WWW Table of Radioactive Isotopes

Half life: 17.22 s 2  
Sn (keV): 11627.0 16
Sp (keV): 6411.3 8
Prod. mode: Charged particle reaction
Fast neutron activation
ENSDF citation:NP A595, 1 (1995)
Literature cut-off date: 31-Oct-1994
Author(s): D.R. Tilley, H.R. Weller and C.M. Cheves
References since cut-off: 19Ne decay from 1994-98 (NSR)
Decay properties:
ModeBranching (%)Q-value (keV)  
e+b+1003238.5 6
Most Recent ENSDF Data (12/2002)
Mode  Data set nameDisplay data
ENSDF data:
Java applets:

TORI Data (1999)

Gammas from 19Ne (17.22 s 2)

Eg (keV)     Ig (%)    Decay mode

109.9  0.012 2  e+b+ 
197.1  0.00206 20  e+b+ 
1356.9  0.00206 20  e+b+ 
1444.2  0.000108 11  e+b+ 
1554.0  0.000057 6  e+b+ 


X-rays from 19Ne (17.22 s 2)
E (keV)    I (%)    Assignment

0.677   1.8E-07 8   F Ka1
0.677   9E-08 4   F Ka2



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