Comment Number: OL-100029
Received: 3/11/2004 6:04:53 PM
Commenter: Robyn Toler
State: TX
Agency: Federal Trade Commission
Docket ID: [3084-AA96]
No Attachments


I am a regular mom who receives over a hundred spams a day. I want it to stop. Naive friends who ignorantly forward commercial messages and chain letters are not criminals. Forwarding interesting or informative web pages that happen to contain advertisement banners, etc., to friends and relatives should not incur penalties. ANYTHING that contains pornography or links to pornography should be punished. If I received 100 pieces of postal junk mail a day, the USPS would refuse to deliver it and something would have to be done. The amount of spam I receive and time wasted dealing with it is equally ridiculous. Thank you for providing this mechanism for public comment.