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Last Day for Entries was Feb. 7th, 1996!

Stay tuned for new activities in early 1997

Glorya Laughton a 7th grader at Elm Street Junior High:
Many Aliens Always Try Internet Extra Galaxy Classes

Teresa Morelli, Grade 6, Holy Family Middle School (HFMS):
Many Animals Are Tempted Into Eating Grilled Chocolate Ladybug Hamburgers Loaded Enormously Alongside Chopped Potato Sauce

Emily Russell, Grade 7, Holy Family Middle School:
My Aunt Abby Tucked in Ellen, Grace & Christopher

Rachel Popish (8), Julie Pennay (8), Josh Wesley (6) and Jzataun Kelley (8), HFMS:
Moons Are Around to Illuminate Earth's Glorious Colors

Jason Dominguez (6), Eric Landeis (6), Matt Espe (6) and Kyle Gavell (6), HFMS:
My American Aunt Theresa Ignores Every Grey Cat and Lions Have Large Eyes And Claws Plus Saliva

Kara Dietrich (6), Jenny Baugh (6), Stephanie Madrid (6) and Franci Scanga (6), HFMS:
Molly Abigail Anderson Teaches Italian, English, German & Chinese. and Leonardo Henry Lawrence Eats Apples, Carrots, Peas & Squash

Rebecca Pike (12th grade) Palisade High School:
Martha Almost Always Tries Iodine Everytime Grandma Crashes

Rebecca Pike (12th grade) Palisade High School:
Marc Almost Always Tumbles Into Every Gaping Crevass

Bron Gallo (5th grade) voyager School:
Make African Ants Take Iodine Enrichment Gumdrop Candies

Sam Rapp (2nd grade) Island Park Elementary:
My Aunt Abby Thought I Eat Green Carrots

Matt Wohlford (2nd grade) Island Park Elementary:
My Aunt Allison Thought Igloos Eat Grandma's Coats. Lulu Had Ladies Eating a Cranberry Pine Soup.

Lizzy Rieke (3rd grade) Island Park Elementary:
Miss Anne Agatha Told Ignorant Eustace "Go Call Little Hannah Laughing Enormously At Carolee's Perilous Shop".

Madolyn Hollowed (2nd grade) Island Park Elementary:
My Animal Amy Taught Ila Eagle Games Conscientiously.

Alyssa Conley (2nd grade) Island Park Elementary:
My Animal Ate Tod. I Got Carolyn, Leah, Harold, Laura, Elaine, And Carly's Popcorn Shop.

Jennifer Stapleton (6th grade) Kerrisdale Elementry:
Mice Are Able To Intimidate Eager Greedy Cats

Tiffany Robinson, Elm St. Jr. High School, Nashua NH.
Me And Angie Traveled In English Go Carts.

Dec. 20th

Leah Williams Mercer Island, WA, Island Park Elementary
Motorcycles Are Atrocious To Immense Eels Gobbling Casseroles

Katharine Hall, grade three Mercer Island, WA Island Park Elementary
My Antelope Ate Teal Iguanas Every Green Celebration.

Preston Holland, grade three, Mercer Island, WA, Island Park Elementary
Most Allergic Anteaters Try Ignoring Eggs, Garlic & Chocolate.

Kelsey Mesher (3rd grade) Island Park Elementary:
Animals Are Tickling Intelligent, Elegant Girls' Cats. Lions Hurt Loving Eskimos And Cute Parsley Stems.

Matthew Rowe (2nd grade) Island Park Elementary:
My Aunt Ate Three Icky Eggs Gently Chewing.

Leah Williams, Grade Three, Island Park Elementary, Mercer Island, WA
Melissa Always Asks Theresa If Ellie Gets Candy. Lisa Hauls Laura's Enormous, Airy Carcass, Plus Snails.

Dec. 21

Christine Sulc, Grade Two, Mercer Island, WA, Island Park Elementary
My Aunt Anna Talked In Excitement, "Gee, Cool."

Dec. 22

Rachel Dickinson Gr. 3 Indian Creek Intermediate School Trafalgar, IN
My Aunt Ashley Thomas is eating great chowder.

Kelley Groves Gr. 3 Indian Creek Intermediate School Trafalgar, IN
My aunt Anna, the Indian, eats ground cheese.

Curtis Pfaehler Gr. 3 Indian Creek Intermediate School Trafalgar, IN
Mr. Anderson ate the ickiest edible grass candy.

Ryan Felton Gr. 3 Indian Creek Intermediate School Trafalgar, IN
My ape ate ten icky ewwie gooie corn-cobs.

Tanya Swarts Grade Two, Island Park Elementary, Mercer Island, WA
My Auntie Ann Teaches Igloos Enough Geography Classes. Lattes Have Larger Espressos And Coffee Pots Simmer.

Christine Sulc, Grade Two Mercer Island, WA Island Park Elementary
My Aunt Anna Talked In Excitement, "Gee, Cool."

Brendan Vandor, grade two Mercer Island, WA Island Park Elementary My Aunt Anne Tried In English, German, Chinese.

Shawn Kelly, Grade three Mercer Island, WA: Island Park Elementary
My Aunt Areina Told Innocent Egnes, Galileo Cruises. Let Head Lead, Egnes Agreed, Could Possibly Show.

January 9, 1996

The following are all from:

South Brunswick Middle School, Southport, NC.

Rachel Irving: My aunt Alma told Ivy exceptionally gifted children learn high levels especially at close personal schools.

Jessica Freeman: My aunt Anna told Issac Emerson, go call Lillie Hopkins later. Emmanuel and Cynthia played solitare.

Joanna Benton: Mary Adams asked Tellie if Ellen Gore can leave her little elephant at Cathy's place Sunday.

Byron Burst: My arrogant Aunt Tammi irritates Elizabeth greatly cause liking her leaves Elizabeth a cruel person soured.

Rebecca Irving: Mary Ann Applegate told Ingrid Evans, giant cats liked having long ears and colorful paw shoes.

Natalie Thompson: Me and Ann talk in every good class like homeroom, lunch, especially art, cause piano's super.

Tia Corbett: Moon, all around imperious Earth, grant carefully little hopes, little excitements, and carry people's sweethearts.

Brett Pierce: Many animals always talk in enormous gorilla classes.

Christie Wright: Might Anne ate taffy in Ellen's garbage can.

Bucky Aderhold: Many Americans and the Irish even greet China.

Tammi Batson: Matilda ate apples til Ivan eagerly got cucumbers.

Tarrah Goforth: Many animals ate taffy, it easily gets chewy.

Kristen Register: My aunt Amy thinks I'm extremely grumpy.... cause!

Deborah Porterfield: Mickey and Alex tickle Iris every good Christmas.

GARY ZIMMARO Horsham, PA St. Catherine of Siena School

PAT GANLEY Horsham, PA St. Catherine of Siena School
Monkeys and Antilopes try inventing Eight great cars

Shannon Townsend Horsham, PA St. Catherine of Siena School
Mary Adds Anything I Ever Got Calculating

Chuck Schmidt Horsham, PA St. Catherine of Siena School
Mark and Adam took in elf, George Conway.

Sean Foley Horsham, PA St. Catherine of Siena School
Me and Anthony thought I eat grapefruit carefully

Jason Dooney Horsham, PA St. Catherine of Siena School
My ant ate the incredible edible giant cow.

Tony Trimboli Horsham, PA St. Catherine of Siena School
My astounding attempt to irritate the eczema grew chronic.

Robin Ziegler Horsham, PA St. Catherine of Siena School
Mary assumed animals taught illiterate eagles good cursive.

Stephanie Aurello Horsham ,PA St. Catherine of Siena
Many adults aided tonight in every great cause.

Lauren Benninghoff Horsham ,PA St. Catherine of Siena
Mary asked Anne to inhale everyones Goat Cheese.

Joe Riccione Horsham ,PA St. Catherine of Siena
My Aunt Angela thinks I eat goat cheese.

josh bormes Horsham ,PA St. Catherine of Siena

John McConnell Horsham ,PA St. Catherine of Siena
My alligator attacks two Ibis even got cheese.

David Loose Horsham ,PA Catherine of Siena
Monkeys are arguably the most excellent guerilla-like chums.

Patrick Goodwin Horsham ,PA St. Catherine of Siena
Mom ate apples today instead eating gourmet cookies.

Nichole Blank Horsham ,PA St. Catherine of Siena
My Aunt Amanda thinks I earn good cash.

Nicole Gutzwiller Horsham ,PA St. Catherine of Siena
Meat and apples , they immerse Emily's garbage cans.

Daina DiPaolo Horsham ,PA St. Catherine of Siena
Me and Angela tried identifying everyones good conjunctions.

Michael Peffall Horsham ,PA St. Catherine of Siena
My aunt ate this in Europe: gourmet cheese.

T.J. Alexander Horsham ,PA St. Catherine of Siena
Mrs. Anne Armstrong Thumbed In Eight Great Canvases.

Markland Fridae, 8 years (third grade) Winters, CA 95694 Waggoner Elementary School
Many Ants Are Tickling Itrritatingly; Everyone's Going Crazy! Look How Large Enemy Ants Carry Picnic Supplies!

Visouda Bounyavong Porterville Pioneer Middle School
Many American Atheletic Take In Eight Gold Coin

Andrew VanZandt Porterville Pioneer Middle School
Mom Almost Always Talks Insanely, Even Getting Credibility

Michael Hamar Porterville Pioneer
Meteors and asteroids travel in every galaxy continuously

Michael Belau Porterville, CA Pioneer
Meters And Astriods Travle In Enormus Groups Continusly

Danny Ince Porterville Pioneer middle school
Mom and ant tammy insanely eating gods creation

Kevin Harris Porterville Pioneer Middle School
Mark and Andy think it's exciting going cruising.

Daniel Orozco Porterville CA. Pioneer Middle School
Aunt Ana Tasted insane exotic gross cheese

Danielle Johnson Porterville CA Pioneer
Make apes and tigers in everyone's glass case

Crystal Bratcher Porterville CA Pioneer
Man, aminals, and things in either grate classes.

Justin Baga Porterville, Ca Pioneer Middle School
Autistic Aunt Thought Idiotic Elephants Gave Candy

Forrest Martin Porterville CA. Pionner Middle School
My Aunt Agetha Takes In Geena can

Lee Phillips porterville california pioneer middle school
my aunt ate the entire garden carrots

Veronica Tapia Porterville CA. Pioneer Middle School
Moons are Astroids touching in Earths Galaxy constantly.

LueVang Porterville CA Pioneer
My aunt amy takes ice every great century learning how educated apes can possibly seem

Micah Gray Porterville CA Pioneer
My aunt annie tells I ear go cat lower his ear and chlips pulls snaps

Alex Rivas Porterville CA Pioneer
Many animals are trying in eager grounds choping.



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