Jiggle Properties

By default the Jiggle "properties" files are all keep in the ".jiggle" subdirectory of the user's "home" directory.

Note: Windows Explorer will not allow you to make a "folder" name that begins with ".", so you must make the ".jiggle" folder from an MS-DOS window using 'mkdir'.

The location of the "home" directory is platform specific. Standard paths are:

         WindowsNT              C:\WINNT\Profiles\<username>
         Windows98              C:\
         Windows2000/XP         C:\Documents and Settings\<username>
         UNIX                   /home/<username>

You may specify the properties file location on the command line by defining an environmental variable.

% java -jar jiggle.jar -mx512m -DJIGGLE_HOME="C:\Documents and Settings\mydir\.jiggle\special"

You may also specify the properties file explicitly as an argument on the command line.

% java -jar jiggle.jar -mx512m  jiggle_test.props

To Jiggle installation page.
see release notes for info on property changes.
see also event selection properties info.
see also magnitude method properties info.
see also map properties info.
see also channel time model properties info.

Database connection property definitions

NOTE: The table below the values labelled "default" are the values set when the property is not specified.
Example value
EventEdit.decimalLatLon= Use decimal lat/lon rather than degrees/minutes
true (default)
EventEdit.magTabOnTop= Recalc pops mag tab to front
false (default)
LocationEngine= Location engine class
org.trinet.util.locationengines.LocationEngineHypoInverse (default)
WhereIsEngine= WhereIs engine class
org.trinet.util.gazetteer.TN.WheresFrom (default)
ampStripDistance= Strip Picks command will delete amps whose distance > value km
1000.0 (default)
ampStripValue= Strip Picks command will delete amps whose residual > value seconds
1.0 (default)
antialiasWaveform= Antialias waveform graphics
false (default)
autoRecalcMD= Automatically recalc summary mag upon relocation
true (default)
autoRecalcML= Automatically recalc summary mag upon relocation
true (default)
autoRefreshChannelList= rebuild cached channel list from datasource after startup
false (default)
cacheAbove= # of waveform above the selected one to hold in memory
50 (default)
cacheBelow= # of waveform above the selected one to hold in memory 50 (default)
catalogColumnList= Names and order of columns in catalog view
channelCacheFilename= Name of the channel cache file (absolute or relative to user props dir)
channelList.cache (default)
channelCopyOnlySNCL= Don't alter auth,subsource,channelsrc,channel of data
false (default)
channelDbLookUp= Lookup missing channels in database
true (default)
channelDebugDump= Channel info printed by loc,mag engines doing channel lookup
false (default)
channelLabelMode= Channel name label layout on waveform panels
0 (default, 0=leading,1=trailing,2=both,3=none)
channelListAddOnlyDbFound= Add channel to cache only if found in database
true (default)
Intialize channel list from cache, not database
true (default)
Write current channel list to cache on exit
false (default)
Program.name associated with Program.progid for a cache init from db
RCG-TRINET (default)
To preserve attributes of the original observation set true.
false (default)
channelMatchLocation= Equals test uses location attribute of SNCL
true (default)
channelMatchMode= SNCL join level in db queries: SEEDCHAN, LOCATION, CHANNELSRC, and AUTHSUBSRC
LOCATION (default)
channelTimeWindowModelList= List of channel Time/Window models
org.trinet.jasi.DataSourceChannelTimeModel, org.trinet.jasi.PicksOnlyChannelTimeModel, org.trinet.jasi.JBChannelTimeWindowModel, org.trinet.jasi.SimpleChannelTimeModel (default)
channelUseFullName= Print detailed channel SNCL
false (default)
clockQualityThreshold= Clock qualities <= this value will display with a red frame
0.50 (default)
codaStripDistance= Strip Picks command will delete codas whose distance > value km
1000.0 (default)
codaStripValue= Strip Picks command will delete codas whose residual > value seconds
1.0 (default)
colorCatalogByType= catalog row background colored by event attribute type
0 (default, uniform), (1= etype , 2= processing state, 3= subsource )
color.catalog.etype.X where "X" is an etype string like: "local","quarry","regional",teleseism","sonic" ...
ff0000 (a hex RGB color,, used if colorCatalogByType = 1)
color.catalog.state.X= where "X" is a processing state string:"A","H",or "F"
ff0000 (a hex RGB color, used if colorCatalogByType = 2)
color.catalog.subsrc.X= where "X" is a subsource string like: "Jiggle","RT1","sedas" ...
ff0000 (a hex RGB color, used if colorCatalogByType = 3)
Data observation background
ffffff (a hex RGB color)
Data observation selected background
f0f0f0 (a hex RGB color)
Selected observation border color
0000ff (a hex RGB color)
Text color for ok data
000000 (a hex RGB color)
Text color for extreme error, outlier
ff0000 (a hex RGB color)
Text color for unused data
0000ff (a hex RGB color)
Text color for large error data
ff9600 (a hex RGB color)
Data list pane background color
c0c0c0 (a hex RGB color)
Data list summary header background color
ffff00 (a hex RGB color)
Data list summary header text color
000000 (a hex RGB color)
color.seedchan.XX.panel= where "XX" is first 2 letters of seedchan code
ffffffff (a hex RGB color for waveform panel, background)
color.seedchan.XX.wave= where "XX" is first 2 letters of seedchan code
ffff0000 (a hex RGB color for waveform trace, foreground)
color.solution.XX= where "XX" is number sequence starting with "00" (leading zero for < 10)
ff00ff00 (a hex RGB color for the XXth solution created in the view)
color.wfpanel.default.bg= default panel background of unknown seedchan type
ffffffff (a hex RGB color)
color.wfpanel.default.fg= default trace color of unknown seedchan type
ff66ff33 (a hex RGB color)
Message tab pane background color
ffffff (a hex RGB color)
Text color in message tab pane area
000000 (a hex RGB color)
Message tab pane selection background color
ffff00 (a hex RGB color)
Text color in message tab pane selection
ff0000 (a hex RGB color)
confirmMenuDeleteAction= Confirm by popup when deleting or stripping readings
true (default)
confirmNewSolutionAction= Confirm by popup when creating new solution
false (default)
confirmWFPanelDeleteAction= Confirm by popup when deleting or stripping readings
true (default)
currentChannelTimeWindowModel= Channel Time/Window model currently in use
org.trinet.jasi.DataSourceChannelTimeModel (default)
currentWaveServerGroup= Wave server group currently in use
mickey (default is none)
dbAttributionEnabled= Map new event,origin,netmag rowids to their creator
false (default)
dbLastLoginURL= URL of last datasource connection
dbTimeBase= NOMINAL or LEAP secs stored for datetime
NOMINAL (default)
dbWriteBackEnabled= Allows modification of database via SQL
true (default)
dbaseDomain= Data source domain
gps.caltech.edu (default)
dbaseDriver= Data source driver
oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver (default)
dbaseHost= Data source host name
mud (default)
dbaseName= Data source dbasename
muddb (default)
dbasePasswd= Data source password
unknown (default)
dbasePort= Data source port #
1521 (default)
dbaseTrace= Turn on server side tracing of executed SQL
false (default)
dbaseSubprotocol= jdbc subprotocol type, using jdbc:oci subprotocol with dbaseTNSname alias requires an Oracle client installation on client.  See Oracle Instant Client instructions oracle:thin (default)
dbaseTNSname= Oracle TNS name connection alias to use with oracle:oci subprotocol, else blank
(blank default)
dbaseUser= Data source username
browser (default)
debug= Debug mode on/off
false (default)
debugCommit= Debug print of SQL text and messages about commit processing of event data
false (default)
debugSQL= Debug print of SQL statement text
false (default)
defaultTriggerEventType= Event type to assign to a "trigger" after locating
local (default)
defaultWfType= Multi (1) or Single (0) waveform table row format.
1 (default)
delegateDebug= Enables debug output from location/magnitude engines.
false (default)
delegateLoadArrivalsFromDb= Location engine loads readings from db if list is empty.
false (default)
delegateLoadMagReadingsFromDb= Magnitude engine loads readings from db if list is empty.
true (default)
enableSwarm= Enable used of Swarm (AVO) interface code to display selected waveforms.
false (default)
eventTypeCheckDisabled= If true, disable event type checking for quarries on commit
false (default)
eventTypeChoices= Event types shown in order from top of etype selection menu in toolbar
le re ts qb ex sn ot uk (default)
eventSelectionProps= User's event filter properties file in user's home directory
fileChooserDir= File chooser default directory
. (default)
fileMessageLogging= Output text to log file in subdirectory below user's home.
false (default)
firstMoOnHoriz= Calculate 1st motions for horizontal channels
false (default)
firstMoOnS= Calculate 1st motions on S-waves
false (default)
firstMoQualityMin= Auto calculate 1st motion only if pick quality >= this value.
0.5 (default)
fixQuarryDepth= Fix quarries depths
true (default)
helpFile= Location of help file give URL or local file
iconDir= Location of icon images (relative to jar classpath root)
images (default)
jasiUserName= alias to use for attribution reference in Credit table
jasiObjectType= Base type of concrete data classes (TRINET, EARTHWORM)
TRINET (default)
labelToolBarButtons= Base type of concrete data classes (TRINET, EARTHWORM)
false (default)
listMatchMode= Find objects in lists by EQUIVALENT or same ID test.
EQUIVALENT (default)
localNetCode= Default Net code (default is EnvironmentInfo.class setting).
locationEngineAddress= Location engine URL
bogus.gps.caltech.edu (default)
locationEnginePRT= After locating dump HYP2000 PRT style output text to message tabpane
true (default)
locationEnginePort= Location engine port #
6650 (default)
locationEngineTimeoutMillis= Location engine timeout (milliseconds)
5000 (default)
locationEngineType= Location engine type
HYPO2000 (default)
locationServerSelected= Name of selected location server in group list.
locationServerGroupList= List of location server configurations
format /name+type+timeout+ipaddress:port ("\" at EOL continues property string value to next line)
(default is named default with specified locationEngine properties)
magDataLoadClearsSolution= Delete mag reading from Solution before loading from db.
true (default)
magDataLoadClonesReadings= Clone readings for each new magnitude
false (default)
magDataLoadOption= Order to lookup associated data in db: input mag, preferred mag, solution
mps (default = m)
magEngine= Magnitude engine type
magStaleCommitNoop= true and stale preserves existing prefmag; false and stale writes new magid.
false (default)
magStaleCommitOk= true and stale writes; false and stale aborts.
true (default)
mainSplitOrientation= Split the main window; 1 = vertical, 0 = horizontal
0 (default)
mainframeHeight= Height of main window (pixels)
480 (default)
mainframeWidth= Width of main window (pixels)
640 (default)
mainframeX= X-location of main window on screen
1 (default)
mainframeY= Y-location of window on screen
1 (default)
mapInSplit= true, map panel in catalog tab split; false, stand alone frame
true (default)
mapPropFilename= User's directory file containing map configuration properties
openmap.properties (default)
mapSplitOrientation= Split the catalog/map window; 0 = vertical, 1 = horizontal
0 (default)
maxWaveletCount= Maximum number of waveforms rows returned per channel.
200 (default)
masterViewReplacePhasesByStaType= true, allow only one Phase of a type per channel
false (default)
minDragTime= Smallest window that selectable by dragging in waveform view
1.0 (default)
miniButtonWidth= toolbar mini button width value between 16 and 38 pixels 24 (default)
miniToolBarButtons= If true use small image buttons in toolbar
false (default)
xxDisable= Disable calculation of magnitudes of type xx.
false (default)
xxMagEngineProps= User's directory file containing xx magnitude method engine properties
xxMagMethod= name of java class pertaining to xx method
xxMagMethodProps= User's directory file containing the xx magnitude method properties
org.trinet.jasi.xxCTM.debug= where xxCTM is name of a ChannelTimeModel Java subclass
Print channel time window model debug output.
org.trinet.jasi.xxCTM.candidateListName= where xxCTM is name of a ChannelTimeModel Java subclass
A name associated with set of channels in JASI_CONFIG_VIEW.
org.trinet.jasi.xxCTM.synchCandidateListBySolution= where xxCTM is name of a ChannelTimeModel Java subclass
Upon event waveform load, update candidate list with channels active on origin date.
org.trinet.jasi.xxCTM.filterWfListByChannelList= where xxCTM is name of a ChannelTimeModel Java subclass
Show waveform panels only for channels which are in the named candidate list.
org.trinet.jasi.xxCTM.includeDataSourceWf= where xxCTM is name of the model subclass
Include data times for waveforms associated in datasource
org.trinet.jasi.xxCTM.includePhases= where xxCTM is name of a ChannelTimeModel Java subclass
Create waveform panels for channels with phases associated with the solution
org.trinet.jasi.xxCTM.includeMagAmps= where xxCTM is name of a ChannelTimeModel Java subclass
Create waveform panels for channels with amps associated with the preferred magnitude
org.trinet.jasi.xxCTM.includePeakAmps= where xxCTM is name of a ChannelTimeModel Java subclass
Create waveform panels for channels with amps associated with the preferred origin
org.trinet.jasi.xxCTM.includeCodas= where xxCTM is name of a ChannelTimeModel Java subclass
Create waveform panels for channels with codas associated with the preferred magnitude
org.trinet.jasi.xxCTM.includeAllComponents= where xxCTM is name of a ChannelTimeModel Java subclass
If one triaxial component of a station is selected, select them all
org.trinet.jasi.xxCTM.includeAllMag= where xxCTM is name of the model subclass
If mag is >= this value include ALL channels
org.trinet.jasi.xxCTM.allowedSeedChanTypes= where xxCTM is name of a ChannelTimeModel Java subclass
Display only waveform panels for channels whose seedchan type is in this list
org.trinet.jasi.xxCTM.allowedNetTypes= where xxCTM is name of a ChannelTimeModel Java subclass
Display only waveform panels for channels whose net code is in this list
org.trinet.jasi.xxCTM.rejectedSeedChanTypes= where xxCTM is name of a ChannelTimeModel Java subclass
Reject from display in waveform panel channels whose seedchan type is in this list
org.trinet.jasi.xxCTM.rejectedNetTypes= where xxCTM is name of a ChannelTimeModel Java subclass
Reject from display in waveform panel channels whose net code is in this list
org.trinet.jasi.xxCTM.preEventSize= where xxCTM is name of a ChannelTimeModel Java subclass
Number of seconds to prepend to the smallest channel on time.
org.trinet.jasi.xxCTM.postEventSize= where xxCTM is name of a ChannelTimeModel Java subclass
Number of seconds to append to the largest channel off time.
org.trinet.jasi.xxCTM.maxDistance= where xxCTM is name of the model subclass
Exclude channels beyond this distance (km)
org.trinet.jasi.xxCTM.minDistance= where xxCTM is name of the model subclass
Include all channels withing this distance (km)
org.trinet.jasi.xxCTM.maxWindowSize= where xxCTM is name of the model subclass
Do not allow algorithm to specify a window longer than this (seconds)
org.trinet.jasi.xxCTM.minWindowSize= where xxCTM is name of the model subclass
Minimum window length (sec)
org.trinet.jasi.xxCTM.maxChannels= where xxCTM is name of a ChannelTimeModel Java subclass
Maximum number of channels sorted by distance to display in waveform view.
org.trinet.jasi.xxCTM.noiseThreshold= where xxCTM is JBChannelTimeWindowModel only
Default noise cutoff level (counts)
phasePopupMenuFlat= Phase pick popup descriptors listed in top level menu, not nested
false (default)
pickFlagFont= BIG (large bold text in trace pick flag). SMALL (default)
pickStripDistance= Strip Picks command will delete picks whose distance > value km
1000.0 (default)
pickStripValue= Strip Picks command will delete picks whose residual > value seconds
1.0 (default)
pickingPanelArrowLayout= Layout position of waveform scroller arrow buttons (E,W,S)
E (default)
quarryFixDepth= Value (km) at which to set quarry depths.
0.0 (default)
savePropsOnExit= Write properties to user's properties file upon exit true (default)
scopeMode= Load waveforms views using waveserver group false (default)
scopeModeChannelFile= Name of file containing channelname list to load from waveservers when in scope mode scopeChannelList.txt
scopeDuration= number of seconds of waveform timeseries loaded from waveservers 90. (default)
scanNoiseType= Waveform time window scan average peak amp or RMS amp (bias removed) 0 (default, AVG=0, RMS=1)
secsPerPage= Seconds to display on the waveform view pages
(-1 = show full time)
showCursorTimeAsLine= Display vertical timing line across picking panel as cursor moves. true (default)
showHideTraceMenu= true, enable button in lower right WF scrollpane to show menu of seedchan patterns to hide.
false (default
showPhaseCues= Should green striped cues (hints) show calculated P & S locations
false (default)
showRowHeaders= Show waveform view panel headers
false (default)
showSamples= Show individual samples if zoomed in.
true (default)
showSegments= Show waveform data packet bounds (cyan lines)
false (default)
solCommitAllMags= Commit all prefmag of magtypes.
false (default)
solCommitOriginError= Commit HYP2000 error axes to Origin_Error table.
false (default)
solLockingDisabled= Override to bypass handling of solution locks.
false (default)
solNextProcStateMask= String of acceptable processing state tags.
AHF (default)
solStaleCommitOk= Allow commit of stale origin to db.
true (default)
stackPickingPanelButtons= False, shows button in one horizontal line.
false (default)
swarmInWaveformTabPane= true, Swarm panel at bottom of waveform tab pane, false standalone window.
false (default)
threshold.out.magResidual= Use outlier color when magnitude residual is greater
.5 (default)
threshold.out.ttResidual= Use outlier color when traveltime residual is greater
.5 (default)
threshold.warn.magResidual= Use warning color when magnitude residual is greater, but less than outlier threshold
.25 (default)
threshold.warn.ttResidual= Use warning color when traveltime residuals greater, but less than outlier threshold
.25 (default)
tracesPerPage= Show this many traces per page
10 (default)
useLoginDialog= Instead of using dbaseUser,dbasePasswd, prompt user with dialog.
false (default)
useTrialLocation= On relocation, use the current location as the trial start.
false (default)
useTrialOriginTime= On relocation, use the current origintime as the trial start.
false (default)
velocityModelClassName= Name of java class implementing velocity model used for traveltimes
(e.g. org.trinet.util.velocitymodel.USGS_NC_VelocityModel).
org.trinet.util.velocitymodel.HK_SoCalVelocityModel (CI default)
org.trinet.util.velocitymodel.USGS_NC_VelocityModel (NC default)
velocityModel.DEFAULT.modelName Name of velocity model to use if model list has more than one model. abc123
velocityModel.abc123.psRatio Vp/Vs ratio of velocity model. 1.75
velocityModel.abc123.depths List top of model layer depths. 0. 5. 15. 30.
velocityModel.abc123.velocities List of model layer velocities. 4.0 6.0 6.5 7.9
velocityModelList List defined velocity model names. abc123 nocal
verbose= User verbose output
false (default)
waveServerGroupDefaultClient= Name of java class that implements WaveClient API
org.trinet.waveserver.rt.WaveClientNew (default)
waveServerGroupList= List of waveserver groups
(default is none)
waveformInTab= Show waveforms in a tab rather than a split pane
false (default)
waveformReadMode= Where waveforms should be read from: 0 = datasource, 1= waveserver
0 (default)
webSite= URL of website for latest Jiggle version check, helpfiles.
whereUnits= Units for 'where' output (miles, km)
km (default)
zoomScaleList= List of zoom scales displayed in Zoom Panel chooser.
1.00 2.00 5.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 60.00 90.00 (default)

To Jiggle installation page.
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