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Wisconsin 1995-2000

Results by Species

Ring-necked Duck Results for entire Atlas Area

(no map available)

Ring-necked Duck Blocks
priority Priority All
co Confirmed 30   44  
pr Probable 18   20  
po Possible 10   17  
ob Observed      
Blocks with evidence ¹ 58   81  
Blocks with data ² 1074   3832  
Total blocks 1074   3840  

¹ 'Blocks with evidence' does not include OBserved records.

² 'Blocks with data' refers to blocks with any species submitted.

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• The Block List table is the same data used to generate the map above.
For atlases in progress, only reviewed data are shown in public results.
For atlases in progress, this page may show no results (0 blocks) for the current atlas.

U.S. Department of the Interior || U.S. Geological Survey || Patuxent Wildlife Research Center  Laurel, MD, USA 20708-4038
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Information contained in this application does not necessarily have the endorsement of USGS.

Last updated: Site - December 2008; Content - various, depending on atlas.
Page generated on: 16-Mar-2009