Aging Area Aircraft Barrier Evaluation Rev 00A, ICN 00 170-SYC-HAP0-00100-000-00A May 2005 1.0 Purpose and Scope This calculation documents the evaluation of potential schemes for the Aircraft Barrier for the 5000 Metric Tons of Heavy Metal (MTHM) Aging Areas. The evaluation investigates the following two barrier schemes: a. A barrier made of light gauge metal or precast concrete confining panels and backfilled with soil or rock. b. Earthen berm. Preliminary calculations for each barrier type are developed in Section 7.0. 2.0 Quality Assurance Table A-1 of the Q-List (BSC 2005a) identifies theAircraft Barrier as an Important-to-Safety (ITS) structure. Consequently, the provisions of the Quality Assurance Requirements and Description (QARD) document (DOE 2004) apply to this calculation. This calculation was developed in accordance with the requirements of procedure AP-3.12Q. 3.0 Assumptions 3.1 Bounding Assumptions 3.1.1 It is assumed the barrier is 25'-0" high. Rationale: this is a reasonable assumption for a preliminary evaluation of the aircraft barrier. Table A-IJ in Appendix A of the Nuclear Safety Design Basis (BSC 2005b) identifies that the bamer should be as high as the Spent Nuclear Fuel (SNF) and High Level Waste (HLW) casks. These casks will be about 20 ft. high. A 25 ft. high barrier is selected as conservative and bounding to ensure the generated by it, does not skim over the top of the barrier and strike a cask. Where Used: Section 7.0 3.1.2 It is assumed the strike normal to the barrier. Rationale: this is a reasonable, conservative assumption since this would result in all the impact energy acting in the horizontal, or weakest direction. Where Used: Section 7.0 3.1.3 All impacts are assumed as This is the background image for an unknown creator of an OCR page with image plus hidden text. CALCULATION SHEET . . m. f JOB NO. I CALC. NO.. -"'"'---NO. OOA ( SHEETN- 24540 ( 170-SYC-HAPO-00100-000 1 ( TITLE I Aging-Area Aircraft Barrier Evaluation - Rationale: this is a reasonable assumption since the impacts are of extremely short duration, the corresponding spring force effect is small, and the will tend to stay in contact with the target during and after the impact. There will be no rebound. Where Used: Section 7.0 3.2 Assumptions Requiring Verification 3.2.1 Oneofthe: :o be considered for evaluation is assumed to be a from the 'with an impact diameter of Diameter). and an impact velocity of ' -'1. (TBV-72 19 for velocity) ~ationa1e:'this is a reasonable assumption given thesimihity with the data for the other : associated with the as provided in the Design Input section below; the engine weight and impact diameter are fiom Section 5.1.5, pg. 9, BSC (2001); the velocity has been communicated - verbally and will be documented when the appropriate hazards analysis is completed. Where Used: Sections 4.0 and 7.0 4.0 Design Input The following ,related to an impact by an will bound the potential rigid body penetrators from an impact of an a. with an diameter and a speed of b. with a diameter and a speed of c. with a diarnkter and a speed of d. itself with a impact diameter with the loading function shown on fig. A-5, pg. A-23 of C. W. Ma, et. al., (1990). The data for a, b and d are from C. W. Ma, et. al. (1'990); see Section A.6.1 for the weights and diameters of the and the ;see Figure A-3 for the weight of the see Section A.6.1 for the impact diameter for the .md see Section A.2.1 for the -velocity of these I; the data for "c" are from Assumptiom 3.2.1 above. 5.0 Evaluation Methodology Table A-I1 of the Nuclear Safety Design Basis (BSC 2005b)~ also identifies the aircraft barrier must be designed to prevent breaching by an This also includes rigid body penetrators associated with the The two types of barriers are therefore evaluated using standard and special structural engineering hand techniques that are related to the design of structures far impact. Two types of failures are evaluated -a general faiiure where a section of the barrier is pushed out and coilapses, somewhat like a punching shear failure in a concrete slab, and a local perforagion of the barrier. These failures are illustrated on the next four figures: This is the background image for an unknown creator of an OCR page with image plus hidden text. CALCULATION SWEET - JOB NO. CALC. NO. REV. NO. 00A SHEET NO.5 170-SYC-HAPO-00100-000 TITLE ~ging Area Aircraft Barrier Evaluation FIGURE 5.1 -IMPACT OF GENERAL FAILURE OF A SECTION OF THE BARRIER, ELEVATION VlEW KNOCKS OVT A PORTION OF THE -RAFT BARRIER DWGED SECTION OF AIRCRAFT BARRIER FIGURE 5.2 -IMPACT OF GENERAL FAILURE OF A SECTION OF THE AIRCRAFT BARRIER, PLAN VlEW This is the background image for an unknown creator of an OCR page with image plus hidden text. CALCULATION SHEEP .- JOB NO. CALC. NO. REV. NO. OOA SHEET NO. 6 24540 170-SYC-HAPO-00 100-000 TITLE 1 Aging Area Aircraft Barrier Evaluation FIGURE 5.3 -IMPACT OF I'ENETRATION AND PERFORATION IUGID PENETRATORISUEmD FROM THE / AND COMPLETELY PERFORATES THE FIGURE 5.4 -IMPACT OF -PENETRATION OF This is the background image for an unknown creator of an OCR page with image plus hidden text. - CALCULATION SHEET JOB NO. CALC. NO. REV. NO. OOA SHEET NO.7 24540 170-SYC-HAPO-00100-000 TITLE I Aging Area Aircraft Barrier Evaluation -- The general failure is evaluated by equating the kinetic energy of the impacting to the work required to move a section of the banier. This allows the computation of the distance a section of the barrier that might move under a impact. If this distance is significant, say about the width of the banier, then that is an indication that the banier would fail and allow either the jet itself or a major rigid penetrator generated by the aircraft impact to "blow through" the barrier and impact the SNF and HLW casks. A wider barrier would therefore be required. The local perforation failure (a completely passing through the barrier) is evaluated by using a soil penetration formula to compute the distance the would penetrate the soil mass represented by the aircraft barrier. If this distance is equal to or greater than the width of the barrier, then the barrier width would have to be increased to prevent perforation, otherwise the existing barrier width is acceptable. 5.1 Loads. The only loads that will be considered in this calculation are impacts fiom the iisted above in Section 4.0, Design Input. Other loading conditions, i-e., dead, live, and those fkom natural phenomena (wind, seismic, precipitation), will be evaluated during detailed design. 5.2 Material Properties The behavior of the barriers will be dominated by the properties of the soil used in construating them. The confining light gauge metal or precast concrete panels are very thin compared to the width of the bber. They will, therefore, make little contribution to the energy absorbing capabilities of the barrier and their presence will be ignored in this evaluation. Therefore, with respect to this evaluation, and the coefficient of fiction between the and the upon which the barrier is founded are the ' critical properties. It is desired to use the material that is removed during tunnel boring operations (called "tunnel mu&") within the aircraft barrier structure. Table 10-3 of the Supplemental Soils Report (BSC 20Wb) lists the densities of various materials that could be encountered during the tunnel boring operations, The densities ranged from 98 to 145 pcf. Consequently, the barriers are evaluated for a high-density soil of 150pcf, a medium-density soil of 130 pcf, and a low-density soil of 100 pcf. Table 1i-2 of the Supplemental Soils Report (BSe 2004b) gives a coefficient of friction for alluvium as p = 0.8 1, but, because of the wide variation of soil and rock material that may be used, a vaRue of p = 0.6 is used herein. Article 60.2 of K. Terzaghi, et. al. (1995) indicates that ths is a minimum value for concrete against sand. Since the backfill material will be compacted against the alluvium, or engineered fills, both of which are granular materials (see articles and 10.1 2.1 of the Supplemental Soils Report (BSC 2004b)), it will behave much like concrete on sand. The low-end value of p given above is therefore appropriate for this evaluation. This is the background image for an unknown creator of an OCR page with image plus hidden text. CALCULATION SHEET v - JOB NO. CALC. NO. REV. NO. OOA SHEET NO.8 170-SYC-HAPO-00 100-000 TITLE Aging Area Aircraft Barrier Evaluation - - 6.0 Computer Software Documentation The originator used the following computer programs to prepare thls calculation; all the software used resides on a Personal Computer: Notes: 1. Microsoft Word and Mathcad are exempted from the qualification and documentation requirements of LP-SI.11Q-BSC, Software Management. 2. The software is operated on a PC system using the Windows 2000 operating system. This is the background image for an unknown creator of an OCR page with image plus hidden text. 'JOB24540 CALC.NO. REV. NO.OOA SHEET N0.9 TITLE 170-SYC-HAPO-00100-000 Aging Area Aircraft Barrier 17.0 Calculations Cvaluation of Potential Aircraft Barrier Types: ?valuate barriers made of light-gauge metal or pre-cast concrete panels backfillled with soil, me1 nuck, or other material by first investigating the potential for general structural failure. Treat the m.rrier as solid blocks that can slide. kxt, investigate perforation of the barriers by using a soil penetration formula to determine the Rinimurn barrier thicknesses required to prevent complete perforation of the barrier. This will .Is0 be used to determine the minimum thichess required for an aircraft banier constructed of a oil berm. is discussed in Section 4.2 above, three fill, or soil, weight densities -150 pcf, 130pcf, and 00 pcf -are evaluated to ensure a range of possible densities are evaluated. 'er assumption 3.1.1, the barriers will be 25 A. high; per assumption 3.1.2, the will strike ~onnalto the face of the barriers; per assumption 3.1.3, the impacts will be analyzed as , Ier assumption 3.2.1, the . to be evaluated will include a with an impact liameter of and a impact speed of Set origin of matrices to 1,l instead of 0,O: ORIGIN := 1 Define Units that are not standard in Mathcad: lbf pcf := -tons := 2000.lbf knots := ft3 Missile information -see Section 4.0 of this calleulation: / Diameters of nph Vs = Velocities of \ This is the background image for an unknown creator of an OCR page with image plus hidden text. - JOB 24540 CALC. NO. REV. NO. OOA SHEET ~0.10- TITLE 170-SYC-HAPO-08100-000 Aging Area Aircraft Barrier Masses of .. . . i E :valuationof Potential Barriers: Ektimate required barrier width: Irwestigate the possible width of banier required by estimating the distance required to reduce the velocity to td := Time of impulse. About 0.07 sec for the F-16. See the impulse plot in Fig. 7.2 of this calculation. v X,, := td'-S4 Based on formula 6.52, pg. 347, ASCE 58 (ASCE 1980). 9 Xo = Use at least a 25 ft. barrier. Evaluate the Potential for General and Local Failures: See Figurep.1 below for the geometry of the aircrafh banrier. , 7 b := 25-fi Width of barrier. 1 := 25-ft Height of barrier. FIGURE 7.1 AlRCRAfT BARRIER. ELEVATION I VIEW BACKFILL MATERIAL This is the background image for an unknown creator of an OCR page with image plus hidden text. - JOB 24540 CALC. NO. REV. NO. OOA SHEET NO.11 TITLE 170-SYC-HAPO-00100-000 Aging Area Aircraft Barrier A := bq A = Cross-sectional area of the Banier. '1 h := -Height to center of gravity of barrier element. 2 Determine target masses and impact energies: Densities of barrier material. kget mass ( Me) based on equation 3-16 (volume of target that interacts with the times the weight density divided the acceleration due to gravity, g), Chapter 3, inderman, Rotz, and Yeh, 1974. Also see Fig 5.2 of this calculation. 2 sec lbf. - ft Impact energies (EE,) per equation 3-8, Section 3, Linderman, Rotz, and Yeh, 1974 EE, = This is the background image for an unknown creator of an OCR page with image plus hidden text. - JOB 24540 CALC. NO. REV. NO. OOA 5 TITLE 170-SYC-HAPO-00100-000 Aging Area Aircraft Barrier Figure 7.2 -F-16 Loading Function IMPACT LOADING FCWTION -Loading Function - see Figme A-5 of C. W. Ma, et. ad., 1990. TIME (SEC) 6 Force function (see plot above). := 10-106-1bfF2 := 20.10 -1bf I := 0.5-Fl~(O.Ol~sec) + F1-(0.04 -O.Ol).sec ... Impulse due to the ' + 0.5(~2-F~)-(o.o~ -0.03)-sec+ F2.(0.052 -0.04)-sec ... Loading Function + 0.5+F2-(0.07-0.052)-sec impact energy per [(~rn~+~e .-4,l)-a3 EE = equation 3-14 (appropriate EE, .-, equation when forcing 451 ft-lbf function is known), Section 3, Linderman, Rotz, and Yeh, 1974. 1 := 1 .. 3 This is the background image for an unknown creator of an OCR page with image plus hidden text. JOB 24540 CALC. NO. REV. NO. OOA SHEET NO.13 - TITLE 170-SYC-HAPO-00100-000 Aging Area Aircraft Barrier 2 sec Ibf.- ft 1Keights of barrier. Pb = Ibf tons Evaluate Potential Sliding: P := 0.6 See Section 5.2 of hs calculation. := p Pe 1 :== l..4 1:= 1..3 Displacement due to sliding based on energy formula for sliding. lnetic Energy due to missile impact = Work expended to move the Barrier a distance 66, i. e. EEs = (1/2)F66 = (1/2)peW66. ,! This is the background image for an unknown creator of an OCR page with image plus hidden text. JOB 24540 CALC. NO. REV. NO. OOA SHEET ~0.14 TITLE 170-~~~-~~~0-00100-000 Aging Area Aircraft Barrier -rUll Soil Penetration: S1:= 1.O7 S for p = 150pcf. See Table 3, pg. 81 1, Young (1969), for rock material &om the Tonapah Test Range and the Nevada Test Site. S for p = : Weighted average value betweenrock and low density S2 := 1.07 + soil material based onvalues in Table r::~ir:)-(~.~-1.07) S. = 3, pg. 81 1, Young (1969) S for p = 100 pcf. See Table 3, pg. 81 1, Young (1969), for Sand, silty, clayey, S3 := 4.4 I dense (desert alluvium) soil material fiom the Tonopah Test Range site. I := 1 .. 3 i := l..4 N := See Table 2, pg. 808, Young (1969), for various shapes of missiles Unitless vector of diameters for use in the penetration formula below. I This is the background image for an unknown creator of an OCR page with image plus hidden text. - JOB 24540 CALC. NO. REV. NO. OOA SHEET N0.15 TITLE 170-SYGHAPO-00100-000 Aging Area Aircraft Barrier Unitless vector of the weights for use in the penetration formula below. sec v.= Unitless vector of the velocities for use in v'ii := 'i '-R S1 the penetration formula below: Penetration, X, for velocities based on Formula 17, pg. 812, Young (1969). Xi,l := Penetration. B NG for the 2000 Ib with the fill. Increase the barrier width to -for a barrier backfilled with material. This is the background image for an unknown creator of an OCR page with image plus hidden text. 40624540 CALC. NO. REV. NO. OOA SHEET ~0.16 TITLE 170-SYC-HAPO-00100-000 Aging Area Aircraft Barrier I I - Check on Results: Utilize the method of section of ASCE 58 (ASCE 1980) for the evaluation of overall effects of soft missile impact by: (1) determining pseudo impulse times based on the calculation of penetration depths calculated above; (2) determining average impulses based on the calculation of impact ener@es on sht. 1 1 above; (3) calculating the forces associated with these impulses based on a rectangular force - time relationship; (4) using these forces, determine the penetration distance based on fontnula 6.50, pg. 347, ASCE 58 (ASCE 1980); if these distances determined in step (4) are consistent with those determined on sht. 15, then the designed barrier widths will be acceptable. Calculate pseudo impulse times, impulse, and forces associated with the above displacements. 1 := 1 ..3 i :=-I ..4 inpulse times: ttd. --.-(2'Xi'1) Impulse time; see formula 6.52, pg. 347, ASCE 58 (ASCE 1980). T T 191 sec I mpulses: Impulse; based on formula 3-8 of Linderman, Rotz, and Yeh (1974) for impact energy; terns transposed to calculate impulse. This is the background image for an unknown creator of an OCR page with image plus hidden text. JOB 24540 CALC. NO. REV. NO. OOA SHEET ~0:17 TITLE ' 170-SYGHAPO-00 100-000 Aging Area Aircraft Barrier lbf .set Pseudo forces based on a rectangular Impulse curve: Ii,l F~J:= -Pseudo forces based on definition of Impulse = Force x time. ttd, , lbf 7 I : 107 lo7 x 10 Penetration distances: Penetration distance per formula 6.50 of ASCE 58 (ASCE A,, 1 := 1980) with Mass, M, replacing Wlg and terns transposed to V. Fi, 1 Icalculate X. OK since these distances are consistent with those calculated on .. the previous sheets. Use a 25 fi. wide banier for and a 30 ft. wide barrier for material. This is the background image for an unknown creator of an OCR page with image plus hidden text. JOB 24540 CALC. NO. REV. NO. OOA SHEET NO.18 TITLE 170-SYC-HAPO-00100-000 7 Aging Area Aircraft Barrier w I Determine the fiontal pressures associated with the above calculated forces and missile geometries: Cross-sectional areas based on missile impact diameters: Trontal pressures: Pb = lections A.6.1 and A.6.2 of Ma. et. al. (1 990),gives fi-ontalpressures of ' for the and for the Comparing these values to the very large magnitudes ~ffiontal pressures calculated above indicates tha~ the and its associated will - I when the aircraft impacts the barrier. The barrier widths determined in the preceding 1 calculations the casks in the aging areas fiom aircraft impacts. This is the background image for an unknown creator of an OCR page with image plus hidden text. I ''BECHTBL %SAIC~EGE JOB NO. 24540 I TITLE I [ Aging Area Aircraft Barrier Evaluation CALCULATION SHEET CALC. NO. REV. NO. OOA SHEET NO. 1 9 170-SYC-HAPO-00100-000 8.0 Conclusions & Recommendations The calculations in Section 6.0 indicate that the aircraft banier shouldbe at least 25 ft. wide if the medium 1 ) or high density fill material is used. If dense material, ;used, the banier should be 30 ft. wide. The two barrier configurations are shown in Figures 7.1 and 7.2 below: FIGURE 8.1 -AIRCRAFT BARRlER -BACKFILLED BARRIER WI LIGHT GAUGE METAL OR PRECAST CONCRETE CONFINING PANELS OPTION. ELEVATION VIEW BACKFILL MATERIAL - TUNNEL MUCK OR SOIL;p = I C 25' -0"FOR 30' -0"FOR FIGURE 8.2 -AIRCRAFT BARRIER - BERM OPTION, ELEVATION VIEW BERM MATERIAL -TUNNEL I MUCKORSOIL; p= This is the background image for an unknown creator of an OCR page with image plus hidden text. CAbCUkAfION SHEET P JOB NO. CALC. NO. REV. NO. OOA 170-SYC-HAPO-00100-000 TITLE Aging Area Aircraft Barrier Evaluation - To keep construction costs and effort reasonable, it is recommended to utilize a 25 ft. high by 25 ft. wide barrier with light-gauge metal or precast concrete confining panels backfilled with a soil materia.] or tunnel muck having a density of at compaction. The design and analytical results are reasonable for -their intended use considering the complex and dynamic nature of the loading the aircraft barrier could be exposed to. They are suitable for their intended use, namely the preliminary evaluation of an aircraft barrier for the Aging Area. 9.0 References 1. BSC (Bechtel SAIC Company) 2005a Q-List. 000-30R-MGRO-00500-000-000-00 1. Las Vegas, Nevada: Bechtel SAIC Company. ACC: ENG.200502 17.00 10. DIRS: 17 1 190. 2. BSC (Bechtel SAIC Company) 2005b. Nuclear Safe Design Bases for License Application. 000- 30R-MGRO-00400-000-001.Las Vegas, Nevada: Bechtel SAIC Company. ACC: ENG.20050308.0004. DIRS: 171512. 3. DOE (U.S. Department of Energy) 2004. Quality Assurance Requirements and Description. DOEIRW-0333P, Rev. 16. Washington, D.C-: U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management. ACC: DOC-2004W07.0002. DIRS: 171539 4. BSC (Bechtel SAIC Company) 200 1. Consequence of an Aircraft Cmsh into a Transportation Cask, Revision 2. *OFFICIAL USE ONLY*, Las Vegas, Nevada: Bechtel SAIC Company. ACC: MOL.20020314.0036. DIRS: 1572 10 5. Ma, C.W.; Zavoshy, S.J.; Jardine, L.J.; and Kiciman, O.K. 1990. An Analysis of S~enarios and Potential Radiological Consequences Associated with US.Military Aircrafi Crashes for the Yucca Mountain Repository. SSAND90-705 1. Albuquerque, New Mexico: Sandia Nationd Laboratories. ACC: MOL.20010405.0046. DIRS: 162495 6. BSC (Bechtel SAIC Company) 2004a. Project Design Criteria Document. 000-3DR-MGRO- 00100-000-003. Las Vegas, Nevada: Bechtel SAIC Company. ACC: ENG.20041124.0001. DRS: 171599 7. BSC (Bechtel SAIC Company) 2004b. Supplemental Soils Report. 1 W-SOC-CYOO-00100-000- OOA. Las Vegas, Nevada: Bechtel SAIC Co~qany. ACC: ENG.2004i 108.0006. DIRS: 166067 8. Terzaglu, K.; Peck, R.B.; and Mesri, G. 1996.. Soil Mechanics in Engineering Practice. 3rd Edition. New York, New York: John Wiley & Sons. TIC: 255 13 1. DWS: 165965. 9. LP-SI.l 1Q-BSC, Rev. 0, ICN 1. Software Management. Washington ID. C.: U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management. ACC: DOC.20041005~0008. 10. ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers)) 1980. '"Design Against Umpulse and hpact Loads." Chapter 6 of Structural Analysis and Design ofNuclear Plant Facilitfes. ASCE No, 58. Pages 309- 384. New York, New York: American Society,of Civil Engineers. TIC: 256635. DXRS: 149371 11. Linderman, R.B.; Rotz, J.V.; and Yeh, G.C.K.. 1974. Design of Struc~n~res for IlfissiJe Impuct, Topical Report. BC-TOP-9-A, Rev. 2. San Francisca, California: Bechtel Power. TIC: 253 115. DIRS: 159274. This is the background image for an unknown creator of an OCR page with image plus hidden text. of Civil Engineers. TIC:257027. DIRS: 173193. This is the background image for an unknown creator of an OCR page with image plus hidden text. CALCULATION SHEET 0- JOB NO. CALC. NO. REV. NO. OOA SHEET NO. AI 24540 170-SYC-HAPO-00100-000 1 TITLE Aging Area Aircraft Barrier Evaluation Attachment A -Computer Files Listed below and included in the attached CDs are the Word and Mathcad files that are pertinent to this calculation:. CALC Aircraft Barrier.doc aircraft