nereus.024.log Asteroid 4660 Nereus 2002 January 24 Updated: 2008 March 19 ========================================================= Schedule and SNR Calculation Duration Rotation Jan UTC PST RA Dec AU RunSNR (h) (°) 15 1730-2205 0930-1405 321 -1 0.036 100 4.58 109 18 1645-0005 0845-1605 308 -6 0.031 170 7.33 175 19 1630-2335 0830-1535 303 -8 0.030 190 7.08 169 20 1635-2300 0835-1500 298 -10 0.029 200 6.42 153 22 1530-2005 0730-1205 286 -13 0.029 210 4.58 109 23 1505-1950 0705-1150 280 -15 0.029 200 4.75 113 24 1445-1730 0645-0930 274 -16 0.030 190 2.75 66 25 1425-1855 0625-1055 268 -17 0.031 170 4.50 107 26 1405-1915 0605-1115 263 -18 0.032 150 5.17 123 27 1345-1910 0545-1110 258 -19 0.033 120 5.42 129 29 1315-1830 0515-1030 250 -20 0.037 88 5.25 125 ========================================================= UNCERTAINTIES With 282 optical observations spanning 30-SEP-1981 to 4-JAN-2002 5 delay and 2 Doppler, 4660 Nereus solution #30 was computed. 3-sigma X-band uncertainties are shown below. Files have been updated at Goldstone and Arecibo. Note TPM prediction error is one of the uncalibrated error sources not included in these uncertainty predictions. This is why Doppler error is sometimes replaced by "<1.000" Hz when it gets very small. Here I left it. DATE Pointing X-band Dop Delay (") Hz (sec) ----------------- --------- ---------- ---------- 8-JAN-2002 00:00 1.331 0.178 0.000040 10-JAN-2002 00:00 1.157 0.130 0.000012 12-JAN-2002 00:00 1.084 0.124 0.000004 14-JAN-2002 00:00 1.227 0.133 0.000013 16-JAN-2002 00:00 1.385 0.157 0.000027 18-JAN-2002 00:00 1.540 0.194 0.000045 20-JAN-2002 00:00 1.654 0.240 0.000066 22-JAN-2002 00:00 1.691 0.283 0.000089 24-JAN-2002 00:00 1.647 0.315 0.000110 26-JAN-2002 00:00 1.536 0.330 0.000127 28-JAN-2002 00:00 1.408 0.328 0.000138 ========================================================= Pointing macro for January 24 TX Offsets Date (UTC) DOY hhmmss RA Dec Macro LHA Dec RTT OSOD 2002 01 24 024 140000 275.0105 -15.9081 A 29.7 26 2002 01 24 024 150000 274.7526 -15.9676 A 29.7 2002 01 24 024 160000 274.4918 -16.0259 A 0.0022 -0.0005 29.7 2002 01 24 024 170000 274.2291 -16.0826 A 29.8 2002 01 24 024 180000 273.9658 -16.1377 A 29.8 PRDX.OUT.s38 TRANSMITTER: STATION #14, RECEIVER: STATION #14 RECEIVER U.T. RANGE DOPPLER LHA DEC RA EL 2002 JAN 24 14:40 29.7106548376 -55051.953 312.0128 -15.9478 274.839 21.416 2002 JAN 24 14:50 29.7145438350 -55919.109 314.5628 -15.9577 274.796 22.979 2002 JAN 24 15:00 29.7184946620 -56815.969 317.1129 -15.9675 274.753 24.491 2002 JAN 24 15:10 29.7225093541 -57741.189 319.6630 -15.9773 274.709 25.950 2002 JAN 24 15:20 29.7265898506 -58693.372 322.2132 -15.9871 274.666 27.350 2002 JAN 24 15:30 29.7307379908 -59671.064 324.7635 -15.9968 274.623 28.689 2002 JAN 24 15:40 29.7349555149 -60672.763 327.3139 -16.0065 274.579 29.960 2002 JAN 24 15:50 29.7392440428 -61696.916 329.8643 -16.0161 274.535 31.161 2002 JAN 24 16:00 29.7436051015 -62741.927 332.4148 -16.0258 274.492 32.286 2002 JAN 24 16:10 29.7480400915 -63806.157 334.9653 -16.0353 274.448 33.330 2002 JAN 24 16:20 29.7525503016 -64887.931 337.5159 -16.0448 274.404 34.290 2002 JAN 24 16:30 29.7571369016 -65985.535 340.0665 -16.0543 274.361 35.160 2002 JAN 24 16:40 29.7618009359 -67097.225 342.6171 -16.0637 274.317 35.937 2002 JAN 24 16:50 29.7665433387 -68221.231 345.1678 -16.0731 274.273 36.615 2002 JAN 24 17:00 29.7713649061 -69355.755 347.7185 -16.0825 274.229 37.191 2002 JAN 24 17:10 29.7762663117 -70498.980 350.2692 -16.0918 274.185 37.662 2002 JAN 24 17:20 29.7812481013 -71649.070 352.8200 -16.1010 274.141 38.025 2002 JAN 24 17:30 29.7863106914 -72804.176 355.3707 -16.1102 274.097 38.277 ========================================================= BEGIN ELECTRONIC LOG Benner, Ostro, & Giorgini at JPL Kern, Smith, Franck, and Choate at Goldstone Start with solution 38 The track is less than 3 hours long so we're going to change our strategy relative to previous days. We'll do 5 cw runs and then go right to 1/8 us x 1/8 Hz imaging for the rest of the track. TX Power = xxx kW TX polarization RCP RCV polarization 1=RCP=SC= K at zenith K on point at 1739 UTC 2=LCP=OC= K at zenith K on point Starting CW setup: TX polarization RCP RCV polarization LCP Frequencies: 2 Dwell: 10 seconds Bandwidth: 2000 Hz Sampling interval: 5000 x 0.1 usec VME FFT for PSD files: 4096 for 0.48828-Hz resolution 1/8 us x 1/8 Hz --------------- (code=127, FFT=256, single-pol'n) Setup Baud RP 1-acc 1-acc usec m usec band res acc band res JX1XS001 0.125 18.75 15.875 62992.1 246.1 1970 32 0.1249 txoff = +8 Hz CLT = gate 34 ************************************************************************* 2008 March 19: acc = 1970 and res = 0.1249 are WRONG. We usec acc = 1968 and res = 0.1250 Hz ************************************************************************* The track went very well. Al didn't do a boresight at the beginning of the track because the only close star was too low (only elevation = 8 deg) to get good measurements, so he used corrections from the previous track: ax = +18 mdeg el = -17 mdeg After the track, Al did another boresight: ax = +20 mdeg el = -9 mdeg So we were off by about 9 mdeg, which is a lot. The echoes are visibly weaker than yesterday, more so than is expected due to the slightly greater RTT (about 1 second). Tomorrow there will be a close star high enough at the start of the track for good measurements (Al already checked). The LE of the echo clearly moved but that may be due to the asteroid's elongated and asymmetric shape. None of the images are broadside; the last one, from file 5, is closest. The TE in a sum of those images is at gate 32, which is 2 gates negative relative to the loopback. That's only 1/4 us, which is 1/2 of the uncertainties that I've been assigning, so I'm going to stick with solution 38 for the next track. Al and I planned tomorrow's track: 5 cw runs and then go right to 1/8 us x 1/8 Hz using solution 38. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- DELAY (weight in 10^-6 sec): 1937 12 02 19:50:00 R 42.590780605 10.000 8560.D6 -14 Reber,G. yyyy mm dd HH:MM:SS type obsrvbl(sec) weight frq(Hz) xstn rstn observer... DOPPLER (weight in Hertz) : 1937 11 27 22:20:00 P -540576.10D0 1.0000 8560.D6 -14 -13 Reber,G. yyyy mm dd HH:MM:SS type obsrvabl(Hz) weight frq(Hz) xstn rstn observer... =================================================================================================== MASTERLOG =================================================================================================== RCV file setup runs start -stop osod OFFSET TX Poln --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PSD02024.4660_Nereus, VOLT02024.4660_Nereus CW 2 kHz 4096 FFT 5 144542-145019 38 none RCP ne02403 1/8 us x 1/8 Hz 127 code 50 150626-160243 38 +8 RCP ne02404 1/8 us x 1/8 Hz 127 code 50 160625-170203 38 +8 RCP ne02405 1/8 us x 1/8 Hz 127 code 16 171212-172945 38 +8 RCP =================================================================================================== ASTROMETRY ========== =================================================================================================== PROBLEMS ======== 1. Boresight corrections are large. Pointing model needs to be updated. Things to do after the track ============================ 1. ftp cw data from the VME -> intruder ==> done 2. scp cw data from intruder -> JPL ==> done 3. write protect cw data on reason ==> done 3. ftp ranging data from the VAX -> intruder ==> done 4. convert vax *.dat files to rdf files ==> done 5 scp rdf ranging data from intruder -> JPL ==> done 6. write protect ranging data on reason ==> done 7. ftp tx/rcv logs to intruder ==> done 8. scp tx/rcv logs from intruder to JPL ==> done 9. write protect tx/rcv, ops, & cal log files at JPL ==> done 10.update planning page w/astrometry ==> 11.draft a log file for the next track ==> 12.critique ==> 13.get the data package ==> 14.back up the data -> exabyte tape & write protect it ==> 15.organize hardcopies in the notebook ==> done 16.scp observational log -> JPL and write protect it ==> 17.e-mail brief summary of results -> co-authors ==> 18.e-mail brief summary -> Ralph & Larry ==> a preliminary reduction of the cw data ==> 20.reduce the imaging data ==> done 21.scp new orbital solutions from intruder -> JPL ==> 22.Contact optical observers (Pravec, Hicks, Buie...) ==> 23.draft an imaging script for the next track ==> 24.update the masterlog ==> done