Argonne National Laboratory Division of Educational Programs

Ask-A-Scientist Archive


November 1991- May 2000

Biology is now listed as Botany, Molecular Biology, Veterinarian and Zoology The index below will include artilces titles that have been moved or deleted.

Table of Contents

  1. Boosting the immune system
  2. Allergies and the evolutionary process
  3. Why are people ticklish?
  4. Male nipples
  5. Color of fall leaves
  6. Vitamin C
  7. Regeneration of starfish
  8. Aging
  9. Lifespans
  10. Wine Vs. Milk
  11. Color perception and handedness
  12. Cell mitosis
  13. Mallardlard
  14. Hands-on activity, with fungus, protist, etc.
  15. Fungus reproduction
  16. Science Vs. Faith
  17. Dialysis patients and sleep apnea
  18. Chlorophyll and acid rain
  19. Photosynthesis
  20. Chlorophyll/hemoglobin structure
  21. Urine color
  22. Urine definition
  23. Ruminant digestion
  24. If your mind were a computer
  25. Tatoos
  26. Man on Earth
  27. Plants making oxygen
  28. Why do persimmons pucker your mouth?
  29. What is the morphology of a gene?
  30. Mouse heart rate
  31. Hiccups
  32. Nervous breakdown causes
  33. Blood clotting on death
  34. Ice cream headache
  35. Plant immune systems
  36. Baldness
  37. Hair
  38. "Rubberized" eggs
  39. Proof for Evolution?
  40. Missing link and evolution
  41. Worms
  42. Parkinson's Disease
  43. Whales
  44. Classification
  45. Sense of smell
  46. Frozen plants
  47. Senecense
  48. Lightning bugs
  49. Living versus non-living criteria
  50. Stomach growling
  51. Amino acids
  52. Nucleotide sequencing
  53. Amino acids, DNA, and RNA
  54. Messenger RNA
  55. AIDS Virus
  56. Mosquitoes and AIDS
  57. Mycoplasma in AIDS
  58. Life and hydrothermal vents
  59. Endangered species
  60. Brassica Rapa
  61. Man from gorillas?
  62. Multiple sclerosis and interferon
  63. Plant communication
  64. Sleeping sea gulls
  65. Bird death
  66. Pain detectors
  67. Flight of bees
  68. Dinosaur cloning
  69. Amber and mosquitos
  70. Human cloning
  71. Pheromones
  72. Bacteria eats radioactive waste
  73. Computational neurobiology
  74. Courses on animal behavior
  75. Career in plant diseases
  76. Biology basics
  77. Easy biology?
  78. Land animal sizes
  79. Eating hot peppers
  80. Surgery for cataracts?
  81. Joint popping
  82. Animal testing
  83. Dissecting frogs
  84. Symbiosis
  85. Teratogens
  86. Scientific laws
  87. Location of dinosaur bones
  88. Air Conditioning and lungs
  89. Cold-blooded and warm-blooded
  90. Evolution Vs. Thermodynamics
  91. Beginning of life on Earth
  92. Colds
  93. Viruses
  94. Stage micrometer
  95. Big microscope
  96. Insect eggs
  97. GEMS in the environment
  98. Homo sapiens
  99. What is life?
  100. Seeds - living or nonliving?
  101. Census and viewing of organisms
  102. Other life forms
  103. Martian bacteria?
  104. Mitochondria
  105. Cartilage
  106. Human oxygen demands
  107. Siamese twins
  108. Dinosaur behavior
  109. Earthworm locomotion
  110. Farming and pollution
  111. Tonsils
  112. Red and white blood cells
  113. Leukemia
  114. Why is the human body 98.6 F?
  115. Creationism vs. Evolutionism
  116. Evolution vs. God
  117. Why do animals' eyes glow at night?
  118. # of genes in the human body
  119. DNA and cloning
  120. Marburg virus
  121. What do ants do in the winter?
  122. Side effects of marijuana
  123. When were the first beetles around?
  124. Balanced eggs
  125. Snake Birth
  126. Dinosaur DNA
  127. Music & Memory
  128. Venus fly trap
  129. Perfect Babies
  130. Menstrual Cycle
  131. Baby Origins
  132. Foxglove and the circulatory system
  133. Venus Fly Trap Experiment
  134. Eyeball growth
  135. Human and gorilla genes
  136. Bluebird territory
  137. Algae for Oxygen
  138. Healing herbs
  139. Silly Putty and Jello
  140. Swallow migration
  141. Mutation
  142. AIDS and the periodic table
  143. Evolution of morals
  144. Cryogenics and recreating organisms from DNA
  145. Airborne AIDS virus
  146. Biggest Whale
  147. Cloning humans, increasing intelligence, and AIDS money
  148. Gulping fish
  149. Red tide
  150. Do dolphins have ears?
  151. AIDS and HIV
  152. Deadliest virus
  153. Cloning humans
  154. Outbreak?
  155. Damage caused by alcohol
  156. Detecting alien life forms
  157. What does the AIDS virus look like?
  158. Reading DNA
  159. Hibernating bears
  160. Do fish sleep?
  161. Shaving
  162. Piercing ear cartilage
  163. Brain usage
  164. Why is chlorophyll green?
  165. Turner's syndrome
  166. Nail growth rate
  167. Biosphere II Experiments
  168. DNA and evolution resources
  169. Body fat
  170. Reconnecting broken blood vessels
  171. Why leaves change colors
  172. Bees dying after a sting
  173. Dolphins' recognition abilities
  174. Why do nails grow?
  175. Shin splints
  176. Synthetic erythropoetin
  177. Carbon monoxide
  178. Animal Noise
  179. Communicating with dolphins
  180. Accidental death
  181. Lake Superior in gallons
  182. Kangaroo pouches
  183. Evolution
  184. Alien viruses
  185. Headaches
  186. Long-day plants
  187. Griffith's Experiment
  188. Mental retardation, hereditary?
  189. Baldness
  190. Yawning
  191. How do glasses help your vision?
  192. Breathing liquid oxygen
  193. Pandas
  194. Dominant/recessive genes
  195. Curly hair
  196. Jurassic Park: fact or fiction?
  197. Chemical composition of melanin
  198. Rabies
  199. Why do onions make you cry?
  200. Why is grass green?
  201. Snake birth
  202. Octopus on the food chain
  203. Sun-bleached hair
  204. Artificial insemination
  205. Dinosaur diseases
  206. Cholorplasts for humans
  207. Experiment: cooked vs. raw food reacting with H2O2
  208. Frequency of molting in anoles
  209. Crocodilians
  210. Spider silk
  211. Lactose intolerant bacteria
  212. Medicinal chemistry
  213. Magnesium sulfate reaction
  214. Duckling identification
  215. Sea crabs
  216. Lactose intolerant E. coli
  217. Longer human life spans
  218. Fish breathing
  219. Dogs panting to stay cool
  220. Fish in electrical storms
  221. Overuse of antibiotics
  222. How scientists use DNA
  223. Deer whistles
  224. Healing saliva?
  225. Electrolysis
  226. Gender-specific blood?
  227. Can whales crossbreed?
  228. Killing ticks
  229. Involuntary spasms of the diaphragm
  230. Why do we have dreams?
  231. Self image
  232. Arch supports
  233. Bugs' attraction to light
  234. Why do frogs croak?
  235. Glowing fish
  236. Blue whales
  237. Why do animals have tails?
  238. Albinism
  239. Reappering genes
  240. Collection size of Shedd Aquarium
  241. Frogs that change sex
  242. Appendicitis
  243. Dolphins
  244. Spawning salmon
  245. Grey whales
  246. Whales' scientific names
  247. Sperm whale name change
  248. AZT
  249. Determining age of whales
  250. XXY?
  251. Cure for the common cold?
  252. Spawning fish
  253. Evolution and biochemical similarities
  254. YY?
  255. Ebola
  256. Effects of caffeine
  257. Artificial light and plant growth
  258. Cancer
  259. Machines reviving humans
  260. Penguins
  261. Genetics Curriculum for Grade 5
  262. Green fur?
  263. Human cloning
  264. pH of blood
  265. Nightmares
  266. Hiccups
  267. Trees in the winter
  268. Human intelligence
  269. Human settlements under the sea
  270. Eugenics
  271. Eyesight
  272. Animal experimentation
  273. Body types' influence on personality
  274. Discovering dolphins
  275. Itchy mosquito bites
  276. Teaching cell respiration
  277. Neural microtubules
  278. Cellulose molecule thickness
  279. Do butterflies share cocoons?
  280. Origin of butterfly colors
  281. Endangered species in the rainforest
  282. Do flies sleep?
  283. Hemophilia and childbirth
  284. Definition of life
  285. Spontaneous Human Combustion
  286. Cancer, genetics, and cloning
  287. Human Genome Project
  288. Hard boiling eggs
  289. Insects and flies
  290. Morning Glory flowers
  291. Multiple personalities
  292. Dog germs
  293. Monkey virus
  294. Growing and killing bacteria
  295. Dinosaur extinction
  296. Strfish regeneration
  297. Algae and Cu
  298. Hemophilia
  299. Cancer and the gene pool
  300. RNA reverse transcriptase and HIV
  301. Crab food and environment
  302. When does life begin?
  303. Jumping fish
  304. Why do plants die?
  305. Acupuncture
  306. Cure for AIDS?
  307. Sleep deprivation
  308. Appendix
  309. Dinosaur origins
  310. Genetic code
  311. Telomerase
  312. Cell division and cancer
  313. Radiation and viral DNA
  314. Viral DNA and radiation
  315. Mitosis
  316. Glowing eyes
  317. Cryonics
  318. Hair raisers
  319. Living on other planets
  320. Inhibiting telomerase in cancer cells
  321. Stuck in your throat
  322. Bats and echolocation
  323. How does the brain work?
  324. Why do toads have bumps and frogs don't?
  325. Shark cartilage and cancer
  326. New infectious diseases
  327. Selling body organs
  328. Kangaroo belly buttons
  329. Radiation effects on humans
  330. Length of cell division/mitosis
  331. Trying to conceive
  332. What is a blister?
  333. Ocean shell noises
  334. Animal testing of beauty products
  335. Why is sugar sweet?
  336. Digestion time
  337. Sun tanning/burning
  338. Seratonin and melatonin transfer
  339. Ozone therapy
  340. Circadian rhythms and study times
  341. Fish scales and growth
  342. Why does your skin shrivel?
  343. Effects of amphetamines (Ritalin)
  344. Fright and shaky legs
  345. Caffeine and cancer
  346. Why are sunburns hot?
  347. Hydrogen sulfide and the olfactory system
  348. Nonionizing Radiation and HIV
  349. Disappearing amphibians
  350. Vegetarianism
  351. Aging gene
  352. Irradiated enzymes
  353. Artificial insemination
  354. Cancer anti-serum
  355. pH and germination of seeds
  356. Ants and leeches
  357. Iron in cereal
  358. Fragile X
  359. Flesh eating bacteria
  360. Vitamin C and immunity
  361. Safer sex
  362. Tree capillaries
  363. Poison in apple seeds?
  364. Purple cabbage
  365. Upside down bats
  366. Sperm whales' name
  367. Tylenol
  368. Fish eating
  369. HIV entering the cell
  370. Evolution of blind cave fish
  371. Why DNA is a double helix
  372. Adult tooth loss
  373. Effects of lead on adults
  374. Dog vision
  375. Iron assimilation
  376. Tooth loss in adults
  377. Wrinkles
  378. Survival of the strongest?
  379. Chromosome with the most information
  380. Bird migration
  381. Alcohol processing speed
  382. Shapes of animals' pupils
  383. How is an eggshell formed?
  384. What happens in a cocoon?
  385. Talking dolphins
  386. Whale info
  387. Red blood cells and body heat
  388. Molecule classification
  389. Why are coral reefs important?
  390. Creating life from DNA strands
  391. Brain vs. speed of light
  392. What is photosynthesis?
  393. Surgery for an inflamed appendix
  394. Carcinogens
  395. Appendix info
  396. Who discovered DNA?
  397. Outside temperature vs. body temperature
  398. Creation
  399. Giant squid
  400. Shark lifestyle
  401. Whales and helping the world
  402. Fluids around the brain
  403. Are crayfish territorial?
  404. Dark algae, life on Mars?
  405. Lack of dead insects
  406. Pacific white-sided dolphins
  407. Human gills?
  408. Freshwater fish in salt water
  409. Mosquito bites
  410. Communicating with dogs
  411. Recombinance map
  412. Patau syndrome
  413. Guillian Barret Syndrome
  414. Preserving poinsettias
  415. "Chicken" pox?
  416. Effects of red tide
  417. Giraffe blood pressure
  418. Flying fish
  419. Caterpiller to butterfly
  420. Prophase I of meiosis
  421. AIDS attack
  422. Esheridia Coli Pathogen
  423. Makeshift cold water aquarium
  424. Dog vs. human language
  425. Blue blood
  426. Fungus or bacteria?
  427. Human color genes
  428. Glowing cat eyes
  429. Maintaining body temperature
  430. Wrinkled wet hands
  431. Whale and dolphin communication
  432. Dream production
  433. Purpose of eyebrows?
  434. Marine biologist salaries?
  435. Different dog breeds
  436. "Sleeping" limbs
  437. Stress and adrenaline
  438. End products of cellular respiration
  439. Punnet square
  440. Nucleotides in DNA
  441. Biology as a career
  442. Headaches
  443. Jellyfish
  444. How do cells stay together?
  445. Are viruses alive?
  446. Are seeds alive?
  447. Fur vs. hair
  448. Pineapple
  449. Red eyes
  450. Prenatal memories
  451. Balanced diet
  452. RNA nucleotides
  453. Pearls
  454. Composition of living things
  455. Magnetics and the body
  456. Growing tissue in the lab
  457. Growing Thiobacillus Ferroxidans on agar
  458. Tree transport system
  459. Dangerous electromagnetic fields?
  460. Migratory patterns in dinosaurs?
  461. Dolphinologist?
  462. Hermaphrodites
  463. Chitin
  464. Jet lag
  465. Helpful mutations
  466. Raptors
  467. Protozoa
  468. Chromosome abnormalities
  469. Animal vision
  470. Sinoatrial node
  471. Salt, water, and boiling points
  472. Muscle cells
  473. Cell growth rate
  474. Organisms that live in soil
  475. Hershey-Chase experiment
  476. Early human eating habits
  477. Meat, antibiotics, and bacteria
  478. Can chimpanzees swim?
  479. mRNA
  480. Construction of ribosomes
  481. Luria Broth Agar
  482. Turkey vs. human digestion
  483. Douglas-fir water "take up"
  484. Origin of AIDS
  485. Plants - only from seeds?
  486. Pain relievers
  487. Why have introns?
  488. Prions
  489. Smallpox threat?
  490. Underwater cities
  491. Ape intelligence
  492. Global warming
  493. Blood red in oxygen
  494. Dinosaur demise
  495. Frog hibernation
  496. Human growth
  497. Histamines
  498. Snakes shedding skin
  499. Cancer reproduction
  500. Importance of enzymes
  501. External vs. body temperature
  502. AIDS
  503. Evolution
  504. Cancer damage
  505. Function of cell membrane
  506. Cryongenic suspense
  507. Function of proteins
  508. Elements in nucleic acids
  509. Cloning humans
  510. Why do trees have leaves?
  511. Cilia and flagella in a cell
  512. Sex determination
  513. Tumors
  514. Spoiled fruit
  515. X and Y chromosomes
  516. Reproduction
  517. Is RNA alive?
  518. Cold vs. warm blooded animals
  519. Belly buttons?
  520. Staining specimens
  521. Genetic engineering
  522. DNA vs. RNA
  523. Fish breathing
  524. Flower pigments and light
  525. Rhizobacterium
  526. Extermination of Monerans
  527. How do viruses form?
  528. Oceans and salt water
  529. Siamese twins
  530. Human cloning
  531. Dinosaurs
  532. Subliminal perception
  533. Chlorophyll, chloroplasts, and leaves
  534. How do plants grow?
  535. What makes blood red?
  536. How did Asexual Life Evolve?
  537. Color blind animals
  538. Smallest living organism?
  539. Biological clock
  540. Skin melanin
  541. Tree leaves in the winter
  542. Past use of appendix
  543. AIDS
  544. Classification of living things
  545. Nonliving vs. not living
  546. How do crayfish breathe?
  547. Career in genetic engineering
  548. Amino acids and DNA, RNA
  549. Hole in the ozone layer?
  550. Starfish
  551. Brain cells
  552. Aging and the prostate gland
  553. How plants grow toward light
  554. Stomach acid
  555. Cracking knuckles
  556. Calcification of the aortic valve
  557. Importance of enzymes
  558. Chlorophyll activation
  559. Flesh eating bacteria
  560. Swans and Cygnets
  561. Lice From Birds
  562. Wild Birds in Captivity
  563. Gentian Family
  564. Hide Preservation
  565. Water Bugs
  566. Oxygen and Breathing
  567. Stopping Ailantuhs
  568. Wood Preservation
  569. Calorimeters
  570. Chicken Egg colors
  571. Garden Spider Care
  572. Love Bird Care
  573. Young Bird Care
  574. American Goldfinch
  575. Are peanuts harmful for squirrels?
  576. Native Prairie Plants
  577. Locusts or Grasshoppers
  578. Nesting Birds
  579. No Snakes in Ireland
  580. Bats in the House
  581. Earthworm Digging Biology
  582. Squirrel Population Data
  583. Huckleberry
  584. Jack-in-the=Pulpit
  585. Chicken Hawks
  586. Black Hickory Trees
  587. White Deer
  588. Seed Damage Test
  589. Woolly Bear Caterpillars
  590. Grasshopper Biology
  591. Light and Seed Germination
  592. Snake Medicines
  593. Hummingbird Biology
  594. Tobacco and Bee Stings
  595. Mississippi Snake Identification
  596. Slow Virus
  597. Brazilian Pit Viper
  598. Amnesia
  599. Measuring Biodiversity
  600. (Black)Largemouth Bass
  601. Illinois Poisonous Snakes
  602. Fly Infestation
  603. Speeding Ducks
  604. Homeothermic vs Heterothermic Animals
  605. Millipede Infestations
  606. Apples Turning Brown
  607. Blooming Magnolias
  608. Large Spider
  609. Wrinkles
  610. Red Paper Wasps
  611. Garter Snake Pet
  612. Honeysuckle
  613. Bacteria Infested Plants
  614. Alligater Snapping Turtle
  615. Human Being Density
  616. Hognose Snake Defense
  617. Tree Burls
  618. Photophosphorenes
  619. American Elms Status
  620. Secondary Immune Response
  621. Microevolution
  622. Male Mosquito
  623. White Ash Biology
  624. Barred Owl Attack
  625. Color and Memory
  626. Bat Houses
  627. Unusually Illinois Squirrels
  628. Plant Cuttings and Corn
  629. Cutting or Thinning Mature Tree Stands
  630. Snake Repellant
  631. Cattle and Climate
  632. Indigestion
  633. Lake Ecology
  634. Monerans
  635. Skin Flora
  636. Dog Evolution
  637. Feeding Snakes
  638. Plants and Air Pressure
  639. Indian Cigar Tree
  640. Respiration in Plants
  641. Seedless Grapes
  642. Snake Fears
  643. Seed Disperal via Shooting
  644. Plant Fertilizers
  645. Light and Bread Mold
  646. Woolly Bear Caterpillar
  647. Iodized Salt
  648. Transpiration Experiment
  649. Body Fat
  650. Northern Black Widows
  651. House Fly Ceiling
  652. Growing Fungi
  653. Water Boatman
  654. Osage-Orange Trees
  655. Soil Compression
  656. Oology
  657. Blackberries Sickness
  658. Prickly Ash Removal
  659. Bald Face Hornets
  660. Juglone and Walnuts
  661. Planting Butternuts
  662. V Formation and Geese
  663. Bullfrog Pets
  664. Bird Egg Colors
  665. Cypress Tree Shoots
  666. Rubber Tree Propagation
  667. Green Streptococcus
  668. Tree Characteristics
  669. Seedless Watermelons
  670. Protein Chromotography
  671. Brain Strokes
  672. Estrogen Mimiking
  673. Red Oaks
  674. Leaf Colors
  675. Pine Needles
  676. Red Oak Acorns
  677. Black Bananas
  678. Butterflies and Plant
  679. Bryozoa "Moss Animals"
  680. Weather and Joints
  681. Growing Tulip Poplar Trees
  682. Turtle Care
  683. Genetic Engineered Food and Safety
  684. Tree of Heaven Infections
  685. Treating Milk
  686. Pitcher Plant Varieties
  687. Hawk Ecology
  688. Bald Cypress longevity
  689. Human Clone Fingerprints
  690. Kidney Stone Formation
  691. Bacteria Classification
  692. Starling Gatherings
  693. Olive Trees in Mexico
  694. Growing Molds
  695. Bagworm
  696. Tepary Beans
  697. Red Oak Maturity
  698. Mulberry Tree
  699. Weather and Joints
  700. Wheat Seedlings and Nutrients
  701. Bacteria and Respiration
  702. Turner's Syndrome
  703. Gophers and Paved Roads
  704. Bacteria Catalog
  705. Sweet Potato
  706. Oak Wilt
  707. Ampicillin and Bacteria
  708. Insects and Odors
  709. Salamander Benefits
  710. Seed Coats
  711. Water and Plants
  712. Squirting Cucumber
  713. Hydrogen Based Bacteria
  714. Fly Shock
  715. Fly Invasion
  716. Bird Banding
  717. Stomach Bacteria
  718. Birds mating for Life
  719. Walnut Tree Poison
  720. Bird Re-introduction
  721. Gars Biology
  722. Cambium Damage
  723. Holly Leaves
  724. Water Lilies Propagation
  725. Sight of Deer
  726. Germ-line Allele
  727. Chlorophyll Manufacturing in Plants
  728. Seed Germination
  729. Blue-eyed Babies
  730. English Wrens in Winter
  731. Rhinoviruses
  732. Seaweed Scientist Contacts
  733. Gas from Veggies
  734. Caterpillar Care
  735. Virus Origin
  736. Fat Metabolism
  737. Pigeons as Pets
  738. Frog Hybernation
  739. Universal Codons
  740. Oil Spills and Wildlife
  741. Caterpillar Care
  742. Pigeon Ecology
  743. Flu and Dehydration
  744. Bacteria Strains
  745. Culturing E. coli
  746. Patenting Beans
  747. Dimorphism in Birds
  748. Floating Plants
  749. Patau's Syndrome
  750. Mouse Infestations
  751. Survival Needs of Animals
  752. Goldfinch Migration
  753. Swan Ecology
  754. Huckleberry Biology
  755. Oak Tree Reproduction
  756. Prickly Pear Cactus
  757. Mystery Plants
  758. Evergreen Needles
  759. Acetone and Plant Pigments
  760. Plant Grafts
  761. Plants and Insulin
  762. Anxiety and Digestion
  763. Cottonwood Trees
  764. Hair Shedding
  765. Pine Tree Seed Germination
  766. Venus Fly Traps
  767. Pollution adn Plant Growth
  768. Plant and Lighting
  769. Chlorophyll Breakdown in Light
  770. Chlorophyll Reproduction
  771. Sporotricosis
  772. Seed Electrification
  773. Plants and Salt
  774. How do Dogs Smell?
  775. Pet House Sparrow
  776. Snapping Turtle
  777. Medicine From Bark
  778. Flesh Eating Bacteria
  779. Right and Left Handed Vines
  780. Chlorophyll
  781. Hummingbird Wing Beats
  782. Molar Growth
  783. Spider's Blood
  784. Acid Effects
  785. True Nut
  786. Molar Growth
  787. Pig Groups
  788. Coon Hound Paralysis
  789. Dog Smelling
  790. Senses of Animals
  791. Medicine from Horse Chestnuts
  792. Animal Hearing
  793. Bat House
  794. Orthosiphon
  795. Gophers and Hybernation
  796. Asian Toads
  797. Plants and Dirt Compaction
  798. Yeast and Bread
  799. Light Wavelength and Plants
  800. Sporotricosis
  801. Worm Hearts
  802. Y Chromosome
  803. Recessive and Dominant Gene Action
  804. Bacteria Reference
  805. Yeast and Temperature
  806. Spirogyra
  807. Pond pH Control
  808. Water and Skin Absorption
  809. Lotus Seeds
  810. Tree Pests
  811. DNA Activity
  812. Appendix Location
  813. Poison Ivy
  814. Alcoholic Spider
  815. Weasel ID
  816. Horse Chestnut Medicine
  817. Spider Web Strength
  818. Duck ID
  819. Indiana Bat
  820. Testing Iron in Food
  821. Bullfrog Care
  822. Older Women and Ova
  823. Western Ragweed
  824. Adenoids
  825. HIV Hosts
  826. Osage Orange Mulch
  827. Medicinal Tea
  828. Tree Moss
  829. Moose Food
  830. Choosing Sex Type
  831. Eye Glasses Genetics
  832. Cedar Bedding Harm
  833. Human Body Smell
  834. Chicken Pox DNA
  835. Milkweed Poison
  836. Continental Shelf Fishing
  837. Protein Development
  838. Chlorine and Plants
  839. Digestion Simulations
  840. House Shrews
  841. Dominant and Recessive Eye Color
  842. Protein Structure
  843. Plant Dyes
  844. Long Bristled Smartweed
  845. Pea pH
  846. Helium and Health
  847. Water Dogs
  848. Wintering Yellow Jackets
  849. Bacteria and Cheese
  850. Viruses in Winter
  851. Crow Flocks
  852. Germinating and Light
  853. Owls and Egg-Laying
  854. Sea Palms
  855. House Snakes
  856. Family History and Offspring
  857. Bird Feet Biology
  858. Leprosy
  859. Vitamin K and Beans
  860. Moss Terminator
  861. Tree Frog Biology
  862. Plant Growth and Photosynthesis
  863. Geotrophism
  864. Caterpillar in Winter
  865. Nibbling Wasps
  866. Pregnancy and Alcohol
  867. Spider Web Construction
  868. Tonsil Function
  869. Mammoth Genetics
  870. Girdling Trees
  871. Bacteria: Good or Bad?
  872. RNA Caps and Tails
  873. Red Oak Management
  874. Natural Energy
  875. Alga Bloom
  876. Ti Plasmid
  877. Human Karotype
  878. Testes Temperature
  879. Culturing Cancer and Skin Cells
  880. Barred Owl Hooting
  881. Hand Washing vs Sanitizers
  882. Extinction Saver
  883. Stomach Growl
  884. Poinsettia Care
  885. Basic Bacteria
  886. Clones and Extinction
  887. Bacteria Types
  888. Magnolia Trees and Blooming
  889. Large Animals and Evolution
  890. Diploid Advantages
  891. Flesh Eating Bacteria
  892. Arm Pit Bacteria
  893. Hair Permanents
  894. Banana Trees
  895. Catfish Allergies
  896. Bass Population Control
  897. G Zero and the Cell Cycle
  898. Flower Colors
  899. Club Mosses
  900. Coot Nusiances
  901. Flying Squirrels and Houses
  902. Reporting Bird Bands
  903. Iron Absorption
  904. Recessive Gene Expression
  905. Lilacs
  906. Laying Eggs without Males
  907. Mossy Cup Acron Tree
  908. Hatching Bird Eggs
  909. Sexual Vines
  910. Cattails Ecology
  911. Electricity in the Body
  912. Mistletoe Infestation
  913. Trees and Lichens
  914. Apple Seeds
  915. Pace of Heart Contractions
  916. Bloom Timing
  917. Birds and Breathing Efficiency
  918. Chicken and Human Liver Comparison
  919. Louis Pasteur
  920. Heigth and Gravity
  921. Pine Tree Growth Locations
  922. Starfish Regeneration
  923. Brain Research and the Sexes
  924. Anticoagulants
  925. Plant Tumor Growth Rates
  926. Mosquito Larvae Development
  927. Photosynthesis and Houseplants
  928. White-tailed Deer and Rutting Season
  929. Bird Bills vs Beaks
  930. Dove Nesting
  931. Root Absorption
  932. Roots in Winter
  933. Body Fat as Insulation
  934. Moth and Lights
  935. Trisomy 10
  936. Fat and Warmth
  937. White-tailed Deer and Rut
  938. Human Aura
  939. Testing for Bacteria
  940. Wintering Bees
  941. Tree Identification
  942. Melanoma Gene
  943. Maubi Drink
  944. Guilain Barret Syndrome
  945. Melanin Types
  946. Alga and Oxygen
  947. Ring-tailed Cat
  948. Replanting and Pruning
  949. Plant Melanin
  950. Stereovision
  951. Brain Usage
  952. Antibacteria Lotions
  953. Geese vs Swan
  954. Snake Speed
  955. Spice Bush Propagation
  956. Venus Fly Trap Movement
  957. Morning Glory
  958. Plant Regeneration
  959. Snake Skin Tongue
  960. Cytokines
  961. Humans and Gills
  962. Chlorine and Plants
  963. Trees as Buffers
  964. Plants and Insulin
  965. Ecballium elaterium
  966. Shelless Eggs
  967. Bacteria Odors
  968. Viviparous Snakes
  969. Oxygen per Household
  970. Amphibian Deterrents
  971. Mercury and Fish
  972. Rat Deterrent
  973. Snakes and Plants
  974. Fish Scales and Science
  975. Left-handed Gene
  976. Ladybug Pests
  977. Maple Sap Flow
  978. Flying Squirrel Captive
  979. Heat Loss in Animals
  980. 10 Percent Rule
  981. DNA's Role with Proteins
  982. Fagus sylvatica pendula
  983. Seeds and Age
  984. Barn Swallow House
  985. Bread Mold and Tobacco
  986. Cell-to-Cell Communication and Water
  987. Microwaves and Bacteria
  988. Crystals and Plants
  989. Medical Sites
  990. Spider and Scorpion Venom
  991. Bread Mold and Tobacco
  992. Topsoil in Illinois
  993. Topsoil Development
  994. Massive June Bug Emergence
  995. Heart and Electric Potential
  996. Fever and Body Temperature
  997. Basic Genetics
  998. Freckles and Genetics
  999. Fish and Temperature
  1000. Traits and Multiple Genes
  1001. Mourning Dove Nesting
  1002. Counting Bacteria
  1003. DNA as the Library of a Cell
  1004. Mutations
  1005. Heat Loss Control
  1006. Spanish Moss
  1007. Skin Evolution
  1008. Homeothermic
  1009. Toad Eggs
  1010. American Elm
  1011. Chicken Pox
  1012. Oak Tree Preservation
  1013. Crested Flycatcher Bird House
  1014. Insulin and Bacteria
  1015. Bioethical Issues
  1016. Bird Nest Fails
  1017. UV Treated Water Dangers
  1018. Earthworm Breathing
  1019. Homeostasis in Cold Blooded Animals
  1020. Club vs Pete Moss
  1021. Taxol
  1022. Orange Tree Diseases
  1023. Mourning Dove Biology
  1024. Tree Growth
  1025. Lima Bean Bacteria
  1026. Body Temperature Regulator
  1027. Bee's Wax Uses
  1028. Toad Eggs
  1029. Killing Bacteria
  1030. Sweet Gum Roots
  1031. Skin Wrinkles
  1032. Chicken Pox Infection
  1033. Tomato Disease
  1034. Cotton Growing
  1035. Turning Eggs
  1036. Black and White Sight
  1037. Gene Frequency
  1038. Asexual Evolution
  1039. Sarcinia aurantiaca
  1040. Color Blind Animals
  1041. Bird Beak Material
  1042. Saving Trees and Ozone
  1043. Water Treatment Plants
  1044. Saline Solution Percentage
  1045. Melanin Coverage
  1046. Bird Egg Identification
  1047. Greenhouse Techniques
  1048. Moss Gardens
  1049. Venus Fly Traps
  1050. Saline Solutions
  1051. Dominant Recessive
  1052. Tall Genetics
  1053. Gram Stain
  1054. Genetic Research
  1055. Aquatic Eye Placement
  1056. Human Climate Adaptations
  1057. Dimestrol
  1058. Growing Rice
  1059. Human Adaptations and Evolution
  1060. Blue-green algae
  1061. Horse Plant Toxins
  1062. Water Moccasins
  1063. Controlling Mosquitos
  1064. Deer with Gills
  1065. Hatching Robins
  1066. Thin Air Breathing
  1067. Virus Study
  1068. How does a Bird lay an Egg?
  1069. Captive Finch Laying Eggs
  1070. Gars and Bowfins
  1071. Klinefelters Syndrome in the Classroom
  1072. Discouraging Geese
  1073. Saving Venus Fly Traps
  1074. Counter Current Multiplier Mechanism
  1075. SA Node of the Heart
  1076. Ethylene and Fruits
  1077. Skin Sensitivity and the Cold
  1078. Skin Color
  1079. Caffeine
  1080. Food and Lungs
  1081. Lawns and Quick Grass
  1082. Yew Berry
  1083. Leaf Miners
  1084. Electric Tomatoes
  1085. Sweet Gum Fruit
  1086. Boswellia sacra
  1087. Cat Sight
  1088. Leucism
  1089. Fish Scales
  1090. Earthworm Digging
  1091. Mating Different Species
  1092. Cattail Protection
  1093. Talking to Plants
  1094. Eye Color in Humans
  1095. Reviving Frozen Fish
  1096. Cook County Butterflies
  1097. Curly hair
  1098. Body pH
  1099. Eye Polygenetics
  1100. Bird Nest Predation
  1101. Stomach Processing Time
  1102. Sugar Production
  1103. Oldest Living
  1104. Enzymes and pH
  1105. Cardinal Nesting
  1106. Cleaning Bird Eggs
  1107. Fowl Muscles
  1108. E Coli Antibiotic
  1109. Fermentation
  1110. Inflammation
  1111. Swallow Migration
  1112. Snakes in the House
  1113. Feeding Doves
  1114. Dead Bee Stings
  1115. Gliding Birds
  1116. Fermentation
  1117. Cloning and Genes
  1118. Inflammation
  1119. Raising Caterpillars
  1120. Hormones and Enzymes
  1121. Black Genetics
  1122. Ozone and Plankton
  1123. Eye Color
  1124. Homemade Fly Killer
  1125. Club Mosses
  1126. Oil and Plants
  1127. Food and Lungs
  1128. Hatching Bird Eggs
  1129. Sonograms
  1130. pH and Seeds
  1131. Heart and Enzymes
  1132. Lilac Pruning
  1133. Spider Web Preventing
  1134. Frog Hiberating
  1135. Golden Eagles
  1136. Gliding Birds
  1137. Chickadee Nesting
  1138. House Wrens
  1139. Choking Frogs
  1140. Sexing Swans
  1141. Zoologists
  1142. Eye Physiology
  1143. Moss Web Sites
  1144. Quinine Poisoning
  1145. Wandering Maple Ivy
  1146. Sick Magnolia Tree
  1147. Aspirin Discovery
  1148. Digestive Evolution
  1149. Crying and Onions
  1150. Sinoatrial Node of the Heart
  1151. Nitroglycerine Usage
  1152. E. coli Life Cycle
  1153. Endothermic Animals
  1154. Bite Itch
  1155. Digestion and Evolution
  1156. Surface Temperature
  1157. Edward's Syndrome
  1158. Metamorphosis Speed
  1159. Sinoatrial Node of the Heart

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Last Update December 20, 2004