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[IGSREPORT-1536] Wk 785 EMR Analysis Report

IGS Electronic Report    Thu Feb  2  5:57:54 PST 1995      Message Number 1536

Author: NRCan/GSDivision
Subject: Wk 785 EMR Analysis Report

EMR ANALYSIS REPORT GPS-WEEK 0785    Dates: 95jan22  to  95jan28                

NRCan (Natural Resources Canada, formerly Energy, Mines and Resources (EMR))
615 Booth Street, Ottawa, Canada K1A 0E9
e-mail: kouba @ geod.emr.ca, pierre @ geod.emr.ca
tel:    (613)992-2678 (Jan Kouba)
	(613)992-2218 (Pierre Tetreault)
fax:    (613)995-3215

The following products are generated and uploaded into CDDIS @ NASA/GSFC
   EMR07850-6.SP3     GPS ephem. files for days 0-6, week #0785 in sp3 format 
   EMR07857.ERP       pole x,y and DUT1 solutions for week #0785
   EMR07857.SUM       name of this text summary file

REMARKS on EMR's products:
1. ALGO hydrogen maser used as a time reference. In the sp3 EPH file sat.
   epochs with no reference (e.g. ALGO not observing a satellite) have a value 
   of 99999.999999 microseconds. 
   ALGO clock error & drift were about -415 ns (49739) & +194 ns/day w.r.t.
   GPS time. 
   NRC1 hydrogen maser was used as a time reference on Jan 24 (Day 024) due
   to HM maintenance at ALGO (18:34-21:01UT, no tracking data).
   NRC1 clock error & drift were about -65 ns (49741) & -6 ns/day w.r.t.
   GPS time. 
2. PRN31 was removed from orbit processing on Jan 22 (Day 022) due to  
   modelling problems.
3. All data was removed from STJOHNS after 20:00 on Jan 28 (Day 028).
4. WARNING: HM clock maintenance at ALGO on Jan 24 (18:34-21:01UT); data gap
   and clock reset (see IGSMAI#857)

1. Solution identifier:  Submission 950202
2. Software used      :  GIPSY/OASIS II (UNIX )
3. Definition of Terrestrial frame:
   origin and orientation         :  Nominally ITRF93
   reference epoch                :  current date
   GM                             :  398600.4414 km^3/s^5
   gravity model                  :  GEMT3( 8,8) +C21+S21
   ocean loading                  :  Pagiatakis, global model
4. Solution characteristics:
      undifferenced phase and smoothed pseudorange data > 15 degrees @ 7.5 min.;
      single day (24h) arc with 6 IC and 3 rad. parameters per satellite
5. See IGS Mail#655 (June 30, 1994) and IGS Report#1488 (January 16, 1995)
   for more details.


Note: F indicates a constrained fiducial site
      E indicates an eclipsing satellite

                             Carrier Phase Statistics
                                 rms (cm) /  # obs  

            95jan22   95jan23   95jan24   95jan25   95jan26   95jan27   95jan28 
ALBH       .00/   0  .40/1108  .40/1145  .39/1138  .36/1169  .39/1151  .44/1147 
ALGO F     .95/1099  .77/1115  .63/1080  .61/1119  .64/1120  .70/1140  .68/1120 
AREQ       .52/1077  .45/1204  .41/1147  .46/1206  .46/1185  .49/1186  .52/1156 
DAV1       .40/1011  .44/1007  .42/ 989  .46/ 970  .44/1040  .49/1034  .50/1020 
DRAO       .39/1112  .37/1115  .37/1178  .37/1185  .41/1119  .42/1144  .42/1178 
FAIR F     .78/ 974  .68/1059  .68/ 612  .53/ 318  .75/ 225  .87/1143  .88/1126 
FORT      1.13/1025 1.24/1075 1.30/1061 1.15/1105 1.20/1064  .00/   0 1.33/1034 
GOLD F     .41/1106  .44/1126  .52/1134  .56/1143  .52/1152  .60/1124  .58/1123 
HART F     .00/   0  .00/   0  .00/   0  .00/   0  .62/ 596  .71/1136  .58/1145 
KERG       .00/   0  .58/1134  .53/1158  .53/1148  .54/1157  .63/1144  .56/1146 
KIT3       .94/1048  .00/   0  .00/   0  .00/   0  .00/   0  .00/   0  .00/   0 
KOKB F    1.06/1105 1.04/1133  .91/1143 1.08/1151 1.08/1137 1.07/1103 1.22/1076 
KOSG F     .43/1075  .45/1078  .00/   0  .38/1088  .46/1032  .46/ 850  .38/ 354 
MADR F     .50/1074  .47/1105  .44/1120  .44/1104  .51/1104  .54/1059  .56/1125 
NRC1       .36/1096  .40/1171  .37/1167  .40/1175  .42/1164  .46/1163  .45/1156 
RCM5       .70/1103  .76/1144  .69/1144  .65/1168  .75/1147  .84/1145  .80/1149 
SANT F     .44/1131  .51/ 843  .47/ 281  .44/1156  .43/1118  .56/1176  .50/1160 
STJO       .45/1143  .41/ 985  .42/1173  .52/1118  .54/1158  .57/1182  .56/ 755 
TAIW       .32/ 334  .43/1115  .46/1113  .47/1129  .52/1114  .56/1094  .57/1139 
TIDB F     .87/ 998  .90/1087  .92/1068  .00/   0 1.03/1106  .97/1138 1.00/1111 
TROM F     .80/1159  .80/1198  .83/1210  .83/1207  .80/1203  .93/1214  .93/1136 
TSKB       .41/1106  .53/1131  .53/1154  .55/1151  .54/1164  .59/1165  .57/1099 
WETT F     .47/1102  .50/1141  .44/1130  .49/ 808  .50/1135  .54/1137  .61/1145 
YAR1 F     .33/1098  .43/1183  .43/1190  .46/1184  .55/1191  .49/1186  .48/1190 
YELL F     .61/1075  .56/1136  .59/1160  .61/1142  .62/1170  .63/1152  .61/1146 

PRN01      .63/1012  .62/1025  .64/ 963  .61/ 975  .59/ 892  .66/1068  .67/1061 
PRN02 E    .73/ 941  .78/1061  .69/ 958  .64/ 926  .67/ 990  .69/ 971  .72/1044 
PRN04      .68/ 862  .66/ 994  .63/ 934  .58/ 962  .60/1037  .63/1017  .65/1000 
PRN05 E    .72/1005  .66/1058  .64/ 955  .61/1020  .70/1062  .74/1014  .73/1050 
PRN06      .59/1001  .60/1110  .59/1006  .61/1003  .68/1056  .63/1022  .74/1002 
PRN07      .71/ 963  .57/1067  .59/ 995  .59/ 958  .61/1025  .65/1070  .64/1052 
PRN09      .61/ 931  .57/ 997  .57/ 919  .50/ 968  .60/1029  .53/1050  .63/ 990 
PRN12      .43/ 965  .43/1035  .38/ 946  .45/ 971  .41/1005  .46/1071  .47/1042 
PRN14 E    .63/ 930  .59/1022  .59/ 997  .55/ 945  .62/1012  .74/1077  .76/1097 
PRN15      .66/ 869  .54/ 936  .54/ 937  .55/ 962  .55/ 977  .59/1033  .64/1051 
PRN16 E    .74/ 954  .70/1077  .81/ 958  .65/ 976  .80/1084  .74/1034  .83/1091 
PRN17      .66/1006  .61/1020  .69/ 933  .62/ 989  .63/1056  .68/1019  .64/ 960 
PRN18      .55/ 990  .58/1045  .59/ 946  .58/ 937  .61/1089  .59/1058  .61/1037 
PRN19      .61/ 948  .59/1048  .67/ 955  .61/ 939  .58/1037  .63/1022  .78/ 998 
PRN20 E    .63/ 950  .63/ 965  .60/ 921  .55/ 921  .70/1015  .77/1041  .73/ 953 
PRN21 E    .65/ 952  .65/ 962  .68/ 892  .70/ 912  .62/ 962  .70/ 973  .75/ 957 
PRN22 E    .79/ 964  .76/ 970  .74/ 924  .62/ 982  .71/1058  .66/1029  .79/1055 
PRN23 E    .65/ 976  .64/1005  .59/ 937  .65/ 917  .62/1038  .75/1017  .72/1013 
PRN24      .70/ 922  .67/1053  .58/ 884  .58/ 925  .66/1069  .67/1090  .71/1060 
PRN25      .65/1030  .63/1063  .60/1011  .59/ 993  .64/1092  .67/1128  .72/1049 
PRN26      .70/ 977  .70/1069  .70/ 964  .68/1007  .65/1098  .67/1062  .78/1127 
PRN27      .60/ 956  .61/1038  .61/ 954  .71/ 979  .69/1042  .63/1034  .68/1057 
PRN28      .70/ 960  .70/ 997  .59/ 949  .58/ 951  .68/1033  .66/1044  .69/1033 
PRN29      .64/ 987  .62/1016  .63/ 956  .61/ 952  .65/1041  .62/1003  .67/1074 
PRN31      .00/   0  .55/ 760  .47/ 763  .55/ 843  .72/ 971  .65/1019  .68/1083 

                             Pseudo Range Statistics
                                rms (cm) /  # obs

            95jan22   95jan23   95jan24   95jan25   95jan26   95jan27   95jan28 
ALBH         0/   0   37/1111   38/1151   35/1153   30/1173   28/1183   29/1184 
ALGO F      82/1089   73/1120   64/1063   52/1140   61/1139   61/1135   65/1140 
AREQ        30/1083   32/1205   30/1149   30/1207   29/1190   30/1196   30/1181 
DAV1        22/  50   17/  56   14/  45   17/  57   18/  58   18/  57   18/  58 
DRAO        30/1112   29/1119   28/1179   27/1189   30/1120   28/1154   29/1186 
FAIR F      59/ 984   50/1060   51/ 609   50/ 345   52/ 274   51/1204   54/1148 
FORT        44/1148   45/1143   45/1144   46/1181   46/1169    0/   0   46/1194 
GOLD F      81/1108   75/1126   98/1131  120/1147   98/1145  112/1136   96/1126 
HART F       0/   0    0/   0    0/   0    0/   0   63/ 582  203/1082  138/1167 
KERG         0/   0   15/  43   15/  43   14/  43   13/  43   12/  43   13/  42 
KIT3        76/1082    0/   0    0/   0    0/   0    0/   0    0/   0    0/   0 
KOKB F      60/1159   58/1187   62/1152   56/1194   58/1176   55/1196   55/1167 
KOSG F      53/1075   54/1078    0/   0   53/1090   47/1032   56/ 852   51/ 354 
MADR F      62/1069   61/1105   63/1119   59/1106   60/1111   65/1056   66/1130 
NRC1        46/1115   46/1173   47/1167   49/1181   47/1165   50/1185   47/1176 
RCM5        35/1110   30/1158   35/1167   31/1172   35/1159   30/1161   34/1169 
SANT F      68/1142   65/ 845   69/ 282   65/1157   63/1121   68/1184   69/1180 
STJO        57/1143   53/ 986   58/1173   98/1118   54/1160   87/1184   61/ 757 
TAIW        57/ 334   59/1115   63/1114   61/1133   70/1116   58/1101   54/1149 
TIDB F      52/1026   54/1127   59/1100    0/   0   57/1150   58/1181   52/1158 
TROM F      23/  59   20/  55   19/  59   21/  56   21/  56   19/  55   25/  12 
TSKB        86/1107   88/1132   87/1158   86/1159   71/1167   80/1170   83/1102 
WETT F      63/1099   62/1139   63/1131   65/ 806   64/1137   63/1140   67/1144 
YAR1 F      39/1109   38/1188   39/1193   40/1195   39/1194   41/1194   37/1191 
YELL F      30/1098   32/1158   31/1195   32/1172   31/1175   32/1172   31/1178 

PRN01       57/ 916   58/ 886   58/ 827   68/ 825   51/ 753   64/ 944   52/ 925 
PRN02 E     55/ 840   52/ 911   61/ 813   61/ 797   54/ 888   86/ 859   71/ 942 
PRN04       59/ 800   60/ 866   52/ 802   60/ 845   52/ 916   70/ 859   63/ 881 
PRN05 E     50/ 936   48/ 978   49/ 852   61/ 889   52/ 943   51/ 897   53/ 940 
PRN06       56/ 924   55/ 983   54/ 877   56/ 892   61/ 926   62/ 909   61/ 936 
PRN07       66/ 888   57/ 932   55/ 844   58/ 808   58/ 885   77/ 909   66/ 923 
PRN09       53/ 853   55/ 882   54/ 791   61/ 846   57/ 895   52/ 928   58/ 916 
PRN12       37/ 973   32/1035   29/ 948   39/ 972   29/ 987   43/1071   33/1043 
PRN14 E     56/ 874   50/ 908   61/ 875   52/ 827   58/ 930   88/ 968   71/1014 
PRN15       60/ 820   51/ 854   56/ 804   58/ 833   58/ 856   84/ 908   67/ 946 
PRN16 E     61/ 900   59/ 950   64/ 829   60/ 854   59/ 955   65/ 938   69/1005 
PRN17       61/ 918   59/ 878   64/ 786   68/ 854   59/ 920   61/ 884   61/ 870 
PRN18       55/ 903   49/ 925   57/ 829   59/ 854   55/ 986   78/ 964   53/ 947 
PRN19       68/ 880   54/ 896   65/ 808   63/ 811   52/ 899   95/ 871   74/ 858 
PRN20 E     57/ 917   47/ 849   54/ 807   55/ 825   51/ 900   54/ 939   53/ 880 
PRN21 E     58/ 865   59/ 854   56/ 791   75/ 802   61/ 888   67/ 879   65/ 863 
PRN22 E     64/ 886   55/ 833   59/ 807   57/ 873   58/ 937   87/ 935   63/ 919 
PRN23 E     65/ 866   55/ 865   61/ 807   70/ 795   61/ 891   64/ 878   63/ 857 
PRN24       55/ 807   55/ 903   56/ 767   60/ 801   58/ 922   57/ 931   60/ 908 
PRN25       58/ 934   60/ 939   60/ 878   55/ 869   49/ 946   75/ 981   57/ 930 
PRN26       58/ 918   62/ 949   55/ 830   62/ 877   53/ 964   60/ 915   62/ 994 
PRN27       60/ 908   57/ 950   56/ 864   66/ 883   56/ 946   96/ 936   65/ 968 
PRN28       56/ 874   51/ 856   51/ 814   49/ 812   48/ 895   83/ 926   68/ 894 
PRN29       60/ 901   54/ 905   58/ 826   60/ 825   53/ 925   72/ 918   59/ 954 
PRN31        0/   0   47/ 642   60/ 648   65/ 732   61/ 859   91/ 874   74/ 980 

                             Station Clock Solutions at 0hour UT

            95jan22   95jan23   95jan24   95jan25   95jan26   95jan27   95jan28 
ALBH           ---    29.244     -.874    -1.180    -1.067     -.954     -.844 
ALGO           REF       REF     -.384       REF       REF       REF       REF 
AREQ          .369      .404      .058     -.282     -.296     -.188     -.202 
DAV1        11.067*   23.283*   35.112*   48.927*   58.854*   71.182*   83.433*
DRAO         3.194     3.298     3.020     2.722     2.836     2.951     3.068 
FAIR         -.345     -.351     -.740      .025       ---     3.671     3.672 
FORT          .359      .393*     .043     -.324     -.281       ---     -.196 
GOLD         5.385     5.422     5.076     4.713     4.761     4.809*    4.857 
HART           ---       ---       ---       ---       ---     1.793     2.068 
KERG           ---   -36.972   -41.080   -45.063   -48.877   -51.752   -53.404 
KIT3           ---       ---       ---       ---       ---       ---       --- 
KOKB         -.404     -.487     -.954    -1.441    -6.323    -6.401    -6.481 
KOSG         3.485     3.795       ---     3.650     3.970     4.289     4.585 
MADR       -32.051   -32.032   -32.397   -32.777   -32.743   -32.710   -32.679 
NRC1          .372      .378       REF     -.395     -.379     -.364     -.887 
RCM5          .361      .362     -.027     -.434     -.426     -.420     -.413 
SANT          .568      .614       ---     -.304     -.249     -.195     -.139 
STJO       234.721   263.698     -.310    26.648    55.293    84.087   113.052 
TAIW       754.448    12.442*   51.581   109.615   168.157   226.772   285.273 
TIDB         -.311     -.314     -.702       ---    -1.099    -1.092    -1.085 
TROM       788.800   796.872   804.482   812.021   819.986   828.037   836.117 
TSKB        86.868    86.933    86.581    86.252    86.339    86.423    86.514 
WETT          .785      .949      .730      .495      .022      .197      .374 
YAR1          .126      .175     -.166     -.525     -.464     -.402     -.342 
YELL        -1.318    -1.341    -1.745    -2.164    -2.174    -2.184    -2.193 
Note: * indicates a non 0hour UT epoch

Geodetic Survey of Canada
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Internet: pierre @ geod.emr.ca

[Mailed From: Pierre Tetreault <pierre @ geod.emr.ca>]