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Tabular Query Results of NCER Program and Solicitation Information83 Abstracts are listed

Number Identifier Abstract Institution Principal Investigator Grant Amount Proposed Start Date
1 none Bioremediation of Contaminated Sediments and Dredged Material South/Southwest HSRC Ward, Hughes none January 1, 1991 - December 31, 2000
2 none In-Situ Bioremediation of Organic Groundwater Contaminants Great Plains/Rocky Mountain HSRC Characklis, Jones, Cunningham, Lewandowski none January 1, 1991 - December 31, 2000
3 none Process Submodel Formulation and Parameter Estimation for Simulation of Bioremediation Western Region HSRC Roberts, Semprini, Lang none January 1, 1991 - December 31, 2000
4 none Thermophilic bioremediation Great Lakes and Mid-Atlantic HSRC Oriel none January 1, 1991 - December 31, 2000
5 none Bioremediation: A Video Primer GREAT LAKES AND MID-ATLANTIC HSRC Voice, Berger none January 1, 1991 - December 31, 2000
6 104TAM3312 Stochastic Risk Assessment for Bioremediation Texas A & M University Bill Batchelor, Juan B. Valdes none none
7 none Subsurface Mixing of Nutrients and Groundwater for In-Situ Bioremediation Western Region HSRC McCarty, Kitanidis, Semprini none January 1, 1991 - December 31, 2000
8 none Test-Bed Evaluation of In-Situ Bioremediation of Chlorinated Aliphatic Compounds by Toluene Oxygenase Microorganisms Western Region HSRC McCarty, Hopkins, Semprini, Roberts none January 1, 1991 - December 31, 2000
9 none In-Situ Biological Treatment of Aromatics in Groundwater Western Region HSRC Reinhard, McCarty none January 1, 1991 - December 31, 2000
10 none Demonstration of In-Situ Bioremediation of Chlorinated Aliphatics by Methanotrophs at St. Joseph (Supported by the Gas Research Institute and the U.S. EPA Biosystems Program) WESTERN REGION HSRC McCarty, Roberts, Gorelick, Kitanidis, Semprini none January 1, 1991 - December 31, 2000
11 none Oxidation of Chlorinated Solvents by Methanotrophs (Supported by the Gas Research Institute) Western Region HSRC McCarty, Roberts none January 1, 1991 - December 31, 2000
12 R825415 Bioavailability, Complex Mixtures, and In-Situ Bioremediation of Organic Contaminants University of Arizona Mark Brusseau and R.M. Miller $487,377 November 1, 1996 - October 31, 1999
13 R823420 Biostimulation of BTX Degradation with Environmentally Benign Aromatic Substrates The University of Iowa Pedro J. Alvarez $246,342 October 1995 - September 1998
14 none Methanogenic Remediation of Aquifers Northeast HSRC Jaffe none January 1, 1991 - December 31, 2000
15 R824785 Traveling Wave Behavior During Subsurface Transport of Biologically Reactive Contaminants Implications for In Situ Bioremediation University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Albert J. Valocchi $200,000 January 1996 - December 1998
16 none Application of Anaerobic and Multiple-Electron-Acceptor Bioremediation to Chlorinated Aliphatic Subsurface Contamination University of Iowa G.F. Parkin none none
17 094LUB2382 Measurement of Oxygen Transfer Rate in Soil Matrices Lamar University Ku-Yen Li none none
18 none Use of C2 to C10 Organic Acids to Enhance Bioremediation of DNAPL Contaminated Aquifers South Dakota State University S.A. Gibson, J.C. Tracy, and M.S. Kennedy none none
19 none Field Scale Bioremediation: Relationship of Parent Compound Disappearance to Humification, Mineralization, Leaching, Volatilization of Transformation Intermediates Utah State University R.C. Sims none none
20 none Pseudomonas Starvation Promoter-Driven In-Situ Bioremediation Stanford University Abdul Matin none none
21 GF-95-02150 Intrinsic Bioremediation: Process Demonstration and Evaluation The University of Texas at Austin Derek Williamson $31,500 8/15/95
22 none Isolating Organisms Which Dechlorinate Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) Great Lakes and Mid-Atlantic HSRC Tiedje none January 1, 1991 - December 31, 2000
23 R823390 Use of Pseudomonas Starvation Promoters in In-Situ Bioremediation Department of Microbiology and Immunology; Stanford University A. Matin, Dr. D-E Hahm, Dr. Marian Rivkina, Ms. Mimi Keyhan $401,960 August 15, 1995 - August 14, 1998
24 none Demonstration of an Interceptor Trench Technology for the Bioremediation of a Pentachlorophenol-Contaminated Ground Water Oregon State University Sandra Woods none none
25 none Moffett Field In-Situ Bioremediation Study in Support of Full Scale Application Stanford University (Supported by the U. S. Air Force) Perry L. McCarty, Gary D. Hopkins, and Mark N. Goltz none none
26 none Bioremediation of Sediments Contaminated with Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons Rice University J. B. Hughes and C. H. Ward none none
27 none Investigation of the Mechanisms Controlling the Rates of Dechlorination of Halogenated Organic Solvents by Methanogens Great Lakes and Mid-Atlantic HSRC Return to the top of the page Vogel none none
28 none Bioremediation of Sediments PVAMU Faculty and Student Participation in Technology Development and Transfer Prairie View A&M University R. Radhakrishnan none none
29 none Hydrocarbon and Biological Factors Affecting Aquifer Clogging During In-Situ Bioremediation Stanford University Perry L. McCarty none none
30 none In-Situ Bioremediation of Organic Compounds: Coupling of Mass Transfer and Biodegradation New Jersey Institute of Technology; John Hopkins University Dr. Gordon A. Lewandowski; Dr. Edward J Bouwer none none
31 none Full-Scale Evaluation of In Situ Bioremediation of Chlorinated Solvent Groundwater Contamination Stanford University Perry L. McCarty, Mark N. Goltz, and Gary D. Hopkins none none
32 none Characterization of PAH Degrading Bacteria in Coastal Sediments Alabama A&M University M. G. Tadros none none
33 R82-2393 Field and Microcosm Studies for Evaluating the Bioremediation Potential of Genetically Engineered Microorganisms in Aquifers University of Minnesota Daryl F. Dwyer $294,195 3 years
34 104UCF0423 Sequential Environments for Enhanced Bioremediation of Chlorinated Aliphatic Hydrocarbons University of Central Florida Andrew A. Randall, A. Basel Al-Yousfi none none
35 R823341 Biomineralization of Heavy Metals Within Fungal Mycelia A New Technology for Bioremediation of Hazardous Wastes Worcester Polytechnic Institute Theodore C. Crusberg $296,053 October 1995 - September 1998
36 none Assessment of Surfactant-Enhanced Bioremediation for Soils/Aquifers Containing Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Princeton University Peter R. Jaffe none none
37 R825365 Bioavailability and Biostabilization of PCBs in Soil Carnegie Mellon University Richard G. Luthy $499,056 January 1, 1997 - December 31, 1999
38 none Large Scale Model for Anaerobic Bioremediation at the Seal Beach Site Stanford University Martin Reinhard and Peter K. Kitanidis none none
39 none The Application of Plant Biotechnology in Bioremediation of Contaminated Sediments Alabama State University S.V. Sahi none none
40 R823377 Biomimetic Oxidation of Hydrocarbons Related to Bioremediation Processes Boston University, Department of Chemistry Pericles Stavropoulos $321,711 October 1, 1995 - September 30, 1998
41 none The Use of Vegetation to Enhance Bioremediation of Surface Soils Contaminated with Pesticide Wastes Iowa State University J.R. Coats and T.A. Anderson none none
42 none Evaluation of Strategies for Full Scale Bioremediation of the Seal Beach Site Using Anaerobic Microbial Processes Stanford University Martin Reinhard, Gary Hopkins, and Peter Kitanidis none none
43 none Detection of Microorganisms Capable of Anaerobic Degradation of Hazardous Substances in Natural Environments California State University at Bakersfield Sara E. Silverstone none none
44 none Bioremediation Of Ethylene Glycol From Airport Deicer Product University of Detroit Mercy James F. Graves, Jodi D. Rogers, Alison D. Horetski and Jeffrey R. Loeb none none
45 none Remediation of TNT-Contaminated Soil by Cyanobacterial Mat Atlanta University M. C. Mondecar Clark none none
46 R82-1284 Transport, Degradation, and Survival of Free and Encapsulated Microbial Cells in a Heterogeneous Subsurface Environment University of Idaho Ronald L. Crawford $304,492 3 years
47 104UTA0438 In-Situ Remediation for Contaminated Soils Using Prefabricated Vertical Drains University of Texas John J. Bowders, David E. Daniel none none
48 none Development of a Vitamin B12-Amended Bioremediation Process for the Reductive Dechlorination of Chlorobiphenyls at all Chlorine Positions Oregon State University Sandra Woods none none
49 none Effects of Surfactants on the Bioavailability and Biodegradation of Contaminants in Soils Montana State University; Mycotech Corporation W.P. Inskeep and J.M. Wraith; C.G. Johnston none none
50 094UHH3328 Integrated Process Treatment Train (Bioremediation {Aerobic/Anaerobic} and Immobilization) for Texas Soils Contaminated with Combined Hazardous Wastes University of Houston C. Vipulanandan, D. J. Roberts, Dennis Clifford none none
51 U91-5350 Engineered Sequential Anaerobic-Aerobic Treatment for Remediation of PCB Contaminated Soil Colorado State University Julia D. Rogers 34,000 8/24/98
52 R82-0779 Microbial Mediation of HIo/Hg2+ Cycling in Soil and Water University of Georgia Anne 0. Summers $361,381 3 years
53 R 825414 Phytoremediation and Modeling of Land Contaminated by Hydrons Texas A&M University Clyde Munster, Malcolm Drew, and Yavuz Corapcioglu $452,020 October 28, 1996 - October 27, 1999
54 R81-9417 Hydrocarbon Degrading University of Alaska Don K. Button $352,201 3 years
55 104UTA0454 A Risk-Based Decision Analysis Approach for Aquifers Contaminated with DNAPLs University of Texas Daene C. McKinney, Robert B. Gilbert none none
56 none Biotransformation of Lead and Chromate by Bacteria Xavier University Robert C. Blake none none
57 none Anaerobic Biodegradation of 2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene and other Nitroaromatic Compounds by Clostridium Acetobutylicum Rice University J.Hughes , F. Rudolph , G. Bennett none none
58 R8255961 Bioavailability and Biostabilization of Multicomponent Nonaqueous Phase Liquids in the Subsurface University of Colorado Tissa Illangasekare, Anuradha Ramaswami, and Anglea Bielefeldt $433,441 October 1, l997 - September 30, 2000
59 R823576 NMR Structural Studies of Mercury Transport Proteins University of Pennsylvania Stanley J. Opella $404,667 October 1995 - September 1998
60 none Biochemical Mechanisms of PCE Dehalogenation by Strain MS-1, and its Potential for In-situ Bioaugmentation Stanford University (Supported by R2D2 Program) Pramod K. Sharma and Perry L. McCarty none none
61 R826687 Immunotoxicity of Both Nondegraded and Biodegraded Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) Medical University of South Carolina Lucille London $379,176 September 15, 1998 - September 14, 2001
62 none Remediation of Soils Contaminated with Wood-Treatment Chemicals University of Missouri; U.S. Army Corps of Engineers R.K. Bajpai, S.K. Banerji, and R.K. Puri; M.E. Zappi none none
63 R822444 Importance of Reductive Dechlorination in Chesapeake Bay Sediments Role of Sulfate Respiration University of Maryland, University of Maryland, University of Maryland CEES/CBL, BERL/Academy of Natural Sciences Douglas G. Capone, Joel E. Baker, and Cynthia C. Gilmour $286,703 October 1995 - September 1998
64 R823426 Aerobic Cometabolism of Ether-bonded Compounds Oregon State University Michael R. Hyman $358,953 October 1995 - September 1998
65 none The "Bubble Wall": A Passive In Situ System for Treatment and/or Containment of Contaminated Groundwater Oregon State University; Stanford University Jonathan D. Istok, Virginia A. Fry, John S. Selker; Steven M. Gorelick none none
66 R825404 Influence of Nonionic Surfactants on the Bioavailability of Chlorinated Benzenes for Microbial Reductive Dechlorination Georgia Tech Research Corp. Spyros G. Pavlostathis and Kurt D. Pennell $333,348 November 12, 1996 - November 11, 1999
67 104UAL0446 Soil Remediation by Agglomeration with Petroleum Coke University of Alabama David Arnold, Robert A. Griffin none none
68 none Effects of Redox Zones on the Fate and Transport of Contaminants in the Saturated Subsurface; Characterization and Simulation Stanford University (Supported by R2D2 Program) Keith Loague none none
69 none In-Situ Anaerobic Biodegradation of BTEX Hydrocarbon Contaminant Northern Arizona University Aregai Tecle none none
70 R826105 The Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Microbial Selenate and Arsenate Transformation Duquesne University, U.S. Geological Survey John F. Stolz, Joseph McCormick, Ronald S. Oremland $273,119 October 1, 1997 - September 30, 2000
71 none Pathways of Anaerobic Toluene Metabolism by a Sulfate-Reducing Bacterium, Strain PRTOL1 Stanford University Alfred M. Spormann none none
72 none Anaerobic Ethylbenzene Oxidation in Denitrifying Strain EB1 Stanford University Alfred M. Spormann none none
73 R826652 Modeling Microbial PCB Degradation and Binding North Dakota State University Stefan Balaz $375,000 September 1, 1998 - August 31, 2001
74 R826161 The Effect of In Situ Biosurfactant Production on Hydrocarbon Biodegradation University of Oklahoma K.A. Strevett, R. Tanner, D. Sabatini, and J. Everett $323,072 March 10, l998 - March 9, 2001
75 R823351 Integrating Molecular and Biochemical Techniques to Characterize Adaptation Mechanisms of Anaerobic Microbial Communities Exposed to Chlorinated Organics. Northwestern University David A. Stahl (P.I.), Bruce E. Rittmann (co-P.I.) $406,372 October 1, 1995 - September 30, 1998
76 R827227 Development of Novel Bioadsorbents for Heavy Metal Removal University of California, Riverside Wilfred Chen, Ashok Mulchandani, and Rajesh Mehra $360,818 December 1, 1998 - November 30, 2001
77 none An Investigation of the Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Substrate Range of the Filamentous Fungus, Graphium sp Oregon State University ichael Hyman and Lynda CiuffettiM none none
78 R826170 Role of Microbial Metabolism and Cometabolism in Treating Mixtures of Biodegradable and Nonbiodegradable Chemicals in Granular Activated Carbon Columns University of Texas at Austin Gerald E. Speitel Jr. $304,688 December 1, 1997 - November 30, 2000
79 R826189 Physiochemical and Microbial Controls on the Speciation and Release of Arsenic into Ground and Surface Waters University of Wisconsin Robert J. Hamers and Jillian F. Banfield $312,496 January 1, 1998 - December 31, 2000
80 R825958 Assessment of Biotic and Abiotic Processes Controlling the Fate of Chlorinated Solvents in Mixed-Waste Under Iron- and Sulfate-Reducing Conditions Using Laboratory and In Situ Microcosms The University of Michigan Kim F. Hayes, Peter Adriaens, and Michael J. Barcelona $449,975 November 17, 1997 - November 16, 2000
81 none Inhibition, Inactivation and Recovery: A Universal Model for Aerobic Cometabolic Degradation of Aliphatic Compounds Oregon State University Daniel Arp, Michael Hyman, and Ken Williamson none none
82 R827132 Biosurfactant Specificity and Influence on Microbial Degradation of Hydrocarbons by Microbial Consortia in the Field Wayne State University Gina S. Shreve $424,689 September 1, 1998 - August 31, 2001
83 none Development of a Systematic Methodology for Optimally Designing Vegetative Systems for Remediating Contaminated Soil and Ground Water South Dakota State University J.C. Tracy, T.J. Van Lent, and V.R. Schaefer none none

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