Comment Number: OL-100011
Received: 3/11/2004 11:27:50 AM
Organization: MarketTouch
Commenter: James Dekle
State: GA
Agency: Federal Trade Commission
Docket ID: [3084-AA96]
No Attachments


In respect to the Do Not Email Registry, it is unworkable as it would have to be implemented at ISP's to be effective in shutting down spam at the source, once on the Web, SPAM would impact everyone downstream fromt the originating ISP. Not only that, it would also have to come with mechanisms for allowing this email and not that one in an endless combination of individual interests. More, it would also require a mechanism for sorting out all the billions of email accounts that are set up and expire, change, annually or the eventually, all email addresses will be blocked. I encourage the FTC to look to a system that makes the delivery of emails cost something, say $0.05 each if more than 1000 are sent in any 24 hour period by any individual entity or organization. Put that money in the USPS to offset their costs. Have the ISP collect the money using a depository account like is done for prepaid postal accounts. Uses existing structures and is workable. No postage affixed, ISP dumps at the source. Moreover, I also encourage an alternative view, have the ISP's provide a bayesian filter that each individual email account can use to teach the ISP's filter what they individually consider "SPAM." When spammers cannot get the message to the end user in any meanigful way, it will stop of its own inertia. Since the bayesian rules determine the score and hence spam/no spam designation of an email, the better FTC DNC file would be bayesian rules for each Email address sent to all ISP's to apply to incoming messages. Propagation of the rules could be done much as DNS servers propagate internet domaine addresses. Automatic and individualized... and best yet, this stops what YOU consider spam, while allowing free commercial use of email. The best of both worlds - freedom of commercial speech with individualized blocking of spam. Remember, one man's spam is another man's lunch meat! The one thing that will not work is an opt out email list.