China,People'sRep.of AOTA: (N) PRC 37600-01

Project Name
Urban Poverty Strategy Study

Executing Agency
Development Research Center of the State Council
Fax. No. : +8610 6523 6060
Tel. No. : +8610 6527 6661
Address : No. 225, Chaoyangmen Nei Dajie
Beijing 100010, China

TA Amount (US$ '000)

Law, Economic Management & Public Policy /Economic Management

Date of First Listing
21 July 2005

Objectives and Scope
The goal of the TA is to produce a comprehensive set of recommendation as to policy and administrative procedures reform that will be submitted by the DRC to the State Council so as to enable the Government to make further contributions to alleviating urban poverty. This Policy Recommendations Report will reflect consensus reached among the key ministries concerned as to actions regarding enhancing access to public goods (education, health care, housing, and employment services) by poor urban migrants. Such an outcome would represent a helpful step towards the creation of a national system of urban poverty alleviation and an integrated approach to resolving some of the systemic difficulties introduced by large-scale rural-urban migrant flow. If the recommendations are enacted, significant enhanced public goods access could follow and contribute to poverty containment or reduction in urban China.

Consulting Services
The total input of the consultants is estimated at 23 person-months including 4 person- months of international expert and 19 person-months of national experts. The consultants will be engaged on an individual basis in accordance with the ADB's Guidelines on the Use of Consultants based on quality and cost-based selection method and other arrangements satisfactory to ADB for engaging domestic consultants. ADB will recruit one international (Social Assessment and Poverty Reduction Expert for 4 person-months) and four national (Social Assessment and Poverty Reduction Specialist, 6 months; Social Assessment and Northwest China Expert, 5 months; two Urban Migrant Specialists, 4 person-months each) consultants. The experts will conduct the Field Studies, prepare the Field Studies Report, prepare and organize the project workshops, liaise with government agencies as necessary, prepare the Policy Recommendations Report, and collaborate closely with the DRC.

Project Processing Stage
Fact-Finding Mission Completed : 22 July 2005

Recruitment of Consultants
Recruitment of consultants expected to take place in December 2005.

Project Officer
Sangay Penjor (632-6298)
Social Sectors Division, ECRD