QUESTION: We were wondering why we don't hear anything more about the two planets that were discovered about a month ago in a different galaxy. Can the Hubble "see" them? ANSWER from Megan Donahue on March 21, 1996: Planets around other stars are very difficult to see, and if you try to imagine the following model, you'll realize why. Stars are extremely bright, hot balls of gas that generate their own energy by nuclear fusion in the cores. Planets, on the other hand, are very cold in comparison. We can see the other planets around our own Sun because they reflect the Sun's light. Planets around other stars also reflect light, but since that light is so faint in comparison to the light being generated by the star, it is very hard to see. Think about what it's like to look directly at a very bright streetlight. If there is a tiny little firefly close to the light, we aren't able to see it because our eyes are being blasted by the light from the street light. Another reason that planets around other stars are so difficult to see is that they are extremely small and close to their parent stars. One way to visualize this is to take our own solar system as an example, and divide all the sizes and distances in it by 10 billion. (This is called "scaling down", and it helps when we're trying to think about the relative sizes of things.) So if we imagine that we could shrink everything in our solar system by a factor of 10 billion, the Sun would be the size of a large grapefruit. The Earth would be extremely tiny, about the size of a grain of sand, and it would be about 15 meters away from the Sun. Now imagine that we are at the distance of a nearby star, about 40 light-years away, looking back on the Sun system. [A light year is the distance light can travel in one year = about 10^13 km (10,000,000,000,000 km). Thought question: if you know the speed of light is 300,000 km/sec, how would you figure out how far light can travel in a year? Hint: How many seconds are in one year?] The Earth (if we could see it) would appear to be very very close to the Sun, 0.08 arcseconds to be quantitative about it. Because of the Earth's atmosphere, stars aren't precise points in the sky: as the light passes through the atmosphere the atmosphere shifts a bit this way and that, bending the path the light takes. [Thought question: does light travel as fast through the atmosphere as it does through the near-vacuum conditions in space?] Because the atmosphere shifts the light path around, the image formed by the star is a little smeared out. In general, this smearing is around 1 arcsecond in size, so all the stars appear to have disks of 1 arcsecond from the ground. In orbit, there isn't any atmosphere to smear the light around, but there is a fundamental limitation on how small stars appear (even with perfect telescopes) because light is a wave. Because waves have finite wavelengths, the smaller the wavelength the smaller image it can make. Also, the larger the telescope, the smaller this limit is. The limit for the Hubble Space Telescope, then, at say optical wavelengths of 4000 Angstroms in size, is about 0.04 arcseconds, just barely smaller than the Earth-Sun angular distance when at a distance of 40 light years. This means that even if HST looked at a star using an instrument with the tiniest pixels (in this case, the Faint Object Camera or the Planetary Camera), there would not be ANY pixels (picture elements) between a star and its companion planet. If the planets were as bright as the star, there might be some hope of separating the two, but as we said earlier, planets are much much fainter than stars. Even Jupiter is about 100-150 million times fainter than the Sun at optical wavelengths - very difficult to see!!! At other wavelengths, say radio or the near infrared, the planet to sun brightness difference is not so huge, and it is easier to "see" planets at those wavelengths. [But those are longer wavelengths, so to make the physical limit on image size small enough, you need telescopes larger than HST! But you don't necessarily need to put them in orbit. For example, at radio wavelengths, the atmosphere doesn't much affect the light path.] That is a very long answer to say that unless a planet is much brighter (more reflective) than Jupiter and farther away from its parent star, there is not much chance for HST to see it. But NASA is now considering some new missions that may be launched by the times you guys are in college that will be specially designed to be able to detect planets around our local star neighbors. And maybe by the time your kids are in college we'll be able to tell whether, say, the atmospheres of Earth-like stars are suitable for life, and we'll start picking the best places to visit! Talk about long term planning. ;) One more thought question for you (after the lengthy explanation): Why can we see many of the planets in our own Solar System (Jupiter, Mars, etc.) quite easily? What planets are the most difficult to see and why?