#!/bin/csh -f # SCCSid "@(#)glare.csh 2.3 9/8/95 LBL" # # Interactive program for calculating glare values # set fgargs=(-v) set nofile="none" set octree=$nofile set picture=$nofile set glarefile=$nofile if ($#argv >= 1) then set glarefile=$argv[1] if ($#argv >= 2) then set picture=$argv[2] if ($#argv >= 3) then set octree=$argv[3] endif endif endif set rtargs= set view= set threshold=300 set maxangle=0 set stepangle=10 set gndxfile="glr$$.ndx" set plotfile="glr$$.plt" set tempfiles=($gndxfile $plotfile) alias readvar 'echo -n Enter \!:1 "[$\!:1]: ";set ans="$<";if("$ans" != "")set \!:1="$ans"' onintr quit cat <<_EOF_ This script provides a convenient interface to the glare calculation and analysis programs. It works on a single output file from findglare, which you must either create here or have created already before. _EOF_ while ( $glarefile == $nofile ) echo "" echo "Please specify a glare file, or use ^C to exit." readvar glarefile end if ( ! -f $glarefile ) then echo "" echo -n "The glare file '$glarefile' doesn't exist -- shall we create it? " if ("$<" =~ [nN]*) exit 0 cat <<_EOF_ A glare file can be created from a wide-angle Radiance picture (preferably a fisheye view), an octree, or both. Computing glare source locations from a finished image is faster, but using an octree is more reliable since all of the scene information is there. Whenever it is possible, you should use both a picture and an octree to compute the glare file. You must also have a viewpoint and direction for the glare calculation. If the viewpoint is not the same as the picture, an error will result. If no view is specified, the view parameters are taken from the picture, so the view specification is optional unless you are starting from an octree. _EOF_ if ( $picture == $nofile ) then readvar picture endif if ( $octree == $nofile ) then readvar octree endif readvar view if ( $picture == $nofile && $octree == $nofile ) then echo "You must specify a picture or an octree" exit 1 endif if ( $picture == $nofile && "$view" == "" ) then echo "You must give a view if there is no picture" exit 1 endif if ( $picture != $nofile ) then if ( ! -r $picture ) then echo "Cannot read $picture" exit 1 endif set fgargs=($fgargs -p $picture) if ( "$view" != "" ) then set view=(-vf $picture $view) endif endif set fgargs=($fgargs $view) if ( $octree != $nofile ) then if ( ! -r $octree ) then echo "Cannot read $octree" exit 1 endif cat <<_EOF_ With an octree, you should give the same options for -av, -ab and so forth as are used to render the scene. Please enter them below. _EOF_ if ($picture != $nofile) then echo "These are the parameters from the picture:" getinfo $picture endif readvar rtargs set fgargs=($fgargs $rtargs $octree) endif echo "" echo -n "Do you expect glare sources in the scene to be small? " if ("$<" =~ [yY]) then echo -n "Very small? " if ("$<" =~ [yY]) then set fgargs=(-r 400 $fgargs) else set fgargs=(-r 250 $fgargs) endif echo -n "Are these sources relatively bright? " if ("$<" =~ [nN]*) then set fgargs=(-c $fgargs) endif endif cat <<_EOF_ Glare sources are determined by a threshold level. Any part of the view that is above this threshold is considered to be part of a glare source. If you do not choose a threshold value, it will be set auto- matically to 7 times the average field luminance (in candelas/sq.meter). _EOF_ echo -n "Do you wish to set the glare threshold manually? " if ("$<" =~ [yY]) then readvar threshold set fgargs=(-t $threshold $fgargs) endif cat <<_EOF_ It is often desirable to know how glare changes as a function of viewing direction. If you like, you can compute glare for up to 180 degrees to the left and right of the view center. Enter the maximum angle that you would like to compute below. _EOF_ readvar maxangle if ( $maxangle >= $stepangle ) then set fgargs=(-ga $stepangle-$maxangle\:$stepangle $fgargs) endif echo "" echo "Starting calculation..." echo findglare $fgargs findglare $fgargs > $glarefile if ($status) then echo "Uh-oh. Something went wrong with findglare\!" rm $glarefile exit 1 endif endif if ($?DISPLAY && $picture != $nofile) then echo "" echo "Displaying glare sources in '$picture'..." xglaresrc $picture $glarefile endif set ndxnam=("Guth Visual Comfort Probability" "Guth Disability Glare Ratio" "CIE Glare Index" "BRS Glare Index" "Unified Glare Rating" "Daylight Glare Index") set ndxcom=("glarendx -t guth_vcp" "glarendx -t guth_dgr" "glarendx -t cie_cgi" "glarendx -t brs_gi" "glarendx -t ugr" "glarendx -t dgi") set bcdlvl=(50 124 18.5 18.5 18.5 21.7) while ( 1 ) echo "" echo " 0. Quit" set i=1 while ($i <= $#ndxnam) echo " $i. $ndxnam[$i]" @ i++ end echo "" set choice=0 readvar choice if ($choice < 1 || $choice > $#ndxcom) goto quit $ndxcom[$choice] $glarefile > $gndxfile echo "" echo $ndxnam[$choice] echo "Angle Value" getinfo - < $gndxfile echo "" set save_file=$nofile readvar save_file if ($save_file != $nofile) then cp -i $gndxfile $save_file endif if ( `getinfo - < $gndxfile | wc -l` > 4 ) then echo "" echo -n "Do you want to plot this data? " if ( "$<" =~ [yY]* ) then set subtitle="$view" if ($picture != $nofile) then set subtitle="$picture $subtitle" else if ($octree != $nofile) then set subtitle="$subtitle $octree" endif if ( "$subtitle" == "" ) then set subtitle="`getinfo < $glarefile | grep findglare`" endif cat <<_EOF_ > $plotfile include=line.plt include=polar.plt title="$ndxnam[$choice]" subtitle="$subtitle" Bdata= 0 $bcdlvl[$choice] 360 $bcdlvl[$choice] ; Blabel="BCD level" Adata= _EOF_ getinfo - < $gndxfile >> $plotfile igraph $plotfile endif endif end quit: rm -f $tempfiles exit 0