Search Tips

Boolean Operators
By using boolean operators you can narrow down your searches.

The "&" (ampersand) symbol means "and". Putting "&" between search terms indicates both terms must be in the document. For example, if you are searching for a document about rat experiments on a Cosmos mission you could type in Cosmos & Rat.

The "|" (vertical bar or pipe character) symbol means "or". Putting a "|" between search terms indicates that either term can be in the document. If you are looking for information on rats you could type in Rat | Rattus norvegicus.

The "!" (exclamation point) means "not". Putting the "!" between search terms indicates that the first term must be in the document and the second term can not be in the document. If you are interested in knowing if any of the Cosmos missions didn't use rats, you could type in Cosmos ! rat.

You can also combine these symbols. For example your looking for a specific pice of hardware you know that the monkey used in the experiment was not pig tailed monkey. You also know that it was not flown on a Cosmos mission. You would type in this [monkey ! pig tailed] & hardware ! Cosmos

Using the Browsers Find Function
Browsers come with a find feature. This feature allows you to search for a word on the current page you are on. The browser will locate the first occurrence of the word on the page. To find the next occurrence of the word, use the find again. The find command is under edit in the top menu bar.