60 TRAVELS IN would rather lleep on the floor; adding, that they were accuftomed to it, and that it would be attended with no inconvenience. In reply, I told them I was a military man, and as much accuftomed as themfelves to make the earth my bed. We had long debates on this point of politejfe ; theirs was ruftic, but more cordial and affedting than the beft turned compliments. The refult was, that I had a two-bedded room for my-felf and my Aides de Camp. But our acquaintance did not terminate there : after parting from each other, I to take fome re-pofe, they to continue drinking their grog and cyder, they came into my room. I was then employed in tracing my route by the map of the country -, this map excited their curiofity. They faw there with furprize and iatisfa£tion the places they had pafled through. They afked me if they were known in Europe, and if it was there I had bought my maps. On my afluring them that we knew America as well as the countries adjoining to us, they feemed much pleafed ; but their joy was without bounds, when they law New Hampshire, their