Information Resources on the Care and Welfare of Rabbits

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Anil, M.H.; Raj, A.B.M.; McKinstry, J.L. (2000). Evaluation of electrical stunning in commercial rabbits: effect on brain function. Meat Science 54 (3): 217-220, ISSN: 0309-1740.
NAL Call Number: TX373.M4
Keywords: brain, electronarcosis, stunning, electrophysiology, insensibility, slaughter, animal welfare.

Anous, M.R. (1999). Correlated response of meatiness indicating traits to selection for weight at prevailing marketing age in New Zealand White Rabbits. Archiv fuer Gefluegelkunde 63 (5): 225-228, ISSN: 0003-9098.
NAL Call Number: 47.8 AR2
Keywords: New Zealand White, breed, male, carcass characteristics, meat, quality, selection traits, body weight, marketing age.

Arduin, M. (2001). L'allevamento biologico del coniglio. [Environmentally friendly rabbit rearing.] Informatore Agrario 57 (8): 99-101, ISSN: 0020-0689.
NAL Call Number: 281.8 IN32
Keywords: breed selection, health, housing, husbandry, meat production, management, non-intensive rearing, farm size, Italy, Italian language.

Askin, D.; Grant, I.; Kulimbao, D.; Taul, P.; Thomas, A. (2001). The productivity of domestic rabbits for subsistence farming families of PNG. In: Food security for Papua New Guinea. Proceedings of the Papua New Guinea Food and Nutrition 2000 Conference, PNG University of Technology, Lae, Papua New Guinea, June 26-30, 2000, Bourke, R.M.; Allen, M.G.; Salisbury, J.G. (Eds.), Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR), Canberra: Australia, pp. 652-655, ISBN: 1-86320-308-7.
NAL Call Number: S542.A8A34 no. 99
Keywords: meat animals, husbandry, production, fattening performance, mortality, feeds, production possibilities, farmer trainig, education, subsistence farming, Papua New Guinea.

Barrueta, H.D.E.; Bautista, E.O. (2002). Sistemas de producción cunícula en el Estado Táchira Venezuela. [Systems of production cunicula in the Táchira State Venezuela.] Revista Cientifica 12 (Suppl. 2): 422-424, ISSN: 0798-2259.
Keywords: husbandry, farms, semi-intensive, production systems, meat animals, economics, mortality, Venezuela, Spanish language.

Bergaoui, R.; Kriaa, S. (2001). Performances des elevages cunicoles modernes en Tunisie. [Modern rabbit production in Tunisia.] World Rabbit Science 9 (2): 69-76, ISSN: 1257-5011.
NAL Call Number: SF402.3.A7 2001
Keywords: nutrition, production, consumer education, consumer information, farm management, market economics, housing, surveys, technical progress, technical training, Tunisia.

Bergaoui, R.; Kennou-Sebe, S.; Fekih, S. (2001). Petits projets cunicoles et developpement rural en Tunisie: possibilites et limites. [Rabbit small projects and rural development in Tunisia: possibilities and limits.] World Rabbit Science 9 (4): 175-179, ISSN: 1257-5011.
NAL Call Number: SF402.3.A7 2001
Keywords: agricultural economics, breeding, husbandry, feeding, reproductive performance, rural development, Tunisia.

Bhatt, R.S.; Sawal, R.K.; Mahajan, A. (1999). Effect of feed protein source on digestion and wool production in angora rabbit. Asian Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences 12 (7): 1075-1079, ISSN: 1011-2367.
NAL Call Number: SF55.A78A7
Keywords: breed, Angora, German x British x Russian, nutrition, digestion, groundnut cake, feed, protein source, soyflakes, sunflower cake, wool production.

Borthakur, B.; Das, D.; Das, G.C.; Goswami, R.N.; Buzarbarua, K.M. (2002). Studies on factors affecting post weaning daily body-weight gain in New Zealand White rabbit. Indian Veterinary Journal 79 (12): 1256-1258, ISSN : 0019-6479.
NAL Call Number: 41.8 IN2
Keywords: breed, New Zealand White, birth, season, daily body weight gain, post weaning, growth efficiency, litter size, parity, sex.

Borthakur, B.; Das, D.; Das, G.C.; Goswami, R.N.; Das, A. (2003). Studies on carcass characteristics of New Zealand White breed of rabbit. Indian Veterinary Journal 80 (1): 56-58, ISSN: 0019-6479.
NAL Call Number: 41.8 IN2
Keywords: breed, New Zealand White, carcass characteristics, carcass weight, chest weight, dressing percentage, forefeet weight, foreleg weight, head weight, hindfeet weight, live weight, organ weight.

Bosco, A.D.; Castellini, C.; Mugnai, C. (2003). Tecniche produttive e qualit delle produzioni. [Production techniques and product quality.] Rivista di Coniglicoltura 40 (1): 43-46, ISSN: 0010-5929.
NAL Call Number: SF451.R5
Keywords: housing, meat production, type of cage, density, wire-grill, straw, Italy, Italian language.

Bosco, A.D.; Castellini, C.; Mugnai, C.; Cardinali, R. (2003). Influenza del sistema d'allevamento sul metabolismo energetico dei muscoli e sulla stabilit ossidativa della carne di coniglio. [Effect of the rearing system on the energy metabolism of the muscles and oxidative stability of rabbit meat.] Rivista di Coniglicoltura 40 (4): 46-47, ISSN: 0010-5929.
NAL Call Number: SF451.R5
Keywords: meat producing animals, meat produce, food storage and preservation, husbandry, muscle physiology, rabbit meat, Italian language.

Brzozowski, M.L.; Lukefahr, S.D.; Frindt, A.; Jasiorowski, H.; Vries, J. de (1998). Factors influencing rabbit production on small farms in Poland. World Animal Review 90: 47-53, ISSN: 1014-6954.
Keywords: small farms, production, husbandry, reproduction, litter traits, breed differences, Poland.

Charrier, S. (1997). Rabbit production in the Czech Republic. [La cuniculture en République Tchque.] Cuniculture 133: 21-22, 31-34, ISSN: 0152-3058.
Keywords: meat production, history, husbandry, management, slaughter, exports, imports, rabbit meat, production, economics, Czech Republic, French language.

Choudhury, H.; Goswami, R.N.; Das, D.; Das, A.; Roychoudhury, R. (2003). Carcass characteristics of Soviet Chinchilla breed of rabbit in Meghalaya. Indian Veterinary Journal. 80 (5): 435-436, ISSN: 0019-6479.
NAL Call Number: 41.8 IN2
Keywords: breed, Soviet Chinchilla, broiler breed, commercial species, slaughter, applied and field techniques, carcass characteristics, carcass weight, dressing percentage, feeding, housing, live weight,meat production, India, Asia.

Christodoulopoulos, G.; Burriel, A.R.; Labrinidi, S.; Kritas, S.K. (2001). Traditional rabbitries on the island of Crete in Greece: general outlook. World Rabbit Science 9 (4): 135-139, ISSN: 1257-5011.
NAL Call Number: SF402.3.A7 2001
Keywords: small farm production, family farming, meat animals, disease, feeding, diet, housing, coccidial infection, drugs, lesions, litter size, mange, slaughter weight, weaning weight, Greece.

Danbaro, G.; Yaku, E. (2001). Performance of rabbits on deep litter. In: Food security for Papua New Guinea. Proceedings of the Papua New Guinea Food and Nutrition 2000 Conference, PNG University of Technology, Lae, Papua New Guinea, June 26-30, 2000, Bourke, R.M.; Allen, M.G.; Salisbury, J.G. (Eds.), Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR), Canberra: Australia, pp. 650-651, ISBN: 1-86320-308-7.
Keywords: breed Canberra half lop rabbits, fryer rabbits, deep litter housing, stocking densities, fattening performance, feed conversion, efficiency, feed intake, stocking density, Papua New Guinea.

Das, S.K.; Sarker, A.B.; Nath, D.R. (2001). Effect of season on growth and carcass traits of broiler rabbit. Indian Veterinary Medical Journal 25 (2): 137-139, ISSN: 0250-5266.
NAL Call Number: SF601.I45
Keywords: broiler breed, carcass traits, effect of season, growth, average daily gain, weekly gain.

Das, S.K.; Sarker, A.B.; Roy, T.C. (2002). Effect of micro environment on productive performances and physiological responses of rabbit. Indian Veterinary Journal 79 (11): 1168-1171, ISSN: 0019-6479.
NAL Call Number: 41.8 IN2
Keywords: air temperature, feeding, housing, body temperature, body weight, dry matter, growth rate, liveweight, liveweight gain, performance traits, pulse rate, rectum, relative humidity, respiration rate, wind speed, India.

Dige, J. (1996). Kaninavlen i Danmark gennem 100 r. [100 years of rabbit breeding in Denmark.] Dansk Pelsdyravl 59 (11): 476-479, ISSN: 0011-6424.
Keywords: breeds, history, meat, husbandry, housing, shows, hides and skins, furbearing animals, production, meat production, wool production, pelts, Denmark, Danish language.

Ennio, F. (1997). Welfare, animal-health and pharmacosurveillance in meat rabbit breedings: proposal for a surveillance and monitoring voluntary plan. In: International Conference on Animal, Poultry and Rabbit Production and Health, Egyptian International Centre for Agriculture, Dokki, Cairo, Egypt 2-4 September, 1997, Marai, I.F.M.; El-Gaafary, M.N.; Tawfeek, M.I.; El-Rajim, M.I., Egyptian Documentation and Information Centre for Agriculture (EDICA): Cairo, Egypt, pp. 679-688.
Keywords: rabbit meat, animal welfare, drug residues, disease control, nutrition, feeds, drinking water, hygiene, meat production, zoonoses, husbandry, Italy.

Fantuzzi, P. (2000). Quanto vale un coniglietto. [The value of young rabbits.] Rivista di Coniglicoltura 37 (2): 19-25, ISSN: 0010-5929.
NAL Call Number: SF451.R5
Keywords: production costs, valuation, breeding, husbandry, finishing, Italy.

Farghaly, H.M.; El-Mahdy, M.R.M. (1999). Genetic and non-genetic factors affecting live, carcass and non-carcass traits of New Zealand White rabbits in Egypt. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 69 (8): 596-603, ISSN: 0367-8318.
NAL Call Number: 41.8 IN22
Keywords: breed, New Zealand White, dam, female, sire, male, carcass traits, dam effects, delivery, season effects, genetic factors, heritability, meat/bone ratio, non-genetic factors, seasonal effects, sire effects, Egypt.

Fijal, J. (1998). Young rabbit rearing is a decisive factor in breeding success. Biuletyn Informacyjny Instytut Zootechniki 36 (2): 35-46, ISSN: 0209-2492.
Keywords: young rabbit, production, probiotics, profitability, breeding success, fattening period, feeding, mortality, rearing practices, preventive vaccination, feeding hygiene,performance, concentrate diets, dry season, weight gain, dry matter intake, Guinea grass hay, feed, Verano style hay.

Finzi, A. (2001). Allevamenti non convenzionali. [Non-traditional rearing of rabbits.] Rivista di Coniglicoltura 38 (4): 29-30, ISSN: 0010-5929.
NAL Call Number: SF451.R5
Keywords: meat production, health, housing, cages, outdoor caging, costs, Italian language, Italy.

Finzi, A.; Amici, A. (1996). A new open-air rabbit-farming system. In: Livestock Farming Systems: Research, Development Socio-economics and Land Management. Proceedings of the Third International Symposium Aberdeen, Scotland, 1-2 September, 1994, Dent, J.B.; McGregor, M.J.; Sibbald, A.R. (Eds.), pp. 178-182. Wageningen Pers: Wageningen, Netherlands, ISBN: 90-74134-40-8.
Keywords: husbandry, breeding, extensive farming, reproduction, animal welfare, Southern Europe.

Gérard, C.; Duperray, J.; Boisot, P. (2002). Mieux gérer son cheptel. [Improved management of farmed rabbits (to reduce mortality).] Cuniculture 163: 32-34, ISSN: 0152-3058.
Keywords: meat animals, husbandry, dams, mothers, finishing, mortality, France, French language.

Gillet, A. (1997). Biogas production in an industrial rabbit-breeding facility. Annales de Gembloux 103 (3-4): 95-104, ISSN: 0303-9099.
Keywords: waste management, feces, urine, ammonia production, biogas production, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, hydrogen, methane; minerals, nitrogen, oxygen, plug flow digester system, production method, anaerobic digestion, biological fermentation, economics, industrial rabbit breeding facility, meat production, microbial activity, organic material, pH level, reproduction, temperature, waste production, French language.

Grilli, G.; Lavazza, A.; Gallazzi, D. (2001). Allevamento cunicolo e implicazioni sanitarie. [Rabbit farming and implications for human health.] Rivista di Coniglicoltura 38 (1): 20-26, ISSN: 0010-5929.
Keywords: meat animals, husbandry, housing, indoor, outdoor, livestock farming, pathogens, production data, farm licensing, public health, Italian language, Italy.

Henaff, R.; Surdeau, P. (1995). Le lapin martiniquais. [Rabbit breeding on Martinique.] Cuniculture 126: 243-248, ISSN: 0152-3058.
Keywords: rabbit meat, housing, management, nutrition, prices, meat production, litter size, French West Indies, French language.

Hoyos, E.R.E.; Venzi, L. (1996). Quanto pu costare produrre carne di coniglio. [How much it costs to produce rabbit meat.] Rivista di Coniglicoltura 33 (3): 15-21, ISSN: 0010-5929.
NAL Call Number: SF451.R5
Keywords: economic analysis, economies of scale, profitability, housing, production costs, farming systems, comparisons, production type, farm size, markets, Italy, Italian language.

Jordan, D. (2002). The influence of environment enrichment (gnawing stick) on some performance and carcass traits of male rabbits. Acta Agraria Kaposváriensis 6 (2): 195-200. ISSN: 1418-1789.
Keywords: breed, New Zealand White, male, housing, animal welfare, carcass weight, digestive tract, environmental enrichment, gnawing wood, fattening performance, liveweight gain, seasonal variation, Spring, Summer.

Klober, K. (1998). A look at rabbit production. Small Farm Today 15 (4): 21-22, ISSN:1079-9729.
NAL Call Number: S1 M57
Keywords: small animal rearing, housing.

Kumar, S.; Gulyani, R.; Kushwaha, B.P. (2002). Small scale backyard broiler rabbit rearing in semi-arid region of Rajasthan in India. In: Proceedings of the 7th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, Montpellier, France, August, 2002, Session 25. Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA): Montpellier, France, pp. 1-4, ISBN: 2-7380-1052-0.
Keywords: adaptation, husbandry, production, broiler rabbits, birth weight, body weight, bucks, economics, female animals, green fodders, growth rate, income, marketing, performance traits, feeding, housing, reproduction, reproductive efficiency, reproductive performance, survival, weaning weight, India.

Kumar, S.; Gulyani, R.; Kumar, V.; Singh, R.N. (2001). Effect of genetic and non-genetic factors on weekly body weight of broiler rabbits in semi arid-region of Rajasthan. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 71 (11): 1075-1077, ISSN: 0367-8318.
NAL Call Number: 41.8 IN22
Keywords: breed, Black Brown, Soviet Chinchilla, White Giant, broiler, body weight gain, doe weight, genetic factors, litter size, non genetic factors, season, semi-arid region, India.

Lambertini, L.; Vignola, G.; Zaghini, G. (2001). Alternative pen housing system for fattening rabbits: Effects of group density and litter. World Rabbit Science 9 (4): 141-147, ISSN: 1257-5011.
NAL Call Number: SF402.3.A7 2001
Keywords: housing systems, comparison, cages, cage raised, group housed, pen raised, wheat straw litter, wood shavings litter, meat animals, meat quality, carcass quality, carcass weight, dressing percentage, fat, feed conversion efficiency, feed intake, finishing, growth rate, liveweight gain, mortality, protein content, slaughter weight, stocking density, water content.

Lanszki, J.; Thebault, R.G.; Allain, D.;Szendro, Z.; Eiben, C. (2001). The effects of melatonin treatment on wool production and hair follicle cycle in angora rabbits. Animal Research 50 (1): 79-89, ISSN: 1627-3583.
NAL Call Number: SF1.A64
Keywords: breed, German Angora, female, male, melatonin, hair follicle, integumentary system, skin, wool, hormone drug, body weight, feed consumption, wool fiber quality, wool production.

Lebas, F. (2001). Engraissement en parcs: avantages et inconvénients. [Fattening in enclosures: advantages and disadvantages.] Cuniculture 160:163, 165-167, 169-170, ISSN: 0152-3058.
Keywords: aggressive behavior, housing, wire-walled pens, carcass yield, fattening performance, mortality, pens, French language.

Lebas, F.; Coudert, P.; De Rochambeau, H.; Thebault, R.G. (1997). The Rabbit: Husbandry, Health and Production, FAO (Food & Agriculture Organization), Animal Production and Health Division: Rome, Italy, 205 p., ISBN- 92-5-103441-9.
Keywords: husbandry, production, health, nutrition, feeding, reproduction, breeds, breeding, housing, rabbit meat, hides and skins, hair, rural development, diseases, animal products, meat, production, socioeconomic development.

Lewczuk, A.; Rymkiewicz, J.; Janiszewska, M. (1999). The value of various pre- and post-slaughter traits for the estimation of meat deposition in valuable parts of New Zealand White rabbit carcass. Animal Science Papers and Reports 17 (3): 123-135, ISSN: 0860-4037.
NAL Call Number: SF1.A53
Keywords: breed, New Zealand White, arm length, carcass traits, post-slaughter, pre-slaughter, carcass weight, chest circumference, dressing percentage, forearm length, live body weight, meat deposition, estimation, thigh circumference, trunk length.

Lewczuk, A.; Postek, A.; Brzozowski, W.; Michalik, D.; Janiszewska, M. (2001). The value of chosen pre- and post-slaughter traits for the estimation of lean yield in valuable carcass parts of Danish White rabbits. Animal Science Papers and Reports 19 (2): 141-155, ISSN: 0860-4037.
NAL Call Number: SF1.A53
Keywords: breed, Danish White, carcass, female, male, chest circumference, lean yield, live body weight, meat performance, pelvis width, slaughter.

Lukefahr, S.D. (2002). Opportunities for rabbit research and human development in the Western Hemisphere: a rabbit revolution? World Rabbit Science 10 (3): 111-115, ISSN: 1257-5011.
NAL Call Number: SF402.3.A7 2001
Keywords: meat animals, husbandry, production, farming, sustainable farming, small-scale farmers, reviews.

Lukefahr, S.D. (1999). Teaching international animal agriculture. Journal of Animal Science 77 (11): 3106-3113, ISSN: 0021-8812.
NAL Call Number: 49 J82
Keywords: guinea pig, rabbit, rodents, local breeds, alternative farming systems, international animal agriculture, teaching methods, subsistence farming, integrated farming systems, small farming methods, malnourishment, world hunger, poverty.

Lukefahr, S.D.; Nkwocha, H.I.; Njakoi, H.; Tawah, E.; Akob, J.M.; Kongyu, F.A.; Njwe, R.M.; Gudahl, D. (2000). Present status of the Heifer Project International-Cameroon Rabbit Program: back to the future. World Rabbit Science 8 (2): 75-83, ISSN: 0984-7847.
NAL Call Number: SF402.3.A7 2001
Keywords: case studies, farmers, feeding, housing, nutrition, poverty, villages, community development, meat production, projects, husbandry, French language, Cameroon.

Luzi, F.; Bolis, S.; Heinzl, E.L.; Castrovilli, C.; Crimella, C.; Testik, A.; Baselga, M. (1999). 2nd International Conference on Rabbit Production in Hot Climates, Adana, Turkey, September 7-9, 1998, Cahiers Options Mediterraneennes 41: 47-50; ISSN: 1022-1379.
Keywords: breed, hybrid, Hyla and Grimaud, New Zealand White, finishing, cages, fattening, performance, mortality, daily gain, respiratory diseases, strains, growth, housing, husbandry, seasons, heat stress, Italy.

Luzi, F.; Ferrante, V.; Heinzl, E.; Verga, M. (2003). Effect of environmental enrichment on productive performance and welfare aspects in fattening rabbits. Italian Journal of Animal Science 2 (Suppl. 1): 438-440, ISSN: 1594-4077.
Keywords: behavior, animal welfare, cages, carcass weight, carcass yield, environmental enrichment, feeding behavior, stereotypic activity, finishing, liveweight gain, mortality, performance traits, trauma.

Maertens, L.; Luzi, F. (2002). Lo sviluppo futuro del sistema cunicolo. [Future development of rabbit farming systems.] Rivista di Coniglicoltura 39 (4): 10-15, ISSN: 0010-5929.
NAL Call Number: SF451.R5
Keywords: meat animals, housing, intensive production, animal welfare, artificial insemination, crossbreds, disease control, meat quality, feeding.

Maertens, L.; Villamide, M.J. (1998). Feeding systems for intensive production. In: The Nutrition of the Rabbit, de Blas, C.; Wiseman, J. (Eds.), CAB International, England, UK; CAB International, New York, New York, pp. 255-271, ISBN: 0-85199-279-X.
NAL Call Number: SF454.N88 1998
Keywords: raw material grinding, feed processing method, diet number, feed conservation, feed management, feed storage, feeding systems, intensive production, pellet quality, pellet size.

Marai, F.M.; Rashwan, A.A. (2003). Rabbits behaviour under modern commercial production conditions: a review. Archiv für Tierzucht 46 (4): 357-376.ISSN: 0003-9438.
Keywords: review, aggressive behavior, breeding, husbandry, production, animal welfare, circadian rhythm, diurnal activity, diurnal variation, female animals, mating, prolactin, pseudopregnancy, stress factors, suckling, weaning weights, management programs, handling, nutrition, availability of water, trough versus nipple waterers.

Maria, G.; Lopez, M.; Lafuente, R.; Moce, M.L. (2001). Evaluation of electrical stunning methods using alternative frequencies in commercial rabbits. Meat Science 57 (2): 139-143, ISSN: 0309-1740.
Keywords: commercial, female, male, electrical stunning, slaughter method, video recording, recording method, alternative frequencies, clonic phase recovery, corneal reflex, recovery stage, hindleg posture, biceps femori, longissimus dorsi, muscular system, muscular pH, painful stimuli response, resumption to rhythmic breathing, spontaneous physical activity, tonic phase.

Marionnet, V. (2001). Optimiser le logement avec un sevrage adapté. [Optimised housing for early weaned rabbits.] Cuniculture 159: 109-111, ISSN: 0152-3058.
Keywords: meat animals, housing, sheds, cages, nest boxes, “all in, all out” system, husbandry, production systems, France, French language.

Martini, A. (2001). Organic productions with “other” animals. In: Human-Animal Relationship: Stockmanship and Housing in Organic Livestock Systems. Proceedings of the Third NAHWOA Workshop, Clermont-Ferrand, France, October 21-24, 2000, Hovi, M.; Bouilhol, M. (Eds.), Network for Animal Health and Welfare in Organic Agriculture, University of Reading: United Kingdom, pp. 146-150, ISBN: 0-7049-1094-2.
Keywords: game birds, fishes, ostriches, pigeons, rabbits, legislation, organic farming.

Mattes, S. (1997). 10th Symposium on Housing and Diseases of Rabbits, Furbearing Animals and Pet Animals. World Rabbit Science 5 (4): 129-133, ISSN: 0984-7847.
NAL Call Number: SF402.3.A7 2001
Keywords: production, reproduction, breeding, nutrition, management, milk yield, growth, meat carcasses, probiotics.

Meo, C. di ; Piccolo, G. ; Stanco, G.; Gazaneo, M.P.; Taranto, S.; Nizza, A. (2003). Effect of density and group composition on the performance of fattening rabbits. Italian Journal of Animal Science 2 (Suppl. 1): 441-443, ISSN: 1594-4077.
Keywords: housing, feed conversion, feed conversion efficiency, feed intake, finishing, growth rate, liveweight gain, mortality, sex differences, skin lesions, stocking density, trauma.

Metzger, S.; Kustos, K.; Szendr, Z.; Szabó, A.; Eiben, C.; Nagy, I. (2003). The effect of housing system on carcass traits and meat quality of rabbit. World Rabbit Science 11 (1): 1-11, ISSN: 1257-5011.
NAL Call Number: SF402.3.A7 2001
Keywords: New Zealand White, housing, deep litter, pen-housed, cage-housed, carcass composition, carcasses, dressing percentage, fat, legs, liveweight, meat quality, pens, pH, protein, rabbit meat, water content.

Middleton, A. (1995). Welfare of animals at slaughter: research and development. Part II. State Veterinary Journal 5 (2): 5-8, ISSN: 0269-5545.
Keywords: pigs, sheep, cattle, deer, rabbits, legislation, stunning, animal welfare, slaughter, United Kingdom.

Mobolaji-Bukola, P.U.; Allison-Oguru, E.A.; Berepubo, N.A.; Oruwari, B.M. (2002). Bio-economic evaluation of the performance of rabbits raised under two different housing systems. Tropicultura 20 (4): 176-180, ISSN: 0771-3312.
Keywords: breed, Chinchilla, New Zealand White, Dutch, housing comparison, hutch, cage system, floor rearing, meat animals, body weight, cost benefit analysis, economic evaluation, Nigeria, West Africa.

Morisse, J.P. (1999). Preference testing in intensively kept meat production rabbits for straw on wire grid floor. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 64 (1): 71-80, ISSN: 0168-1591.
NAL Call Number: QL750 A6
Keywords: litter, straw, floor type.

Niedzwiadek, S.; Zajac, J. (1998). The state and prospects of rabbit farming and breeding. Biuletyn Informacyjny Instytut Zootechniki 36 (4): 23-28, ISSN: 0209-2492.
Keywords: farming industry, feed utilization, fertility, maturation, prolificacy, breeding, meat, quality, Poland, Polish language.

Nizza, A.; Cutrignelli, M.I.; Sandulli, S. (2001). Influenza del vuoto sanitario sulle performances di conigli in accrescimento. [Effect of “all in-all out” on performance of growing rabbits.] Rivista di Coniglicoltura 38 (2): 31-34, ISSN: 0010-5929.
NAL Call Number: SF451.R5
Keywords: meat animals, housing, sheds, “all in-all out” system, husbandry, carcass weight, contamination, disinfection, fattening performance, feed conversion, hygiene, liveweight gain, performance, bacteria, Italy, Italian language.

NSW Agriculture (1999). Rabbit Farming Planning and Development Control Guidelines. NSW Agriculture: Orange, NSW, 18 p.
NAL Call Number: SF453.5.A8R33 1999
Keywords: meat production, fur production, guidelines, housing systems, legislation, codes of practice, planning a farm operation, environmental concerns, disease considerations, animal welfare, waste management, transport.

Paci, G.; Cossato, M. M. F. di; Piloni, S.; Bagliacca, M. (1999). Effetto della stagione e della tecnica di allevamento sulle prestazioni produttive e sulla qualita della carne di coniglio. [Effect of season and housing system on productive performance and meat quality of rabbit.] Rivista di Coniglicoltura 36 (9): 30-36, ISSN: 0010-5929.
NAL Call Number: SF451.R5
Keywords: meat animals, meat quality, performance, cages, open air housing, dry matter, feed intake, growth rate, mortality, winter, feed conversion, summer, housing, Italian language.

Poornima, K.; Gupta, B.R.; Rao, G.N.; Satyanarayana, A. (2003). Evaluation of Californian White rabbits for carcass traits. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 73 (5): 564-566, ISSN: 0367-8318.
NAL Call Number: 41.8 IN22
Keywords: birth month, carcass traits, dressing percentage, genetic correlations, heritability, meat production, phenotypic correlations, meat product, slaughter.

Prayaga, K.C.; Eady, S.J. (2003). Performance of purebred and crossbred rabbits in Australia: Individual growth and slaughter traits. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 54 (2): 159-166, ISSN: 0004-9409.
NAL Call Number: 23 Au783
Keywords: breed, Californian, Flemish Giant, New Zealand White, crossbred, growth traits, average daily gain, body weight, litter variance, slaughter traits, carcass weight, dressing percentage purebred, slaughter traits, Australia.

Prayaga, K.C.; Eady, S.J. (2000). Rabbit farming for meat production in Australia: Preliminary estimates of economic values for production traits. Asian Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences 13 (Suppl. Vol. A): 357-359, ISSN: 1011-2367.
NAL Call Number: SF55.A78A7
Keywords: disease incidence, feed cost, growth rate, meat production, production traits, economic values, rabbit farming, Australia.

Radev, V.; Petkova, O.; Varlyakov, I.; Otuzbirov, R. (1997). Influence of free box raising and final fattening in cages on some biochemical parameters of rabbit meat from White New Zealand breed. Zhivotnov’dni Nauki 0 (Suppl.): 18-22.
Keywords: breed, New Zealand White, finishing, amino acids, liver, longissimus dorsi, muscles, protein synthesis, free range husbandry, lipids, nucleic acids, body weight, Bulgarian language.

Ramesh, G.B.; Rao, V.P.; Reddy, C.E.; Satyanarayana, A.; Reddy, P.P. (2000). Meat characters of crossbred broiler rabbits. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 70 (7): 751-753, ISSN: 0367-8318.
NAL Call Number: 41.8 IN22
Keywords: broiler, crossbred, micro-livestock, heterosis, meat characteristics.

Rathor, Y.S.; Thakur,Y.P.; Manuja, N.K.; Katoch, S.; Gupta, K. (2000). Performance of different meat rabbit breeds for litter traits. Indian Veterinary Journal 77 (7): 592-594, ISSN: 0019-6479.
NAL Call Number: 41.8 IN2
Keywords: breed Gray Giant, New Zealand White, Soviet Chinchilla, White Giant, broiler, meat breeds, genetic group, kindling period, kindling season, litter size, litter weight, performance, weaning weight.

Reddy, K.V.G.; Rao, V.P.; Reddy, C.E.; Prasad, V.L.K.; Gupta, B.R. (2003). Pre weaning performance of 3 way cross rabbits. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 73 (1): 97-99, ISSN: 0367-8318.
NAL Call Number: 41.8 IN22
Keywords: breed, Flemish Giant, Grey Giant, New Zealand White, Soviet Chinchilla, commercial species, crossbred, crossbreeding, applied and field techniques, genetic techniques, laboratory techniques, birth month, body weight, heterosis, litter size, pre weaning.

Redel, H.; Fritsche, J. (1995). Fleischkaninchenhaltung. Auf richtiges Management und gute Qualität kommt es an. [Breeding of rabbits for meat depends on good management and quality.] Neue Landwirtschaft 5: 54-58, ISSN: 0863-2847.
Keywords: housing, hygiene, nutrition, profitability, meat production, management, rabbit feeding, German, language, Germany.

Rommers, J.M.; Kemp, B.; Meijerhof, R.; Noordhuizen, J.P.T.M. (1999). Rearing management of rabbit does: a review. World Rabbit Science 7 (3): 125-138, ISSN: 0984-7847.
NAL Call Number: SF402.3.A7 2001
Keywords: reviews, birth weight, diets, energy intake, energy requirements, feed intake, nutrition programs, reproduction, reproductive performance, nutrition, husbandry.

Rymkiewicz, J.; Lewczuk, A. (2000). Value of pre- and post-slaughter traits for estimating meat, fat and boneweight in the carcasses of extensively reared New Zealand White rabbits. Animal Science Papers and Reports 18 (3): 165-182, ISSN: 0860-4037.
NAL Call Number: SF1.A53
Keywords: breed, New Zealand White, regression equation, production, arm length, heritability, body weight, carcass bone weight, prediction, carcass composition, carcass fat weight, carcass length, carcass meat weight, prediction, carcass weight, chest girth, forepart width, genotype-phenotype correlation, head weight, intensive rearing conditions, lumbar muscle weight, meat deposition, pelvis width, perirenal fat, post-slaughter traits, pre-slaughter traits, rump length, thigh spiral circumference.

Sen, A.R.; Bhagwan, P.S.K. (1999). Appraisal of two genetic groups of rabbits for carcass and meat quality traits in males and females. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 69 (8): 631-633, ISSN: 0367-8318.
NAL Call Number: 41.8 IN22
Keywords: broiler, female, male, carcass, genetic groups, meat quality, meat.

Slipka, J.; Hola, S.; Kolarova, S. (2001). Nektere aspekty uspesneho velkochovu kraliku. [Some aspects of successful large-scale breeding of rabbits.] Collection of Scientific Papers Faculty of Agriculture in Ceske Budejovice Series for Animal Sciences 18 (1): 65-70, ISSN: 1212-558X.
NAL Call Number: SF1.S26
Keywords: broiler, large scale breeding, reproduction, number of sucklings, Czech language.

Swanson, J.C.; McNitt, J.I. (1997). Rabbits. In: Animal Welfare Issues Compendium: A Collection of 14 Discussion Papers, Reynells, R.D.; Eastwood, B.R., (Eds.), U.S. Department of Agriculture, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, Plant and Animal Systems, Washington, D.C. pp. 108-117.
NAL Call Number: HV4711.A588 1997.
Keywords: confinement rearing, breeding, wool harvesting, fur production, transport.

Swenshon, A. (1997). Die Hobby-Rassekaninchenhaltung in Deutschland unter Berücksuchtigung tierschutzsrechtlicher Aspekte. [Non-commercial breeding of rabbits in Germany with special reference to animal welfare aspects.] Justus Liebig Universität, Fachbereich Veterinarmedizin: Germany, 116 p.
Keywords: thesis, animal welfare, housing, management, health, diseases, breeding, nutrition, hygiene, slaughter, marketing, mortality, German language.

Swiderska, K.G.; Kolataj, A.; Klusek, J. (2001). The effect of the slaughter method, inbred, age and race on the glutathione level in some organs of rabbits (short communication). Archiv fuer Tierzucht 44 (3): 323-327, ISSN: 0003-9438.
Keywords: breed, New Zealand, kidney, excretory system, liver, digestive system, muscle, muscular system, glutathione, inbreeding, breeding method, age effects, race effects, slaughter method effects.

Szendro, Z. (1999). A hazai nyultenyesztes nemzetkozi versenykepessege, eredmenyek es fejlesztesek. [International competitiveness, results achieved and developments in Hungarian rabbit production.] Allattenyesztes es Takarmanyozas 48 (6): 852-854, ISSN: 0230-1814.
Keywords: meat animals, livestock farming, husbandry, agricultural research, Hungarian language, Hungary.

Thacker, M.A.; Holtmeyer, M. (1996). Starting with rabbits. Small Farm Today 13 (5): 27, ISSN: 1079-9729.
NAL Call Number: S1.M57
Keywords: small animal rearing, feeding, housing.

Triki, N.G.; Colin, M. (2001). La coniglicoltura nei paesi arabi. [Rabbit production in Arab countries.] Rivista di Coniglicoltura 38 (6): 9-18, ISSN: 0010-5929.
NAL Call Number: SF451.R5
Keywords: meat producing animals, housing, economics, meat production, small farm, family based, myxomatosis, feeding, slaughter, viral haemorrhagic disease, Italian language, Egypt.

Vaclavovsky, J.; Kernerova, N.; Lorek, M.O. (2000). Uzitkove vlastnosti brojlerovych kraliku kombinace. [The performance traits in broiler rabbits of Hyla combination.] Budejovice Series for Animal Sciences 17 (2): 155-163, ISSN: 1212-558X.
NAL Call Number: SF1.S26
Keywords: breed, Hyla combination, broiler, fertility, growth performance, litter size, milk production, performance traits, reproductive performance, Czech language.

Walters, P. (1998). The Angora market: is it for you? Ag Ventures 2 (1): 4-8.
NAL Call Number: S441.A475
Keywords: animal fibers, marketing, husbandry.

Watson, C.; Stone, Y. (2002). Rabbit farming: Planning and development control guidelines. NSW Agriculture: Orange, Australia, 2nd ed., 19 p.
NAL Call Number: SF453.5.A8.R33 1999
Keywords: health, animal welfare, environmental assessment, environmental legislation, environmental protection, finishing, intensive livestock, farming, manures, site selection, waste management, Australia.

Xylouri-Frangiadaki, E.; Tserveni-Gousi, A.; Kouris, J. (2003). L’allevamento del coniglio in Grecia. [Rabbit farming in Greece.] Rivista di Coniglicoltura 40 (1): 28-31, ISSN: 0010-5929.
NAL Call Number: SF451.R5
Keywords: housing, hutches, sheds, cages, husbandry, litter size, meat production, Greece, Italian language.

Zajac, J. (2000). Fourth season of station rabbit performance testing at the Experimental Station Chorzelow. [IV turnus oceny wartosci uzytkowej krolikow metoda stacyjna w Zzd Chorzelow.] Biuletyn Informacyjny Instytut Zootechniki 38 (4): 63-73, ISSN: 0209-2492.
NAL Call Number: SF1.K7
Keywords: breed, Grand Chinchilla, New Zealand White, Termond White, female, male, offspring, fattening, reproductive performance, test station data, slaughter, Polish language.

Zajac, Z. (2001). V turnus oceny wartosci uzytkowej krolikow metoda stacyjna w Zakladzie Doswiadczalnym w Chorzelowie. [Fifth season of station performance testing of rabbits at the Zootechnical Experimental Station Chorzelow.] Biuletyn Informacyjny Instytut Zootechniki 39 (3): 63-73.
NAL Call Number: SF1.K7
Keywords: breed, Grand Chinchilla, New Zealand White, Termond White, buck, doe, fattening performance, feed conversion, litter size, progeny performance, reproductive performance, slaughter performance, slaughter weight, warm carcass weight, Experimental Station in Chorzelow, Polish language, Poland.

Zajac, J. (2000). Evaluation of the productive value of rabbits using the station method. Biuletyn Informacyjny Instytut Zootechniki 38 (1): 61-70, ISSN: 0209-2492.
NAL Call Number: SF1.K7
Keywords: breed, Grand Chinchilla, New Zealand White, Termond White, male, testing station method, evaluation method, breeding value, offspring fattening performance, offspring slaughter performance, reproductive performance, evaluation.

Zajac, J. (1999). A model farm. Five years of the rabbit farm at the Experimental Station of the National Research Institute of Animal Production in Balice. Biuletyn Informacyjny Instytut Zootechniki 37 (1): 65-72, ISSN: 0209-2492.
NAL Call Number: SF1.K7
Keywords: breeding method, model rabbit farm, deep litter housing, meat production, reproduction, fattening, slaughter performance, feeding, National Research Institute of Animal Production, Balice, Poland, Polish language.

Zajac, J. (2000). U progu sezonu rozplodowego. [On the threshold of the reproductive season.] Biuletyn Informacyjny Instytut Zootechniki 38 (1): 13-20.ISSN: 0209-2492.
NAL Call Number: SF1.K7
Keywords: small commercial farms, disease prevention, reproduction, mating, fertility, nutrition, weaning, husbandry, Polish language.

Zajac, J. (2001). Sixth season of rabbit performance testing by the station methods. [Turnus oceny wartosci uzytkowej krolikow metoda stacyjna.] Biuletyn Informacyjny Instytut Zootechniki 39 (4): 105-119, ISSN: 0209-2492.
NAL Call Number: SF1.K7
Keywords: breed, Alaskan, Californian, Grand Chinchilla, New Zealand Red, New Zealand White, Termond White, buck, doe, performance testing, applied and field techniques, fattening performance, litter size, litter weight, reproductive performance, slaughter value, Experimental Station in Chorzelow, Polish language, Poland.

Zajac, J. (2000). Evaluation of the reproductive, fattening and slaughter performance of rabbits at the Experimental Station in Chorzelow. [Ocena uzytkowosci rozplodowej, tucznej i rzeznej.] Biuletyn Informacyjny Instytut Zootechniki 38 (3): 45-54, ISSN: 0209-2492.
NAL Call Number: SF1.K7
Keywords: breed, Grand Chinchilla, New Zealand, White,Termond White, buck, doe, female, male, body weight, breeding value, fattening performance, feed conversion, hot carcass weight, litter size, reproductive performance, slaughter value, test station data, Polish language.

Zotte, A.D.; Bini, R.P.; Xiccato, G.; Simionato, S. (1995). Propiet tecnologiche e sensoriali della carne di coniglio. Influenza dello stress trasporto, del sesso e dell'et di macellazione. [Effects of transport stress, sex and age on the technological and sensorial properties of rabbit meat.] Rivista di Coniglicoltura 32 (6): 33-39, ISSN: 0010-5929.
NAL Call Number: SF451.R5
Keywords: animal welfare, transport of animals, meat hygiene, meat quality, Italian language.

Zotte, A.D. (2002). Perception of rabbit meat quality and major factors influencing the rabbit carcass and meat quality. Livestock Production Science 75 (1): 11-32, ISSN: 0301-6226.
NAL Call Number: SF1.L5
Keywords: fat, dietary intake, dietary source, animal selectionprograms, carcass, meat product, meat quality, slaughter age, slaughter weight.

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