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Little Port Walter Field Station

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Field Stations:
Little Port Walter
Auke Creek
  aerial view of Little Port Walter

The Little Port Walter (LPW) Field Station is a primary research unit of Auke Bay Laboratory located 110 miles south of Juneau, Alaska, near the southeastern tip of Baranof Island.  LPW is the oldest year-round biological research station in Alaska and has been host to a wide variety of fisheries research projects since 1934.  The station is on U.S. Forest Service land in the Tongass National Forest and is accessible only by boat or floatplane.  Personnel stationed at LPW range from a mid-winter low of 2 to a summertime high of 20 to 25 researchers and support staff, depending on the requirements of the various experiments underway.  LPW is located in an estuarine environment adjacent to Chatham Strait near the open Gulf of Alaska.  Numerous nearby lakes and streams are available for salmonid experimentation and the location is ideally suited for a broad range of studies on Alaska's estuarrine and marine resources.  Research facilities include an experimental hatchery with an array of freshwater and saltwater floating raceways and netpens served by a controlled water source capable of delivering 900 gallons per minute.  Wet laboratories include an incubation room and a behavior laboratory capable of detailed observation on species in fresh water, salt water, or simulated intertidal environments.  These facilities are used to conduct a variety of fish rearing and controlled laboratory studies, some of which can extend over a period of several years. Recent and current studies at LPW include hatchery-wild stock interactions of Chinook salmon from distinct genetic lines, effects of crude oil contamination on survival and homing of intertidal spawning pink salmon, ESA recovery research for steelhead,  growth rates in marine corals, and behavior studies with juvenile rockfish.  Other research projects at LPW include cooperative programs with:

University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) School of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences  and

Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADFG).

Little Port Walter comprises 11 buildings. The main building, built in the 1930s using Civilian Conservation Corps labor and materials from an abandoned saltery, is a three-story brick structure used as a dormitory/residence, laboratory, and mess hall. Other facilities include the two wet-laboratories, a marine dock and warehouse, generator and fuel storage buildings, wood and metal shops, a conference room, a floating wet-lab and feed shed, several residences for researchers and maintenance staff, and a permanent concrete fish weir on nearby Sashin Creek, which flows into the head of LPW Bay. This stream has natural runs of pink, chum, and coho salmon as well as Dolly Varden and steelhead. Experiments with Chinook salmon at LPW are based on hatchery runs introduced from Southeast Alaska mainland streams. These fish are not allowed into Sashin Creek because they are not part of the endemic stream fauna.

See Data Sets, Monitoring: Little Port Walter (LPW) for information on 2004 Chinook salmon releases and recoveries.

                            aerial view of LPW field station

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