July 17, 2001  
The Honorable James R. Langevin
Statement Before the House of Representatives
Regarding H.J. Res 36, The Flag Desecration Resolution
Mr. Speaker, I rise today in strong support of our American flag and as a cosponsor of H.J. Res. 36, which would amend the Constitution to allow Congress to protect the United States flag from acts of physical desecration.  

Our flag occupies a truly unique place in the hearts of millions of citizens as a cherished symbol of freedom.  As an international emblem of the world’s greatest democracy, the American flag should be treated with respect and care.  I do not believe our free speech rights should entitle us to consider the flag as mere “personal property,” which can be treated any way we see fit, including physically desecrating it as a form of political protest.

The American flag is a source of inspiration wherever it is displayed, and a symbol of hope to all nations struggling to build democracies.  As a proud member of the House Armed Services Committee, I deeply admire those who have fought and died to preserve our freedoms.  These men and women have bravely defended our flag and the fundamental principles for which it stands.  They deserve to know that their government treasures the flag and all it represents as much as they do.

For these reasons I, as well as a great number of Americans, believe that our flag should be treated with dignity and deserves protection under the law.  I urge my colleagues to join me in protecting one of the most enduring symbols of our nation and our democracy by adopting this resolution today. 

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