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Citation for Bronze Star Medal

Office of the Commanding General

APO 436, U.S. Army
3 January 1945
AG 200.6 (E) - Boothe, Glendon, E. (0)

SUBJECT: Award of the Bronze Star Medal.

TO: Lieutenant Colonel Glendon E. Boothe, K-100027, Third Field Artillery Observation Battalion, United States Army

Picture of Glendon Boothe

By direction of the President, under the provisions of Army Regulations 600-45, 22 September 1943, as amended, and Circular Number 25, Headquarters Seventh United States Army, dated 7 November 1944, you are awarded the Bronze Star Medal for meritorious achievement in connection with military operations against the enemy as Survey Officer, Survey Information Center, Third Field Artillery Observation Battalion, from 19 July to 15 October 1944. You were directly responsible for the preparation of survey data and the running of survey control to all artillery units of the XV Corps during the Corps operations in France. Your task was made more difficult by an advance of approximately 250 miles in 21 days. Your high professional knowledge, keen foresight and sound judgement enabled you to successfully effect and coordinate the efforts of the several survey parties of your organization and to distribute accurate survey data to units of the Corps. You also took upon yourself the responsibility of maintenance of the precision optical instruments used by the survey parties, there being no appropriate Engineer repair organization on the Continent. Although hampered by lack of equipment, tools and supplies, by your energy and unusual mechanical ability you maintained a perfect record of operation for the precision optical instruments of your organization. Your diligent efforts and faithful devotion to duty reflect credit upon yourself and the military service.

Major General, U.S. Army,

Publication of the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), NOAA Central Library.
Last Updated: June 8, 2006 9:27 AM

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