Nuclear Science and Technology Division's

Transportation Technologies Group

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Richard D. Michelhaugh

Telephone: 865-574-6819
Fax: 865-574-3431
Internet: michelhaugh@ornl.gov

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Biographical Information


1981 - Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, The Ohio State University

Areas of Expertise/Interest:

Mechanical engineering analysis and testing of packages, hazardous materials regulations, software development; economic evaluations of transportation systems; general scientific, technical, and business management and analyses.

Professional Experience:

1999 - Consultant to packaging manufacturers regarding testing requirements for hazardous material packages.

1993 to Present Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), Oak Ridge, Tennessee

Development Staff

Mr Michelhaugh has distinguished himself in the field of hazardous materials regulation by converting the regulations into a unique and comprehensive computer expert system for the preparation of hazardous material shipments. He has been involved in hazardous material packaging design and testing for the past 6 years. The types of packaging involved includes Type B, Type A, and fissile material packaging as well as performance oriented packaging.

1990 to 1993 Portsmouth Uranium Enrichment Plant, Ohio

Hazardous Material Packaging Engineer

Mr Michelhaugh served as packaging engineer for this facility. He was responsible for determining and obtaining the proper packaging for all hazardous materials used at the facility.

1987 to 1991 KKM Enterprises, Ohio

Vice President and Plant Manager

Mr Michelhaugh served as vice president and plant manager in the largest moped manufacturing plant in the US. He was responsible for all aspects of production and assembly for all models produced..

1986 to 1987 Didier-Taylor Refractories, Kentucky

Plant Equipment Maintenance Engineer

Mr Michelhaugh served as plant equipment maintenance engineer for the South Shore, Kentucky facility. He was responsible for maintenance and upgrade of the production equipment and installation of new equipment.


1986 to 1987 Shawnee State University, Ohio

Adjunct Instructor

Mr Michelhaugh served as adjunct instructor in the Engineering Technologies Department. He taught Hydraulics and Pneumatics, Industrial Safety, and Drafting.

1981 to 1985 Portsmouth Uranium Enrichment Plant, Ohio

Gas Centrifuge Enrichment Plant – Centrifuge Assembly/Repair Facility Engineer

Mr Michelhaugh was the resident expert on centrifuge assembly, balancing, and repair. He was also involved in machine vibration analysis for preventative maintenance and failure prediction analysis.

1979 to 1981 Ohio State University (OSU)

Development Associate, Mechanical Engineering Program

Mr. Michelhaugh developed finite difference analysis and finite element analysis software for Prof T.G. Foster using FORTRAN.

Professional Activities:

Active in the Society of Automotive Engineers since 1980.

Awards and Publications

Honor Societies - Who's Who in U.S. Executives, 1990

Who's Who Among Rising Young Americans, 1992

Man of the Year , 1993

Best Paper Awards:

1995 Hazardous Material Transportation Expert System - PATRAM '95


1 "Development of an Expert System for Transportation of Hazardous and Radioactive Materials," Ferrada, J.J. pp.997-1002; International Topical Meeting on Nuclear and Hazardous Waste Management, Spectrum '94, Atlanta, American Nuclear Society, American Nuclear Society, Inc., August 14-18, 1994

2 "An Expert System for Enhancing Compliance with Hazardous Materials Packaging and Transportation Regulations," Ferrada, J.J.; Waste Management '95, Tucson, AZ, Feb.26-Mar.2,1995

3 "An Expert System that Simplifies the Navigation Through the Transportation Regulations," Ferrada, J.J.;˜ Proc. 11th Int. Conf. on Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Materials, Las Vegas, Dec.3-8,1995

5 "Development of a Fresh MOX Fuel Transport Package for Disposition of Weapons Plutonium," Ludwig, S.B. pp.472-477;Proc. DOE Spent Fuel and Fissile Material Management, Charleston, SC, American Nuclear Society, Am. Nucl. Soc., Sept.8,1998

6 "Guidance and Methods for Satisfying Low Specific Activity Material and Surface Contaminated Object Regulatory Requirements," Pope, R.B. pp.1521-1528;Proc. PATRAM '98, Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Materials Conf., Paris, France, SFEN, 67 rue Blomet-75015, Paris, France, May 10-15,1998

7 "Off-Site Shipment Campaign Readiness Assessment (OSCRA): A tool for Off-Site Shipment Campaigns," Michelhaugh, R.D.; 11th Int. Conf. on Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Materials, Las Vegas, Dec.3-8,1995

8 "Hazardous Materials Transportation Expert System (HaMTES),"Michelhaugh, R.D. pp.1019-25;Proc. 11th Int. Conf. on Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Materials, Las Vegas, NV, CONF-951203-44, Dec.3-8,1995

9 "A Simplified ALARA Approach to Demonstration of Compliance with Surface Contaminated Object Regulatory Requirements," Pope, R.B. pp.1012-1019;Proc. PATRAM '98, Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Materials Conf., Paris, France, SFEN, Paris, France, May 10-15,1998

10 ORNL/TM-2000/86;"Transportation Routing Analysis Georgraphic Information System (WebTRAGIS) User's Manual," Michelhaugh, R.D.

11 ORNL/TM-13574;"Revised Conceptual Designs for the FMDP MOX Fresh Fuel Transport Package," Ludwig, S.B.

12 "Characterizing, for Packaging and Transport, Large Objects Contaminated by Radioactive Material Having an Unlimited A2 Value," Pope, R.B. pp.997-1003; Proc. PATRAM '98, Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Materials Conf., Paris, France, SFEN, Paris, France, May 10-15,1998

13 "Global Transportation Cost Modeling for Long-Range Planning,";Pope, R.B. PATRAM '98, Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Materials Conf., Paris, France, May 10-15,1998

14 S. B. Ludwig, R. D. Michelhaugh, et al., Programmatic and Technical
Requirements for the FMDP Fresh MOX Fuel Transport Package, ORNL/TM-13526, December, 1997.

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