AR-GAP Vertebrate Distribution Models


Originator: Center for Advanced Spatial Technologies
Publication_Date: 19980701
Publication_Time: Unknown
Title: AR-GAP Vertebrate Distribution Models
Edition: First
Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: map
Publication_Place: University of Arkansas
Publisher: Center for Advanced Spatial Technologies
Online_Linkage: <>
Mapping of terrestrial vertebrates rests upon linking a spatial representation of species-habitat association matrix to geographic distribution. Each model is a combination of breeding distribution and available breeding habitats within that range. Ranges for all species were based on county boundaries. Habitats were based on a raster AR-GAP 100ha MMU Landcover dataset and TIGER water, Habitat association matrixes were obtained from literature. This portion of the GAP project produced predicted distribution maps for 322 species.
This data was prepared in compliance with the National GAP effort.Distributions of 67 mammals, 144 breeding birds, and 109 reptiles and amphibians were predicted by county using a variety of sources. Bird distributions were generated from published and unpublished sources and final predicted distributions were reviewed by a panel of professional ornithologists and amateur bird watchers. Mammal distributions were generated primarily based on museum specimens at Arkansas State University and University of Arkansas at Monticello. Reptile and amphibian distributions were digitized from Conant and Collins' (1991) book. Habitat relationships for all terrestrial vertebrates were taken from published works on each taxa and cross-walked into six vegetation classifications based on the land cover map. Predicted distribution maps were produced for each species based on county of occurrence and habitat affinities. Vegetation units were also further classified as optimal, suitable, or marginal for each species.

Beginning_Date: 19800000
Ending_Date: 19930000
Currentness_Reference: Publication Date
Progress: Complete
Maintenance_and_Update_Frequency: None planned
West_Bounding_Coordinate: -94.79348227
East_Bounding_Coordinate: -89.39982717
North_Bounding_Coordinate: 36.80014573
South_Bounding_Coordinate: 32.78970734
Theme_Keyword_Thesaurus: None
Theme_Keyword: Terrestrial Vertebrate Model
Theme_Keyword: habitat
Theme_Keyword: Natural Vegetation
Theme_Keyword: landcover
Theme_Keyword: vertebrate distribution
Theme_Keyword: birds
Theme_Keyword: mammals
Theme_Keyword: reptiles
Theme_Keyword: amphibians
Theme_Keyword: GAP ANALYSIS
Theme_Keyword: Acadian Flycatcher
Theme_Keyword: Accipiter cooperii
Theme_Keyword: Accipiter striatus
Theme_Keyword: Acris crepitans
Theme_Keyword: Agelaius phoeniceus
Theme_Keyword: Agkistrodon contortrix
Theme_Keyword: Agkistrodon piscivorus
Theme_Keyword: Aimophila aestivalis
Theme_Keyword: Aimophila ruficeps
Theme_Keyword: Aix sponsa
Theme_Keyword: Alligator mississippiensis
Theme_Keyword: Alligator snapping turtle
Theme_Keyword: Ambystoma annulatum
Theme_Keyword: Ambystoma maculatum
Theme_Keyword: Ambystoma opacum
Theme_Keyword: Ambystoma talpoideum
Theme_Keyword: Ambystoma texanum
Theme_Keyword: Ambystoma tigrinum
Theme_Keyword: American Coot
Theme_Keyword: American Crow
Theme_Keyword: American Goldfinch
Theme_Keyword: American Kestrel
Theme_Keyword: American Redstart
Theme_Keyword: American Robin
Theme_Keyword: American Woodcock
Theme_Keyword: American alligator
Theme_Keyword: American toad
Theme_Keyword: Ammodramus savannarum
Theme_Keyword: Amphiuma tridactylum
Theme_Keyword: Anas discors
Theme_Keyword: Anas platyrhynchos
Theme_Keyword: Anhinga
Theme_Keyword: Anhinga anhinga
Theme_Keyword: Anolis carolinensis
Theme_Keyword: Archilochus colubris
Theme_Keyword: Ardea herodias
Theme_Keyword: Bachman's Sparrow
Theme_Keyword: Badger
Theme_Keyword: Bald Eagle
Theme_Keyword: Barn Swallow
Theme_Keyword: Barred Owl
Theme_Keyword: Bassariscus astutus
Theme_Keyword: Beaver
Theme_Keyword: Bell's Vireo
Theme_Keyword: Belted Kingfisher
Theme_Keyword: Bewick's Wren
Theme_Keyword: Big Brown Bat
Theme_Keyword: Bird-voiced treefrog
Theme_Keyword: Black Bear
Theme_Keyword: Black Rat
Theme_Keyword: Black Vulture
Theme_Keyword: Black-and-white Warbler
Theme_Keyword: Black-crowned Night-Heron
Theme_Keyword: Black-necked Stilt
Theme_Keyword: Black-tailed Jack Rabbit
Theme_Keyword: Black-throated Green Warbler
Theme_Keyword: Blarina carolinensis
Theme_Keyword: Blarina hylophaga
Theme_Keyword: Blue Grosbeak
Theme_Keyword: Blue Jay
Theme_Keyword: Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
Theme_Keyword: Blue-winged Teal
Theme_Keyword: Blue-winged Warbler
Theme_Keyword: Bobcat
Theme_Keyword: Bombycilla cedrorum
Theme_Keyword: Bonasa umbellus
Theme_Keyword: Branta canadensis
Theme_Keyword: Brazilian Free-tailed Bat
Theme_Keyword: Broad-headed skink
Theme_Keyword: Broad-winged Hawk
Theme_Keyword: Brown Thrasher
Theme_Keyword: Brown-headed Cowbird
Theme_Keyword: Brown-headed Nuthatch
Theme_Keyword: Bubo virginianus
Theme_Keyword: Bubulcus ibis
Theme_Keyword: Bufo americanus
Theme_Keyword: Bufo valliceps
Theme_Keyword: Bufo woodhousii
Theme_Keyword: Bullfrog
Theme_Keyword: Buteo jamaicensis
Theme_Keyword: Buteo lineatus
Theme_Keyword: Buteo playtpterus
Theme_Keyword: Buteo swainsoni
Theme_Keyword: Butorides striatus
Theme_Keyword: Caddo Mountain salamander
Theme_Keyword: Canada Goose
Theme_Keyword: Canis latrans
Theme_Keyword: Caprimulgus carolinensis
Theme_Keyword: Caprimulgus vociferus
Theme_Keyword: Cardinalis cardinalis
Theme_Keyword: Carduelis tristis
Theme_Keyword: Carolina Chickadee
Theme_Keyword: Carolina Wren
Theme_Keyword: Carphophis amoenus
Theme_Keyword: Carpodacus mexicanus
Theme_Keyword: Casmerodius albus
Theme_Keyword: Castor canadensis
Theme_Keyword: Cathartes aura
Theme_Keyword: Cattle Egret
Theme_Keyword: Cave salamander
Theme_Keyword: Cedar Waxwing
Theme_Keyword: Cemophora coccinea
Theme_Keyword: Cerulean Warbler
Theme_Keyword: Ceryle alcyon
Theme_Keyword: Chaetura pelagica
Theme_Keyword: Charadrius vociferus
Theme_Keyword: Chelydra serpentina
Theme_Keyword: Chestnut-sided Warbler
Theme_Keyword: Chicken turtle
Theme_Keyword: Chimney Swift
Theme_Keyword: Chipping Sparrow
Theme_Keyword: Chondestes grammacus
Theme_Keyword: Chordeiles minor
Theme_Keyword: Chrysemys picta
Theme_Keyword: Chuck-will's-widow
Theme_Keyword: Cliff Swallow
Theme_Keyword: Cnemidophorus sexlineatus
Theme_Keyword: Coachwhip
Theme_Keyword: Coal skink
Theme_Keyword: Coccyzus americanus
Theme_Keyword: Colaptes auratus
Theme_Keyword: Colinus virginianus
Theme_Keyword: Collared lizard
Theme_Keyword: Coluber constrictor
Theme_Keyword: Columba livia
Theme_Keyword: Common Barn-Owl
Theme_Keyword: Common Grackle
Theme_Keyword: Common Moorhen
Theme_Keyword: Common Nighthawk
Theme_Keyword: Common Yellowthroat
Theme_Keyword: Common box turtle
Theme_Keyword: Common garter snake
Theme_Keyword: Common kingsnake
Theme_Keyword: Common map turtle
Theme_Keyword: Common mud turtle
Theme_Keyword: Common musk turtle
Theme_Keyword: Common slider
Theme_Keyword: Contopus virens
Theme_Keyword: Cooper's Hawk
Theme_Keyword: Copperhead
Theme_Keyword: Coragyps atratus
Theme_Keyword: Corn snake
Theme_Keyword: Corvus brachyrhynchos
Theme_Keyword: Corvus ossifragus
Theme_Keyword: Cotton Mouse
Theme_Keyword: Cottonmouth
Theme_Keyword: Coyote
Theme_Keyword: Crawfish frog
Theme_Keyword: Crotalus atrox
Theme_Keyword: Crotalus horridus
Theme_Keyword: Crotaphytus collaris
Theme_Keyword: Cryptobranchus alleganiensis
Theme_Keyword: Cryptotis parva
Theme_Keyword: Cyanocitta cristata
Theme_Keyword: Dasypus novemcinctus
Theme_Keyword: DeKay's brown snake
Theme_Keyword: Deer Mouse
Theme_Keyword: Deirochelys reticularia
Theme_Keyword: Dendroica cerulea
Theme_Keyword: Dendroica discolor
Theme_Keyword: Dendroica dominica
Theme_Keyword: Dendroica pensylvanica
Theme_Keyword: Dendroica petechia
Theme_Keyword: Dendroica pinus
Theme_Keyword: Dendroica virens
Theme_Keyword: Desert Shrew
Theme_Keyword: Desmognathus brimleyorum
Theme_Keyword: Desmognathus fuscus
Theme_Keyword: Diadophis punctatus
Theme_Keyword: Diamondback water snake
Theme_Keyword: Dickcissel
Theme_Keyword: Didelphis virginiana
Theme_Keyword: Double-crested Cormorant
Theme_Keyword: Downy Woodpecker
Theme_Keyword: Dryocopus pileatus
Theme_Keyword: Dumetella carolinensis
Theme_Keyword: Dusky salamander
Theme_Keyword: Dwarf salamander
Theme_Keyword: Eastern Bluebird
Theme_Keyword: Eastern Chipmunk
Theme_Keyword: Eastern Cottontail
Theme_Keyword: Eastern Harvest Mouse
Theme_Keyword: Eastern Kingbird
Theme_Keyword: Eastern Meadowlark
Theme_Keyword: Eastern Mole
Theme_Keyword: Eastern Phoebe
Theme_Keyword: Eastern Pipistrelle
Theme_Keyword: Eastern Screech-Owl
Theme_Keyword: Eastern Wood-Pewee
Theme_Keyword: Eastern Woodrat
Theme_Keyword: Eastern fence lizard
Theme_Keyword: Eastern hog-nosed snake
Theme_Keyword: Eastern narrow-mouthed toad
Theme_Keyword: Eastern newt
Theme_Keyword: Eastern spadefoot
Theme_Keyword: Egretta caerulea
Theme_Keyword: Egretta thula
Theme_Keyword: Egretta tricolor
Theme_Keyword: Elaphe guttata
Theme_Keyword: Elaphe obsoleta
Theme_Keyword: Elliot's Short-tailed Shrew
Theme_Keyword: Empidonax virescens
Theme_Keyword: Empidonx traillii
Theme_Keyword: Eptesicus fuscus
Theme_Keyword: Eremophila alpestris
Theme_Keyword: Eudocimus albus
Theme_Keyword: Eumeces anthracinus
Theme_Keyword: Eumeces fasciatus
Theme_Keyword: Eumeces laticeps
Theme_Keyword: Eumeces obsoletus
Theme_Keyword: Eumeces septentrionalis
Theme_Keyword: European Starling
Theme_Keyword: Eurycea longicauda
Theme_Keyword: Eurycea lucifuga
Theme_Keyword: Eurycea multiplicata
Theme_Keyword: Eurycea quadridigitata
Theme_Keyword: Eurycea tynerensis
Theme_Keyword: Evening Bat
Theme_Keyword: Falco sparverius
Theme_Keyword: Farancia abacura
Theme_Keyword: Field Sparrow
Theme_Keyword: Fish Crow
Theme_Keyword: Five-lined skink
Theme_Keyword: Flat-headed snake
Theme_Keyword: Four-toed salamander
Theme_Keyword: Fourch Mountain salamander
Theme_Keyword: Fox Squirrel
Theme_Keyword: Fulica americana
Theme_Keyword: Fulvous Harvest Mouse
Theme_Keyword: Gallinula chloropus
Theme_Keyword: Gastrophryne carolinensis
Theme_Keyword: Gastrophryne olivacea
Theme_Keyword: Geococcyx californianus
Theme_Keyword: Geomys bursarius
Theme_Keyword: Geothlypis trichas
Theme_Keyword: Glaucomys volans
Theme_Keyword: Glossy crayfish snake
Theme_Keyword: Golden Mouse
Theme_Keyword: Graham's crayfish snake
Theme_Keyword: Graptemys geographica
Theme_Keyword: Graptemys kohni
Theme_Keyword: Graptemys ouachitensis
Theme_Keyword: Grasshopper Sparrow
Theme_Keyword: Gray Bat
Theme_Keyword: Gray Catbird
Theme_Keyword: Gray Fox
Theme_Keyword: Gray Squirrel
Theme_Keyword: Gray treefrog
Theme_Keyword: Great Blue Heron
Theme_Keyword: Great Crested Flycatcher
Theme_Keyword: Great Egret
Theme_Keyword: Great Horned Owl
Theme_Keyword: Great Plains skink
Theme_Keyword: Great-tailed Grackle
Theme_Keyword: Greater Roadrunner
Theme_Keyword: Green anole
Theme_Keyword: Green frog
Theme_Keyword: Green treefrog
Theme_Keyword: Green water snake
Theme_Keyword: Green-backed Heron
Theme_Keyword: Grotto salamander
Theme_Keyword: Ground skink
Theme_Keyword: Ground snake
Theme_Keyword: Guiraca caerulea
Theme_Keyword: Gulf Coast toad
Theme_Keyword: Hairy Woodpecker
Theme_Keyword: Haliaeetus leucocephalus
Theme_Keyword: Hellbender
Theme_Keyword: Helmitheros vermivorus
Theme_Keyword: Hemidactylium scutatum
Theme_Keyword: Heterodon platirhinos
Theme_Keyword: Himantopus mexicanus
Theme_Keyword: Hirundo pyrrhonota
Theme_Keyword: Hirundo rustica
Theme_Keyword: Hispid Cotton Rat
Theme_Keyword: Hoary Bat
Theme_Keyword: Hooded Merganser
Theme_Keyword: Hooded Warbler
Theme_Keyword: Horned Lark
Theme_Keyword: House Finch
Theme_Keyword: House Mouse
Theme_Keyword: House Sparrow
Theme_Keyword: House Wren
Theme_Keyword: Hyla avivoca
Theme_Keyword: Hyla cinerea
Theme_Keyword: Hyla crucifer
Theme_Keyword: Hyla versicolor
Theme_Keyword: Hylocichla mustelina
Theme_Keyword: Icteria virens
Theme_Keyword: Icterus galbula
Theme_Keyword: Icterus spurius
Theme_Keyword: Ictinia mississippiensis
Theme_Keyword: Indiana Bat
Theme_Keyword: Indigo Bunting
Theme_Keyword: Ixobrychus exilis
Theme_Keyword: Keen's Myotis
Theme_Keyword: Kentucky Warbler
Theme_Keyword: Killdeer
Theme_Keyword: Kinosternon subrubrum
Theme_Keyword: Lampropeltis calligaster
Theme_Keyword: Lampropeltis getulus
Theme_Keyword: Lampropeltis triangulum
Theme_Keyword: Lanius ludovicianus
Theme_Keyword: Lark Sparrow
Theme_Keyword: Lasionycteris noctivagans
Theme_Keyword: Lasiurus borealis
Theme_Keyword: Lasiurus cinereus
Theme_Keyword: Lasiurus seminolus
Theme_Keyword: Least Bittern
Theme_Keyword: Least Shrew
Theme_Keyword: Least Tern
Theme_Keyword: Lepus californicus
Theme_Keyword: Lesser siren
Theme_Keyword: Limnothlypis swainsonii
Theme_Keyword: Little Blue Heron
Theme_Keyword: Little Brown Bat
Theme_Keyword: Loggerhead Shrike
Theme_Keyword: Long-tailed Weasel
Theme_Keyword: Long-tailed salamander
Theme_Keyword: Lophodytes cucullatus
Theme_Keyword: Louisiana Waterthrush
Theme_Keyword: Lutra canadensis
Theme_Keyword: Lynx rufus
Theme_Keyword: Macroclemys temmincki
Theme_Keyword: Mallard
Theme_Keyword: Many-ribbed salamander
Theme_Keyword: Marbled salamander
Theme_Keyword: Marmota monax
Theme_Keyword: Marsh Rice Rat
Theme_Keyword: Masticophis flagellum
Theme_Keyword: Melanerpes carolinus
Theme_Keyword: Melanerpes erythrocephalus
Theme_Keyword: Meleagris gallopavo
Theme_Keyword: Mephitis mephitis
Theme_Keyword: Microtus ochrogaster
Theme_Keyword: Microtus pinetorum
Theme_Keyword: Micrurus fulvius
Theme_Keyword: Milk snake
Theme_Keyword: Mimus polyglottos
Theme_Keyword: Mink
Theme_Keyword: Mississippi Kite
Theme_Keyword: Mississippi map turtle
Theme_Keyword: Mniotilta varia
Theme_Keyword: Mole salamander
Theme_Keyword: Molothrus ater
Theme_Keyword: Mourning Dove
Theme_Keyword: Mud snake
Theme_Keyword: Mudpuppy
Theme_Keyword: Mus musculus
Theme_Keyword: Muskrat
Theme_Keyword: Mustela frenata
Theme_Keyword: Mustela vison
Theme_Keyword: Myiarchus crinitus
Theme_Keyword: Myocastor coypus
Theme_Keyword: Myotis austroriparius
Theme_Keyword: Myotis grisescens
Theme_Keyword: Myotis keenii
Theme_Keyword: Myotis leibii
Theme_Keyword: Myotis lucifugus
Theme_Keyword: Myotis sodalis
Theme_Keyword: Necturus maculosus
Theme_Keyword: Neotoma floridana
Theme_Keyword: Nerodia cyclopion
Theme_Keyword: Nerodia erythrogaster
Theme_Keyword: Nerodia fasciata
Theme_Keyword: Nerodia rhombifer
Theme_Keyword: Nerodia sipedon
Theme_Keyword: Nine-banded Armadillo
Theme_Keyword: North American coral snake
Theme_Keyword: Northern Bobwhite
Theme_Keyword: Northern Cardinal
Theme_Keyword: Northern Flicker
Theme_Keyword: Northern Mockingbird
Theme_Keyword: Northern Oriole
Theme_Keyword: Northern Parula
Theme_Keyword: Northern Rough-winged Swallow
Theme_Keyword: Northern cricket frog
Theme_Keyword: Northern leopard frog
Theme_Keyword: Northern water snake
Theme_Keyword: Norway Rat
Theme_Keyword: Notiosorex crawfordi
Theme_Keyword: Notophthalmus viridescens
Theme_Keyword: Nutria
Theme_Keyword: Nyctanassa violacea
Theme_Keyword: Nycticeius humeralis
Theme_Keyword: Nycticorax nycticorax
Theme_Keyword: Ochrotomys nuttalli
Theme_Keyword: Odocoileus virginianus
Theme_Keyword: Oklahoma salamander
Theme_Keyword: Ondatra zibethicus
Theme_Keyword: Opheodrys aestivus
Theme_Keyword: Ophisaurus attenuatus
Theme_Keyword: Oporornis formosus
Theme_Keyword: Orchard Oriole
Theme_Keyword: Ornate box turtle
Theme_Keyword: Oryzomys palustris
Theme_Keyword: Osprey
Theme_Keyword: Otus asio
Theme_Keyword: Ouachita dusky salamander
Theme_Keyword: Ouachita map turtle
Theme_Keyword: Ovenbird
Theme_Keyword: Painted Bunting
Theme_Keyword: Painted turtle
Theme_Keyword: Pandion haliaetus
Theme_Keyword: Parula americana
Theme_Keyword: Parus bicolor
Theme_Keyword: Parus carolinensis
Theme_Keyword: Passer domesticus
Theme_Keyword: Passerina ciris
Theme_Keyword: Passerina cyanea
Theme_Keyword: Peromyscus attwateri
Theme_Keyword: Peromyscus gossypinus
Theme_Keyword: Peromyscus leucopus
Theme_Keyword: Peromyscus maniculatus
Theme_Keyword: Phalacrocorax auritus
Theme_Keyword: Phrynosoma cornutum
Theme_Keyword: Pickerel frog
Theme_Keyword: Picoides borealis
Theme_Keyword: Picoides pubescens
Theme_Keyword: Picoides villosus
Theme_Keyword: Pied-billed Grebe
Theme_Keyword: Pigmy rattlesnake
Theme_Keyword: Pileated Woodpecker
Theme_Keyword: Pine Vole
Theme_Keyword: Pine Warbler
Theme_Keyword: Pipilo erythrophthalmus
Theme_Keyword: Pipistrellus subflavus
Theme_Keyword: Piranga olivacea
Theme_Keyword: Piranga rubra
Theme_Keyword: Plain-bellied water snake
Theme_Keyword: Plains Harvest Mouse
Theme_Keyword: Plains Pocket Gopher
Theme_Keyword: Plains spadefoot
Theme_Keyword: Plecotus rafinesquii
Theme_Keyword: Plecotus townsendii
Theme_Keyword: Plethodon caddoensis
Theme_Keyword: Plethodon dorsalis
Theme_Keyword: Plethodon fourchensis
Theme_Keyword: Plethodon glutinosus
Theme_Keyword: Plethodon ouachitae
Theme_Keyword: Plethodon serratus
Theme_Keyword: Podilymbus podiceps
Theme_Keyword: Polioptila caerulea
Theme_Keyword: Porphyrula martinica
Theme_Keyword: Praire Vole
Theme_Keyword: Prairie Warbler
Theme_Keyword: Prairie kingsnake
Theme_Keyword: Prairie skink
Theme_Keyword: Procyon lotor
Theme_Keyword: Progne subis
Theme_Keyword: Prothonotary Warbler
Theme_Keyword: Protonotaria citrea
Theme_Keyword: Pseudacris streckeri
Theme_Keyword: Pseudacris triseriata
Theme_Keyword: Pseudemys concinna
Theme_Keyword: Purple Gallinule
Theme_Keyword: Purple Martin
Theme_Keyword: Queen snake
Theme_Keyword: Quiscalus mexicanus
Theme_Keyword: Quiscalus quiscula
Theme_Keyword: Raccoon
Theme_Keyword: Racer
Theme_Keyword: Rafinesque's Big-eared Bat
Theme_Keyword: Rana areolata
Theme_Keyword: Rana catesbeiana
Theme_Keyword: Rana clamitans
Theme_Keyword: Rana palustris
Theme_Keyword: Rana pipiens
Theme_Keyword: Rana sylvatica
Theme_Keyword: Rat snake
Theme_Keyword: Rattus norvegicus
Theme_Keyword: Rattus rattus
Theme_Keyword: Razor-backed musk turtle
Theme_Keyword: Red Bat
Theme_Keyword: Red Fox
Theme_Keyword: Red-bellied Woodpecker
Theme_Keyword: Red-bellied snake
Theme_Keyword: Red-cockaded Woodpecker
Theme_Keyword: Red-eyed Vireo
Theme_Keyword: Red-headed Woodpecker
Theme_Keyword: Red-shouldered Hawk
Theme_Keyword: Red-tailed Hawk
Theme_Keyword: Red-winged Blackbird
Theme_Keyword: Regina grahamii
Theme_Keyword: Regina rigida
Theme_Keyword: Regina septemvittata
Theme_Keyword: Reithrodontomys fulvescens
Theme_Keyword: Reithrodontomys humulis
Theme_Keyword: Reithrodontomys megalotis
Theme_Keyword: Reithrodontomys montanus
Theme_Keyword: Rich Mountain salamander
Theme_Keyword: Ring-necked snake
Theme_Keyword: Ringed salamander
Theme_Keyword: Ringtail
Theme_Keyword: River Otter
Theme_Keyword: River cooter
Theme_Keyword: Rock Dove
Theme_Keyword: Rough earth snake
Theme_Keyword: Rough green snake
Theme_Keyword: Ruby-throated Hummingbird
Theme_Keyword: Ruffed Grouse
Theme_Keyword: Rufous-crowned Sparrow
Theme_Keyword: Rufus-sided Towhee
Theme_Keyword: Sayornis phoebe
Theme_Keyword: Scalopus aquaticus
Theme_Keyword: Scaphiopus bombifrons
Theme_Keyword: Scaphiopus holbrooki
Theme_Keyword: Scarlet Tanager
Theme_Keyword: Scarlet snake
Theme_Keyword: Sceloporus undulatus
Theme_Keyword: Scincella lateralis
Theme_Keyword: Scissor-Tailed Flycatcher
Theme_Keyword: Sciurus carolinensis
Theme_Keyword: Sciurus niger
Theme_Keyword: Scolopax minor
Theme_Keyword: Seiurus aurocapillus
Theme_Keyword: Seiurus motacilla
Theme_Keyword: Seminole Bat
Theme_Keyword: Setophaga ruticilla
Theme_Keyword: Sharp-shinned Hawk
Theme_Keyword: Sialia sialis
Theme_Keyword: Sigmodon hispidus
Theme_Keyword: Silver-haired Bat
Theme_Keyword: Siren intermedia
Theme_Keyword: Sistrurus miliarius
Theme_Keyword: Sitta carolinensis
Theme_Keyword: Sitta pusilla
Theme_Keyword: Six-lined racerunner
Theme_Keyword: Slender glass lizard
Theme_Keyword: Slimy salamander
Theme_Keyword: Small-footed Myotis
Theme_Keyword: Small-mouthed salamander
Theme_Keyword: Smooth earth snake
Theme_Keyword: Smooth softshell turtle
Theme_Keyword: Snapping turtle
Theme_Keyword: Snowy Egret
Theme_Keyword: Sonora semiannulata
Theme_Keyword: Sorex longirostris
Theme_Keyword: Southeastern Myotis
Theme_Keyword: Southeastern Shrew
Theme_Keyword: Southern Bog Lemming
Theme_Keyword: Southern Flying Squirrel
Theme_Keyword: Southern Short-tailed Shrew
Theme_Keyword: Southern red-backed salamander
Theme_Keyword: Southern water snake
Theme_Keyword: Spilogale putorius
Theme_Keyword: Spiny softshell turtle
Theme_Keyword: Spiza americana
Theme_Keyword: Spizella passerina
Theme_Keyword: Spizella pusilla
Theme_Keyword: Spotted Skunk
Theme_Keyword: Spotted salamander
Theme_Keyword: Spring peeper
Theme_Keyword: Stelgidopteryx serripennis
Theme_Keyword: Sterna antillarum
Theme_Keyword: Sternotherus carinatus
Theme_Keyword: Sternotherus odoratus
Theme_Keyword: Storeria dekayi
Theme_Keyword: Storeria occipitomaculata
Theme_Keyword: Strecker's chorus frog
Theme_Keyword: Striped Skunk
Theme_Keyword: Striped chorus frog
Theme_Keyword: Strix varia
Theme_Keyword: Sturnella magna
Theme_Keyword: Sturnus vulgaris
Theme_Keyword: Summer Tanager
Theme_Keyword: Swainson's Hawk
Theme_Keyword: Swainson's Warbler
Theme_Keyword: Swamp Rabbit
Theme_Keyword: Sylvilagus aquaticus
Theme_Keyword: Sylvilagus floridanus
Theme_Keyword: Synaptomys cooperi
Theme_Keyword: Tachycineta bicolor
Theme_Keyword: Tadarida brasiliensis
Theme_Keyword: Tamias striatus
Theme_Keyword: Tantilla gracilis
Theme_Keyword: Taxidea taxus
Theme_Keyword: Terrapene carolina
Theme_Keyword: Terrapene ornata
Theme_Keyword: Texas Mouse
Theme_Keyword: Texas horned lizard
Theme_Keyword: Thamnophis proximus
Theme_Keyword: Thamnophis sirtalis
Theme_Keyword: Three-toed amphiuma
Theme_Keyword: Thryomanes bewickii
Theme_Keyword: Thryothorus ludovicianus
Theme_Keyword: Tiger salamander
Theme_Keyword: Timber rattlesnake
Theme_Keyword: Townsend's Big-eared Bat
Theme_Keyword: Toxostoma rufum
Theme_Keyword: Trachemys scripta
Theme_Keyword: Tree Swallow
Theme_Keyword: Tricolored Heron
Theme_Keyword: Trionyx muticus
Theme_Keyword: Trionyx spiniferus
Theme_Keyword: Troglodytes aedon
Theme_Keyword: Tufted Titmouse
Theme_Keyword: Turdus migratorius
Theme_Keyword: Turkey Vulture
Theme_Keyword: Typhlotriton spelaeus
Theme_Keyword: Tyrannus forficatus
Theme_Keyword: Tyrannus tyrannus
Theme_Keyword: Tyto alba
Theme_Keyword: Urocyon cinereoargenteus
Theme_Keyword: Ursus americanus
Theme_Keyword: Vermivora pinus
Theme_Keyword: Vireo bellii
Theme_Keyword: Vireo flavifrons
Theme_Keyword: Vireo gilvus
Theme_Keyword: Vireo griseus
Theme_Keyword: Vireo olivaceus
Theme_Keyword: Virginia Opossum
Theme_Keyword: Virginia striatula
Theme_Keyword: Virginia valeriae
Theme_Keyword: Vulpes vulpes
Theme_Keyword: Warbling Vireo
Theme_Keyword: Western Harvest Mouse
Theme_Keyword: Western diamondback rattlesnake
Theme_Keyword: Western narrow-mouthed toad
Theme_Keyword: Western ribbon snake
Theme_Keyword: Whip-poor-will
Theme_Keyword: White Ibis
Theme_Keyword: White-breasted Nuthatch
Theme_Keyword: White-eyed Vireo
Theme_Keyword: White-footed Mouse
Theme_Keyword: White-tailed deer
Theme_Keyword: Wild Turkey
Theme_Keyword: Willow Flycatcher
Theme_Keyword: Wilsonia citrina
Theme_Keyword: Wood Duck
Theme_Keyword: Wood Thrush
Theme_Keyword: Wood frog
Theme_Keyword: Woodchuck
Theme_Keyword: Woodhouse's toad
Theme_Keyword: Worm snake
Theme_Keyword: Worm-eating Warbler
Theme_Keyword: Yellow Warbler
Theme_Keyword: Yellow-billed Cuckoo
Theme_Keyword: Yellow-breasted Chat
Theme_Keyword: Yellow-crowned Night-Heron
Theme_Keyword: Yellow-throated Vireo
Theme_Keyword: Yellow-throated Warbler
Theme_Keyword: Zenaida macroura
Theme_Keyword: Zigzag salamander

Access_Constraints: None
This database is not intended for site-specific analyzes. Interpretations derived from its use are suited for regional and planning purposes only. Acknowledgments of UA-CAST and Gap Analysis appreciated.
Contact_Organization: Center for Advanced Spatial Technologies
Address_Type: mailing and physical address
12 Ozark Hall University of Arkansas
City: Fayetteville
State_or_Province: AR
Postal_Code: 72701
Country: US
Contact_Voice_Telephone: 501.575.6159
Contact_Facsimile_Telephone: 501.575.5218
Dzur, R. S., M. E. Garner, D. G. Catanzaro, K. G. Smith, Limp.
SunOS 5.5 Generic 103093-03 April 1996 Architecture is sun4.

Thematic accuracy of bird models were tested and presented, in the form of appendix, and may be obtained in the final report <>
Logical_Consistency_Report: Unknown
All mammals, reptiles and amphibians were modelled. Breeding birds were selected with the following criteron:species must have at least 5 sightings in Arkansas, or more than 1 sighting or breeding record within Arkansas since 1980. Species clearly out of their range were excluded.
Positional accuracy of AR-GAP Landcover is based upon USGS source 30 x 60 minute series DLG roads which are compiled to meet National Map Accuracy Standards 100,000 scale. Utilizing those data all TM scenes were georegistered to a UTM projection. Allowable RMS errors in georegistration of source (TM) data were minimized below a pixel (30 m).
Vertical_Positional_Accuracy_Report: Unknown
For a full description of the procedures involved in constructing this database please refer to AR-GAP Final report Predicted Animal Distributions and Specied Richness at the URL above.
Process_Date: Unknown

Direct_Spatial_Reference_Method: Raster

Grid_Coordinate_System_Name: Universal Transverse Mercator
UTM_Zone_Number: 15
Scale_Factor_at_Central_Meridian: .96667
Longitude_of_Central_Meridian: -093.000000
Latitude_of_Projection_Origin: +00.000000
False_Easting: 500000
False_Northing: 0
Planar_Coordinate_Encoding_Method: coordinate pair
Abscissa_Resolution: 2.54
Ordinate_Resolution: 2.54
Planar_Distance_Units: Meters
Horizontal_Datum_Name: North American Datum of 1927
Ellipsoid_Name: Clarke 1866
Semi-major_Axis: 6378206.4000000004
Denominator_of_Flattening_Ratio: 294.9786982

Entity_Type_Label: habitat ranking
Entity_Type_Definition: habitat
Entity_Type_Definition_Source: AR-GAP vertebrate database
Attribute_Label: 1
Attribute_Definition: Marginal Habitat
Attribute_Definition_Source: AR-GAP
Codeset_Name: AR-GAP vertebrates
Codeset_Source: AR-GAP vertebrate habitat categories
Attribute_Label: 2
Attribute_Definition: Suitable Habitat
Attribute_Definition_Source: AR-GAP
Codeset_Name: AR-GAP vertebrates
Codeset_Source: AR-GAP vertebrate habitat categories
Attribute_Label: 3
Attribute_Definition: Optimal Habitat
Attribute_Definition_Source: AR-GAP
Codeset_Name: AR-GAP vertebrates
Codeset_Source: AR-GAP vertebrate habitat categories

Contact_Organization: Center for Advanced Spatial Technologies
Address_Type: mailing and physical address
12 Ozark Hall University of Arkansas
City: Fayetteville
State_or_Province: AR
Postal_Code: 72701
Country: US
Contact_Voice_Telephone: 501.575.6159
Contact_Facsimile_Telephone: 501.575.5218
Resource_Description: GAP Landcover
The digital data described by this metadata report were prepared by the Center For Advanced Spatial Technologies of the University of Arkansas. Neither the University of Arkansas nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, make any warranty, for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed in this report or media or represent that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference therein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the University of Arkansas. Any views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the University of Arkansas. Data on this media may have been derived from federal agencies or from other external sources or from data developed by the Center For Advanced Spatial Technologies. In those cases where data has been translated from one format to another or initially developed from map or other sources the Center For Advanced Spatial Technologies has made all reasonable efforts to preserve the data quality as originally developed, however no warranty, expressed or implied, is made by the Center For Advanced Spatial Technologies as to the completeness or accuracy of the data and related materials. The act of distribution does not constitute any such warranty, and no responsibility is assumed by the Center For Advanced Spatial Technologies in the use of this data, or related materials.
Format_Name: Compressed ArcInfo vector coverage
File_Decompression_Technique: zip, 45Mb
Network_Resource_Name: <>
Fees: none

Metadata_Date: 19990821
Contact_Organization: CAST
Address_Type: mailing and physical address
12 Ozark Hall University of Arkansas
City: Fayetteville
State_or_Province: AR
Postal_Code: 72701
Country: US
Contact_Voice_Telephone: 501.575.6159
Contact_Facsimile_Telephone: 501.575.5218
All standard AR-GAP data may be obtained on the second CD-ROM included with this 2 CD-ROM set. Included are AR-GAP Landcover, AR-GAP Land Stewardship/Management Status. Data may also be //
Metadata_Standard_Name: FGDC Content Standards for Digital Geospatial Metadata
Metadata_Standard_Version: FGDC-STD-001-1998
Metadata_Access_Constraints: None
Metadata_Use_Constraints: None

Generated by mp version 2.4.1 on Fri Jan 07 08:23:50 2000