Table of contents for The environment in Asia Pacific harbours / edited by Eric Wolanski.

Bibliographic record and links to related information available from the Library of Congress catalog
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1.   Increasing trade and urbanisation of the Asia Pacific coast
Eric Wolanski                                      1
2.     Tokyo Bay: its environmental status past present and future
Keita Furukawa and Tomonari Okada                   5
3    :Ecological network linked by the planktonic larvae of the clam
Rudipates Philippinarum in Tokyo Bay
Sirofimi Hinata and Keita Furukwa                 35
4.     Circulation processes in Tokyo Bay
Keisuke A Nakamae                                  47
.      Effects of oceanic water intrusion n the Tokyo Bay environment
Hiuironmi Hinata                                   67
6.     Influence of the deep waterway project on the Changjiang Estuary
Jianrong ZHUL Pingxing DING Liquan ZHANG, Hui WU,
and Huiiang CAO                                    79
7.     Impact of human activities on the health of ecosystems in the
Changjiang Delta region.
ing ZHANG, Sh Lun YANCG Zhao i iXU
and Ying WU                                       9
.      Geographical and economical setting of the Pear River estuary
Mzinjiang ZHOU, Chaoyu WU, Shiyu LI
Xiaohong WANG, and Qiuhai LIU                      113
9.     Physical processes and sediment dynaics in the Pearl River
Lixian DONG, Jilan SU, Yan LI, iaoning XIA
and Weibing GUMN                                  127
0      Water quality and phytoplankton blooms in the Pearl River estuay
Yan L, L iangmin HUANG, Jianfang CHEN,
Mingfiang ZHOU, and Yehui TAN                      13
11     Pollution studies on mangroves in Hong Kong and mainland China
Nora F.Y Tain                                       47
12.    Field and model studies of water quality in Hong Kong
Kwok-Le/ ng Pun                                    165
13.    Eutrophication dynamics in Hong Kong coastal waters physical
and biological interactions
doseph IL W LEE, Pauld HarrWson. Ciiiping KUA G.
oaLd Keong YI                                      187
14     Ma rine communities and introduced species in Pearl Harbor,
O'ahu, Hawai'i
Steve L. Co/es                                     207
1.     Physical environment in the Gulf of Thailand with emphasis on
three nportant ports
Siphut Vong;viscssonija                            229
16.    Environmental issues in the Gulf of Thailand
Gulu a V Watta vaor n                              249
17.    The environment in Ho Clhi Minh City harbour
NgiuyeenHim Nhan                                   261
18.    Biophysical environment of Manila Bay - then and now
Gil S. Jacinto, mnelda B. Velasque,
Maria Lourdes San Diego-MtcGone
Cesar L. Vi/i/no1 and Fenando B Siing an           293
19.    Manila Bay: environmental challenges and opportunities
.S. Jacinto, R. V Aanza, iB. Ve/asquez,
iad F.P Siringan                                   309
20     Carbon flux through bacteria in a eutrophic tropical environment
Port Klang waters
Choon- Weng Lee and Chui- Wei Bong                 329
21.    Phytoplankton sructure in the tropical port waters of Singapore
Karina Yew-ioong GI, Michael d. HoJlmes
Sheng ZIANG, and Xiaohva LIN                       347
22.    Marine habitats in one of the world's busiest harbours
Loke Ming Chou                                     377
23     The physical oceanography of Singapore coastal waters and
its implications for oil spills
Eng Soon CHAN, Pavet Tkalich,
Karna Yew-Ioong GIN, andJeffrey P, Ohbard           393
24.    Managing the port of Jakarta Bay: overcoming the legacy
of 400 years of adhoc development
Dietiech G. Bengen, Maurice Knight and Jan Dutton   413
25     Darwin Harbour: water quality and ecosystem structure in a
tropical harbour in the early stages of urban development
A. D McKinnon, N Smit, S. Townsend, andS. Duggan    43
26.     Hydrodynamics of Darwin Harbour
David Williams, Eric Wolanski and Simon Spagno      461
27     An estuarne ecohydrology model of Darwin Harbour, Australia
Eric Wolanski, A David McKinnon David Williams
and Daniel M Alongi                                 47
28.     s harbour development ecologically sustainable?
Eric Wolanski                                       489

Library of Congress subject headings for this publication: Harbors Environmental aspects Asia Pacific Coast, Environmental degradation Asia Pacific Coast, Urbanization Asia Pacific Coast, Pacific Coast (Asia) Environmental conditions