{number} KSC-99PP-1310 {type} Image {category} SHUTTLE.sts-103 {title} STS-103 M.S. John Grunsfeld during TCDT activities {date} 15-Nov-1999 {author} National Aeronautics and Space Administration (taken by Aerospace Imaging/Johnson Controls) {keywords} SHUTTLE,sts-103 {slideres} 111 x 156 {slidetype} GIF {slidesize} 25115 {tinyres} 67 x 100 {tinytype} GIF {tinysize} 7010 {lowres} 161 x 240 {lowtype} GIF {lowsize} 55417 {mediumres} 515 x 768 {mediumtype} JPEG {mediumsize} 100006 {highres} 1792 x 2670 {hightype} JPEG {highsize} 856790 {scannedby} Seven/Still Photo Imaging {captionsby} Information Dynamics, Inc (Kay Grinter, Anita Barrett, and Elaine Liston) {lasteditor} J. Dumoulin {description} STS-103 Mission Specialist John M. Grunsfeld (Ph.D.) gets ready to take the wheel of a small armored personnel carrier that is part of emergency egress training during Terminal Countdown Demonstration Test (TCDT) activities. The tracked vehicle could be used by the crew in the event of an emergency at the pad during which the crew must make a quick exit from the area. The TCDT also provides simulated countdown exercises and opportunities to inspect the mission payloads in the orbiter's payload bay. STS-103 is a "call-up" mission due to the need to replace and repair portions of the Hubble Space Telescope. Although Hubble is operating normally and conducting its scientific observations, only three of its six gyroscopes are working properly. Four EVA's are planned to make the necessary repairs and replacements on the telescope. The other STS-103 crew members are Commander Curtis L. Brown Jr., Pilot Scott J. Kelly, Steven L. Smith, C. Michael Foale (Ph.D.), (Ph.D.), and Claude Nicollier of Switzerland and Jean-Frangois Clervoy of France, who are with the European Space Agency. The mission is targeted for launch Dec. 6 at 2:37 a.m. EST.