Maryland   Office of Preservation Services

Maryland State Department of Planning

J. Rodney Little, Director

100 Community Place, Crownsville, MD  21032

(410) 514-7600


http://www.marylandhistoricaltrust.net/    http://www.marylandhistoricaltrust.net/nr/NRStateMapCo.html


                             Maryland National Heritage Inventory

                             The Capital Programs Administration

                             Maryland State Department of Natural Resources

                             480 Taylor Avenue

                             Tawes State Office Building

                             Annapolis, MD 21401


                             Maintains map and associated inventory of site information.






During planning and implementation of proposed projects, government agencies (or their program applicants) frequently require information and technical assistance on historic properties that may be affected by the planned activity. The Maryland Historical Trust (Maryland's State Historic Preservation Office) is the state office charged with providing this assistance in its role in the protection and preservation of Maryland's rich cultural heritage. The Trust's Office of Preservation Services (OPS), is the unit responsible for reviewing all state and federally assisted projects, to ensure compliance with historic preservation laws and regulations.


Upon written request, staff within OPS will provide historic properties' information, technical assistance, and comments for clearly defined project areas subject to state and federal review. This information includes data on inventoried historic properties, National Register listed properties, prior archeological or architectural research conducted in the project vicinity, and an informed assessment of the project area's potential for containing historic properties that have not yet been identified. Staff will also supply recommendations and assistance on the appropriate treatment of historic properties for a given project (such as: acceptable rehabilitation measures, stabilization, site avoidance, archeological investigation, etc.).


To obtain information or assistance, please put your request in writing addressing the following items, and send to OPS at the address below:


• a description of the proposed project, noting the nature of state and/or federal involvement (Corps permit, CDBG funding etc.);

• a map (preferably a section of USGS topographic quadrangle) or a site plan, clearly delineating the project area's limits;

• labeled photographs (keyed to a site plan) and descriptions of any readily visible historic structures, ruins, or other cultural resources in the project area; and

• a brief description of past and present land use in the project area (tilled field, wooded, mined, etc.).


Staff normally provide a written response within 30 days from receipt of request. Unfortunately we are unable to provide general information on study areas that encompass large geographic regions; however, the public is welcome to make an appointment to use the Trust's library. Please visit the Trust's homepage for more information about our programs and services – www.marylandhistoricaltrust.net. For further information or assistance please contact OPS:

Ms. Elizabeth Cole, Administrator,

Project Review and Compliance

Office of Preservation Services

Maryland Historical Trust

100 Community Place

Crownsville, Maryland 21032



