Table of contents for Taking the stress out of bad behaviour : behaviour management of 3-11 year olds / Simon Brownhill.

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Chapter One: Typical behaviours across the age phases
1. Three years old and using the word ?No!?
2. Four years old and being just too eager to please
3. Five years old and using ?naughty? words 
4. Six years old and learning how to hurt the feelings of others
5. Seven years old and the formation of ?groovy gangs?
6. Eight years old and coping with criticism
7. Nine/ten years old and a ?sudden stirring of emotions?
8. Eleven years old and just ?too cool? for school
Chapter Two: Behaviours which affect the quality of teaching in the classroom
9. ?Great! Miss isn?t here!? Misbehaving for PPA/supply cover
10. ?When you are quite ready!? Settling children on the carpet
11. Wriggle, wriggle, fidget and wriggle! Restlessness on the carpet
12. ?Miss! Here! I know! Ask me! Ask me! It?s -!? Children who shout out the answers 
13. ?Swwswsswsswswswww!? Children who talk over practitioners
14. Grrrrrrrrr! Children who interrupt practitioners
15. ?Hum hum hum hum hum!? Children who hum in class
16. ?I?ve?forgotten!? Forgetting the answer to questions asked
Chapter Three: Behaviours which affect the quality of learning in the classroom
17. ?Eh? What? Where? Why? What?s that?? Children and concentration in the classroom
18. ?Erm?er?umm?what?? Forgetfulness in the classroom
19. ?I can?t!? The child who thinks they can not do anything
20. Oh so laaaazzzzzzzzzy! Lazy children in the classroom 
21. WHOOOOOOOSH! ?Finished!? The child who rushes their work 
22. Plod Plod! Tick Tock! Plod Plod! The child who takes forever to complete their work 
23. Too the loo! Children who make frequent visits to the toilet 
24. ?You?re late! You?re late! For a very important?lesson!? Children who arrive late to class
Chapter Four: Behaviours on the playground
25. Fisty Cuffs! Children who fight in the playground
26. HIY YAA! Children who kick others
27. OUCH! ?She bit me!? When children bite
28. ?Oh! My leg! I think I?ve broken it!? Faking injuries on the playground
29. Hock Toth! Spitting in the playground
30. Trying to keep an eye on all of them: Children and the boundaries of the playground
31. ?Hold my hand!? Children who seek physical contact from practitioners
32. ?Just stop it, will you?? The child who deliberately interferes with others game play
Chapter Five: ?Testing? behaviours
33. The ?Bully? and the ?Bullied?: Children and bullying at school
34. Moody Two Shoes! Moody children ? normal or not?
35. ?Why don?t you just f*** off!? Swearing in the classroom
36. 50(?Miss, is that right??) Children who need constant reassurance 
37. Scribble de scribble! The child who draws on other children?s work 
38. Having an accident: Children who soil themselves 
39. ?Move back! Move away from me!? Children who invade others personal space
40. ?That?s woman?s work, that is!? Children who make sexist or racist comments
Chapter Six: Behaviours and children?s personalities
41. ?I know! I knew that! I know everything!? The Know-It-All in class 
42. YAAAAWWWWWWN! The ?bored? child 
43. ?You?ll never guess what?!? Children and idle gossiping
44. All on my own: The loner child 
45. Look at me! Look at me! La la la! The class ?clown? 
46. ?I didn?t do it!? Children who tell lies 
47. ?Umm?well?erm?well?I?? Shyness in the classroom 
48. Tears flowing freely! Children who cry in class
Chapter Seven: Behaviours and social skills
49. Where are your manners? The children with no manners 
50. Push, pushes, pushing, pushed! Children who push in/push others 
51. ?All you?ve got to give me is a little R.E.S.P.E.C.T.? Being respectful in the classroom 
52. RARRRRR! Terrible temper tantrums 
53. ?Hey you - it?s my turn!? Taking turns in the classroom 
54. Magpies in the classroom! Children who steals things
55. Pickity Pick Pick! Nose picking in class!
56. Parp! Fuuuuuut! Bhhrrrrrr! Sounds and smells in the classroom
Chapter Eight: Behaviours and whole school events and occasions
57. Worth-ship? Children and collective worship 
58. ?I?ve come in today to talk to you about?? Visiting guest speakers 
59. Musical Madness! Whole school singing practice 
60. Class assemblies and the children who do not take any notice of them 
61. Food, glorious food! Dinner time in schools 
62. ?They speak to me like muck!? Children?s behaviours towards midday supervisors
63. Super or Stressful Sports Day? Sports Day at school 
64. End of the day mayhem! Children and home time
Chapter Nine: Behaviours and Educational Needs
65. Selective mutism in the classroom
66. Children with Asperger Syndrome
67. Children who suffer with dyspraxia 
68. Managing children with autistic tendencies 
69. Supporting gifted children in the classroom 
70. Children with Tourettes Syndrome
71. Children with ADHD 
72. Managing children with physical impairments
Chapter Ten: Situations and possible solutions
73. Squash! Squidge! Splat! Children who deliberately kill living things
74. Ag?gresS?ION! The ?aggressive? child
75. Feeling low: Children suffering from depression
76. Drink and Drugs: Children who bring inappropriate items into school
77. Knives, guns and machetes: Weapons found on children in school
78. Swish! Out they go! The child who runs out of class/school
79. Both hands on top of the table! Children who masturbate in school
80. ?I don?t know what to do!? When behavioural issues just become too much

Library of Congress Subject Headings for this publication:

Behavior modification -- Great Briatin.
Problem children -- Education -- Great Britain.
Classroom management -- Great Britian.