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00001 /* msgLog.c - MINOS DAQ syslog functionality */
00003 /* 
00004  * Tim Nicholls, Real Time Systems Group
00005  * CLRC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
00006  */
00008 /*
00009  * Current CVS Tag: 
00010  * $Header: /cvs/minoscvs/rep1/minossoft/OnlineUtil/msgLogLib/msgLog.c,v 1.3 2005/12/15 23:07:22 rhatcher Exp $ 
00011  */
00013 /*
00014  * Modification History : DO NOT EDIT - MAINTAINED BY CVS 
00015  * $Log: msgLog.c,v $
00016  * Revision 1.3  2005/12/15 23:07:22  rhatcher
00017  * synch to fix I suggested to Caius on 2005-10-15 (and then had to rediscover).
00018  * This FPE in the initial stage confuses gdb (version 6.1 and earilier)
00019  * to no end.  Of course, I forgot to make same commit at that time so
00020  * I had to rediscover (painfully hard) this fix.
00021  *
00022  * Revision 1.2  2005/09/06 19:06:49  rhatcher
00023  * Synch with online CVS repository as of 2005-08-25.  This includes fixes
00024  * for const correctness on char* format strings.  Alas, it now uses
00025  * clock_gettime() rather than gettimeofday() -- this exists on Linux,
00026  * but doesn't for MacOSX, but does require linkage to -lrt library.
00027  *
00028  * Revision 1.15  2005/08/25 17:37:24  howcroft
00029  * Added a function that allows a process to set its own max message repeat rate
00030  *
00031  * Revision 1.14  2005/08/25 17:20:43  howcroft
00032  * VxWorks and Linux now share code for time based message rate limiting. replaced the linux calls to gettimeofday with clock_getttime.
00033  *
00034  * Also, change char pointers to const pointers for format args.
00035  *
00036  * Revision 1.13  2005/08/15 20:22:26  howcroft
00037  * Wrap the repeated message timeouts in ifndef Vxworks statements, so it should still compile under vxworks
00038  *
00039  * Revision 1.12  2005/08/15 20:02:03  howcroft
00040  * use the macro MSG_USERPT to switch on and off the writing of the "last message sent N times".  If this macro is defined then this message is used, if not then the actual message is sent instead.
00041  *
00042  * Revision 1.11  2005/08/15 19:32:28  howcroft
00043  * Added new feature: timeouts on repeated message buffering.  A repeated messsage is now resent if:
00044  *
00045  * number of repeats>=MAX_RPTMSG_BUFFER (currently set to 1e6)
00046  *
00047  * OR
00048  *
00049  * time since last send > MAX_DTMSG_BUFFER (currently set to 0.5s)
00050  *
00051  * Revision 1.10  2005/05/03 10:12:38  tcn
00052  * Added function msgLogPidSet
00053  *
00054  * Revision 1.9  2003/11/06 11:17:09  howcroft
00055  * hacked so one can step back to syslog with USESYSLOG macro
00056  *
00057  * Revision 1.8  2003/10/24 13:34:53  howcroft
00058  * Bug fix, typo
00059  *
00060  * Revision 1.7  2003/10/24 13:30:22  howcroft
00061  *
00062  * MsgLogLib:
00063  * o Messages go via UDP to runControl directly rather than via syslog.
00064  * o Include a header with infomation about node Id, and message counter, we can now tell when messages are dropped.
00065  *
00066  * o msgLogger.c builds a little binary to act like the logger script.
00067  * o msgRead, a library to extract the messages from the UDP socket and fill a common struct defined in msgCommon.h
00068  *
00069  * Revision 1.6  2002/08/07 07:48:40  tcn
00070  * Added printf to Vxworks version of logMessage function, so messages also go to
00071  * console.
00072  *
00073  * Revision 1.5  2002/03/01 11:19:01  tcn
00074  * Implemented new debug message scheme with specifiable debug level and
00075  * and reporting threshold.
00076  *
00077  * Revision 1.4  2001/09/05 14:41:44  tcn
00078  * Forgot to include string.h
00079  *
00080  * Revision 1.3  2001/08/16 12:13:21  tcn
00081  * Added logNotice call, msgLogInit to (optionally) call openlog, message
00082  * priority code prepending for Linux and VxWorks
00083  *
00084  * Revision 1.2  2001/06/18 10:52:54  tcn
00085  * Implemented multi-level message logging. Now also works under VxWorks with the
00086  * -DVxWorks flag.
00087  *
00088  * Revision 1.1  2001/04/05 13:35:18  tcn
00089  * First commit of msgogLib
00090  *
00091  *
00092  */
00094  /*
00096 This module provides message logging functionality, routed either
00097 via syslog or (for VxWorks) via logMsg.
00099 The meaning of the levels for use in the MINOS DAQ is defined this:
00101    logCritical : Critical condition - system level problem (power, temp, etc.)
00102    logError    : Error condition - problem with DAQ, stopping readout
00103    logWarning  : Warning condition - problem with DAQ but can continue
00104    logNotice   : Normal condition, e.g. state transition by RC, LI sequence, 
00105                  executes complete
00106    logInfo     : Informational messages, e.g. component state changes
00107    logDebug    : Debug messages, e.g. TF xfer parameters
00109 logDebug has an additional argument, which specifies a debug level. A settable
00110 threshold, accessed by logDebugLevelSet, controls what debug levels are written
00111 as messages.
00113 INCLUDE FILES: msgLog.h, OsExtras.h
00114 */
00116 /* includes */
00117 #include <stdio.h>
00118 #include <stdarg.h>
00119 #include <string.h>
00120 #include <time.h>
00122 #ifdef VxWorks
00123 #include <bootLib.h>
00124 #include <logLib.h>
00125 #include <socket.h>
00126 #include <sockLib.h>
00127 #include <stdLib.h>
00128 #include <sysLib.h>
00129 #include <in.h>
00130 #include <ioLib.h>
00131 #include <msgQLib.h>
00132 #else
00133 #include <stdlib.h>
00134 #include <syslog.h>
00135 #include <sys/types.h>
00136 #include <sys/socket.h>
00137 #include <netinet/in.h>
00138 #include <arpa/inet.h>
00139 #include <sys/time.h>
00140 #include <errno.h>
00141 #include <unistd.h>
00142 #include <netdb.h>
00143 #endif
00145 #include "minosDaq.h"
00146 #include "msgLog.h"
00147 #include "msgCommon.h"
00149 #ifndef CLOCK_REALTIME
00150 #include "fake_clock_gettime.h"
00151 #endif
00153 /* defines */
00154 #ifdef VxWorks
00155 #define BOOT_LINE_SIZE 255
00156 #define TASK_SIZE_MSGLOGGER 2000
00158 #define MSGQ_MAX_MSGS  100
00159 #define ENDIAN_SWAP_LONG(w) ( ((w&0xff)<<24) | ((w&0xff00)<<8) | ((w&0xff0000)>>8) | ((w&0xff000000)>>24) )
00160 #define ENDIAN_SWAP_SHORT(w) ( ((w&0xff)<<8) | ((w&0xff00)>>8) )
00161 #define NATIVE_MSG(args...) printf(## args)
00162 #else
00163 #define NATIVE_MSG(args...) syslog(DAQ_LOG_FACILITY|LOG_ERR, ## args)
00164 #endif
00166 /* typedefs */
00169 /* globals */
00172 /* locals */
00173 static unsigned int lDebugLevel = 0;
00174 static long  lMaxRptDt = MAX_DTMSG_BUFFER;
00176 #ifdef USESYSLOG
00177 static mdMsgLogBuffer lBuffer;
00178 #else
00179 #ifdef VxWorks
00180 static MSG_Q_ID lMsgLogQId = NULL;
00181 static int lMsgLogTaskId   = NULL;
00182 #endif
00183 static int lSocket = 0;
00184 static struct sockaddr_in lServerAddr;
00185 static mdMsgLogBuffer lBuffer;
00186 static int lMsgLocalEcho = 0;
00187 #endif
00188 static const char logTag[]= "EACEWNID";
00190 static struct timespec lastMessageTime; //time the last message was sent
00192 /* forward declarations */
00193 void logMessage(int priority, const char *fmt, va_list args);
00194 #ifdef USESYSLOG
00195 #else
00196 #ifdef VxWorks
00197 STATUS tMsgLogger(void);
00198 #endif
00199 static void msgSend(int priority);
00200 #endif
00204 /********************************************************************
00205 * =v=>
00206 * msgLogInit - initialise message logging
00207 *
00208 * This function can be called OPTIONALLY to initialise the message
00209 * logging. On VxWorks it does nothing, on systems with a syslog
00210 * implementation it calls openlog, which allows the program identity
00211 * and various syslog options to be set. Calling this function has the 
00212 * effect of printing syslog messages to STDERR in addition, and shows 
00213 * the PID in each message. 
00214 *
00215 * RETURNS: void
00216 * ===<
00217 * =i=> */
00218 void msgLogInit
00219 (
00220     const char *ident  /* process identifier (name) */
00221 )
00222 {
00224 #ifdef USESYSLOG
00225 #ifdef VxWorks    
00226     /* Do nothing */
00227 #else /* !VxWorks */
00228     openlog(ident, LOG_PERROR | LOG_PID, DAQ_LOG_FACILITY);
00229 #endif /* VxWorks */
00231 #else /* !USESYSLOG */
00233   const char* ip;
00234   const char* portenv;
00235   int port;
00236   int sockAddrSize;
00237   int pid;
00239   /*set last message time to 01/01/70
00240    * this way first message is always sent */
00241   lastMessageTime.tv_sec = 0; 
00242   lastMessageTime.tv_nsec = 0;
00244   sockAddrSize = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
00246   /* Clear socket address structure */
00247   bzero((char *)&lServerAddr, sockAddrSize);
00249   /* 
00250    * For VxWorks we pull the message server IP address directly from
00251    * the boot parameters. Otherwise, the server name/IP is resolved from
00252    * environment variables or falls back to the local host 
00253    */
00254 #ifdef VxWorks
00255   {
00256       char bootString[BOOT_LINE_SIZE];
00257       BOOT_PARAMS bootParams;
00259       /* 
00260        * Get the msgLogger IP adddress from the "other" field of the boot
00261        * parameters
00262        */
00263       sysNvRamGet(bootString, BOOT_LINE_SIZE, 0);
00264       bootStringToStruct(bootString, &bootParams);
00265       ip = (char *)&(bootParams.other);
00266       port = MSGLOG_PORT;
00268       if ((lServerAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(ip)) == ERROR) {
00269           NATIVE_MSG("msgLogInit: bad server name from boot params: %s", ip);
00270           return;
00271       }
00272       pid = taskIdSelf();
00274       /* Clean up any existing msgLogger task and message queue */
00275       if (lMsgLogTaskId != NULL) {
00276           NATIVE_MSG("msgLogInit: deleting existing message logger task (tid=0x%x)\n", lMsgLogTaskId);
00277           taskDelete(lMsgLogTaskId);
00278           lMsgLogTaskId = NULL;
00279       }
00280       if (lMsgLogQId != NULL) {
00281           NATIVE_MSG("msgLogInit: deleting existing message logger queue (id=0x%x)\n", lMsgLogQId);
00282           msgQDelete(lMsgLogQId);
00283           lMsgLogQId = NULL;
00284       }
00286       /* Create the message queue for the logging task */
00287       lMsgLogQId = msgQCreate(MSGQ_MAX_MSGS, sizeof(mdMsgLogBuffer), MSG_Q_FIFO);
00288       if (lMsgLogQId == NULL) {
00289           NATIVE_MSG("msgLogInit: msgQCreate failed: %s", strerror(errno));
00290           return;
00291       }
00292       /* Spawn the message logging task */
00293       lMsgLogTaskId = taskSpawn("tMsgLogger", TASK_PRIORITY_MSGLOGGER, 0, 
00294                                 TASK_SIZE_MSGLOGGER, (FUNCPTR)tMsgLogger,
00295                                 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0);
00296       if (lMsgLogTaskId == ERROR) {
00297           NATIVE_MSG("msgLogInit: task creation failed: %s", strerror(errno));
00298           return;
00299       }
00300   }
00301 #else /* !Vxworks */
00302   {
00303       struct hostent     *host_ptr; /*the host add*/
00305       /* 
00306        * Pull the msg logger IP address and port from env vars, otherwise
00307        * take the default values
00308        */      
00309       ip = getenv(DAQ_MSG_IP);
00310       if (ip == NULL) {
00311           ip = MSGLOG_DEFAULT_IP;
00312       }
00313       portenv = getenv("DAQ_MSG_PORT");
00314       if ( portenv == NULL){
00315           port = MSGLOG_PORT;
00316       } else {
00317           sscanf(portenv, "%d", &port);
00318       }
00320       /* Resolve server hostname to address */
00321       host_ptr = gethostbyname(ip);
00322       if(!host_ptr ||host_ptr->h_addrtype != AF_INET ){
00323           NATIVE_MSG( "msgLogInit: bad server name/address: %s , %s",ip, strerror(errno));
00324           return;
00325       }
00326       memcpy(&lServerAddr.sin_addr.s_addr, host_ptr->h_addr, host_ptr->h_length);
00327       if(lServerAddr.sin_addr.s_addr == INADDR_NONE)
00328         {
00329           NATIVE_MSG( "msgLogInit: unresolved server address, unable to open msgLog socket\n");
00330           return;
00331         }
00333       /* Get current process ID */ 
00334       pid = getpid();
00336       /* Open syslog connection for fallback (native) messages */
00337       openlog(ident, LOG_PERROR | LOG_PID, DAQ_LOG_FACILITY);
00338   }
00339 #endif /* VxWorks */
00341   /* Fill in port and type in socket address structure */
00342   /* lServerAddr.sin_len    = (unsigned char)sockAddrSize; */
00343   lServerAddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
00344   lServerAddr.sin_port   = htons(port);
00346   /* Close the old socket if it exists */
00347   if (lSocket != 0) {
00348     NATIVE_MSG("msgLogInit: closing existing message logger socket (id=0x%x)\n", lSocket);
00349     close(lSocket);
00350     lSocket = 0;
00351   }
00353   /* Create the UDP datagram socket */
00354   lSocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
00355   if(lSocket == -1) {
00356       NATIVE_MSG("msgLogInit: socket() failed: %s", strerror(errno));
00357       return;
00358   }
00360   /* Initialise message header */
00361 = pid;
00362   lBuffer.hdr.count = 0;
00363   lBuffer.hdr.nodeFrom = MINOS_UNIDENTIFIED_CLIENT;
00364   strncpy(lBuffer.hdr.prcName, ident, MSGLOG_MAXNAME);
00366   /* Set local message echoing off by default */
00367   lMsgLocalEcho = 0;
00369 #endif /* USESYSLOG */
00371   /* Set default debug level to zero */
00372   lDebugLevel = 0;
00374   return;
00376 } /* msgLogInit */
00379 /********************************************************************
00380 *
00381 * msgLogCleanup - clean up the message logger
00382 *
00383 * This function cleans up the message logger, closing the socket and
00384 * deleting the (VxWorks) logging task and message queue as necessary.
00385 *
00386 * RETURNS: none
00387 *
00388 */
00389 void msgLogCleanup(void)
00390 {
00392 #ifdef VxWorks
00393     /* Clean up any existing msgLogger task and message queue */
00394     if (lMsgLogTaskId != NULL) {
00395         taskDelete(lMsgLogTaskId);
00396         lMsgLogTaskId = NULL;
00397     }
00398     if (lMsgLogQId != NULL) {
00399         msgQDelete(lMsgLogQId);
00400         lMsgLogQId = NULL;
00401     }
00402 #endif
00404 #ifndef USESYSLOG
00405     /* Close the UDP socket if it is open */
00406     if (lSocket != 0) {
00407       close(lSocket);
00408       lSocket = 0;
00409     }
00410 #endif
00412 } /* msgLogCleanup */
00414 /********************************************************************
00415 * =v=>
00416 * msgLogNodeIdSet - set node ID for message logging
00417 * 
00418 * Sets the node id use in the message header for UDP messaging to 
00419 * rcServer. This ID should be the appropriate entry from the
00420 * MinosEntity enumeration in minosDaq.h 
00421 * Only has meaning when conpiled without USESYSLOG.
00422 * 
00423 * RETURNS: None
00424 * ===<
00425 * =i=> */
00426 void msgLogNodeIdSet
00427 (
00428     long nodeId  /* node ID to be set */
00429 )
00430 {
00431 #ifdef USESYSLOG
00433 #else   
00434   lBuffer.hdr.nodeFrom = nodeId;
00435 #endif
00436   return;
00438 } /* msgLoNodeIdSet */
00440 /********************************************************************
00441 * =v=>
00442 * msgLogPidSet - set process ID for message logging
00443 * 
00444 * Sets the process ID to  use in the message header for UDP messaging to 
00445 * rcServer. 
00446 * 
00447 * RETURNS: None
00448 * ===<
00449 * =i=> */
00450 void msgLogPidSet
00451 (
00452     long pid  /* node ID to be set */
00453 )
00454 {
00455 #ifdef USESYSLOG
00457 #else   
00458 = pid;
00459 #endif
00460   return;
00462 } /* msgLogPidSet */
00464 /********************************************************************
00465 * =v=>
00466 * msgLogLocalEchoSet - set/clear local echoing of messages
00467 * 
00468 * This function will enable/disable the echoing of messages locally
00469 * (e.g. to stderr). Only has meaning when conpiled without USESYSLOG.
00470 * 
00471 * RETURNS: None
00472 * ===<
00473 * =i=> */
00474 void msgLogLocalEchoSet
00475 (
00476     int enable /* enable 1 = on, 0 = off */
00477 )
00478 {
00479 #ifdef USESYSLOG
00481 #else   
00482   lMsgLocalEcho = enable;
00483 #endif
00484   return;
00486 } /* msgLogLocalEchoSet */
00488 /********************************************************************
00489 * =v=>
00490 * logMaxRepRateSet - set max message repeat rate
00491 *
00492 * Sets the max time (in nano-secs) that identical messages are buffered. Setting to zero switches off bufferiing. 
00493 *
00494 * RETURNS: None
00495 * ===<
00496 * =i=> */
00497 void logMaxRepRateSet
00498 (
00499  long max_dt_ns
00500 )
00501 {
00502   lMaxRptDt = max_dt_ns;
00503 }
00505 /********************************************************************
00506 * =v=>
00507 * logDebugLevelSet - set debug log level
00508 *
00509 * This function sets the debug log level, which is used as a 
00510 * threshold for debugging. A value of zero turns off all debug level
00511 * messages. It is up to the user to determine how many levels of
00512 * debugging are available, but the number must always be positive.
00513 *
00514 * RETURNS: None
00515 * ===<
00516 * =i=> */
00517 void logDebugLevelSet
00518 (
00519    unsigned int level
00520 )
00521 {
00523    lDebugLevel = level;
00525 } /* logDebugLevelSet */
00528 /********************************************************************
00529 * =v=>
00530 *  msgLogResetMsgCount
00531 *
00532 * Resets the count of a message
00533 *
00534 * RETURNS: None
00535 * ===<
00536 * =i=> */
00537 void  msgLogResetMsgCount(long count)
00538 {
00539 #ifndef USESYSLOG
00540 #ifndef VxWorks
00541   lBuffer.hdr.count = count;
00542 #endif
00543 #endif
00544 } /*  msgLogResetMsgCount */
00546 long  msgLogGetMsgCount()
00547 {
00548 #ifndef USESYSLOG
00549 #ifndef VxWorks
00550   return (lBuffer.hdr.count);
00551 #endif
00552 #else
00553   return -1;
00554 #endif
00555 } /*  msgLogResetMsgCount */
00560 /********************************************************************
00561 * =v=>
00562 * logCritical - send an critical message to the message logger
00563 *
00564 * This function parses a variable argument list and sends an message
00565 * with LOG_CRIT level to the message logger
00566 *
00567 * RETURNS: void
00568 * ===<
00569 * =i=> */
00571 void logCritical(const char *fmt, ...) {
00573     va_list args;
00574     va_start(args, fmt);
00575     logMessage(LOG_CRIT, fmt, args);
00576     va_end(args);
00578 } /* logCritical */
00580 /********************************************************************
00581 * =v=>
00582 * logError - send an error message to the message logger
00583 *
00584 * This function parses a variable argument list and sends an message
00585 * with LOG_ERR level to the message logger
00586 *
00587 * RETURNS: void
00588 * ===<
00589 * =i=> */
00590 void logError(const char *fmt, ...) {
00592     va_list args;
00593     va_start(args, fmt);
00594     logMessage(LOG_ERR, fmt, args);    
00595     va_end(args);
00597 } /* logError */
00599 /********************************************************************
00600 * =v=>
00601 * logWarn - send an warning message to the message logger
00602 *
00603 * This function parses a variable argument list and sends an message
00604 * with LOG_WARNING level to the message logger
00605 *
00606 * RETURNS: void
00607 * ===<
00608 * =i=> */
00609 void logWarn(const char *fmt, ...) {
00611     va_list args;
00612     va_start(args, fmt);
00613     logMessage(LOG_WARNING, fmt, args);
00614     va_end(args);
00616 } /* logWarn */
00618 /********************************************************************
00619 * =v=>
00620 * logNotice - send a notice message to the message logger
00621 *
00622 * This function parses a variable argument list and sends an message
00623 * with LOG_NOTICE level to the message logger
00624 *
00625 * RETURNS: void
00626 * ===<
00627 * =i=> */
00628 void logNotice(const char *fmt, ...) {
00630     va_list args;
00631     va_start(args, fmt);
00632     logMessage(LOG_NOTICE, fmt, args);
00633     va_end(args);
00635 } /* logNotice */
00637 /********************************************************************
00638 * =v=>
00639 * logInfo - send an info message to the message logger
00640 *
00641 * This function parses a variable argument list and sends an message
00642 * with LOG_INFO level to the message logger
00643 *
00644 * RETURNS: void
00645 * ===<
00646 * =i=> */
00647 void logInfo(const char *fmt, ...) {
00649     va_list args;
00650     va_start(args, fmt);
00651     logMessage(LOG_INFO, fmt, args);
00652     va_end(args);
00654 } /* logInfo */
00657 /********************************************************************
00658 * =v=>
00659 * logDebug - send an debug message to the message logger
00660 *
00661 * This function parses a variable argument list and sends an message
00662 * with LOG_DEBUG level to the message logger
00663 *
00664 * RETURNS: void
00665 * ===<
00666 * =i=> */
00667 void logDebug(unsigned int level, const char *fmt, ...) {
00669     va_list args;
00671     /* 
00672      * Check requested level against threshold - values < 1 are
00673      * prohibited and reset to one to avoid situation where some
00674      * debug messages always get through.
00675      */
00676     if (level < 1) {
00677        level = 1;
00678     }
00679     if (level <= lDebugLevel) {
00680        va_start(args, fmt);
00681        logMessage(LOG_DEBUG, fmt, args);
00682        va_end(args);
00683     }
00685 } /* logDebug */
00687 /********************************************************************
00688 * =v=>
00689 * logMessage - format and send a message to the message logger
00690 *
00691 * This function parses an variable input argument list to format a
00692 * message. This is sent to the message logger with the specified
00693 * priority: logMsg under vxWorks with the priority tagged by a <x>
00694 * sequent, syslog otherwise
00695 *
00696 * RETURNS: void
00697 * ===<
00698 * =i=> */
00699 void logMessage(int priority, const char *fmt, va_list args) {
00701     int len = 0;
00702     static char lastMessage[MSGLOG_MAXMESSAGE]="";
00703     static int lastMessageCount=0;    
00705     static struct timespec thisMessageTime;
00706     clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME,&thisMessageTime);
00709     /* Build message from argument list */
00710 #ifdef VxWorks
00711     vsprintf(lBuffer.message, fmt, args);
00712 #else
00713     vsnprintf(lBuffer.message, MSGLOG_MAXMESSAGE, fmt, args);
00714 #endif
00716     /* Discard any trailing new lines as we'll force one if necessary*/
00717     len = strlen(lBuffer.message);
00718     if (lBuffer.message[len-1] == '\n') lBuffer.message[len-1]=0;
00720 #ifdef USESYSLOG
00721 #ifdef VxWorks
00722     logMsg("<%c> %s\n", (int)logTag[priority], (int)lBuffer.message, 0, 0, 0, 0);
00723     printf("<%c> %s\n", logTag[priority], lBuffer.message);
00725 #else /* !VxWorks */
00726     syslog(DAQ_LOG_FACILITY | priority, "<%c> %s\n", logTag[priority], lBuffer.message);
00728 #endif /* VxWorks */
00729 #else  /* !USESYSLOG */
00731     /* Check if this is the same message as last time */
00732     len = strncmp(lastMessage, lBuffer.message, MSGLOG_MAXMESSAGE);
00734     /* Decide whether this is a repeated message and if it needs to be sent or not */
00735     long long deltat = (thisMessageTime.tv_sec-lastMessageTime.tv_sec)*1e9 +  (thisMessageTime.tv_nsec-lastMessageTime.tv_nsec);
00737     if(lastMessageCount!=0 && len==0 && lastMessageCount<MAX_RPTMSG_BUFFER && deltat<lMaxRptDt) {
00739         /* Same message - less than max counts nothing needs to be sent*/
00740         lastMessageCount++;
00742     } else{ 
00743       /* Either new message, or we've exceeded max count so send "repeated" message */
00744       if((len!=0 && lastMessageCount>1) || 
00745          (len==0 && (lastMessageCount>=MAX_RPTMSG_BUFFER || deltat>MAX_DTMSG_BUFFER) )) {
00746 #ifdef MSG_USERPT /*use the repeat message*/
00747           sprintf(lBuffer.message, "Last message repeated %d times", lastMessageCount);
00748           msgSend(LOG_INFO); 
00749 #ifdef VxWorks
00750           vsprintf(lBuffer.message, fmt, args);
00751 #else
00752           vsnprintf(lBuffer.message, MSGLOG_MAXMESSAGE, fmt, args);
00753 #endif
00754           lBuffer.hdr.priority = priority;        
00755 #else 
00756           strncpy(lastMessage, lBuffer.message, MSGLOG_MAXMESSAGE);
00757           msgSend(priority);
00758 #endif /*MSG_USERPT*/
00759       }
00760       /* New message, send it */
00761       if( len!=0 ) {
00762           strncpy(lastMessage, lBuffer.message, MSGLOG_MAXMESSAGE);
00763           msgSend(priority);      
00764       }
00765       /* Reset last message count */
00766       lastMessageTime.tv_sec = thisMessageTime.tv_sec;
00767       lastMessageTime.tv_nsec = thisMessageTime.tv_nsec;
00768       lastMessageCount=1;
00769     }
00771 #endif /* USESYSLOG */
00773     return;
00774 }
00776 #ifndef USESYSLOG
00777 /********************************************************************
00778 * =v=>
00779 * msgSend - send log message
00780 *
00781 * This function formats and sends the message to the appropriate 
00782 * location. Under VxWorks the message is passed (via a message queue)
00783 * to the message logging task. Otherwise it is sent directly via
00784 * the UDP socket which was opened by msgLogInit.
00785 *
00786 * RETURNS: none
00787 * ===<
00788 * =i=> */
00789 static void msgSend
00790 (
00791     int priority /* message priority */
00792 )
00793 {
00795   int len=0;
00797   /* Assemble the message header */
00798   lBuffer.hdr.priority = priority;
00799   lBuffer.hdr.length = strlen(lBuffer.message);
00800   lBuffer.hdr.count++;
00801   lBuffer.hdr.stime = 0;
00803   /* Complete the header OS-dependent fields then send the message */
00804 #ifdef VxWorks
00805   {
00806       struct timespec msgTime;
00807       STATUS rc;
00808       if (clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &msgTime) == 0) {
00809           lBuffer.hdr.stime = msgTime.tv_sec;
00810       }
00811       /* VxWorks PID and name depend on current task context */
00812   = taskIdSelf();
00813       strncpy(lBuffer.hdr.prcName, (char *)taskName(, MSGLOG_MAXNAME);
00815       /* Push message into message queue for logging task to handle */
00816       rc = msgQSend(lMsgLogQId, (char *)&lBuffer, sizeof(mdMsgLogBuffer), 
00817               NO_WAIT, MSG_PRI_NORMAL);
00818       if (rc == ERROR) {
00819           NATIVE_MSG("msgSend: msgQSend failed: %s", strerror(errno));
00820       }
00822   }
00823 #else /* !VxWorks */
00824   {
00825       struct timeval msgTime;
00826       if(gettimeofday(&msgTime, 0)==0) {
00827           lBuffer.hdr.stime = msgTime.tv_sec;
00828       }
00829       /* Send the message */  
00830       len = sendto(lSocket, (char *)&lBuffer, sizeof(mdMsgLogBuffer), MSG_DONTWAIT, 
00831                    (struct sockaddr *)&lServerAddr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); 
00832       if(len < 0) {
00833           NATIVE_MSG( "msgSend: sendto() failed: %s", strerror(errno));
00834       }
00836   }
00837 #endif /* VxWorks */
00839   if (lMsgLocalEcho) {
00840       printf("%-.10s[%ld]: <%c> %-.100s\n", lBuffer.hdr.prcName, 
00841    , logTag[lBuffer.hdr.priority], lBuffer.message);  
00842   }
00844   return;
00845 }
00847 #ifdef VxWorks
00848 /********************************************************************
00849 *
00850 * tMsgLogger - message logging task
00851 *
00852 * This function implements the message logging task under VxWorks. It
00853 * simply receives messages on a message queue, byte swaps the 
00854 * numerical fields in the header and sends it to the UDP socket.
00855 *
00856 * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if there was a problem
00857 *
00858 */
00859 STATUS tMsgLogger(void)
00860 {
00862     mdMsgLogBuffer message;
00863     int msgLen, sendLen;
00865     /* Loop forever ! */
00866     while (1) {
00867         msgLen = msgQReceive(lMsgLogQId, (char *)&message, sizeof(mdMsgLogBuffer), WAIT_FOREVER);
00868         if (msgLen == ERROR) {
00869             NATIVE_MSG("tMsgLogger: msgQReceive failed: %s", strerror(errno));
00870             return ERROR;
00871         } else if (msgLen != sizeof(mdMsgLogBuffer)) {
00872             NATIVE_MSG("tMsgLogger: bad message length: %d", msgLen);        
00873         } else {
00874             /* Need to byte swap the appropriate fields in the header */
00875             message.hdr.nodeFrom = ENDIAN_SWAP_LONG(message.hdr.nodeFrom);
00876             message.hdr.priority = ENDIAN_SWAP_SHORT(message.hdr.priority);
00877         = ENDIAN_SWAP_LONG(;
00878             message.hdr.stime    = ENDIAN_SWAP_LONG(message.hdr.stime);
00879             message.hdr.count    = ENDIAN_SWAP_LONG(message.hdr.count);
00880             message.hdr.length   = ENDIAN_SWAP_LONG(message.hdr.length);
00882             /* Send the message to the socket (non-blocking) */
00883             sendLen = sendto(lSocket, (char *)&message, sizeof(mdMsgLogBuffer), MSG_DONTWAIT,
00884                              (struct sockaddr *)&lServerAddr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
00885             if (sendLen < 0) {
00886                 NATIVE_MSG("tMsgLogger: sendto() failed: %s", strerror(errno));
00887             }
00888         }
00889     }
00891    return OK;
00893 } /* tMsgLogger */
00894 #endif /* Vxworks */
00895 #endif /* !USESYSLOG */

Generated on Mon Mar 16 22:58:47 2009 for loon by doxygen 1.3.5