pro ssw_install2, qfile=qfile, upgrade=upgrade, zipit=zipit ;+ ; Name: ssw_install ; ; Purpose: Interface routine to SolarSoft library installation ; ; History: ; 25-May-1996 - S.L.Freeland (Written) ; 4-Jun-1996 - S.L.Freeland enhanced ; 19-feb-1997 - S.L.Freeland Yohkoh reorganization (ysgen->gen, etc) ; 12-mar-1997 - S.L.Freeland allow WWW upgrade flag (inhibit site) ; 10-jun-1997 - S.L.Freeland add SIZE calcualtion and info->WWW ; 29-May-1998 - S.L.Freeland set 'ssw_tar_old_style' on request ; 19-Nov-1999 - S.L.Freeland - add link to compressed tar (WNT/W98 users) ; 29-Nov-1999 - S.L.Freeland - add Windows hooks ; 30-Nov-1999 - S.L.Freeland - check for 'ssw_parent' definition (menu) ; 21-Feb-2000 - S.L.Freeland - more Windows automation, make Zip file. ; 25-Feb-2000 - S.L.Freeland - more Windows, add information anchors ; 1-Mar-2000 - S.L.Freeland - increased Perl path support, $ ; make M.Berg suggestions ; 20-Mar-2000 - S.L.Freeland - put ftp in "per-INSTR loop" ; change some logging/redirection ; 09-May-2003, William Thompson - Use ssw_strsplit instead of strsplit ; ; Method: ; uses WWW FORM input to define generate a customized C-SHELL ; installation script (and now Mirror package file and ssw_install.bat) ;- common ssw_install_blk, ssw_install_txt if n_elements(ssw_install_txt) eq 0 then $ ssw_install_txt=rd_tfile('/ssw/gen/bin/ssw_install') break_file,qfile,ll,pp,ff,ee,vv top=get_logenv('path_http') outhtml=concat_dir(top,concat_dir('html_client',ff+'.html')) outftp=str_replace(outhtml,'.html','_ftp.html') outscript=concat_dir(top,concat_dir('text_client',ff+'.csh')) outmirror=concat_dir(top,concat_dir('text_client',ff+'.mirror')) outmdbat =concat_dir(top,concat_dir('text_client',ff+'.batx')) wsetup_dir=concat_dir('$SSW_SITE_SETUP',ff) woutsetup =concat_dir(wsetup_dir,'setup.bat') woutmirror =concat_dir(wsetup_dir,'ssw_install.pkg') woutftp =concat_dir(wsetup_dir,'FTP.TXT') woutdaily =concat_dir(wsetup_dir,'Daily.cmd') watcheck =concat_dir(wsetup_dir,'') woutzip=concat_dir(concat_dir('$path_http','exe_client'),ff+'.ZIP') ; ----------- entire package contents for copy -------------------- wpackfiles=['setup.bat','ssw_install.pkg','FTP.TXT','Daily.cmd',$ 'GZIP.EXE','UNTGZ32.EXE'] info=url_decode(qfile=qfile) html_doc,/header,outhtml,title='SolarSoft (SSW) Installation', $ template='$path_http/../solarsoft/header_template.html' tags=tag_names(info) inst=wc_where(tags,'SSW_*',cnt) sswhost=where(tags eq 'SSWHOST',hcnt) tar_old_style=(tag_index(info,'TAR_OLD_STYLE'))(0) ne -1 if hcnt eq 0 then $ sswhost='' else sswhost=info.(sswhost(0)) sets='SSW_SSW_GEN' ; everybody gets this if cnt gt 0 then begin lsets=ssw_strsplit(tags(inst),'_',/last,/tail) ssw_install_explinkages,lsets,sswinstr implied_sets=strupcase(ssw_instr2set(sswinstr)) sets=[sets,implied_sets] endif cnt=n_elements(sets) ; add multi-mission GEN areas mm=strupcase(str2arr('yohkoh,ydb,soho,smm,radio')) ; what they want (request) mg=strupcase(str2arr('yohkoh,yohkoh,soho,smm,radio')) ; implied GEN branch for i=0,n_elements(mm)-1 do begin chk=where(strpos(sets,'SSW_'+mm(i)) eq 0,ccnt) ; if ccnt gt 0 then sets=['SSW_'+mg(i)+'_GEN',sets] ; map->implied GEN endfor yosets=where(strpos(sets,'YOHKOH') ne -1, ycnt) if ycnt gt 0 then sets=[sets,'SSW_YOHKOH_UCON'] ; backward compatible sets=sets(uniq(sets,sort([sets]))) ; no redundanc order=sort(strmid(sets,4,1)) ; sort by 'mission' sets=sets(order) sline=string(replicate((byte('#'))(0),60)) install_type=(["NEW","UPG"])(keyword_set(upgrade)) ; allow upgrades if tag_exist(info,"install_type") then begin install_type=strupcase(strmid(info.install_type(0),0,3)) message,/info,"INSTALL_TYPE TAG= " + install_type endif else message,/info,"No INSTALL_TYPE tag, type= "+ install_type ; ---------- check for $SSW path via menu --------------- ssw_parent=(gt_tagval(info,/ssw_parent,missing='none'))(0) ssw_email= (gt_tagval(info,/ssw_email,missing=''))(0) if ssw_parent ne 'none' then begin ssw_parent=(strtrim(ssw_strsplit(ssw_parent,'[',/head),2))(0) if strpos(ssw_parent,'Suggestions') eq -1 and info.path_ssw eq '' then begin box_message,'Using $SSW from Menu>> '+ssw_parent info.path_ssw=ssw_parent endif endif windows=strpos(info.path_ssw,':\') ne -1 case 1 of info.path_ssw eq '': file_append,outhtml,$ "

Warning:You did not specify a local path for SSW" cnt eq 0: file_append,outhtml,"No Instruments requested" else: begin outenv=strlowcase(sets) ssw_set2size,outenv,tarsize,treesize,table=stable ; THIS SORTS THEM missinst=ssw_strsplit(strupcase(outenv),'_',tail=miss) miss=ssw_strsplit(miss,'_',tail=branch) table=transpose([ ['Mission/Top',miss],['Instrument/Branch',branch], $ ['Compressed Tar Size (Mb)',reform(stable(1,*)) ], $ ['Installed Tree Size (Mb)',reform(stable(2,*)) ] ] ) boost_array,table,[" "," ", $ "TOTAL: "+string(total(tarsize) ,format='(f7.2)')+"", $ "TOTAL: "+string(total(treesize),format='(f7.2)')+""] file_append,outhtml,$ ['Requested SSW Parent Path Location>> ' + info.path_ssw,'

'] file_append,outhtml, $ ['Requested installation will include...',strtab2html(table,/row0header)] ; customize the installation script file_append,/new,outscript,['#!/bin/csh -f',sline,$ '# created via WWW at ' + systime(), sline] ; prepend default sets... file_append,outscript,'setenv SSW ' + info.path_ssw outenv=strlowcase(sets) case install_type of "NEW": begin message,/info,"New Installation (adding site)" outenv=['ssw_ssw_site',outenv] endcase "UPG": begin message,/info,"UPGRADE (inhibiting site)" endcase else: endcase ssdb=where(strpos(outenv,'db_') ne -1,dbcnt) sssw=where(strpos(outenv,'db_') eq -1,swcnt) swsets='' dbsets='' if swcnt gt 0 then swsets=arr2str(outenv(sssw),' ') if dbcnt gt 0 then dbsets=arr2str(outenv(ssdb),' ') file_append, outscript, 'setenv ssw_host ' + sswhost file_append, outscript, 'setenv ssw_sw_host ' + sswhost file_append, outscript, 'setenv ssw_tar_old_style ' + '"'+ (['','1'])(tar_old_style) +'"' file_append, outscript, 'setenv ssw_sw_sets "' + swsets + '"' file_append, outscript, 'setenv ssw_db_sets "' + dbsets + '"' file_append, outscript, [sline,'',ssw_install_txt(1:*)] if windows then begin file_append, outhtml, str2html(str_replace(woutzip,$ get_logenv('path_http'),get_logenv('top_http')), $ link='Windows Installation (ZIP) file') file_append, outhtml, ['

', $ 'What do I do next?'] endif else begin file_append, outhtml, str2html(str_replace(outscript,$ get_logenv('path_http'),get_logenv('top_http')), $ link='Your UNIX installation script') file_append, outhtml, ['

', $ 'What do I do next?'] endelse endcase endcase ; - make a Mirror package using ----- print,outmirror,info.path_ssw,sswinstr ssw_upgrade,ssw_parent=info.path_ssw, ssw_host=sswhost, ssw_instr=sswinstr,$ outpackage=outmirror,/update_log, remote_user='',remote_password=ssw_email,$ user=(ssw_strsplit(ssw_email,'@',/head))(0),group='', $ local_sets=local_sets ftpnames=strlowcase(sets)+'.tar.Z' ftpupath='/solarsoft/offline/swmaint/tar/'+ ftpnames ftploc='http://'+sswhost+ftpupath if windows then begin ; 0 1 2 3 local_sets=[info.path_ssw,info.path_ssw+['\site','\site\setup','\site\mirror','\site\logs'],local_sets] wsetup=local_sets(2) wmirror=local_sets(3) ; -------- assure that all mission/package level parents created before children ----- ; [Dont know the DOS equivilent of UNIX 'mkdir -p xxx' command ] local_sets=strmids(local_sets,0,strlen(local_sets)- $ (str_lastpos(local_sets,'\') eq strlen(local_sets)-1)) msets=str2cols(ssw_strsplit(local_sets,info.path_ssw,/tail),/unaligned,'\') strtab2vect,msets,mission,residual ssr=where(residual ne '' and mission ne 'site',ssrcnt) if ssrcnt gt 0 then begin need=all_vals(info.path_ssw+'\'+all_vals(mission(ssr))) local_sets=[local_sets(0),need,local_sets(1:*)] endif mdcmds= ['echo.','echo Generating Subdirectories (not done by Mirror under Windows...)',$ 'echo.','md ' + local_sets] file_append, outmdbat, mdcmds, /new if keyword_set(zipit) then begin if not file_exist(wsetup_dir) then begin box_message,'Creating Subdirectory: ' + wsetup_dir spawn,['mkdir','-p',wsetup_dir],/noshell endif ; -------- Generate Windows Installation Script ------------- box_message,'Building Windows setup script...' nftp=n_elements(ftpnames) cmdperfile=10 ; DOS commands per tarfile inscmds=strarr(nftp*cmdperfile) ; INIT DOS command array gzipcmds=wsetup+'\gzip -d ' + wsetup + '\' + ftpnames ; GZIP cmd definition tartop=strextract(ftpnames,'_') sswtop=where(tartop eq 'ssw',sswcnt) mtop=where(tartop ne 'ssw',mtcnt) if sswcnt gt 0 then tartop(sswtop)=info.path_ssw if mtcnt gt 0 then tartop(mtop)= $ info.path_ssw+'\'+tartop(mtop) cdcmds='cd '+tartop ; CD cmd ; ftpfiles = strmid(str_replace(ftpnames,'.tar.Z','.ftp'),4,100) ftpscript = concat_dir(wsetup_dir,ftpfiles) ; ----------------- FTP command files ------------------------ anonuser= ([info.ssw_email,get_user()+'@'+get_host()])(info.ssw_email eq '') for ff=0,n_elements(ftpfiles)-1 do begin file_append,ftpscript(ff), $ ['user ftp',anonuser,'binary', $ 'cd /solarsoft/offline/swmaint/tar', $ 'get ' + ftpnames(ff),'bye'], /new endfor ftpcmds='ftp -n -d -s:'+wsetup+'\'+ftpfiles + ' ' + $ sswhost + ' >> setup_ftp.log' tarnames=str_replace(ftpnames,'.Z','') untarcmds=wsetup + '\untgz32 -y '+ wsetup+'\'+tarnames ; UNTAR cmds delcmds='del ' + wsetup + '\' + tarnames ; Delete cmds inscmds(indgen(nftp)*cmdperfile+0) ='echo.' inscmds(indgen(nftp)*cmdperfile+1) = $ ; comment 'echo Installing file: ' + ftpnames inscmds(indgen(nftp)*cmdperfile+2) ='echo.' inscmds(indgen(nftp)*cmdperfile+3) ='cd ' + wsetup inscmds(indgen(nftp)*cmdperfile+4) = ftpcmds ; inscmds(indgen(nftp)*cmdperfile+5) = gzipcmds ; gzip (uncompress) inscmds(indgen(nftp)*cmdperfile+6) = cdcmds ; cd command inscmds(indgen(nftp)*cmdperfile+7) = untarcmds ; untar (install) inscmds(indgen(nftp)*cmdperfile+8) = delcmds ; delete tar file_append, woutsetup, ['echo off','echo.', $ 'echo SSW Install [Windows] Generated by at: ' + systime(),$ mdcmds, '', $ 'echo MOVING FILES TO SETUP DIRECTORY',$ 'copy '+ [wpackfiles,ftpfiles] + ' ' + wsetup, $ strmid(wsetup,0,2), $ ; "naked" drive 'cd ' + wsetup, ''], /new file_append, woutsetup, inscmds ; ------------ Windows initial Mirror/Upgrade -------------- mirdir=info.path_ssw + '\gen\mirror' mircmd= mirdir + '\' ; find perl path, if any: path_perl=gt_tagval(info,/path_perl,missing='') perl_parent =gt_tagval(info,/perl_parent,missing='') perlcmd='perl.exe' domirror=1 case 1 of path_perl ne '': perlcmd=$ str_replace(strlowcase(path_perl),'perl.exe','')+'\perl.exe' strpos(perl_parent,'DOS') ne -1: perlcmd='perl.exe' strpos(perl_parent,':') ne -1: perlcmd=perl_parent else: begin domirror=0 endcase endcase perlcmd=str_replace(perlcmd,'\\','\') help,perlcmd if domirror then begin file_append, woutsetup, ['', 'echo.',$ 'echo SYNCHRONIZING TIME STAMPS AND RUNNING MIRROR FOR THE FIRST TIME',$ 'echo.',strmid(mirdir,0,2), $ 'cd '+mirdir, $ arr2str([perlcmd,mircmd,'-d',wsetup+'\ssw_install.pkg'],' '),''] endif else begin box_message,'Not enabling Mirror job' file_append,woutsetup,['','echo Not running Mirror job (upgrade)',''] endelse ; ------------- Windows Task Schedual (AT) command file ------------- daily_log=wsetup+'\daily_log' file_append, woutdaily, $ [strmid(mirdir,0,2),'cd ' + mirdir, $ 'date /t>' + daily_log,'time /t>>'+daily_log, $ arr2str([perlcmd,mircmd,'-d',wsetup+'\ssw_install.pkg'],' ')+' >> '+daily_log] ; --------- Windows (NT ONLY) - Auto Task Schedule / SSW Upgrade ------- if gt_tagval(info,'windows_task',missing='') eq 'on' then begin chkat_temp=concat_dir(concat_dir('SSW_GEN','perl'),'') if file_exist(chkat_temp) then $ file_append,watcheck,rd_tfile(chkat_temp) ; pseudo random time between 00:00 and 06:00 local atime=string([fix(randomu(s,2)*6)]*[1,10],format='(i2.2,":",i2.2)') file_append, woutsetup, ['','echo.', $ 'echo SCHEDULING DAILY SSW UPGRADE TASK',$ 'echo UPGRADE will run every day at: '+atime +'(Local)','echo.',$ arr2str([perlcmd,wsetup+'\'],' '), $ 'at ' + atime + ' /every:su,m,t,w,th,f,sa ' + wsetup+'\daily.cmd',''] endif else begin box_message,'SSW Automatic Upgrade Task Scheduling - NOT Enabled' file_append,woutsetup,['','echo NOT SCHEDULING AUTOMATIC SSW UPGRADE TASK',''] endelse file_append,woutsetup,'PAUSE' ; ---------------- Mirror File ------------------ file_append, woutmirror, rd_tfile(outmirror) ; ------------ make Zip file ------------------- zipbin=ssw_bin('zip',found=found) if found then begin winbin=concat_dir(concat_dir('$SSW_BINARIES','exe'),'Win32_x86') exes=file_list(winbin,['GZIP.EXE','UNTGZ32.EXE']) ; required ZIP exes if n_elements(exes) ne 2 then box_message,'Required Wxx executables not found' else begin newfiles=file_list(wsetup_dir,'*') zipcmd=[zipbin,'-j',woutzip,exes] ; add EXEs -> ZIP spawn,zipcmd,/noshell zipcmd=[zipbin,'-jlg',woutzip,newfiles] ; add new(ascii) -> ZIP spawn,zipcmd,/noshell ; (LF->LF/CR) endelse endif else box_message,'No ZIP found on this server...' endif endif ; ------------ build ftp links file for Windows & Mac ------------- ftpnames=strlowcase(sets)+'.tar.Z' ftploc='http://'+sswhost+'/solarsoft/offline/swmaint/tar/'+ ftpnames html_doc,/header,outftp,title='SolarSoft (SSW) Installation File Links', $ template='$path_http/../solarsoft/header_template.html' file_append,outftp,'

Non-Unix systems: ftp links to required SSW installation files

' file_append,outftp,$ 'Uncompress and untar (via WinZip for example) in the desired SSW parent directory to complete the installation
' linktab=str_replace(str2html(ftploc,link_text=sets,/nopar),'http:','ftp:') linktab=strtab2html(transpose(linktab),padding=2,spacing=2,border=2) file_append,outftp,linktab file_append,outftp,strtab2html(table,/row0header) html_doc,outftp,/trailer print,'- ' + outhtml + ' -' html_doc,/trailer, outhtml wait,3 return end