{author} National Aeronautics and Space Administration (taken by Bionetics) {captionsby} Sherikon Space Systems (Paula Shawa, Susan Walsh and Chuck Weirauch) {category} SHUTTLE.sts-69 {date} 07-Sep-1995 {description} The tranquil beauty of a wildlife refuge serves as a lush backdrop to the drama of a Space Shuttle surging skyward atop a pillar of flame. The Shuttle Endeavour lifted off from Launch Pad 39A at 11:09:00.052 a.m. EDT, Sept. 7, 1995. Only a small portion of the 140,000 acres occupied by the Kennedy Space Center has been developed to support space operations; most of the land is pristine and untouched by man, and is managed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service as a wildlife refuge. On board Endeavour are a crew of five and a payload complement that includes two deployable free-flyers, the Wake Shield Facility-2 and the Spartan-201. David M. Walker is the mission commander; Kenneth D. Cockrell is the pilot; James S. Voss is the payload commander; and the two mission specialists are Michael L. Gernhardt and James H. Newman. The 11-day flight also is scheduled to include an extravehicular activity by Gernhardt and Newman. {highres} 2220 x 1768 {highsize} 255450 {hightype} JPEG {keywords} SHUTTLE,sts-69 {lasteditor} M. Downs {lowres} 301 x 240 {lowsize} 48739 {lowtype} GIF {mediumres} 964 x 768 {mediumsize} 100014 {mediumtype} JPEG {number} KSC-95PC-1299 {scannedby} Bionetics and NASA/KSC Internet Lab (Dumoulin, Downs, Nguyen and Cody) {slideres} 162 x 156 {slidesize} 36393 {slidetype} GIF {tinyres} 100 x 80 {tinysize} 12071 {tinytype} GIF {title} STS-69 launch view across water and trees (landscape) {type} Image {end}