Ashland NFWCO
Midwest Region

The Midwest Tribal Aquaculture Network ...

(MTAN) is composed of a group of Tribal Fish Hatchery Biologists who are interested in promoting fish rearing techniques for Tribal hatchery programs.  The primary means by which the MTAN helps tribal hatchery employees, is by sharing fish culture information through this quarterly newsletter.

Click here to learn more of the tribal fish hatchery programs
of the northern Great Lakes Region

The first issue of the MTAN appeared in June 1992. The concept of the newsletter was conceived as a means of sharing both fish culture and tribal fish hatchery information.  Topic areas and previous editions of the MTAN are listed below.

Topic Area/Volume Numbers:

Aeration/ 35, 36, 40, 44, 48,
53, 57, 58, 67
Alarm Systems/
10, 12, 33
Algae Control/ 45, 47, 58
Anaesthetizing/6, 8, 22
Arctic Char/ 20
Area and Volume/ 39, 60, 64
AquaMats/ 27, 32,
Aquatic Plants/ 3858
Bacterial Gill Disease (BGD)/ 11, 23
Big Redds/ 3, 19, 22
Baitfish/ 13, 14
Biosecurity/ 65
Birds/ 25, 28, 48
Brook Trout/ 66
Buildings/ 27, 49
Carp/ 2
Chemical Treatments/ 13, 28, 32, 3348, 54, 59, 60, 61, 64, 65, 66
Contacts/ 37
Culverts/ 40, 62
Diets/ 66
Diffusers/ 27, 49
Disinfection of tools/ 36, 59
Distribution/ 20, 65
Domes/ 17
Drugs/ 67
Education/ 13, 46, 53

Eggs/ 8, 10, 12, 13, 19, 20, 48, 55, 56, 64
Equivalents/ 29
Fee Fishing/ 9
Fertilizing Ponds/ 23, 27, 40, 43, 61
, 67
Filters/ 20, 21, 27
Financial Loans/ 2, 5, 27
Fish Feeds and Diet/ 7, 8, 22,

Fish Culture/ 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 11, 12, 19, 20, 21, 22, 46, 64
Feeders/ 31
Fish Health/ 4, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 25, 28, 29, 3542, 61, 64
Float Switches/ 29
Generators/ 51, 52
Genetics/ 6, 7
Gulf Sturgeon/ 30, 31
Habitat/ 27, 32
Hatchery Spotlight/ 31, 45, 56, 63
Hatchery Tips/ 1, 3, 4, 5, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 28, 29, 31, 3843, 46, 52
, 64
Intensive Culture/ 41, 42
Lake White Fish/ 6
Lake Sturgeon/ 7, 10, 23, 28, 30, 31

Light/ 14, 27
Liming Of Ponds/ 21, 28,
Manufacturers/ 1, 3, 5, 8, 18, 27, 40 , 51
, 62
Muskie/ 5
Muskrat/ 25
Nets/ 7, 36, 40
Northern Wisconsin Aquaculture Demonstration Facility/ 50,
, 55, 60, 64
Oxytetracycline/54, 59
Oxygen/ 9, 11, 16, 20, 27, 35, 36 , 48, 51
Ozone/ 21, 40
Partitioned Ponds/ 60
pH/ 29

Phone Dialer/ 9, 33
Plants/ 55, 58
Pond Design/52, 60
Pond Harvest/
Pond Liners and Sealers/ 6, 7, 14, 21, 27
Pond Management/ 29, 43, 45, 50, 52, 53, 60
Portable Fish Rearing/ 61
Professional Help/ 37, 48
Publications/ 5, 30
Pumps/ 27, 28, 29, 35, 48, 58
Radon Gas/2, 58
Recirculating Systems/ 20, 66
Record Keeping/ 8
References/ 56
Rotenone/ 21
Salt/ 5, 7, 10
Sedimentation/ 40
Solar Aeration/ 57, 58
Sturgeon/ 66
Swim Bladder/ 7, 8
Sucker/ 9
Tanks/ 27, 40, 41, 42
Transportation/ 28, 29, 33, 65
Tribal Environmental Handbook/ 30
Tribal Hatchery Production/ 3845, 50, 63
Trout/ 3, 8, 10, 17, 20, 21, 22, 48
UV Sterilization/ 40,
Vaccine/ 35
VHS/ 59, 61
Walleye/ 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 27, 28, 38, 45, 50, 66
Water Quality/ 15, 20, 28, 51
WeatherPort/ 49
Windmills/ 44
World Wide Web (WWW)/ 11, 20, 23, 48
Yellow Perch/ 14, 24, 32, 67
Zebra Mussel/ 2, 7, 25

Previous Volumes of the Midwest Tribal Aquaculture Network

~ Click on the following links to preview the topics for that year ~


Volume 67; Mar/2009: Two Announcements from the Northern Aquaculture Demonstration Facility, New LOOK for the La Crosse Fish Health Center, Modern Air' Aerators
AADAP's new Aquaculture Drug Update, FDA Launches New Public Access Database of Animal Drug Approvals, Time to Fertilize Those Ponds, Yellow Perch Grow Out.


Volume 66; Dec/2008: Aquatic Animal Drug Approval Partnership Program, Replacing Traditional Sturgeon Diets with Commercially Formulated Diets, Question for the Tribal Aquaculture Programs in the Midwest Region, NADF Walleye Project for 2007, Evaluation of Brook Trout Culture in a Water Recirculating System.

Volume 65; Sep/2008: New Internet Location for the MTAN, Biosecurity, Transportation of Fish in Bags.

Volume 64; Jun/2008: UWSP - Annual Field Days/Workshop and Hatchery Tips, Genoa NFH Upgrades Coaster Egg Incubation System, Calculation of Disease Treatments, The Role of Stress in Fish Disease, Aquatic Animal Drug Approval Partnership Program Updates.

Volume 63;  Mar/2008:  Tribal Hatchery Programs of the Northern Great Lakes Region.


Volume 62;  Dec/2007:  Flowgates and Culverts, Equipment Manufactures and Supplies.

Volume 61;  Sep/2007:  Portable Fish Rearing Facility, Fish Health Advisory ~ VHS, Stress and Fish Health, Treatment of Fish Diseases, Calculating Treatments for Ponds and Tanks, Pond Fertilization Basics, Aquatic Animal Drug Approval Partnership Program Update.

Volume 60; June/2007: Aquaculture Field Day and Vendor Fair, Northern Aquaculture Demonstration Facility - Walleye for the Lac Courte Oreilles Tribal Fisheries Program, Partitioned Aquaculture Systems (PAS), Calculating Pond Surface Area.

Volume 59; March/2007: VHS - The Good, the Bad and the Ugly;  National Fish Hatchery System Addresses VHS, APHIS Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia (VHS) Emergency Order, Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia in the Great Lakes Region, Questions and Answers About Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia, USDA Amends Order on Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia, Additional Links of Interest Regarding Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia, Chlorine and Iodophor Disinfectants.  New Updates; Hydrogen Peroxide, Oxytetracycline, Chloramine-T.


Volume 58;  Dec/2006:   Radon Gas Removal Made Easy, Aquatic Weed Management ~ Control Methods, Aquatic Weed Management ~ Herbicides, SolarBee Solar-Powered Circulators, Installation and use of Axial and Centrifugal Flow Pumps, AFS 36th Annual Meeting.

Volume 57;  Sep/2006:   Pond Mixing, Solar Aeration and Pond Mixing Alternative, Liming Ponds for Aquaculture.

Volume 56;  Jun/2006:  Bad River Tribe Produce Millions of Fish, Moist Air Incubators, New Web Site for Science and Aquaculture References, Trout Production Handling Eggs and Fry.

Volume 55;  Mar/2006 UW- Stevens Point Northern Aquaculture Demonstration Facility, Disinfection of Fish Eggs - A Practical Method, A Pond Manager Diagnostics Tool - AquaPlant.



Volume 54;  Dec/2005:  The Ashland FRO is Now Equipped to Read OTC Marks, New Oxytetracycline Approval for Skeletal Marking, Calcein for Skeletal Marking - Promising New Technology, Formalin Treatment System Without the Stink.

Volume 53;  Sep/2005:  Repairing Fish Pond Levees, Renovating Leaky Ponds, New Innovative Aerator System, Reference Material from the American Fisheries Society.

Volume 52; Jun/2005:  Aquaculture Demonstration Facility Update, New Backup Power Supply Averts a Disaster, Site Selection of Levee-type Fish Production Ponds, Construction of Levee Ponds for Commercial Catfish Production, Hatchery Tip.

Volume 51;  Mar/2005:  Aquaculture Demonstration Facility Update, Backup Electrical Generator System, Water Quality Monitoring System.



Volume 50; Dec/2004: How to raise 0.4 walleyes/square foot, The Northern Wisconsin Aquaculture Demonstration Facility.

Volume 49; Sep/2004:  Keep a Lid on It!  Global Shelters by WeatherPort, Lake Aeration Diffusers and Aeration/Destratification Systems.

Volume 48; Jun/2004:  Marking System using Oxytetracycline, Experimental Treatment Used on Lake Trout Eggs, Aquaculture References from the World Wide Web, Blowers, Air Pumps or Compressors, Minnesota Fish Producers Report Losses to Cormorants and Other Birds.

Volume 47; Mar/2004:  SCI-62 Algicide/Bactericide, Nutritional Diseases of Fish, Ultraviolet Radiation (germicidal) Energy.



Volume 46; Dec/2003:  UWS Aquaculture Facility Update, Hatchery Tips.

Volume 45; Sep/2003:  Bad River Tribal Fish Hatchery, St. Croix Waters Fishery, Aquasonic Algae Control.

Volume 44Jun/2003:  Floating or In-Ground - Portable Raceways, Wind Powered Aeration for Remotely Located Ponds.

Volume 43Mar/2003:  AquaMats, Pond Fertilizing Procedures Used At: Lac du Flambeau, St. Croix, and the Leech Lake Indian Reservations, Fertilization Procedures for Pond Culture, Pond Management Tips.  



Volume 42Dec/2002:  Fish Health Management for Intensive Fish Farming, Gill Diseases of Fish, Expandable Fiberglass Rearing Tanks, Fish Disease Treatments.

Volume 41Sep/2002:  Intensive Culture of Walleye Fry, Lets Get Tanked.

Volume 40Jun/2002:  Custom Built Live Fish Transporting/Hauling Tanks, The Engineering Behind Increased Sedimentation, Barley Straw An Organic Algaecide, Water Degassing, Segmented Packed Columns, Ozone Generators, UV Sterilization, Heater Sizing Guide, Water Control Structures and Culverts, Aeration Systems, Netting, List of Manufacturers.

Volume 39Mar/2002:  Calculating Area and Volume.



Volume 38Dec/2001:  Aquatic Plant Control, 2000 Tribal Fish Hatchery Production, Walleye Spawning Operations at Bonny Reservoir, Hatchery Tips.

Volume 37; Sep/2001:  Tribal Fish Hatcheries of the Great Lakes Region, Starting Out In Aquaculture.

Volume 36; Jun/2001:  Hydrogen Peroxide For Treating Eggs and Fish!, Disinfect Those Hatchery Tools - Please, Aeration For Aquaculture, Venturi Aeration Process, Masternet. 

Volume 35; Mar/2001:  Dissolved Oxygen and The Venturi Aeration Process for Conditioning Water for Aquaculture, Treatment of Fish Diseases, Guide to Drug/Vaccine and Pesticide Use in Aquaculture.



Volume 34; Dec/2000:  Index to Previous Issues of the MTAN, Effects of Ram-Air Ventilation, Operational Procedures for Isolation of Fishes.

Volume 33;  Sep/2000: Award presented to Beth Greiff, Two Hatchery Trucks Find a New Home, System Monitors for Fish Hatcheries, Sodium Bicarbonate.

Volume 32;  Jun/2000:  AquaMats, SuperBugs, Perch Rearing at the Poplar Fish Farm.

Volume 31;  Mar/2000:  Minnesota Aquaculture Conference, Tribal Hatchery Spotlight; Red Cliff and White Earth, Gulf Sturgeon (part 2 of 2), Hatchery Tip.



Volume 30; Dec/1999:  We're Back, Cool Water Course, Keweenaw Bay Indian Community, Red Lake Indian Reservation, Gulf Sturgeon (part 1 of 2), Environmental Handbook, Lac du Flambeau Fish Hatchery.

Volume 29; Sep/1999:  Fish Truck Goes to LCO, Bird Netting, Winter Pond Management, Fish Health, Hatchery Tips.

Volume 28; Jun/1999:  Algae and Aquatic Weed Control, Lake Sturgeon Feeding, Whirling Disease, Liming Ponds, Pumping Water Without Electricity, Handling Walleye, Hatchery Tip.

Volume 27; Mar/1999:   Product Manufactures, New Stuff Now on The Market, Preparation/Application of Fertilizers For Ponds, AquaMats - Product Applications, Walleye Growth Using AquaMats, Funding Sources For Tribal Hatcheries.



Volume 26; Dec/1998:   Index to Previous Issues of the MTAN, Previous MTAN Volumes and Topics Of Interest, Fish Health Management Review, Basic Types of Pond Fertilizers, Walleye Fingerling Culture In Undrainable Natural Ponds.

Volume 25; Sep/1998:    Matters of Fish Health, Zebra Mussels, Muskrat Control, Bird Damage Control, Maximize Your Hatchery's Budget To Train Your Staff.

Volume 24; Jun/1998:    New Aquaculture Alliance Proposed for the Red Lake Reservation, Hatchery Tips From Across the Nation.

Volume 23; Mar/1998:    Pond Fertilization Methods and Walleye Rearing Techniques, Growth Performance of Juvenile Lake Sturgeon, BGD, Aquaculture Web Sites on the Internet.



Volume 22; Dec/1997:    3 MTAN Updates, Big Redd Incubator Problems, Anesthetizing Hatchery Brook Trout with Sodium Bicarbonate, Fry Culture Technique Successful, Cold Water Feeding of Trout, Hatchery Tip, Feed Sizes For Trout.

Volume 21; Sep/1997:    Keweenaw Bay Tribal Hatchery Helps USFWS Trout Program, Liming Of Ponds, Reducing Fish Production Cost, Using Bentonite Clay To Seal Leaking Ponds, Guidelines For The Use Of Rotenone, Sand Filters, Silicones Show Promise As Net Antifoulants, The Use Of Ozone In Hatcheries, Hatchery Tip.

Volume 20; Jun/1997:    Tribal Fish Hatchery Programs Find A New Home On The WWW, Fish Transportation Methods Used on the Leech Lake Reservation, Coaster Brook Trout Eggs, Aeration May Consume More Than 50% Of Your Total Electrical Energy, Air Lift Systems Used To Recirculate Water, It Takes A Lot More Than A Few Bubbles To Do It Right, Pure Oxygen or Aeration, How to Clean Diffusers, Incubation Of Walleye Eggs At Garrison Dam National Fish Hatchery, Arctic Char Culture in Wisconsin, The Right Equipment and Technology To Raise Fish for the Future, Hatchery Tip.

Volume 19; Mar/1997:    Leech Lake's Winnibigoshish Fish and Wildlife Pond Complex; Stripping, Fertilizing and Incubating Walleye Eggs with Big Redd Incubators; Status of Aquaculture Drugs; Fish Marketing Concepts; Hatchery Tips.



Volume 18; Dec/1996:    Tribal Resource Programs May Be Required To Pay For NETC Courses, Walleye Culture Manual, Managing Around Cool Water Disease Problems, Clinical Signs Of Toxicosis, Product Manufacturers, 2 Hatchery Tips, Last Word.

Volume 17; Sep/1996:    Dome Technology In Aquaculture, Control Growth Rate Of Trout, Effects Of Density On Fish Growth, Walleye Spawning In Michigan, External Signs Of Disease Problems, Tribal Hatchery Updates, Hatchery Tip.

Volume 16; Jun/1996:    Pond Aeration, Pond Aeration-Matching Equipment To Needs, Tribal Hatchery Updates, 2 Hatchery Tips.

Volume 15; Mar/1996:    Meeting Announcement, Bacterial Diseases, Treatment Of Fish Diseases, Pond Culture Of Walleye Fingerlings, Water Quality Test Methods, Effluents From Coolwater Ponds, Hatchery Tip.



Volume 14; Dec/1995:    Baitfish Production (part 2), Using Light To Harvest and Feed Fish, Fish Health Management For Intensive Fish Farming, A Fish Health Note, Walleye Production Using Pond Liners, Hatchery Tip.

Volume 13; Sep/1995:   MTAN Needs Your Help, Chemical Treatments, Work Those Gills, Education>Awareness=Support, Baitfish Production, Disease Problems In Baitfish Culture, Flow Rates Control Fungal Infections, Hatchery Tip.

Volume 12; Jun/1995:    Hatchery Operations, Hatchery Security System, Brookstock Isolation Facility, Cotton Wool Disease On Fish Eggs, Early Mortality Syndrome, Old Generator Finds New Home, Hatchery Tip, The Last Word.

Volume 11; Mar/1995:    Aquaculture On Line And On Screen, Oxygen Injection Backup System, Maximize Your Hatchery Budget, Intensive Walleye Culture, Tank Culture Techniques For Walleye, Fingerling Walleye Production At Garrison Dam, BGD In Hatchery's, Hatchery Tip.



Volume 10; Dec/1994:   Lake Sturgeon Egg Take Procedures, Lake Sturgeon Management, Twelve Uses Of Salt, Salt Fungicidal On Trout Eggs, Pump Alarm System, Hatchery Fomites, Hatching Eggs Out Of Water.

Volume 9; Sep/1994:    Sucker Propagation and Rearing, Fee Fishing Operations, Oxygen Supplementation, Warts On Walleye, Floating Raceway System, Automatic Phone Dialer.

Volume 8; Jun/1994:    Application Process for an Environmental Protection Agency Permit To Use MS-222, Proper Storage and Handling of Fish Feeds, Great Lakes Fish Disease Control Policy, An on Site Mini Hatchery System for Walleye, Common-Sense Rules for Research Recordkeeping, Influence of Stocking Densities on Walleye Fry Viability in Experimental and Production Tanks, Detecting Swim Bladder Inflation in Fingerling Walleyes, Hydrogen Peroxide Controls Fungal Infections On Trout Eggs, Product Manufacturers.

Volume 7; Mar/1994:    Swim Bladder Inflation in Walleyes, Surface Water Spray, Diet and Phase Feeding, Protecting Genetic Resources, Therapeutic Salt Treatments for Preventing Transport of Zebra Mussels, Trap and Gill Nets, Larval Diet Studies for Lake Sturgeon, Diet Preferences for Lake Sturgeon, Pond Liners for Hatchery Rearing Facilities (two reports).



Volume 6; Dec/1993:    Intensive Culture Techniques For Lake Whitefish, Alternative Methods For Anesthetizing Fish, Eggs/Apples and Fish, Applications For Synthetic Liners In Fish Hatchery Rearing Ponds, Plastic Pond Liners At Lac du Flambeau, Wisconsin Aquaculture Advisory Council.

Volume 5; Sep/1993:    Great Lakes Spotted Muskie Production - 1990, Aquaculture Publications, Use and Application of Salt in Aquaculture, Financial Sources For Funding Aquaculture Programs, Hatchery Tips, Product Manufacturers.

Volume 4; Jun/1993:    Fish Culture and Resource Agencies, Equipment Disinfection, Miscellaneous Stuff, Hatchery Tips.

Volume 3; Mar/1993:    The Twilight Zone Comes To Your Fish Hatchery, Walleye Spawn Collection and Big Redd Operating Procedures, Brown Trout Spawning Protocol, Fish Hatchery Supplies, Hatchery Tips.



Volume 2;  Dec/1992:   Walleye Fingerling Fertilization in Earthen Ponds, FmHA Aquaculture Loans, Zebra Mussel, Toxic Bait For Carp Control, Stress and Fish Culture, Walleye - A Light and Temperature Experiment, Radon Gas.

Volume 1; Jun/1992:      The First Midwest Tribal Aquaculture Newsletter Goes to Print, Egg Incubation Systems and Rearing Tanks Find a New Home, Hatchery Tips, Manufacturers of Fish Hatchery Related Supplies.



Frank G. Stone
Frank G. Stone
Frank  G. Stone
US Fish & Wildlife Service
Ashland NFWCO
715-682-6185 (ext. 12)


Last updated: February 18, 2009