      5.96862     +/- 0.54256E-02
    3    3    2       gaussian/b  Sigma     0.154144     +/- 0.67463E-02
    4    4    2       gaussian/b  norm      0.177788     +/- 0.29501E-02
    5    2    3       gaussian/b  LineE      6.57148     = par   2 *  1.1010
    6    3    3       gaussian/b  Sigma     0.161742     = par   3 *  1.0493
    7    5    3       gaussian/b  norm      2.547764E-02 +/- 0.17725E-02
 Chi-Squared =      165.6     using    84 PHA bins.
 Reduced chi-squared =      2.096
!XSPEC> setplot energy
!XSPEC> iplot data
!PLT> label top GIS3 Calibration Source, should peak near 5.9 keV
!PLT> log x off
!PLT> rescale x 4 8
!PLT> hard /ps
!PLT> quit
!XSPEC> exit
!Do you really want to exit (y) y
 XSPEC: quit
-> Calibration source peaks at 5.96862 +/- 0.0054256 keV

Extracting bright and dark Earth event files. ( 06:37:29 )

-> Extracting bright and dark Earth events from ad10016000s000102h.unf
-> Extracting ad10016000s000102h.drk
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] earthevents
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- BRIGHT   HIGH     05/10/93 04:39:44 0.19E+05  1119055 0100
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000s000102h.unf
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
        1119055      2298              0   1116757         0         0
 Writing events file
   2298 events written to the output file
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
       1119055      2298              0   1116757         0         0
   in    4219.31 seconds
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!earthevents:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!earthevents:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!earthevents:ASCA > read events ad10016000s000102h.unf
Got new instrument: SIS0
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    4
         WMAP binning     =    8
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   2047
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:   4.0000
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!earthevents:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > select mkf "FOV==1"  data_dir=. ASCA_mkf_def_expr=ft*.mkf
!earthevents:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > extract events
!earthevents:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > save events outfile=event.tmp use_events=no
Wrote events list to file event.tmp
!earthevents:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > exit save_session=no
-> Cleaning hot pixels from ad10016000s000102h.unf
-> Standard Output From FTOOL cleansis:
    allocating image arrays...
 * Anomalous pixels may consist of at least two populations.
 1. Persistent HOT pixels are removed by comparing to the chip mean.
 2. Flickering WARM pixels are removed by comparing to the cell mean.
 3. In faint areas (zero bgd), flickering pixels are removed with a
    cutoff threshold.
 Choose cell size and thresholds based on the expected background and the PSF.
 Use the DIRTYSIS option to examine the anomalous pixel spectra.
 Try a multiple pass clean:
     Choose a PHA cut to optimize the S/N of the flickering pixels,
     then a broad band clean.
 Be suspicious of extended source cleans.
 For very bright sources you may need to turn off the iteration option.
 See the help page for further info (fhelp cleansis)
 Poisson clean cell size         :            5
 Poisson probability threshold   :    0.575E-05
 Zero Bgd Cutoff threshold (>)   :            3
 Iterate                         :            F
 Dirtysis                        :            F
 Minimum PHA value (inclusive)   :            0
 Maximum PHA value (inclusive)   :         4095
    open output  file: ad10016000s000102h.drk
    reading data file: event.tmp
    copying primary header to output file...
    making chip image...
 Total counts in chip images :         2298
    copy bad pix array...
cleaning chip #           0
cleaning chip #           1
 Hot pixels & counts                   :               6        2224
 Flickering pixels iter, pixels & cnts :   1           1           3
cleaning chip #           2
cleaning chip #           3
 Number of pixels rejected           :            7
 Number of (internal) image counts   :         2298
 Number of image cts rejected (N, %) :         2227     96.9103546
         By chip   :             0            1            2            3
 Pixels rejected   :             0            7            0            0
 Image counts      :             0         2298            0            0
 Image cts rejected:             0         2227            0            0
 Image cts rej (%) :          0.00        96.91         0.00         0.00
    filtering data...
 Total counts      :             0         2298            0            0
 Total cts rejected:             0         2227            0            0
 Total cts rej (%) :          0.00        96.91         0.00         0.00
 Number of clean counts accepted  :           71
    writing history cards...
    copying extensions...
    writing out hot pixs...
 Number of rejected pixels        :            7
    updating NEVENTS keywords...
    closing data file...
    closing clean file...
-> Extracting bright and dark Earth events from ad10016000s000202m.unf
-> Extracting ad10016000s000202m.drk
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] earthevents
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- BRIGHT   MEDIUM   05/10/93 03:33:36 0.12E+05   237500 0100
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000s000202m.unf
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
         237500      3116              0    234384         0         0
 Writing events file
   3116 events written to the output file
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
        237500      3116              0    234384         0         0
   in    4540.08 seconds
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!earthevents:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!earthevents:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!earthevents:ASCA > read events ad10016000s000202m.unf
Got new instrument: SIS0
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    4
         WMAP binning     =    8
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   2047
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:   4.0000
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!earthevents:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > select mkf "FOV==1"  data_dir=. ASCA_mkf_def_expr=ft*.mkf
!earthevents:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > extract events
!earthevents:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > save events outfile=event.tmp use_events=no
Wrote events list to file event.tmp
!earthevents:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > exit save_session=no
-> Cleaning hot pixels from ad10016000s000202m.unf
-> Standard Output From FTOOL cleansis:
    allocating image arrays...
 * Anomalous pixels may consist of at least two populations.
 1. Persistent HOT pixels are removed by comparing to the chip mean.
 2. Flickering WARM pixels are removed by comparing to the cell mean.
 3. In faint areas (zero bgd), flickering pixels are removed with a
    cutoff threshold.
 Choose cell size and thresholds based on the expected background and the PSF.
 Use the DIRTYSIS option to examine the anomalous pixel spectra.
 Try a multiple pass clean:
     Choose a PHA cut to optimize the S/N of the flickering pixels,
     then a broad band clean.
 Be suspicious of extended source cleans.
 For very bright sources you may need to turn off the iteration option.
 See the help page for further info (fhelp cleansis)
 Poisson clean cell size         :            5
 Poisson probability threshold   :    0.575E-05
 Zero Bgd Cutoff threshold (>)   :            3
 Iterate                         :            F
 Dirtysis                        :            F
 Minimum PHA value (inclusive)   :            0
 Maximum PHA value (inclusive)   :         4095
    open output  file: ad10016000s000202m.drk
    reading data file: event.tmp
    copying primary header to output file...
    making chip image...
 Total counts in chip images :         3116
    copy bad pix array...
cleaning chip #           0
cleaning chip #           1
 Hot pixels & counts                   :               5        2430
 Flickering pixels iter, pixels & cnts :   1           4          35
cleaning chip #           2
cleaning chip #           3
 Number of pixels rejected           :            9
 Number of (internal) image counts   :         3116
 Number of image cts rejected (N, %) :         2465     79.1078339
         By chip   :             0            1            2            3
 Pixels rejected   :             0            9            0            0
 Image counts      :             0         3116            0            0
 Image cts rejected:             0         2465            0            0
 Image cts rej (%) :          0.00        79.11         0.00         0.00
    filtering data...
 Total counts      :             0         3116            0            0
 Total cts rejected:             0         2465            0            0
 Total cts rej (%) :          0.00        79.11         0.00         0.00
 Number of clean counts accepted  :          651
    writing history cards...
    copying extensions...
    writing out hot pixs...
 Number of rejected pixels        :            9
    updating NEVENTS keywords...
    closing data file...
    closing clean file...
-> Extracting bright and dark Earth events from ad10016000s000302m.unf
-> Extracting ad10016000s000302m.drk
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] earthevents
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- BRIGHT   MEDIUM   05/10/93 04:20:32 0.23E+04    38712 0100
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000s000302m.unf
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
          38712       328              0     38384         0         0
 Writing events file
    328 events written to the output file
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
         38712       328              0     38384         0         0
   in     354.03 seconds
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!earthevents:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!earthevents:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!earthevents:ASCA > read events ad10016000s000302m.unf
Got new instrument: SIS0
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    4
         WMAP binning     =    8
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   2047
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:   4.0000
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!earthevents:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > select mkf "FOV==1"  data_dir=. ASCA_mkf_def_expr=ft*.mkf
!earthevents:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > extract events
!earthevents:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > save events outfile=event.tmp use_events=no
Wrote events list to file event.tmp
!earthevents:ASCA-SIS0-BRIGHT > exit save_session=no
-> Cleaning hot pixels from ad10016000s000302m.unf
-> Standard Output From FTOOL cleansis:
    allocating image arrays...
 * Anomalous pixels may consist of at least two populations.
 1. Persistent HOT pixels are removed by comparing to the chip mean.
 2. Flickering WARM pixels are removed by comparing to the cell mean.
 3. In faint areas (zero bgd), flickering pixels are removed with a
    cutoff threshold.
 Choose cell size and thresholds based on the expected background and the PSF.
 Use the DIRTYSIS option to examine the anomalous pixel spectra.
 Try a multiple pass clean:
     Choose a PHA cut to optimize the S/N of the flickering pixels,
     then a broad band clean.
 Be suspicious of extended source cleans.
 For very bright sources you may need to turn off the iteration option.
 See the help page for further info (fhelp cleansis)
 Poisson clean cell size         :            5
 Poisson probability threshold   :    0.575E-05
 Zero Bgd Cutoff threshold (>)   :            3
 Iterate                         :            F
 Dirtysis                        :            F
 Minimum PHA value (inclusive)   :            0
 Maximum PHA value (inclusive)   :         4095
    open output  file: ad10016000s000302m.drk
    reading data file: event.tmp
    copying primary header to output file...
    making chip image...
 Total counts in chip images :          328
    copy bad pix array...
cleaning chip #           0
cleaning chip #           1
 Hot pixels & counts                   :               6         251
 Flickering pixels iter, pixels & cnts :   1           1           4
cleaning chip #           2
cleaning chip #           3
 Number of pixels rejected           :            7
 Number of (internal) image counts   :          328
 Number of image cts rejected (N, %) :          255     77.7439041
         By chip   :             0            1            2            3
 Pixels rejected   :             0            7            0            0
 Image counts      :             0          328            0            0
 Image cts rejected:             0          255            0            0
 Image cts rej (%) :          0.00        77.74         0.00         0.00
    filtering data...
 Total counts      :             0          328            0            0
 Total cts rejected:             0          255            0            0
 Total cts rej (%) :          0.00        77.74         0.00         0.00
 Number of clean counts accepted  :           73
    writing history cards...
    copying extensions...
    writing out hot pixs...
 Number of rejected pixels        :            7
    updating NEVENTS keywords...
    closing data file...
    closing clean file...
-> Extracting bright and dark Earth events from ad10016000s100102h.unf
-> Extracting ad10016000s100102h.drk
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] earthevents
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- BRIGHT   HIGH     05/10/93 04:39:44 0.19E+05   984039 0001
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000s100102h.unf
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
         984039      6394              0    977645         0         0
 Writing events file
   6394 events written to the output file
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
        984039      6394              0    977645         0         0
   in    4383.46 seconds
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!earthevents:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!earthevents:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!earthevents:ASCA > read events ad10016000s100102h.unf
Got new instrument: SIS1
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    4
         WMAP binning     =    8
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   2047
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:   4.0000
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!earthevents:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > select mkf "FOV==1"  data_dir=. ASCA_mkf_def_expr=ft*.mkf
!earthevents:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > extract events
!earthevents:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > save events outfile=event.tmp use_events=no
Wrote events list to file event.tmp
!earthevents:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > exit save_session=no
-> Cleaning hot pixels from ad10016000s100102h.unf
-> Standard Output From FTOOL cleansis:
    allocating image arrays...
 * Anomalous pixels may consist of at least two populations.
 1. Persistent HOT pixels are removed by comparing to the chip mean.
 2. Flickering WARM pixels are removed by comparing to the cell mean.
 3. In faint areas (zero bgd), flickering pixels are removed with a
    cutoff threshold.
 Choose cell size and thresholds based on the expected background and the PSF.
 Use the DIRTYSIS option to examine the anomalous pixel spectra.
 Try a multiple pass clean:
     Choose a PHA cut to optimize the S/N of the flickering pixels,
     then a broad band clean.
 Be suspicious of extended source cleans.
 For very bright sources you may need to turn off the iteration option.
 See the help page for further info (fhelp cleansis)
 Poisson clean cell size         :            5
 Poisson probability threshold   :    0.575E-05
 Zero Bgd Cutoff threshold (>)   :            3
 Iterate                         :            F
 Dirtysis                        :            F
 Minimum PHA value (inclusive)   :            0
 Maximum PHA value (inclusive)   :         4095
    open output  file: ad10016000s100102h.drk
    reading data file: event.tmp
    copying primary header to output file...
    making chip image...
 Total counts in chip images :         6394
    copy bad pix array...
cleaning chip #           0
cleaning chip #           1
cleaning chip #           2
cleaning chip #           3
 Hot pixels & counts                   :               9        6224
 Flickering pixels iter, pixels & cnts :   1           4          30
 Number of pixels rejected           :           13
 Number of (internal) image counts   :         6394
 Number of image cts rejected (N, %) :         6254     97.8104477
         By chip   :             0            1            2            3
 Pixels rejected   :             0            0            0           13
 Image counts      :             0            0            0         6394
 Image cts rejected:             0            0            0         6254
 Image cts rej (%) :          0.00         0.00         0.00        97.81
    filtering data...
 Total counts      :             0            0            0         6394
 Total cts rejected:             0            0            0         6254
 Total cts rej (%) :          0.00         0.00         0.00        97.81
 Number of clean counts accepted  :          140
    writing history cards...
    copying extensions...
    writing out hot pixs...
 Number of rejected pixels        :           13
    updating NEVENTS keywords...
    closing data file...
    closing clean file...
-> Extracting bright and dark Earth events from ad10016000s100202m.unf
-> Extracting ad10016000s100202m.drk
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] earthevents
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- BRIGHT   MEDIUM   05/10/93 03:33:36 0.14E+05   281139 0001
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000s100202m.unf
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
         281139      7682              0    273457         0         0
 Writing events file
   7682 events written to the output file
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
        281139      7682              0    273457         0         0
   in    4900.87 seconds
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!earthevents:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!earthevents:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!earthevents:ASCA > read events ad10016000s100202m.unf
Got new instrument: SIS1
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    4
         WMAP binning     =    8
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   2047
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:   4.0000
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!earthevents:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > select mkf "FOV==1"  data_dir=. ASCA_mkf_def_expr=ft*.mkf
!earthevents:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > extract events
!earthevents:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > save events outfile=event.tmp use_events=no
Wrote events list to file event.tmp
!earthevents:ASCA-SIS1-BRIGHT > exit save_session=no
-> Cleaning hot pixels from ad10016000s100202m.unf
-> Standard Output From FTOOL cleansis:
    allocating image arrays...
 * Anomalous pixels may consist of at least two populations.
 1. Persistent HOT pixels are removed by comparing to the chip mean.
 2. Flickering WARM pixels are removed by comparing to the cell mean.
 3. In faint areas (zero bgd), flickering pixels are removed with a
    cutoff threshold.
 Choose cell size and thresholds based on the expected background and the PSF.
 Use the DIRTYSIS option to examine the anomalous pixel spectra.
 Try a multiple pass clean:
     Choose a PHA cut to optimize the S/N of the flickering pixels,
     then a broad band clean.
 Be suspicious of extended source cleans.
 For very bright sources you may need to turn off the iteration option.
 See the help page for further info (fhelp cleansis)
 Poisson clean cell size         :            5
 Poisson probability threshold   :    0.575E-05
 Zero Bgd Cutoff threshold (>)   :            3
 Iterate                         :            F
 Dirtysis                        :            F
 Minimum PHA value (inclusive)   :            0
 Maximum PHA value (inclusive)   :         4095
    open output  file: ad10016000s100202m.drk
    reading data file: event.tmp
    copying primary header to output file...
    making chip image...
 Total counts in chip images :         7682
    copy bad pix array...
cleaning chip #           0
cleaning chip #           1
cleaning chip #           2
cleaning chip #           3
 Hot pixels & counts                   :               9        6696
 Flickering pixels iter, pixels & cnts :   1           8         113
 Number of pixels rejected           :           17
 Number of (internal) image counts   :         7682
 Number of image cts rejected (N, %) :         6809     88.6357727
         By chip   :             0            1            2            3
 Pixels rejected   :             0            0            0           17
 Image counts      :             0            0            0         7682
 Image cts rejected:             0            0            0         6809
 Image cts rej (%) :          0.00         0.00         0.00        88.64
    filtering data...
 Total counts      :             0            0            0         7682
 Total cts rejected:             0            0            0         6809
 Total cts rej (%) :          0.00         0.00         0.00        88.64
 Number of clean counts accepted  :          873
    writing history cards...
    copying extensions...
    writing out hot pixs...
 Number of rejected pixels        :           17
    updating NEVENTS keywords...
    closing data file...
    closing clean file...
-> Extracting bright and dark Earth events from ad10016000g200170h.unf
-> Extracting ad10016000g200170h.drk
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] earthevents
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 04:40:00 0.19E+05  1012238     1024
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g200170h.unf
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
        1012238      2893              0   1009345         0         0
 Writing events file
   2893 events written to the output file
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
       1012238      2893              0   1009345         0         0
   in    4383.64 seconds
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!earthevents:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!earthevents:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!earthevents:ASCA > read events ad10016000g200170h.unf
Got new instrument: GIS2
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    1
         WMAP binning     =    1
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.19531E-02
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!earthevents:ASCA-GIS2-PH > select mkf "FOV==1"  data_dir=. ASCA_mkf_def_expr=ft*.mkf
!earthevents:ASCA-GIS2-PH > extract events
!earthevents:ASCA-GIS2-PH > save events outfile=event.tmp use_events=no
Wrote events list to file event.tmp
!earthevents:ASCA-GIS2-PH > exit save_session=no
-> Extracting ad10016000g200170h.brt
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] earthevents
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 04:40:00 0.19E+05  1012238     1024
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g200170h.unf
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
        1012238       198              0   1012040         0         0
 Writing events file
    198 events written to the output file
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
       1012238       198              0   1012040         0         0
   in     141.89 seconds
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!earthevents:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!earthevents:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!earthevents:ASCA > read events ad10016000g200170h.unf
Got new instrument: GIS2
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    1
         WMAP binning     =    1
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.19531E-02
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!earthevents:ASCA-GIS2-PH > select mkf "FOV==2"  data_dir=. ASCA_mkf_def_expr=ft*.mkf
!earthevents:ASCA-GIS2-PH > extract events
!earthevents:ASCA-GIS2-PH > save events outfile=event.tmp use_events=no
Wrote events list to file event.tmp
!earthevents:ASCA-GIS2-PH > exit save_session=no
-> Extracting bright and dark Earth events from ad10016000g200270m.unf
-> Extracting ad10016000g200270m.drk
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] earthevents
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- PH       MEDIUM   05/10/93 03:33:46 0.91E+04    84932     1024
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g200270m.unf
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
          84932      2121              0     82811         0         0
 Writing events file
   2121 events written to the output file
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
         84932      2121              0     82811         0         0
   in    3056.12 seconds
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!earthevents:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!earthevents:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!earthevents:ASCA > read events ad10016000g200270m.unf
Got new instrument: GIS2
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    1
         WMAP binning     =    1
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.15625E-01
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!earthevents:ASCA-GIS2-PH > select mkf "FOV==1"  data_dir=. ASCA_mkf_def_expr=ft*.mkf
!earthevents:ASCA-GIS2-PH > extract events
!earthevents:ASCA-GIS2-PH > save events outfile=event.tmp use_events=no
Wrote events list to file event.tmp
!earthevents:ASCA-GIS2-PH > exit save_session=no
-> Extracting ad10016000g200270m.brt
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] earthevents
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- PH       MEDIUM   05/10/93 03:33:46 0.91E+04    84932     1024
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g200270m.unf
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
          84932      1442              0     83490         0         0
 Writing events file
   1442 events written to the output file
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
         84932      1442              0     83490         0         0
   in     624.00 seconds
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!earthevents:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!earthevents:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!earthevents:ASCA > read events ad10016000g200270m.unf
Got new instrument: GIS2
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    1
         WMAP binning     =    1
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.15625E-01
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!earthevents:ASCA-GIS2-PH > select mkf "FOV==2"  data_dir=. ASCA_mkf_def_expr=ft*.mkf
!earthevents:ASCA-GIS2-PH > extract events
!earthevents:ASCA-GIS2-PH > save events outfile=event.tmp use_events=no
Wrote events list to file event.tmp
!earthevents:ASCA-GIS2-PH > exit save_session=no
-> Extracting bright and dark Earth events from ad10016000g200370h.unf
-> Extracting ad10016000g200370h.drk
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] earthevents
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 06:40:34 0.16E+02     1153     1024
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Skipping file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g200370h.unf
 Writing events file
      0 events written to the output file
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
             0         0              0         0         0         0
   in       0.00 seconds
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!earthevents:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!earthevents:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!earthevents:ASCA > read events ad10016000g200370h.unf
Got new instrument: GIS2
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    1
         WMAP binning     =    1
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.19531E-02
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!earthevents:ASCA-GIS2-PH > select mkf "FOV==1"  data_dir=. ASCA_mkf_def_expr=ft*.mkf
!earthevents:ASCA-GIS2-PH > extract events
!earthevents:ASCA-GIS2-PH > save events outfile=event.tmp use_events=no
Wrote events list to file event.tmp
!earthevents:ASCA-GIS2-PH > exit save_session=no
-> Deleting ad10016000g200370h.drk since it contains 0 events
-> Extracting ad10016000g200370h.brt
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] earthevents
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 06:40:34 0.16E+02     1153     1024
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Skipping file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g200370h.unf
 Writing events file
      0 events written to the output file
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
             0         0              0         0         0         0
   in       0.00 seconds
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!earthevents:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!earthevents:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!earthevents:ASCA > read events ad10016000g200370h.unf
Got new instrument: GIS2
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    1
         WMAP binning     =    1
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.19531E-02
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!earthevents:ASCA-GIS2-PH > select mkf "FOV==2"  data_dir=. ASCA_mkf_def_expr=ft*.mkf
!earthevents:ASCA-GIS2-PH > extract events
!earthevents:ASCA-GIS2-PH > save events outfile=event.tmp use_events=no
Wrote events list to file event.tmp
!earthevents:ASCA-GIS2-PH > exit save_session=no
-> Deleting ad10016000g200370h.brt since it contains 0 events
-> Extracting bright and dark Earth events from ad10016000g300170h.unf
-> Extracting ad10016000g300170h.drk
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] earthevents
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 04:40:00 0.19E+05  1291289     1024
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g300170h.unf
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
        1291289      2581              0   1288708         0         0
 Writing events file
   2581 events written to the output file
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
       1291289      2581              0   1288708         0         0
   in    4383.64 seconds
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!earthevents:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!earthevents:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!earthevents:ASCA > read events ad10016000g300170h.unf
Got new instrument: GIS3
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    1
         WMAP binning     =    1
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.19531E-02
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!earthevents:ASCA-GIS3-PH > select mkf "FOV==1"  data_dir=. ASCA_mkf_def_expr=ft*.mkf
!earthevents:ASCA-GIS3-PH > extract events
!earthevents:ASCA-GIS3-PH > save events outfile=event.tmp use_events=no
Wrote events list to file event.tmp
!earthevents:ASCA-GIS3-PH > exit save_session=no
-> Extracting ad10016000g300170h.brt
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] earthevents
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 04:40:00 0.19E+05  1291289     1024
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g300170h.unf
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
        1291289       186              0   1291103         0         0
 Writing events file
    186 events written to the output file
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
       1291289       186              0   1291103         0         0
   in     141.89 seconds
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!earthevents:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!earthevents:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!earthevents:ASCA > read events ad10016000g300170h.unf
Got new instrument: GIS3
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    1
         WMAP binning     =    1
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.19531E-02
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!earthevents:ASCA-GIS3-PH > select mkf "FOV==2"  data_dir=. ASCA_mkf_def_expr=ft*.mkf
!earthevents:ASCA-GIS3-PH > extract events
!earthevents:ASCA-GIS3-PH > save events outfile=event.tmp use_events=no
Wrote events list to file event.tmp
!earthevents:ASCA-GIS3-PH > exit save_session=no
-> Extracting bright and dark Earth events from ad10016000g300270m.unf
-> Extracting ad10016000g300270m.drk
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] earthevents
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- PH       MEDIUM   05/10/93 03:33:46 0.91E+04    84672     1024
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g300270m.unf
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
          84672      1928              0     82744         0         0
 Writing events file
   1928 events written to the output file
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
         84672      1928              0     82744         0         0
   in    3056.12 seconds
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!earthevents:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!earthevents:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!earthevents:ASCA > read events ad10016000g300270m.unf
Got new instrument: GIS3
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    1
         WMAP binning     =    1
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.15625E-01
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!earthevents:ASCA-GIS3-PH > select mkf "FOV==1"  data_dir=. ASCA_mkf_def_expr=ft*.mkf
!earthevents:ASCA-GIS3-PH > extract events
!earthevents:ASCA-GIS3-PH > save events outfile=event.tmp use_events=no
Wrote events list to file event.tmp
!earthevents:ASCA-GIS3-PH > exit save_session=no
-> Extracting ad10016000g300270m.brt
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] earthevents
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- PH       MEDIUM   05/10/93 03:33:46 0.91E+04    84672     1024
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Doing file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g300270m.unf
          Total      Good    Bad: Region      Time     Phase       Cut
          84672      1335              0     83337         0         0
 Writing events file
   1335 events written to the output file
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
         84672      1335              0     83337         0         0
   in     624.00 seconds
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!earthevents:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!earthevents:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!earthevents:ASCA > read events ad10016000g300270m.unf
Got new instrument: GIS3
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    1
         WMAP binning     =    1
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.15625E-01
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!earthevents:ASCA-GIS3-PH > select mkf "FOV==2"  data_dir=. ASCA_mkf_def_expr=ft*.mkf
!earthevents:ASCA-GIS3-PH > extract events
!earthevents:ASCA-GIS3-PH > save events outfile=event.tmp use_events=no
Wrote events list to file event.tmp
!earthevents:ASCA-GIS3-PH > exit save_session=no
-> Extracting bright and dark Earth events from ad10016000g300370h.unf
-> Extracting ad10016000g300370h.drk
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] earthevents
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 06:40:16 0.26E+02     2412     1024
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Skipping file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g300370h.unf
 Writing events file
      0 events written to the output file
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
             0         0              0         0         0         0
   in       0.00 seconds
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!earthevents:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!earthevents:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!earthevents:ASCA > read events ad10016000g300370h.unf
Got new instrument: GIS3
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    1
         WMAP binning     =    1
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.19531E-02
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!earthevents:ASCA-GIS3-PH > select mkf "FOV==1"  data_dir=. ASCA_mkf_def_expr=ft*.mkf
!earthevents:ASCA-GIS3-PH > extract events
!earthevents:ASCA-GIS3-PH > save events outfile=event.tmp use_events=no
Wrote events list to file event.tmp
!earthevents:ASCA-GIS3-PH > exit save_session=no
-> Deleting ad10016000g300370h.drk since it contains 0 events
-> Extracting ad10016000g300370h.brt
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] earthevents
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 06:40:16 0.26E+02     2412     1024
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Skipping file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g300370h.unf
 Writing events file
      0 events written to the output file
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
             0         0              0         0         0         0
   in       0.00 seconds
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!earthevents:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!earthevents:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!earthevents:ASCA > read events ad10016000g300370h.unf
Got new instrument: GIS3
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    1
         WMAP binning     =    1
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.19531E-02
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!earthevents:ASCA-GIS3-PH > select mkf "FOV==2"  data_dir=. ASCA_mkf_def_expr=ft*.mkf
!earthevents:ASCA-GIS3-PH > extract events
!earthevents:ASCA-GIS3-PH > save events outfile=event.tmp use_events=no
Wrote events list to file event.tmp
!earthevents:ASCA-GIS3-PH > exit save_session=no
-> Deleting ad10016000g300370h.brt since it contains 0 events
-> Extracting bright and dark Earth events from ad10016000g300470h.unf
-> Extracting ad10016000g300470h.drk
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] earthevents
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 06:40:14 0.60E+01      569     1024
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Skipping file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g300470h.unf
 Writing events file
      0 events written to the output file
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
             0         0              0         0         0         0
   in       0.00 seconds
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!earthevents:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!earthevents:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!earthevents:ASCA > read events ad10016000g300470h.unf
Got new instrument: GIS3
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    1
         WMAP binning     =    1
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.19531E-02
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!earthevents:ASCA-GIS3-PH > select mkf "FOV==1"  data_dir=. ASCA_mkf_def_expr=ft*.mkf
!earthevents:ASCA-GIS3-PH > extract events
!earthevents:ASCA-GIS3-PH > save events outfile=event.tmp use_events=no
Wrote events list to file event.tmp
!earthevents:ASCA-GIS3-PH > exit save_session=no
-> Deleting ad10016000g300470h.drk since it contains 0 events
-> Extracting ad10016000g300470h.brt
-> Standard Output From FTOOL xselect:
                         **  XSELECT V1.3   **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] earthevents
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
      1 GRS1716- PH       HIGH     05/10/93 06:40:14 0.60E+01      569     1024
EXTRACTOR vers 2.0  11 Apr 1997.
 Skipping file: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/ad10016000g300470h.unf
 Writing events file
      0 events written to the output file
   Grand Total      Good   Bad:  Region      Time     Phase       Cut
             0         0              0         0         0         0
   in       0.00 seconds
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
!earthevents:ASCA > set mission ASCA
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      ASCA
 Keywords for time and pha are  TIME       PI
 Units of time are              s
 Default timing binsize =    16.00
 Keywords for images are          DETX       DETY
 Keywords for the WMAP are        DETX       DETY
!earthevents:ASCA > set datadir .
Setting data directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
Setting mkf directory to /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
!earthevents:ASCA > read events ad10016000g300470h.unf
Got new instrument: GIS3
Setting: IMAGE binning    =    1
         WMAP binning     =    1
         Energy Column    =  PI
         Energy rebinning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.19531E-02
 Number of files read in:   1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
HK Directory is: /data/data23/seq_proc/10016000.004/
There is no RISETIME information in your files.
You cannot use GISCLEAN.
!earthevents:ASCA-GIS3-PH > select mkf "FOV==2"  data_dir=. ASCA_mkf_def_expr=ft*.mkf
!earthevents:ASCA-GIS3-PH > extract events
!earthevents:ASCA-GIS3-PH > save events outfile=event.tmp use_events=no
Wrote events list to file event.tmp
!earthevents:ASCA-GIS3-PH > exit save_session=no
-> Deleting ad10016000g300470h.brt since it contains 0 events

Determining information about this observation ( 06:50:02 )

-> Calculating ISAS time for sis
-> Calculating ISAS time for gis
-> Recording dates of PI calibration files
-> Standard Output From FTOOL sec2time:
 Offset of  1.500000000000000E+08 from 1/1/93     0:0:0
 is date and time (including leapseconds) = 3/10/97    2:39:56.000000
 Modified Julian Day    =   50724.111064814816928

Generating event file information page ( 06:51:29 )

-> Summing time and events for s0 event files
-> listing ad10016000s000102h.unf
-> Standard Output From STOOL get_uniq_keys:
ad10016000s000202m.unf|S0_ARENA|0|S0 Area discrimination enable/disable
ad10016000s000302m.unf|S0_ARENA|1|S0 Area discrimination enable/disable
-> listing ad10016000s000202m.unf
-> listing ad10016000s000302m.unf
-> Summing time and events for s1 event files
-> listing ad10016000s100102h.unf
-> listing ad10016000s100202m.unf
-> Summing time and events for g2 event files
-> Standard Output From STOOL get_uniq_keys:
ad10016000g200170h.unf|CPU3|RUN|CPU3 run/stop
ad10016000g200370h.unf|CPU3|STOP|CPU3 run/stop
ad10016000g200170h.unf|C3_PGVER|1|CPU3 program version number
ad10016000g200370h.unf|C3_PGVER|0|CPU3 program version number
-> listing ad10016000g200170h.unf
-> listing ad10016000g200370h.unf
-> listing ad10016000g200270m.unf
-> Summing time and events for g3 event files
-> Standard Output From STOOL get_uniq_keys:
ad10016000g300170h.unf|CPU2|RUN|CPU2 run/stop
ad10016000g300370h.unf|CPU2|STOP|CPU2 run/stop
ad10016000g300470h.unf|CPU2|RUN|CPU2 run/stop
ad10016000g300170h.unf|C2_PGVER|1|CPU2 program version number
ad10016000g300370h.unf|C2_PGVER|0|CPU2 program version number
ad10016000g300470h.unf|C2_PGVER|0|CPU2 program version number
-> listing ad10016000g300170h.unf
-> listing ad10016000g300370h.unf
-> listing ad10016000g300470h.unf
-> listing ad10016000g300270m.unf

Creating sequence documentation ( 06:55:57 )

Creating HTML source list ( 06:56:30 )

Listing the files for distribution ( 06:59:38 )

-> Saving job.par as ad10016000_004_job.par and process.par as ad10016000_004_process.par
-> Creating the FITS format file catalog
-> Creating the trend product catalog
-> Creating the FITS format file catalog
-> Creating ad10016000_004_file_info.html

Doing final wrap up of all files ( 07:09:34 )

-> Adding FITS keywords to all distributed FITS files
-> Running fverify on all distributed files
-> Calculating checksums for all FITS files
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Standard Output From FTOOL fchecksum:
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
-> Doing inventory of all files

Processing complete ( 07:38:44 )