Class AlgorithmEdgeNMSuppression

  extended by java.lang.Thread
      extended by gov.nih.mipav.model.algorithms.AlgorithmBase
          extended by gov.nih.mipav.model.algorithms.AlgorithmEdgeNMSuppression
All Implemented Interfaces:
AlgorithmInterface, ActionListener, WindowListener, Runnable, EventListener

public class AlgorithmEdgeNMSuppression
extends AlgorithmBase
implements AlgorithmInterface

Calculates the non-maximum suppression of an image at a scale defined by the user. This algorithm produces an edge map of the zero crossings of the non-maximum suppression for 2D images and 2.5D images. Edges are defined as the union of points for which the gradient magnitude assumes a maximum in the gradient direction. Introuduce a local orthonormal coordinate system (u,v) at any point P0, where the v-axis is parallel to the gradient direction at P0, and the u-axis is perpindicular. Iu = sin(a)*Ix - cos(a)*Iy Iv = cos(a)*Ix + sin(a)*Iy cos(a) = Ix/(sqrt(Ix*Ix + Iy*Iy)) evaluated at P0 sin(a) = Iy/(sqrt(Ix*Ix + Iy*Iy)) evaluated at P0 Iu = (Ix*Iy - Ix*Iy)/(sqrt(Ix*Ix + Iy*Iy)) = 0 Iv = (Ix*Ix + Iy*Iy)/(sqrt(Ix*Ix + Iy*Iy)) = sqrt(Ix*Ix + Iy*Iy) Iv*Iv = Ix*Ix + Iy*Iy Ivv = (cos(a)*Ix + sin(a)*Iy)(cos(a)*Ix + sin(a)*Iy) = cos(a)*cos(a)*Ixx + 2*cos(a)*sin(a)*Ixy + sin(a)*sin(a)*Iyy = (Ix*Ix*Ixx + 2*Ix*Iy*Ixy + Iy*Iy*Iyy)/(Ix*Ix + Iy*Iy) Iv*Iv*Ivv = Ix*Ix*Ixx + 2*Ix*Iy*Ixy + Iy*Iy*Iyy Ivvv = (cos(a)*cos(a)*Ixx + 2*cos(a)*sin(a)*Ixy + sin(a)*sin(a)*Iyy)(cos(a)*Ix + sin(a)*Iy) = cos(a)*cos(a)*cos(a)*Ixxx + 3*cos(a)*cos(a)*sin(a)*Ixxy + 3*cos(a)*sin(a)*sin(a)*Ixyy + sin(a)*sin(a)*sin(a)*Iyyy = (Ix*Ix*Ix*Ixxx + 3*Ix*Ix*Iy*Ixxy + 3*Ix*Iy*Iy*Ixyy + Iy*Iy*Iy*Iyyy)/((Ix*Ix + Iy*Iy)**3/2) Iv*Iv*Iv*Ivvv = Ix*Ix*Ix*Ixxx + 3*Ix*Ix*Iy*Ixxy + 3*Ix*Iy*Iy*Ixyy + Iy*Iy*Iy*Iyyy Assuming that the second and third-order directional derivatives of I in the v-direction are not simultaneously zero, a necessary and sufficient condition for P0 to be a gradient maximum in the gradient direction may be stated as: Ivv = 0, Ivvv < 0. Since only the sign information is important, this condition can be restated as: Iv*Iv*Ivv = 0, Iv*Iv*Iv*Ivvv < 0. Reference: Geometry-Driven Diffusion in Computer Vision, Bart M. ter Haar Romeny(Ed.), Chapter2:Linear Scale-Space II: Early Visual Operations by Tony Lindeberg and Bart M. ter Haar Romeny, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1994, page 45.

For 3D a similar derivation: Iv = cos(a)*sin(b)*Ix + sin(a)*sin(b)*Iy + cos(b)*Iz where spherical coordinates are being used cos(a) = Ix/(sqrt(Ix*Ix + Iy*Iy)) evaluated at P0 sin(a) = Iy/(sqrt(Ix*Ix + Iy*Iy)) evaluated at P0 cos(b) = Iz/(sqrt(Ix*Ix + Iy*Iy + Iz*Iz)) evaluated at P0 sin(b) = sqrt(Ix*Ix + Iy*Iy)/(sqrt(Ix*Ix + Iy*Iy + Iz*Iz)) evaluated at P0 Iv = (Ix*Ix + Iy*Iy + Iz*Iz)/(sqrt(Ix*Ix + Iy*Iy + Iz*Iz)) = sqrt(Ix*Ix + Iy*Iy + Iz*Iz) Iv*Iv = Ix*Ix + Iy*Iy + Iz*Iz Ivv = (cos(a)*sin(b)*Ix + sin(a)*sin(b)*Iy + cos(b)*Iz)(cos(a)*sin(b)*Ix + sin(a)*sin(b)*Iy + cos(b)*Iz) = cos(a)*cos(a)*sin(b)*sin(b)*Ixx + 2*cos(a)*sin(a)*sin(b)*sin(b)*Ixy + 2*cos(a)*cos(b)*sin(b)*Ixz + sin(a)*sin(a)*sin(b)*sin(b)*Iyy + 2*sin(a)*cos(b)*sin(b)*Iyz + cos(b)*cos(b)*Izz = (Ix*Ix*Ixx + 2*Ix*Iy*Ixy + 2*Ix*Iz*Ixz + Iy*Iy*Iyy + 2*Iy*Iz*Iyz + Iz*Iz*Izz)/ (Ix*Ix + Iy*Iy + Iz*Iz) Iv*Iv*Ivv = Ix*Ix*Ixx + 2*Ix*Iy*Ixy + 2*Ix*Iz*Ixz + Iy*Iy*Iyy + 2*Iy*Iz*Iyz + Iz*Iz*Izz Ivvv = (cos(a)*cos(a)*sin(b)*sin(b)*Ixx + 2*cos(a)*sin(a)*sin(b)*sin(b)*Ixy + 2*cos(a)*cos(b)*sin(b)*Ixz + sin(a)*sin(a)*sin(b)*sin(b)*Iyy + 2*sin(a)*cos(b)*sin(b)*Iyz + cos(b)*cos(b)*Izz)(cos(a)*sin(b)*Ix + sin(a)*sin(b)*Iy + cos(b)*Iz) = cos(a)*cos(a)*cos(a)*sin(b)*sin(b)*sin(b)*Ixxx + 3*cos(a)*cos(a)*sin(a)*sin(b)*sin(b)*sin(b)*Ixxy + 3*cos(a)*cos(a)*cos(b)*sin(b)*sin(b)*Ixxz + 3*cos(a)*sin(a)*sin(a)*sin(b)*sin(b)*sin(b)*Ixyy + 6*cos(a)*sin(a)*cos(b)*sin(b)*sin(b)*Ixyz + 3*cos(a)*cos(b)*cos(b)*sin(b)*Ixzz + sin(a)*sin(a)*sin(a)*sin(b)*sin(b)*sin(b)*Iyyy + 3*sin(a)*sin(a)*cos(b)*sin(b)*sin(b)*Iyyz + 3*sin(a)*cos(b)*cos(b)*sin(b)*Iyzz + cos(b)*cos(b)*cos(b)*Izzz = (Ix*Ix*Ix*Ixxx + 3*Ix*Ix*Iy*Ixxy + 3*Ix*Ix*Iz*Ixxz + 3*Ix*Iy*Iy*Ixyy + 6*Ix*Iy*Iz*Ixyz + 3*Ix*Iz*Iz*Ixzz + Iy*Iy*Iy*Iyyy + 3*Iy*Iy*Iz*Iyyz + 3*Iy*Iz*Iz*Iyzz + Iz*Iz*Iz*Izzz)/ ((Ix*Ix + Iy*Iy + Iz*Iz)**1.5) Iv*Iv*Iv*Ivvv = Ix*Ix*Ix*Ixxx + 3*Ix*Ix*Iy*Ixxy + 3*Ix*Ix*Iz*Ixxz + 3*Ix*Iy*Iy*Ixyy + 6*Ix*Iy*Iz*Ixyz + 3*Ix*Iz*Iz*Ixzz + Iy*Iy*Iy*Iyyy + 3*Iy*Iy*Iz*Iyyz + 3*Iy*Iz*Iz*Iyzz + Iz*Iz*Iz*Izzz

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class java.lang.Thread
Thread.State, Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler
Field Summary
          Perform zero crossing detection using the marching squares method.
static int OLD_DETECTION
          Perform zero crossing detection using Matt's old method.
Fields inherited from class gov.nih.mipav.model.algorithms.AlgorithmBase
destFlag, destImage, image25D, mask, maxProgressValue, minProgressValue, multiThreadingEnabled, nthreads, progress, progressModulus, progressStep, runningInSeparateThread, srcImage, threadStopped
Fields inherited from class java.lang.Thread
Constructor Summary
AlgorithmEdgeNMSuppression(ModelImage destImg, ModelImage srcImg, float[] sigmas, boolean maskFlag, boolean img25D)
          Creates a new AlgorithmEdgeNMSuppression object.
Method Summary
 void algorithmPerformed(AlgorithmBase algorithm)
          Called after an algorithm this listener is registered to exits (maybe successfully, maybe not).
 void finalize()
          Prepares this class for destruction.
static BitSet genLevelMask(int xDim, int yDim, float[] buffer, float level, int detectionType)
          Generates a zero crossing mask for a 2D function sets a Bitset object to 1 is a zero crossing is detected.
 void genZeroXMask(int slice, float[] buffer, float[] buffer2, int detectionType)
          Generates a zero crossing mask for a 2D function sets a ModelImage to 255 if a zero crossing is detected.
 ModelImage getZeroXMask()
          Accessor to return mask indicating zero crossings.
 void runAlgorithm()
          Starts the program.
Methods inherited from class gov.nih.mipav.model.algorithms.AlgorithmBase
actionPerformed, addListener, addProgressChangeListener, calculatePrincipleAxis, computeElapsedTime, convertIntoFloat, delinkProgressToAlgorithm, displayError, errorCleanUp, fireProgressStateChanged, fireProgressStateChanged, fireProgressStateChanged, fireProgressStateChanged, fireProgressStateChanged, generateProgressValues, getDestImage, getElapsedTime, getMask, getMaxProgressValue, getMinProgressValue, getNumberOfThreads, getProgress, getProgressChangeListener, getProgressChangeListeners, getProgressModulus, getProgressStep, getProgressValues, isCompleted, isImage25D, isMultiThreadingEnabled, isRunningInSeparateThread, isThreadStopped, linkProgressToAlgorithm, makeProgress, notifyListeners, removeListener, removeProgressChangeListener, run, setCompleted, setImage25D, setMask, setMaxProgressValue, setMinProgressValue, setMultiThreadingEnabled, setNumberOfThreads, setProgress, setProgressModulus, setProgressStep, setProgressValues, setProgressValues, setRunningInSeparateThread, setStartTime, setThreadStopped, startMethod, windowActivated, windowClosed, windowClosing, windowDeactivated, windowDeiconified, windowIconified, windowOpened
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Thread
activeCount, checkAccess, countStackFrames, currentThread, destroy, dumpStack, enumerate, getAllStackTraces, getContextClassLoader, getDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler, getId, getName, getPriority, getStackTrace, getState, getThreadGroup, getUncaughtExceptionHandler, holdsLock, interrupt, interrupted, isAlive, isDaemon, isInterrupted, join, join, join, resume, setContextClassLoader, setDaemon, setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler, setName, setPriority, setUncaughtExceptionHandler, sleep, sleep, start, stop, stop, suspend, toString, yield
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int MARCHING_SQUARES
Perform zero crossing detection using the marching squares method.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int OLD_DETECTION
Perform zero crossing detection using Matt's old method.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public AlgorithmEdgeNMSuppression(ModelImage destImg,
                                  ModelImage srcImg,
                                  float[] sigmas,
                                  boolean maskFlag,
                                  boolean img25D)
Creates a new AlgorithmEdgeNMSuppression object.

destImg - image model where result image is to stored
srcImg - source image model
sigmas - Gaussian's standard deviations in the each dimension
maskFlag - Flag that indicates that the EdgeNMSup will be calculated for the whole image if equal to true
img25D - Flag, if true, indicates that each slice of the 3D volume should be processed independently. 2D images disregard this flag.
Method Detail


public static BitSet genLevelMask(int xDim,
                                  int yDim,
                                  float[] buffer,
                                  float level,
                                  int detectionType)
Generates a zero crossing mask for a 2D function sets a Bitset object to 1 is a zero crossing is detected.

xDim - the buffer's x dimension
yDim - the buffer's y dimension
buffer - array in which to find zero crossing
level - the level to find the crossing of (usually will be 0)
detectionType - the type of zero crossing method to use


public void finalize()
Prepares this class for destruction.

finalize in class AlgorithmBase


public void genZeroXMask(int slice,
                         float[] buffer,
                         float[] buffer2,
                         int detectionType)
Generates a zero crossing mask for a 2D function sets a ModelImage to 255 if a zero crossing is detected.

slice - DOCUMENT ME!
buffer - array in which to find zero crossing
buffer2 - array which ensures that zero crossing is only counted if buffer2 value at that position is less than zero
detectionType - the type of zero crossing detection to perform


public ModelImage getZeroXMask()
Accessor to return mask indicating zero crossings.

ModelImage of zero crossings (2D function); 255 = indicates zero crossing


public void runAlgorithm()
Starts the program.

Specified by:
runAlgorithm in class AlgorithmBase


public void algorithmPerformed(AlgorithmBase algorithm)
Description copied from interface: AlgorithmInterface
Called after an algorithm this listener is registered to exits (maybe successfully, maybe not). If the algorithm is run in a separate thread, this call will be made within that thread. If not, this call will be made from that same, shared thread.

Specified by:
algorithmPerformed in interface AlgorithmInterface
algorithm - the algorithm which has just completed