Press Room


June 24, 2004

U.S. Designates Additional Members of Italian
al Qaida Cell

The United States announced further collaboration with Italy in the financial war on terror as the U.S. Department of the Treasury designated six al Qaida loyalists operating in Italy, primarily in the Lombardi region. This action was taken pursuant to obligations of member states to designate individuals added to the consolidated list of the United Nations' 1267 Sanctions Committee because of ties to al Qaida, Usama bin Laden (UBL) and the Taliban.

"With Italy's leadership today, the international community continues its drive to identify and financially isolate al Qaida supporting cells and members in Europe and around the world," said Juan Zarate, the Treasury Department's Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Executive Office for Terrorist Financing and Financial Crimes. "In the face of international terrorism, we are undeterred, resolute and methodical in our mission to cut down terrorist support networks."

Ten other individuals associated with this terrorist cell were previously designated by Italy, and the designation was supported by the United States in March 2004. The cell is associated with the Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat (GSPC) and other Islamic terrorists groups operating around the globe. The United States designated the GSPC on September 24, 2001, and the United Nations placed the organization on the list of terrorist entities linked to al Qaida on October 8, 2001.

Information shows that the six individuals being designated today under the authority of E.O. 13224 were part of the same al Qaida terror cell in Italy, actively participating as members and engaging in criminal activities in support of their terrorist agendas.

The U.S. has information that this terrorist cell was engaged in the trafficking of arms and chemical materials. In addition, militant members of the organization were able to immigrate to Italy because the cell was supplying them with false documentation and other logistical support.

The following individuals were designated:

Mohamed Ben Mohamed Abdelhedi – Engaged in criminal acts with the intent to profit from clandestine immigration and false documentation.

Kamel Darraji – Supplied false documentation to illegal aliens.

Mohamed El Mahfoudi – Supplied false documentation to illegal aliens.

Imed Ben Bechir Jammali – Supplied false documentation to illegal aliens.

Habib Ben Ahmed Loubiri – President of the executive board of Work Services s.c.a.r.l., a cooperative society used to raise funds for extremist activity, most notably for the GSPC.

Chabaane Ben Mohamed Trabelsi – Supplied false documentation to illegal aliens.

These entities are subject to designation under Executive Order 13224 pursuant to paragraphs (d)(i) and (d)(ii) based on a determination that they assist in, sponsor or provide financial, material, or technological support for, or financial or other services to or in support of, or are otherwise associated with, persons listed as subject to E.O. 13224. These branches also meet the standard for inclusion in the United Nations' 1267 Sanctions Committee's consolidated list because of the support provided to UBL, al Qaida or the Taliban.

Inclusion on the 1267 Committee's list triggers international obligations on all member countries, requiring them to freeze the assets of these offices. Publicly identifying these supporters of terrorism is a critical part of the international campaign to counter terrorism. Additionally, other organizations and individuals are put on notice that they are prohibited from doing business with them.

Blocking actions are critical to combating the financing of terrorism. When an action is put into place, any assets existing in the formal financial system at the time of the order are to be frozen. Blocking actions serve additional functions as well, acting as a deterrent for non-designated parties who might otherwise be willing to finance terrorist activity; exposing terrorist financing "money trails" that may generate leads to previously unknown terrorist cells and financiers, disrupting terrorist financing networks by encouraging designated terrorist supporters to disassociate themselves from terrorist activity and renounce their affiliation with terrorist groups; terminating terrorist cash flows by shutting down the pipelines used to move terrorist-related assets; forcing terrorists to use alternative, more costly and higher-risk means of financing their activities; and engendering international cooperation and compliance with obligations under U.N. Security Council Resolutions.

The United States is working with our partners around the globe to take swift action against terrorists and their financiers. With this designation, 383 individuals and entities will have been designated under President Bush's Executive Order aimed at freezing the assets of terrorists and their supporters. Approximately $200 million in terrorist-related assets has been frozen or seized as a result of efforts by the United States and its allies.

For more information on the March 2004 designation in support of Italy, please visit: