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Title Zoning Regulation of the National Wildlife Refuge Gandoca-Manzanillo. (Reglamento de Zonificación del Refugio Nacional de Vida Silvestre Gandoca-Manzanillo)
Instrument Number 34946-MINAET GLIN ID 215132
Instrument Class Issuance Date 06/11/2008
Publication Issue Number
248Find Additional Information
Publication Date 23/12/2008
Publication Specifics Alcance 55
Related Legal Resources Related to Law: Executive Decree 16614-MAG of 7/1/85 establishes the Gandoca-Manzanillo National (GLIN ID 21922)
Executive Decree 34946-MINAET of 06 November 2008. Zoning Regulation of the National Wildlife Refuge-Gandoca Manzanillo, mixed category. It is divided into 15 zones and subzones, 6 and 9 terrestrial and marine-coastal states. Provides the immediate suspension of works as a non-compliance penalty. (37 articles, pp. 26-31)
Decreto Ejecutivo 34946.MINAET de 06 de noviembre del 2008. Reglamento de Zonificación del Refugio Nacional de Vida Silvestre- Gandoca-Manzanillo, categoría mixta. Se divide en 15 zonas y subzonas, 9 terrestres y 6 marino-costeras. Dispone la suspensión inmediata de obras como sanción en caso de incumplimiento. ( 37 artículos, pp. 26- 31)

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Summary record last updated on 30/01/2009