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Atomic Reference Data
for Electronic Structure Calculations

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81   Tl   [Xe] 4f14 5d10 6s2 6p1

Energy   LDA     LSD     RLDA     ScRLDA

Etot = -18956.957627 -18956.962102 -20235.321930 -20193.281797
Ekin = 18950.710388 18950.716273 23360.929354 22664.592412
Ecoul = 7576.942724 7577.062261 7840.228070 7809.187848
Eenuc = -45137.454222 -45137.577780 -51108.767135 -50340.584605
Exc = -347.156518 -347.162855 -327.712220 -326.477452

1s -2827.569408 -2827.568015
-3118.843552 -3124.788495
2s -474.953368 -474.951885
-555.478486 -556.946663
2p -457.255971 -457.254530
3s -112.522180 -112.520736
-132.644608 -133.011513
3p -104.099296 -104.097865
3d -88.328299 -88.326854
4s -24.471512 -24.470130
-29.572735 -29.657947
4p -20.797078 -20.795703
4d -14.008848 -14.007478
4f -4.835747 -4.834391
5s -3.811512 -3.810344
-4.786760 -4.801548
5p -2.598730 -2.597651
5d -0.674544 -0.674500
6s -0.285020 -0.291740
-0.358491 -0.359528
6p -0.101507 -0.108799

81   Tl+   [Xe] 4f14 5d10 6s2

Energy   LDA     LSD     RLDA     ScRLDA

Etot = -18956.753577 -18956.753577 -20235.119571 -20193.083327
Ekin = 18950.523271 18950.523271 23360.740646 22664.418286
Ecoul = 7555.654594 7555.654594 7818.328695 7787.409121
Eenuc = -45115.952945 -45115.952945 -51086.656534 -50318.610829
Exc = -346.978498 -346.978498 -327.532378 -326.299905

1s -2827.835307 -2827.835307
-3119.117072 -3125.060351
2s -475.218422 -475.218422
-555.750848 -557.217492
2p -457.521139 -457.521139
3s -112.787142 -112.787142
-132.916883 -133.282279
3p -104.364276 -104.364276
3d -88.593240 -88.593240
4s -24.736426 -24.736426
-29.845007 -29.928712
4p -21.061992 -21.061992
4d -14.273746 -14.273746
4f -5.100632 -5.100632
5s -4.076394 -4.076394
-5.059162 -5.072431
5p -2.863658 -2.863658
5d -0.938401 -0.938401
6s -0.522606 -0.522606
-0.611066 -0.611153

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