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Help NASA EDGE Celebrate 50 years of NASA!

Posted on Oct 12, 2007 12:00:00 AM | NASA EDGE | 28 Comments   

During 2008, NASA EDGE will be covering some very cool and exciting topics on exploration.  We also will be highlighting some major achievements during the past 50 years.  We would like to hear from you! Please post a comment on what you think are some of the most memorable NASA achievements over the past 50 years.  Feel free to share any funny stories on missions or projects.  We hope to get comments from the early days of NASA to the present.  Maybe one of your comments or stories will make a NASA EDGE show.

All the best,


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28 comments so far ( Post your own )

28 On Feb 26, 2009 01:20:47 PM  Angel  wrote: 

Angel wrote:

"Good Nasa has 53 yaers now, I hope that some day share all its knowledges with the rest of the world..."

*Note - We can't use external links due to NASA rules and regulations.

Thank you,

The Co-Host

27 On Feb 25, 2009 02:25:36 PM  guest  wrote: 

A guest wrote:

"Golfing on the moon! Congrats and here's to your next 50..."

*Note - We can't use external links due to NASA rules and regulations.

Thank you,

The Co-Host

26 On Jan 28, 2009 10:26:57 AM  Guest  wrote: 

Guest wrote:

"Undeniably the most memorable one would be the manned mission to the moon. Among the more recent ones, the Mars exploration mission."

*We can no longer accept outside links.

Thank you,

25 On Jan 27, 2009 10:02:43 AM  Host  wrote: 

Guest wrote:

"Hubble telescope was great, then it got blurry now great again.
Apollo 10
Mars Rover"

*We can no longer accept non-NASA links added to your message


24 On Jan 20, 2009 02:26:12 PM  guest  wrote: 

Guest wrote:

"Best one for me is the robots were sent to Mars"

*We can no longer accept links in the posts. Thank you.


23 On Jan 20, 2009 02:28:45 PM  guest  wrote: 

Guest wrote:

"Best achievement to me is the robots that were sent to Mars, this definitely helped uncover some myths about the Red planet."

*We can no longer accept links in the posts. Thank you.


22 On Dec 17, 2008 12:01:14 AM  Ryan Smith  wrote: 

Thanks, very interesting.

21 On Dec 14, 2008 04:30:05 PM  Dana  wrote: 

Hey guys! im just a 15 year old girl, but i love NASA! I love space, and i have always dreamed of going to space, i dont think im brave enough though! :) But i think that your best missions are the ones that sent people to space. just think about it. just a couple of decades ago, people would call you crazy, but look at NASA now! and ALL their accomplishments. I congratulate you on 50 amazing years of accomplishments! :)

20 On Aug 21, 2008 06:08:52 PM  guestWILLIAM E. PEREZ  wrote: 


19 On May 25, 2008 09:26:13 PM  ridwan  wrote: 

Happy 50 years of landed on moon, when men can land on mars?

18 On Apr 17, 2008 04:53:40 AM  software development  wrote: 

Golfing on the moon! Congrats and here's to your next 50...

17 On Mar 27, 2008 10:03:28 PM  Chris  wrote: 

The 50th anniv logo is ver' cool, I love it. Saw Peggy Whitson wearing a t-shirt with this logo on it on ISS. I want one, and it better be reversable! (Ask the host, he knows why Blair, it's the argyle sock thing again. Great minds, what can I say?)

Anyway, there are so many things NASA has done in the last 50 years, I can't think of anything I use daily that in some ways hasn't been touched by NASA. From cell phones to computers, medicines, foods, air and auto innovations and comfy astronaut foam beds, this tiny agency has powered the economy on 1/6 of 1% of the discretionary budget for our nation, amazing! Imagine if MORE money were available??

Chris (argyle-socked-non-host)

16 On Feb 28, 2008 05:41:56 PM  guest  wrote: 

that`s cool!!

15 On Jan 16, 2008 11:25:57 PM  Joanne  wrote: 

I wasn a secretary for most of that last 50 years. I loved every minute of it observing the beginning and ending of a lot of manned space flight programs from Apollo through Skylab, Apollo Soyuz Test Project, Space Shuttle then the communications era of Tracking and Data Relay Satellites. We don't want to let the engineers and scientists down (past and present) for all their hard work. Keep the money coming!!!

14 On Jan 04, 2008 03:01:47 AM  guest  wrote: 

Well it definitely has to be achieving space flight and landing on the moon!

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13 On Jan 04, 2008 02:54:27 AM  guest  wrote: 

To me it has to be sending a rover to and landing on Mars, then on top of that controlling the rover to snaps photos! simply amazing!

12 On Dec 23, 2007 01:43:50 AM  Collin LaHay  wrote: 

I had no idea NASA was already 50 years old... congrats!

Collin LaHay

11 On Dec 24, 2007 10:34:19 PM  guest  wrote: 

Happy 50 years of major achievements!

10 On Dec 25, 2007 12:59:47 AM  Mr.Kyle Sho  wrote: 


this is great info..

first wish u all the for Celebrate 50 years of NASA!

9 On Dec 26, 2007 02:31:38 PM  Jeff  wrote: 

I would say the most significant NASA achievement was the human exploration of the Moon. At least during NASA's early years.

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8 On Nov 18, 2007 12:33:06 AM  Mundhir  wrote: 

Some of my greatest memorable NASA achievements are:

* the birth of (NASA)-National Aeronautics and Space Administration on October 1, 1958 :)
* The lunch of its first earth satellite (Explorer-I) on January 31st, 1958.
* The successful Apollo 7 mission in October 1968.
* The successful Apollo 8 mission, which orbited the Moon on December 24-25, 1968.
* The successful landing of Apollo 11 mission on July 20th, 1969.
* The successful of other crazy missions like Apollo 12,13,14,15,16,17 and all the other crazy missions.
* The successful of building space rockets, lunching things and failing :)
* Sending live animals into space with the launch of Challenger flight STS-51B on April 28, 1985 :)
* the successful launch of the Hubble Space Telescope astronomical observatory into orbit.
* And at last, the successful of celebrating 50 years of NASA :) haha

Thus are some of 10 achievements, please add yours so the total can be 50 ;) hahaha

I Just remember of all this, my first and last time I visited Kennedy Space Center (NASA) Florida in 2000, 7 years ago. I hope that I will visit NASA again and I hope the other next 50 years of NASA will be successful in Space age of exploration and searching for life beyond our planet earth and beyond our Galaxy-the Milky Way.

7 On Nov 07, 2007 01:52:51 PM  Tom R.  wrote: 

I have a nagging question about the Deep Impact Mission to Comet Temple 1. With the force of about 5 tons of TNT that was delivered to Temple 1, how much deflection to the orbit was the result of this impact. Could this cause Temple 1 to become an impactor itself? As I tell my kids 'What you do now determines what happens later.' Have we set the line of dominos on an unexpected track? Something to think about and I haven't seen any discussion on the subject.

6 On Nov 02, 2007 02:35:17 PM  RV  wrote: 

Happy 50 years of major achievements!

Here's to another 50 years!



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5 On Oct 26, 2007 03:30:58 PM  Tech Guy  wrote: 

I have to agree with Zara on the human spaceflight side. Neil Armstrong's first step on the moon will always be remembered. On the robotic side, I would say the Mars rovers are the greatest exploration achievements over the past 50 years. I believe they were only designed to last 3 months or so. Look at them now. They are still sending back awesome pictures and important data.

Just think what we will be saying 50 years from now!

4 On Oct 26, 2007 11:33:48 AM  Zara  wrote: 

50 years of NASA! Now that's cool! I had a star party on that day, with cake and stuff. It was fun.
I think one of the most important lanuches was of the Apollo 11 to the moon! It was the coolest thing, even though I wasn't born then.

3 On Oct 22, 2007 11:07:20 PM  Keri Bean  wrote: 

You're right!!!!!!! Sorry, my unmanned spaceflight love took over. :( You guys are the best podcast ever!!!!

2 On Oct 15, 2007 08:44:21 PM  guest  wrote: 

And you didn't even mention NASA EDGE!!!


1 On Oct 15, 2007 04:37:55 PM  Keri Bean  wrote: 

I think the most obvious one is landing on the moon. Some other great accomplishments would be the Mars rovers Spirit and Opportunity (concrete evidence of water on the surface of Mars at one point in time), the Cassini/Hyugens project (greating increasing our knowledge of Saturn and its moons), the Explorer satellite (our first orbiting satellite), Genesis (the first actual analyzation of material from our Sun), the International Space Station (the first major international cooperative mission in space), the Viking missions (the first spacecraft to successfully land on the surface of another planet), Deep Impact (the first interception of a comet), Stardust (the first mission to bring back material from a comet), GOES (a constant weather monitoring system that has greatly increased our understanding of the atmosphere), the Hubble Space Telescope (I don't think much of an explanation is needed there), the Pioneer spacecraft (the farthest human made object in the solar system), and Voyager (the first mission to analyze several outer planets in a row, among other things). Then again, I'm just a general nerd who thinks everything NASA does is amazing. :P

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