David Bukry
Scientist Emeritus

U. S. Geological Survey
Volcano Hazards Team, MS-910
(Global Climate Change Section)
345 Middlefield Road
Menlo Park , CA 94025-3591

Telephone- (650) 329-5357
Email- dbukry@usgs.gov


Mesozoic and Cenozoic nannoplankton (coccoliths and silicoflagellates) taxonomy, biostratigraphy and paleoclimate change. Analysis of floras from the Arctic Ocean , Pacific Ocean and North America . Published 300 new taxa and new oceanic nannoplankton biostratigraphic zonations for the NSF JOIDES Deep Sea Drilling Project and Ocean Drilling Program.


Holocene taxonomic census of silicoflagellates and coccoliths from cores along the Pacific coasts of California and Baja California to identify natural paleoclimate variability. Cretaceous and Paleogene correlation for study of faulting at Cement Hill, Fairfield , CA . Correlating Miocene silicoflagellate ranges to the GPTS from ODP cores in the Pacific. Late Cretaceous coccolith zonal correlation for NJ Geological Survey core study of sea level variation.


Colorado School of Mines, 1959-1960
Johns Hopkins University, 1960-1963, B.A., Geology
Princeton University , 1963-1967, M.A., Ph.D., Geology
University of Illinois , 1965-1966, Electronmicroscopy
De Anza College, 1995-1996, Computer science


Barron, J. A., Bukry, David and Bischoff, J.L., 2004, High resolution paleoceanography of the Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California, during the past 15,000 years, Marine Micropaleontology, 50 (3-4): 185-207.

Haeussler, P. J., Wells, Ray, Friedman, Richard, Wooden, Joseph, Bukry, David , and Snavely, P. D. Jr, 2003, U-Pb and coccolith ages from the Oregon Coast Range - hooking Siletzia up to the Geomagnetic Polarity Time Scale, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 35, no. 6, Abst 209-6.

Cunningham, K.J., Locker, S.D., Hine, A.C., Bukry, David , Barron, J.A., and Guertin L.A., 2003, Interplay of Late Cenozoic siliciclastic supply and carbonate response on the southeast Florida Platform, Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. 73, p. 31-46.

Barron, J. A., Bischoff, J. L., Bukry, David , Heusser, Linda, Herbert, Timothy, and Lyle, Mitch, 2002. Holocene evolution of two upwelling systems - offshore northern California and the central Gulf of California . Eos. Transactions of American Geophysical Union , 83(47) Fall Meeting Supplement, Abstract PP21C-0334, p. F943.

Cunningham, K.J., Bukry, David , Sato, Tokiyuki, Barron, J.A., Guertin, L. A., and Reese, R. S., 2001, Sequence stratigraphy of a south Florida carbonate ramp and bounding siliciclastics (Late Miocene-Pliocene), Florida Geological Survey Special Publication No. 49, p. 35-66.
http://sofia.usgs.gov/publications/papers/fgssp49/index.html .

Bukry, David , 2001, Late Campanian (Zone CC22) coccoliths from the Millhaven Core, Screven County, Georgia, U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1603-D, p. D1-D5. http://pubs.usgs.gov/prof/p1603/p1603d.pdf

Bukry, David , Elder, W. P., McKeel, D., Marincovich, L., Niem, W., and Givler, R. W., Paleontological database, p.42-47, in Wells, R. E., Jayko, A.S., Niem, A. R., Black, G., Wiley, T., Baldwin, E., Molenaar, K. M., Wheeler, K. L., DuRoss, C. B., Givler, R. W., 2000, Geologic map and database of the Roseburg 30 X 60 quadrangle, Douglas and Coos Counties, Oregon, U. S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 00-0376, pp. 69 ( 1 sheet ).

Barron, J.A., Bukry, David , and Bischoff, J.L., 2000, Holocene paleoceanographic change at DSDP 480, Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California, Eos Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 81(48), Fall Meeting Supplement, Abstract OS22B-19, 2p.

Miller, K.G., Sugarman, P.J., Browning, J.V., Olsson, R.K., Pekar, S.F., Reilly, T.J., Cramer, B.S., Aubry, M.-P., Lawrence, R.P., Curran, J., Stewart, M., Metzger, J.M., Uptegrove, J., Bukry, David , Burckle, L.H., Wright, J.D., Feigenson, M.D., Brenner, G.J., Dalton, R.F., 1998, Bass River Site: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Initial Reports, v. 174AX, p.5-43.

Peleo-Alampay, A., Bukry, David , Liu, L., and Young, J.R., 1998, Late Miocene calcareous nannofossil genus Catinaster : Taxonomy, evolution and magnetobiochronology: Journal of Micropalaeontology, v.17 (1), p.71-85.

Bukry, David , Brabb, E.E., Powell, C., Jones, D. and Graymer, R., 1998, Recent Tertiary and Cretaceous nannoplankton collections from the San Francisco Bay Region: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 98-497, 33 p.

Hulbert, R.C.,Jr., Petkewich, R.M., Bishop, G.A., Bukry, David , and Aleshire, D.P., 1998, A new middle Eocene protocetid whale (Mammalia: Cetacea: Archaeoceti) and associated biota from Georgia: Journal of Paleontology, v. 72(5), p. 907-927.

Owens, J. P., Sugarman, P. J., Sohl, N. F., Parker, R. A., Houghton, H. F., Volkert, R. A., Drake, A. A., Orndorff, R. C., Bybell, L. M., Andrews, G. W., Bukry , David , Zapecza, O. S., Paulachok, G. N., and Mullikin, Lloyd, 1998, Bedrock geological map of central and southern New Jersey, U. S. Geological Survey I-2540-B, p. ( 4 sheets ).

Sugarman, P.J., Olsson, R.K., Miller, K.G., Wright, J.D., Browning, J.D., White,T.S., Bukry, David , Muller, F.L., Uptegrove, Jane and Brenner, G.J., 1998, Geochemical signature and paleoecological changes associated with the Cenomanian/Turonian anoxic event, Bass River, New Jersey, ODP Leg 174AX: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 1998, p. A54.

Miller, Kenneth G, Mountain, Gregory S., Blum, Peter, Gartner, Stefan, Alm, Per-Gunnar, Aubry, Marie-Pierre, Burckle, L. H., Guerin Gilles, Katz, M. E., Christensen, B. A., Compton, John, Damuth, J. E.,Deconinck, J. F., de Verteuil, Laurent, Fulthorpe, C. S., Hesselbo, S. P., Hoppie, B. W., Kotake, Nobuhiro, Lorenzo, J. M., McCracken, Stuart, McHugh, C. M., Quayle, W. C., Saito, Yoshiki, Snyder, S. W., tenKate, W. G., Urbat, Michael, Van Fossen, M. C., Vecsei, Adam, Sugarman, P. J., Mullikin, Lloyd, Pekar, S., Browning, J. V., Liu, Chengjie, Feigenson, M. D., Goss, Matthew, Gwynn, David, Queen, Donald G., Powars, D.S., Heibel, Todd, D., Bukry, David , 1996, Drilling and dating New Jersey Oligocene-Miocene sequences; ice volume, global sea level, and Exxon records: Science, v. 271 (5252), p.1092-1095.

Bukry, David, 1995, Oligocene and Miocene silicoflagellates from the northern Emperor Seamount Chain, Site 883: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, v. 145, p. 639-644.

Bukry, David , 1995, Silicoflagellates and their geologic applications: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 95-260, 26 p.


Sugarman, P. J., Miller, K. G., Bukry, David , and Feigenson, M. D., 1995, Uppermost Campanian-Maestrichtian strontium isotopic, biostratigraphic, and sequence stratigraphic framework of the New Jersey Coastal Plain: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v, 107, p.19-37.


Bukry, David, 1994, Coccolith correlation of Late Cretaceous Point Loma Formation at La Jolla and Carlsbad, San Diego County, California: U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 94-678, 23 p.


Miller, R. G., Aubry, M.-P., Browning, J. V., Bukry, David , Burckle, L. D., Feigenson, M. D., Gosa, N., Gwynn, D., Rent, D. V., Liu, C., Mulkin, L., Queen, D., Sugarman, P., and Van Foseen, M., 1994, Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program Initial Reports, v. 150X: College Station, Texas (Ocean Drilling Program), 59 p.

Quinterno, P. J., Barron, J. A., Bukry, David , and Blome, C. D., 1994, Late Cretaceous microfossils in a single dredge haul from the Tonga Trench: evidence of Late Cretaceous environment at the Louisville Hotspot, in Stevenson, A. J., Herzer, R. H., and Ballance, P. F. (eds.) Geology and Submarine Resources of the Tonga-Lau Fiji Region: SOPAC Technical Bulletin, v. 8, p. 285-291.

Stanley, R. G., Cotton, M. L., Bukry, David , Filewicz, M. V., Zenon, C. V., and Vork, D. R., 1994, Stratigraphic revelations regarding the Rincon Shale (lower Miocene) in the Santa Barbara coastal area, California [abs.]: American Association of Petroleum Geology Bulletin, v. 78, p. 675-676.

Brouwers, E. M., Bukry, David , and Ryu, I.-C., 1994, Paleoecology and biostratigraphy of late Paleocene-middle Eocene units of the Tyee Basin, western Oregon [abs.]: Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, 1994 Annual Meeting, Seattle, v. 26, no. 7, p. A-160.

Elder, W. P., Bukry. David , and Sliter, W. V., 1994, Development of an integrated macrofossil and microfossil zonation for the Late Cretaceous of Southern California [abs.]: Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, 1994, v. 26, no. 2, p. 50.

Omarzai, S. K., Coe, R. S., Barron, J. A., and Bukry, David , 1994, Paleomagnetism of the Monterey Formation of California at Lion's Head, Santa Maria Basin, central coastal California [abs.]: American Geophysical Union Transactions, v. 75, no. 44, p. 202.

Isaacs, C. N., Barron, J. A., and Bukry, David , 1993, Supplementary data on diatoms and calcareous nannofossils and preliminary revised ages for rock samples (RG-1 to RG-24) in the Cooperative Monterey Organic Geochemistry Study, Santa Maria and Santa Barbara-Ventura Basins, California: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 93-182, 13 p.

Bukry, David , 1993, Cretaceous coccolith correlation for Point Loma Formation outfall test well, San Diego, California: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 93-567, 14 p.

Piper, D. Z., Mossotti, V. G., and Bukry, David , 1993, Phosphate and trace metals in Cenozoic phytoplankton: A signal of changing ocean chemistry [abs.]: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1086, p. 106.

Snavely, P. D., Jr., Bukry, David , and Wells, R. E., 1993, Coccolith-bearing late middle Eocene kerogen shale, Tillamook Highlands, Northwest Oregon Coast Range: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 93-623, 13 p.

Wei, W., Liu, L., and Bukry, David , 1993, Reappraisal of three calcareous nannofossil species: Coccolithus crassus , Toweius magnicrassus , and Toweius callosus : Journal of Micropaleontology, v. 12, p. 91-98.

Omarzai, S. R., Coe, R., Barron, J. A., Bukry, David , Cotton Thornton, M. L., and Blake, G., 1992, High-resolution magnetostratigraphy of the petroleum-bearing Miocene Monterey Formation of California in Horse Canyon, Salinas Basin, California [abs.]: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 76, p. 426-427.

Wells, R. E., Snavely, P. D., Jr., Bukry, David , MacLeod, N. S., and Kelley, M., 1992, Geologic map of the Tillamook Highlands, NW Oregon Coast: A Paleogene magmatic record of continental margin rifting [abs.]: Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, 1992, v. 24, n. 5, p. 89.

Bukry, David, 1991, Oligocene and Quaternary silicoflagellates from the Kerguelen Plateau: Ocean Drilling Program Proceedings, v. 119, p. 933-934.

Bukry, David , 1991, Paleoecological transect of western Pacific Ocean late Pliocene coccolith flora: Part I.--Tropical Ontong-Java Plateau at ODP 806B: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 91-552, 35 p.

Bukry, David , 1991, Transoceanic correlation of middle Eocene coccolith Subzone CP14a at Batiquitos Lagoon, San Diego County, in Abbott, P. L., and May, J. A., eds., Eocene Geologic History, San Diego Region: Pacific Section, Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, v. 68, p. 189-194.

Bukry, David , 1991, Coccolith correlation of California Cenozoic geologic formations: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 91-574, 30 p.

Sugarman, P. J., Miller, R. G., Feigenson, M. D., and Bukry, David , 1991, Maestrichtian strontium isotope reference section, Deep Sea Drilling Project Hole 525A [abs.]: Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, l991 Annual Meeting, San Diego, p. A339.

Bukry, David , 1990, Remarks on calcareous and siliceous nannoplankton biostratigraphy for some Cretaceous and Tertiary core samples from southern New Jersey: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 90-278, 22 p.

Rio, D., Thunell, R., Sprovieri, R., Bukry, David , DeStefano, E., Howell, M., Raffi, I., Sancetta, C., and Sanfilippo, A., 1989 [1990], Stratigraphic and depositional history of the Pliocene Bianco Section, Calabria, southern Italy: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v. 76, p. 85-105.

Ballance, P. F., Barron, J. A., Blome, C. D., Bukry, David , Cawood, P. A., Chaproniere, G. C. H., Frisch, Robin, Herzer, R. H., Nelson, C. S., Quinterno, Paula, Ryan, H., Scholl, D. W., Stevenson, A. J., Tappin, D. G., and Vallier, T. L., 1989, Late Cretaceous pelagic sediments, volcanic ash and biotas from near the Louisville hotspot, Pacific Plate, Paleolatitude-42°S: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v. 71, p. 281-299.

Bukry, David , and Snavely, P. D., Jr., 1988, Coccolith zonation for Paleogene strata in the Oregon Coast Range in Filewicz, M., and Squires, R. (eds.), West Coast Paleogene Symposium Volume 58: Pacific Section, Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, p. 254-263.

Bukry, David , 1987, Eocene siliceous and calcareous phytoplankton, DSDP Leg 95: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 95, p. 395-415.

Bukry, David , 1987, North Atlantic Quaternary silicoflagellates, DSDP Leg 94: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 94, p. 779-783.

Bukry, David , 1986, Miocene silicoflagellates from Chatham Rise, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Site 594: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 90, p. 925-937.

Bukry, David , 1985, Numerical ages of Cenozoic biostratigraphic datum levels: Results of South Atlantic Leg 73 drilling: Discussion: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 96, p. 813-814.

Bukry, David , 1985, Correlation of Late Cretaceous Arctic silicoflagellates from Alpha Ridge, in Jackson, H. R., Mudie, P. H., and Blaseo, S. M., eds., Initial Geological Report on CESAR--the Canadian Expedition to Study the Alpha Ridge, Arctic Ocean: Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 84-22, p. 125-135.

Bukry, David , and Monechi, S., 1985, Late Cenozoic silicoflagellates from the northwest Pacific, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 86: Paleotemperature trends and texture classification: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 86, p. 367397.

Bukry, David , 1985, Tropical Pacific silicoflagellate zonatlon and paleotemperature trends of the Late Cenozoic: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 85, p. 477-497.

Bukry, David , 1985, Mid-Atlantic Ridge coccolith and silicoflagellate biostratigraphy, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Sites 558 and 563: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 82, p. 591-603.

Bukry, David , 1984, Paleogene paleoceanography of the Arctic Ocean is constrained by the middle or late Eocene age of USGS Core Fl-422: Evidence from silicoflagellates: Geology, v. 12, p. 199-201.

Barron, J. A., Bukry, David , and Poore, R. Z., 1984, Correlation of the middle Eocene Kellogg Shale of California of northern California: Micropaleontology, v. 30, p. 138-170.

Bukry, David , 1983, Upper Cenozoic silicoflagellates from offshore Ecuador, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Site 504: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 69, p. 321-342.

Bukry, David , 1983, Neogene Pacific nannofossil stages [abs.]: 15th Pacific Science Congress, Dunedin 1983, Programme, Abstracts and Congress Information, v. 1, p. 30.

Bukry, David , 1982, Neogene silicoflagellates of the eastern equatorial Pacific, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Hole 503A: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 68, p. 311-323.

Bukry, David , 1982, Cenozoic silicoflagellates from offshore Guatemala, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Site 495: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 67, p. 425-445.

Bukry, David , 1981, Cenozoic coccoliths from the Deep Sea Drilling Project: Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists Special Publication 32, p. 335-353.

Bukry, David , 1981, Synthesis of silicoflagellate stratigraphy for Maestrichtian to Quaternary marine sediment: Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists Special Publication 32, p. 434-444.

Bukry, David , 1981, Cretaceous Arctic silicoflagellates: Geo-Marine Letters, v. 1, p. 57-63.

Yeats, R. S., Hag, B. U., Barron, J. A., Bukry, David , Crouch, J. R., Denham, C., Douglas, A. G., Grechin, V. I., Leinen, M., Niem, A. R., Pal, S., Pisciotto, R. A., Poore, R. Z., Shibata, T., and Wolfart, R., 1981, Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, v. 63, Washington, D.C.

Yeats, R. S., Hag, B. U., Barron, J. A., Bukry, David , Crouch, J. R., Denham, C., Douglas, A. G., Grechin, V. I., Leinen, M., Niem, A. R., Pal, S., Pisciotto, R. A., Poore, R. Z., Shibata, T., and Wolfart, R., 1981, Site 470: Off Guadalupe Island: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 63, p. 227-268.

Bukry, David , 1981, Pacific Coast coccolith stratigraphy between Point Conception and Cabo Corrientes, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 63: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 63, p. 445-471.

Bukry, David , 1981, Silicoflagellate stratigraphy of offshore California and Baja California, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 63: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 63, p. 539-557.

Rosendahl, B.R., Hekinian, Roger, Briqueu, Louis, Dmitriev, Yuri, Fodor, R.V., Goll, R.M., Hoffert, Michel, Humphris, S.E., Lynts, George, Mattey, D.P., Natland, J.H., Petersen, Nikolai, Roggenthen, William, Schrader, E.L., Srivastava, R.K., Warren, Nick, Barron, J.A., Bukry, David , Lynts, G.W., 1980, Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, v.54, Washington, D.C.

Bukry, David , 1980, Coccolith stratigraphy, tropical eastern Pacific Ocean, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 54: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 54, p. 535-543.

Bukry, David , 1980, Silicoflagellate biostratigraphy and paleoecology in the eastern equatorial Pacific, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 54: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 54, p. 545-573.

Bukry, David , 1980, Opal phytoliths from the tropical eastern Pacific Ocean, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 54: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 54, p. 575-589.

Bukry, David , 1980, Miocene Corbisema triacantha Zone phytoplankton from Deep Sea Drilling Project Sites 415 and 416, off northwest Africa: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 50, p. 507-523.

Okada, H., and Bukry, David , 1980, Supplementary modification and introduction of code numbers to the low-latitude coccolith biostratigraphic zonation (Bukry, 1973; 1975): Marine Micropaleontology, v. 5, p. 321-325.

Crouch, J. R., and Bukry, David , 1980, Reply on "Comparison of Miocene provincial foraminiferal stages to coccolith zones in the California Continental Borderland": Geology, v. 8, no. 1, p. 4-5.

Bukry, David , 1979, Coccolith and silicoflagellate stratigraphy, northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge and Reykjanes Ridge, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 49: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 49, p. 551-581.

Bukry, David , 1979, Comments on opal phytoliths and stratigraphy of Neogene silicoflagellates and coccoliths at Deep Sea Drilling Project, Site 397 off northwest Africa: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 49, p. 977-1009.

Black, M., and Bukry, David , 1979, Coccoliths, in Fairbridge, R. W., and Jablonski, D., eds., The Encyclopedia of Paleontology: Stroudsburg, Dowden, Hutchinson & Ross, Inc., p. 194-199.

Addicott, W. O., Snavely, P. D., Jr., Poore, R. Z., and Bukry, David , 1979, La secuencia Neogena marina de los Campos de Dalias y de Nijar (Almeria): Estudius Geologicos (Spain), v. 35, p. 609-631.

Addicott, W. O., Snavely, P. D., Jr., Bukry, David , and Poore, R. Z., 1978, Neogene stratigraphy and paleontology of southern Almeria Province, Spain: an overview: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1454, 49 p.

Bukry, David , 1978, Neogene coccolith stratigraphy, Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 45: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 45, p. 307-317.

Bukry, David , 1978, Biostratigraphy of Cenozoic marine sediment by calcareous nannofossils: Micropaleontology, v. 24, p. 44-60.

Bukry, David , 1978, Cenozoic silicoflagellate and coccolith stratigraphy, northwestern Atlantic Ocean, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 43: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 44, p. 775-805.

Bukry, David , 1978, Cenozoic coccolith, silicoflagellate, and diatom stratigraphy, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 44: Deep Sea Drillinq Project, Initial Reports, v. 44, p. 807-863.

Gradstein, F. M., Bukry, David , Habib, D., Renz, O., Roth, P. H., Schmidt, R. R., Weaver, F. M., and Wind, F. H., 1978, Biostratigraphic summary of DSDP Leg 44: western North Atlantic Ocean: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 44, p. 657-662.

Lancelot, Yves, Seibold, E., Cepek, P., Dean, W. E., Eremeev, V. Gardner, J. V., Jansa, L. F., Johnson, D., Krasheninnikov, V., Pflaumann, U., Rankin, J. G., Trabant, P., and Bukry, David , 1978, Site 366: Sierra Leone Rise: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 41, p. 21-162.

Lancelot, Yves, Seibold, E., Cepek, P., Dean, W. E., Eremeev, V. Gardner, J. V., Jansa, L. F., Johnson, D., Krasheninnikov, V., Pflaumann, U., Rankin, J. G., Trabant, P., and Bukry, David , 1978, Site 367: Cape Verde Basin: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 41, p. 163-232.

Lancelot, Yvea, Seibold, E., Cepek, P., Dean, W. E., Eremeev, V. Gardner, J. V., Jansa, L. F., Johnson, D., Krasheninnikov, V., Pflaumann, U., Rankin, J. G., Trabant, P., and Bukry, David , 1978, Site 368: Cape Verde Rise: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 41, p. 233-326.

Lancelot, Yves, Seibold, E., Cepek, P., Dean, W. E., Eremeev, V. Gardner, J. V., Jansa, L. F., Johnson, D., Krasheninnikov, V., Pflaumann, U., Rankin, J. G., Trabant, P., and Bukry, David , 1978, Site 369: Continental Slope off Cape Bojador, Spanish Sahara: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 41, p. 327-420.

Lancelot, Yves, Seibold, E., Cepek, P., Dean, W. E., Eremeev, V. Gardner, J. V., Jansa, L. F., Johnson, D., Krasheninnikov, V., Pflaumann, U., Rankin, J. G., Trabant, P., and Bukry, David , 1978, Site 370: Deep basin off Morocco: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 41, p. 421-491.

Bukry, David , 1978, Cenozoic coccolith and silicoflagellate stratigraphy, offshore northwest Africa, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 41, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 41, p. 689-707.

Bukry, David , 1978, Fossil character, nannos and silicos, in Hekinian, R., Rosendahl, B. R., Dmitriev, Y., Fodor, R. V., Goll, R. M., Hoffert, N., Humphris, S. E., Mattey, D. P., Natland, J., Petersen, N., Roggenthen, W., Schrader, E. L., Srivastava, R. K., and Warren, N., Leg 54 East Pacific Rise and Galapagos spreading center: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Core Descriptions, 118 p.

Bukry, David, 1978, Cenozoic silicoflagellate and coccolith stratigraphy, southeastern Atlantic Ocean, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 40: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 40, p. 635-649.

Vedder, J. G., Crouch, J. K., Arnal, R. E., Bukry, David , Barron, J. A., and Lee-Wong, F., 1977, Descriptions of pre-Quaternary samples, R/V ELLEN B. SCRIPPS, September 1976, Patton Ridge to Blake Knolls, California Continental Borderland: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 77-474, 19 p.

Bukry, David , Brabb, E. E., and Vedder, J. G., 1977, Correlation of Tertiary nannoplankton assemblages from the Coast and Peninsular Ranges of California: Venezuela Ministerio Minas Hidrocarburos Geol. Bol., Special Publication 7, p. 1461-1483.

Addicott, W. O., Snavely, P. D., Jr., Bukry, David , and Poore, R. Z., 1977, Neogene stratigraphy and paleontology of southern Almeria Province, Spain: an overview: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 77-716, 69 p.

Bukry, David , 1977, Coccolith and silicoflagellate stratigraphy, South Atlantic Ocean, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 39: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 39, p. 825-839.

Vedder, J. G., Taylor, J. C., Arnal, R. E., and Bukry, David , 1976, Maps showing location of selected pre-Quaternary rock samples from the California continental borderland: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF-737, 3 maps.

Bukry, David , 1976, Comments on some coccoliths and silicoflagellates from Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 35: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 35, p. 693-699.

Bukry, David , 1976, Cenozoic silicoflagellate and coccolith stratigraphy, South Atlantic Ocean, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 36: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 35, p. 885-917.

Bukry, David , 1976, Silicoflagellate and coccolith stratigraphy, southwestern Pacific Ocean, Leg 34: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 34, p. 715-735.

Larson, R. L., Moberly, R., Bukry, David, Foreman, H. P., Gardner, J. V., Keene, J. B., Lancelot, Y., Luterbacher, H., Marshall, M. C., and Matter, A., 1975, Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, v. 32, Washington, D.C.

Larson, R. L., Moberly, R., Bukry, David, Foreman, H. P., Gardner, J. V., Keene, J. B., Lancelot, Y., Luterbacher, H., Marshall, M. C., and Matter, A., 1975, Site 308: Koko Guyot: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 32, p. 215-226.

Bukry, David , 1975, Coccolith and silicoflagellate stratigraphy, northwestern Pacific Ocean, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 32: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 32, p. 677-701.

Gartner, Stefan, and Bukry, David , 1975, Morphology and phylogeny of the coccolithophycean family Ceratolithaceae: U.S. Geological Survey Journal of Research, v. 3, p. 451-465.

Bukry, David , 1975, Phytoplankton stratigraphy, southwest Pacific, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 30: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 30, p. 539-547.

Bukry, David , 1975, Phytoplankton stratigraphy, southwest Pacific, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 30: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 30, p. 539-547.

Bukry, David , 1975, Silicoflagellate and coccolith stratigraphy, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 29: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 29, p. 845-872.

Bukry, David , 1975, New Miocene to Holocene stages in the ocean basins based on calcareous nannoplankton zones, in Saito, T., and Burckle, L. H., eds., Late Neogene epoch boundaries: Micropaleontology Press, American Museum of Natural History, Special Publication 1, p. 162-166.

Bukry, David , 1975, Coccolith and silicoflagellate stratigraphy near Antarctica, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 28: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 28, p. 709-723.

Bukry, David , 1974, Stratigraphic value of silicoflagellates in nontropical regions: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 85, p. 1905-1906.

Bukry, David , 1974, Phytoplankton stratigraphy, offshore East Africa, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 25: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 25, p. 635-646.

Bukry, David , and Thierstein, H. R., 1974, Biostratigraphy of marine sediment by calcareous nannoplankton [abs.]: 3rd Planktonic Conference, Kiel, Germany, Abstract, p. 15.

Gartner, Stefan, and Bukry, David , 1974, Morphology, ultrastructure and phylogeny of the coccolithophorid family Ceratolithaceae [abs.]: 3rd Planktonic Conference, Kiel, Germany, Abstract, p. 26.

Bukry, David , 1974, Coccoliths as paleosalinity indicators--evidence from Black Sea: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Memoir 20, p. 353-363.

Bukry, David , and Foster, J. H., 1974, Silicoflagellate zonation of Upper Cretaceous to lower Miocene deep-sea sediment: U.S. Geological Survey Journal of Research, v. 2, p. 303-310.

Gartner, Stefan, and Bukry, David , 1974, Ceratolithus acutus Gartner and Bukry n. sp. and Ceratolithus amplificus Bukry and Percival--nomenclatural clarification: Tulane Studies Geology and Paleontology, v. 11, p. 115-118.

Bukry, David , 1974, Coccolith and silicoflagellate stratigraphy, eastern Indian Ocean, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 22: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 22, p. 601-607.

Larson, R. L., Moberly, R., Bukry, David , Foreman, H. P., Gardner, J. V., Keene, J., Lancelot, Yves, Luterbacher, H., Marshall, M., and Matter, A., 1973, Leg 32 Deep Sea Drilling Project: Geotimes, v. 18, no. 12, p. 14-17.

van Andel, T. H. , and Bukry, David , 1973, Basement ages and basement depths in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific from Deep Sea Drilling Project, Legs 5, 8, 9, and 16: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 84, p. 2361-2370.

Bukry, David , 1973, Coccolith and silicoflagellate stratigraphy, Tasman Sea and southwestern Pacific Ocean, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 21: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 21, p. 885-893.

Bukry, David , 1973, Phytoplankton stratigraphy, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 20, western Pacific Ocean: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 20, p. 307-317.

Douglas, R. G., and Bukry, David , 1973, Sources of error in dating Mesozoic deep-sea sediment [abs.]: Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, v. 5, p. 603-604.

Larson, R. L., Moberly, R., Bukry, David , Foreman, H. P., Gardner, J. V., Keene, J., Lancelot, Yves, Luterbacher, H. P., Marshall, M., Matter, A., and Vincent, Edith, 1973, Preliminary results from Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 32 in the western North Pacific [abs.]: Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, v. 5, p. 708-709.

Bukry, David , 1973, Coccoliths and silicoflagellates from Deep Sea Drilling Project, v. 19, North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 19, p. 857-867.

Bukry, David , 1973, Coccolith and silicoflagellate stratigraphy, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 18, eastern North Pacific: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 18, p. 817-831.

Bukry, David , 1973, Phytoplankton stratigraphy, central Pacific Ocean, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 17: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 17, p. 871-889.

van Andel, T. H., Heath, G. R., Bennett, R. H., Bukry, David , Charleston, S., Cronan, D. S., Dinkelman, M. G., Kaneps, A. G., Rodolfo, R. S., and Yeats, R. S., 1973, Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, v. 16, Washington, D.C.

van Andel, T. H., Heath, G. R., Bennett, R. H., Bukry, David , Charleaton, S., Cronan, D. S., Dinkelman, M. G., Kaneps, A. G., Rodolfo, R. S., and Yeats, R. S., 1973, Site 157: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 16, p. 53-150.

Bukry, David , 1973, Coccolith stratigraphy, eastern equatorial Pacific, Leg 16, Deep Sea Drilling Project: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 16, p. 653-711.

Bukry, David , and Foster, J. H., 1973, Silicoflagellate and diatom stratigraphy, Leg 16, Deep Sea Drilling Project: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 16, p. 815-871.

Bukry, David , Dinkelman, M. G., and Kaneps, A., 1973, Biostratigraphy of the equatorial East Pacific Rise: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 16, p. 915-935.

Bukry, David , 1973, Low-latitude coccolith biostratigraphic zonation: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 15, p. 685-703.

Bukry, David , 1973, Coccolith stratigraphy, Leg 13, Deep Sea Drilling Project: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 13, p. 817-822.

Bukry, David , 1973, Coccolith stratigraphy, Leg 10, Deep Sea Drilling Project: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 10, p. 385-406.

Laughton, A.S., Berggren, W.A., Benson, R.N., Davies, T.A., Franz, Ulrich, Musich, L,F., Perch-Nielsen, Katharina, Ruffman, A.S., van Hinte, J.E., Whitmarsh, R.B., Aumento,Fabrizio, Clarke, B.D., Cann, J.R., Ryall, P.J.C., Sabine, P.E., Benson, R.H., Cheetham, A. H., Haakansson, E., Bukry, David , 1972, Site 119, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v.12, p. 753-901.

Bukry, David , 1972, Further comments on coccolith stratigraphy, Leg 12, Deep Sea Drilling Project: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 12, p. 1071-1083.

Bukry, David , 1972, Miocene to Pleistocene calcareous nannoplankton zonation of the ocean basins [abs.]: International Geological Congress, 24th, Montreal, 1972, Abstract, p. 534-535.

Bukry, David , 1972, Coccolith stratigraphy, Leg 11, Deep Sea Drilling Project: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 11, p. 475-482.

Bukry, David , 1972, Coccolith stratigraphy, Leg 9, Deep Sea Drilling Project: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 9, p. 817-832.

Cronan, D. S., van Andel, T. H., Heath, G. R., Dinkelman, M. G., Bennett, R. H., Bukry, David , Charleston, S., Kaneps, A., Rodolfo, K. S., and Yeats, R. S., 1971, Iron-rich basal sediments from the eastern equatorial Pacific: Leg 16, Deep Sea Drilling Project: Science, v. 175, p. 61-63.

Bukry, David , 1971, Coccolith stratigraphy, Leg 8, Deep Sea Drilling Project: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 8, p. 791-807.

Heezen, B. C., Fischer, A. G., Boyce, R. E., Bukry, David , Douglas, R. G., Garrison, R. E., Kling, S. A., Krasheninnikov, V., Lisitzin, A. P., and Pimm, A. C., 1971, Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, v. 6, Washington, D.C.

Heezen, B. C., Fischer, A. G., Boyce, R. E., Bukry, David , Douglas, R. G., Garrison, R. E., Kling, S. A., Krasheninnikov, V., Lisitzin, A. P., and Pimm, A. C., 1971, Site 44: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 6, p. 17-40.

Bukry, David , 1971, Coccolith stratigraphy, Leg 6, Deep Sea Drilling Project: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 6, p. 965-1004.

Bukry, David , Douglas, R. G., Kling, S. A., and Krasheninnikov, V., 1971, Planktonic microfossil biostratigraphy of the northwestern Pacific Ocean: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 6, p. 1253-1300.

Brabb, E. E., Bukry, David , and Pierce, R. L., 1971, Eocene (Refugian) nannoplankton in the Church Creek Formation near Monterey, central California: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 750-C, p. 44-47.

Bukry, David , 1971, Cenozoic calcareous nannofossils from the Pacific Ocean: San Diego Society of Natural History Transactions, v. 16, p. 303-327.

Bukry, David , 1971, Coccolith stratigraphy, Leg 7, Deep Sea Drilling Project: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 7, pt. 2, p. 1513-1528.

Bukry, David , 1971, Discoaster evolutionary trends: Micropaleontology, v. 17, p. 43-52.

Bukry, David , and Bramlette, M. N., 1971, Validation of Pedinocyclus and Quinquerhabdus, new calcareous nannoplankton genera: Tulane Studies Geology and Paleontology, v. 8, p. 122.

Bukry, David , and Percival, S. F., Jr., 1971, New Tertiary calcareous nannofossils: Tulane Studies Geology and Paleontology, v. 8, p. 123-146.

Bukry, David , Kling, S. A., Manheim, F. T., and Horn, M. K., 1970, Geologicheskoe znachenie coccolitov v tonkozernistik carbonatnik sloyak poatglyataialnik osadkov Chernovo morya. (Geologic significance of coccoliths in fine-grained carbonate bands of postglacial Black Sea sediments.): Litologlya i Poleznie Iskopaemie, no. 6, p. 3-7.

Fischer, A. G., Heezen, B. C., Boyce, R. E., Bukry, David , Douglas, R. G., Garrison, R. E., Kling, S. A., Krasheninnikov, V., Lisitzin, A. P., and Pimm, A. C., 1970, Geological history of the western North Pacific: Science, v. 168, p. 1210-1214.

Bukry, David , Gartner, Stefan, Jr., Percival, S., and Hay, W. W., 1970, Calcareous nannofossils - Legs I-IV - Deep Sea Drilling Project [abs.]: II Planktonic Conference, Roma, Abstracts of Papers, 2 p.

Bukry, David , and Bramlette, M. N., 1970, Coccolith age determinations, Leg 5, Deep Sea Drilling Project: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 5, p. 487-494.

Bukry, David , 1970, Coccolith age determinations, Leg 4, Deep Sea Drilling Project: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 4, p. 375-381.

Bukry, David , Douglas, R. G., Kling, S. A., and Krasheninnikov, V., 1970, Deep sea drilling in the northwestern Pacific: paleontology and biostratigraphy [abs.]: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 54, p. 838.

Bukry, David , Kling, S. A., Horn, M. K., and Manheim, F. T., 1970, Geological significance of coccoliths in fine-grained carbonate bands of postglacial Black Sea sediments: Nature, v. 226, p. 156-158.

Bukry, David , 1970, Coccolith intrusion into the Black Sea since the ice age: Oceanus, v. 15, no. 4, p. 20-22.

Bukry, David , and Bramlette, M. N., 1970, Coccolith age determinations, Leg 3, Deep Sea Drilling Project: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 3, p. 589611.

Bukry, David , 1970, Coccolith age determinations, Leg 2, Deep Sea Drilling Project: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 2, p. 349-355.

Bukry, David , 1970, Biscutum kennedyi nom. nov. pro Biscutum asymmetricum Bukry, 1969, non Perch-Nielsen, 1968 (Plantae, Coccolithophyceae): Journal of Paleontology, v. 44, p. 167.

Bukry, David , and Kennedy, M. P., 1969, Cretaceous and Eocene coccoliths at San Diego, California: California Division of Mines and Geology Special Report 100, p. 33-43.

Bukry, David , and Bramlette, M. N., 1969, Some new and stratigraphically useful calcareous nannofossils of the Cenozoic: Tulane Studies Geology and Paleontology, v. 7, p. 131-142.

Ewing, M., Worzel, J. L., Beall, A. O., Berggren, W. A., Bukry, David , Burk, C. A., Fischer, A. G., Pessagno, E. A., Jr., 1969, Leg 1, Orange, Texas to Hoboken, New Jersey: Initial Reports, Deep Sea Drilling Project, v. l, 672 p.

Ewing, M., Worzel, J. L., Beall, A. O., Berggren, W. A., Bukry, David , Burk, C. A., Fischer, A. G., and Pessagno, E. A., Jr., 1969, Site 1: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 1, p. 10-83.

Bukry, David , and Bramlette, M. N., 1969, Coccolith age determinationa, Leg 1, Deep Sea Drilling Project: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 1, p. 369-387.

Bukry, David , and Bramlette, M. N., 1969, Summary of coccolith biostratigraphy: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 1, p. 621-623.

Heezen, B. C., Fischer, A. G., Boyce, R. E., Bukry, David , Douglas, R. G., Garrison, R. E., Kling, S. A., Krasheninnikov, V., Lisitzin, A. P., and Pimm, A. C., 1969, Preliminary scientific results of cruise VI D/V GLOMAR CHALLENGER, West Pacific [abs.]: Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs for 1969, pt. 7, p. 96-97.

Bukry, David , 1969, Upper Cretaceous coccoliths from Texas and Europe: Kansas University, Paleontological Contributions, Protista, v. 2, 79 p.

Burk, C. A., Ewing, M., Worzel, J. L., Beall, A. O., Jr., Berggren, W. A., Bukry, David , Fischer, A. G., and Pessagno, E. A., Jr., 1969, Deep-sea drilling into the Challenger Knoll, central Gulf of Mexico: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 53, p. 1338-1347.

Gartner, Stefan, Jr., and Bukry, David , 1969, Tertiary holococcoliths: Journal of Paleontology, v. 43, p. 1213-1221.

Fischer, A. G., Heezen, B. C., Lisitzin, A. P., Pimm, A. C., Garrison, R. E., Boyce, R. E., Kling, S. A., Bukry, David , Krasheninnikov, V., and Douglas, R. G., 1969, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 6: Geotimes, v. 14, no. 8, p. 13-16.

Berggren, W. A., Bukry, David , Fischer, A. G., Pessagno, E. A., Jr., 1968, Deep Sea Drilling Project--preliminary results, Part I [abs.]: Paleontology and lithology of samples recovered: Geological Society of America, Annual Meeting, Mexico City, p. 23.

Bukry, David , and Bramlette, M. N., 1968, Stratigraphic significance of two genera of Tertiary calcareous nannofossils: Tulane Studies Geology, v. 6, p. 149-155.

Bukry, David , 1968, Calcareous nannoplankton (Cretaceous): JOIDES Deep Sea Drilling Project, Core description manual, part 7, chapter 6A, p. 14-25.

Bramlette, M. N., and Bukry, David , 1968, Illustrations of Tertiary nannofossils: JOIDES Deep Sea Drilling Project, Core description manual, part 7, chapter 2, 26 p.

Bukry, David , 1968, Cretaceous (Santonian-Campanian) nannofossils of Texas: Dissertation Abstract, v.29, section b, p. 244-245.

U. S. Geological Survey
Volcano Hazards Team, MS-910
(Global Climate Change Section)
345 Middlefield Road
Menlo Park , CA 94025-3591

Telephone- (650) 329-5357
Email- dbukry@usgs.gov


Mesozoic and Cenozoic nannoplankton (coccoliths and silicoflagellates) taxonomy, biostratigraphy and paleoclimate change. Analysis of floras from the Arctic Ocean , Pacific Ocean and North America . Published 300 new taxa and new oceanic nannoplankton biostratigraphic zonations for the NSF JOIDES Deep Sea Drilling Project and Ocean Drilling Program.


Holocene taxonomic census of silicoflagellates and coccoliths from cores along the Pacific coasts of California and Baja California to identify natural paleoclimate variability. Cretaceous and Paleogene correlation for study of faulting at Cement Hill, Fairfield , CA . Correlating Miocene silicoflagellate ranges to the GPTS from ODP cores in the Pacific. Late Cretaceous coccolith zonal correlation for NJ Geological Survey core study of sea level variation.


Colorado School of Mines, 1959-1960
Johns Hopkins University, 1960-1963, B.A., Geology
Princeton University , 1963-1967, M.A., Ph.D., Geology
University of Illinois , 1965-1966, Electronmicroscopy
De Anza College, 1995-1996, Computer science


Barron, J. A., Bukry, David and Bischoff, J.L., 2004, High resolution paleoceanography of the Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California, during the past 15,000 years, Marine Micropaleontology, 50 (3-4): 185-207.

Haeussler, P. J., Wells, Ray, Friedman, Richard, Wooden, Joseph, Bukry, David , and Snavely, P. D. Jr, 2003, U-Pb and coccolith ages from the Oregon Coast Range - hooking Siletzia up to the Geomagnetic Polarity Time Scale, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 35, no. 6, Abst 209-6.

Cunningham, K.J., Locker, S.D., Hine, A.C., Bukry, David , Barron, J.A., and Guertin L.A., 2003, Interplay of Late Cenozoic siliciclastic supply and carbonate response on the southeast Florida Platform, Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. 73, p. 31-46.

Barron, J. A., Bischoff, J. L., Bukry, David , Heusser, Linda, Herbert, Timothy, and Lyle, Mitch, 2002. Holocene evolution of two upwelling systems - offshore northern California and the central Gulf of California . Eos. Transactions of American Geophysical Union , 83(47) Fall Meeting Supplement, Abstract PP21C-0334, p. F943.

Cunningham, K.J., Bukry, David , Sato, Tokiyuki, Barron, J.A., Guertin, L. A., and Reese, R. S., 2001, Sequence stratigraphy of a south Florida carbonate ramp and bounding siliciclastics (Late Miocene-Pliocene), Florida Geological Survey Special Publication No. 49, p. 35-66.
http://sofia.usgs.gov/publications/papers/fgssp49/index.html .

Bukry, David , 2001, Late Campanian (Zone CC22) coccoliths from the Millhaven Core, Screven County, Georgia, U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1603-D, p. D1-D5. http://pubs.usgs.gov/prof/p1603/p1603d.pdf

Bukry, David , Elder, W. P., McKeel, D., Marincovich, L., Niem, W., and Givler, R. W., Paleontological database, p.42-47, in Wells, R. E., Jayko, A.S., Niem, A. R., Black, G., Wiley, T., Baldwin, E., Molenaar, K. M., Wheeler, K. L., DuRoss, C. B., Givler, R. W., 2000, Geologic map and database of the Roseburg 30 X 60 quadrangle, Douglas and Coos Counties, Oregon, U. S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 00-0376, pp. 69 ( 1 sheet ).

Barron, J.A., Bukry, David , and Bischoff, J.L., 2000, Holocene paleoceanographic change at DSDP 480, Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California, Eos Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 81(48), Fall Meeting Supplement, Abstract OS22B-19, 2p.

Miller, K.G., Sugarman, P.J., Browning, J.V., Olsson, R.K., Pekar, S.F., Reilly, T.J., Cramer, B.S., Aubry, M.-P., Lawrence, R.P., Curran, J., Stewart, M., Metzger, J.M., Uptegrove, J., Bukry, David , Burckle, L.H., Wright, J.D., Feigenson, M.D., Brenner, G.J., Dalton, R.F., 1998, Bass River Site: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Initial Reports, v. 174AX, p.5-43.

Peleo-Alampay, A., Bukry, David , Liu, L., and Young, J.R., 1998, Late Miocene calcareous nannofossil genus Catinaster : Taxonomy, evolution and magnetobiochronology: Journal of Micropalaeontology, v.17 (1), p.71-85.

Bukry, David , Brabb, E.E., Powell, C., Jones, D. and Graymer, R., 1998, Recent Tertiary and Cretaceous nannoplankton collections from the San Francisco Bay Region: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 98-497, 33 p.

Hulbert, R.C.,Jr., Petkewich, R.M., Bishop, G.A., Bukry, David , and Aleshire, D.P., 1998, A new middle Eocene protocetid whale (Mammalia: Cetacea: Archaeoceti) and associated biota from Georgia: Journal of Paleontology, v. 72(5), p. 907-927.

Owens, J. P., Sugarman, P. J., Sohl, N. F., Parker, R. A., Houghton, H. F., Volkert, R. A., Drake, A. A., Orndorff, R. C., Bybell, L. M., Andrews, G. W., Bukry , David , Zapecza, O. S., Paulachok, G. N., and Mullikin, Lloyd, 1998, Bedrock geological map of central and southern New Jersey, U. S. Geological Survey I-2540-B, p. ( 4 sheets ).

Sugarman, P.J., Olsson, R.K., Miller, K.G., Wright, J.D., Browning, J.D., White,T.S., Bukry, David , Muller, F.L., Uptegrove, Jane and Brenner, G.J., 1998, Geochemical signature and paleoecological changes associated with the Cenomanian/Turonian anoxic event, Bass River, New Jersey, ODP Leg 174AX: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 1998, p. A54.

Miller, Kenneth G, Mountain, Gregory S., Blum, Peter, Gartner, Stefan, Alm, Per-Gunnar, Aubry, Marie-Pierre, Burckle, L. H., Guerin Gilles, Katz, M. E., Christensen, B. A., Compton, John, Damuth, J. E.,Deconinck, J. F., de Verteuil, Laurent, Fulthorpe, C. S., Hesselbo, S. P., Hoppie, B. W., Kotake, Nobuhiro, Lorenzo, J. M., McCracken, Stuart, McHugh, C. M., Quayle, W. C., Saito, Yoshiki, Snyder, S. W., tenKate, W. G., Urbat, Michael, Van Fossen, M. C., Vecsei, Adam, Sugarman, P. J., Mullikin, Lloyd, Pekar, S., Browning, J. V., Liu, Chengjie, Feigenson, M. D., Goss, Matthew, Gwynn, David, Queen, Donald G., Powars, D.S., Heibel, Todd, D., Bukry, David , 1996, Drilling and dating New Jersey Oligocene-Miocene sequences; ice volume, global sea level, and Exxon records: Science, v. 271 (5252), p.1092-1095.

Bukry, David, 1995, Oligocene and Miocene silicoflagellates from the northern Emperor Seamount Chain, Site 883: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, v. 145, p. 639-644.

Bukry, David , 1995, Silicoflagellates and their geologic applications: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 95-260, 26 p.


Sugarman, P. J., Miller, K. G., Bukry, David , and Feigenson, M. D., 1995, Uppermost Campanian-Maestrichtian strontium isotopic, biostratigraphic, and sequence stratigraphic framework of the New Jersey Coastal Plain: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v, 107, p.19-37.


Bukry, David, 1994, Coccolith correlation of Late Cretaceous Point Loma Formation at La Jolla and Carlsbad, San Diego County, California: U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 94-678, 23 p.


Miller, R. G., Aubry, M.-P., Browning, J. V., Bukry, David , Burckle, L. D., Feigenson, M. D., Gosa, N., Gwynn, D., Rent, D. V., Liu, C., Mulkin, L., Queen, D., Sugarman, P., and Van Foseen, M., 1994, Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program Initial Reports, v. 150X: College Station, Texas (Ocean Drilling Program), 59 p.

Quinterno, P. J., Barron, J. A., Bukry, David , and Blome, C. D., 1994, Late Cretaceous microfossils in a single dredge haul from the Tonga Trench: evidence of Late Cretaceous environment at the Louisville Hotspot, in Stevenson, A. J., Herzer, R. H., and Ballance, P. F. (eds.) Geology and Submarine Resources of the Tonga-Lau Fiji Region: SOPAC Technical Bulletin, v. 8, p. 285-291.

Stanley, R. G., Cotton, M. L., Bukry, David , Filewicz, M. V., Zenon, C. V., and Vork, D. R., 1994, Stratigraphic revelations regarding the Rincon Shale (lower Miocene) in the Santa Barbara coastal area, California [abs.]: American Association of Petroleum Geology Bulletin, v. 78, p. 675-676.

Brouwers, E. M., Bukry, David , and Ryu, I.-C., 1994, Paleoecology and biostratigraphy of late Paleocene-middle Eocene units of the Tyee Basin, western Oregon [abs.]: Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, 1994 Annual Meeting, Seattle, v. 26, no. 7, p. A-160.

Elder, W. P., Bukry. David , and Sliter, W. V., 1994, Development of an integrated macrofossil and microfossil zonation for the Late Cretaceous of Southern California [abs.]: Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, 1994, v. 26, no. 2, p. 50.

Omarzai, S. K., Coe, R. S., Barron, J. A., and Bukry, David , 1994, Paleomagnetism of the Monterey Formation of California at Lion's Head, Santa Maria Basin, central coastal California [abs.]: American Geophysical Union Transactions, v. 75, no. 44, p. 202.

Isaacs, C. N., Barron, J. A., and Bukry, David , 1993, Supplementary data on diatoms and calcareous nannofossils and preliminary revised ages for rock samples (RG-1 to RG-24) in the Cooperative Monterey Organic Geochemistry Study, Santa Maria and Santa Barbara-Ventura Basins, California: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 93-182, 13 p.

Bukry, David , 1993, Cretaceous coccolith correlation for Point Loma Formation outfall test well, San Diego, California: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 93-567, 14 p.

Piper, D. Z., Mossotti, V. G., and Bukry, David , 1993, Phosphate and trace metals in Cenozoic phytoplankton: A signal of changing ocean chemistry [abs.]: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1086, p. 106.

Snavely, P. D., Jr., Bukry, David , and Wells, R. E., 1993, Coccolith-bearing late middle Eocene kerogen shale, Tillamook Highlands, Northwest Oregon Coast Range: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 93-623, 13 p.

Wei, W., Liu, L., and Bukry, David , 1993, Reappraisal of three calcareous nannofossil species: Coccolithus crassus , Toweius magnicrassus , and Toweius callosus : Journal of Micropaleontology, v. 12, p. 91-98.

Omarzai, S. R., Coe, R., Barron, J. A., Bukry, David , Cotton Thornton, M. L., and Blake, G., 1992, High-resolution magnetostratigraphy of the petroleum-bearing Miocene Monterey Formation of California in Horse Canyon, Salinas Basin, California [abs.]: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 76, p. 426-427.

Wells, R. E., Snavely, P. D., Jr., Bukry, David , MacLeod, N. S., and Kelley, M., 1992, Geologic map of the Tillamook Highlands, NW Oregon Coast: A Paleogene magmatic record of continental margin rifting [abs.]: Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, 1992, v. 24, n. 5, p. 89.

Bukry, David, 1991, Oligocene and Quaternary silicoflagellates from the Kerguelen Plateau: Ocean Drilling Program Proceedings, v. 119, p. 933-934.

Bukry, David , 1991, Paleoecological transect of western Pacific Ocean late Pliocene coccolith flora: Part I.--Tropical Ontong-Java Plateau at ODP 806B: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 91-552, 35 p.

Bukry, David , 1991, Transoceanic correlation of middle Eocene coccolith Subzone CP14a at Batiquitos Lagoon, San Diego County, in Abbott, P. L., and May, J. A., eds., Eocene Geologic History, San Diego Region: Pacific Section, Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, v. 68, p. 189-194.

Bukry, David , 1991, Coccolith correlation of California Cenozoic geologic formations: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 91-574, 30 p.

Sugarman, P. J., Miller, R. G., Feigenson, M. D., and Bukry, David , 1991, Maestrichtian strontium isotope reference section, Deep Sea Drilling Project Hole 525A [abs.]: Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, l991 Annual Meeting, San Diego, p. A339.

Bukry, David , 1990, Remarks on calcareous and siliceous nannoplankton biostratigraphy for some Cretaceous and Tertiary core samples from southern New Jersey: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 90-278, 22 p.

Rio, D., Thunell, R., Sprovieri, R., Bukry, David , DeStefano, E., Howell, M., Raffi, I., Sancetta, C., and Sanfilippo, A., 1989 [1990], Stratigraphic and depositional history of the Pliocene Bianco Section, Calabria, southern Italy: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v. 76, p. 85-105.

Ballance, P. F., Barron, J. A., Blome, C. D., Bukry, David , Cawood, P. A., Chaproniere, G. C. H., Frisch, Robin, Herzer, R. H., Nelson, C. S., Quinterno, Paula, Ryan, H., Scholl, D. W., Stevenson, A. J., Tappin, D. G., and Vallier, T. L., 1989, Late Cretaceous pelagic sediments, volcanic ash and biotas from near the Louisville hotspot, Pacific Plate, Paleolatitude-42°S: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v. 71, p. 281-299.

Bukry, David , and Snavely, P. D., Jr., 1988, Coccolith zonation for Paleogene strata in the Oregon Coast Range in Filewicz, M., and Squires, R. (eds.), West Coast Paleogene Symposium Volume 58: Pacific Section, Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, p. 254-263.

Bukry, David , 1987, Eocene siliceous and calcareous phytoplankton, DSDP Leg 95: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 95, p. 395-415.

Bukry, David , 1987, North Atlantic Quaternary silicoflagellates, DSDP Leg 94: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 94, p. 779-783.

Bukry, David , 1986, Miocene silicoflagellates from Chatham Rise, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Site 594: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 90, p. 925-937.

Bukry, David , 1985, Numerical ages of Cenozoic biostratigraphic datum levels: Results of South Atlantic Leg 73 drilling: Discussion: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 96, p. 813-814.

Bukry, David , 1985, Correlation of Late Cretaceous Arctic silicoflagellates from Alpha Ridge, in Jackson, H. R., Mudie, P. H., and Blaseo, S. M., eds., Initial Geological Report on CESAR--the Canadian Expedition to Study the Alpha Ridge, Arctic Ocean: Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 84-22, p. 125-135.

Bukry, David , and Monechi, S., 1985, Late Cenozoic silicoflagellates from the northwest Pacific, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 86: Paleotemperature trends and texture classification: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 86, p. 367397.

Bukry, David , 1985, Tropical Pacific silicoflagellate zonatlon and paleotemperature trends of the Late Cenozoic: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 85, p. 477-497.

Bukry, David , 1985, Mid-Atlantic Ridge coccolith and silicoflagellate biostratigraphy, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Sites 558 and 563: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 82, p. 591-603.

Bukry, David , 1984, Paleogene paleoceanography of the Arctic Ocean is constrained by the middle or late Eocene age of USGS Core Fl-422: Evidence from silicoflagellates: Geology, v. 12, p. 199-201.

Barron, J. A., Bukry, David , and Poore, R. Z., 1984, Correlation of the middle Eocene Kellogg Shale of California of northern California: Micropaleontology, v. 30, p. 138-170.

Bukry, David , 1983, Upper Cenozoic silicoflagellates from offshore Ecuador, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Site 504: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 69, p. 321-342.

Bukry, David , 1983, Neogene Pacific nannofossil stages [abs.]: 15th Pacific Science Congress, Dunedin 1983, Programme, Abstracts and Congress Information, v. 1, p. 30.

Bukry, David , 1982, Neogene silicoflagellates of the eastern equatorial Pacific, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Hole 503A: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 68, p. 311-323.

Bukry, David , 1982, Cenozoic silicoflagellates from offshore Guatemala, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Site 495: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 67, p. 425-445.

Bukry, David , 1981, Cenozoic coccoliths from the Deep Sea Drilling Project: Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists Special Publication 32, p. 335-353.

Bukry, David , 1981, Synthesis of silicoflagellate stratigraphy for Maestrichtian to Quaternary marine sediment: Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists Special Publication 32, p. 434-444.

Bukry, David , 1981, Cretaceous Arctic silicoflagellates: Geo-Marine Letters, v. 1, p. 57-63.

Yeats, R. S., Hag, B. U., Barron, J. A., Bukry, David , Crouch, J. R., Denham, C., Douglas, A. G., Grechin, V. I., Leinen, M., Niem, A. R., Pal, S., Pisciotto, R. A., Poore, R. Z., Shibata, T., and Wolfart, R., 1981, Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, v. 63, Washington, D.C.

Yeats, R. S., Hag, B. U., Barron, J. A., Bukry, David , Crouch, J. R., Denham, C., Douglas, A. G., Grechin, V. I., Leinen, M., Niem, A. R., Pal, S., Pisciotto, R. A., Poore, R. Z., Shibata, T., and Wolfart, R., 1981, Site 470: Off Guadalupe Island: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 63, p. 227-268.

Bukry, David , 1981, Pacific Coast coccolith stratigraphy between Point Conception and Cabo Corrientes, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 63: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 63, p. 445-471.

Bukry, David , 1981, Silicoflagellate stratigraphy of offshore California and Baja California, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 63: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 63, p. 539-557.

Rosendahl, B.R., Hekinian, Roger, Briqueu, Louis, Dmitriev, Yuri, Fodor, R.V., Goll, R.M., Hoffert, Michel, Humphris, S.E., Lynts, George, Mattey, D.P., Natland, J.H., Petersen, Nikolai, Roggenthen, William, Schrader, E.L., Srivastava, R.K., Warren, Nick, Barron, J.A., Bukry, David , Lynts, G.W., 1980, Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, v.54, Washington, D.C.

Bukry, David , 1980, Coccolith stratigraphy, tropical eastern Pacific Ocean, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 54: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 54, p. 535-543.

Bukry, David , 1980, Silicoflagellate biostratigraphy and paleoecology in the eastern equatorial Pacific, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 54: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 54, p. 545-573.

Bukry, David , 1980, Opal phytoliths from the tropical eastern Pacific Ocean, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 54: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 54, p. 575-589.

Bukry, David , 1980, Miocene Corbisema triacantha Zone phytoplankton from Deep Sea Drilling Project Sites 415 and 416, off northwest Africa: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 50, p. 507-523.

Okada, H., and Bukry, David , 1980, Supplementary modification and introduction of code numbers to the low-latitude coccolith biostratigraphic zonation (Bukry, 1973; 1975): Marine Micropaleontology, v. 5, p. 321-325.

Crouch, J. R., and Bukry, David , 1980, Reply on "Comparison of Miocene provincial foraminiferal stages to coccolith zones in the California Continental Borderland": Geology, v. 8, no. 1, p. 4-5.

Bukry, David , 1979, Coccolith and silicoflagellate stratigraphy, northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge and Reykjanes Ridge, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 49: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 49, p. 551-581.

Bukry, David , 1979, Comments on opal phytoliths and stratigraphy of Neogene silicoflagellates and coccoliths at Deep Sea Drilling Project, Site 397 off northwest Africa: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 49, p. 977-1009.

Black, M., and Bukry, David , 1979, Coccoliths, in Fairbridge, R. W., and Jablonski, D., eds., The Encyclopedia of Paleontology: Stroudsburg, Dowden, Hutchinson & Ross, Inc., p. 194-199.

Addicott, W. O., Snavely, P. D., Jr., Poore, R. Z., and Bukry, David , 1979, La secuencia Neogena marina de los Campos de Dalias y de Nijar (Almeria): Estudius Geologicos (Spain), v. 35, p. 609-631.

Addicott, W. O., Snavely, P. D., Jr., Bukry, David , and Poore, R. Z., 1978, Neogene stratigraphy and paleontology of southern Almeria Province, Spain: an overview: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1454, 49 p.

Bukry, David , 1978, Neogene coccolith stratigraphy, Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 45: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 45, p. 307-317.

Bukry, David , 1978, Biostratigraphy of Cenozoic marine sediment by calcareous nannofossils: Micropaleontology, v. 24, p. 44-60.

Bukry, David , 1978, Cenozoic silicoflagellate and coccolith stratigraphy, northwestern Atlantic Ocean, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 43: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 44, p. 775-805.

Bukry, David , 1978, Cenozoic coccolith, silicoflagellate, and diatom stratigraphy, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 44: Deep Sea Drillinq Project, Initial Reports, v. 44, p. 807-863.

Gradstein, F. M., Bukry, David , Habib, D., Renz, O., Roth, P. H., Schmidt, R. R., Weaver, F. M., and Wind, F. H., 1978, Biostratigraphic summary of DSDP Leg 44: western North Atlantic Ocean: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 44, p. 657-662.

Lancelot, Yves, Seibold, E., Cepek, P., Dean, W. E., Eremeev, V. Gardner, J. V., Jansa, L. F., Johnson, D., Krasheninnikov, V., Pflaumann, U., Rankin, J. G., Trabant, P., and Bukry, David , 1978, Site 366: Sierra Leone Rise: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 41, p. 21-162.

Lancelot, Yves, Seibold, E., Cepek, P., Dean, W. E., Eremeev, V. Gardner, J. V., Jansa, L. F., Johnson, D., Krasheninnikov, V., Pflaumann, U., Rankin, J. G., Trabant, P., and Bukry, David , 1978, Site 367: Cape Verde Basin: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 41, p. 163-232.

Lancelot, Yvea, Seibold, E., Cepek, P., Dean, W. E., Eremeev, V. Gardner, J. V., Jansa, L. F., Johnson, D., Krasheninnikov, V., Pflaumann, U., Rankin, J. G., Trabant, P., and Bukry, David , 1978, Site 368: Cape Verde Rise: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 41, p. 233-326.

Lancelot, Yves, Seibold, E., Cepek, P., Dean, W. E., Eremeev, V. Gardner, J. V., Jansa, L. F., Johnson, D., Krasheninnikov, V., Pflaumann, U., Rankin, J. G., Trabant, P., and Bukry, David , 1978, Site 369: Continental Slope off Cape Bojador, Spanish Sahara: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 41, p. 327-420.

Lancelot, Yves, Seibold, E., Cepek, P., Dean, W. E., Eremeev, V. Gardner, J. V., Jansa, L. F., Johnson, D., Krasheninnikov, V., Pflaumann, U., Rankin, J. G., Trabant, P., and Bukry, David , 1978, Site 370: Deep basin off Morocco: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 41, p. 421-491.

Bukry, David , 1978, Cenozoic coccolith and silicoflagellate stratigraphy, offshore northwest Africa, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 41, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 41, p. 689-707.

Bukry, David , 1978, Fossil character, nannos and silicos, in Hekinian, R., Rosendahl, B. R., Dmitriev, Y., Fodor, R. V., Goll, R. M., Hoffert, N., Humphris, S. E., Mattey, D. P., Natland, J., Petersen, N., Roggenthen, W., Schrader, E. L., Srivastava, R. K., and Warren, N., Leg 54 East Pacific Rise and Galapagos spreading center: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Core Descriptions, 118 p.

Bukry, David, 1978, Cenozoic silicoflagellate and coccolith stratigraphy, southeastern Atlantic Ocean, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 40: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 40, p. 635-649.

Vedder, J. G., Crouch, J. K., Arnal, R. E., Bukry, David , Barron, J. A., and Lee-Wong, F., 1977, Descriptions of pre-Quaternary samples, R/V ELLEN B. SCRIPPS, September 1976, Patton Ridge to Blake Knolls, California Continental Borderland: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 77-474, 19 p.

Bukry, David , Brabb, E. E., and Vedder, J. G., 1977, Correlation of Tertiary nannoplankton assemblages from the Coast and Peninsular Ranges of California: Venezuela Ministerio Minas Hidrocarburos Geol. Bol., Special Publication 7, p. 1461-1483.

Addicott, W. O., Snavely, P. D., Jr., Bukry, David , and Poore, R. Z., 1977, Neogene stratigraphy and paleontology of southern Almeria Province, Spain: an overview: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 77-716, 69 p.

Bukry, David , 1977, Coccolith and silicoflagellate stratigraphy, South Atlantic Ocean, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 39: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 39, p. 825-839.

Vedder, J. G., Taylor, J. C., Arnal, R. E., and Bukry, David , 1976, Maps showing location of selected pre-Quaternary rock samples from the California continental borderland: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF-737, 3 maps.

Bukry, David , 1976, Comments on some coccoliths and silicoflagellates from Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 35: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 35, p. 693-699.

Bukry, David , 1976, Cenozoic silicoflagellate and coccolith stratigraphy, South Atlantic Ocean, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 36: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 35, p. 885-917.

Bukry, David , 1976, Silicoflagellate and coccolith stratigraphy, southwestern Pacific Ocean, Leg 34: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 34, p. 715-735.

Larson, R. L., Moberly, R., Bukry, David, Foreman, H. P., Gardner, J. V., Keene, J. B., Lancelot, Y., Luterbacher, H., Marshall, M. C., and Matter, A., 1975, Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, v. 32, Washington, D.C.

Larson, R. L., Moberly, R., Bukry, David, Foreman, H. P., Gardner, J. V., Keene, J. B., Lancelot, Y., Luterbacher, H., Marshall, M. C., and Matter, A., 1975, Site 308: Koko Guyot: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 32, p. 215-226.

Bukry, David , 1975, Coccolith and silicoflagellate stratigraphy, northwestern Pacific Ocean, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 32: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 32, p. 677-701.

Gartner, Stefan, and Bukry, David , 1975, Morphology and phylogeny of the coccolithophycean family Ceratolithaceae: U.S. Geological Survey Journal of Research, v. 3, p. 451-465.

Bukry, David , 1975, Phytoplankton stratigraphy, southwest Pacific, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 30: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 30, p. 539-547.

Bukry, David , 1975, Phytoplankton stratigraphy, southwest Pacific, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 30: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 30, p. 539-547.

Bukry, David , 1975, Silicoflagellate and coccolith stratigraphy, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 29: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 29, p. 845-872.

Bukry, David , 1975, New Miocene to Holocene stages in the ocean basins based on calcareous nannoplankton zones, in Saito, T., and Burckle, L. H., eds., Late Neogene epoch boundaries: Micropaleontology Press, American Museum of Natural History, Special Publication 1, p. 162-166.

Bukry, David , 1975, Coccolith and silicoflagellate stratigraphy near Antarctica, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 28: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 28, p. 709-723.

Bukry, David , 1974, Stratigraphic value of silicoflagellates in nontropical regions: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 85, p. 1905-1906.

Bukry, David , 1974, Phytoplankton stratigraphy, offshore East Africa, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 25: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 25, p. 635-646.

Bukry, David , and Thierstein, H. R., 1974, Biostratigraphy of marine sediment by calcareous nannoplankton [abs.]: 3rd Planktonic Conference, Kiel, Germany, Abstract, p. 15.

Gartner, Stefan, and Bukry, David , 1974, Morphology, ultrastructure and phylogeny of the coccolithophorid family Ceratolithaceae [abs.]: 3rd Planktonic Conference, Kiel, Germany, Abstract, p. 26.

Bukry, David , 1974, Coccoliths as paleosalinity indicators--evidence from Black Sea: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Memoir 20, p. 353-363.

Bukry, David , and Foster, J. H., 1974, Silicoflagellate zonation of Upper Cretaceous to lower Miocene deep-sea sediment: U.S. Geological Survey Journal of Research, v. 2, p. 303-310.

Gartner, Stefan, and Bukry, David , 1974, Ceratolithus acutus Gartner and Bukry n. sp. and Ceratolithus amplificus Bukry and Percival--nomenclatural clarification: Tulane Studies Geology and Paleontology, v. 11, p. 115-118.

Bukry, David , 1974, Coccolith and silicoflagellate stratigraphy, eastern Indian Ocean, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 22: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 22, p. 601-607.

Larson, R. L., Moberly, R., Bukry, David , Foreman, H. P., Gardner, J. V., Keene, J., Lancelot, Yves, Luterbacher, H., Marshall, M., and Matter, A., 1973, Leg 32 Deep Sea Drilling Project: Geotimes, v. 18, no. 12, p. 14-17.

van Andel, T. H. , and Bukry, David , 1973, Basement ages and basement depths in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific from Deep Sea Drilling Project, Legs 5, 8, 9, and 16: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 84, p. 2361-2370.

Bukry, David , 1973, Coccolith and silicoflagellate stratigraphy, Tasman Sea and southwestern Pacific Ocean, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 21: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 21, p. 885-893.

Bukry, David , 1973, Phytoplankton stratigraphy, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 20, western Pacific Ocean: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 20, p. 307-317.

Douglas, R. G., and Bukry, David , 1973, Sources of error in dating Mesozoic deep-sea sediment [abs.]: Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, v. 5, p. 603-604.

Larson, R. L., Moberly, R., Bukry, David , Foreman, H. P., Gardner, J. V., Keene, J., Lancelot, Yves, Luterbacher, H. P., Marshall, M., Matter, A., and Vincent, Edith, 1973, Preliminary results from Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 32 in the western North Pacific [abs.]: Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, v. 5, p. 708-709.

Bukry, David , 1973, Coccoliths and silicoflagellates from Deep Sea Drilling Project, v. 19, North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 19, p. 857-867.

Bukry, David , 1973, Coccolith and silicoflagellate stratigraphy, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 18, eastern North Pacific: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 18, p. 817-831.

Bukry, David , 1973, Phytoplankton stratigraphy, central Pacific Ocean, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 17: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 17, p. 871-889.

van Andel, T. H., Heath, G. R., Bennett, R. H., Bukry, David , Charleston, S., Cronan, D. S., Dinkelman, M. G., Kaneps, A. G., Rodolfo, R. S., and Yeats, R. S., 1973, Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, v. 16, Washington, D.C.

van Andel, T. H., Heath, G. R., Bennett, R. H., Bukry, David , Charleaton, S., Cronan, D. S., Dinkelman, M. G., Kaneps, A. G., Rodolfo, R. S., and Yeats, R. S., 1973, Site 157: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 16, p. 53-150.

Bukry, David , 1973, Coccolith stratigraphy, eastern equatorial Pacific, Leg 16, Deep Sea Drilling Project: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 16, p. 653-711.

Bukry, David , and Foster, J. H., 1973, Silicoflagellate and diatom stratigraphy, Leg 16, Deep Sea Drilling Project: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 16, p. 815-871.

Bukry, David , Dinkelman, M. G., and Kaneps, A., 1973, Biostratigraphy of the equatorial East Pacific Rise: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 16, p. 915-935.

Bukry, David , 1973, Low-latitude coccolith biostratigraphic zonation: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 15, p. 685-703.

Bukry, David , 1973, Coccolith stratigraphy, Leg 13, Deep Sea Drilling Project: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 13, p. 817-822.

Bukry, David , 1973, Coccolith stratigraphy, Leg 10, Deep Sea Drilling Project: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 10, p. 385-406.

Laughton, A.S., Berggren, W.A., Benson, R.N., Davies, T.A., Franz, Ulrich, Musich, L,F., Perch-Nielsen, Katharina, Ruffman, A.S., van Hinte, J.E., Whitmarsh, R.B., Aumento,Fabrizio, Clarke, B.D., Cann, J.R., Ryall, P.J.C., Sabine, P.E., Benson, R.H., Cheetham, A. H., Haakansson, E., Bukry, David , 1972, Site 119, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v.12, p. 753-901.

Bukry, David , 1972, Further comments on coccolith stratigraphy, Leg 12, Deep Sea Drilling Project: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 12, p. 1071-1083.

Bukry, David , 1972, Miocene to Pleistocene calcareous nannoplankton zonation of the ocean basins [abs.]: International Geological Congress, 24th, Montreal, 1972, Abstract, p. 534-535.

Bukry, David , 1972, Coccolith stratigraphy, Leg 11, Deep Sea Drilling Project: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 11, p. 475-482.

Bukry, David , 1972, Coccolith stratigraphy, Leg 9, Deep Sea Drilling Project: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 9, p. 817-832.

Cronan, D. S., van Andel, T. H., Heath, G. R., Dinkelman, M. G., Bennett, R. H., Bukry, David , Charleston, S., Kaneps, A., Rodolfo, K. S., and Yeats, R. S., 1971, Iron-rich basal sediments from the eastern equatorial Pacific: Leg 16, Deep Sea Drilling Project: Science, v. 175, p. 61-63.

Bukry, David , 1971, Coccolith stratigraphy, Leg 8, Deep Sea Drilling Project: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 8, p. 791-807.

Heezen, B. C., Fischer, A. G., Boyce, R. E., Bukry, David , Douglas, R. G., Garrison, R. E., Kling, S. A., Krasheninnikov, V., Lisitzin, A. P., and Pimm, A. C., 1971, Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, v. 6, Washington, D.C.

Heezen, B. C., Fischer, A. G., Boyce, R. E., Bukry, David , Douglas, R. G., Garrison, R. E., Kling, S. A., Krasheninnikov, V., Lisitzin, A. P., and Pimm, A. C., 1971, Site 44: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 6, p. 17-40.

Bukry, David , 1971, Coccolith stratigraphy, Leg 6, Deep Sea Drilling Project: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 6, p. 965-1004.

Bukry, David , Douglas, R. G., Kling, S. A., and Krasheninnikov, V., 1971, Planktonic microfossil biostratigraphy of the northwestern Pacific Ocean: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 6, p. 1253-1300.

Brabb, E. E., Bukry, David , and Pierce, R. L., 1971, Eocene (Refugian) nannoplankton in the Church Creek Formation near Monterey, central California: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 750-C, p. 44-47.

Bukry, David , 1971, Cenozoic calcareous nannofossils from the Pacific Ocean: San Diego Society of Natural History Transactions, v. 16, p. 303-327.

Bukry, David , 1971, Coccolith stratigraphy, Leg 7, Deep Sea Drilling Project: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 7, pt. 2, p. 1513-1528.

Bukry, David , 1971, Discoaster evolutionary trends: Micropaleontology, v. 17, p. 43-52.

Bukry, David , and Bramlette, M. N., 1971, Validation of Pedinocyclus and Quinquerhabdus, new calcareous nannoplankton genera: Tulane Studies Geology and Paleontology, v. 8, p. 122.

Bukry, David , and Percival, S. F., Jr., 1971, New Tertiary calcareous nannofossils: Tulane Studies Geology and Paleontology, v. 8, p. 123-146.

Bukry, David , Kling, S. A., Manheim, F. T., and Horn, M. K., 1970, Geologicheskoe znachenie coccolitov v tonkozernistik carbonatnik sloyak poatglyataialnik osadkov Chernovo morya. (Geologic significance of coccoliths in fine-grained carbonate bands of postglacial Black Sea sediments.): Litologlya i Poleznie Iskopaemie, no. 6, p. 3-7.

Fischer, A. G., Heezen, B. C., Boyce, R. E., Bukry, David , Douglas, R. G., Garrison, R. E., Kling, S. A., Krasheninnikov, V., Lisitzin, A. P., and Pimm, A. C., 1970, Geological history of the western North Pacific: Science, v. 168, p. 1210-1214.

Bukry, David , Gartner, Stefan, Jr., Percival, S., and Hay, W. W., 1970, Calcareous nannofossils - Legs I-IV - Deep Sea Drilling Project [abs.]: II Planktonic Conference, Roma, Abstracts of Papers, 2 p.

Bukry, David , and Bramlette, M. N., 1970, Coccolith age determinations, Leg 5, Deep Sea Drilling Project: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 5, p. 487-494.

Bukry, David , 1970, Coccolith age determinations, Leg 4, Deep Sea Drilling Project: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 4, p. 375-381.

Bukry, David , Douglas, R. G., Kling, S. A., and Krasheninnikov, V., 1970, Deep sea drilling in the northwestern Pacific: paleontology and biostratigraphy [abs.]: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 54, p. 838.

Bukry, David , Kling, S. A., Horn, M. K., and Manheim, F. T., 1970, Geological significance of coccoliths in fine-grained carbonate bands of postglacial Black Sea sediments: Nature, v. 226, p. 156-158.

Bukry, David , 1970, Coccolith intrusion into the Black Sea since the ice age: Oceanus, v. 15, no. 4, p. 20-22.

Bukry, David , and Bramlette, M. N., 1970, Coccolith age determinations, Leg 3, Deep Sea Drilling Project: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 3, p. 589611.

Bukry, David , 1970, Coccolith age determinations, Leg 2, Deep Sea Drilling Project: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 2, p. 349-355.

Bukry, David , 1970, Biscutum kennedyi nom. nov. pro Biscutum asymmetricum Bukry, 1969, non Perch-Nielsen, 1968 (Plantae, Coccolithophyceae): Journal of Paleontology, v. 44, p. 167.

Bukry, David , and Kennedy, M. P., 1969, Cretaceous and Eocene coccoliths at San Diego, California: California Division of Mines and Geology Special Report 100, p. 33-43.

Bukry, David , and Bramlette, M. N., 1969, Some new and stratigraphically useful calcareous nannofossils of the Cenozoic: Tulane Studies Geology and Paleontology, v. 7, p. 131-142.

Ewing, M., Worzel, J. L., Beall, A. O., Berggren, W. A., Bukry, David , Burk, C. A., Fischer, A. G., Pessagno, E. A., Jr., 1969, Leg 1, Orange, Texas to Hoboken, New Jersey: Initial Reports, Deep Sea Drilling Project, v. l, 672 p.

Ewing, M., Worzel, J. L., Beall, A. O., Berggren, W. A., Bukry, David , Burk, C. A., Fischer, A. G., and Pessagno, E. A., Jr., 1969, Site 1: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 1, p. 10-83.

Bukry, David , and Bramlette, M. N., 1969, Coccolith age determinationa, Leg 1, Deep Sea Drilling Project: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 1, p. 369-387.

Bukry, David , and Bramlette, M. N., 1969, Summary of coccolith biostratigraphy: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Initial Reports, v. 1, p. 621-623.

Heezen, B. C., Fischer, A. G., Boyce, R. E., Bukry, David , Douglas, R. G., Garrison, R. E., Kling, S. A., Krasheninnikov, V., Lisitzin, A. P., and Pimm, A. C., 1969, Preliminary scientific results of cruise VI D/V GLOMAR CHALLENGER, West Pacific [abs.]: Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs for 1969, pt. 7, p. 96-97.

Bukry, David , 1969, Upper Cretaceous coccoliths from Texas and Europe: Kansas University, Paleontological Contributions, Protista, v. 2, 79 p.

Burk, C. A., Ewing, M., Worzel, J. L., Beall, A. O., Jr., Berggren, W. A., Bukry, David , Fischer, A. G., and Pessagno, E. A., Jr., 1969, Deep-sea drilling into the Challenger Knoll, central Gulf of Mexico: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 53, p. 1338-1347.

Gartner, Stefan, Jr., and Bukry, David , 1969, Tertiary holococcoliths: Journal of Paleontology, v. 43, p. 1213-1221.

Fischer, A. G., Heezen, B. C., Lisitzin, A. P., Pimm, A. C., Garrison, R. E., Boyce, R. E., Kling, S. A., Bukry, David , Krasheninnikov, V., and Douglas, R. G., 1969, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 6: Geotimes, v. 14, no. 8, p. 13-16.

Berggren, W. A., Bukry, David , Fischer, A. G., Pessagno, E. A., Jr., 1968, Deep Sea Drilling Project--preliminary results, Part I [abs.]: Paleontology and lithology of samples recovered: Geological Society of America, Annual Meeting, Mexico City, p. 23.

Bukry, David , and Bramlette, M. N., 1968, Stratigraphic significance of two genera of Tertiary calcareous nannofossils: Tulane Studies Geology, v. 6, p. 149-155.

Bukry, David , 1968, Calcareous nannoplankton (Cretaceous): JOIDES Deep Sea Drilling Project, Core description manual, part 7, chapter 6A, p. 14-25.

Bramlette, M. N., and Bukry, David , 1968, Illustrations of Tertiary nannofossils: JOIDES Deep Sea Drilling Project, Core description manual, part 7, chapter 2, 26 p.

Bukry, David , 1968, Cretaceous (Santonian-Campanian) nannofossils of Texas: Dissertation Abstract, v.29, section b, p. 244-245.