Publications - 2003

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Abarzhi, S.I., Glimm, J., and Lin, A.-D. Dynamics of Rayleigh-Taylor bubbles for fluids with a finite density contrast. Laser and Particle Beams, accepted, 2003. Stony Brook University Preprint No. SUNYSB-AMS-02-11.

Abarzhi, S.I., Glimm, J., and Lin, A.-D. Rayleigh-Taylor instability for fluids with a finite density contrast. Phys. Fluids 15: 2190-2197 (2003). BNL-71304-2003-JA.

Abarzhi, S.I., Glimm, J., and Nishihara, K.  Rayleigh-Taylor instability and Richtmyer-Meshkov instabilities for fluids with a finite density contrast.  Phys. Lett. A 11: 1-7 (2003).

Abarzhi, S.I., Nishihara, K., and Glimm, J.  Rayleigh-Taylor and Richtmyer-Meshkov instabilities for fluids with a finite density ratio. Phys. Lett. A 317: 470-476 (2003). BNL-71303-2003-JA. MSWord Format.

Alsharoa, M., Samulyak, R., et al.  Recent progress in neutrino factory and muon collider research within the Muon Collaboration. Phys. Rev. Special Topics - Accelerators and Beams 6 (8): 081001-1 - 52 (2003).

Bennett, J.R.J. et al.  Studies of a target system for a f-MW, 24-GeV proton beam.  CERN Tech. Report CERN-INTC-2003-033 INTC1-049.  2003.

Cheng, B., Glimm, J., Jin, H., and Sharp, D.H. Theoretical methods for the determination of mixing. Laser and Particle Beams 21: 429-436 (2003). Stony Brook University Preprint No. SUNYSB-AMS-02-08. LANL preprint LA-UR-02-1440. BNL-71302-203-JA. PDF Format.

Davenport, J.W., Deng, Y., Glimm, J., and Samulyak, R.  Computational science at Brookhaven National Laboratory: Three selected topics.  Proc. 6th International Seminar on Science and Computing, Moscow, September 15-17, 2003. BNL-71745-2003-CP. MSWord Format.

Deng, Y., Glimm, J., and Davenport, J.  Global communication schemes on QCDOC.  IEEE Transaction on Parallel and Distributed Computing, submitted, 2003. BNL-71260-2003-JA. PDF Format.

Dutta, S., Glimm, J., Grove, J.W., Sharp, D.H., and Zhang, J. A fast algorithm for moving interface problems. In V. Kumar et al., Eds., Computational Science and Its Applications - ICCSA 2003, LNCS 2668,  pp. 782-790, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 2003. LANL report No. LA-UR-02-7895. BNL-71259-2003-JA. PDF Format.

Dutta, S., Glimm, J., Grove, J.W., Sharp, D.H., and Zhang, J. Spherical Richtmyer-Meshkov instability. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, to be submitted, 2003.  Stony Brook University Preprint No. AMS-03-13.

Dutta, S., George, E., Glimm, J., Li, X.L., Marchese, A., Xu, Z., Zhang, Y., Grove, J., and Sharp, D.H. Numerical methods for the determination of mixing. Laser and Particle Beams 21: 437-442 (2003). LANL Report No. LA-UR-02-1996. PDF Format.

Ederer, C., Komelj, M., Davenport, J.W., and Fahnle, M. Comment on the analysis of angular-dependent x-ray magnetic circular dichroism in systems with reduced dimensionality. J. Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 130: 97-100 (2003).

George, E., Glimm, J., Grove, J., Li, X.-L., Marchese, A., Sharp, D., and Xu, Z.  Numerical methods for determination of Rayleigh-Taylor mixing. PDF Format.

George, E., Glimm, J., Grove, J.W., Li, X.L., Liu, Y.J., Xu, Z., and Zhao, N. Simplification, conservation and adaptivity in the front tracking method. In Hyperbolic Problems: Theory, Numerics, Applications, T. Hou and E. Tadmor, Eds., pp. 175-184, Springer Verlag, Berlin and New York, 2003.

Glimm, J., Grove, J.W., Kang, Y., Lee, T., Li, X., Sharp, D.H., Yu, Y., Ye, K., and Zhao, M. Error analysis for shock interactions. Technical Report, University at Stony Brook (Preprint number SB-AMS-03-14; LANL Preprint number LA-UR-03-6266), 2003.

Glimm, J., Hou, S., Lee, Y., Sharp, D.H., and Ye, K. Sources of uncertainty and error in the simulation of flow in porous media. Comp. and Applied Mathematics, in press, 2003. SUNYSB-AMS-03-08, LANL preprint LA-UR-03-2328. BNL-71258-2003-JA. PDF Format.

Glimm, J., Hou, S., Lee, Y.-H., Sharp, D. H., and Ye, K. Solution error models for uncertainty quantification. Contemporary Mathematics 327: 115-140 (2003). Stony Brook University Preprint No. SUNYSB-AMS-02-16. LANL Preprint LA-UR-02-5987.

Glimm, J., Jin, H., and Zhang, Y. Front tracking for multiphase fluid mixing. Multiphase Flow, submitted, 2003. Stony Brook University Preprint No. SUNYSB-AMS-03-09.

Glimm, J., Li, X.-L., Liu, Y.-J., and Xu, Z. Conservative front tracking with improved accuracy. Siam J. Numerical Analysis 41: 1926-1947 (2003). Stony Brook University Preprint No. SUNYSB-AMS-01-05.

Glimm, J., Lee, Y., Sharp, D.H., and Ye, K.Q. Prediction using numerical simulations, a bayesian framework for uncertainty quantification and its statistical challenge. In Proc. Fourth International Symposium on Uncertainty Modeling and Analysis (ISUMA 2003), B.M. Ayyub and N.O. Attoh-Okine, Eds., IEEE, Computer Society, 2003.

Glimm, J., Jin, H., Laforest, M., Tangerman, F.M., and Zhang, Y. A two pressure numerical model of two fluid mixing. SIAM J. Multiscale Modeling and Simulation 1: 458-484 (2003). Stony Brook University Preprint No. SUNYSB-AMS-02-12. BNL-71301-2003-JA. PDF Format.

Glimm, J., Li, X. L., Oh, W., Kim, M.-N., Marchese, A., Samulyak, R., and Tzanos, C. Jet breakup and spray formation in a diesel engine. In Proceedings of the Second MIT Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, Cambridge, MA, June 2003. Stony Brook University Preprint No. SUNYSB-AMS-02-20. BNL-71150-2003-CP.

Imrich, P., Mueller, K., Imre, D., Zelenyuk, A., and Zhu, W. Interactive Poster: 3D ThemeRiver. IEEE Information Visualization Symposium '03, October 2003.

Imrich, P., Mueller, K., Imre, D., Zelenyuk, A., and Zhu, W. Interactive Poster: A hardware-accelerated rubbersheet focus+context technique for radial dendrograms. IEEE Information Visualization Symposium '03, October 2003.

Jin, H., Glimm, J., and Sharp, D.H. Two-pressure two-phase flow models. ZAMP, submitted, 2003. Stony Brook University Preprint No. SUNYSB-AMS-03-16 and Los Alamos National Laboratory LAUR Number LA-UR-03-7279.

Klie, R.F., Su, H., Zhu, Y., Davenport, J.W., Idrobo, J.-C., Browning, N.D., and Nellist, P.D. Measuring the hole-state anisotropy in MgB2 by electron energy-loss spectroscopy. Phys. Rev. B 67: 144508-1 - 144508-7 (2003) BNL-71080-2003-JA.

Li, L., Glimm, J., and Li, X.-L. All isomorphic distinct cases for multi-component interfaces in a block. J. Comp. Appl. Mathematics 152: 263-276 (2003).

Luccio, A. and D'Imperio, N. Simulation of the AGS as a proton driver. ICFA Beam Dynamics Mini Workshop on Space Charge Simulation, Oxford, UK, Trinity College, April 2-4, 2003,, 2003.

Ryne, R., Adelmann, A., Colella, P., Decyk, V., Dragt, A., Habib, S., Mottershead, T., Neri, F., Qiang, J., Samulyak, R., Serafini, D., and Walstrom, P. MaryLie/IMPACT: A parallel beam dynamics code with space charge. In Particles and Accelerators 2003, May 12-16, Portland, OR.

Samulyak, R. and Ryne, R. Wake field modeling in accelerator codes. In Particles and Accelerators 2003, May 12-16, Portland, OR.

Samulyak, R., and Ryne, R. Distributed modeling of wakefields in MaryLie/IMPACT. Prepared for Comp. Phys. Comm., 2003.

Samulyak, R., and Prykarpatskyy, Y. Richtmyer-Meshkov instability in liquid metal flows: influence of cavitation and magnetic fields. Elsevier Journal Mathematics and Computers in Simulations, in press, 2003.

Samulyak, R., Glimm, J., Oh, W., Kirk, H., and McDonald, K. Numerical simulation of free surface MHD flows: Richtmyer-Meshkov instability and applications. Lecture Notes in Computer Sci. 2667: 558-567 (2003). BNL-71116-2003-JA.

Stojic, N., Davenport, J.W., Komelj, M., and Glimm, J. Surface magnetic moment in alpha-uranium by density-functional theory. Phys. Rev. B 68: 094407-1 - 094407-5 (2003). BNL-71347-2003-JA.

Volkow, N.D., Ma, Y., Zhu, W., Li, J., Mueller, K., Rao, M., Wang, G.-J., Wong, C., and Fowler, J.S. Alcohol increases brain functional homogeneity.  In revision for Psychiatry Research, 2003.

Walter, J., Yu, D., Plohr, B.J., Grove, J., and Glimm, J.  An algorithm for Eulerian front tracking for solid deformation. SIAM J. Sci. Comput., to appear, 2003.

Weaver, C.M., Pinezich, J.D., Lindquist, W.B., and Vazquez, M.E.  An algorithm for neurite outgrowth reconstruction. J. Neuroscience Methods, 124: 197-205 (2003).

Zheng, J.-C. and Davenport, J.W.  Magnetic properties of MnAs in strained ZB and NiAs structure: predictions from all electron calculations.  App. Phys. Letters, submitted, 2003. BNL-71744-2003-JA.

Zhu, W., Volkow, N.D., Ma, Y., Fowler, J.S., and Wang, G.-J.  Relationships of ethanol induced changes in brain regional metabolism and motor, behavioral and cognitive functions. In revision for J. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 2003.

Zhu,W., Wang, X., Ma, Y., Rao, M., Glimm, J., and Kovach, J.  Detection of cancer specific markers amidst massive mass spectral data.  Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 100: 14666-14671 (2003).

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