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Demographic Information | Staff/Child Ratios and Qualifications | Contact Information

Demographic Information

1996 Population* 11,172,782
1996 Children 0-5 years old † 918,400
1996 Children 6-12 years old † 1,108,500
1996 Children 13-17 years old † 820,900
1996 Child Population (under 18)* 2,847,841
Children under 5 as percent of population 8.2%
Children under 18 as percent of population 25.5%
1996 Poverty Rate (all persons)* 12.7%
* 1997 Census Tables

† 1998 Kids Count Data Book, The Annie E. Casey Foundation


Average Children Under 6 in Poverty, 1992-1996** 223,470
Children Under 6 Poverty Rate, 1992-1996**(Average) 23.1%
** Map and Track 1998 Edition, National Center for Children in Poverty, Appendix B


Percent of Children under 6 with working parents (1995)† 63 %
Percent of Children ages 6-12 living with working parents (1995)† 47 %
Percent of Children under age 13 living in low-income families with working parents (1995)† 18 %
† 1998 Kids Count Data Book, The Annie E. Casey Foundation


Number of children participating in Head Start, FY 1996 33,919
Head Start Statistical Fact Sheet, February 1997

State Median Income: $50,893
(4 person family, fiscal year 1998, Federal Register, Vol. 62, No. 51, pg. 12651)

Licensed Child Care Centers:  3,760
(1998 Child Day Care Center Licensing Study, Children's Foundation)

Licensed Family Child Care Providers: 4,181
(1997 Family Child Care Licensing Study, Children's Foundation)

For additional statistical information on indicators of child well-being in the state, visit the Annie E. Casey "Kids Count" Web site at http://www.aecf.org/kc1998/toc.htm

Staff/Child Ratios and Qualifications

Center-based care

All information provided is for centers that are licensed or regulated by the State.

Age Range


Infants (1:5) and (1:6)
Toddlers (1:7) and (1:8)
Preschool (1:12) and (1:14)
Schoolage (1:18) and (1:20)
Mixed age group ration for youngest child in group

Family Child Care Providers

All information provided is for providers that are licensed or regulated by the State.

Age Range


All ages (1:6)

[includes providers children under 6 years of age; and no more than 3 may be under 2 years of age]

Staff Qualifications

Child Care Staff Member Must be at least 18 years old and have a high school education or have completed a training program approved by the Department of Human Services.  Such approved programs include a vocation education home economics course or a Child Care Job Training Porgram for Adults which must include completeing 5 required and 3 elective courses for a total of 160 hours.

For a complete listing of this state's child care licensing regulations, please visit the Web site of the National Resource Center for Health and Safety in Child Care at
or call: (800) 598-KIDS

Contact Information

For more information, visit one of the following State pages:
State Home Page:


State Child Care Information: http://www.state.oh.us/odhs/cdc/index.htm


Licensing Agency

(For center-based child care)

Department of Human Services
Bureau of Workforce Development
Child Day Care Licensing Section
65 East State STreet, 2nd Floor
Columbus, OH 43215
Phone: (614) 466-3822
Fax: (614) 728-6803

Child Care Administrator

Ohio Department of Human Services
Bureau of Child Care Services
65 E. State Street 5th Floor
Columbus OH 43215
Phone: 614-466-1043
Fax: 614-728-6803

Head Start Collaboration Liaison

Leslie Porter
13th Floor, Le Veque Tower
Columbus, OH 43215

Jane Wiechel
Ohio Department of Education
65 South Front Street, Room 309
Columbus, OH 43215-4183
Phone: (614) 466-0219
Fax: (614) 728-2338

Child Care Food Program Administrator

School Food Services Division
State Department of Education
65 South Front Street, Room 713
Columbus, OH 43215
Phone: (614) 466-9509

Child Abuse Reporting Hotline

County Children's Services Board or County Human Services Department.  Contact district offices of Human Services Department in Columbus, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Canton, or Toledo for appropriate referral for particular county.

Office of Child Support Enforcement

Office of Family Assistance and Child Support
Ohio Department of Human Services
30 East Broad Street, 31st Floor
Columbus, OH 43266-0423
Phone: (614) 752-6561
(800) 686-1556 (in state only)
Fax: (614) 752-9760

State Resource and Referral Network Contact

Tracy Ballas
Action for Children
78 Jefferson Avenue
Columbus, OH 43215
(614) 224-0222

For additional information about the child care resource and referral agency in your area, contact Child Care Aware at (800) 424-2246 or visit the Web site at http://www.naccrra.net/childcareaware/index.htm

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May 21, 1999
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