Design of a Concrete Slab for Storage of SNF And HLW Casks Rev 00B, ICN 00 170-00C-HAP0-00100-000 February 2005 1.0 Purpose and Scope This calculation documents the design of the Spent Nuclear Fuel (SNF) and High-Level Waste (HLW) Cask storage slab for the Aging Area. The design is based on the weights of casks that may be stored on the slab, the weights of vehicles that may be used to move the casks, and the layout shown on the sketch for a 1000 Metric Ton of Heavy Metal (MTHM) storage pad on Attachment 2, Sht.1 of the calculation 170-C0C-C000-00100-000-00A (BSC 2004a). The analytical model used herein is based on the storage area for 8 vertical casks. To simplify the model, the storage area of the horizontal concrete modules and their related shield walls is not included. The heavy weights of the vertical storage casks and the tensile forces due to pullout at the anchorages will produce design moments and shear forces that will envelope those that would occur in the storage area of the horizontal modules. The design loadings will also include snow and live loads. In addition, the design will also reflect pertinent geotechnical data. This calculation will document the preliminary thickness and general reinforcing steel requirements for the slab. This calculation also documents the initial design of the cask anchorage. Other slab details are not developed in this calculation. They will be developed during the final design process. The calculation also does not include the evaluation of the effects of cask drop loads. These will be evaluated in this or another calculation when the exact cask geometry is known. 2.0 Quality Assurance Table A-2 of the Q-List (BSC 2004b) identifies the Aging Pad as an Important-to-Safety (ITS) system. Consequently, the provisions of the Quality Assurance Requirements and Description (QARD) document (DOE 2004) apply to this calculation. This calculation was developed in accordance with the requirements of procedure AP-3.12Q. 3.0 Design Input Information on a potential cask transporter is taken from J & R Engineering (2003). The supplemental soil report for the Waste Receiving and Preparation System (BSC 2004f) provides the pertinent geotechnical data. The sketch for a 1000 MHTM storage pad on Attachment 2, Sht.1 of the calculation 170-C0C-C000-00100-000-00A (BSC 2004a) gives the pad layout (reproduced on pg. A). 4.0 Assumptions 1. The transporter is assumed to be unloaded during seismic events. The rationale for this assumption is that for the limited time the transporter is used on the pad, the probability that it would be on the pad and loaded during a seismic event is very low. 2. The design storage cask is assumed to be similar to a HI-STORM 100SA cask only with a maximum weight of 200 tons (vs 180 tons for the HI-STORM 100SA(HOLTEC 2002)), a maximum height of 245 in., a height to the CG of 120 in, and a diameter of 11’-01/2”. The rationale for this assumption is to base the pad design on the largest vertical storage cask that might be stored on it (see HOLTEC 2002), with an additional margin on its potential weight. 3. The cask pad is assumed to be founded on alluvium. The rationale for this assumption is that the latest soils report (BSC 2004f) indicates varying soil properties for the different types of soil the pad may be supported by . A soil type should be chosen to permit using appropriate soil properties. Given the CALCULATION SHEET JOB NO. 24540 CALC. NO. 170-00C-HAP0-00100-000 REV. NO. 00B SHEET NO. 4 TITLE AGING AREA – DESIGN OF A CONCRETE SLAB FOR STORAGE OF SNF AND HLW CASKS C:\Temp\\CALCAgingRevBX.doc large thicknesses of the pad – up to 7 feet – it is reasonable to assume alluvium as the foundation soil. This will be confirmed in final design. 5.0 References Note: acronyms within { } indicate acronyms used to refer to the references in the body of the calculation. 1. BSC (Bechtel SAIC Company) 2004a. Midway Valley Aging Site Layout Drawing Support Calculation. 170-C0C-C000-00100-000-00A. Las Vegas, Nevada: Bechtel SAIC Company. ACC: ENG.20040410.0025. DIRS: 168429. 2. BSC (Bechtel SAIC Company) 2004b. Q-List. 000-30R-MGR0-00500-000-000 REV 00. Las Vegas, Nevada: Bechtel SAIC Company. ACC: ENG.20040721.0007. DIRS: 168361. 3. DOE (U.S. Department of Energy) 2004. Quality Assurance Requirements and Description. DOE/RW-0333P, Rev. 16. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management. ACC: DOC.20040907.0002. DIRS: 171539. 4. AP-3.12Q, Rev. 2, ICN 2. Design Calculations and Analyses. Washington D. C.: U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management. ACC: DOC.20040318.0002 5. HOLTEC 2002. Final Safety Analysis Report for the HOLTEC International Storage and Transfer Operation Reinforced Module Cask System (HI-STORM 100 Cask System), NRC Docket No. 72- 1014. HOLTEC Report HI-2002444, Volume I of II. Marlton, NJ: HOLTEC International. Readily Available. DIRS: 168494. 6. J and R Engineering Company 2003. Lift-n-Lock Crawler Transporter. Mukwonago, WI: J and R Engineering Company. TIC: 255674. DIRS: 168576. 7. BSC 2003a. Software Code: GT STRUDL. V26. PC Windows 2000. 10829-26-00. DIRS: 166081. 8. BSC 2004c. Project Design Criteria Document. 000-3DR-MGR0-00100-000-003. Las Vegas, Nevada: Bechtel SAIC Company. ACC: ENG.20041124.0001. DIRS: 171599. 9. NRC (U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission) 1987. Standard Review Plan for the Review of Safety Analysis Reports for Nuclear Power Plants. NUREG-0800. LWR Edition. Washington,D.C.: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. TIC:203894. DIRS: 103124. 10. ACI 2001a. Code Requirements for Nuclear Safety Related Concrete Structures (ACI 349-01) and Commentary (ACI 349R-01). Farmington Hills, Michigan. American Concrete Institute. TIC: 252732. DIRS: 158833. 11. ANSI/AISC N690-1994. 1994. American National Standard for Nuclear Facilities - Steel Safety- Related Structures for Design Fabrication and Erection. Chicago, Illinois: American Institute of Steel Construction. TIC: 252734. DIRS: 158835. {AISC N690} 12. MO0411SDSTMHIS.006. Seismic Design Spectra and Time Histories for the Surface Facilities Area (Point D/E) at 5E-4 Annual Exceedance Frequency. Submittal date: 11/16/2004. DIRS: 172426. 13. MO0402SDSTMHIS.004. Seismic Design Spectra and Time Histories for the Surface Facilities Area (Point D/E) at 5E-4 Annual Exceedance Frequency. Submittal date: 02/09/2004. DIRS: 167424. CALCULATION SHEET JOB NO. 24540 CALC. NO. 170-00C-HAP0-00100-000 REV. NO. 00B SHEET NO. 5 TITLE AGING AREA – DESIGN OF A CONCRETE SLAB FOR STORAGE OF SNF AND HLW CASKS C:\Temp\\CALCAgingRevBX.doc 14. DOE 2003. Validation Test Process for: GT STRUDL VERSION 26. 10829-VTP-26-00. Las Vegas, Nevada: U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Repository Development. ACC: MOL.20030521.0190. DIRS: 168476. 15. LP-SI.11Q-BSC, Rev. 0, ICN 1. Software Management. Washington D. C.: U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management. ACC: DOC.20041005.0008. 16. ACI 2001b. Design of Slabs on Grade (ACI 360R-92, Reapproved 1997) [reprint.2001]. Farmington Hills, Michigan. American Concrete Institute. TIC: 255548. DIRS: 167242. 17. MacGregor J. G. 1997, Reinforced Concrete - Mechanics and Design (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. Prentice-Hall. TIC: 242587. DIRS: 130532. 18. Young W. C. 1989. Roark’s Formulas for Stress and Strain (Sixth Edition). New York, New York. McGraw-Hill. TIC: 10191. DIRS: 106720. 19. Bowles, J. E. 1996. Foundation Analysis and Design (5th ed.). New York, New York. McGraw- Hill. TIC: 247039. DIRS: 157929. 20. ASCE 7-02. 2003. Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures. Reston, Virginia: American Society of Civil Engineers. TIC: 255517. DIRS: 168388. {ASCE 7-02} 21. BSC 2004d. Seismic Analysis and Design Approach Document. 100-S0C-CY00-00300-000-00A. Las Vegas, Nevada: Bechtel SAIC Company. ACC: ENG.20040405.0017. DIRS: 166673. 22. Chu, Shih-Lung, Fang, Shu-Jin, Zar, Max 1997. "Chimneys," Section 32 in Structural Engineering Handbook. 4th. Gaylord, E.H., Jr.; Gaylord, C.N.; Stallmeyer, J.E.; eds. New York, NY: McGraw- Hill. TIC: 255067. DIRS: 168404. 23. ICC (International Code Council) 2000. International Building Code 2000 (IBC).Falls Church, Virginia: International Code Council. TIC: 251054. DIRS: 159179. {IBC} 24. BSC (Bechtel SAIC Company) 2004. Extreme Wind/Tornado/Tornado Missile Hazard Analysis. 000-00C-WHS0-00100-000-00B. Las Vegas, Nevada: Bechtel SAIC Company. ACC: ENG.20041105.0001. DIRS: 171471. 25. ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) 2004. 2004 ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. 2004 Edition. New York, New York: American Society of Mechanical Engineers. TIC: 256479. DIRS: 171846. 26. AISC (American Institute of Steel Construction) 1989. Manual of Steel Construction, Allowable Stress Design. 9th Edition. Chicago, Illinois: American Institute of Steel Construction. TIC: 205770. DIRS: 107536. 27. Womack, L. F. 2001b, “ Diablo Canyon Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation : Submittal of Non-Proprietary Calculation Packages [Docket No. 72-26].” Letter from L.F. Womack (PG&E) to U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, December 21, 2001, PG&E Letter DIL-01-004, dated December 21, 2001, with enclosures. TIC: 256634. DIRS: 172395. 28. BSC (Bechtel SAIC Company) 2004f. Supplemental Soils Report. 100-S0C-CY00-00100-000- 00A. Las Vegas, Nevada: Bechtel SAIC Company. ACC: ENG.20041108.0006. DIRS: 166067. 6.0 Design Methodology The slab is designed as a soil supported two-way slab. Internal moments and shear forces are determined by appropriate analyses using the structural analysis program GT-STRUDL V26 (STN: 10829-26-00), BSC 2003a. The concrete slab is modeled as a large flat plate using plate finite elements. The supporting soil is modeled as a series of non-linear springs. Spring properties are based on data from the Soils Report CALCULATION SHEET JOB NO. 24540 CALC. NO. 170-00C-HAP0-00100-000 REV. NO. 00B SHEET NO. 6 TITLE AGING AREA – DESIGN OF A CONCRETE SLAB FOR STORAGE OF SNF AND HLW CASKS C:\Temp\\CALCAgingRevBX.doc (BSC 2004f) to model the stiffness of the supporting soil. Reactions from the stored casks are modeled as nodal point loads acting on the elements corresponding to the storage locations. The wheel loads from the transporter are also modeled as point loads at appropriate nodes of the slab model. Dead loads will include the self-weight of the slab. Earthquake loads will include inertial forces acting on the pad and the casks, based on equivalent static acceleration factors to model the effects of earthquakes. The design calculations also include the evaluation of overturning and sliding. Reactions from seismic, wind, and tornado forces acting on the storage casks are used to design an anchorage system for the casks. Standard structural analysis techniques are used to develop the reactions acting on the various components of the anchorage system. 6.1 Acceptance Criteria Section of the Project Design Criteria (PDC) (BSC 2004c) requires foundation designs to meet the requirements of Standard Review Plan (SRP) 3.8.5 of NUREG-0800 (NRC 1987). Subsection II. 3. of SRP 3.8.5 states that loads and load combinations used in the design are acceptable if the requirements of SRP 3.8.4 are satisfied. General structural acceptance criteria are provided in Section II. 5 of SRP 3.8.4. The ultimate capacities of the concrete components, including embedded components of the anchorage system, are based on the provisions of the ACI-349 code (ACI 2001a). The allowable stresses for the unembedded steel components of the anchorage system are based on the provisions of the AISC N690 code (ANSI/AISC 1994). Allowable soil bearing stresses are taken from the soils report (BSC 2004f), and are provided below in subsection 6.4, “Material Properties.” 6.2 Loads The following loads are considered in the design of the slab: Dead Load (D): Dead loads are the weights of the permanently attached structures and equipment and include the selfweight of the slab. Since the casks will reside on the aging pad for considerable lengths of time, they will be treated as dead loads. The pad design will be based on storing a number of casks similar to the HISTORM 100SA (232) (HOLTEC 2002) as modified by Assumption 2. In this design, a fully loaded cask weight of 200 tons is used. Snow Loads (S): Per section of the PDC (BSC 2004c), the slab will be designed for a maximum snow depth of 4”. The snow load magnitude, based on the provisions of ASCE 7-02, is determined in Section A1.2. Live Loads (L & Lr): Live loads are those produced by the use of the facilities. The live loads also include the track loads from the cask transporter. The information in J & R Engineering (2003) gives the total loaded weight of the CALCULATION SHEET JOB NO. 24540 CALC. NO. 170-00C-HAP0-00100-000 REV. NO. 00B SHEET NO. 7 TITLE AGING AREA – DESIGN OF A CONCRETE SLAB FOR STORAGE OF SNF AND HLW CASKS C:\Temp\\CALCAgingRevBX.doc transporter as 135000 lbs. Wheel loads for input into the GT-STRUDL model based on these weights are determined in Attachment A. The analysis includes two positions for an unloaded transporter and three positions for a loaded transporter. Live loads also include a uniform load of 150 psf. This represents a conservative estimate of loads due to activities on the slab. Wind and Tornado Loads (W & Wt) Per PDC (BSC 2004c), wind loads shall be based on an extreme wind velocity of 90 mph., also, per PDC (BSC 2004c), tornado loads shall be based on a maximum wind velocity of 189 mph. Earthquake, or Seismic, Loads (E’): Paragraph II.B.1.b of Standard Review Plan (SRP) 3.7.2 of NUREG-0800 (NRC 1987) requires a 1.5 factor be applied to the peak acceleration of the applicable floor response spectrum unless a lower value can be justified to model the potential effects of higher modes. For seismic forces acting on the casks, a equivalent static force of 1.5 times the acceleration at 7% damping for its fundamental frequency is used. For the slab, the Zero Period Acceleration (ZPA) represents the peak acceleration and an amplification factor of 1.0 is justified since a slab on grade essentially becomes part of the earth and will not be subjected to the effects of higher modes. Table 6.1.3-1 of the PDC (BSC 2004c) identifies DTN: MO0411SDSTMHIS.006 as the appropriate response spectra for a point located on the soil surface (pt. D in Figure of the PDC), however data from DTN: MO0402SDSTMHIS.004 has been used in this calculation. This is acceptable since the results for 7% damping from the latter DTN envelope those from DTN: MO0411SDSTMHIS.006. DTN MO0402SDSTMHIS.004 provides the horizontal and vertical response spectra accelerations used in this calculation (see sht. A14 of attachment A). 6.3 Load Combinations Since soil bearing pressures are verified based on unfactored loads, the following unfactored and factored load combinations are considered in the analysis of the slab; these are based on those given in Section of the PDC: Load Combination Limit 1. D + S + L Soil (1) 2. D + S + L + W Soil 3. D + W 4. 1.4D + 1.7S + 1.7L 5. 1.4D + 1.7S + 1.7L + 1.7W Soil U (2) U 6. D + L + Wt U, Soil 7. D + Wt U, Soil 8. D + L + E’ U, Soil 9. 0.9D + E’ U, Soil Notes: (1) Soil – allowable soil bearing strength and/or structure stability; see Section 6.4 below. (2) U – required section strength based on Ultimate Strength Design (USD) using the provisions of ACI 349 (ACI 2001a). CALCULATION SHEET JOB NO. 24540 CALC. NO. 170-00C-HAP0-00100-000 REV. NO. 00B SHEET NO. 8 TITLE AGING AREA – DESIGN OF A CONCRETE SLAB FOR STORAGE OF SNF AND HLW CASKS C:\Temp\\CALCAgingRevBX.doc 6.4 Material Properties Reinforced Concrete: fc = Concrete Strength, Slab = 5000 psi Sect. of the PDC (BSC 2004c) fcc = Concrete Strength, Cask = 4000 psi Table 1.D-1 of HOLTEC 2002 fy = Yield Strength of Reinforcing Steel = 60 ksi A 706, Grade 60 reinforcing per Sect. of the PDC (BSC 2004c) wc = Unit Weight of Concrete = 150 pcf Section of the PDC (BSC 2004c) wcc = Unit Weight of Concrete, Cask = 146 pcf Table 1.D-1 of HOLTEC 2002 .c = Poisson’s Ratio = 0.17 Section of the PDC (BSC 2004c) Es = 29000 ksi Section of the PDC (BSC 2004c) Soil: fball = 7.9 ksf Allowable from figure 11-2 of the supplemental soils report (BSC2004f) for a strip footing of 2ft. depth; use for both static and dynamic loads. Modulus of Subgrade Reaction: Use the value for a one-ft square plate ks = 1000 kips/cu. ft. (vertical) on alluvium given in table 11-2 ksh = 104 kips/cu. ft. (horizontal) of the supplemental soils report (BSC 2004f). These are for static loadings. May be doubled for short term loadings ΅ = Coefficient of Interface Friction = 0.81 Table 11-2, alluvium, supplemental soils report (BSC 2004f) CALCULATION SHEET JOB NO. 24540 CALC. NO. 170-00C-HAP0-00100-000 REV. NO. 00B SHEET NO. 9 TITLE AGING AREA – DESIGN OF A CONCRETE SLAB FOR STORAGE OF SNF AND HLW CASKS C:\Temp\\CALCAgingRevBX.doc 6.5 Computer Software Documentation The originator used the following computer programs to prepare this calculation; all the software used resides on a Personal Computer: Program3 Version Use Software Tracking Number Word2 97 SR-2 Word Processing N/A – Commercial Offthe- Shelf Software Mathcad2 11.2a Calculations N/A – Commercial Offthe- Shelf Software GT-STRUDL1 26 Finite Element Analysis 10829-26-00 Notes: 1. DOE 2003, and its associated verification test report, document the validation of version 26 of GTSTRUDL. The validation included finite element (use of plate elements) and static non-linear analysis (nonlinear springs) problems applicable to the analysis documented in this calculation. Thus, version 26 is valid, qualified software for the performance of this analysis. 2. Microsoft Word, Mathcad are exempted from the qualification and documentation requirements of LPSI. 11Q-BSC, Software Management. 4. The software is operated on a PC system using the Windows 2000 operating system. CALCULATION SHEET JOB NO. 24540 CALC. NO. 170-00C-HAP0-00100-000 REV. NO. 00B SHEET NO. 24 TITLE AGING AREA – DESIGN OF A CONCRETE SLAB FOR STORAGE OF SNF AND HLW CASKS C:\Temp\\CALCAgingRevBX.doc 8.0 Conclusions Summary for Flexure and Shear: All areas meet the design shear and flexure requirements. The design and analytical results are reasonable for their intended use considering the high loads the slab is designed to. They are suitable for their intended use, namely the design of a large slab on grade for use as a storage area for SNF and HLW storage casks. Reinforcing bar spacings and sizes will be optimized during final design to facilitate construction. As documented in the calculations, the reinforcing scheme depends on the different regions of the Aging Pad. The figure below presents a summary of this scheme. X Y Z TOP APRON - OUTER AREA TOP APRON - OUTER AREA TOP APRON - SNF CASK STORAGE AREA SNF CASK STORAGE AREA INNER SIDE APRON INNER SIDE APRON OUTER SIDE APRON OUTER SIDE APRON h=3.0 ft. TOP REINF: #7@12" OC EA. WAY B0TT. REINF: #10@8" OC X-DIRECTION; h=3.0 ft. TOP REINF: #7@12" OC EA. WAY B0TT. REINF: #10@8" OC X-DIRECTION; 2#11@6" OC Z-DIRECTION 2#10@6" OC Z-DIRECTION PAD REINFORCING LAYOUT h=7.0 ft. TOP REINF: #7@12" OC EA. WAY B0TT. REINF: #10@8" OC X-DIRECTION; 2#11@7" OC Z-DIRECTION h=7.0 ft. TOP REINF: #7@12" OC EA. WAY B0TT. REINF: #10@8" OC X-DIRECTION; 2#11@7" OC Z-DIRECTION CALCULATION SHEET JOB NO. 24540 CALC. NO. 170-00C-HAP0-00100-000 REV. NO. 00B SHEET NO. 25 TITLE AGING AREA – DESIGN OF A CONCRETE SLAB FOR STORAGE OF SNF AND HLW CASKS C:\Temp\\CALCAgingRevBX.doc Soil Bearing Stresses and Stability: Soil bearing stresses are well below the allowable values. The aging pad should not experience overturning or soil failures. Stability with respect to sliding is acceptable as well . Even though the sliding safety of factor of 1.1 for earthquake loads is not met, an evaluation of sliding using a rigid body analysis shows the pad would only move about 0.036 inches, which indicates that sliding is negligible and won’t adversely affect the structural performance of the aging pad. Also, in the evaluation of sliding, the effects of passive soil pressures acting at the edges of the slabs are not considered. These effects would provide more resistance to sliding than has been utilized in this calculation. The results of the soil bearing stress and stability evaluations are reasonable compared to the size of the slab being designed and the high loads to which it is designed. They are suitable for their intended use, namely the design and evaluation of a large slab for the storage of SNF and HLW storage casks. 9.0 Computer Files The following computer files were developed as the documentation of the analysis and design of the Aging Pad: AGING PAD REVBX 7FT.gti AGING PAD REVBX 7FT.gto AGING PAD REVBX 7FT.gts Slab Design Rev BX CALCAgingRevBX.doc Cask Nodes Rev BX.prn CALCULATION SHEET JOB NO. 24540 CALC. NO. 170-00C-HAP0-00100-000 REV. NO. 00B SHEET NO. A1 TITLE AGING AREA – DESIGN OF A CONCRETE SLAB FOR STORAGE OF SNF AND HLW CASKS C:\Temp\\CALCAgingRevBX.doc Attachment A – GT-STRUDL Model and Anchorage Design CALCULATION SHEET JOB NO. 24540 CALC. NO. 170-00C-HAP0-00100-000 REV. NO. 00B SHEET NO. A35 TITLE AGING AREA – DESIGN OF A CONCRETE SLAB FOR STORAGE OF SNF AND HLW CASKS C:\Temp\\CALCAgingRevBX.doc A 3.0 – GT-STRUDL Analysis The latest GT-STRUDL analysis of the pad is documented in the following files: ‘AGING PAD REVBX 7FT.gti’ – Input File ‘AGING PAD REVBX 7FT.gts’- Graphical Interface and Restart File ‘AGING PAD REVBX 7FT.gto’ – Output File Pertinent output has been taken from the output file and presented in Section 3.1 below. Contours of reactions given in Section 3.1 were plotted using the graphical interface file. The model input is given in the input file and reproduced in the output file. CALCULATION SHEET JOB NO. 24540 CALC. NO. 170-00C-HAP0-00100-000 REV. NO. 00B SHEET NO. A36 TITLE AGING AREA – DESIGN OF A CONCRETE SLAB FOR STORAGE OF SNF AND HLW CASKS C:\Temp\\CALCAgingRevBX.doc A3.1 - Pertinent GT-STRUDL Output The GT STRUDL model has been organized into a pad area where the casks will be stored and an apron area where the transporter will operate. The cask storage area is comprised of 8 pads with apron areas on either side and at the top as shown below: Contours for enveloped element internal reactions are printed for plate elements making up the model of the slab. Also output are the sum of the reactions around the origin. These are used to verify slab stability. Finally, reactions at the spring elements associated with the highest displacements are output to aid in checking soil bearing. X Y Z 17.5' 13.0' 30.5' 150.0' 44.5' 74.5' 22.5' 4@13.0' =52.0' TOP APRON - OUTER AREA TOP APRON - OUTER AREA TOP APRON - SNF CASK STORAGE AREA SNF CASK STORAGE AREA INNER SIDE APRON INNER SIDE APRON OUTER SIDE APRON OUTER SIDE APRON GT STRUDL MODEL LAYOUT CALCULATION SHEET JOB NO. 24540 CALC. NO. 170-00C-HAP0-00100-000 REV. NO. 00B SHEET NO. A37 TITLE AGING AREA – DESIGN OF A CONCRETE SLAB FOR STORAGE OF SNF AND HLW CASKS C:\Temp\\CALCAgingRevBX.doc Local Coordinate System and Reactions: Shown below are sketches showing the local coordinate system and GT-STRUDL positive sign conventions for the results: LOCAL COORDINATE SYSTEM FOR PAD ELEMENTS LOCAL COORDINATE SYSTEM FOR APRON ELEMENTS LOCAL PLANAR X AXIS LOCAL PLANAR Y AXIS LOCAL PLANAR Z AXIS Y CALCULATION SHEET JOB NO. 24540 CALC. NO. 170-00C-HAP0-00100-000 REV. NO. 00B SHEET NO. A38 TITLE AGING AREA – DESIGN OF A CONCRETE SLAB FOR STORAGE OF SNF AND HLW CASKS C:\Temp\\CALCAgingRevBX.doc POSITIVE GT-STRUDL SIGN CONVENTION FOR RESULTS (VIEW IS OF THE BOTTOM OF A PLATE ELEMENT – THE +LOCAL Z AXIS IS DOWN) (SEE FIG. 2.3-11OF VOL. 3 OF THE GT-STRUDL USER MANUAL) NOTE: FOR THE MODEL OF THIS DESIGN, THE POSITIVE GT-STRUDL MOMENTS PRODUCE TENSION ON THE BOTTOM OF THE PLATE ELEMENTS, WHICH IS THE SAME AS THE NORMAL REINFORCED CONCRETE DESIGN CONVENTION WHERBY MOMENTS PRODUCING TENSION ON THE BOTTOM ARE POSITIVE. CALCULATION SHEET JOB NO. 24540 CALC. NO. 170-00C-HAP0-00100-000 REV. NO. 00B SHEET NO. A39 TITLE AGING AREA – DESIGN OF A CONCRETE SLAB FOR STORAGE OF SNF AND HLW CASKS C:\Temp\\CALCAgingRevBX.doc Results for a 7 ft. thick Cask Storage Pad and Inner Apron areas and 3 ft. thick Top and Outer Aprons: Design Load Combinations: Load Comb. No. Load Combination_________ 'COMBU1' 'D + L(u1) + EQX + 0.4EQY(down) + 0.4EQZ' 'COMBU2' 'D + L(u2) + EQX + 0.4EQY(down) + 0.4EQZ' 'COMBU3' 'D + L(u1) + 0.4EQX + 0.4EQY(down) + EQZ' 'COMBU4' 'D + L(u2) + 0.4EQX + 0.4EQY(down) + EQZ' 'COMBU5' 'D + L(u1) + 0.4EQX + EQY(down) + 0.4EQZ' 'COMBU6' 'D + L(u2) + 0.4EQX + EQY(down) + 0.4EQZ' 'COMBU7' 'D + L(l1) + EQX + 0.4EQY(down) + 0.4EQZ' 'COMBU8' 'D + L(l2) + EQX + 0.4EQY(down) + 0.4EQZ' 'COMBU9' 'D + L(l3) + EQX + 0.4EQY(down) + 0.4EQZ' 'COMBU10' 'D + L(l1) + 0.4EQX + 0.4EQY(down) + EQZ' 'COMBU11' 'D + L(l2) + 0.4EQX + 0.4EQY(down) + EQZ' 'COMBU12' 'D + L(l3) + 0.4EQX + 0.4EQY(down) + EQZ' 'COMBU13' 'D + L(l1) + 0.4EQX + EQY(down) + 0.4EQZ' 'COMBU14' 'D + L(l2) + 0.4EQX + EQY(down) + 0.4EQZ' 'COMBU15' 'D + L(l3) + 0.4EQX + EQY(down) + 0.4EQZ' 'COMBU16' 'D + EQX + 0.4EQY(down) + 0.4EQZ' 'COMBU17' 'D + EQX + 0.4EQY(down) + 0.4EQZ' 'COMBU18' 'D + 0.4EQX + 0.4EQY(down) + EQZ' 'COMBU19' 'D + 0.4EQX + EQY(down) + 0.4EQZ' 'COMBU20' '0.9D + EQX + 0.4EQY(up) + 0.4EQZ' 'COMBU21' '0.9D + 0.4EQX + 0.4EQY(up) + EQZ' 'COMBU22' '0.9D + 0.4EQX + EQY(up) + 0.4EQZ' 'COMBU23' 'D + L(u1) + Wtx' 'COMBU24' 'D + L(u1) + Wtz' 'COMBU25' 'D + L(u2) + Wtx' 'COMBU26' 'D + L(u2) + Wtz' 'COMBU27' 'D + L(l1) + Wtx' 'COMBU28' 'D + L(l1) + Wtz' 'COMBU29' 'D + L(l1) + Wtx' 'COMBU30' 'D + L(l1) + Wtz' 'COMBU31' 'D + L(l3) + Wtx' 'COMBU32' 'D + L(l3) + Wtz' 'COMBU33' '1.4D + 1.7Sn + 1.7L(unload 1)' 'COMBU34' '1.4D + 1.7Sn + 1.7L(unload 2)' 'COMBU35' '1.4D + 1.7Sn + 1.7L(loaded 1)' 'COMBU36' '1.4D + 1.7Sn + 1.7L(loaded 2)' 'COMBU37' '1.4D + 1.7Sn + 1.7L(loaded 3)' 'COMBU38' '1.4D + 1.7Sn + 1.7L(unloaded 1) + 1.7Wx' 'COMBU39' '1.4D + 1.7Sn + 1.7L(unloaded 1) + 1.7Wz' 'COMBU40' '1.4D + 1.7Sn + 1.7L(unloaded 2) + 1.7Wx' 'COMBU41' '1.4D + 1.7Sn + 1.7L(unloaded 2) + 1.7Wz' 'COMBU42' '1.4D + 1.7Sn + 1.7L(loaded 1) + 1.7Wx' 'COMBU43' '1.4D + 1.7Sn + 1.7L(loaded 1) + 1.7Wz' 'COMBU44' '1.4D + 1.7Sn + 1.7L(loaded 2) + 1.7Wx' 'COMBU45' '1.4D + 1.7Sn + 1.7L(loaded 2) + 1.7Wz' 'COMBS46' '1.4D + 1.7Sn + 1.7L(loaded 3) + 1.7Wx' 'COMBU47' '1.4D + 1.7Sn + 1.7L(loaded 3) + 1.7Wz' Contour maps that envelope reactions for the above load cases are printed out below: CALCULATION SHEET JOB NO. 24540 CALC. NO. 170-00C-HAP0-00100-000 REV. NO. 00B SHEET NO. A40 TITLE AGING AREA – DESIGN OF A CONCRETE SLAB FOR STORAGE OF SNF AND HLW CASKS C:\Temp\\CALCAgingRevBX.doc 1. 200. 400. 600. 800. 1000. 1200. 1400. 1600. 1800. 1845. MXX MID Envelope max FEET-KIP/FEET x JNT 76 1.832E+03 x JNT 1478 2.514E+02 x JNT 1239 1.424E+03 x JNT 1194 MAXIMUM Mxx 2.777E+01 -52. -50. 0. 50. 100. 150. 200. 250. 300. 350. 400. 450. 500. 512. MXX MID Envelope min FEET-KIP/FEET x JNT 155 4.717E+02 x JNT 1184 3.967E+02 x JNT 1222 9.594E+01 x JNT 919 1.290E+01 MINIMUM Mxx (LOOKING FOR MOST NEGATIVE MOMENT) CALCULATION SHEET JOB NO. 24540 CALC. NO. 170-00C-HAP0-00100-000 REV. NO. 00B SHEET NO. A41 TITLE AGING AREA – DESIGN OF A CONCRETE SLAB FOR STORAGE OF SNF AND HLW CASKS C:\Temp\\CALCAgingRevBX.doc 0. 40. 80. 120. 160. 200. 240. 280. 320. 360. 400. 414. MYY MID Envelope max FEET-KIP/FEET x JNT 586 3.870E+02 x JNT 1214 3.363E+02 x JNT 1195 9.366E+01 x JNT 911 3.142E+02 x JNT 978 1.676E+01 MAXIMUM Myy -5. -78. -60. -40. -20. 0. 20. 40. 60. 80. 100. 110. MYY MID Envelope min FEET-KIP/FEET x JNT 165 -7.761E+01 x JNT 1184 -4.253E+01 MINIMUM Myy (LOOKING FOR THE MOST NEGATIVE Myy) CALCULATION SHEET JOB NO. 24540 CALC. NO. 170-00C-HAP0-00100-000 REV. NO. 00B SHEET NO. A42 TITLE AGING AREA – DESIGN OF A CONCRETE SLAB FOR STORAGE OF SNF AND HLW CASKS C:\Temp\\CALCAgingRevBX.doc -20. -16. -8. 0. 8. 16. 24. 32. 40. 48. 56. 64. 72. 72. VXX MID Envelope max KIP/FEET x JNT 417 2.969E+01 x JNT 1144 4.656E+01 x JNT 1255 -1.201E+01 x JNT 1008 3.879E+01 MAXIMUM Vxx -72. -72. -64. -56. -48. -40. -32. -24. -16. -8. 0. 8. 16. 22. x JNT 1215 -6.761E+01 x JNT 155 -1.930E+01 x JNT 950 1.082E+01 VXX MID Envelope min KIP/FEET MINIMUM Vxx CALCULATION SHEET JOB NO. 24540 CALC. NO. 170-00C-HAP0-00100-000 REV. NO. 00B SHEET NO. A43 TITLE AGING AREA – DESIGN OF A CONCRETE SLAB FOR STORAGE OF SNF AND HLW CASKS C:\Temp\\CALCAgingRevBX.doc -24. -18. -9. 0. 9. 18. 27. 36. 45. 54. 63. 72. 81. 83. VYY MID Envelope max KIP/FEET x JNT 190 4.646E+01 x JNT 138 7.315E+01 x JNT 1304 -4.162E-01 x JNT 1511 4.843E+01 MAXIMUM Vyy -87. -80. -70. -60. -50. -40. -30. -20. -10. 0. 10. 20. 21. VYY MID Envelope min KIP/FEET x JNT 153 -3.166E+01 x JNT 1395 1.246E+00 x JNT 1141 -8.709E+01 MINIMUM Vyy CALCULATION SHEET JOB NO. 24540 CALC. NO. 170-00C-HAP0-00100-000 REV. NO. 00B SHEET NO. A44 TITLE AGING AREA – DESIGN OF A CONCRETE SLAB FOR STORAGE OF SNF AND HLW CASKS C:\Temp\\CALCAgingRevBX.doc The slabs will be designed for reactions that act over large areas of the model and., more or less, represent average reactions. The very high reactions that are concentrated in very small areas won’t be used as design reactions as they act over too small an area of the slab. Based on this and the resultant ranges given in the contour plots above the following are used as design reactions: SNF Cask Storage Area: Mxx+, Positive Design Moment (tension in the bottom of the slab; “max” moments from the model) = 1845 ft-kip/ft Mxx-, Negative Design Moment (tension in the top of the slab; “min” (or negative) moments from the model) = -78 ft-kip/ft (since the resulting negative moments on pg. A40 have similar magnitudes and signs as the positive design moments, when they should have negative signs and different magnitudes, indicates that there is little tension in the top of the slab; for design (of the reinforcing in the top of the slab), however use the same value as used for the minimum Myy moment as the moments can be dependent on the position of the transporter.) Myy+, Positive Design Moment = 400 ft-kip/ft Myy-, Negative Design Moment = -78 ft-kip/ft (see note above for Mxx-) Vxx, Design Shear (can be based on the + or – shear) = 56 kip/ft Vyy, Design Shear (can be based on the + or – shear) = 54 kip/ft Inner Apron Area at the sides of the SNF Cask Storage Areas: Mxx+, Positive Design Moment = 1600 ft-kip/ft Mxx-, Negative Design Moment = -50 ft-kip/ft Myy+, Positive Design Moment = 360 ft-kip/ft Myy-, Negative Design Moment = -50 ft-kip/ft (use the same value as Mxx-) Vxx, Design Shear (can be based on the + or – shear) = 64 kip/ft Vyy, Design Shear (can be based on the + or – shear) = 45 kip/ft CALCULATION SHEET JOB NO. 24540 CALC. NO. 170-00C-HAP0-00100-000 REV. NO. 00B SHEET NO. A45 TITLE AGING AREA – DESIGN OF A CONCRETE SLAB FOR STORAGE OF SNF AND HLW CASKS C:\Temp\\CALCAgingRevBX.doc Top Apron at the SNF Storage Cask Areas: Mxx+, Positive Design Moment = 800 ft-kip/ft Mxx-, Negative Design Moment = -20 ft-kip/ft (use the same value as Mxx- for the outer areas; see below) Myy+, Positive Design Moment = 240 ft-kip/ft (use the same value as for the positive Myy moment in the outer apron areas since this moment depends on the position of the transporter) Myy-, Negative Design Moment = -20 ft-kip/ft (see above note for Mxx+ for the SNF Cask storage area) Vxx, Design Shear (can be based on the + or – shear) = 24 kip/ft Vyy, Design Shear (can be based on the + or – shear) = 40 kip/ft Outer (Sides and Top) Areas: Mxx+, Positive Design Moment = 600 ft-kip/ft Mxx-, Negative Design Moment = -50 ft-kip/ft (see above note for Mxx+ for the SNF Cask storage area) Myy+, Positive Design Moment = 160 ft-kip/ft Myy-, Negative Design Moment = -60 ft-kip/ft (see above note for Mxx+ for the SNF Cask storage area) Vxx, Design Shear (can be based on the + or – shear) = 32 kip/ft Vyy, Design Shear (can be based on the + or – shear) = 30 kip/ft CALCULATION SHEET JOB NO. 24540 CALC. NO. 170-00C-HAP0-00100-000 REV. NO. 00B SHEET NO. A46 TITLE AGING AREA – DESIGN OF A CONCRETE SLAB FOR STORAGE OF SNF AND HLW CASKS C:\Temp\\CALCAgingRevBX.doc Soil Reactions – Reactions in the Nonlinear Spring Elements: **** ACTIVE UNITS - LENGTH WEIGHT ANGLE TEMPERATURE TIME UNITS FEET KIPS DEG FAH SEC Service Load Combinations: Load Comb. No. Load Combination______________________ 'DEAD' 'TOTAL DEAD WEIGHT' 'COMBS1' 'D + Sn + L(unload 1)' 'COMBS2' 'D + Sn + L(unload 2)' 'COMBS3' 'D + Sn + L(loaded 1)' 'COMBS4' 'D + Sn + L(loaded 2)' 'COMBS5' 'D + Sn + L(loaded 3)' 'COMBS6' 'D + Sn + L(unloaded 1) + Wx' 'COMBS7' 'D + Sn + L(unloaded 1) + Wz' 'COMBS8' 'D + Sn + L(unloaded 2) + Wx' 'COMBS9' 'D + Sn + L(unloaded 2) + Wz' 'COMBS10' 'D + Sn + L(loaded 1) + Wx' 'COMBS11' 'D + Sn + L(loaded 1) + Wz' 'COMBS12' 'D + Sn + L(loaded 2) + Wx' 'COMBS13' 'D + Sn + L(loaded 2) + Wz' 'COMBS14' 'D + Sn + L(loaded 3) + Wx' 'COMBS15' 'D + Sn + L(loaded 3) + Wz' 'COMBS16' 'D + Wx' 'COMBS17' 'D + Wz' SUM OF REACTIONS ABOUT COORDINATE X 0.000 Y 0.000 Z 0.000 /---------------------FORCE---------------------//--------------------MOMENT--------------------/ LOADING X FORCE Y FORCE Z FORCE X MOMENT Y MOMENT Z MOMENT DEAD 0.000 10174.216 0.000 -439781.189 0.000 763074.692 COMBS1 0.000 12031.389 0.000 -510087.867 0.000 903948.315 COMBS2 0.000 12029.815 0.000 -507536.177 0.000 903115.254 COMBS3 0.000 12432.205 0.000 -526179.360 0.000 944055.279 COMBS4 0.000 12431.761 0.000 -526104.956 0.000 963584.043 COMBS5 0.000 12423.987 0.000 -512593.439 0.000 935269.873 COMBS6 -34.566 12031.389 0.000 -510087.915 -1676.453 904389.069 COMBS7 0.000 12031.415 34.566 -509650.819 -2592.454 903949.772 COMBS8 -34.566 12029.814 0.000 -507536.225 -1676.453 903556.008 COMBS9 0.000 12029.841 34.566 -507099.129 -2592.454 903116.712 COMBS10 -34.566 12432.205 0.000 -526179.408 -1676.453 944496.033 COMBS11 0.000 12432.232 34.566 -525742.312 -2592.454 944056.737 COMBS12 -34.566 12431.760 0.000 -526105.004 -1676.453 964024.797 CALCULATION SHEET JOB NO. 24540 CALC. NO. 170-00C-HAP0-00100-000 REV. NO. 00B SHEET NO. A47 TITLE AGING AREA – DESIGN OF A CONCRETE SLAB FOR STORAGE OF SNF AND HLW CASKS C:\Temp\\CALCAgingRevBX.doc COMBS13 0.000 12431.787 34.566 -525667.908 -2592.454 963585.500 COMBS14 -34.566 12423.987 0.000 -512593.487 -1676.453 935710.626 COMBS15 0.000 12424.014 34.566 -512156.391 -2592.454 935271.330 COMBS16 -34.566 10174.216 0.000 -439781.237 -1676.453 763515.446 COMBS17 0.000 10174.242 34.566 -439344.141 -2592.454 763076.150 **** Summary of Global Reaction Envelopes **** ================================================ Type Value Load Joint ================================================ Force X Min -0.655229E-01 COMBS6 NS11347 Max 0.199857E-04 COMBS7 NS11338 Force Y Min 0.127603E+01 COMBS16 NS10001 Max 0.273581E+02 COMBS10 NS11347 Force Z Min -0.153847E-01 COMBS6 NS10904 Max 0.578251E-01 COMBS7 NS11269 Moment X Min 0.000000E+00 DEAD NS10001 Max 0.000000E+00 DEAD NS10001 Moment Y Min 0.000000E+00 DEAD NS10001 Max 0.000000E+00 DEAD NS10001 Moment Z Min 0.000000E+00 DEAD NS10001 Max 0.000000E+00 DEAD NS10001 ================================================ Seismic Load Combinations: Load Comb. No. Load Combination________________ 'COMBU1' 'D + L(u1) + EQX + 0.4EQY(down) + 0.4EQZ' 'COMBU2' 'D + L(u2) + EQX + 0.4EQY(down) + 0.4EQZ' 'COMBU3' 'D + L(u1) + 0.4EQX + 0.4EQY(down) + EQZ' 'COMBU4' 'D + L(u2) + 0.4EQX + 0.4EQY(down) + EQZ' 'COMBU5' 'D + L(u1) + 0.4EQX + EQY(down) + 0.4EQZ' 'COMBU6' 'D + L(u2) + 0.4EQX + EQY(down) + 0.4EQZ' 'COMBU7' 'D + L(l1) + EQX + 0.4EQY(down) + 0.4EQZ' 'COMBU8' 'D + L(l2) + EQX + 0.4EQY(down) + 0.4EQZ' 'COMBU9' 'D + L(l3) + EQX + 0.4EQY(down) + 0.4EQZ' 'COMBU10' 'D + L(l1) + 0.4EQX + 0.4EQY(down) + EQZ' 'COMBU11' 'D + L(l2) + 0.4EQX + 0.4EQY(down) + EQZ' 'COMBU12' 'D + L(l3) + 0.4EQX + 0.4EQY(down) + EQZ' 'COMBU13' 'D + L(l1) + 0.4EQX + EQY(down) + 0.4EQZ' 'COMBU14' 'D + L(l2) + 0.4EQX + EQY(down) + 0.4EQZ' 'COMBU15' 'D + L(l3) + 0.4EQX + EQY(down) + 0.4EQZ' 'COMBU16' 'D + EQX + 0.4EQY(down) + 0.4EQZ' 'COMBU17' 'D + EQX + 0.4EQY(down) + 0.4EQZ' 'COMBU18' 'D + 0.4EQX + 0.4EQY(down) + EQZ' 'COMBU19' 'D + 0.4EQX + EQY(down) + 0.4EQZ' 'COMBU20' '0.9D + EQX + 0.4EQY(up) + 0.4EQZ' 'COMBU21' '0.9D + 0.4EQX + 0.4EQY(up) + EQZ' 'COMBU22' '0.9D + 0.4EQX + EQY(up) + 0.4EQZ' CALCULATION SHEET JOB NO. 24540 CALC. NO. 170-00C-HAP0-00100-000 REV. NO. 00B SHEET NO. A48 TITLE AGING AREA – DESIGN OF A CONCRETE SLAB FOR STORAGE OF SNF AND HLW CASKS C:\Temp\\CALCAgingRevBX.doc SUM OF REACTIONS ABOUT COORDINATE X 0.000 Y 0.000 Z 0.000 /---------------------FORCE---------------------//--------------------MOMENT--------------------/ LOADING X FORCE Y FORCE Z FORCE X MOMENT Y MOMENT Z MOMENT COMBU1 -7575.902 14358.584 3030.361 -594376.686 -561884.356 1123791.974 COMBU2 -7575.902 14357.009 3030.361 -591824.996 -561884.356 1122958.914 COMBU3 -3030.361 14360.231 7575.902 -567412.061 -702035.543 1096691.605 COMBU4 -3030.361 14358.657 7575.902 -564860.371 -702035.543 1095858.545 COMBU5 -3030.361 17266.097 3030.361 -718596.486 -361119.963 1314663.919 COMBU6 -3030.361 17264.522 3030.361 -716044.796 -361119.963 1313830.859 COMBU7 -7575.902 14759.400 3030.361 -610468.179 -561884.356 1163898.939 COMBU8 -7575.902 14758.956 3030.361 -610393.775 -561884.356 1183427.702 COMBU9 -7575.902 14751.182 3030.361 -596882.258 -561884.356 1155113.532 COMBU10 -3030.361 14761.048 7575.902 -583503.554 -702035.543 1136798.570 COMBU11 -3030.361 14760.603 7575.902 -583429.150 -702035.543 1156327.333 COMBU12 -3030.361 14752.830 7575.902 -569917.633 -702035.543 1128013.163 COMBU13 -3030.361 17666.913 3030.361 -734687.979 -361119.963 1354770.884 COMBU14 -3030.361 17666.468 3030.361 -734613.575 -361119.963 1374299.647 COMBU15 -3030.361 17658.695 3030.361 -721102.058 -361119.963 1345985.477 COMBU16 -7575.902 12546.136 3030.361 -525747.374 -561884.356 986272.581 COMBU17 -7575.902 12546.136 3030.361 -525747.374 -561884.356 986272.581 COMBU18 -3030.361 12547.783 7575.902 -498782.749 -702035.543 959172.212 COMBU19 -5162.751 15453.611 3030.361 -649970.103 -464540.898 1204334.701 COMBU20 -7114.950 7046.460 3030.361 -286569.443 -539528.196 567913.153 COMBU21 -2845.980 6713.426 7575.902 -243265.128 -693093.082 519237.101 COMBU22 -2845.980 3879.462 3030.361 -149671.797 -352177.501 306719.636 **** Summary of Global Reaction Envelopes **** ================================================ Type Value Load Joint ================================================ Force X Min -0.135277E+02 COMBU1 NS11118 Max -0.360908E+00 COMBU21 NS10001 Force Y Min 0.492529E+00 COMBU22 NS10720 Max 0.374812E+02 COMBU13 NS11347 Force Z Min 0.371762E+00 COMBU1 NS10001 Max 0.133506E+02 COMBU3 NS11128 CALCULATION SHEET JOB NO. 24540 CALC. NO. 170-00C-HAP0-00100-000 REV. NO. 00B SHEET NO. A49 TITLE AGING AREA – DESIGN OF A CONCRETE SLAB FOR STORAGE OF SNF AND HLW CASKS C:\Temp\\CALCAgingRevBX.doc Moment X Min 0.000000E+00 COMBU1 NS10001 Max 0.000000E+00 COMBU1 NS10001 Moment Y Min 0.000000E+00 COMBU1 NS10001 Max 0.000000E+00 COMBU1 NS10001 Moment Z Min 0.000000E+00 COMBU1 NS10001 Max 0.000000E+00 COMBU1 NS10001 ================================================ Tornado Load Combinations: Load Comb. No. Load Combination_________ 'COMBU23' 'D + L(u1) + Wtx' 'COMBU24' 'D + L(u1) + Wtz' 'COMBU25' 'D + L(u2) + Wtx' 'COMBU26' 'D + L(u2) + Wtz' 'COMBU27' 'D + L(l1) + Wtx' 'COMBU28' 'D + L(l1) + Wtz' 'COMBU29' 'D + L(l2) + Wtx' 'COMBU30' 'D + L(l2) + Wtz' 'COMBU31' 'D + L(l3) + Wtx' 'COMBU32' 'D + L(l3) + Wtz' SUM OF REACTIONS ABOUT COORDINATE X 0.000 Y 0.000 Z 0.000 /---------------------FORCE---------------------//--------------------MOMENT--------------------/ LOADING X FORCE Y FORCE Z FORCE X MOMENT Y MOMENT Z MOMENT COMBU23 -416.294 11986.669 0.000 -508409.628 -13480.075 908357.462 COMBU24 0.000 11982.368 416.294 -500435.786 -33458.816 900265.658 COMBU25 -416.294 11985.094 0.000 -505857.938 -13480.075 907524.401 COMBU26 0.000 11980.793 416.294 -497884.096 -33458.816 899432.597 COMBU27 -416.294 12387.485 0.000 -524501.121 -13480.075 948464.426 COMBU28 0.000 12383.184 416.294 -516527.278 -33458.816 940372.623 COMBU29 -416.294 12387.041 0.000 -524426.717 -13480.075 967993.189 COMBU30 0.000 12382.740 416.294 -516452.875 -33458.816 959901.386 COMBU31 -416.294 12379.267 0.000 -510915.200 -13480.075 939679.019 COMBU32 0.000 12374.966 416.294 -502941.358 -33458.816 931587.216 **** Summary of Global Reaction Envelopes **** ================================================ Type Value Load Joint ================================================ Force X Min -0.734631E+00 COMBU23 NS11148 Max 0.544308E-01 COMBU24 NS11372 Force Y Min 0.151674E+01 COMBU23 NS10001 Max 0.274288E+02 COMBU27 NS11347 Force Z Min -0.154481E+00 COMBU23 NS11337 Max 0.809131E+00 COMBU24 NS11193 CALCULATION SHEET JOB NO. 24540 CALC. NO. 170-00C-HAP0-00100-000 REV. NO. 00B SHEET NO. A50 TITLE AGING AREA – DESIGN OF A CONCRETE SLAB FOR STORAGE OF SNF AND HLW CASKS C:\Temp\\CALCAgingRevBX.doc Moment X Min 0.000000E+00 COMBU23 NS10001 Max 0.000000E+00 COMBU23 NS10001 Moment Y Min 0.000000E+00 COMBU23 NS10001 Max 0.000000E+00 COMBU23 NS10001 Moment Z Min 0.000000E+00 COMBU23 NS10001 Max 0.000000E+00 COMBU23 NS10001