Sender: LSF System Subject: Job 63495: Done Job was submitted from host by user . Job was executed on host(s) , in queue , as user . was used as the home directory. was used as the working directory. Started at Tue May 23 12:03:57 2000 Results reported at Tue May 23 12:54:41 2000 Your job looked like: ------------------------------------------------------------ # LSBATCH: User input /usr/products/kback/v_03/backup_disks.tcsh 1 185 /tmp_root/702/uks_1/hebertcl/backup ------------------------------------------------------------ Successfully completed. Resource usage summary: CPU time : 73.00 sec. Max Memory : 9 MB Max Swap : 16 MB Max Processes : 9 The output (if any) follows: this job will put /prj_root/716/top_2/shappy/ntuples onto uu2485 the logfile will be in /tmp_root/702/uks_1/hebertcl/backup/logs checking disk drive to make sure it is still up Drive is still there. Looking for an open tape drive... Allocated d0cha04, a.k.a. /dev/rmt/tps131d2nrnsv.8500 (on d0cha) ********* Asking operator to mount uu2485 in drive d0cha04 ocs_request: success checking the tape mount ocs_check_label: Success deciding based on keyword: Success Now double-check tape label... Checking tape label Tape uu2485 has been successfully mounted to drive d0cha04 ********* Checking that disk drive one more time... Backing up /prj_root/716/top_2/shappy/ntuples to uu2485 fmb_backup /prj_root/716/top_2/shappy/ntuples -t hebertcl@d0cha:/dev/rmt/tps131d2nrnsv.8500 -L uu2485 -k -V /tmp_root/702/uks_1/hebertcl/backup/logs -m quiet Tue May 23 12:10:47 CDT 2000: /usr/products/fmb/v6_8/fmb_backup /prj_root/716/top_2/shappy/ntuples -t hebertcl@d0cha:/dev/rmt/tps131d2nrnsv.8500 -L uu2485 -k -V /tmp_root/702/uks_1/hebertcl/backup/logs -m quiet Converting "/prj_root/716/top_2/shappy/ntuples" to "" Checking tape label Writing label uu2485, Try 1 Verbose output being written on /tmp_root/702/uks_1/hebertcl/backup/logs/uu2485 Archive Size Information Full Backup Estimate Low High Actual Type Name --- ---- ------ ---- ---- 1121358k 1191509k 1156376k full ------------- -------------- -------------- 1121358k 1191509k 1156376k TOTAL Compressing /tmp_root/702/uks_1/hebertcl/backup/logs/uu2485 to save space. Executive Summary: ------------------ Tue May 23 12:54:17 CDT 2000 The backup was successful. A total of 0 write retries were made. ======================================================================== Backed up /prj_root/716/top_2/shappy/ntuples onto uu2485 dismounting and deallocating d0cha04 ocs_dismount: Success ocs_deallocate: Deallocated :d0cha04 the (zipped) archive list may be found in /tmp_root/702/uks_1/hebertcl/backup/logs/uu2485.list.gz previous log is in /tmp_root/702/uks_1/hebertcl/backup/logs/.uu2485.list.gz.old (use ls -a to see it) Backup procedure complete