Two Track Trigger Hadronic D°->Kpi signal PR Plots

Last Update: Mar. 06th, 2003 06:10PM

The following PR plot is based on the TTT sample collected until now. namely 65 pb-1 of the multibody path.
The preselection cuts applied to the sample are:
  1. the B_CHARM trigger path is selected using prereq
  2. "Bad runs: are excluded using B validation group TTT good runs list
Common reconstruction techniques applied to all tracks in the event:
  1. Drop L00 and ISL hits
  2. KAL refit
  3. COT covariance matrix rescale (c,d0,phi0,z0,lambda)=(5.33,3.01,3.7,0.653,0.58)
  4. Alignment table 100030 1 GOOD
  5. 25+25 COT hits for D0 doughters tracks
  6. 3 r-phi Silicon hits are required BEFORE refitting for D0 doughters tracks
  7. Pt>2. GeV for D0 daughters tracks
  8. |eta|<2
D0 tracks are matched with SVT tracks and Scenario "A" Trigger cuts are applied on the SVT matched tracks.
The plot show the Kpi invariant mass distribution with superimposed the sum of the 9 fitting functions
obtained fitting the invariant mass ditributions in 9 Pt(D0) bins from 5.5 to 70. GeV/c (The bin width is

EPS files Kpi
Fit Model 2 Gaussians (signal + Refelction) + Pol1 (bg) [Kpi]
Sigma_signal/sigma_reflected fixed on D* wrong sign data
Cuts description
  1. d0 (K and pi) > 120 um and < 1 mm
  2. Lxy(D0) > 200 um
  3. Pt(D0) > 5.5 GeV/c