N 444






The next meeting of ISO/TC 184/SC 5/WG 1 is scheduled as follows:


Monday, 2001-May-14, starting at 1330
Tuesday, 2001-May-15, all day
Wednesday, 2001-May-16, all day


Lotus Room (Ground Floor)
Jianguo Hotel Beijing
No. 5 Jianguomenwai DaJie
Beijing 100020

A block of sleeping rooms has been reserved by RIAMB, the host. See for information from RIAMB regarding booking a room from this block, as well as transportation and meeting schedule details. Note that the SC 5 plenary will be held on 2001-May-17/18, and that other SC 5 WGs will be meeting at the same time as WG 1.


  1. Review NP ballot results on new WG 1 standards project, "Rules for manufacturing-process interoperability"
  2. Review results of April CEN/TC 310/WG 1 regarding ENV 40003 and ENV 12204 revisions
  3. Review latest draft of ISA S95.02 and ballot status of S95.01.


1. Call to order at 1330

2. Review of Paris meeting minutes (N 443)

3. Review of agenda and objectives for this meeting (N 444)

4. Reports of related activities

a. IFAC/IFIP Task Force
b. CEN/TC 310/WG 1 (Other than joint project covered in 5 below)
e. UDDI (Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration)
g. Others

5. CEN/TC 310/WG 1 (David Shorter to lead)

a. Review output from April 2001 CEN/TC 310/WG 1 meeting on ENV 40003
b. Review plan for revising ENV 12204

6. ISA SP95, Enterprise-Control System Integration

a. Status of dual fast-track balloting of S95.00.01 in ISO and IEC
b. Report from Jim Nell on March 2001 ISA SP95 meeting
c. Review of S95.02, "Object Model Attributes"

7. Review NP ballot results for "Rules for manufacturing-process interoperability"

8. IS 15704: proposal from China to consider requirements for economic view. Note, the proposal will be distributed at the meeting

9. Other business

10. Identification of issues to be raised by Convenor to SC 5 at the plenary meeting

11. Time and place of next meeting

12. Adjournment


ISO/TC184/SC5 and WGs Meeting Announcement

2001 May 14-18, Beijing, China


Welcome to Beijing

We are very happy to welcome you on behalf of the CSBTS and RIAMB to the Meeting of ISO/TC184/SC5 and Working Groups (WG) in Beijing.

China State Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision (CSBTS)

Beijing Research Institute of Automation for Machinery Industry (RIAMB)


Address: No.1 Jiao Chang Kou

De Sheng Men Wai

Beijing, 100011, China

Tel: +86 10 62013954

Fax: +86 10 62017873/82078262

E-mail: cameta@public.bta.net.cn ( or haosh@public.bta.net.cn)

ATTN: Mrs. Liu Yunnan

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 Meeting location


ISO/TC184 /SC5 Plenary Meeting and SC5/WGs Meeting will be held in the Jianguo Hotel Beijing (located at the near downtown of Beijing. The meeting rooms are arranged on the Ground Floor of the Hotel, from May 14-18, 2001.

Jianguo Hotel Beijing

Address: No.5 Jianguomenwai DaJie (street), Beijing, 100020, China

ATTN: Mr.Charles Sha, Account Manager, Sales and Marketing

Tel: +86 10 65002233

Fax: +86 10 65002871/65010539

Map of the Hotel is attachment

The hotel is situated adjacent to the Jianguomenwai diplomatic quarter in the heart of Beijing's business and administrative centre, just 20 minutes from Beijing's Capital International Airport, 10 minutes from Tiananmen Square and Beijing 's numerous historical sights.

2 Hotel Accommodation

The SC5 participants and their accompanying guests will be accommodated at Jianguo Hotel Beijing (4-star hotel). In order to receive the special discount rates hotel reservation should be clearly indicated in the registration form attached.

We have booked several blocks in the Jianguo Hotel Beijing until one month before the meeting. Please return your requests using the Registration Form(in attachment 3)as soon as possible and no later than April 15, 2001. Because the middle of May is a busy season for tour in Beijing, we recommend you the earlier hotel reservations.

Please send Registration Form to RIAMB, Mrs. Liu Yunnan. If you make your reservations directly to the hotel, please mention that you are the attendees of ISO/TC184/SC5 meeting at booking and let us know by E-mail or fax.


3 Transportation

How to reach the Jianguo Hotel Beijing

From Capital International Airport to Jianguo Hotel Beijing is very convenient.

Taxis are always available day and night from the airport to hotel and it takes about 20 minutes (Aprox. 100 RMB Yuan (12US$).

There are shuttle buses from the airport to Jianguo Hotel Beijing everyday.

Transportation service

For more convenient travel of SC5 participants, RIAMB will arrange transportation service between Capital International Airport and Jianguo Hotel Beijing. If you want to use this service, please fill in the transportation form and fax it to the fax number given on that form about 5 days prior to your arrival in Beijing.

  1. RIAMB will assign someone at the exit point to meet you after you claim your luggage in the airport. He or she will hold a "ISO/TC184/SC5 Meeting" symbol and guide you to the hotel.
  2. Concerning return transportation from Jianguo Hotel Beijing to Capital International Airport, please check the return transportation form at the meeting office on May 14-18.

4 Currency

You can exchange RMB with Traveler' Cheque (check) or Cash in the EXIT of the Beijing's Capital International Airport or in Jianguo Hotel Beijing.

5 General Information


Beijing has a continental climate with clearly defined seasons. In May, the weather in Beijing is still quite mild (5° C-20° C). The average temperature is about 20° C. Sometimes 4° C at night and 26° C during the daytime. There are occasional showers.

Departure from Beijing

There is a RMB Yuan 90 airport usage fee before departure. Please remember to keep this 90 RMB Yuan for this purpose.

Supplementary Notes to the Jianguo Hotel Beijing:

Superior room can be double used. Additional payments:

· Adding a bed: 20US$

· Breakfast: 10US$/one person (the Hotel fee only contain one breakfast).

You can also add persons (and beds) to the suite room and luxury suite room. The additional costs are the same as mentioned above.

Credit cards

American Express, Diners Club, Visa, Master card, JCB are accepted in the hotel.

Electricity supply

· Voltage: 220V at 50 Hz

· 110 AC plug in bathroom for 110 AC, razors and adapters available upon request.

Business hours




Major shops




Bank of China






Telephone in Jianguo Hotel Beijing

All the rooms offer IDD telephone. Public telephones are available in the rooms.

6 Visa

We will issue an official invitation letter to those who have returned the registration form. You can go to the nearest Chinese Embassy or Consulate in your country to apply for Chinese entry visa with the official invitation letter. To allow ample time for a successful visa application, you are kindly requested to return the registration form no later than the registration deadline. If you have any problem, please contact directly to RIAMB, Attn: Mrs. Liu Yunnan.

7 Welcome Reception and farewell dinner

The welcome reception will take place on Monday, May 14th from 1830 to 2030. A farewell dinner will be given to attendees on Friday, May 18th from 1800 to 2000 by RIAMB. The place is the Grand Ballroom on the Ground Floor of the Hotel. Please come and enjoy refreshments and casual conversation.

8 Meeting services

A meeting office will be set up at the Orchid Room on the Ground Floor of the hotel from May 13th to 19th. Please address all your on-site questions and requests to RIAMB representatives in the meeting office. We will have copy machine and IBM-compatible computer equipped with Windows 98, MS Word for service to meeting.

A newsletter will be published during the meeting beginning on Monday. The newsletter will contain announcements, changes in agenda, or meeting time and other information.

Attachment 1: The map of the hotel (meeting located)

Note: Attachment 1, a map, is not included.

Attachment 2: Meeting Agenda for ISO/TC184/SC5 and WGs

May 14-18, 2001 Beijing


Meeting 0830-1200, 1330-1700

Coffee Break: 1000-1030, 1500-1530

Place: Located on the Ground Floor of the Hotel

1. SC5 and WGs prepare a meeting

Date: May 13, Sunday 1600-1700

Place: In the Orchid Room on the Ground Floor of the Hotel.

Attendees: ISO/TC184/SC5 Chairman, Secretary, Convenors and hosts.

2. Opening ceremony and Presentations of the Standardization in Architecture, Communications, and Integration Frameworks

Date: May 14, Monday 0900-1130

Place: In the Grand Ballroom on the Ground Floor of the hotel


· Introduction to standardization techniques by experts of ISO/TC184/SC5 WG5, WG4, WG1 (include the UML and XML, etc.)

· "Introduction to standardization in the field of system integration in China" by Bohu Li, China.

· "The implementation of WPDL conforming workflow model. "WPDL-Workflow Process Definition Language" by Prof.Dr. Yushun Fan (Tsinghua University), China

· "The Development and the Future CORBA Techniques" by Prof. Wang Yun, China.

3.WG1: Modeling and Architecture

Date: May 14, Monday 1330-1700; May 15-16, 0830-1700

Place: In the Lotus Room on the Ground Floor of the Hotel.

Convenor: Mr. James Nell (NIST)

4.WG5 Open-Systems Applications Frameworks

Date: May 14, Monday 1330-1700; May 15-16, 0830-1700

Place: In the Plum Room on the Ground Floor of the Hotel

Convenor: Mr. Graeme Meyer (New Zealand)

5.WG4 Workshop Manufacturing Software Capability Profiling (ISO 16100)

Date: May 14, Monday 1330-1700, May 15-16, 0830-1700

Place: In the Chrysanthemum Room on the Ground Floor of the Hotel.

Host: Mr. Shaw Feng (USA)

6.JWG8: Industrial Manufacturing Management Data

Date: May 14, Wednesday 8:30-17:00

Place: In the Chrysanthemum Room, on the Ground Floor of the Hotel

Convenor: Mr. Jean-Jacques Michel (France)

7. ISO/TC184/SC5 Plenary Meeting

Date: May 17, Thursday 0900-1700; May 18, Friday 0830-1500

Place: In the Ballroom on the Ground Floor of the Hotel

Chairman: Mr. Em. delahostria (Rockwell, USA)

Secretary: Mr. Greg Winchester (NEMA, USA)

8. Visit RIAMB May 18, Friday 1530-1730 (depend on the time)

Attachment 3: Registration and Reservation Form

Hotel Reservations

ISO/TC 184/SC5+WGs Meeting

2001 May-14-18, Beijing

The Jianguo Hotel Beijing

First/Last Name:






Arrival Date:

Arrival time:

# of people:

Departure Date:

[ ] Superior Room (one bed) at 95 USD/night (breakfast & tax included in this hotel cost)

[ ] Superior Room (tow bed) at 110 USD/night (breakfast & tax included in this hotel cost)

[ ] Duplex Suit Room at 160 USD/night (breakfast & tax included in this hotel cost)

[ ] Horizontal Suit Room at 160 USD/night (breakfast & tax included in this hotel cost)

Please complete the form and send it to:

Attn: Mrs. Liu Yunnan, RIAMB,

No.1, Jiao Chang Kou , De Sheng Men Wai,

Beijing , China



Email: cameta@public.bta.net.cn

Note:1.This special convention rate is only available for reservation made by 2001-4-15

2.Please see Supplementary Notes to the hotel in General Information of the Announcement


Transportation Form

ISO/TC 184/SC5+WGs Meeting 2001 May-14-18, Beijing

(From Capital International Airport to Jianguo Hotel Beijing)

First/Last Name


Street Address

Postal Code and City





Number or Persons

Pick-up Location Beijing's Capital International Airport

Arrival in Beijing Date: Time:

Flight Information Carrier: Flight No.

Destination Jianguo Hotel Beijing

Signature Date signed

Please note:

  1. RIAMB will assign someone at the exit point to meet you after you get your luggage in the airport. He or she will hold a "ISO/TC184/SC5 Meeting" symbol and guide you to the hotel.
  2. Please fax the completed "transportation form" to:

Mrs. Liu Yunnan, RIAMB, Beijing, China, FAX: +86-10-62017873/82078262

Email: cameta@public.bta.net.cn